Good luck with your IELTS Test: Dec 1st


There are a lot of people taking their test tomorrow, December 1st. I want to wish you all lots of luck in your test !!  Also good luck to anyone sitting their test today !!  🙂

See my “On the Day Tips” which cover basic tips and also tips for listening, reading, writing and speaking. Click here: IELTS On the Day Tips

Good luck! 🙂 I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you all 🙂


Answers for Listening Diagram Mars Insight Probe

The answers are now available for this lesson.

Please go to the original page, to see the transcript, answers and useful vocab which have been posted under the diagram. Click here: IELTS Listening Diagram Exercise

I hope you found this lesson useful 🙂

All the best



Answers for Future Libraries Listening Exercise

Below you will find questions, transcript and answers for the listening exercise of Future Libraries.

I included the audio on this page so that you can listen and read the transcript at the same time. This is a great way to check your answers and also improve your pronunciation.

Questions 1-5: No more than two words and/or a number.

  1. Libraries provide creative spaces and learning ………..
  2. Libraries can help to improve technological ……….. in society.
  3. ………… to any given book becomes possible using Library Bookmark.
  4. Patrons would be able to receive books at home using …………….
  5. Fingerlink allows the user to combine …………….. with a printed book.

Source: Information was taken from Their article contained more ideas for this topic so take a look.


Today, libraries are not only about lending books. They are creative spaces, not only for individuals, but also teams. They are economic incubators and learning hubs. Most of all, the libraries are the entry points to the digital world. They are the way to embrace technology and avoid digital exclusion. Therefore, to improve technological literacy of local communities, libraries should be equipped with relevant technologies.

Here are some suggestions for future improvements of technology in libraries:

  1. Library Bookmark: First of all, the device would be a perfect companion when navigating through the library, by giving turn-by-turn directions to the book the patron wants. The device could also keep track of all borrowed books, as well as remind the user of the return dates.
  2. Delivery Drones: To get the book from a library, you can either go and find it, or you can let it find you. The future belongs to the unmanned flying machines, and just like Amazon drones can deliver the goods to customers, libraries could deliver the books to patrons.
  3. FingerLink: It is a project currently developed by Fujitsu that will let you use digital tools to work with a printed book. It’s a stand you can put on a library desk. It includes two elements: a camera to read the information from the real world, and the projector to display digital information in the real world.


Spelling must be correct to have the answer marked correct. Using all capital letters is recommended for listening and reading answers.

  1. HUBS
    1. Brackets are used in the answer key of test books to show possible answers. In this case, it is possible to have the answer “drones” or “delivery drones”. You cannot use brackets in your test – you must choose only one answer.
    2. It is not possible to have “flying machines”. The paraphrase of drones is actually “unmanned flying machines” but it contains 3 words which goes over the word count limit.

All the best


For more IELTS preparation lessons, click on the RED BAR at the top of the website and access hundreds of free lessons, tips, model answers etc.

Answers: Spelling Vocabulary about Zoos

Below are the answers with a pronunciation audio to the lesson about zoos that tested your ability to spot spelling mistakes.

If you have not completed this lesson yet, please do so before looking at the questions. Click here to complete the lesson: Spelling Practice Lesson

There are 14 spelling mistakes in the paragraphs. Check your answers below and listen to the recordings at the same time to improve your pronunciation. The words spelled incorrectly have been highlighted.

Paragraph 1


There are a number of reasons why it is wrong to put wild animals in zoos. Firstly, wild animals are not domisticated (domesticated) and should be free to rome (roam) around their natural habitate (habitat). Putting them in confinned (confined) spaces in zoos means that they will never be able to return to the wild again. Secondly, animals have natural instinkts (instincts) which they develop from living in the wild and pass down to their own off spring (offspring). These instincts will gradually fade and never return if they are kept in capivity (captivity).

Paragraph 2

On the other hand, keeping animals in zoos does serve some useful porposes (purposes). Zoos can serve a way to protect indangered (endangered) species. Many species are facing dwinling (dwindling) numbers due to the distruction (destruction) of their habitat or from disease so by keeping them in zoos, they are protected from extinction. Another reason why zoos can be useful is that they can serve as a way to educate the public. Most people will never come into contract (contact) with such a range of species in their lives. So, by having zoos, people are able to experiance (experience) seeing them and also learn about them. Hopefully this will help with the pretection (protection) of animals in the future as people will learn to appreciate animals.


Answers to Review Questions

Below are the answers to the topic review questions I posted yesterday.

Vocabulary Review Questions

The questions below are from the topics: Advertising, Animals & Art. The length of the missing word is given in brackets.

  1. Companies that advertise on prime-time TV have maximum media e………………. (8 letters)
  2. Children often p…………. their parents to buy things they see advertised on TV.  (6 letters)
  3. Testing drugs on animals is one way to check for any possible s…… e………… (4 letters & 7 letters)
  4. Deforestation and intensive farming can result in a loss of h………… for many animal species. (7 letters)
  5. Some animals kept in c………. or enclosures live in cramped conditions. (5 letters)
  6. Some works of art can incite h……….. which can lead to violence. (6 letters)
  7. Locals should have free a………… to tourist attractions in their area.  (9 letters)


  1. exposure
  2. pester
  3. side effects
  4. habitat
  5. cages
  6. hatred
  7. admission

As soon as my e-book “Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics” is ready to purchase, I’ll post a notice for you all. I hope it will be ready in a couple of months.

All the best


Question Review Samples from my Coming E-book

Hi guys,

I am reviewing my e-book which is “Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics”. It will contain some vocabulary exercises as well.

Below are some questions from the e-book. Let me know if they are challenging enough for you 🙂

Vocabulary Review Questions

The questions below are from the topics: Advertising, Animals & Art. These questions are for reviewing what you have learned after you complete the topics. The length of the missing word is given in brackets.

  1. Companies that advertise on prime-time TV have maximum media e………………. (8 letters)
  2. Children often p…………. their parents to buy things they see advertised on TV.  (6 letters)
  3. Testing drugs on animals is one way to check for any possible s…… e………… (4 letters & 7 letters)
  4. Deforestation and intensive farming can result in a loss of h………… for many animal species. (7 letters)
  5. Some animals kept in c………. or enclosures live in cramped conditions. (5 letters)
  6. Some works of art can incite h……….. which can lead to violence. (6 letters)
  7. Locals should have free a………… to tourist attractions in their area.  (9 letters)


Post your answers in the comments box below and let me know if you found the questions challenging enough for you 🙂

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

All the best


E-book Sample Chapter: Ideas for IELTS Essays

Hi guys,

My Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics E-book is now available. Below you will find a sample chapter and a link to my Online Store.

The e-book covers ideas for over 150 key essay topics that frequently appear in IELTS writing task 2. The ideas are presented as vocabulary exercises. The e-book comes in pdf form and also comes with a free introduction video helping you understand more about using ideas in your essay.

Below is a link to a sample chapter. Or click to purchase the e-book: IELTS Liz Online Store

Download Sample Chapter

The sample chapter below is for the topic of Family in IELTS writing task 2. Each section of this topic is based on typical IELTS essay questions.

Download: Ideas E-book Sample Chapter

Answer Key for Sample Chapter

Click below to reveal the answers to this sample chapter:


Parents or Teachers Should Discipline Children

1 obedience

2 to lack discipline

3 to reward sb

4 well-behaved

 The Family is Smaller than Before

1 f        2 a       3 d       4 e       5 b       6 c

Women Having Children Later in Life

1 c       2 e       3 d       4 b       5 a

Childless Marriages

1 responsibilities

2 burden

3 devoted

4 revolve

5 abnormal


Children are unsure of who they might live with afterwards. This is an argument against divorce.

Each parent can devote quality time to their children rather than quantity. This is an argument for divorce.

1 d       2 e       3 b       4 c       5 a

Single Parent Families

1 emotional distress

2 (a) role model

3 dysfunctional

4 upbringing

5 financial strain

Children Spending More Time with Grandparents

1 b       2 d       3 c       4 a

1 For    2 Against        3 For    4 Against

More Ideas for this topic:

For   Against
·     Children can gain a sense of security from knowing an extended family.

·     Children can learn about past skills and lifestyles.

·     Children can learn to appreciate family values.


  ·     A grandparent’s values might differ from that of the parents.

·     Children might not value their grandparents if they see them too often.

·     Grandparents might not have the energy to make the time with their grandchildren enjoyable.

 Both Parents Working

1 and

2 of

3 a

4 a

5 it

Care of the Elderly: Families should be Responsible

1 (-)       2 (+)      3 (+)      4 (+)      5 (+)      6 (-)       7 (-)       8 (+)      9 (-)       10 (-)      11 (+)      12 (-)
Researching Family History

1 b       2 a       3 c       4 c       5 b       6 a       7 b


Click to visit my store to purchase the Ideas E-book: IELTS Liz Online Store

All the best


Answers to Mammoth Listening Lesson

Below are the answers, transcript and useful vocabulary for the IELTS listening lesson about Mammoths which focuses on multiple choice pictures.

If you have not completed this lesson yet, please click here: Listening Lessons Mammoths

Vocabulary Builder
mammoth = prehistoric animal now extinct similar in shape to an elephant
physiology = make-up / structure
prominent = major / outstanding
parts of an elephant and mammoth = tusks, trunk, large ears
huge / colossal = enormous / extremely large

There is evidence of much change and development in the mammoth. We can see the Ambelodon 20 million years ago, the Stegodon 12 million years ago and finally the Stegotetrabelodon which existed somewhere between 7.5 to 4.5 million years ago. There seem to have been a number of changes in the physiology of the mammoth, the most prominent were in the height, the size of the ears and the shape of the head and tusks. Today, I’m going to be focusing, on the one most of us associate with the ‘so-called’ classic shape and size of a mammoth and which is most known for its huge curving tusks and colossal size.

= B
‘Today, I’m going to be focusing on….. which is most known for its huge curving tusks and colossal size.

For more listening lessons, click here: IELTS Listening Lessons

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