Background Statement Practice

A background statement is the first sentence of an IELTS essay. It is written to introduce the essay question by paraphrasing it. Below you will find an IELTS writing task 2 essay question with model background statements. Also watch the video lesson below to learn how to write an introduction properly.

Essay Question


 Background Statements
The background statement below is good and the techniques used are fine. However, it contains two errors. Can you spot the mistakes?
It is considered by many that government should spend more funds on public welfare rather than investing in art, for instance,music and theatre.
It contains two mistakes. Can you find them?
Answers: Click below to reveal the answers
  1. article “the” – it should be written “the government”. Missing “the” and “a” from sentences is one of the most common grammar mistakes that students make.
  2. Public welfare is not the same as public services. Public services relate to public transport and the health system. However, public welfare relates to benefits for unemployed or sick people.


Model Background Statement

Some people think that the government should spend more money on public services instead of using their budget to support the arts, for instance theater and music.

Full introduction

One Sided Approach

Some people think that the government should spend more money on public services instead of using their budget to support the arts, for instance theater and music. In my opinion, I fully agree that money should be spent on public transport and the health system as it is a waste of resources to fund the arts. (56 words)

Balanced Approach

Some people think that the government should spend more money on public services instead of using their budget to support the arts, for instance theater and music. In my opinion, although more investment is needed in public transportation and the health system, the arts play an important role in society and should not be ignored. (55 words)

How to write an Introduction for IELTS Essays

Watch this video to learn how to write both a background statement and a thesis statement for an IELTS opinion essay.

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Using Body Language in IELTS Speaking

How does using body language affect your score in IELTS speaking? Should you use body language in your speaking test? Read below to get useful tips.

Does body language affect your score in IELTS speaking?

No, it doesn’t. Your speaking test is marked on four criteria which are related only to language:

  1. fluency and coherence
  2. grammar
  3. vocabulary
  4. pronunciation

The means the examiner will not mark your body language, your appearance or even your ideas. Your score will depend only on the level of English language you produce in the test.

Is it ok to use body language?

It is fine to use body language. It won’t affect your score at all.

Do you recommend using body language?

I recommend that you do what is natural to you. If you usually use body language when you speak, then continue to do that in your test. It is important that you relax and be yourself. In some countries, such as Spain or Italy, it is very common for people to use hand gestures while speaking and it is also fine to do this in your test.


Don’t replace verbal language with body language. This is a language test, so if you use a gesture or action instead of a word, you won’t get a high score. At all times, use language to boost your score.

More Tips for Speaking

You can find model answers, tips to improve your speaking at home and much more on this page: IELTS Speaking 

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Do you understand how words are counted in IELTS?

Many students don’t understand how words and numbers are counted in IELTS.

Below is a list of answers. Are they counted as:

  • one word?
  • one word and one number?
  • two words?
  • two words and a number?
  • three words?

Answers are found in the link below.

How are words counted?

How are the following answers counted in IELTS?

  1. fair-haired
  2. 55%
  3. 1960’s
  4. 21st July
  5. can’t
  6. blackboard
  7. 9am
  8. up-to-date
  9. at school
  10. $19.17


To see the answers and explanation for the above, click on this link: Answers to how words are counted


Sept 2016 Speaking Part 2 Topics

Below are speaking part 2 topics reported in the exam this month (Sept 2016).

IELTS Speaking topics and questions are recycled which means it is possible to get the same topics and questions again in the test. So, prepare all the topics below as well as common speaking part 2 topics: Common Speaking Part 2 Topics.

You can also find useful links and a free video at the bottom of this page to help you with speaking part 2.

Current Speaking Part 2 Topics: Autumn 2016

Describe your favourite film or movie.

Describe something you shared.

Describe something interesting you have done recently.

Describe a country you would like to work in for a short period of time.

Describe a place affected by pollution.

Describe a difficult choice you made that was the right one.

Describe a lesson you’ve learned from your mistake.

Describe a time when you were busy.

IELTS Speaking Tips:

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Video: How to start your talk

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Can you answer TFNG? Answers to Q1

What is your answer to the following? Think carefully before you check the answer with the explanation. Do you think the following is True, False or Not Given. Decide your answer, then check if you are right – good luck!

Passage: Workers are entitled to up to 10 days paid sick leave per year, however, more than 4 continuous days requires a medical certificate.

Question : A full worker needs a doctors note if he is sick for 4 days in a row.


Click below:

Answer and Explanation

Explanation & Paraphrasing:
Full worker – is this information given in the passage? Yes, it is because word “workers” refers to all types of workers.
Need = required
doctors note = medical certificate
in a row = continuous
for 4 days = this does not match. The passage says that someone needs to be sick for MORE THAN 4 days to need a doctors note.

The information in the statement is given in the passage but it does not match the passage because people do not need a sick note for being sick for 4 days – they need a sick note for more than 4 days.

Answer = FALSE

Well done to all students who got the answer right 🙂



Click below to get more TFNG and YNNG practice.

IELTS Reading Paragraph Information: Whaling

This passage is similar to the level of GT passage 3 and just below academic level. However, it is a useful passage for academic students because it will help develop skills without too much heavy academic vocabulary.

This IELTS reading practice requires you to match information to a particular paragraph. Read instructions carefully.

A Brief History of Whaling

A) People have been whaling for thousands of years. Norwegians were among the first to hunt whales, as early as 4,000 years ago. The Japanese may have been doing so even earlier.

B) Traditions as varied as the Inuit (who hunted in the Arctic Ocean), Basque (who hunted in the Atlantic), and Japanese (who hunted in the Pacific) relied on whales to provide material goods, as well as part of their cultural identity.

C) Nearly every part of the whale was used. Meat, skin, blubber, and organs were eaten as an important source of protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Baleen was woven into baskets and used as fishing line. In warmer climates, baleen was also used as a roofing material. Bones were used primarily for tool making and carving ceremonial items such as masks.

D) During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, whaling gained popularity throughout Northern Europe. Whale oil and baleen (sometimes called whalebone, although it’s not bone at all) were valuable commodities. Whale oil comes from the blubber of right and bowhead whales, and the head cavity of sperm whales. It was used primarily for oil lamps. Corsets and hoop skirts were constructed from whalebone.

Questions 1-5

The reading passage has 4 paragraphs. Which paragraph contains the following information? Letters may be used more than once. Write the correct letter (A-D) as your answer.

  1.  Whaling became common in Northern Europe.
  2. A variety of different cultures have used whales to furnish important supplies.
  3. The Japanese probably started hunting before anyone else.
  4. Whale oil was used for lighting.
  5. The body of a dead whale was used for many purposes and little was wasted.

You can download a free pdf copy of the passage and questions: ielts-reading-history-of-whaling


Click below to open the answers for the above IELTS reading practice.

  1. D = Information about Northern Europe and whaling is contained in A (Norway) and D. However, information about whaling being common is contained only in D = gained popularity.
  1. B = Paragraph B contains the names of different cultures. It contains the words ‘provide material goods’ which can be paraphrased to mean ‘furnish important supplies’.
  1. A = Paragraphs A and B contain information about the Japanese. However, paragraph A contains information about the beginning of whaling and the last sentence in paragraph A contains the exact information.
  1. D = Paragraph D contains information about whale oil which was ‘used primarily for oil lamps’.
  1. C = Both paragraphs C and D contain information about the uses of whale. The first sentence of paragraph C, gives further information about not wasting the body.

Passage from: National Geographic 


See all my free IELTS Reading Tips and Practice Lessons

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Is Spelling Important in IELTS Listening

Yes, spelling is crucial in IELTS listening.

IELTS Listening scores are based on correct answers. This means for each question you answer correctly, you get one point. You don’t lose points for incorrect answers.

To get an answer correct, it must be spelled correctly. Any answer that is not spelled correctly will be marked wrong. IELTS accept both American and British English spelling.

Correct spelling includes the use of hyphens when necessary and knowing when compound nouns are written as one word.

Lessons for improving your Spelling

Click on the links below to practice your spelling:

How to improve your spelling

  1. Once way to improve your spelling is learning by heart. This means writing words down again and again until you can spell them correctly. Improve your vocabulary for IELTS with appropriate words lists for topics.
  2. Use spell checker on your laptop. When you do this, make sure you write down the list of words that you got wrong.
  3. When you write an essay at home, underline words that you think might be spelled wrong. Check them in a dictionary.
  4. Read more. Most people find that the more you read, the better your spelling will become. However, this is a passive method of learning and can take time. If you are short of time, then be active and make spelling lists.
  5. Use free spelling websites. You can find a link to one on this page: Useful Websites and Links for IELTS
  6. There is no quick easy way to improve your spelling, it takes time and dedication by you.

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Can I write a long introduction for my IELTs essay?

How long should your introduction paragraph be for IELTS writing task 2? Some students write two sentences (about 50 words) while other students write three or four sentences (about 70 words).

How long should my introduction be?

You should have two statements for your introduction. You should have a background statement which introduces the essay question and a thesis statement which introduces your position or main points. This means you will write about two sentences.

Can I write a longer introduction?

There is no reason to write a longer introduction. The only reason for the introduction is to introduce the essay topic and your position, any other information is unnecessary. Unnecessary information is a waste of time and shows a lack of focus for a short, concise essay.

The key to a good score for your IELTS essay is to write strong body paragraphs which each contain a clear, relevant main point that is extended and developed. So, don’t waste more time adding more to your introduction. You will be marked down if your essay includes unnecessary information or lacks focus.

What about a hook?

Many essays have a very general sentence at the start of the introduction to get the readers interest. For example “In the modern world, technology is playing an increasingly important role“. This is not needed in IELTS. You just need to introduction the essay question and then introduction your position or ideas. You must use your time wisely and spend more time planning your ideas and writing your body paragraphs.

How can I write a good introduction for IELTS writing task 2?

Just follow this link to a free video lesson on how to write an introduction for writing task 2.

Is the introduction the same for GT writing task 2?

Yes, the technique and aim for the GT essay is the same as the academic essay. That means all tips, models and lessons given on this blog can be used by ALL IELTS students.



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