IELTS Listening: List Selection

IELTS listening practice for list selection which is a type of multiple choice.

A Museum Visit

Questions 1-3: Choose three letters, A-G.

What three things are not allowed to be brought into the museum?

A. camera
B. bags
C. food and drink
D. phone
E. pens
F. notebooks
G. coats



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A, C, D (any order). You must have all 3 correct for one point.

  1. A = ‘… won’t be able to take your camera into the museum…’
    2. D = ‘…that goes for phones too’. This means that the same rule for cameras also applies to phones, both are forbidden.
    3. C = ‘If you’re in need of refreshments, you’ll have to make your way to our cafe as you can’t bring your own inside’. Refreshments = food and drink (paraphrase)

The answer can’t be B because you are able to choose if you want to leave your bag in the locker room or not. This means it is not forbidden.

There are a few things which you will need to know before you come to the museum. You won’t be able to take your camera into the museum as photos are forbidden which means that that goes for phones too. If you want pictures of the exhibitions can you’ll have to buy the museum guide book which has information as well as pictures of most of our famous exhibits. If you have a bag and you don’t want to carry it round with you, then you can store it in the locker room on the ground floor near the entrance. You’re welcome to walk around with your notebooks to sketch or make notes on our displays. If you’re in need of refreshments, you’ll have to make your way to our cafe as you can’t bring your own inside. Well, that’s the list of does and don’ts. Hope you enjoy your visit.


IELTS Multiple Choice Tips

This video offers more listening practice and tips for this type of listening in IELTS.


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IELTS Writing Task 2 Model

In some parts of the world it is becoming popular to research the history of one’s own family. Why might people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development?

Exploring one’s family background and history is becoming increasingly popular in numerous countries around the world. In my opinion, through research and knowing more about one’s family, people can see common trends passed through generations and useful information which can only be seen as beneficial for people’s future.

Firstly, some people look into their family history in order to discover any common trends with family members of a previous generation. This can be especially so with people who have particular skills, gifts or interests in uncommon fields. In other words, as some gifts and skills are hereditary, it can be interesting for people to learn how many others in their family shared these talents from previous generations.

Another reason for the popularity of finding out about one’s family history is often due to general curiosity of one’s geographical origins. That is to say, some families moved abroad, away from their own country, generations ago which resulted in them losing their original culture and adopting the culture of the country they moved to. Therefore, through research, people can learn more about their country of origin and understand more about the culture that their family originally came from.

Finally, the trend of researching family history is certainly beneficial and can help people find their place in the world. Some people feel a lack of direction in life or are dislocated from others but by learning more about their past family history, it can help them relate to the world and feel more comfortable about who they are. Take, for example, a person who feels nervous about making a certain choice in life, they may feel comforted by knowing that others in their family made the same choice many generations ago.

In conclusion, it can be advantageous for people to learn more about the family’s background and origins. It would be useful for children to learn about their own family history, if this was incorporated into the school curriculum.


There are two questions to this essay. Make sure you answer each question clearly and explain your ideas sufficiently if you want to get band score 6 or above.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Video Lesson: Only 5 mins left – Help!

Learn what to do with the last 5 minutes if you haven’t finished your essay.

The last 5 minutes are essential to use well. It could be the difference between a band score 5 and a band score 6 or 7.  Watch this lesson to learn how to use your last 5 minutes effectively.



hello what should you do

if you only have a few minutes left

in your IELTS writing test but

you haven’t finished writing your essay

there is a very clear answer for that and I will

now the time management is yours

you decide how long to spend writing

each part of your essay and you should continue
to check the clock

to make sure you don’t run out of time

if you only have a few minutes left and
you haven’t

finished then please go and write your

now the examiner is going to test you

on 4 different criteria

of the IELTS writing and that is your

that’s task response this one here

your organization and linkers vocabulary
and grammar

each of those is quarter of your marks

25% now for task response

for your ideas the examiner is looking

for a conclusion and if

your essay has no conclusion you

will get band score 5 for

this criteria of your writing so 25%
of your marks

will only be band score 5 so

your conclusion is essential the

is looking for it you must give it if
you want to get

band score 6 or 7 or

above so in the last few minutes

quickly start a new paragraph and write

in conclusion at the beginning and then

right 1 or 2 sentences that contain

the main points of your essay and

that is enough to have a conclusion

and get more than band score 5

for task response now if you want some

IELTS tips I post them regularly on my

so please come and find me on Facebook
I’ll think you

and another IELTS lesson

Answers for Sentence Completion

Answers to yesterday’s reading lessons. Here’s some vocabulary to develop your academic reading:

  • resemble = look like, similar to
  • distinct = clear, well-defined
  • belly (bellies) = stomach
  • hide = conceal
  • predators = killers (in this reading passage it refers to sharks and seals etc
  • tapering = narrowing


1. flightless
‘flightless’ is the only adjective that can possibly fit into the sentence from the first paragraph
2. distinct colouring

IELTS Writing Task 2 Video: Essay Length

How many words should you write for your essay in IELTS writing task 2? There is a lower limit of 250 words but there is no upper word limit. Watch this video to learn how long your IELTS essay should be and if the number of words you write is important to get a good band score. Transcript

hello in this lesson I want to look at a
very important question

that many students ask me about IELTS

writing task 2 here’s the question do I

a higher band score if I have

a longer essay now this is a very
important question

how long should you essay be there are a
number of points I want to explain to


about the length of your essay so

the first point is of course you must

over 250 words that

is the task given to you those are your

and if you write under that

there could be problems and yes the
examiner will check

how many words you’ve written number two
and here is a direct answer

to the question you do not get

more marks for a longer essay now

I know that for many of you at

if you write a longer essay you get
better marks

but this does not apply to IELTS

the examiner is not looking for

a long essay the examiner is looking for

ideas number three the other point

is you only have about 35 minutes to

you essay now they recommend

that you have forty minutes but at least

5 minutes should be spent planning your essay

you need to look at the statement given
to you

need to analyze it and you need to plan

relevant ideas for your answer

it’s very important to have

five minutes for planning your ideas and
you answer

are worth 25% if your marks so
that means

you only have about 35 minutes to

actually write your essay so

aiming for longer essay will not give
you more marks

and will be very difficult in

the time you’ve got the next point

is a lot of students when

they try to extend their writing to

over 300 words they put

lots of extra information in that essay

and this information is often a little

relevant or it’s off the topic

now in IELTS you will lose

marks if you write irrelevant

or if you go off the topic in your essay

so is a very bad idea to try to write

300 words if the information you are

adding will go off topic so

the recommendation I recommend you aim

for between 260 and 280

that is enough words to extend

and develop each main idea

in order to get a higher band score

if you found this lesson useful please
share it with your friends

and don’t forget follow me on Facebook
if you want to get

the regular lessons or check my blog and
you can find

all my free IELTS lessons see you next time

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Recommended Lessons
To learn more about the recommended length for your writing task 1 and task 2 essays, check the sample writing below.

Opinion Essay Sample Writing for task 2, click here
Line Graph Model for task 1, click here

IELTS Writing Task 1: Bar Chart

A free video lesson on an IELTS writing task 1 bar chart.

Describing a Bar Chart Step by Step

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IELTS Bar Chart Sample Answer

Below is a band score 9 sample answer for an IELTS  bar chart in writing task 1. Below the model is a link to a video lesson about how to describe an IELTS bar chart. Watch the video to learn essential tips for each paragraph for a high score bar chart.

IELTS bar chart

The bar chart illustrates how many children, divided by gender, played six kinds of sports (tennis, badminton, cycling, swimming, football and hockey) in a town in England in 2012.

Overall, the number of  boys playing sport exceeded that of girls in the given period and the sport with the most significant difference between the genders was football. Football was also the most popular sport for boys, while the majority of girls preferred swimming. Furthermore, both males and females least preferred playing hockey.

There were four sports in which boys participated more than girls. While 60 boys played football, the number of girls playing that sport was considerably lower (around 20).  With regards to tennis, the figure for boys who played that sport was 50 as opposed to just under 40 for girls. Similarly, more boys cycled than girls (approximately 35and 20 respectively). The difference in hockey was minimal with only about 5 more boys playing that sport than girls.

On the other hand, more girls took part in the two remaining sports which both showed a difference of about 10 between the genders. As many as 50 girls took part in swimming in comparison to 40 girls for badminton.

All my model answers are designed to teach you all about language, structure, paragraphing, organisation and fulfilling the task. The way the answer is structured and written is the same for people aiming for band 7 or band 9. Also note the length – longer is not better.

Recommended Lessons


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Essay Ideas and Structure: Public Services

The topic below was just reported in the IELTS academic writing task 2 last week. Take a look at the topic and see some ideas and vocabulary below to help you.

Some people think that the government should spend more money on public service rather than wasting money on the arts. To what extent do you agree.

Public Services:  Schools, Health Care, Public Transportation etc

The Arts:  Museums, Galleries, Theatre etc

One Side Essay Structure:

Introduction: Direct Answer: I disagree that money should be taken from the arts for public services. (this approach gives a clear position on one side and therefore the essay can only give information supporting that side)

Body Paragraph 1: Art is important because all societies need to express their culture through art.

Body Paragraph 2: The arts are often poorly funded and therefore if money were directed away from the arts for any reason, even for public services, it would likely fail entirely.

Body Paragraph 3: Public services do not require more funding because…

Conclusion: restate your opinion and summarise main points.

Balanced Approach Essay Structure

Introduction: Direct Answer: I agree that public services such as health care and transportation need more funding but not at the cost of the arts which are still very important. (this approach gives a clear position and allows you to write about both sides.)

Body Paragraph 1: Health care system – give reasons why this needs more funding.

Body Paragraph 2: Public transport – give reasons why this should be improved.

Body Paragraph 3: Explain that the arts are still important and why money should not be diverted away.

Conclusion – restate your opinion and summarise main points.

Steve, thanks for letting us know about the topic. Good luck with your results!

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