Learn how to make 4 different complex sentences for a line graph report. It is important to show the examiner that you can make a range of complex sentence structures.
It’s not difficult. You can easily improve your range of complex sentences.
Transcript Hello in this lesson I’m going to show you different complex sentences for a line graph report in IELTS writing it’s very important when you write your body paragraphs for your IELTS task 1 that you have a range of different complex sentences to show now in a previous lesson I showed you how to write a sentence similar to this if you haven’t watched lesson please watch it is very important the sentence so what I’m going to do is the same information and change the order so that we have different let’s have a look at the sentence first the number of people becoming a vegetarian that is our subject it’s quite long after the subject we’ve got the verb and if you look at the dates you can see the past tense after the verb we need to described the movement and that is we say its increased steadily so that’s our adverb after that we had the numbers and after the numbers we had that date so let’s change that a little bit and write the well one way we could change as we could so between 2004 and 2007 the number of people we say becoming vegetarian increased steadily from about 75 to 200 I’ll stop there often when we have a comma after that and then we have the number of people so that’s one way to change it now there are more ways let’s have a look at the next way I’m gonna show you to is can you see this word here increased now that’s a verb but we could also use it as a noun an increase so I’m gonna write a sentence this word as a noun to do that we need there was an increase okay we always start with there was if it so there was and lets stop for a minute because here we’ve got the word steadily which is an adverb now we still want to use that word but because this will be a noun we need as an adjective so if we have an adjective it usually comes before the noun so that means we need to and the form of the word so there was a steady increase so again very important remember if it’s afterwards if it’s a noun you have adjective in front and to steady so there was a steady increase now we need to give this information but to do that we need to use a and the preposition is in so there was a steady increase in the number of people we could say becoming vegetarian if we want to develop that so we’ve got now we need the numbers from about 75 to 200 and what’s missing well the dates are missing got between 2004 sorry 2004 and 2007 so that is another way to structure your sentence and still give all the information we need with the and the dates now there;s one more way that I’d like to show you so let’s have a so the last way I’m gonna show you in is again to use this as an noun but we changed the sentence again so the number of people becoming vegetarian experienced a steady increase so with this sentence we’ve got the verb the number experience the figure we could also say witnessed after the verb we’ve got the noun a steady adjective a steady increase and we got a steady increase from about 75 to 200 between 2004 and 2007 so now we’ve added the numbers and the dates well those are the 4 main complex sentences you can use when you write your line graph report writing task 1 there are other four main ones that you need to practice and perfect which means write without too many mistakes remember the more mistakes you lower your band score will be so please practice writing those well that’s all for this lesson I please remember to press like or share it if it was useful well I’ll see you in another IELTS lesson
how to write
task 1
the examiner
that you understand how to make
I’m gonna take this sentence
that it is
sentence in a different way
start with the dates
we put the date first
another way
change that
to start with
past tense of course
to use this
change the order
a verb you have the adverb
we change from steadily
preposition first
this lesson
sentences we can use but they are the
sentence structures
hope that was useful for you
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