Going Off Topic in IELTS Speaking Part 2

Is it wrong to go off topic in IELTS speaking part 2? Will you get a lower band score if you go off topic? Do you get a higher band score if you stay with the topic and follow the prompts given in IELTS speaking part 2? See the tips below to learn how your IELTS speaking is marked.

Going Off Topics for Your IELTS Cue Card Talk in Speaking Part 2

Lets look at this closely because it is something that affects everyone in their IELTS speaking test. And especially in speaking part 2 when people want to expand their talk but they are scared to take the talk in a different direction.

  1. Is it essential to follow the prompts on your cue card for speaking part 2?
    • No, it isn’t. The prompts on the cue card are guidelines and support to help you build your talk.
  2. Will you get a lower score if you don’t complete the cue card prompts?
    • No, you won’t. You can choose which prompts you want to use. You can ignore some and use others. You don’t get a lower score if you don’t complete the cue card prompts.
  3. Are there questions to answer on the cue card?
    • No. There are no questions on your cue card. There are only prompts which are suggestions that will help you give a full talk. It is your choice to use them or not.
  4. Can you add information in speaking part 2 that isn’t on the cue card?
    • Yes, you can. It is recommended that you add information to expend your talk. You will not get a lower score if you go off the topic by adding extra information that is not on your card.
  5. Is the examiner marking your ability to use the prompts on the cue card?
    • No. You are not marked on ideas at all. You are only marked on your use of English language.
  6. I heard that going off topic will reduce your score. Is that true?
    • Not for IELTS speaking. It is true for IELTS writing. In IELTS writing, you are marked on your response, ideas and being on topic. This is not the case for IELTS speaking. You can learn how band scores are marked on the links below.
  7. Should you follow the prompts on the card?
    • I recommend that you use the prompts and also add extra information. The prompts are useful and provide a structure to your talk which will help your score. Adding extra information is a useful way to showcase your English language for a higher score.


Learn about how your speaking and other skills are marked: IELTS Band Score Explained

Prepare ideas for Common IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics



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Nov 2016 IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Chocolate

Below is an IELTS speaking part 1 topic currently being used in the IELTS test this month. It is a new topic and has been taken from the main topic of Food.

I’ve listed the questions and provided some model answers and vocabulary. You can find more current speaking part 1 topics listed below.

Chocolate: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic

Questions with model answers:

  1. Do you like chocolate?
    1. Yes, I do. I like both blocks of plain chocolate as well as chocolate bars, such as Mars bars.
  2. Do you often eat chocolate?
    1. Unfortunately, yes I do. I eat it everyday even though I know I shouldn’t.
  3. Is chocolate popular in your country?
    1. Yes, it’s extremely popular, almost everyone eats chocolate. It’s probably the most common snack for children and adults, and certainly much more popular than fruit.
  4. Did you eat chocolate when you were a child?
    1. Yes, I did but I didn’t eat it as often as I do now as an adult. My parents were careful to ration the chocolate to twice a week only.
  5. Are there any occasions when people give chocolate as a present?
    1. Yes, there are a number of times in the year when that might happen. Some people give chocolates to each other on Valentine’s Day, while other’s give it at birthdays. Easter is also a common date to give a chocolate egg as a gift.
  6. Do you think it is healthy to eat chocolate?
    1. Not really. I’ve heard that if the chocolate is plain, without added milk or sugar, it is fine to eat a small amount each day but it’s certainly unhealthy to eat the quantities and types of chocolate that most people eat today.

Other Current Speaking Part 1 Topics

  • Colour
  • Hats
  • Mobile Phones
  • Weather
  • Art
  • Gifts
  • Walking
  • Flowers
  • Singing
  • Advertisements
  • Phototgraphy
  • Transport

Also check the common Speaking Part 1 Topics which are also being used:

Speaking Part 1 Topics Commonly Used

You can get more tips for IELTS Speaking and more Model Answers on the Main IELTS Speaking Page of this site.

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Using Body Language in IELTS Speaking

How does using body language affect your score in IELTS speaking? Should you use body language in your speaking test? Read below to get useful tips.

Does body language affect your score in IELTS speaking?

No, it doesn’t. Your speaking test is marked on four criteria which are related only to language:

  1. fluency and coherence
  2. grammar
  3. vocabulary
  4. pronunciation

The means the examiner will not mark your body language, your appearance or even your ideas. Your score will depend only on the level of English language you produce in the test.

Is it ok to use body language?

It is fine to use body language. It won’t affect your score at all.

Do you recommend using body language?

I recommend that you do what is natural to you. If you usually use body language when you speak, then continue to do that in your test. It is important that you relax and be yourself. In some countries, such as Spain or Italy, it is very common for people to use hand gestures while speaking and it is also fine to do this in your test.


Don’t replace verbal language with body language. This is a language test, so if you use a gesture or action instead of a word, you won’t get a high score. At all times, use language to boost your score.

More Tips for Speaking

You can find model answers, tips to improve your speaking at home and much more on this page: IELTS Speaking 

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Sept 2016 Speaking Part 2 Topics

Below are speaking part 2 topics reported in the exam this month (Sept 2016).

IELTS Speaking topics and questions are recycled which means it is possible to get the same topics and questions again in the test. So, prepare all the topics below as well as common speaking part 2 topics: Common Speaking Part 2 Topics.

You can also find useful links and a free video at the bottom of this page to help you with speaking part 2.

Current Speaking Part 2 Topics: Autumn 2016

Describe your favourite film or movie.

Describe something you shared.

Describe something interesting you have done recently.

Describe a country you would like to work in for a short period of time.

Describe a place affected by pollution.

Describe a difficult choice you made that was the right one.

Describe a lesson you’ve learned from your mistake.

Describe a time when you were busy.

IELTS Speaking Tips:

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Video: How to start your talk

[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/f5t8EQrg5dI”]

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IELTS Speaking Using Contractions: wanna, gonna

Should you use contractions in your IELTS speaking test? Will you get a lower mark if you use contractions like “gonna”?

What are contractions?

A contraction is when you combine two (or more) words to make them shorter and make them flow together when speaking. “It is” = “it’s” or “want to” = “wanna”. Most contractions are used in informal speaking. Is the IELTS speaking test formal or informal? The IELTS speaking is 100% informal.

  • Part 1 is informal short answer questions
  • Part 2 is an informal talk
  • Part 3 is an informal discussion on broader current issues
    • This means informal language is fine to use in all parts of the test.

They are an accepted part of SPOKEN English. One student pointed out that they even heard contractions used by the BBC and the British Royal Family – this is true.

Using Wanna / Gonna

Yes, it’s fine to use contractions (words joined in pronunciation) in the IELTS speaking test. In fact, it will boost your score for pronunciation.

  • want to = wanna
    • I really wanna go to the cinema tonight.
    • The majority of students wanna travel before starting university.
  • going to = gonna
    • He’s gonna visit his grandmother this evening.
    • The local council are gonna improve the roads in this area.

Wanna and gonna are only used in spoken English and NOT in formal writing. The reason is that “wanna” and “gonna” are pronunciation features – it is how we pronounce “want to” but it is not how we write it in formal written English. It is fine to use these words in your IELTS speaking test and in fact will help with your pronunciation band score. Are these contractions in the Cambridge dictionary? Yes, they are. Follow the links: wanna and gonna.

IELTS Speaking Pronunciation

Pronunciation is 25% of your marks for IELTS speaking. This means the way you pronounce sounds, words and sentences is marked in your speaking test. Part of that does include linking sounds and linking words, such as gonna, wanna, it’s and doesn’t. So, try to learn these contractions and use them naturally in your test.

Common  List of Contractions

To Be

  • I am = I’m
  • you are = you’re
  • he is = he’s
  • she is = she’s
  • it is = it’s
  • we are = we’re
  • they are = they’re

To Have

  • I have = I’ve
  • you have = you’ve
  • he has = he’s
  • etc


  • I will = I’ll
  • you will = you’ll
  • he will = he’ll
  • etc


  • is not = isn’t
  • are not = aren’t
  • does not = doesn’t
  • did not = didn’t
  • has not = hasn’t
  • have not = haven’t
  • should not = shouldn’t
  • would not = wouldn’t
  • could not = couldn’t
  • don’t know = dunno

Remember, these contractions are NOT used:

  1. in formal writing, such as in IELTS writing task 2
  2. report writing, such as writing task 1 (academic test)
  3. formal letters or business letters

But contractions are good to use in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Advanced Contractions

The contractions below are only used in speaking and NOT in writing. It is good to use these types of contractions in IELTS speaking.

  • I should have = I should’ve
  • should not have = shouldn’t’ve
  • I could have = I could’ve
  • I could not have = I couldn’t’ve
  • I would have = I would’ve
  • I would not have = I wouldn’t’ve

Contractions: Listen, Pause and Repeat Practice

Listen to the recording and read the sentences below. Pay attention to the contractions. Listen again and repeat aloud.

  1. If I’d know it was going to be expensive, I would have saved up more money.
    1. going to = gonna  /  I would have = I’d’ve
  2. He would not have gone by bus if he would have known how bad the journey was going to be.
    1. he would not have = he wouldn’t’ve / he would have = he would’ve / going to = gonna
  3. The government should have developed better public transportation a long time ago. If they want to limit global warming, they have got to limit the use of cars.
    1. should have = should’ve  / want to = wanna    /   got to = gotta
  4. If you’re going to learn a language, then you have really got to focus on your pronunciation.
    1. going to = gonna    / you have = you’ve  /   got to = gotta
  5. I don’t know what my favourite time of day is. I suppose it’s the evening because then I can really chill out.
    1. don’t know  = dunno    /   because = coz



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IELTS Tips: How words are counted

Learn how your words are counted in IELTS. This page explains about counting words, numbers and symbols. You need to know how words are counted for IELTS listening, reading and writing. If you make mistakes with the number of words, you can lose points which can affect your band score.

How words are counted in IELTS

1. Numbers, dates and time are counted as words in writing. For example 30,000 = one word  /  55  = one word  /  9.30am = one word / 12.06.2016 = one word. “Six million” is counted as two words in IELTS writing. In listening, 30,000 is counted as one number and 9.30AM is also counted as one number.

2. Dates written as both words and numbers are counted in this way: 12th July = one number and one word in IELTS listening and as two words in IELTS writing.

3. Symbols with numbers are not counted. For example, 55% = one number (the symbol “%” is not counted as a word). However, if you write “55 percent” it is counted as one word and one number.

4. Small words such as “a” or “an” are counted. All prepositions, such as “in” or “at” are also counted. All words are counted.

5. Hyphenated words like “up-to-date” are counted as one word.

6. Compound nouns which are written as one word are also counted as one word. For example, blackboard = one word.

7. Compound nouns which are written as two separate words, are counted as two words. For example, university bookshop = two words.

8. All words are counted, including words in brackets. For example in IELTS writing, “The majority of energy was generated by electricity (55%).”. This sentence is counted as 9 words. The number in brackets is counted. Brackets can be used in IELTS Writing Task 1, but not in IELTS Listening or IELTS Reading.

9. Some people have asked me if words such as “the” are counted only once regardless of how many times they are used. It is best to illustrate: “The man walked into the shop for the newspaper” = 9 words.

10. Contractions are counted as: it’s = one word / it is = two words.



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IELTS Speaking Changing the Topic: Tips and Advice

Although I’m on holiday, I wanted to share these tips about changing the topic in IELTS speaking.

Many students have asked me if it is possible to change the topic. They also asked me why the examiner continues to ask questions about a topic that you have answered you don’t like. Let me explain…

Changing the topic in IELTS speaking

At no time can you ask the examiner to change the topic. You must prepare enough information and vocabulary on common topics so you can talk about a range of topics.

If the examiner asks you “Do you like art?” and you answer “No, I don’t.”, the examiner will continue to ask you questions about art. Just because you don’t like the topic, doesn’t mean you can’t talk about the topic in English. This is an English language test and high level students should be able to talk about a wide range of topics that you like and also don’t like. Below is an example of how you can still talk about a topic you don’t like.

Part 1

The questions are often simple in speaking part 1. Even if you don’t know much about the question, you can still answer it. Here are some examples:

Q: What kind of art do you like?

A: As I don’t like art, there isn’t one type of style or art form that I particularly like. Of all the art forms, I really don’t like modernist paintings.

Examiner Comment: The student gave a clear and concise answer. The answer was an appropriate length for part 1 and it contained a clear explanation. This answer contains complex sentences which helps the grammar score.  The answer also contains a good range of vocabulary such as “art form”, “style” and “modernist paintings”.

Q. What kind of extreme sports are popular in your country?

A: I don’t know anything about extreme sports so I can’t say which ones are popular. Most people just play regular sports like ball sports and water sports.

Examiner Comments: This reply gives a direct answer and also adds more information. It helps with the criterion of fluency. Although this candidate didn’t give examples of extreme sports, they gave examples of other sports which is appropriate to the topic. This is a strong answer.

More Tips

  • Part 2 –  Try to talk about the topic as closely as you can. If you can’t understand it, talk about something similar. Don’t worry if you don’t use all the prompts on the card.
  • Part 3 – If you really don’t have any ideas for the answer, explain that. The most important thing is to use your English to express yourself.  You can still get good marks for using strong English in your answer. Below is an example of a part 3 question when the candidate can’t think of a clear answer or ideas:

Q: How do you think sports equipment will develop in the future?

A: I have no idea really but I guess that as technology develops, equipment will also change. That is clear from the development of equipment over the past 50 years and the introduction of new materials.

Examiner: Although the answer didn’t go into details, the candidate was able to offer an answer which used both future forms and past tenses which would give a strong score in grammar.

  • Don’t expect the examiner to change your topic because you don’t know much about it. This is a language test and the examiner must test how well you cope talking about different topics.
  • Prepare a range of topics for your IELTS test. Prepare ideas and vocabulary. See the links below for topic lists:
  • There are no marks for a right or wrong answer in IELTS speaking. There are only marks fr your English language.

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IELTS Speaking Tips: Asking the Examiner Questions

Can you ask the examiner questions? This page explains clearly about asking the examiner questions in each part of the IELTS speaking test. Learn what questions can you ask and which you can’t ask.

Asking the IELTS Speaking Examiner Questions

Whether it is ok to ask the examiner questions depends on the part of the test. Each part of the test has different limitations and rules. For example, in part 1, the examiner can’t explain, but can repeat the question. In part 3, the examiner can explain the question. Check the limitations below to learn more and be fully prepared for your IELTS Speaking Test.

Asking Questions in IELTS Speaking Part 1

You can ask the examiner to repeat the question in IELTS speaking part 1 (Could you repeat that, please?) but that’s all. You can’t ask other questions. The examiner is limited to asking questions only in speaking part 1 and can’t help you or explain. The examiner can’t explain questions and can’t explain words.

Asking Questions in IELTS Speaking Part 2

You can’t ask any questions in part 2. You can’t ask to change the topic. You must use the topic given to you and try your best to talk about something related to your cue card.

If you don’t understand a word on your cue card, the examiner can’t help you. You need to follow the topic on your card and follow the prompts you understand. You can add any other information you want to your talk to make it longer which relates to the topic.

The examiner will tell you when to start talking and when to stop. You don’t need to ask.

Asking Questions in Speaking Part 3

You can ask the examiner to explain words and to explain the question in IELTS speaking part 3.  This is useful because the examiner will rephrase the question using different words and make it easier to understand. You can also ask the examiner to repeat the question, the same as part 1. Here is the list of questions you can ask in speaking part 3:

  • Could you explain that, please? (the examiner will rephrase the question)
  • What do you mean exactly? (the examiner will rephrase the question)
  • Could you explain what X means, please? (for a specific word)
  • What does X mean? (for a specific word)

Questions You Shouldn’t Ask

  • Have you been there?
  • What do you think?
  • Where do you come from?
  • Do you agree with me?
  • What are your opinions?

The above questions are asking the examiner to participate in your test by answering your questions. This isn’t how the IELTS test works and the examiner isn’t allowed to take your test time to express their own opinions or talk about themselves.

Also don’t ask:

  • Can you change the question?
  • Can you give me a different topic?

The examiner can’t change the topic or the question because you want it changed.

Thinking Time

Sometimes you need to time to think about the question and think of your answer. One way to do that is to ask the examiner to repeat the question. It is a useful way to gain time to think. Just say “Could you repeat that, please?”. Then use the time when the examiner is repeating to formulate your answer in your mind.

Another way to gain some extra thinking time is to use fillers. Fillers are words that fill time while you think, such as “It’s an interesting question. I’ve never really thought about it before. I suppose…” You could use that method for difficult questions in part 3. See this page to learn more about fillers: Are Umm and Ahh a filler for IELTS Speaking?

Will I lose marks if I ask the examiner to repeat the question?

No, it won’t affect your score. Your score is calculated on fluency, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. There is no score for understanding or comprehension. So, it is fine to ask the examiner to repeat one to two questions in part 1 or to explain a question in part 3.

Asking the IELTS Examiner to Speak Louder or More Slowly

It’s also fine to ask for the examiner to speak louder if you can’t hear them. You can say “Could you speak a bit louder please because I’m having trouble hearing you? Thanks” It’s really important that you do this if you can’t hear clearly. It definitely doesn’t impact your score to ask this and will actually help you because you’ll be able t hear properly. This is particularly important when doing the speaking test online where the sound might not be so clear. And if the examiner slips back into a quiet voice later in the test, repeat the question to remind the examiner.

It’s also fine to ask the examiner to speak more slowly. Most examiners will speak at a steady pace that is suitable for all candidates. But occasionally, you might get an examiner who speaks a little bit too fast. In this case, just say “Could you speak a little bit slower, please?”. And like the above situation, you can repeat this question later if the examiner forgets and starts speaking too fast.



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