IELTS Reading Question Types: Information & Tips

A List of 14 Types of IELTS Reading Questions that can appear in your reading test with useful links and tips. In IELTS reading, you will have only one hour to read 3 passages and answer 40 questions. These questions are always divided into different types of questions which you must complete. You must know all the different types of IELTS reading questions so that you can build familiarity and develop techniques.

In order to prepare well for your test, you must make sure that you practice each type of IELTS reading question. Knowing how to tackle each type of question will save you valuable time in your reading test – can time is your worst enemy to conquer.

You’ll find links to some free practice lessons and tips below for each question type. You should also use the IELTS Cambridge test books which contain real past test papers published by IELTS.

IELTS Reading Question Types List & Tips

1. Matching Headings Questions: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Choose a heading from the list which matches a section or paragraph in the passage
  • Skills:
    • understanding the aim of a section
    • identifying the difference between a main idea and supporting points
    • understanding aims of paragraphs and sections
    • understanding general content of paragraphs or sections
  • Tips
    • read the headings before you read the passage
    • there are often more headings than you need
    • analyse the headings before trying to match them to sections or paragraphs
    • answers are often numerals (i, ii, iii, iv etc) – read instructions carefully to check
    • answers do not come in order
  • Matching Heading Practice Lesson
  • All FREE Reading Practice Lessons

2. True False Not Given / Yes No Not Given Questions: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Decide if the information or writer’s opinion in the question statements can be found in the passage
  • Skills:
    • identifying specific information in the passage
    • scanning and understanding information (T/F/NG questions)
    • understanding the opinions of the writer (Y/N/NG questions)
  • Tips
    • Understand the meaning of each answer
      • yes / true = the same information is found in the passage
      • no / false = the opposite information is found in the passage
      • not given = the information is not found in the passage
    • paraphrase the statements before trying to locate the answers
    • answers come in order
  • True, False Not Given Practice
  • Yes, No Not Given Practice
  • All FREE Reading Practice Lessons

3. Matching Paragraph Information Questions: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Matching the information given in the question with information found in one of the paragraphs in the passage.
  • Skills:
    • identifying specific information
    • scanning for information
  •  Tips:
    • paraphrase the information in the question
    • find the information in the passage
    • answers do not come in order
    • the answer is often a letter (A, D, C, D…) – read instructions carefully to check
    • not all paragraphs may be used
  • Matching Paragraph Information Practice Lessons
  • All FREE Reading Practice Lessons

4. Summary Completion Questions: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Completing a summary by filling in the gaps using words from the passage or words given in a box
  • Skills:
    • scanning for specific information in the passage
    • understanding ideas and supporting points
    • selecting appropriate words
  • Tips:
    • identify the type of word needed for each gap (noun/verb/adjective etc)
    • locate the information in the passage in order to choose the right word
    • if you choose words from the passage, check how many words can be used for each answer
    • answers usually come in order
    • the summary must be grammatically correct which can help you in choosing the right word for the gap
  • Summary Completion Practice Lesson
  • All FREE Reading Practice Lessons

5. Sentence Completion Questions: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Completing sentences by filling in the gap with words from the passage
  • Skills:
    • scanning for specific information
    • selecting appropriate words
    • understanding information in the passage
  • Tips:
    • identify the type of word needed for each gap (noun/verb/adjective etc)
    • locate the information in the passage in order to choose the right word
    • the sentences must be grammatically correct which can help you in choosing the right word for the gap
    • check how many words can be used for each answer
    • answers usually come in order
  • Sentence Completion Practice Lesson
  • All FREE Reading Practice Lessons

6. Multiple Choice Questions: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Choose the correct answer to a question or the correct ending to a sentence from usually 3 or 4 possible options.
  • Skills:
    • scanning for specific Information
    • understanding information in the passage
  • Tips:
    • paraphrase the information in the question and options
    • locate the precise information in the passage
    • answers come in order
    • answers are usually letters (A,B,C or D) – read the instructions carefully to check
  • Multiple Choice Practice Lesson
  • All FREE Reading Practice Lessons

7. List Selection: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Choose the correct option from a list of words, information or names. This differs from multiple choice because the questions all relate to only one long list of possible answers.
  • Skills:
    • scanning for information
    • understanding information in the passage
    • identifying ideas relating to others
  • Tips:
    • read through the list and prepare paraphrases
    • read through the questions and identify key words
    • locate the information in the passage
    • answers come in order
    • answers are usually letters (A-G) – read the instructions carefully to check

8. Choosing a Title: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Choosing the most appropriate title from a list for the whole passage
  • Skills:
    • identifying aims of a passage
    • distinguishing between detail and main aims
  • Tips
    • look at the differences between the possible titles
    • pay attention to the opening paragraphs and closing paragraphs of the passage
    • don’t spend too much time on this question – it is only worth one point
  • Choosing a Title Practice
  • All FREE Reading Practice Lessons

9. Classification / Categorisation Questions in IELTS Reading

  • Task: Decide which category the information in a statement belongs to from a list. IELTS call this question: Matching Features.
  • Skills:
    • locating information in the passage
    • categorising information
  • Tips:

10. Matching Sentence Endings: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Incomplete sentences with a list of possible endings. You must choose which ending is correct from the given in a list.
  • Skills:
    • locating information in the passage
    • understanding information
  • Tips:
    • read through the sentences and then read through the possible endings
    • prepare paraphrases
    • find information in the passage
    • choose the best ending to match the information in the passage
    • the completed sentence must be grammatically correct
    • sentence beginnings follow the order of information the passage
    • answers are usually letters (A-G) – read instructions carefully to check
    • there are usually more endings given than you need
  • Matching Sentence Endings Practice Lesson
  • All FREE Reading Practice Lessons

11. Table Completion: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Completing the table using the correct word from the passage.
  • Skills:
    • locating specific information in the passage
    • choosing appropriate words
    • understanding details
  • Tips:
    • read the column headings in the table
    • identify the type of word needed for each part of the table
    • scan the passage for information
    • answers are often located in a specific part of the passage
    • check how many words you can use for the answer
  • Passage Coming Soon

12. Flow Chart Completion Questions: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Completing the flow chart using the correct words from the passage.
  • Skills:
    • locating specific information in the passage
    • choosing appropriate words
    • understanding details and order of information
  • Tips:
    • identify the type of word needed for each part of the flow chart
    • scan the passage for information
    • answers do not always come in order
    • use the direction of the arrows and boxes to follow the order of information in the chart
    • select the appropriate words from the passage
    • check the number of words that can be used for each answer
  • Passage Coming Soon

13. Diagram Completion Questions: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Labelling a diagram
  • Skills:
    • locating information in the passage
    • relating the information to the diagram
    • choosing appropriate words
  • Tips
    • identify the type of word needed for the answer (noun / verb etc)
    • find the information in the passage
    • the information is usually located in one specific paragraph or two in the passage
    • check how many words you can use for the answer
    • answer do not always come in order

14. Short Answer Questions: IELTS Reading

  • Task: Answering questions regarding details in the passage.
  • Skills:
    • locating information in the passage
    • understanding detail and specific information
  • Tips:
    • identify the type of words you need for each answer (noun,verb etc)
    • paraphrase vocabulary in the questions
    • scan the passage to locate information
    • check how many words you can use for the answers
    • answers come in order
  • Short Answer Questions Practice Lesson
  • All FREE Reading Practice Lessons



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  1. Masood Baig says

    Dear Liz,
    Thank you for providing these free and incredibly helpful resources! I wanted to let you know that on the question types page, the links for the “Matching Paragraph Information Practice Lessons” and “Matching Heading Practice Lesson” both direct to the same page titled IELTS Reading Matching Heading Tips. Are matching headings and matching paragraph information the same? or are they meant to be separate? Thank you again for all the support you offer!

    • Thank so much for noticing and letting me know. They are entirely different kinds of questions. I’ve just altered the link to the correct one for Matching Paragraph Information. It should all be fine now. Thanks again.

  2. Madish Firdous says

    Hi Liz! I just wanted to thank you for your amazing tips! I followed your advice closely, and it really paid off. In less than a month of practice, I scored an overall 8.0 in the IELTS exam! I got a 9 in Listening, 8.5 in Reading, and 7 in both Writing and Speaking. Your guidance made a huge difference in my preparation. Thank you so much!

  3. Hello, Liz
    I just found your website and I am really glad I did. I recently got a lecture position at a University to teach IELTS. I do have a MA in Education and EFL. Honestly, I am quite nervous since I do not even know where to start. I have taught ESL for some years. Do you have any recommondation for textbooks I can use ti infotm myself better? I really want to do a great job in helping my students.
    Thank you.

    • I created this website with hundreds of pages precisely because I didn’t like the books that were being sold about IELTS. My advice is learn first from here and also use the IELTS Cambridge test books as well. Beyond that, there is no one specific book I recommended.

    • Hi Liz and Anna
      Thanks to your amazing online information and examples, Liz, I no longer use any IELTS books to teach IELTS! you rock Liz! Keep up the good work! Thank youuuuuuuu!!!

  4. Shyam Shukla says

    Hi Liz,
    I had given General IELTS in 2008 and got 6.5 or 7 bands and since than I am living in N.Z. and Australia but now I have to give Academic IELTS to get through to get an admission in University. I have time till End of September 2024. Any advise please? Do I need to buy some particular books as I am very much aware about the setup or all sections only thing I need is a practice tests which I do not know where to find from. Kindly advise or help.

    • The listening and speaking tests are the same for both GT and Academic candidates. But it is still essential to review them. For reading, the question types are the same for both GT and Academic reading tests so the techniques and strategies are the same for both. However, the passages are slightly different. See this page for information and also practice lessons for question type practice: In writing, task 2 is the same, but task 1 is different. See this page for model answers, practice sample charts, tips, lessons, language etc : For full IELTS tests, you should purchase the IELTS Cambridge Test books which contain real IELTS tests published by IELTS. They are numbered 1-19 (19 is the most recent) but you can use all of them.

      • Hello Liz, thank you very much for creating this beautiful website.. I’ll be writing the IELTS GT for the first time on September 28. Please ill like to know if I will be penalized or marked down if I write all my answers in capital letters for the listening and reading test??

        • It is fine to use all capital letters for your listening and reading answers. If you are taking the paper-based test, it is recommended to do so because of the problems with reading handwriting. However, if you are taking the computer test, it is unnecessary.

  5. Sanjay says

    Hi Liz,
    I have a doubt about reading passage questions. Do all the answers for the questions come in order? I noticed you mentioned on your website that the answers do not come in order, but in your YouTube video “IELTS Reading Tips,” you said that the answers follow an order. I wonder if the format has changed?
    I hope you have a fast recovery and I’m looking forward to watching your upcoming videos on YouTube.
    Thank you!

    • I think you might have misunderstood. The video you watched was about the TFNG questions – not about the whole reading test. The TFNG questions have answers than follow the order of the questions. This is not the same for all question types in reading. You must learn the techniques and strategies for each question type. Read the page above to understand.

    • Sanjay says

      Sorry Liz, I’ve just observed order matters for a few question types. 😅I didn’t read the article completely, but anyways, thank you once again for providing all these free resources.

      • No problem. I’m glad you returned to the page to read it more carefully. My website is packed with information and it’s easy to miss some parts of it when you are in a rush to understand. IELTS preparation does require you to absorb a lot of specific information about the test. Wishing you lots of luck 🙂

  6. Dilnoza says

    hello, Ms Liz. I’m doing my self-study preparations for IELTS. But there are a couple of questions about filling out the diagrams in reading. For example, I wrote … empty combs… but answer says … (hexagonal) combs. In this case, did I lose a point? (it’s from Cambridge ielts 1 reading passage)
    Next, fill in the gap task. I wrote… ear… but answer says … ears (I mean plural) Am I wrong again?
    Thank you in advance, dear 🙏🙏

    • When you see words in brackets in the answer key, it means they are optional words which means you can have them or not have them in your answer. So, when the answer is (hexagonal) combs, your answer could be combs or hexagonal combs. No other answer is possible.
      Regarding your other query, if the answer is plural and you wrote a singular noun, then your answer is wrong.
      All answers in listening and reading are either 100% correct or they are wrong.

  7. Prachi says

    Hi Liz. Thanks for all your input . I have one major doubt I am appearing for test academic tomorrow. Just want to ask especially for reading module . Like in matching paragraphs heading type of questions. Can the answer for 2 questions ever be / can be same? Please reply and advice.
    Regards from Newzealand

    • There are two types of questions regarding paragraphs in the reading test. There is matching paragraph information which requires you to locate the statement given in the passage. The statement will appear in any paragraph. The instructions will say if you can use one letter more than once or not. Always read the instructions. For matching headings, there is only ever one possible heading for each paragraph/section.

  8. Naji says

    Hello Liz, I hope you are fine. why there isn’t any example of number 9 and 7 type of questions? could you please post an example of it here?

    • I’ve add a link to Classification questions. However, for all other types of question, you can use the IELTS Cambridge test books because it’ll take me time to create more reading lessons for other types of questions.

  9. Reem says

    Hi Liz, I can’t access the “yes, no, not given part of the link, is it the same as true/false/NG??

    • Liz says

      The techniques are the same for TFNG and YNNG. They are essential the same questions. The only difference is that TFNG are about the information in the passage and YNNG are about the writer’s views in the passage. But they are the same question type.

  10. Francisca says

    Hello Liz, thank you again very much for the content, I love it. I have been doing each exercise that you gave as an example for each type of question but I noticed that the categories: list selection, classification questions, table completion, flow chart completion questions and diagram completion questions, they are not found on the website as exercises.
    Where can I find these types of questions to understand what they are like? Thank you so much!

    • The classification questions, I sometimes call “Categorisation” because you choose a category. You can see it here: The other question types I will add as I create them. I’m always building more practice lessons.
      However, my lessons are lessons, not tests. You should still be using the IELTS Cambridge test books which contain real tests published by IELTS. By using them, you will get used to the level of difficulty, length of passage and you’ll see all types of questions. My lessons are aimed at building awareness and skills, rather than testing.

  11. Adenola Adedamola says

    please will all the 14 types listed be asked on the test day?

    • Part of your preparation should be using the IELTS Cambridge test books which contain real authentic tests published by IELTS for your own personal use at home. When you use them, you’ll see what is and isn’t normal for an IELTS test. However, to answer your comment, IELTS decides which types of questions will appear and how many for each passage – this changes test by test with a total of 40 questions.

  12. Jafrin says

    Hello Liz,
    I am Jafrin from Bangladesh. I follow your videos which are really helpful. i have a question is list of headings and matching headings are same question? looking forward to your answers.

  13. Rithika says

    Heyy Liz thank you so much for creating this website. I have been following you and my IELTS test is on the 26th of December. I’m excited to share my results with you.

  14. Sampath says

    I spend more time locating the answer and time to read. Because of that, I always run out of time and get a lower score. How can I improve this weakness?

    • This relates to the skill of scanning. This means scanning a test for specific words or information. Firstly, you’ll need to improve your ability to paraphrase keywords and spot keywords in the questions. Once you improve that skill, you need to improve moving your eyes across long texts to locate words. You need to be strategic in your approach and hone particular skills based on what you need to improve.

  15. Agnes Amuzu says

    I don’t usually leave comments on websites and social media pages, but I must say, You are truly a genius and a blessing to many. Your content is real. You responses to all comments is just fascinating. Like how do you do it, Where from your passion ad care to give freely to see people succeed. You are indeed a gift. I am preparing to sit for my ielts in August and wanted to wait for my scores and then share an appreciation post. But I really cant help it than to appreciate all the energy and efforts you have put in your website. Its great! Its amazing!. You are wonderful, Liz. Thanks a lot!. God bless you for the many lives you are imparting!..xoxo

  16. khizar says

    what does this means,
    ”answers come in order”

    • It means that the answer to number one comes before the answer to number two. The answers are found in the passage in the order of the question. This doesn’t apply to all question types.

  17. Lola says

    Hello Liz,

    Trust you’re well.

    I am currently preparing for my IELTS test in a couple of weeks (a first-timer) and I’m so glued to your website! Very informative, detailed and helpful, to say the least!

    I am confident about getting my desired band score.

    Thanks in advance to you.


  18. Nneka says

    Dear Liz, I came across your website and i must say you are truly gifted. Thank you for your exemplary teachings. I’m preparing for my IELTS exam and im confident i will do very well. God bless you

  19. Hellen says

    Thank you so much Liz you’ve been so amazing
    You are a great teacher

  20. Md Mahmud Hossain Rasel says

    The heart which can not be seen except realising, guessing or feeling and from bottom of my heart, I am saying that You are one of the best instructor in my eyes in all over the world(1),you are so lovely in speaking and looking that i could not help expressing these words,madam.
    God keeps you happy,healthy and wealthy.

    • Thank you for your very lovely comment

      • BUSOLA says

        Hi Liz,

        My name is Busola from Nigeria and I want to say a big THANK YOU for been a wonderful instructor. I exhausted all your lessons and I’m proud to inform you that I have a Band 8 score in IELTS Test written 17th February, 2022. Speaking- 8.5, Listening- 8, Reading- 8, Writing-6.5. I expected the writing score because of some error I knew I would be penalised for.

        But on the whole, God bless you Liz.
        Thank you so much

        • It’s great to see your results. Well done getting a good overall score 🙂 I’m glad you could see where you went wrong in the writing test – it gives you piece of mind.

  21. Akinade Adebayo says

    Thank you for the great job. Can we write in capital letters throughout to answer in the reading and listening sections? Thanks.

  22. Quick question, if I get a Yes No Not Given text and I answer the question by writing ‘True’ ‘False’ on the answer sheet, then will it be marked as and incorrect answer?

    Many thanks

  23. Navroop Singh says

    ‘Liz’ you are very very nice the great teacher

  24. Hi Liz,

    Thank you for your awesome content and practice tests. I have a question related to short answer in the reading section. This is from Test 1-Reading in IELTS Cambridge General Training.

    No more than three words and/or a number
    19 What do visitors need to show when parking?
    20 Where can the nursery pick-up point be found?

    My answer was “pre-arranged permits” & “outside Concord Building”. But the answer key states “permits” & “Concord Building” as the answer. I feel my answer is within the word limit and also relevant. Is my answer correct? If not, how can I avoid this mistake?

    Please give your guidance as I am unable to comprehend why this was not given in the answer key.

    • Your answers would be marked wrong. Only the main noun is needed in answers for Short Answer Question in IELTS reading. The answer keys in the test books show you all the possible answers that can be given to any question by the use of brackets. Study the answer keys carefully to get a feel for how answers are written.

  25. Mohsin says

    Hi Liz, hope you are doing good.
    I just love your content. Keep up the good work.

    I have a doubt please clarify.
    This is taken from British Council reading test paper.
    Question : Any workers over 55 are entitled to 3 weeks’ notice of termination.
    In the paragraph: Notice of termination – 2 weeks’ notice of termination (3 weeks if the employee is more than 55 years old and has at least 2 years of continuous service).

    The right answer is False but in my opinion it is Not given because the statement says the employee should have worked atleast for 2years continuously.

    Please clarify, your response will be much appreciated.

    • The statement says “any worker over 55 …” and this means “all people over 55 will be entitled to 3 weeks notice”. However, the passage shows that this is not true. It shows that only people over 55 who have 2 years of continuous work are entitled to this notice. This means someone who is over 55 but only has 1 year of continuous work will not be eligible. So, you see, the statement is wrong. It is FALSE. You need to spot the words “any worker over 55” and see that this means “all workers over 55” which contradicts the passage.

  26. Anthea Abreo says

    Came across this website while looking for IELTS prep material, and boy am I glad i did! Love the content 🙂

  27. Thanks so much for your help! My question is which question types’ answers come in the order of how the passage is written. I know that this is the case for true/false questions. What about the other question types?

  28. Myriam says

    Hi Liz,

    thank you for your helpful website! 🙂

    I have a question regarding the reading part: how detailed should we answer the questions? When I did some sample tests online and I answered e.g. “a terrible storm” (which was exactly quoted from the text), it was marked wrong as the answer would have been “storm” only, although the instruction was “do not write more than 3 words”. Is it like that in the real test? Another example was that “2 per cent” was marked wrong and “2%” was the solution although it said in the text “2 per cent” as well.

    Thank you in advance!

    • If you are answering short answer questions or note completion, you usually need just a noun or simple answers. For sentence completion questions you need to consider grammar. So, it depends on the type of question. 2% and 2 percent are both correct. “percent” one word. I hope you are not using websites that are not Official to do full tests. Either use the Cambridge test books (which you buy from shops officially) or the free test on the Official websites. Do not use other sources for full tests.

      • Myriam says

        Thank you very much for your help, Liz! So it would be marked wrong otherwise although it is not an exceedance of the word limit? I will write only the noun in short answer questions and note completion from now on then.

        I thought “per cent” is the Britisch spelling.

        • It depends if it is a noun that is required for the answer. Basically, you don’t need to add adjectives or articles, unless the adjective is part of the compound noun.

  29. Sherine says

    Hi Liz,
    I wanted to ask if in the reading section, have you ever came across a passage in which a word was stated in its singular format and to make the sentence completion grammatically correct you added an S.

    I was solving Cambridge book 13 and the answer was still in the singular format. May I ask why? I thought it should be blogs.

    The sentence in the passage : The website also had a ‘your words’ section where anyone could submit a blog of their New Zealand travels for possible inclusion on the website,

    The question :

    Your words: Travellers could send a link to their………..

    Answer is blog

    • The answer should be singular according to both English grammar and IELTS rules. It is grammatically correct with either option. But as you know you can’t change the words which means you will need to choose the singular option which is given in the passage.

  30. Tomoko says

    Hi Liz,

    Thank you for sharing such a great knowledge for challengers for IELTS. When I started studying for IELTS, my English teacher shared this site to accelerate my study.
    May I ask one question how we should answer correctly. What content does examiner mark my answer as correct?

    For instance;
    1) When the question was “What is the student’s special meal requirement?” and when I should answer in no more than three words, I answered as “rice”, though the book said the answer as “meals with rice”.

    2) Should I write numeric numbers in alphabet or is it allowed to write in Arabic numerals? I wrote “7 in 10”, although the book said the answer was “seven in ten”.

    Thank you in advance.

    • Which book are you using? Only use authentic IELTS Cambridge test books which contain real test published by IELTS. I can’t give you an answer about the first one without seeing the book and the recording. Usually a one word answer would suffice, but the word “rice” isn’t really a special meal requirement. “meals with rice” are requirements. Always approach things logically.
      For your second question, it is fine to use digits instead of words for numbers. It is recommended to do so to avoid spelling mistakes.

      • Tomoko says

        Hi Liz,

        Thank you for answering my comments. Really helpful! The book is Japanese reference book, not official book. I understood that I should be careful to answer to fulfill the requirement. Regarding answering in numeric, it was great to know that. I was disappointed that my answers didn’t match, however, I got pretty confidence that I could know the tips from you, Liz!


        • Real IELTS tests usually give the options for various answers and that helps you understand the test more. IELTS test which are not written by IELTS are useful practice, but don’t use them to understand the rules of IELTS. You can only gain real awareness and understanding of the test from real practice tests published by IELTS.

  31. Peter Lee says

    Dear Liz:
    Thanks for your share of IELTS tests, and I just have a small question. As for the sentence completion, the question requires no more than three words, and I just wondering whether should I write three words when I do not know which word or words are the exactly correct answer?
    All the best.

    • When the questions in a particular group require no more than three words, the answers will vary – some might be one word only, some two and some three. It is your task to find the answer. This is a test. Either your answer is 100% correct or it is marked wrong. You need to do lots and lots of practice tests to learn more about how IELTS works, and develop the right skills and understanding.

  32. Just wanted to confirm if use of abbreviations like ‘w/’ for with, ‘i.e.’ for that is and others can be used in paper based test.

    • No abbreviations can be used. This is a test of English language and everything must be written in full, except for currencies. For writing, you are being marked on your use of linking words, don’t use “ie” or “eg”, instead show your range of: for example, for instance, such as …

  33. Hey liz
    I wanted to know the difficulty of cambridge classified books thet are very hard

    • The IELTS Cambridge test books are real tests published by IELTS. They are the exact level you will get in the test.

  34. Dear Liz,
    Is it true that IELTS GT reading has become equally difficult as the Academic during the recent days.

    Arthi. A

    • There has been no change at all in the difficulty level of any parts of the IELTS test. They are all standardised to the same level and always have been. Some test might seem harder due to changes in topics and questions, but that will only depend on the individual person taking the test.

  35. Dear Liz,
    I am going to take the computer-delivered IELTS test. So can I write my answers using capital letters for listening and reading parts? Could you please give me any advice regarding this? Thanks

  36. Asma khanan says

    Thanks all are very helpful tips.

  37. Hi. LIZ
    I need info about types of questions in IELTS
    reading.Please explain it in detail steb by steb

  38. SaiChowdary Uppala says

    Thank You Very Much!!!! Madam…Your Lessons is Really So Helpfully…😊

  39. Sanim says

    Thank you so much mam. You are a great person. 😚

  40. Nicole says

    Hey Liz,

    I was wondering if you could help me understand ,
    If passages are to be matched with Roman numerals and you provide numbers in answer sheet .. would that be accepted ?
    Example : ii as 2?

    • Always follow instructions. If they ask for roman numerals, you should use them,

      • Nicole says

        So Liz, does that mean my answers are marked wrong since I used numbers here

        • IELTS have the list of the answers they accept. You should ask IELTS Official on their FB page. Let us all know if you get an answer from them.

  41. Fares Alqudah says

    Hello Liz can you please help me ? Some questions required two words in any order and I put them like this : apples, oranges in the answer sheet. The answer key was apples oranges only so which way is correct for those types of questions ? Thank you for all your hard work. 🙂

    • Liz says

      If you want to use a comma to separate them, you can. But you don’t need to. However, never add an extra word, such as “and” – the whole answer would be marked wrong.

  42. hari kishore says

    Hi Mam,

    Is the reading test contains all 14 types of questions covering the 3 passages?

  43. Shuvadip says

    Hello mam,

    I am a little bit confused about true false section.
    For TRUE, Is it a must, that the statement given in question has to be exactly same in the passage? Because at times, it is obvious from the passage that the statement given is true but not written in passage directly; meaning we can imply from the given information that it is TRUE.
    So for such cases what should we do? TRUE or NOT GIVEN.


    • Instead of getting confused think of this:
      FALSE means the passage show the information is incorrect.
      NG means we do not know if the statement is correct or incorrect because there isn’t enough information to know one way or the other way.

  44. Boniface Essien says

    Hi Liz, i must thank you and commend your teaching prowess. You are great. concerning the cambridge IELTS text book, do i need to buy them differently from 1- 12 ?

    • Each book contains 4 tests. It is your choice how many books you buy. Book 13 is the most recent.

  45. Liz, I have a question. Under the tips section for choosing a title, you have mentioned not to spend much time on this type of question and it is just worth a point. Can you explain it please?? I am not getting the point here.

    • When you are asked to choose a title for the whole passage, it is one question which counts for one point. You have 1 hour to read three passages and find 40 answers. How much time would you spend to choose one answer and gain one point. IELTS reading is about making good time management choices to gain max points in 1 hour. Do you see what I mean? Does that help?

  46. Dear Miss: Liz
    Thank you is a very little word for you, what is your opinion in Collins courses instead of Cambridge, of course after my teacher Liz lessons. Or, you see the materials on your site is enough, i want to use a few resources.

    • The IELTS Cambridge books are real IELTS tests published by IELTS. You MUST use them. You must use real tests to prepare for IELTS. You should use both my materials and lessons as well as real tests. The Collins books and course are for you to decide. It does not always help to have too many teachers. It’s your choice. I also offer Advanced Writing Task 2 lessons which can be purchased – you should get them:

      • Hamza Ali Hussein says

        Dear Liz,

        Firstly, I would like to thank you for your invaluable free lessons with such great effort that you are providing despite your health problems. I highly believe in your work and tips. I am going to have my first exam on 10th August, hence following all your pieces of advice written as comments in all pages. I will let you know what the results I will get, but sincerely your words are giving me a huge impulse of motivation and hope. Also, I will practice the full tests provided by Cambridge.

        But, as I understood the exams provided by Collins books do not represent real IELTS tests, do they?

        I am a civil engineer aiming to complete my studies till I reach the PHD either in Canada or Australia. May God bless you, hoping you are well so you can remain the best teacher for the students.

        Best of wishes,
        Your student from Lebanon,

        • Real tests are those published by IELTS, not Collins. The Collins books are practice tests written by experienced authors and can be used, but they are not real IELTS tests. For real IELTS tests, you need to get the IELTS Cambridge test books – there are 14 in total. Book 14 is the most recent – published this year. Each book contains about 4 tests. You can get them on amazon or in a local book store, maybe. I’m glad you are finding my lessons useful. Yes, I’m still sick – it’s nice of you to realise that – people tend to forget that I’m doing all this while being sick. Good luck with your test !! 🙂

  47. Oluwasholadale says

    Thank you so much, Liz. You’re an excellent teacher! Thank you for using your teaching gift to help brighten our paths in pursue of the realization of our dream. You make learning seem super easy and natural from the heart. Your work is cherished. Thank you.

  48. Reza Sadri Alamdari says

    Dear Liz
    Your teaching is so useful and site so complete as well.
    I am looking more and more practices for general IELTS.
    Many thanks

  49. Dear teacher,
    First of all, thank you a lot for your lessons.
    I have been confused with some questions in reading test, t hope that you can help me.
    Matching the sentence endings

    ” A basic idea in general semantics, therefore, is that the meaning of words is not in the words, but in our own semantic reaction. If I were to tell a shockingly obscene story in Arabic before an audience that understood only English, no one would blush or be angry; the story would be neither shocking nor obscene-indeed, it would not even be a story. Likewise, the value of a dollar bill is not in the bill, but in our social agreement to accept it as a symbol of value. If that agreement were to break down through the collapse of our government, the dollar bill would become only a scrap of paper. We do not understand a dollar bill by staring at it long and hard. We understand it by observing how people act with respect to it. We understand it by understanding the social mechanisms and the loyalties that keep it meaningful.”
    Question: complete each sentence:
    1. A story in language the audience cannot understand
    2. a dollar bill

    A. is meaningless
    B. is a symbol that has lost its meaning
    C. can be understood only in its social context.

    I chose: 1-A and 2-C but answer is 1-C and 2-B

    Hope for your reply.

    Thank you so much.

  50. Masoumeh says

    Hello dear Liz
    Should we answer questions in the order that is given or we can jump from question one to for example eight that belongs to another category?
    For example while answering to which section contains information questions, go to TFNG questions.

    • You have one hour to complete the reading test. You can use that one hour as you wish. This means you can start with any question and any passage. You do not need to follow the order given.

  51. Hello Liz,

    I haven’t gone through your blog much, but so far what I have read is quite helpful and pretty impressive. My Wife has been studying from your blog and she say’s its the best.

    Now coming to my question, for reading and writing sections, what’s your opinion/thoughts on if we try to attempt the questions in reverse order, that is doing section 3 first as its the toughest and then moving on to section 2 and then section 1? I prefer doing tougher one’s first and then moving on to easier one, so that if I am in pressure situation due to time running out then I am attempting the easier questions rather than tougher one.

    I know that it depends a lot on person to person, which strategy works better for whom, but just wanted to get your views/opinion on this based on your experience dealing in this field.


    • In reading and writing, you decide how best to use your time. Some IELTS candidates prefer to tackle passage 3 first for the reason you gave. I generally do not recommend people to do it one way or another. You should get about 4 practice tests and do two one way and then two another – after that decide which ones works best for you. When it comes to writing, always be carefully if you are doing task 2 first. There is a tendency not to control time well and leave little time for task 1.

  52. Morteza says

    Dear liz
    I`m applying your suggested techniques for True/False question type. I have confused with a question in ielts cambridge 5 general reading B (passage 3). I would appreciate if you can help me.

    in the text it says : ”…The fireflies are a huge group containing over 2000 species, with ones being discovered all the time….”

    in the question asks: ” Scientists have only recently been able to list the exact number of glow-worm species.”

    The correct answer is NG.

    but since, in the passage it says ‘..with the new ones being discovered all the time.’
    so it assure us exact number will never be figured out. and my answer is FALSE.

    can you clear me please.

    • I am confused why this is difficult for you. The passage is about fireflies and the question is about glow-worms. The passage says nothing about glow-worms.

  53. Mehran says

    Hello there,
    I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your great website. It’s really practical, especially for those who are into teaching ielts.
    thank you again 🙂

  54. Nrupusha says

    Hey liz,
    In my reading exam ,I wrote True as T in my answer sheet .will that be considered wrong?

  55. Veena says

    Hello, I’ve been practicing the ‘Matching Heading Questions’ and I’d be grateful if you could my clear doubt regarding the same. The paper I practiced had 10 headings and 7 paragraphs. The answer key shows only one heading per paragraph. But I think there are two headings for the same paragraph. For example, the answer given is ‘unique sensory experience’ but the paragraph also mentions ‘alcohol content’ which is another heading. What is the right thing to do in such a case?
    Thank you in advance.

    • There is only ever one possible heading. A heading is a title that summaries the aims of the paragraph. It is not about what is mentioned. You need to understand the difference between details and aims.

  56. Ana Cecilia says

    Dear Liz,
    Your website is a great support to prepare my IELTS exam.
    Regarding the reading test,
    Would you recommend to skim the whole text before to start answering all the questionary? or
    It would be better just go first to the questions and then skim and scan the text to find the answer ?

    • The best option is the one that works for you. IELTS recommend that you skim reading. This means casting your eyes over the passage and noting first and last sentences or paragraphs as well as keywords or specific information. It should take no more than 2 mins for one long passage. Skim reading is not about understanding. It’s about noting the layout and general content. On the other hand, some students prefer to jump straight to the questions. Try a number of reading test at home and decide what works best for you.

  57. priyapreet kaur says

    Hi Liz,
    Hope you are doing well!

    I have a confusion in a Table Completion question. The question gives some course detail paragraphs with information about course cost, time duration, teaching method etc. Columns in the table are also titled with these parameters (cost, time duration, teaching method etc.).
    Now suppose if Course A is mentioned as free of cost and Course B is “$15” in passage then in table completion I must fill the cost value for Course A as “Free” or “Zero” or “$0”.

    I would be thankful if you could reply.


  58. Rodrigues says

    In Cambridge IELTS 9 book, there is a question in the reading section ( NOT MORE THAN 3 WORDS)

    The answer given for this is 15% . Is this allowed and does “not more than 3 words” mean you can safely use numbers for this question type?

    Also , is 15 % considered one number or one word?

  59. Rachael says

    Good day Liz, I am a native speaker and I really want to improve in my Ielts reading, speaking and writing.. I want to evaluate my writing…

  60. Sandeep singh says

    HI Maam,
    Hope you doing good, I would like to thank you for your excellent work as far as IELTS study materials are concern I highly appreciate it .

    Maam , Could you please tell me if , I only practice Cambridge listening test 1-12 and your website collection , will that be fine. Since I am not doing IDP listening practice test which are very difficult for me.

    • There is not limit to practice. If you are repeatedly getting the score you want in your practice tests, then it’s enough. If you are not hitting that score, then it isn’t enough. Be logical in your approach to training for IELTS.

  61. Abdur Rauf says


    Please make video of each type of reading questions and post it on youtube.


  62. Kamala says

    Hi Liz,

    Can we write True/False/Not Given instead of TRUE/FALSE/ NOT GIVEN? in the answers of cambridge ielts test book are given with CAPITAL letters

  63. Zinny says

    Hello Liz,
    I am really happy with your teachings, it has made preparing for my exams easier. Thanks alot.

  64. mam,
    I am looking for helpful videos for reading task also like for Y/N/NG OR T/F/NG

  65. Hi Liz,

    Your website is useful for me. Thanks for your efforts.

    In the type of question 8 above, might be the word ‘spend’ is needed in the following sentence ‘don’t too much time on this question’

    Once again, thank you!
    Best wishes!

  66. Thank you so much for your awesome website.

  67. linda Probert says

    Hi Liz,

    My EAP class has greatly benefited from your website. Thank you for your time and dedication. Do you have materials available for teachers or a class to use?

    Many thanks,

    • I’m really pleased you’ve been able to use my website. I don’t have lessons for teachers at present. I got sick a few years ago and it slowed down my plans considerably. Once I’m recovered (this year or next, if I’m lucky), it’ll be one of the things to sort out. I was hoping to get some handouts for teachers only and possibly a homework section as well. Any ideas are always welcome 🙂

      • I hope that you will have renewed health especially this next three months. You have been a wonderful teacher to everyone and you have helped a lot of people. Thank you so much! God bless you!

      • I wish you speedy recovery Liz. as you change the destinies of people for Good. you will live to be honoured. I appreciate u. Inno from Oz

      • Hello Liz,

        I hope you are fully recovered. Just thought to reach out and thank you for the amazing tips you have selflessly put out for everyone’s access.

  68. Hello Liz
    First, I wanna thank you for your teaching, either in Youtube or this web.

    Liz, I had my Ielts simulation a few months ago and I got very bad score for my reading. I try to do some exercise from Cambride Ielts till now, but again I got unsatisfied. I’m so confused even sometimes I feel I’m a looser. I will have my Ielts test in March, have you some other tips for me to increase my reading skill ?

    Thank you 🙂

  69. Uche Ngadi says

    Hi Lizzy,

    On the second tip of list 7 (List Selection), you wrote “dead through…” instead of “read through …”.

    Though I should point this out to you.

  70. Hi Liz,
    I love your website, it’s very detailed & useful.
    At the moment, I’m preparing for Academic IELTS, and I really like to download or buy and practice actual, full IELTS tests (including speaking, reading, writing & listening). Do you know a website where we can download or buy practice tests or do you have any? I think it will be really useful to do practice tests within the IETLS timing, before I book again.
    Thank you,
    I’m looking forward to hear from you,
    With Regards,

  71. Rahul Dutta says

    How do I pay you for this fantastic service?

  72. Shoaib Khalid says

    Hello Ms. Liz,

    First of all, really appreciate for your efforts that you put this content online.

    Mam, would tell me, I practiced the reading questions which are available along with every question type. I found them easier. Do I expect the same level in IELTS exam?

    Lastly, in matching heading or matching information type of question, would you advise me whether I read the passage first and then read the question step by step or I highlight the question keywords, scan the passage?


    • You need to get the IELTS Cambridge test books which contain real tests from IELTS. You must judge your level from them. Matching headings requires you to skim read the questions first and then find the answers. Matching paragraph information requires you to skim read the passage first.

  73. Shoaib Khalid says

    Hi, the passage contains three question part. Match the heading, answer the question with limited words and last, true, false and not given.

    Query: Should I continue the 2nd and 3rd part of the passage question from the beginning of the passage?

    • With each question type, you start at the beginning of the passage. Matching headings – you skim read to locate key words to match headings. Short answer questions, you start from the beginning of the passage and locate answers. TFNG you again start at the beginning of the passage.

  74. hi liz
    i wanted to know what is the difference between list selection and multiple choice questions
    many thanks 🙂

    • List selection is when you have a long list and the answers to more than one question are found in that one list. With multiple choice, each question has three or four different options.

  75. Dear Liz, Many thanks for your efforts
    I have concerned, should I answer all the questions with words from the passages?
    or can I paraphrase it with my own words?

    • You can’t paraphrase the answers. Read the instructions and it shows “using words from the passage”.

  76. Kristel says

    Hello, Liz! Thank you for this website. It’s really helpful. More power to you~

  77. Hi Liz!

    I am just wondering if you are allowed to read through the question before you read the passage, or do you have to read the passage first and then look at the questions?

    • You have one hour to find the answers to the questions and also to write them on the answer sheet. It’s your choice how to use that hour. You can read the questions first or not – your choice.

      • Thank you for the quick answer.
        Do you recommend to fill in the answers on the working paper and then the answer sheet, or directly on the answer sheet?

  78. saurabh bhalerao says

    hallo liz,
    i have one doubt regards to reading section . I’m always confusing during answer of true false and not given type of question. which is the best solution to solve this question with minimum time.

  79. If i don’t have enough information about essay topic, what would i do ??

    • I suggest you start preparing ideas for topics asap. If your ideas are off topic, you will get a lower score for Task Response which is 25% of your marks.

  80. Thanks Liz for your tips . If I got score 7 in general reading at home under exam conditions but when I had a real exam , the score was 5.5 , what is the mistake ?

    • Scores can vary depending on topic and your performance on the day. This is why students often take more than one test.

  81. Hi Liz.
    Thanks for your helpful material.
    You have written, scan the passage before reading the questions. But, what should we do for matching headlines?

  82. Abhinav says

    Hi Liz,

    I loved all your lessons and I am pretty confident of my preparations for the test.
    I have a very silly doubt though, which I want to clarify as it may affect my score. In multiple choice “select two answers” type of questions, how to mark the answers?
    If the answers are A and C, shall I mark “A,C” or “A or C” for both questions? Or, shall I write A for one question and C for another ?

    • If you have to select two letters from the same list and the answers cover questions 12-13, then each answer is worth one point. There are 40 questions and 40 answers – one point for each answer. This means you write A for answer number 12 and C for answer number 13. The letters do not need to be in that order.
      If you have to select two letters from the same list for only one question, then the whole answer is worth one point and you must get both letters correct for one point. You can write it as “A C” or “A,C”. You CANNOT add a word. Two letters means two letters. You don’t need a comma but it isn’t a problem to put it in. As long as the examiner can read two letters and only two letters, it is correct.
      Dos this answer your question?

  83. Hi Liz, it’s a very great help you’r giving . Can you suggest me a website where we can download all the test papers of Cambridge IELTs papers from 1-12. It will be very helpful.
    And also suggest a Grammar book which suits for preparing the ielts.

  84. Hello, Liz. I just finished practising on the IELTS 9 Reading test 1 and I got one wrong answer. However, my answer to another question was “dolphins, turtles” and the answer key provides only “dolphins” as the answer (note that I didn’t write more words than necessary). My question is, will my answer be marked entirely as wrong? Or will I get half a point, as I got half of it correct? Thanks in advance 🙂

  85. My admiration for your personality and appreciatiob for your great help to ielts applicants.

  86. Among all English skills, reading has been the most difficult skill for me to improve. I’m getting little nervous because my first attempt on IELTS is coming next week, and I have no idea yet how many scores I could make. My strengths are speaking and listening, and writing is moderate. So, what I’m extremely worried about is only reading. I have a week left before the test, so I’ll try to practice more to develop my weakness. Well, I don’t expect to get a high band score for the first attempt. If I fail, I would never quit giving another try. By the way, thank you for sharing many informative tips. Wish me luck!

  87. You are an excellent teacher. 💋

  88. Srishti Sharma says

    Hi Liz

    I followed your blog and got L8.5 R5.5 W7 S7.5
    My reading score os very low and i’m retaking ielts academic on 3 aug. Can you please help me with more practice questions for reading . The one’s on the blog i have already done. Please help me , I need a good score in reading for admission. I’m really struggling with reading portion.

    • It is essential to do authentic reading tests published by IELTS in their IELTS Cambridge Test books from 1 to 12. Each book contains 4 full tests. See this page to see a picture of them:

      • jyoti says

        Hi Lizz… I have accidentally wrote names instead of letters in reading passages… Can you please tell me about the checking criteria..? Will they cut my bands for this 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

  89. Anish bartaula says

    Your website is very helpful for a student
    Who is going to give a IELTS exam
    Thank you liz

  90. ravinder says

    Hi liz,

    I found your site very useful for the candidates who want to appear for IELTS. Actually, I m finding the reading section more difficult. Main reason is true/false questions, despite of the video watched I am unable to gather the correct information from the passage.
    Could you please help me as how to practice and find out the exact answer from the passage, Is there any trick?

      • ravinder says

        Hi Liz,
        Thanks a lot for the link you provided. But , I already have a look at the link which you provide me but still unable to find the suitable answer from the passage of TFNG questions.
        I know vocabulary should be strong enough to get a correct answer ,however my vocabulary is not so strong , but still I look at the questions first and then try to find the answer from the passage which again not giving me the relevant answer.
        I don’t know where I am actually lacking,,Is it vocabulary or what else ?

        Please guide me !


        • If your vocabulary is not strong, you will struggle to get a good score. IELTS is a language test – it is testing the level of your English. If you check and double check the right answers but you can’t understand, then the problem is that your understanding of English is not strong enough. In this case, you need to study more English before taking IELTS.

  91. Rahim Bukhari says

    Hello Liz,
    I have a question regarding the ‘Match the following’ type questions.
    Can there be the same answer for more than one question?
    For example.
    A Multiplexes are currently booming in India. However until recently movie theaters in India were single screened and played one movie all day.
    B Some of these single screened theaters played two movies by equally dividing show times allowing the people to have more choices.
    C Today at multiplexes movie goers have a variety of movies to choose from at a single location without having to wait for other shows to complete.
    D Tickets can be booked online which made it easier for movie goers watch movies sparing them the pain of waiting in long queues.

    Match the statements
    1 People had more than one choice in these theaters. B
    2 Evenly divided the show timings. B

    It’s a crude example but I hope it gets the message across.

    • These types of questions are asking you to find the information in the paragraphs. Usually they will say “A letter can be used more than once”. You can also count the number of options and the number of paragraphs. Check the instructions carefully. But yes, usually a paragraph might be selected twice which contains different information.

  92. Ekene says

    Thanks Liz, you are the best!!!

  93. Khaled says

    Hello Liz
    You’re the best, I wish my teacher has a good skills as you have.

  94. Nuwan says

    Hi Liz,

    This is a really worth website making a significant impact on our band scores. Your effort is highly commendable Liz , Thank you for all these.. I’ll be coming back to you soon.

    • You’re very welcome. I’m so pleased my website is useful 🙂

      • Nuwan says

        Hi Liz,

        Please let me know..
        Can we use some words from American English interchangeably in our essay or letter? As I’ve been familiar with some American English words, those could have been used unawares in writing. Is that would be an issue for the band score?

        • You shouldn’t mix languages. If you want to use American English, then use it and only it for writing. In speaking, which is informal, you can mix them.

  95. Miloni says

    Hi Liz,

    Your website is very helpful. Thank you for your tips!

    I have a query.

    In Sentence completion, does one have to write the missing words in the answer sheet or the entire sentence?

    Thanks much,

    • Only the answer!!! Wow, I’m so glad you asked before your test. If you wrote the whole sentence, it would be marked wrong.

      • Amin says

        Dear Mrs Liz,

        I am so grateful for your matchless useful and helful ILETS learning website.

        Best regards.

  96. Simran says

    Hlo liz
    I have confusion in false and not given
    For e.g. if paragraph says that: she got highest marks in english.
    And question:She got highest marks in science.
    Is it false or not given.

    • The passage is saying that she got highest marks in English, which also means that she didn’t get highest marks in any other subject. So, she didn’t get highest marks in science. The answer would be FALSE. See below:

      Question: She got highest marks in science.
      Passage: She enjoyed both science and English the most.

      The example above illustrates that the passage does not give information about her highest marks in a subject, only what she enjoyed most. This is NG.

      • That was a clear example, thanks. This kind of question is one of my weaknesses, thanks for your website useful tips.

  97. Tsige says

    Hi Liz,

    I have been studying your lessons and they are amazing!
    But I am confused the difference between Summary completion and sentence completion questions of the reading section?

    • There is little difference. Summary is a paragraph and sentence completion are unconnected sentences – that’a all. The technique for answering them is similar.

      • Vinay Yadav says

        Hello Liz’,,
        I have a query would u solve it for me ??
        I wanted to ask I want to study as well as settle in an English speaking country which type of ielts should I take ??

        • If you want to study at University, you will need Academic IELTS. However, you must confirm this directly with the university to see their entry requirements.

      • Hi Liz,
        I’m unable to find videos on every question type of each section. Same like TFGN videos.

  98. SONIA says

    Dear LIZ,
    Your work is really appreciative.Thank you so much for your help and support.I have a query regarding the use of BLOCK letters in reading and listening.If the question says, write the correct numbers i-ix in the boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet and we are writing rest of the answers in block letters, should we write 1. I or 1. i for such question.

    • You can choose which one you want. Capital letters are not marked in reading or listening.

    • You can choose which one you want. Capital letters are not marked in reading or listening.

      • SONIA says

        You mean, we can write I II III (BLOCK LETTERS)even if the question says, write from i-ix (small letters) if all other answers are written in block letter or writing i, ii, iii will be appropriate?

  99. Hello Liz,

    In almost all of the reading question types you mentioned that the questions come in order. Do you mean they come in order in they type or the hole questions regardless of their type in one section come in order?

    • Each type of question will come in order. Each time the question types changes, the rules change too.

  100. Dear Liz,
    I have a question about below type of reading questions.
    Question 32 – 36

    Choose FIVE letters, A – H. Write the correct letter on lines 32 – 36 on your answer sheet.

    Which FIVE of the symptoms of SAD are mentioned in the passage ?

    A. Uncomfortable crying
    B. feeling tired
    C. eating more than usual
    D. thinking dark thoughts
    E. increased weight
    F. unhappy feelings
    G. frequent bad temper
    H. inability of sleep


    lets assume that, in this case standard answer will be as follows ;

    32 – B
    33 – C
    34 – E
    35 – F
    36 – G

    But what will happen if I choose the same CORRECT answers in a different order as follows ;

    32 – E
    33 – C
    34 – G
    35 – B
    36 – F

    Will it be totally wrong. ?

  101. Dimitris Stavropoulos says

    Hi liz and thank you for your extremely helpful website! I wanted to ask you whether it is possible to proceed to the writing part if I finish the reading part in less than 60 minutes, and thus having more time to write the two essays, since writing is my Achilles’ heel.

    • No, you can’t. The time is controlled for each part of the test and you can’t change it or save time in reading to use on writing.

  102. Hi Liz,

    Please solve my query.
    Is it that the table,maps,diaghram questions are applicable only to academic reading and not general reading test?

    Thanks in advance!

  103. Harshil says

    Hi Liz
    I want to know about reading that is it OK that we don’t use article (A,An,The) in the answer or it is mandatory ?

  104. Namrata says

    Hi Liz,

    I am taking the IELTS exam next month. I have a question regarding reading section. Is it ok if I complete the last section first. I mean to say in reverse order of the sections.


    • Sure if you want. The academic reading passages are essentially the same difficulty level. With the GT test, the passages get harder and harder.

  105. dear mam,
    thank you for such a wonderful website…..
    i just wanted to ask something…..
    what happens if i write T, F, NG instead of true,false,not given…….
    i m really worried…..plz let me know,…..i m going to get penalized for dat…..

  106. fellix says

    very helpful. thank you….

  107. Haider Rasel says

    Specially madam I don’t understand when I do my listening part. Could you tell me any special advice for me?

  108. Gopal Sarkar says

    Hi Liz,
    For some answers for some questions [such as short answer Questions], I see that if the questions asks for no more than 2 words, for example; many times I see part of the words are put in parentheses. This is seen in many standard IELTS textbooks such as Cambridge. My Question is: do we need to use parenthesis at the 1st place? Or isit like answers put in parentheses optional.

    Appreciate your response.


    • You don’t use brackets. The brackets in the answer key are to show possible answers to the questions. The brackets are used in answers keys only. You must decide what your answer is and it will either be right or wrong. Never put words in brackets for listening or reading.

  109. hi Liz Thanks for all the work and everything you’ve to done.. i was wondering, should we read the questions before reading the articles or the other way around?

    • It is recommended to read the passage before the questions except for Matching Headings. You will find this is the reason why the exam papers print the questions after the passage, but put the Matching Headings before the passage. However, it is entirely your choice. You must decide what works for you.

  110. Hello – Elizabeth i want ask you abou i thought to buy keywords for IELTS book for learn keywords to helping me in IELTS exam and is that useful to learned me supporting points also.because i found parts of three books to teach the key words for IELTS starting from the level of ( starter – improver – advance ) my level of language is elemantry 3

    best regards ,,,


    • A book of key words for IELTS reading will not help. The topics are so varied, it is impossible to predict them. They might be about history, biology, ecology etc.

  111. hello ,, Elizabeth could you please explain me what is meaning ” supporting point ” ?

    best regards ,,,

    • Supporting points usually refer to information in a paragraph which supports and explains the main idea.

  112. thanks for all this is effort its amazing work , fact i dont show like that before > thank you very much , you are professional.

    best regards ,,,,

  113. princess says

    dear mam,
    thank you for such a wonderful website…..
    i just wanted to ask something…..
    what happens if i write true,false,not given instead of yes,no,not given….
    i m really worried…..plz let me know,…..i m going to get penalized for dat…..

  114. Arjun Singh Rawat says

    Hi Liz,

    Can you provide practice exercise for list selection ?

  115. Hi Liz.
    First of all thank you for this support. Your blog is really helpful.
    I have a question. Is it possible the same match to be the answer of two questions in matches list questions of a reading passage?
    Thank you in advance.

  116. hey liz i am jubin
    i am really poor at reading i could not do reading in one sit because i am not enjoying it do you have a way out so i could do well in reading. if you can do this for me that would be glad to me.
    jubin bhatt india

  117. Vipul says

    Mam i want to know mostly answers come in order or not???

  118. Youmna Gamal says

    Hi, Liz

    I want more practice lessons on writing and listening

    Thanks in advance

  119. walter says

    Hi Liz, Thank you for your tips and postings, God bless you, may you have peace, prosperity and good health. I have a question is it good idea to read the whole passage and understand it and then read the questions? could you please help me out. thank you,


  120. Paula says

    Hi Liz,

    What a great page, thank you for putting so much effort into it!

    I have got a question regarding the rule of being consistent with either using upper case or lower case exclusively on the answer sheet. I have decided it is safer for me to only use upper case, but there are questions where lower case roman numerals are predefined as answers, like iii or vii. What do I do in this situation to avoid receiving punishment for being inconsistent with my letter case? Can I just change vii to VII or would it be marked as wrong since it is predefined on the question sheet to be lower case numerals?

    Thank you in advance and kind regards,


    • Roman numerals are actually counted as numbers and can be written either way. The CAPS rule applies to letters and words.

  121. kapil says

    Thank you Madam, really you done a grate job .super duper ..thanks a lot..:)

  122. AMMAR SAND says


  123. monaliza says

    I’ve been following your blog and Youtube channel ever since i started reviewing for my IELTS exam. Honestly, writing and reading are two of the most difficult subject areas for me. I’ve tried several techniques that I’ve learned from the Internet at the same time I’ve been practicing a lot too and yet I’m still disappointed with the scores that I get. I am aiming for a band score of 7 that needed for my employment. I find it ironic that i usually obtain poor scores on my reading even though reading is my ultimate hobby. I feel so hopeless, my schedule for the exam is one month away.

  124. I would like to ask you another question. I read in IELTS web site the hyphenated will be marked as a single word ? What is that mean ?

    Thank you in advance

  125. Taras says

    If I find any mistakes (random ones) anywhere in the website, how can I quickly report that to you, Liz? I don’t mean grammar mistakes, rathe some typos etc. (I’ve seen some).

    • Just drop me a comment on the page. I’m always grateful when someone spots a typo because I don’t have time for proof reading, unfortunately.

  126. Ruben says

    Hi Liz,
    Just want to correct the 11 instead of 111 (Table Completion).
    Just noticed it its not that important.
    What important is you are helping us/.
    More power, I am learning a lot.

    • Liz says

      Thanks so much. I don’t have time for proof reading so I’m glad you spotted it and told me 🙂

  127. Lamiaa maknuna says

    Hi. Liz. I’m Lamia. Iwant to tell u something . I’m reading tips section . You doesn’t post many practices link like list sentence practice , categorisation question , table completation, flow chart, diagram . Can u pls suggest practices regarding this?? For that reason I can practice ..

  128. Dhir Sandhu says

    The only thing that i want to tell u is madam… Big Thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  129. deepu says

    Hi Liz,
    Could u make an video on sentence completion type of questions from Reading section please. 🙂

  130. Hi Liz, How are you ? Your Reading Tips are fantastic to me, that makes me your fan.
    Thank you.
    i have my IELTS exam on 19th may 2016 of British Council.
    LIZ, would you tell me please how can i improve my vocabulary easily and fastly what should i do,so i can get good overall score and tell me about noun,verb,adjective type of vocabulary or where i can find synonyms for ielts.
    I am awaiting for your reply because your help will make me my career.
    thank you,

  131. Avelino Thomas says

    Nice , Nice tips its being useful to me , thanks a lot but I have a problem , I can’t find the exercises for List selection ,Categorisation Questions , table completion , flow chart completion questions and Diagram completion questions

  132. Nagaraj says

    hi Liz,
    Thanks a lot for these tips. Its very helpful.
    I have question: IELTS is very new to me and this could be basic one.
    What does it mean when you say answers are in order for “T/F/NG” section and answers are not in order for “Matching heading questions”.

  133. Hi liz,
    Thank you for these very useful tips, they’re very helpful.
    I just would like to inform you about a little typo on the tips of question type 7 LIST SELECTION. The second tip, it’s written “dead through” instead of read through.
    Best regards,

  134. Muhammad Shaaban says

    Hello Liz,

    I have a question about reading. In this past test, there is complete (no more than three words) the chart from the passage. In the passage it says “The average size of rockfish has also declined by several inches since 1970s.” In the chart it says “Rockfish caught today is ………. than rockfish caught in the past” I answered “several inches less” but the key is smaller. Would that be considered a wrong answer even though it is mentioned in the passage literally except for the “less” and is grammatically correct?

  135. Hi Liz,
    First of all, Thank you so much for all your help and guidance. Your blog helps me a lot to prepare me for my exam.
    I would like to ask you a question. could you please tell me the order of the Reading writing and listening tests? Which one is first?


  136. Narender Kumar says

    Thanks for providing excellent platform for IELTS preparation. I came to know some useful tips related to Reading

  137. Sreekanth says

    Hi Liz,

    You are an amazing person and it’so easy to follow your tips. My exam is on 12th of Dec, but I find difficulties in reading, the video on T,F,GN was so understandable and you have explained it so clearly. Could you please upload few videos of GT reading for other sections too, that will be more helpful for my exams. I could find only one video on reading and that was T,F,GN.

    Yours sincerely,

  138. Good morning dear Liz,

    I have also this question : The history of Europe have been documented since 3000 B.C.

    Passage: Conventional historical sources begin only with the introduction of written records around 3000 B.C. in western Asia , and much later in most other parts of the worlds.
    I answered with NG but the key says F 🙁 .. should I consider Europe as part of the “most other parts of the world”? but the passage does not say “all other parts of the world” .. What do you think , can you explain please?


    • It depends on the main aim and content of the paragraph and the sentences before and after this one. Don’t just look for your answer in one sentence. Post the whole paragraph with the question again and I’ll have a look.

      • Dear Mrs.Liz,
        As per your suggestion, this is the whole passage with the question:

        Passage: If arachaeology deals with the past , in what way does it differ from the history? in the broadest sense, just as aracheology is an aspect of anthropology, so too is it part of history? wgere we mean the whole history of humankind from its beginnings over three million years ago. Indeed for more than ninety nine percent of that huge span of time , aracheology- the study of past material culture – is the only significant source of information .Conventional historical sources begin only with the introduction of written records around 3,000 BC in western Asia , and much later in most other parts of the world.

        Question: The history of Europe have been documented since 3,000 BC.

        Thanks again Mrs.Liz for your response


        • Yes, I have your comment but I am not working full time. Please be patient for an answer.

  139. Dear Liz,
    I’ve following your tips and lessons to improve my reading skills , whenever I face T,F,NG questions I’ve started to apply your tip to assume the opposite as well and then look for the answer, but today I could n’t apply this tip appropriately, would you kindly help me?:

    The question: Industry in the Arctic has increased over the last 20 years.
    I prepared the opposite: = = = = = = = = = decreased = = = = = = = = = = = = =.

    The passage says :
    Our perception of the Arctic region is that its distance from the industrial centers keeps it pristine and clear from the impact of pollution. However , through a process known as transboundary pollution, the Arctic is the recipient of contaminants whose sources are thousands of miles away. Large quantities of pollutants pour into our atmosphere ,as well as our lakes ,rivers and oceans on a daily basis. In the last 20 years , scientists have detected an increasing variety of toxic contaminants in the North , including pesticides from agriculture ,chemicals and heavy metals from industry .These are substances that have invaded the ecosystem virtually worldwide but they are especially worrisome in the Arctic.

    Shall I say NG : because there is no mention to whether the industry increased or decreased?
    or F : because the passage states that the Arctic receives the chemicals from industrial sources thousands of miles away ( and hence the industry is not in the Arctic itself?)

    I’l really appreciate your help.


    • This is a very tricky one. The idea is that pollution comes from industry. However the Arctic has a distance from industrial centers and their pollution comes from industry outside the Arctic. Then it says that “scientists have detected an increasing variety of toxic contaminants in the North”. This sentence means that there is an increase of pollution in the Arctic (the North) from industry. Of course we know that the increase of pollution from industry is not in the Artic because we know that the pollution comes from industry in another region. So, this whole paragraph explains that the Arctic has increased pollution due to increased industry from outside the Arctic. For that reason, the answer is FALSE. The increase in industry is from outside the Arctic, not inside in the Arctic.
      All the best

  140. Hi liz, i am so glad that im watching your video’s. but i have one question about the classification could you please place a video of how to solve it because im finding it very hard to solve it that’s because i don not know the technique. And is it a common quesion ? ….thanks in advance 🙂

    • It is quite common but not one of the most common. I will certainly add that lessons to the list of videos that I hope to make next year.
      All the best

  141. yasee raies says

    Hi dear Liz
    I just be here for offering my gratitudes for your gracious talented nature as a model of being a real human and a real teacher. That’s all my heart words.
    Thanks very much

  142. Kanwalpreet says

    Hi Liz
    I’m struggling with reading, please help me how I can improve me reading scores.

    Looking forward soonest reply.

  143. Sailesh says

    Hi Liz,

    I’d first applaud you for this site for helping to crack IELTS with good score
    My exam is on Dec19.Would you give me suggestions/tips regarding the Speaking n Listening sections..I was tensed to speak in english abit. Is there any redcution in bands in Speaking if I use A instead of An,The or relating to Tenses.On what parameters are my Speaking skills tested and judged

    Thanks in-advance Mam,Hope U’d reply me

  144. Muhammed Shamsuddin says

    What type of question are more easy and I should answer first.

  145. Hi Liz

    Where can i get the tips on how to tackle a question including maps

  146. good evening mam i exam is on 26th of september and you suggest me for reading,writing,listening,speAKING material for study to get good bandscore in ielts i required overall 7band plz help me…..

    • You can get practice tests from the IELTS Cambridge books from 1 to 10. You can get a book called “Improve your IELTS Reading Skills” for reading and the same one for listening. For speaking, prepare topics, ideas, vocabulary and practice answering questions. For listening, practice, write word lists and learn about question types.

  147. Prudhvi Raj says

    Hi Liz,
    I need a small help from you, i am struggling to score 6.5 band in writing and 8 in reading.
    Please suggest me how can i score the required band.

    • For reading, you would need excellent understand of vocabulary, the ability to analyse questions and speed in scanning for information. For writing, you would need to learn more about how to structure your writing, linking words, using ideas or information correctly and having strong English.

  148. Dear Liz,

    I would like to ask you that there is a student who able to understand all training material and video in your website, would you mind telling me what is the English level for IELTS?

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thanks a lot.

    Yours sincerely,

    • My site is aimed at students who have band 6, 7, 8 and 9 level of English. This site is for them to review known language and also learn new language.

  149. Syed S,Ahmad says


    What are this logos placed on the right top corner? Do they have a meaning or grading?
    I see your pic also occurring at the same place in some.

    • These logos are automatic for wordpress websites.
      All the best

      • syed s. ahmad says


        I read some FAQs on your site and learnt a lot about reading and listening tests and your valuable tips and suggestions. i could not access the videos as Youtube is prohibited in my country. Can you please load or provide links on Dailymotion if you have your videos there?
        I also read the scores and opinions of those who took the last September test. I found some high achievers with non-uniform performances through different categories. Was it the exam or the individuals for this disparities? Your comments,please.

        • Sorry, all my videos are on youtube and that won’t be changing for the foreseeable future. There are many reasons for differences in band scores between skills, all related to student performance and luck with topics.

  150. Syed S,Ahmad says

    Hi Liz,

    When does one come to “know” that he is adequately prepared enough to take the IELTS test for a projected average score of 8 bands?
    As you shall agree that going for GMC,AMC exams the average requirement is 7.5 band with none less than 7 in any of the components !

    • You will know, when you complete a practice IELTS reading and listening test and score band 8. You can get your writing and speaking assessed online with some companies if you wish or just rely on your listening and reading scores.

  151. Thank you very much for sharing. It’s very useful for me.

    Could you please explain that what’s different between Question Type NO.4 and NO.5 ?

    • A summary completion is filling in gaps in a paragraph. Sentence completion is filling in gaps in single sentences. Please see my lessons on the main reading page to practice each type.

  152. syed s. ahmad says

    Dear Liz.

    I did not understand the categorization questions. Can you elaborate a little or just site me some examples to better understand this category. Alternatively, add more tips to this class or a link as you have done for others.
    Thank you.

      • syed s.ahmad says

        Dear Liz,
        I am very grateful for your reply and guiding me to something , which otherwise might have perplexed me foe sometime. Going through your advice on the link provided me to believe that reading English and understanding it to the full are two different things. We tend to read without fully understanding a certain words in the sentences assuming that we are comprehending the meaning of certain familiar as well as unfamiliar words, which meet our eyes without caring to pause or refer a dictionary or ask a friend or senior in the room. A word in English does not have one or more meanings but also has to be ” interpreted” in a certain context. For example, a bull’s eye does not mean a pare of bovine eyes but the most inner circle of a target or the most desired position on a target !

  153. syed s. ahmad says

    yes, most of the time this is what is being tested.I have received some guidelines from a friend about acquiring this skill through active, focused reading art.The fourteen types of questions in this test of reading is something I learnt from your page—an eye-opener !

  154. Prasad says

    Hi Liz, your website is very useful, i’d like to thank you and one suggestion we love to have an android & itunes app of your website.

    • There are a few things I need to do to improve my site but unfortunately it will need to wait until next year when I have more time. I appreciate your ideas though 🙂

      • Prasad says

        Hi Liz

        I just finished my IELTS exam today.

        Writing Task1- to principal for college admission enquiring about status
        Writing Task2- advertisement are useful are giving false information , discuss both views

        i did overall i did pretty well, but reading i havent got much time to completed all questions.

        thank you for your help. i will let you know once i get the results.

        • Fingers crossed!

          • hi Liz,

            i got the results today, i was very surprised and shocked, this is my second attempt, here are my scores, i believe i got less in writing as i have poor handwriting, this time they didn’t allow me to write in Pen.

            2nd attempt
            reading -6
            writing 5.5
            speaking 6.5

            1st attempt
            reading 5
            writing 6.5
            speaking 6.5

            i need to take 7 in all 4, i have to write again :(, i lost confidence now, not sure how i start from now..

      • Hi Liz,
        Im glad to see your videos about ielts in you tube. They are awesome and the tips are useful. I am writing this to aak for a help about GT reading session. I have exam on 12th September 2015. I already wrote thrice but every time I am losing score in reading. I need above 6 in all modules but I am lacking behind reading module as all other modules my score is 6.5-7 above. So could you please help me out to get good score in reading module aswell. That is a very big asset for me from you in my life.


        • My tips and lessons are all on this blog. I can only suggest that you purchase more IELTS books on reading or find an IELTS teacher to help you develop further.
          All the best

  155. you are great Liz…

  156. Ricardo says

    Hello Liz, first of all I want to thank you very much for sharing with us your time, knowledge and IELTS experience. I will present my GT IELTS test for the second time and in the reading test I was expecting a high score but I was dissapointed by the actual result. My question is does it affects you score if in the matching heading questions you write the romans numerals ( I, II, III, IV, etc) instead of i,ii,iii, iv and how do we suppose to write them.

    • You should write them exactly as written to avoid any problems. But your result may be due to other problems relating to your English language or techniques with the question types.

  157. Omer Sharieff says

    Hello Liz,
    I feel your web resource for IELTS prepration is complete and of high quality especially your tips for reading and writing skills. I will be taking test on 12th Sept. I was going through your tips for reading and have a question.
    Since I will be preparing for GT, I want to know if there are specific type of questions for GT or do I need to prepare for all the 14 types that you have mentioned here..

    • Good question. The question types for GT reading are the same as the academic test. The only difference is that your passages 1 and 2 are of different content and passage 3 is slightly easier than the academic passages. Even so, the practice lessons on my blog will still help develop your techniques for the question types.
      All the best

  158. hi
    thank you
    your videos are very good

  159. vinay joshi says

    Hi, I have one doubt that in any passage I have first 5 question is of Multiple choice and next 6 to 11 questions are of Y/N/NG. Is there all answers is in ORDER or not.(Which means First 5 answers are in order and other type’s answers following that or start with top of passage). I hope you can understand my point because my Enlgish is very worst. Please help me…….Thanks in advanced I will have my exam on 1st of August.

    • The rules vary for each type of question. So if you have MCQ for 1 to 6 and then YNNG from 7 to 10, the rules change as you change the type of question you answer. This is the same for listening. That is why you need to underline how many words you can have in your answers because it changes.

      • vinay joshi says

        Thank you Liz for your answer,

        I want to ask that if question type vary, do we need to start passage from top / first? I am really to much in tense for my exam.

        • Always skim read the passage in 2 mins. Then look at the questions types. If the questions come in order, start with the first one. If the questions don’t come in order, start with the question you prefer.

  160. syed s. ahmad says

    Dear Liz,
    I had taken a hasty attempt at the IELTS academic some three years ago obtaining an average band of 6.5. My achievement went down because of my poor scores in the listening and reading components. I can not blame anyone else but to myself alone. I did not realize that there was so much to IELTS preparation and testing. You have done a commendable job ( rather a charity) by writing this blog and its contents with such fine details.

  161. Raman says

    Dear Liz,
    I’ve a very good command in spoken and written English as well as listening module never bothered me much.
    My only concern is Reading section of Ielts academic where I repeatedly failed to reach 7 band, honestly I can’t figure out where I’m lacking the required skill.can you please help me to get band 7 at least in reading module.
    Can you please help me?

    • All my tips and advice are currently on the reading page in various practice lessons. Unfortunately, I don’t have a paid course available on reading at present.
      All the best

    • Excuse_me Raman can i get you skype i.d please i wanna talk to you as speaking partner.

    • Syed S,Ahmad says

      Dear Liz,s,
      Do you have any section on phonetics, pronunciation and enunciations ?

      • Not at present. But my vocabulary section has audios for pronunciation with most lessons.

  162. Hi Liz!
    Thanks a lot for all the question types you mentioned above.
    Please guide me how to attempt veiws or claim question type. A quick reponse is much appreciated.

    • I don’t understand what you mean about attempt views or claim questions. You will need to explain more clearly.

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