Linking Words Practice August 2018

Fill in the gaps below with the correct linking words. This is useful practice for your IELTS writing task 2 essay. Using linking words requires you to be careful with the grammar structure of your sentences – this lesson will review your ability to do that.


Choose the correct letter to complete each sentence. It is possible to have more than one letter for an answer.

  1. ……………. the government building more homes in city centres, there is still a lack of housing.
    1. Answers: A) Although   B) Despite   C) So
  2. ………….. the government is increasing the amount of money spent on dealing with environmental pollution, individuals must still play their part.
    1. Answers: A) But    B) Although  C) Despite
  3. People should eat a balanced diet ……………..  avoid serious health problems.
    1. Answers:  A) due to    B) so     C) in order to
  4. …………… there are children who may not find it easy to live abroad, for others it can be an experience that helps them mature and become more independent.
    1. Answers: A) While  B) In spite of  C) Even so
  5. ………………….. more and more people moving to the city to find jobs, housing has become a serious problem in city centers.
    1. Answers A) Consequently   B) As a result  C) As a result of  D) Owing to


Answers are now available:

Click here:  Answers Linking Word Lesson

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July 2018 IELTS Essay Questions

Below is a list of IELTS Essay Questions July 2018 reported in writing task 2.

Will these questions be repeated?

  • IELTS often repeat topics but change the questions and instructions.
  • To prepare for IELTS writing task 2, you should prepare ideas for the topics below and common topics which you will find on this page: 100 IELTS Essay Questions.
  • No one can predict the question you will get in your test. So, prepare as many common and recent topics as possible.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Questions July 2018

The questions below have been reported by IELTS candidates and may not be accurately remembered.

  1. Some people think that modern technology is making people more sociable, while others think it is making them less sociable. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  2. Online, people write product reviews and opinions about services. Is it a good thing or bad thing?
  3. Some people argue that formal education should start for children as early as possible, while others think that it should not start until 7 years of age. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
  4. Some people believe that teachers have a important role to play in the educational success, while others think it is the students’ attitude that matters. Discuss both views and share your opinion.
  5. Some physiologists recommend that it is important to overcome stresses by spending time do nothing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  6. The education of young people is the main priority in countries around the world. Some people believe that educating adults who cannot read or write is essential for the society and more funding should be made available for it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  7. The only way to solve the increasing crime rate of young offenders is to teach parents better parenting skills. To what extent do you agree?
  8. Scientist have been warning for many years about the importance of protecting the environment and that we must limit the use of energy in our daily lives. Despite warnings, many people do not do this. What are the reasons for that and how people can be encouraged to take an interest in protecting the environment?
  9. Some people believe that a great difference in age between parents and children is more beneficial. Do you think the advantages of a greater difference in age between them outweigh the disadvantages?
  10. Some people think the government should be responsible for solving the pollution problems which result from heavy traffic. To what extent do you agree?
  11. Some people believe that universities should only offer places to students with high marks, while others believe that people of all ages should be allowed even if they don’t do well in school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  12. People are less fit and active nowadays than in the past. What are the reasons for this? What measures can be taken to fix this?
  13. The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the same as before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life. Discuss the possible causes for these changes and give your suggestions for how people should prepare for work in the future.
  14. Some people find it beneficial to sent young children to nursery school before they go to primary school, while others think it is good to keep children at home with their family. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  15. Some people think that to reduce traffic and pollution, the government should increase tax on petrol (gasoline).  Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  16. It is believed that young people are more interested in international pop singers and movie stars than in history and historical people. Why is this? (June)
  17. Nowadays, culture is more or less the same around the world compared to in the past. Is this a positive trend or negative trend? (June)


Vocabulary for Plant Topic IELTS Speaking

Below is a list of vocabulary for the topic of plants in IELTS speaking part 1.

Pot Plants

  • Cactus (plural = cacti or cactuses)
  • Peace lily (see picture above)
  • Bamboo
  • Palm
  • Flowering plants
  • Orchids
  • Small plants for the window sill
  • Easy to maintain

Balcony plants

Trailing plants / climbers

Plants and flowers attractive to bees and butterflies

Hanging baskets (flowering plants)

  • Roses
  • Geraniums
  • begonia


  • (tree) trunk
    • wide trunk / thick trunk
  • a tall tree with a height of about 4.5 meters
  • a native tree
  • limbs / branches
  • twigs
  • leaves
    • lose their leaves in winter
    • retain their colour year round (evergreen)
  • foliage
  • blossom
  • root system
  • age: ancient tree, sapling (young tree)
  • adjectives: leafy, spreading, hollow, shady, verdant, gnarled, majestic
  • perennial 
  • ornamental tree / dwarf tree
  • tropical / sub-tropical species
  • longevity 

Other vocab

  • Stem
  • Bloom
  • Petals
  • Lush
  • Wilting
  • Leaves turning yellow
  • Soil
  • Compost
  • Plant feed
  • Pruning
  • Re-potting
  • Drainage
  • Watering (daily/ regularly)
  • Automatic watering system
  • Full sunlight / shade / exposure to sun
  • North facing window
  • Variety of colours
  • Herbs grown in pots
    • mint, parsley, coriander, basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme
  • Vegetables grown in pots
    • tomatoes, peppers, peas, beans
  • to have green fingers (idiom) = to be good at caring for plants
    • I’ve never had green fingers.
    • My father really has green fingers. He can grow anything.
  • Botanist – someone who studies plants

Sample Questions & Answers

You can see that some questions might produce shorter answers and other questions require more detail and explanation. This is normal in speaking part 1.

  1. Do you like plants?
    • Yes, I do. I usually have at least one indoor pot plant in my sitting room such as a peace lily.
  2. Are you good at growing plants?
    • No, I’m not. I definitely don’t have green fingers, unlike my grandfather who was really good with plants. I frequently have to buy new plants for my house when they die.
  3. Why do people grow plants?
    • I think some people grow plants because it’s a pleasurable hobby that they can enjoy all year round. It is very rewarding to grow a plant, particularly when the flowers bloom. For other people, it is a way to make their living environment better. What I mean is plants can provide not only clean air but also greenery which is supposed to be uplifting for the spirit.


IELTS Speaking  Questions & Model Answers for Plant Topic




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Speaking Part 1 Topic: Plants

Below are a few questions for the IELTS speaking part 1 topic of plants. This is a current topic in the IELTS speaking test.

Plant Questions: IELTS Speaking Part 1

  1. Do you like plants?
  2. Do you know a lot about plants?
  3. Have you ever had a plant?
  4. Did you ever grow a plant as a child?
  5. Would you ever give a plant as a gift?
  6. Why do people like plants in their house?
  7. Do you have a garden?
  8. Do you know how to cultivate plants?


Click below to visit the vocabulary page for this topic:

Plant Vocabulary & Model Answers

Tip: you are not expected to know specialist knowledge about plants – keep your answers personal and friendly. Be descriptive and chatty.

Other Speaking Topics

See common topics: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Common Topics

Also review the recent questions page: Current Topics & Questions

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Answers about counting words

Below are the answers to yesterday’s lesson about counting words in IELTS writing. See the qustions and answers below. Also notice I have added some extra links with more information so you can learn more about how words are counted in IELTS.

  1. Are small words counted such as “a” and “the”?
    1. Yes, they are counted. All words are counted. If you write “a man walked into a shop” = 6 words.
  2. Is “15%” counted as one word or two?
    1. It is one word. If you write “15 percent” = two words.
  3. Is this one word or two: “good-looking”?
    1. It is one word.
  4. Are commas counted as a word?
    1. No punctuation is not counted as a word.
  5. Does the examiner count all the words in your essay or does the examiner guess the word count?
    1. The examiner will see if your writing doesn’t look long. In that case, the examiner will count every single word. Each individual word must be counted precisely by the examiner.

Learn More

  1. Another exercise to test your understanding of word counting. Click here: Practice Counting Words
  2. Rules about how words are counted in IELTS. Click here: How Words are Counted in IELTS
  3. Using the writing answer sheet and counting your own words: How to Use the Answer Sheet Correctly
  4. Learn about deleting words in IELTS Writing. Click here: Deleting Words
  5. Learn about Essay Word Length: How Long Should My IELTS Essay Be?

All the best


Counting Words Questions


I have had many IELTS test takers asking me about how words are counted in IELTS writing. Let’s check your understanding:

  1. Are small words counted such as “a” and “the”?
  2. Is “15%” counted as one word or two?
  3. Is this one word or two: “good-looking”?
  4. Are commas counted as a word?
  5. Does the examiner count all the words in your essay or does the examiner guess the word count?


To find the answer, click here:

Answers to Counting Words Practice

All the best


Farm Listening Practice: Answers & Transcript

Hi guys,

I’ve put the answers, transcript and a list of key words for the Map Listening Exercise about a Farm on the original page. Click here: Farm Listening Lesson with Answers

Hope this was useful 🙂

All the best


Map Listening Practice: Farm Layout

Below you will find a map listening practice lesson which has been created to help you practise for your IELTS listening test. This is based on the layout of a farm.

Instructions for map listening

  • Review the map
  • Pay attention to the position of the answers
  • Note words already given on the map
  • Locate north
  • Listen to key words and follow the order of information
  • Questions come in order

Please note, these are not IELTS tests. These are free listening lessons which I have created for you.

Map Listening: Farm Layout

The Farm

Questions 1 – 4: Complete the diagram using no more than two words.

Recording Audio

In the IELTS listening test, you can listen only once.

Answers & Transcript

Click to reveal the transcript, answers and a list of keywords. I suggest you use the transcript first to listen and read before checking your answers.

Click below:


As you drive up the driveway you will immediately arrive in the parking area. You will see to your left the farmhouse where the farmer lives as you drive up and directly to the left of the parking area is the main shed. There are a number of smaller sheds located around the main shed which are not currently labelled on the map. In the northwest corner of the farm is a pasture area which is a wide grassy expanse. It provides rich organic grass for our cows and, along with other types of feed, gives us our organic status and key selling point.  From the parking area, you go east through the milk house, which is used daily, and then into the barn. This is where the cows are often sheltered. On the other side of the barn is the manure storage. To the north you will find the calf hutches which are located just beyond the maternity pens. Only 30% of our cows are used for breeding. In the bottom left corner of the barn is the loading chute. To the south are two circular areas, one of which is the feed storage and the other the deadstock area. We hope you will enjoy looking around our farm and learning about how we manage our cows.


  1. pasture area
  2. milk house
  3. maternity pens
  4. feed storage


Knowing keywords for maps and building plans is essential for success in IELTS listening.

  • You will see to your left…
  • directly to the left of ….
  • located around
  • which are not currently labelled on the map
  • In the northwest corner
  • From the parking area, you go east
  • On the other side
  • To the north you will find
  • which are located just beyond….
  • In the bottom left corner of the barn
  • To the south are two circular areas

Adapted from

Recommended for IELTS Listening



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