Model Answer to Sand Dunes Diagram

Hi guys,

I’ve posted a model answer for the Diagram about Sand Dune Formation on the original page. Click here: Sand Dune Diagram Model Answer & Tips

All the best


IELTS Sand Dunes Diagram Writing Task 1

The diagram below is an IELTS writing task 1 diagram about sand dune formation. This appeared in the IELTS test in December, 2018 (academic paper).

This diagram was particularly challenging because of the similarity in the three diagrams and the lack of words given. People were concerned about paraphrasing and repeating vocabulary. There is a link to download this in pdf below the diagram.

IELTS Diagram: Sand Dune Formation 2018

The diagram has not been published by IELTS, it was recreated by an IELTS candidate and also confirmed by another. This means it might vary from the actual diagram in the test but the essentials will be the same and it will still provide much needed practice with such diagrams.

Sand Dune Diagram Model Answer

The diagrams illustrate the formation of a sand dune from sand particles. Overall, the three stages of formation show that sand particles are driven by the wind over dry ground to gather on wet ground where they collect and create sand dunes.

The first diagram shows how sand particles are blown by the wind over the dry sandy ground and two areas of wet ground. This is then followed by the second diagram in which it can be seen that as particles of sand continue to be carried by the wind along the ground, some of the particles start to adhere to the first patch of wet ground in separate piles.

The sand particles which have been transported by the wind, as illustrated in the final diagram, eventually gather en masse over the area of wet ground, piling one on top of the other until they form a sand dune. The accumulation of so many sand particles is so large that the dunes, once formed, can deflect the wind, forcing it up one side of the dune and down the other. As this happens, particles of sand start gathering and piling up in the next area of wet ground.


  1. Your overview must be clear and contain all key features. It is the most important statement in your whole task.
  2. The overview contains key features and summarises the whole diagram into one statement. Take the keywords and create on long statement which explains the diagram.
  3. The overview can be put together with the introduction in one paragraph, but it still forms a statement on its own. Do not split your overview. You cannot have an overview and another general statement in a different part of the report. You need to collect all summarising statements together and write them as one overview.
  4. If you only state that there are three stages, this would be considered a limited overview which is a features of band 6 Task Achievement. You need to add more than just a number of stages.
  5. You only paraphrase where possible. Some words cannot be paraphrased, such as sand, dune, wind etc. Words such as “blown by the wind” = “transported by the wind” & “carried by the wind”. Choose which words you will and won’t paraphrase.
  6. You should be using a mixture of active and passive voice to describe a diagram or process.
  7. Even though there are three diagrams, does not mean you need three body paragraphs. Be flexible.
  8. The word count of this writing is 199. You do not need to write that much, but do make sure you write over 150 words.
  9. Use linking and sequencing words: overall, followed by, as illustrated, eventually, as this happens

I hope you found it useful to see this diagram, model answer and tips 🙂

All the best


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Good luck with your IELTS Test: Dec 1st


There are a lot of people taking their test tomorrow, December 1st. I want to wish you all lots of luck in your test !!  Also good luck to anyone sitting their test today !!  🙂

See my “On the Day Tips” which cover basic tips and also tips for listening, reading, writing and speaking. Click here: IELTS On the Day Tips

Good luck! 🙂 I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you all 🙂


Answers for Listening Diagram Mars Insight Probe

The answers are now available for this lesson.

Please go to the original page, to see the transcript, answers and useful vocab which have been posted under the diagram. Click here: IELTS Listening Diagram Exercise

I hope you found this lesson useful 🙂

All the best



IELTS Listening Diagrams Practice & Tips

Useful practice and tips for IELTS Listening Diagram Labelling Questions. IELTS listening diagrams can come in any section of the IELTS listening test. You will be presented with a visual diagram requiring you to either label parts of the diagram or complete notes in the diagram. It is important that you prepare for this type of IELTS listening question. Please note that the lessons below are not tests, they are practice lessons for IELTS listening diagrams.


Take your time to read and understand the tips below. It can feel overwhelming to see a visual diagram in your listening test. You don’t have much time to absorb the illustration and prepare questions. So, the more you get used to diagrams in IELTS listening, the better.

  1. Title: Always notice the heading/title of the diagram. This gives you valuable information to understand the content.
  2. Details: Don’t get lost in trying to understand every detail of the diagram – you won’t have time. So, spot the keywords and notice which part of the diagram they relate to. IELTS do fill their listening tests with lots of information that isn’t required for answers. This is to test your ability to filter meaning and language in order to focus on your task.
  3. Questions:
    1. Note completion – often the questions require you to fill in the gap of a note or sentence. In this case, the other words in the notes will help you understand the type of answer you are looking for, such as a noun, verb, adjective, number etc.
    2. Empty Gaps – you must just have an empty gap relating to a part of the diagram with no extra words to help you. This usually indicates the name of that particular part of the illustration.
    3. Location: Notice where the questions are located and what order they come in. The questions will follow the order of the recording, but be placed in different places within the diagram.
  4. Answers: They will come in order. You must spell the word correctly.
  5. Instructions: Notice how many words or numbers you are allowed for your answer. 
  6. Keywords: The diagram will contain keywords that are already labelled – pay attention to them. They will help you understand the recording and keep your place in the diagram.
  7. Always be ready to move on to the next question. It’s easy to lose your place in the recording, particularly when you are looking at the diagram as well as listening. This really is a multi-tasking listening test.
  8. Guess: If you are not sure about an answer, don’t leave it empty – guess. Your guess might be right.

Diagram Language Tips for Listening

Diagrams are visual and this means you will learn language which relates to the location of things in the diagram. Below are some examples, but you can learn many more from the transcripts for the recordings below. Always use the transcripts after you finish a lesson to enlarge your vocabulary.

  • at the top / at the bottom / on the side (of)
  • to the left / on the left side / to the right / the right side / either side / both sides
  • behind / next to / opposite / adjacent to / in front of 
  • above / on top of / below / underneath  / upside down / the right way up
  • the center / the periphery / the focal point  / inside / outside

Often (not always) the person speaking will indicate when they are about to speak about the diagram. For example, they might say:

  • if we look at the diagram
  • looking at the illustration
  • as you can see by the visual representation



Listening Practice Lesson 1

As you see, this lesson contains two types of questions. It is normal to get two or more types of questions in one section of your IELTS Listening Test. The first type of question is Sentence Completion and the second is a practice of the IELTS Listening Diagram Labelling question. The recording will not tell you when to move from one question to another – you must listen and be ready to move at the right time.

This is a challenging lesson with complex language and topic.

Mars Insight Probe

Questions 1 – 3: Complete the sentences using no more than one word and/or a number.

  1. The Insight probe will investigate Mars’ ………………
  2. The probe is currently situated near Mars’ …………..
  3. Scientists aim to learn about Mars’ composition from its core to its ………..

Questions 4 – 7

Complete the diagram below using no more than two words and/or numbers.

Source: Both diagram and article are from BBC NEWS




Please click below to reveal vocabulary, transcript and answers:

  • plunge = dive, decent
  • vast = enormous
  • plain = large area of flat land without obstacles such as large rocks
  • core = centre
  • crust = hard outer layer of something
  • seismometer = an instrument that measures movement such as earthquakes
  • orbits = circles (vb)
  • pointers = clues
  • circular = round
  • deploy = move into position
Use the transcript below to check your answers, make a note of useful tips and paraphrases and also improve your pronunciation by listening to the recording and reading the transcript at the same time.

The US space agency Nasa has landed a new robot on Mars, otherwise known as the Red Planet. after a dramatic seven-minute plunge to the surface.,  The Insight probe aims to study the world’s deep interior, and make it the only planet – apart from Earth – that has been examined in this way. Insight is now sitting on a vast, flat plain, close to the Red Planet’s equator. This will be the first probe to dedicate its investigations to understanding Mars’ interior. Scientists want to know how the world is constructed – from its core to its crust.

Looking at the functions of the Insight probe shown on the diagram, we can see that at the top there is a robotic arm which places instruments such as the seismometer on the planet’s surface. Attached to the arm is an instrument monitoring camera. On the main body of the probe there are sensors for both temperature and wind as well as a rise antenna. This measures the movement of Mars’ North Pole as it orbits the sun giving pointers about the iron-rich centre of the planet and hopefully more information about the composition and size of the planet’s core. On either side of the main body of the probe are two large circular solar panels which were deployed immediately on landing to operate its systems and warm equipment in the sub-zero temperatures on the planet . To delve deep into the ground and measure the planet’s temperature, there is a heat flow probe that will penetrate to a depth of 5m or 16ft.

Answers have been written using all capital letters – this is recommended for both reading and listening answers.

  3. CRUST
    • It is not necessary to use a comma – punctuation is not required in IELTS listening answers. Although using a comma is still acceptable.
    • Writing the word “and” would make the answer incorrect for two reasons: 1) there is a word limit of max two words 2) the word “and” is already given in the diagram and cannot be part of the answer.
    • Both words are necessary for one point. There are no half points.
    • You must have the “s” on panels or the answer will be marked wrong.
    • You cannot write “circular solar panels” because that is three words and the limit is two words. Also the word “circular” is purely descriptive to help the reader identify the solar panels on the diagram – it is not a word that makes up the compound noun.
  7.   5   16
    • You must have both numbers for one point. If one number is wrong, the whole answer is marked wrong.
    • See above about using commas.
    • You should not put “m” or “ft” or use brackets () with the numbers because that is already given on the diagram. Your task is to write down what is missing.
    • Note that the instructions for questions 1-3 and the instructions for 4-7 are not the same. Please check them again about the limit for numbers written in answers.








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Maps Topic in IELTS Speaking Part 1

I recently had someone ask me to post answers and vocabulary for the topic of MAPS in IELTS Speaking Part 1. It’s not a common topic to get but it is being used at the moment.

On this page, you will find:

  1. Questions for the topic of MAPS
  2. Model Answers for the topic of MAPS
  3. Information about the examiner interrupting your answers
  4. Useful link to more model answers.

Map Questions for IELTS Speaking Part 1

Below is a collection of questions about MAPS. The examiner will usually select between 3 or 4 questions to ask you for one topic. Part 1 usually contains about 3 topics.

  1. What kind of maps are available?
  2. Do you often use maps?
  3. Have you ever used a map to find a location?
  4. Do you prefer paper maps or electronic maps?
  5. Which is better, paper maps or e-maps?
  6. Why do some people prefer electronic maps?
  7. Did you ever use a map when you were a child?
  8. Did your school ever teach you how to use maps when you were younger?
  9. Do you ever ask anyone for directions?
  10. Would you ever use a map on holiday?

World Map

Street Map of Central London

Model Answers for MAPS Speaking Part 1

These model answers are actually quite long for speaking part 1, but I wanted to give you a chance to learn useful words and phrases. It is fine to prepare lots of ideas for part 1. The examiner will interrupt your answer when it’s time for the next question so always keep talking until that happens. See below about the examiner interrupting your answer.

What kind of maps are available?

There are quite a few, for example world maps that show all the countries in the world and their location. There are also maps for individual countries, road maps for main motorways in a country and street maps for the streets in a given city centre. Some maps show climates around the world or other particular information. It is possible to choose between paper maps or digital maps, such as Google Earth.

Note: The examiner is not testing your knowledge. Even if you don’t know many kinds of maps it doesn’t matter because you can showcase your English in other answers.

Do you often use maps?

I use them only when I’m going to a new place. Before any holiday, I use an online map beforehand just to see the exact location of the place I’m going to. I also check the street map to see how central my hotel is before I book it. If I’m driving anywhere new, I’ll check the map to find the quickest route and then have the map app on my phone visible throughout the drive so I don’t lose my way.

Why do some people prefer using e-maps?

Well, I guess it’s because they can be easily accessed by phone which means people will be carrying them anyway. Also you can zoom in to enlarged the map to see more detail with just a simple click, rather than rooting around to find a new paper map for the detail. Online maps also allow the user to access extra information about restaurants and hotels which is really useful.

Did schools ever teach you to use maps?

I can’t say that I learned a lot about maps, but we did spend some time looking at a world map and a map of our own country. We spent time labelling the major cities of our country on a blank map and filling in details such as population and shared borders with other countries. But we didn’t really learn how to read maps, such as road maps or street maps which is a shame.

The Examiner Interrupts my Answers

It is 100% normal that the examiner will interrupt your answer in speaking part 1. They are not being rude, it is just part of the testing system. Once they know that you can easily handle the question, they will interrupt you to move on and test you on another question. This way they are hearing a broader range of your English which is the only way to award a higher score.

This all means that you must keep talking until the examiner interrupts your answer. When that happens, don’t be surprised and just listen to the next question.

Useful Link

Below is a link to the main speaking page which contains tips, model answer, topics etc:

IELTS Speaking Tips Plus

If you want to learn about the other parts of the test, click on the RED BAR at the top of the website.

All the best







IELTS Line Graph Vocabulary

Essential vocabulary to describe an IELTS writing task 1 line graph. To get a good band score you must show the examiner a range of different words to show upward and downward trends as well as key features. IELTS line graphs show change over a period of time and you must vary your language and vocabulary when you write your report.

Important: This page is about line graphs. But it is possible to use some of this language with bar charts that show change over time as well as tables or pie charts that show change over time.

This page contains:


1. IELTS Line Graph Verbs & Nouns

Below are lists of verbs and nouns that can be used to describe a line graph in IELTS writing task 1. You should alter your sentences to use the noun form of the word and the verb form of the word. 

  • Question: Can you use the verb “increase” and the noun “an increase” in the same writing or is it considered repetition of words? 
  • Answer: You can definitely use the verb and noun form of the same word. This shows great flexibility that you can change word form. Your task is to show the examiner this flexibility. You will use these verbs and nouns in all line graphs because all line graphs show upward and downward trends.

Tips: You will use the above words according to what is shown in the line graph you are given. Fluctuations are when a line goes up and down repeatedly. A dip is when the line goes down but then returns to its previous point. Nearly all line graphs will have a peak, which means the highest point. Each line only has one peak, which is good to highlight in your report. To rocket and soar are both verbs that describe extremely dramatic increases. Never use these two verbs unless the increase truly is dramatic.

Mistakes when using words will affect your band score. This includes spelling.

  • Band 6 = some vocabulary errors.
  • Band 7 = few vocabulary errors.

2. Practice with Nouns and Verbs

Fill in the gaps using the vocabulary above. Look at the graph below and then fill in the gaps in the sentences 1-5 below.

IELTS Line Graph Vocabulary

  • IELTS Line graphs never have one line, except occasionally in a multiple task. So, this isn’t a line graph to practice with for a full model answer. For sample charts, click here: Sample Practice Charts


Fill in the gaps with the correct nouns and verbs. You should use no more than two words for each gap.

The number of reported cases of influenza began at 40 in 1985 after which the figure (1). …………………… steadily to reach about 55 in 1987. In 1988, there was a (2) …………. in the number to below 50 before (3) ……………. to reach a (4) …………  (5) ……….. approximately 75 in 1991. After that date, the figure dropped to about 55 in the final year.


Click below to reveal the answers:

  1. rose / increased / climbed / grew / went up
  2. a fall / a decline / a drop / a dip / a decrease
  3. climbing / increasing / rising / going up / growing
  4. peak
  5. of

NOTICE: to peak at / a peak of (the preposition changes when you use the verb or noun)


3. Line Graph Adverbs & Adjectives

Below are useful adverbs and adjectives to describe change.

Adjective Definition Exercise: 

What is the real meaning of these adjectives and adverbs? Below you will find a table with adjectives and meanings. Match the adjectives with the correct meaning.

1) rapid / steep / dramaticA) the change took a long time
2) marginal / minimalB) a change that went from very low to very high
3) steady / gradual C) a change that went from about 50 to 100 out of 1,000
4) considerable / significantD) a big change that happened over a very short period of time


Click below to reveal answers:

  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B


4. Time Expressions for Periods of Change

IELTS line graphs show change over  a period of time. Below are some expressions to help you describe the passing of time without too much repetition.

Time phrases:

steady / gradual = these words do not show how much change, but rather that it took a long time for the change

  • over the next three days
  • three days later
  • after three days
  • over the following three days
  • the next three days show
  • from…to… / between … and…
  • the last year / the final year
  • the first year / initially
  • over the period / given period / period given
  • at the beginning of the period
  • at the end of the period
  • over a ten-year period
    • you must have an article (a/the)
    • the word year has no s
    • ten-year has a hyphen



Multiple Task: Line Graph & Bar Chart Model


I hope you found this page useful. All the best, Liz


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Answers for Future Libraries Listening Exercise

Below you will find questions, transcript and answers for the listening exercise of Future Libraries.

I included the audio on this page so that you can listen and read the transcript at the same time. This is a great way to check your answers and also improve your pronunciation.

Questions 1-5: No more than two words and/or a number.

  1. Libraries provide creative spaces and learning ………..
  2. Libraries can help to improve technological ……….. in society.
  3. ………… to any given book becomes possible using Library Bookmark.
  4. Patrons would be able to receive books at home using …………….
  5. Fingerlink allows the user to combine …………….. with a printed book.

Source: Information was taken from Their article contained more ideas for this topic so take a look.


Today, libraries are not only about lending books. They are creative spaces, not only for individuals, but also teams. They are economic incubators and learning hubs. Most of all, the libraries are the entry points to the digital world. They are the way to embrace technology and avoid digital exclusion. Therefore, to improve technological literacy of local communities, libraries should be equipped with relevant technologies.

Here are some suggestions for future improvements of technology in libraries:

  1. Library Bookmark: First of all, the device would be a perfect companion when navigating through the library, by giving turn-by-turn directions to the book the patron wants. The device could also keep track of all borrowed books, as well as remind the user of the return dates.
  2. Delivery Drones: To get the book from a library, you can either go and find it, or you can let it find you. The future belongs to the unmanned flying machines, and just like Amazon drones can deliver the goods to customers, libraries could deliver the books to patrons.
  3. FingerLink: It is a project currently developed by Fujitsu that will let you use digital tools to work with a printed book. It’s a stand you can put on a library desk. It includes two elements: a camera to read the information from the real world, and the projector to display digital information in the real world.


Spelling must be correct to have the answer marked correct. Using all capital letters is recommended for listening and reading answers.

  1. HUBS
    1. Brackets are used in the answer key of test books to show possible answers. In this case, it is possible to have the answer “drones” or “delivery drones”. You cannot use brackets in your test – you must choose only one answer.
    2. It is not possible to have “flying machines”. The paraphrase of drones is actually “unmanned flying machines” but it contains 3 words which goes over the word count limit.

All the best


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