IELTS Diagram: Introduction and Overview

For an IELTS diagram, you need an introduction and overall paragraph containing the main features of the diagram or process in your report. The overview is one of the most important parts of your report and a full overview is essential for a high band score.

The diagram below is of the life cycle of a frog. Life cycles and other cycles, such as the water cycle, are quite common diagrams to get in IELTS writing task 1. The other common type is a process which shows how something is made or how it works.

Introduction and Overview for IELTS Bar Chart

Introduction Paragraph

The introduction paragraph for most diagrams in IELTS is short. Don’t try to make it longer. All you need to do is paraphrase the description given above the diagram.

Overview Paragraph

This is the most important paragraph is all writing task 1 (academic). This means you should aim to have a full overview with stages well summarised. This isn’t just about the number of stages, but an overview of what the main stages are. And yes, you can use the words given in the diagram. The words are given for you to use.

Model Answer Click Below:

Model Introduction and Overview

Introduction Options

  • The diagram illustrates the stages in a frog’s life time.
  • The diagram illustrates the different stages in the life of a frog.
  • The diagram illustrates the phrases that a frog passes through during its life time.

Overview Paragraph

  • Overall, a frog passes through eight stages which start with adult frogs mating and eggs laid in the water from which tadpoles emerge. Tadpoles pass through a number of stages before becoming a froglet, a young frog and finally an adult frog, starting the life cycle again.

Note: this overview is complete. It gives a full summary of the key stages without going into detail. All the detail is then given in the body paragraphs.

Full Model Answer

The diagram illustrates the developmental phases that a frog passes through during its life time.

Overall, a frog passes through eight stages which start with adult frogs mating and eggs laid in the water from which tadpoles emerge. Tadpoles pass through three stages before becoming a froglet, a young frog and finally an adult frog, starting the life cycle again.

Initially, adult frogs mate and then the female frog lays eggs in the water, which are called frogspawn. Seven to ten days later, tadpoles emerge from the eggs which can swim and eat algae for food. Six weeks later, the tadpole grows and develop back legs. This development continues and nine weeks later it develops front legs. Its head and body also becomes more pronounced.

Twelve weeks after the tadpole stages, it becomes a froglet  which resembles a small frog. However, it still has a tail, although shorter than that of a tadpole. At this stage, it also develops pulmonary breathing which enables it to leave the water and breathe air on land. Over time, the froglet becomes a young frog and eventually, four years later, it is an adult frog ready to start the life cycle again.


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IELTS Writing Task 1: Bar Chart

A free video lesson on an IELTS writing task 1 bar chart.

Describing a Bar Chart Step by Step

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IELTS Bar Chart Sample Answer

Below is a band score 9 sample answer for an IELTS  bar chart in writing task 1. Below the model is a link to a video lesson about how to describe an IELTS bar chart. Watch the video to learn essential tips for each paragraph for a high score bar chart.

IELTS bar chart

The bar chart illustrates how many children, divided by gender, played six kinds of sports (tennis, badminton, cycling, swimming, football and hockey) in a town in England in 2012.

Overall, the number of  boys playing sport exceeded that of girls in the given period and the sport with the most significant difference between the genders was football. Football was also the most popular sport for boys, while the majority of girls preferred swimming. Furthermore, both males and females least preferred playing hockey.

There were four sports in which boys participated more than girls. While 60 boys played football, the number of girls playing that sport was considerably lower (around 20).  With regards to tennis, the figure for boys who played that sport was 50 as opposed to just under 40 for girls. Similarly, more boys cycled than girls (approximately 35and 20 respectively). The difference in hockey was minimal with only about 5 more boys playing that sport than girls.

On the other hand, more girls took part in the two remaining sports which both showed a difference of about 10 between the genders. As many as 50 girls took part in swimming in comparison to 40 girls for badminton.

All my model answers are designed to teach you all about language, structure, paragraphing, organisation and fulfilling the task. The way the answer is structured and written is the same for people aiming for band 7 or band 9. Also note the length – longer is not better.

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IELTS Writing Task 1: Line graph 4 main sentences

Learn how to make 4 different complex sentences for a line graph report. It is important to show the examiner that you can make a range of complex sentence structures.

It’s not difficult. You can easily improve your range of complex sentences.


Hello in this lesson I’m going to show you
how to write

different complex sentences for

a line graph report in IELTS writing
task 1

it’s very important when you write

your body paragraphs for your

IELTS task 1 that you have a range

of different complex sentences to show
the examiner

now in a previous lesson

I showed you how to write a sentence

similar to this if you haven’t watched

lesson please watch it is very important
that you understand how to make

the sentence so what I’m going to do is
I’m gonna take this sentence

the same information and change

the order so that we have different

let’s have a look at the sentence first

the number of people becoming a vegetarian

that is our subject it’s quite long

after the subject we’ve got the verb

and if you look at the dates you can see
that it is

the past tense after the verb we need to

described the movement and that

is we say its increased steadily

so that’s our adverb after that

we had the numbers and after the numbers

we had that date so let’s

change that a little bit and write the
sentence in a different way

well one way we could change as we could
start with the dates

so between 2004

and 2007

the number

of people

we say becoming vegetarian increased

steadily from

about 75

to 200 I’ll stop there often when
we put the date first

we have a comma after that

and then we have the number of people

so that’s one way to change it now

there are more ways let’s have a look at
another way

the next way I’m gonna show you to
change that

is can you see this word here increased

now that’s a verb but

we could also use it as a noun an

increase so I’m gonna write a sentence

this word as a noun to do that we need
to start with

there was an increase

okay we always start with there was if it
past tense of course

so there was and lets

stop for a minute because here we’ve got

the word steadily which is an adverb

now we still want to use that word

but because this will be a noun we need
to use this

as an adjective so

if we have an adjective it usually comes

before the noun so that means we need to
change the order

and the form of the word so there was

a steady

increase so

again very important remember if it’s
a verb you have the adverb

afterwards if it’s a noun

you have adjective in front and
we change from steadily

to steady so there was a steady increase

now we need to give this information

but to do that we need to use a
preposition first

and the preposition is

in so there was

a steady increase in the number

of people

we could say becoming vegetarian

if we want to develop that so we’ve got

now we need the numbers

from about 75

to 200 and what’s missing

well the dates are missing

got between 2004

sorry 2004

and 2007

so that is another way to structure

your sentence and still give

all the information we need with the

and the dates now there;s one more way

that I’d like to show you so let’s have a

so the last way I’m gonna show you in
this lesson

is again to use this as

an noun but we changed the sentence

again so the number of

people becoming


experienced a steady


so with this sentence we’ve got the verb

the number experience the figure

we could also say witnessed after the

verb we’ve got the noun a steady

adjective a steady increase

and we got a steady increase

from about 75

to 200

between 2004

and 2007

so now we’ve added the numbers

and the dates well those are the 4

main complex sentences you can use

when you write your line graph report

writing task 1 there are other
sentences we can use but they are the


main ones that you need to practice and

perfect which means write without

too many mistakes remember the more mistakes you

lower your band score will be

so please practice writing those
sentence structures

well that’s all for this lesson I
hope that was useful for you

please remember to press like or share it
with your friends

if it was useful well I’ll see you

in another IELTS lesson

IELTS Graph Tutorial: Writing a Complex Sentence

Learn how to write a complex sentence for an IELTS line graph. It is common to be given a line graph to describe the main trends of the lines. This video tutorial shows you step by step how to write a complex sentence structure of over 25 words.

If you are aiming for band score 6 or above, you need to use complex sentences for your line graph description. This lesson will help you learn what information to put in your complex sentence. The complex sentence in this lesson is typical of a sentence used in a body paragraph.

Sentence Content

  • subject
  • verb
  • adverb
  • difference of amounts
  • numbers
  • dates

All sentences in the body paragraphs should be complex and must be supported by data. This means the sentences must have numbers and dates if you wish to get a high score.

IELTS Video: How to Write a Complex Sentence

How to form a complex sentence structure for IELTS writing task 1 line graph.

Sorry – this video has been removed in order to remake it. I hope to have it ready next year. Meanwhile, use this video instead: 4 Main Sentence Structures for IELTS writing task 1


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