Map Listening Practice: Farm Layout

Below you will find a map listening practice lesson which has been created to help you practise for your IELTS listening test. This is based on the layout of a farm.

Instructions for map listening

  • Review the map
  • Pay attention to the position of the answers
  • Note words already given on the map
  • Locate north
  • Listen to key words and follow the order of information
  • Questions come in order

Please note, these are not IELTS tests. These are free listening lessons which I have created for you.

Map Listening: Farm Layout

The Farm

Questions 1 – 4: Complete the diagram using no more than two words.

Recording Audio

In the IELTS listening test, you can listen only once.

Answers & Transcript

Click to reveal the transcript, answers and a list of keywords. I suggest you use the transcript first to listen and read before checking your answers.

Click below:


As you drive up the driveway you will immediately arrive in the parking area. You will see to your left the farmhouse where the farmer lives as you drive up and directly to the left of the parking area is the main shed. There are a number of smaller sheds located around the main shed which are not currently labelled on the map. In the northwest corner of the farm is a pasture area which is a wide grassy expanse. It provides rich organic grass for our cows and, along with other types of feed, gives us our organic status and key selling point.  From the parking area, you go east through the milk house, which is used daily, and then into the barn. This is where the cows are often sheltered. On the other side of the barn is the manure storage. To the north you will find the calf hutches which are located just beyond the maternity pens. Only 30% of our cows are used for breeding. In the bottom left corner of the barn is the loading chute. To the south are two circular areas, one of which is the feed storage and the other the deadstock area. We hope you will enjoy looking around our farm and learning about how we manage our cows.

  1. pasture area
  2. milk house
  3. maternity pens
  4. feed storage

Knowing keywords for maps and building plans is essential for success in IELTS listening.

  • You will see to your left…
  • directly to the left of ….
  • located around
  • which are not currently labelled on the map
  • In the northwest corner
  • From the parking area, you go east
  • On the other side
  • To the north you will find
  • which are located just beyond….
  • In the bottom left corner of the barn
  • To the south are two circular areas

Adapted from

Recommended for IELTS Listening



Listening Practice: Royal Wedding

This listening practice is based on the Royal Wedding between Prince Harry and Megan Markle in the UK.

Royal Wedding Listening Practice

Listening Questions 1-8

This listening practice is designed to check your ability to listen for numbers.

  • Always read through the questions before listening.
  • Get your pencil and paper ready to make notes!!
  • It’s quite an easy listening exercise, but there are a lot of numbers to note down 🙂


Answers should be no more than one word and/or a number.

  1. When did Queen Victoria get married?
  2. Which date in May did Prince Harry and Megan get married?
  3. How many people were invited to their wedding?
  4. How old is Prince Philip?
  5. What is the approximate cost of the wedding?
  6. How long was the bride’s veil?
  7. How many people watched the wedding worldwide?
  8. What year was Anne Boleyn executed?

Recording Audio

Listen only once.


The answers are available to this lesson. Click below to see the answers:


All the best


For more listening practice, click here: Listening Practice & Tips for IELTS

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Listening for Paraphrases

This is a new lesson which focuses on your ability to listen for paraphrases and synonyms. This is a skill which you need to do well in your IELTS listening test. This is a short listening practice to help you improve your vocabulary and listening ability. The topic of salt was in the IELTS listening test this month.

In the IELTS listening test, you can listening only once. However, with this practice lesson, you can listen twice if you need to.

The History of Salt: Listening Practice

Questions 1 – 7

Which words can you hear in the recording that have the same meaning as the words below?

Answers will come in order. Answers might be one word or more.

  1. acquired
  2. familiar with
  3. thousands of years
  4. animal skins
  5. limited
  6. originates
  7. world

Listening Practice: Recording

Let me know if you think this is a useful lesson – I’ll make more if it helps you 🙂


Click below to see the answers for this lesson:

Click here: Answers for Salt Listening Paraphrases

All the best



Dealing with Natural Disasters: Listen and Write

This lesson is about listening to a recording, taking notes and then reproducing the full written text. This is not an IELTS test practice. It is just a practice exercise to develop sharper listening skills and check your accuracy of written English. Many people preparing for IELTS say they don’t know if their grammar is accurate or not. This is one way to check.

In this lesson, you will check your ability to:

  1. listen for keywords such as nouns
  2. take notes at the same time as listening
  3. recreate what you hear in writing – produce a written script of what you hear
  4. check your grammar
  5. check your spelling
  6. check your punctuation

How to use this lesson:

  1. listen and make notes at the same time
    1.  write down all the nouns you hear. Nouns are always the most important words to write down when you want to reproduce what you hear on paper.
  2. listening again and add more nouns to your list – make sure you keep the order of nouns correct so that you can create the sentences afterwards. You will use those nouns to recreate the full script.
  3. if you need to listen a third time, do so
  4. using the nouns you have written down, try to write the whole script on your paper. Don’t listen at this point. Just look at the nouns on your paper and recreate the passage. You will need to add verbs, adjectives, adverbs, articles (a/the) and any other words to make your writing grammatically accurate.
  5. review what you have written and put in full stops, commas and capital letters.
  6. when you think your writing is accurate, listen one more time to see what  words you have missed.
  7. after those steps, when you are sure your writing is an accurate reproduction, check the answer.
    1. Check which words you are making mistakes with  – are they plurals, articles, verb agreement – which aspects of grammar do you make the most mistakes with
    2. check your spelling and punctuation

This is NOT an IELTS test. It is an opportunity to develop note taking skills at a high level and check the accuracy of your written language.

Listen and Write: The Best Way to Deal with Natural Disasters


Natural Disaster = tsunami, typhoon, earthquake etc


Listening Practice: Villa Rental

This listening practice is to help you with your IELTS preparation. The topic “villa for sale” was reported in the IELTS listening test this month, so I’ve created this listening practice based on renting a villa.

Prepare the questions first and then listen to the recording only once.

Listening Topic for IELTS: Villa Rental

Questions 1-5

Fill in the gaps using no more than three words and/or a number.

  1. The villa has a sauna, gym and an ………………
  2. The town is within ……………….. of the villa.
  3. It is possible to do swimming and …………. at the lake.
  4. Families hoping to avoid the ………………. of life would like this villa.
  5. Rental must be for …………. or longer.

Recording: Listen only once



The answers are now available for this lesson.

For answers click here: Answers to Villa Listening


I will post the transcript and answers tomorrow. For more listening practice, see the Main IELTS Listening Page

All the best


IELTS Listening Practice Multiple Choice

Below is a multiple choice listening exercise about the topic of copyright. This topic has recently appeared in the IELTS listening test. This exercise is not an IELTS test. It is a practice listening exercise for multiple choice questions.

Always read the questions before listening to the recording. In the test, you will have time to do this. However, you can listen only once to the audio.

You might hear all options or words similar to options given. It is your task to focus on paraphrasing and synonyms to select the right answer. You can make notes while you listen. This truly is a test of your vocabulary!!

Listening Questions 1-2

(1) Copyright is important for an author’s………...   (Choose one letter.)

  • A) future work
  • B) privacy
  • C) subsistence
  • D) adulthood

(2) What types of work are protected by copyright?  (Choose two letters.)

  • A) buildings
  • B) all books
  • C) films
  • D) computer components
  • E) nature’s song
  • F) words accompanying music
  • G) public source graphs and charts


Click to play the recording. Make notes while you listen.  The information for this recording is from and you can find more on this page: Copyright & Its Importance


The answers are available for this lesson. Click below:

Click here: Answers for Copyright Multiple Choice Listening

All the best


IELTS Listening: Bitcoin

A short listening exercise which focused on filling in the gaps in a passage. You need to read the passage first before listening the the recording. Make a note of key words in the passage and predict the types of answers that will come (nouns / verbs etc). This audio is on a cloud so you will need stable internet connection to stream it.

Tip: Answers will come in order of the question numbers. To keep your place in the recording and not get list, you need to focus on key words in the passage below and not get lost in the extra detail in the recording.

Post your answers below and I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Listening: What is bitcoin?

Complete the summary using no more than two words and/or a number.

A new currency recently established is the bitcoin which allows (1) …………. transactions. It is not limited geographically and is not controlled by a (2) ………………………… The idea behind it is that money is any object or (3)……… which is accepted as payment. The benefits of bitcoins is that they can easily used online and transactions are (4)…………. but the downside is that they are (5)……………




Click below to see the answers

Answers to Bitcoin Listening


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Answers to Museum Listening

Below are the answers to the listening practice about the Natural History Museum.

Make sure you have finished the listening practice before you see the answers. You can find the listening practice on this page: Museum Listening

Most students got about 4 answers correct. That’s great. For students who got all 5 correct – very well done 🙂

Transcript and Answers

Click below to view the transcript and answers:


The Natural History Museum in London is a museum of natural history that exhibits a vast range of specimens from various segments of natural history. The museum is home to life and earth science specimens comprising some 80 million items within five main collections: botany, entomology, mineralogy, paleontology and zoology. The museum is particularly famous for its exhibition of dinosaur skeletons and ornate architecture—sometimes dubbed a cathedral of nature—both exemplified by the large Diplodocus cast that dominated the vaulted central hall before it was replaced in 2017 with the skeleton of a blue whale hanging from the ceiling. The skeleton is some 25 m long and weighing 10 tons.

Notice: This information was from wiki. You can read more about the Natural History Museum on this page:,_London

  1. 80 million
  2. zoology (the spelling must be correct)
  3. vaulted central hall / central hall / hall
  4. blue whale
  5. 10 tons


See all my IELTS listening exercises and tips: Liz’s Listening Main Page


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