Do you get an extra 10 mins to transfer your answers in IELTS listening and reading? This is extremely important to know.
IELTS Listening: Extra 10 mins
You will listen for 30 mins to a recording and you will answer 40 questions. Your answers will be written on the question paper. You can also make notes and underline on your question paper. At the end of the recording, you will be given 10 mins to transfer your answers from the question paper to the answer sheet.
IELTS Reading: ?
You will be given your reading passages with questions. You will have 1 hour to read the passages and write your answers. Your answer will not be written on the question paper, you MUST write your answers directly onto the answer sheet. You will NOT be given an extra 10 mins to transfer answers. At the end of 1 hour, the invigilator will collect your answer sheet.
Writing Answers: Tips
- Always pay attention to spelling. If you spell the word wrong, you will lose the point.
- Pay attention to plurals. If you miss the plural “s”, the answer will be marked wrong.
- Make sure you put the answer in the right box on the answer sheet. Putting answers in the wrong boxes will affect your score.
IELTS Listening & Reading Lessons
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