Trees, Plants, Gardens and Parks Topics in IELTS Speaking

IELTS Speaking Topics such as Parks, Gardens and Flowers are possible in all parts of the speaking test. In fact, one of the topics below will appear in the Speaking Test each year. These topics can be particularly difficult if you don’t prepare fully. They are certainly used by examiners each year with only slight variations on wording. Below you will find plenty of topics, questions and cue cards for you to prepare at home.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics

Below you will find a list of questions for the topics: parks, gardens, green spaces, trees & plants, and flowers. All these topics can appear in part 1 IELTS speaking.


  • Do you like parks?
  • How often do you go to a park?
  • Did you often go as a child?
  • Are parks popular places in your country?
  • Why do people like parks?
  • What do people do in parks?
  • Do you think parks are important?



  • Do you have a garden or outdoor space in your house or flat?
  • Did you have a garden growing up?
  • Do you think it’s important for children to have access to a garden?
  • What do people enjoy doing in their gardens?
  • Why do some people prefer their own garden to a public park?
  • Do you know anyone who likes growing plants?


Green Spaces

  • Are there many green spaces in your neighbourhood?
  • Did you often use green spaces to play when you were young?
  • Did your hometown have many green spaces where you could play?
  • Do you think neighbourhoods look better with green spaces and trees?
  • Why do you think green spaces are important in a city?


Plants and Trees

  • Do you like trees and plants?
  • What’s your favourite plant?
  • Have you ever grown a plant?
  • Have you ever planted a tree?
  • Did you learn about trees and plants as a child?
  • Did you ever climb a tree when you were young?
  • Do you think children benefit from nature?
  • Do you think trees and plants are important?



  • Do you like flowers?
  • What’s your favourite flower?
  • Have you ever received flowers from someone?
  • Did you ever give someone flowers?
  • Are there any special occasions in your country when it’s suitable to give flowers?
  • Are flowers important in your culture?

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Cards: Gardens, Parks, Trees etc

You will see below that the list of part 2 topics is very similar to those of part 1. If you prepare fully for all the above part 1 questions and topics, you will have an easy time in part 2 because you’ll be able to adapt your answers to fit the cue card.

Someone you know who likes planting trees

  • who that person is
  • how that person is connected to you
  • why they planted trees
  • what you think about their actions


Someone you know who likes gardening

  • who the person is
  • what they do in the garden
  • why it is important to them
  • what you think about it


A place with trees

  • where it is
  • when you first went there
  • what you do there
  • why you remember it


A green space or park you like (2024 currently in use)

  • where it is
  • how often you go there
  • what you do there
  • why you like it

All the ideas and vocabulary for the above topics can be adapted for the following cue cards: a peaceful place, a quiet place, an interesting person, an elderly person, a healthy hobby, a quiet hobby, a cheap hobby, something to do in your leisure time, a picnic etc. You can easily use the language from these topics in many other topics for part 2.

Please remember, the examiner is not testing your knowledge of trees or flowers. Even if you don’t know the name of the flower you like, you can still talk about your memories of it and describe it. See the model below.

If your topic is about a park or garden, you can expand your talk by talking about activities people do in the park/garden, descriptions, comparisons with other places, your opinion of their importance, your memories as a child, your future hopes etc etc.

Model Answer for Speaking Part 2 Plants & Gardens

This is another example of a cue card for these topics. The model answer is from someone who is not from the UK.

A plant, tree or flower you like

  • what it is
  • where it grows
  • why you like it

I’d like to talk about a tree that I’ve always loved. I don’t remember the name of the tree, even in my own language, but it’s a very large tree that can reach around 30 meters high and has a really wide diameter. It spreads really far offering a lot of shade in summer which is really great. The unusual thing about the tree is that is aΒ  complex system of roots. The roots are really different from other trees. The roots come from the branches and grow towards the earth to form part of the tree’s trunk. It’s really amazing to see. It’s just so unique.

In my country, it grows all over the place, in most regions. But I don’t think it’s a tree that grows in Europe or the UK. Where I live, there are these kinds of trees in some of the streets, but mainly in the parks. We are really lucky in my city that there are plenty of parks where you can go to escape the hustle and bustle of urban life. It’s great to be able to get away from the noise of traffic and go somewhere peaceful where there’s lots of shade when the weather is scorching hot. And this tree really makes the park feel more special.

I think it’s pretty hard to describe why I like this tree. The only thing I can say is that it feels magical. It’s such a huge tree, taller than most, and definitely one of the widest trees in the park. It’s appearance is really striking. If you compare it with other trees, it looks like something from another planet. I remember when I was young, I used to imagine hiding among the roots and possible entering another world. I hope my children will one day enjoy it as much as I do.

Feedback on Model Answer

  1. Great vocabulary – diameter, roots, root system, branches, tree trunk, hustle and bustle, shade, scorching hot, magical
  2. Strong grammar – different tenses including present, past tense and a future form. Also complex sentences, comparatives, superlative
  3. Good descriptive language. It doesn’t make any difference to the score that the speaker doesn’t know the name of the tree. The descriptions are very strong.
  4. The final part of the talk is about past memories and future hopes. This is a great way to expand the talk and to showcase different grammar tenses.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: parks, flowers, trees etc

  • Do you think parks play an important role in a city?
  • Do you think parks affect the quality of air in urban areas?
  • Which do you think is more important: housing or green spaces?
  • Why are trees important?
  • Do you think green spaces and parks help people’s mental health?
  • What do you think of deforestation?
  • Do you think we should protect trees?
  • What can the government do to protect natural beauty spots more in your country?
  • Are plants important to the economy of your country?
  • Does your country have a symbolic plant or flower?
  • Are there any traditional celebrations where plants or flowers play a role?
  • Why do so many people want their own garden?
  • Do you think people should be encouraged to grow their own food?
  • Do you think children should be taught to grow their own food?
  • Do you think children should learn to plant trees?
  • Why do so many old people enjoy parks and gardens?
  • Do you think all houses and flats should have their own gardens?

As you see from the list above, these questions are very similar to the types of questions you might get in Writing Task 2. Take your time to prepare for them.

For more Speaking Topics, click here: IELTS Speaking Main Page (Topics, Tips & Model Answers)

All the best

Liz πŸ™‚


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  1. Nadira says

    Liz , thanks a lot dear😍may Allah blessings youπŸ–€ respect and love from Bangladesh πŸ‡§πŸ‡©

  2. Jayram Chaudhary says

    Hello sir/madam
    Please provied me some meterials about ielts exam i have to booked my date after 1 week so please provide me.

    • This website contains over 300 website pages of free lessons, tips, topics etc – please use them. Go to the HOME page and learn how to use this website for your free IELTS preparation.

  3. Hello Liz, how are you? I hope you fully recovered and feeling better now and hope that 2023 is a good year for you!

    my name is Zay and I got 7 overall on my first attempt back in Dec 2022. I wanted band 7 for all sections except writing (6.5 is acceptable for my needed professional license)

    I got listening 7.5 , reading 6.5, writing 6.5 and for the speaking I got 8.

    on my first attempt, I couldn’t sleep on the previous night and I was so nervous. I knew i’d mess up somehow. So, I took the exam again a few days ago. i tried to stop thanking about the exam and relax on the previous day.

    I think I did well on the written exam, but I am not sure I did well on speaking p3. I think my answers to the questions were logical and reasonable but not long enough to show my fluency. I wasn’t so comfortable around the examiner, I guess. no matter what I answer, she would show a blank face πŸ™ ..

    is it necessary to speak till the examiner stops you? because she didn’t stop me in p3. she just hums, nods and asks the next one, and so on. I think my answers were 3-4 sentences and I don’t remember using many linking words.

    wish me luck.

    • Fluency is only one aspect of the speaking test and it isn’t just about length. It’s also about speaking without hesitations or pauses. So, even if your answers aren’t very long because you don’t have many ideas, your ability to speak seamlessly will still help your scoring. And of course, there are the other three criteria to consider as well. As for linking words, these are mainly marked in the writing test rather than the speaking test. Hopefully you are very clear on the differences in marking between those two tests. Regarding examiner behaviour, each examiner behaves slightly differently which is why it is important that you understand the test, have clear goals and keep focused so that their behaviour doesn’t impact you. My recommendation is to relax. You’ve done your second test and it’s time to just wait for the results. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you πŸ™‚

      • hello liz I’ve just got my result
        I got L8.5 R7 W6.5 and S6.5

        I guessed all the first 3 sections correctly ..

        but 6.5 in speaking? I am so shocked. I expected 7 at least but I knew fumbling in p3 was the biggest reason.

        I am feeling down. Hopefully I can forget about this tomorrow 😒

        • Sorry to hear you didn’t hit your target. You now know the importance of fluency for speaking. Remember, your ideas are not marked in the speaking test so you just need to aim for being chatty. If you need help with the writing test, consider my advanced lessons: Your recent test is just a minor set back and you have learned from it. So, be strong from here on πŸ™‚

          • thank you for your encouraging words. I truly appreciate it. 😊

            it’s a set back, indeed. I don’t know what to do anymore. I need to think of something else for now.

  4. Liz, I hope you get better soon.
    You’re an amazing teacher and I love your lessons!!!

  5. Hi Liz

    I have my ielts exam in 10 December 2022. So can you please send me the IELTS’s spelling listening, reading and writing important material please. I appreciate for your help I’m advance.
    Nikunj Patel

    • Go to the HOME page of this website or use the RED menu bar at the top of the website to access all materials for each part of the test. You must use the materials online.

  6. Thank you Liz for informing us about such valuable information. It really help us a lot to know more about IELTS exam and make it easy. May God bless you. love from Bangladesh.

  7. Edikan. says

    Thank you Liz for sharing this knowledge with us. God bless you . How is your health?

    • You’re welcome. Thanks for asking. My illness is long term and will take a long time to properly resolve. It is also possible it might not resolve at all. I just hope that next year will be a good year and I’ll see real improvement. I’ll let you know at some point how I’m doing.

  8. Ayuba Abdul karim says

    Thanks for the updates, this really serve as a good guide .

  9. Thank you. you are helping thousand of student on this planet. respect and love from Bangladesh.

  10. Leigh Mumford says

    A wonderful and ‘topical’ topic.

  11. Md. Mahabubur Rahman says

    Thank you mam for your most valuable information.

  12. Kiyimba Tibita Elias says

    Very good to learn about all these. They can surely uplift someone’ grade.

    • Yes, I think it’s very important to learn a good range of topics and be prepared for these more difficult topics.

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