Below are some ideas for the advantages and disadvantages which tourism brings to a community. These ideas can be used both for speaking part 3 and also writing task 2 in IELTS.
Essay Question
Over the last few decades, there has been an increase in international tourism. Some people think that tourism is beneficial for local communities and should be encouraged.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Speaking Part 3 Questions
- Do you think tourism is a good thing?
- Why do you think some people ย believe tourism to be bad for local communities?
- Do you think local communities change as an effect of tourism?
- Do you think there are more advantages than disadvantages of tourism for local communities?
Don’t forget we are looking at the effects of tourism as an industry rather than a tourist as a person. Don’t confuse the two.
Advantages of Tourism
- Tourism brings money and boosts the economy.
- It offers employment to local people.
- It offers fresh perspectives on life and culture.
- Locals usually need to learn English to talk to tourists which can have beneficial long term effects.
- To boost tourism, local communities often invest money on improving the infrastructure which has lasting positive effects.
Disadvantages of Tourism
- Tourism can create a economic dependency which can be detrimental to the community if it is not sustainable.
- Tourism can have a negative impact on the local environment in terms of pollution.
- noise pollution from tourist entertainment
- air pollution from increased transportation
- Tourism can cause friction between locals and tourists, if local culture is not respected.
- The bulk of the money brought in by tourism rarely finds its way into local hands and instead lines the pockets of the middle man (the tour operator).
I really like the expression of the last point: “rarely finds its way into local hands and instead lines the pockets of middlemen.” It’s always a pleasure to find such a natural and nice way to express ideas. But may I ask is it “academic” enough to be put in the writing part? And should we use “local people” instead of “locals” if we wanna be more formal?
As long as the word isn’t actually informal by nature, then it’s fine to use in all IELTS writing tasks. For example “it cost an arm and a leg” is very descriptive and informal, this would not be suitable. However, “locals” is completely fine to use. You would not get a higher band score by using “local people” because both words are suitable.
Good to know, thank you!
Thank you .very helpful
You’re welcome ๐
Hello Liz,
Thank you for all the videos and supporting/important points for all the modules of ILETS.
However I’d like to know whether its appropriate to use bullet points as a part of one or the othe paragrahps written.?
Is writting a set of lines in bullet points considered to be a part of coherrance/cohesion?
It is not possible to use bullet points at all in your essay. All sentences must be written fully as this is part of the your score for Grammar which is 25% of your marks.
I am really confused with writing task 2. I want to make sure that is the parts of speech like is, am, the, there, that, etc counted in exam of acedimic ielts in world limit?
Plz answer hurry i hav my exam on 23 june.
ALL words are counted – regardless of their size.
I want to know that at the writing task 2. At the beginning of the sentence, do I need to keep a space on the paper before writing in each paragraph. Please respond me soon because my exam is within this week.
It is possible to indent the first line of a paragraph. But this isn’t the best way to make your paragraphs clear. The best way is to leave one empty line between each paragraph. This isn’t about rules. It’s about making things very very clear for the examiner who marks your essay.
Hello Liz Madam,
On 27th I did my speaking test.The Question was
“Which tourist place you need to visit.
1.what preparation you need to take
2.what you have done there.
And sub-questions related to this topic was
>what types of preparation you need to take?
>when will you start your preparation?
>what types of preparation you will take?
>where will you visit and what is the specialty?
>whom with you will visit at there?
>which sort of people like to travel.{youngesters or elder}?
This is not in order but almost 75 percent of questions I share with you.Kindly be prepare to whom for the IELTS Speaking test.It cannot predict the types of questions that you will get.
\\\\ALL THE BEST////
Thanks for sharing ๐
Thank you so much for helping us pass the ielts exam. I had 7.5 in writing and an overall band score of 8. Lots of love all the way from Nigeria.
Very well done, Laura!! Band 8 is a great score ๐
Hello Laura, congratulations on your result. Can you please share some questions you were asked if you remember any? My exam is coming up this month in Nigeria as well.
Hey Debbie. I ll be glad to share some question’s. In writing task 2 youths are taking up more leadership positions is it a positive or negative thing…
Speaking. … what you do…..
Tell me about good news that happened to someone you know very well. Who the person is what the good news is and how I felt about the news.
Lastly few questions about media and technology..
I hope it helps
Thanks Laura. I sincerely appreciate your response. I hope to share my result with you soon.
Thanks once again.
Hi Laura, I just read about your high IELTS total band score of 8! Congrats! That was great! How did you do it, so well? And pls tell me how long you studied to make such an impressive score. I’ve been practicing, but I find the time given too short, especially for reading! What do I do?
Congrats again!
Dear Liz
I am very happy if you come to our country. Because you are good IELTS teacher people want to learn from you
I wish I could travel to each and every country to teach IELTS ๐
Dear liz
Firstly you will come to our country because your teaching quality is different among the other teacher
i need speaking partner…please tell me about this soon….as my ielts exam will be on 6 may……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….request..!
I’m here if you still want that untill now
I need speaking partner this week my exam next Friday my phone number is 01096880404, Egypt
Really, I wanna thank you for every thing because I achieve my target and got my score after I follow your instruction.
Well done ๐
hi liz my name is Amanpreet Singh i am from punjab moga city india, exam is on 19th may i love your website and i hope to get good result.thank you for this are nice liz…….
Hi Liz,
My GT exam was on 8th October at New Delhi.
Writing task 2:
Interview is common method to hire people.
Write some other available methodes and explain which methode you think is best for recruitment?
Task 1:
write letter to invite your friend in you country.
Explain an public event?
Invite him.
Explain what else you can do with him?
What kind of house you dream in future ?
Explain your current one ?
And how it is different from past?
Q-card on :
Painting or photograph in house?
Third section :
Do paintings need to be compulsory module in schools?
Should elder people learn how to paint?
Images with camera are good ….or paintings are good ….?
Please guide me with below:
I got 7 bands (R-7.5, L-8 , S-6.5, W-6) last time in IELTS academic 4 years ago and it was 6.5 in speaking that time.
But this time my examiner interrupted me in every question she asked, therefore I did not answer any question completely.
And other thing when she provided q-card, I haven’t prepared for 1 minute and started speaking even she asked me are you sure you don’t want to prepare? (Is that will give her impression of crammed answer? )
But I completed 2 minutes.
And I think overall she spent just 7-8 minutes interviewing me, please let me know how I can take this kind of behaviour. I am really worried about my speaking module.
Thanks for sharing ๐ It is normal that the examiner can interrupt your answer. This is because of timing and the examiner wanting to test various aspects of language using different questions. The examiner might have been worried that your answer was memorised if you needed no time to prepare. However, if you spoke naturally and followed the topic, I’m sure it will not affect your score. I always advise students to use the full minute to prepare. If you feel that your English language was strong and flexible, you will still get a good score. Let’s wait for your results.
All the best
Thanks for explanations !
Hi Liz,
Thank you 100% for your videos and information which guide me to Prepare well for my exam…
I suggest your videos to my friends for some effective preparation.
You’re welcome ๐ I’m glad my lessons are useful.
Hi Liz,
Is there any section in website which provides sample answers or key ideas related to these essay topics:
I need to develop my writing skills and ideas for different topics, please suggest ๐
All my model essays and topic ideas are on my main writing task 2 page. I don’t have more at present.
Thanks for quick repose, in mean time I found link below, just mentioning in comment might it help other users:
Hi Liz, please help me to correct my introduction on “Tourism and The Local Community”
here is my introduction.
International tourism has shown a steady rise in number since many preceding decades. Some people think that tourism should give benefits to local people and be promoted. In my opinion, although i agree tourism brings positive impact, it is also leads to several backwards for local communities.
thank for for your help and attention.
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