Speaking Part 1 Topic: Sleep

This is a new topic which has appeared in the least few months in part 1 of the IELTS speaking test. Below are some questions for this topic.


  • How many hours do you usually sleep at night?
  • What time do you go to bed?
  • Do you go to bed at the same time everyday?
  • Do you ever have a  nap during the day?
  • Do you think sleep is important?
  • Should older people sleep more than children?

Here is a question with a model answer for this topic:

Q. Do you often take a nap during the day?

A. To be honest, I hardly ever nod off during the day but, I suppose, if I’ve had a really exhausting day, which is pretty rare, I may have a short siesta after lunch.

Useful Vocab

  • nap (a short sleep)
  • snooze (a short sleep)
  • nod off (go to sleep – often used for daytime sleeping)
  • drift off to sleep (slowly go off to sleep)
  • deep sleep
  • struggle to get to sleep
  • sleeping pill (medication to help someone get to sleep)
  • 40 winks (short sleep of a few minutes)
  • siesta (short sleep after lunch – Spanish in origin)

The Importance of Sleep is an IELTS reading exercise to practice summary completion for this topic. It contains some more useful vocabulary for you.


  1. watching in 2024. I have decided to use your lessons solely in my preparation towards my IELTS . I will be back with my success story.

    • Good luck! However, you will still need to practice with the IELTS Cambridge test books, which are real test papers published by IELTS.

  2. Thank. These tips work well for my learning.

  3. Kim Dung Pham says

    Thanks so much for your useful lessons. I am getting to know more about Ielts and your web is really a helpful address.

  4. Parvesh kumar says

    How to say if i have very less amount of time to sleep due to workload mam

  5. Nguyễn Hoàng Hiệp says

    i usually sleep at night about 5 or 6 hours. i go to bed at 11pm. I don’t go to bed at the same time everyday. I often have a nap during the day. I think sleep is very important.

    • Try to link your sentences together in order to speaking more naturally: “Well, I go to bed at 11pm and sleep for about 5 or 6 hours. I don’t really go to bed at the same time each day – it just depends. If I go to bed late, I usually have a nap during the day. “

  6. Hello
    can you please provide model answer for the topic of acoustic room

  7. tnx

  8. simple boy says

    Its tough question to answer . Well I think old people need to have rest more than the younger ones . Its so because old people get tired and easily exhausted. Young people are more energetic than old so, it s nice to provide more sleep hours to aged people

    • Bhavin Patel says

      The number of sleep hours a person need and age have a positive correlation. This means as a person get older, he needs less sleep. You might have noticed that infant and young child sleep longer hours than young adults do. Similarly, young adults need to sleep longer to feel refreshed than elderly individuals. This is a normal physiological change in human life.

  9. Nguyễn Hương says


  10. Edward says

    What is the best way to answer the question which says, Who is suppose to have long hours of sleep, young people or adults?

    • For the speaking test, you can answer that any way you want because there are no points for ideas. You only get points for your English language. Here are some possible answers for a speaking part 1 question:

      1. I think that young people probably need more sleep than older people because they are more active both physically and mentally. Sleep helps them recharge their batteries so to speak.
      2. I think old people need more sleep because they frequently get tired. Their energy doesn’t last as long as young people so a good night’s sleep is the only way they can get through the day.

      Let me know if you have any other answers 🙂

      • Hi Liz, I do have a question regarding this, suppose if examiner will ask this similar question. Then, can we stand for both points by referring to the sleeping hours and being energetic? Well, obviously i can see that you have answered two time by adopting two different approaches. Can we talk about both that It occasionally happens and actually depends?

        • In IELTS speaking, your answer (your ideas and how relevant they are) is not marked. Not at all. This means you can give any answer you want. The examiner will only marked that language you produce. So, task response does not exist in IELTS speaking.

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