Post Your IELTS Test Results

After your test, share your IELTS results and experiences to inspire others πŸ™‚

Post your IELTS test results

  • Post your results in the comments box below
  • Please add your profession or academic subject
  • Add tips and share experiences
  • It is always a pleasure for me to see your results πŸ™‚


  • Not all results will be displayed. I receive hundreds of results, only some will be posted – usually the top ones.
  • If you want remarking advice – please read the other comments as I have already replied about this.
  • Scores under band 8 might be delete after a few months. This keeps the page loading time down.
  • If you results are withheld, click here:Β results are withheld info

Your Own IELTS Tips Page

If youΒ scored band score 8, 8.5 or 9, and you wish to share your tips and experiences with others, email me.: Click here to see an example of a successful candidate’s tips: How I scored….

I hope you did well and are happy with your results πŸ™‚


If you would like information about the IELTS Test and Results, click here.

If you would like information about the Band Scores, click here.


  1. Athira says

    Dear Liz,

    I hope you are doing well!
    Here is my IELTS experience. I did my first IELTS attempt on February 24, 2024, without much preparation and scored 6.5 in listening, reading, and writing, and 7 in speaking. Wanting a better score, I took the exam again on April 6th. This time, I prepared for listening and reading using the study materials available on your site and practice lessons from the Cambridge IELTS books for general training. Due to my busy work schedule, I had very little time to prepare. However, I am happy to report that this time I achieved better results:

    Reading: 9
    Listening: 8.5
    Writing: 7.0
    Speaking: 7.0
    Overall Score: 8.0

    Although I took the computer-based test, the results were only published on May 15th because they were withheld for investigation by the IELTS team. I am very grateful to you for providing such useful study materials online and helping us all. Wishing you good health. Love you!

    • Excellent results!! Very well done and thanks for coming back to share them πŸ™‚

  2. Kamila says

    Hello Liz,
    I’m a frequent follower of you since 2020 and read almost all the model answers published here on your website. Due to unforeseen circumstances in life, I could not do IELTS until last week. I am a Medical professional in Sri Lanka and hoping to pursue my career in Australia.
    I did my IELTS Academic (Computer based) in April_2024.
    Listening: 8.0
    Reading: 8.0
    Writing: 7.5
    Speaking: 8.5
    Overall: 8.0

    I followed your instructions & tips readily and I’m really pleased that I could achieve a desired score with much confidence. I saw your recent update on your current medical condition and honestly was shocked. I hope and pray that you would recover in due course.
    And once again, Thank you so much for all your kind assistance!

    • Wonderful to see your results. Very well done πŸ™‚ I wish you all the best and hope you make it to Australia – the land of sun and amazing wildlife. Thanks for your wishes for my health.

  3. Wong Yoke Peng says

    Dear Liz,

    I would like to share my IELTS results:
    Overall – 8.0
    Listening – 8.5
    Reading – 8.0
    Speaking – 7.5
    Writing – 7.0

    Thank you so much Liz. Will be forever grateful to you. This is my first attempt. ( my last exam was 24 years ago)

    • Impressive for someone who isn’t accustomed to taking tests. Very well done! And thanks for coming back to share your results with everyone πŸ™‚

  4. Hi Liz,

    I only had one day to prepare and someone recommended your site. I did way better than I expected on my first try, thank you.

    Listening – 8.5
    Reading – 7.0
    Writing – 7.0
    Speaking – 8.0

  5. Sanika says

    Hi Liz,
    I just got my IELTS Academic result today(First attempt). And all I wanna say is Thank You so much Liz. Your resources were a great catalyst towards my prep journey.
    My Score:
    L: 8.5
    R: 9
    S: 7
    W: 7
    Overall: 8
    The band is much higher than i initially expected and the credit goes to you. I am an university student who has english as my third language. Your free resources, tips and tricks are absolute goldmines for the testtakers and I’m absolutely gonna be recommending your resources to everyone who is taking the exam.
    I wish you the best.

    • Band 8 overall is a great score and band 9 in reading is fantastic!! Very well done! I’m glad my website was helpful πŸ™‚

  6. Bibek Devkota says

    Hi Liz,
    I just got my results today πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ and I’m overwhelmed by the results. I scored an overall 7.5
    I just want to thank you for your tips and videos. They really helped me out. I was stressed about speaking because it lasted only about 8-9 mins. I’m really proud that I found you during my Ielts preparation.
    I wish you all the best for your health.

  7. Hello Liz, I scored 7.5 overall in my IELTS exam. I prepared for about 2.5 weeks solely through your website and gave mock tests from the Cambridge books as you had suggested. I was preparing through different other websites a few days before I found your website and I was flustered with the unorganized material, type of questions and answers provided there. Finally, I was pleased to have found your curated content.

    A big thanks to you, Liz! IELTSLIZ, the whole platform is a great work by you and you are an amazing teacher too. I learned that you do this single handedly and that’s commendable. You are amazing! Also, I have known that you have not been keeping well for a long time for which I wish you get well soon and feel much better to do whatever you love the most. Thanks again!

    • Very well done with your results πŸ™‚ I’m glad you could gain so much from my website lessons and tips. Thanks for your wishes for my health, I appreciate it.

  8. Jeanne says

    Hi Liz,
    I’d like to thank you for the help you provide to so many people in preparation for IELTS exams. I took IELTS Academic on 9 March 2024 to apply to the university. I had 1 month of preparation but due to work could not practice every day. Your videos, along with mock tests in reading and listening, were my main source of help.

    My results are the following:
    Listening: 9
    Reading: 8
    Writing: 7 (expected much worse!)
    Speaking: 8
    Overall: 8

    Good luck to you and thank you very much!

  9. Thanks Liz, your site was really helpful. I attempted IELTS for the first time and got an overall band score of 8. Here is the breakdown of the result: L 8.5, S 8.5 R 7.5 W 7. I didn’t manage my time well in the reading and writing sections, but overall, I am pleased, and the result is sufficient for my studies.

    • I’m really pleased to see your scores! I know time management can be an issue in the test. But even so, you still did very well. Good for you πŸ™‚

  10. Practiced for 2 weeks and got fair marks:
    Listening – 8.5
    Reading – 7.5
    Writing- 7
    Speaking – 8

    Thank you, Liz!

  11. Nivedita says

    Hi Liz,

    Happy new year to you and hope you are doing well.
    I’m a professional and took my IELTS academic test just before the New year. I prepared for the exam in 2 weeks by self-studying and going through your videos, notes and tips.
    I remember just before the L,R,W exams, I was anxious and reviewing your tips for writing tasks since it’s my weak area. My heartfelt thanks to you that I scored an overall band 8 πŸ™‚
    Listening: 8.5
    Reading: 8
    Writing: 8 (woohoo)
    Speaking: 7.5

    Now, I strongly recommend your content to anyone who is reliant on themselves for preparing! All of your materials are brilliant and thanks again for helping so many of us.
    I wish you good health.

    With kind regards

  12. Hello Liz,

    My name is Adeola, and I wrote my IELTS General Training exam a few days before Christmas. I am happy to inform you that I obtained an overall score of 9, with the following results for each section:

    – Reading: 9
    – Writing: 8.5
    – Listening: 9
    – Speaking: 8.5

    I want to express my gratitude for the resources and tips available on your website and for the Cambridge IELTS textbook you recommended. With these materials, I was able to prepare well for the exam and exceed my target score of 8.5 overall.

    Thank you very much for your hard work, dedication, and support. Your contribution has been invaluable, and I truly appreciate it. May God bless you abundantly.

    Wishing you a fantastic year ahead in 2024.

    • Overall band 9 is incredible! I hope you celebrated your results!! You completely nailed the test. Very well done! Wishing you a wonderful 2024 full of joy and fulfilment πŸ™‚

  13. Dear Liz,

    I am a graduated student in philosophy and I just used three days to review all your videos and tips regarding IELTS Academic test before the exam. I am using the score to apply for my PhD.

    Here are my scores:
    Listening: 9.0
    Reading: 9.0
    Writing: 7.0
    Speaking: 8.0
    Overall: 8.5

    I was genuinely surprised when I saw the result because I thought I have to resit for the exam again.

    For reading and listening parts, I was able to achieve band 8 about 5 years ago and I had no idea how to improve, because I honestly had no idea where I could go wrong. Until I read your tips about how to judge true or false options and listening to plural nouns in the listening part. Your tips helped me easily get full score.

    For the writing part, I have been stuck at 6.5 since I was a high school student. Before this test, I carefully studied all your tips for writing task 2. I had written an awesome task 2 but I did not even finish task 1 because of time management. But, I managed to write over 150 words and had written down my conclusion for task 1. Still, I had a better score than 6.5

    Thank you very much for your site.

    • Such a great score!! Wonderful to see you push your score from overall 8 to 8.5!! Now you can rest easy and enjoy your results πŸ™‚ Well done to you πŸ™‚

  14. Chamathka Perera says

    Hi Liz,
    Hope you doing well!
    I got an overall band 07 in IELTS last September with one month of preparation. I read through your lessons and followed your advice on all 04 skills. Thank You So Much for your advice and guidance. It was marvelous! Many Thanks !!!

  15. Dhiksha Mohan says

    Hi our favorite Liz!
    I was waiting to post my results on the comment all these weeks, while preparing with your website materials and tips.

    L=8.00, R=8.50, W=7.00, S=8.00, Overall=8.00


    • Great to see your score!! Band 8 overall is a very strong score!! Well done to you πŸ™‚

  16. SarahEL says

    I just want to thank you Liz for your selfless service to humanity via your website. After myself studying, I gave the exam last year and got band 6 on reading . I was scared of retaking the exam as I needed a higher band . i summoned courage and followed your teachings judiciously and your recommended Cambridge book for real exam questions. I finally took the the exam September and had overall band score of 7 and an 8 in reading. Thank you so much.
    i pray you get well so soon. Gods grace.

    • I’m so pleased for you!! It’s great to see your reading score improve so much. It really shows how important it is to prepare the right way. But the credit goes to you for taking on board all the techniques and doing all the practice. Very well done to you πŸ™‚ Thanks for your wishes for my health – I hope I get better soon

  17. Md. Atiqur Rahman says

    Hi Liz,

    I hope you are doing well now. Today I received my IELTS test result and secured band 7.5 overall, no band less than 6.5. I got a lot of help from your website, particularly for writing part.

    Thank you and your team. Keep up the good work. Wishing you for betterment of your health.

    Best Regards,

    • That’s great news!! Very well done πŸ™‚ I work alone but thanks for your support πŸ™‚


    Hi Liz,

    I am Lissette, I am a professional in Business and Marketing.
    I would like to thank you because my band score in IELTS was 7.0 🀩, for my exam I had around three weeks to prepare in August and then I took the exam on September. It was a lot of preparation with all your exercises and videos.
    I’m so thankful with you!

    A Tip I can share: For writing and speaking, itΒ΄s great to practice with topics you aren’t so familiar with, that encourages to formulate different sentences and practice vocabulary.

    My best wishes for you!

    Best regards,

    • Band 7 is a great result! Well done to you. Yes, I agree that practicing unusual topics is extremely important for both the speaking and writing test. And it certainly does help to develop vocabulary and language in general. Good tip πŸ™‚

  19. Ababil Islam says

    Hi Liz,
    Hope you are doing absolutely great. Frankly to say, it’s quite arduous for me to express my words to you because it won’t be sufficient. Your resources helped me incredibly throughout my journey, starting from materials to Youtube videos.
    I never imagined achieving overall 7.5 and particularly 7 in writing. Your writing task 2 grammar book is heaven for a aspirant. I just love the way how you manage to simplify complicated things. “A perfect mentor as well as a guide.”
    Lots of love from BangladeshπŸ‡§πŸ‡©
    Kind regards,
    Ababil Islam.

    • Great results!! Very well done to you! Band 7 in writing isn’t easy. Thanks for all your kind words. I’m so pleased you found my Grammar E-book useful. It took ages for me to put it together and each time I thought I had finished, I found more things I wanted to add or explain. I wish you lots of luck with your next steps in life πŸ™‚

  20. Hi Liz,
    I am Asadbek.
    R 8.5, L 8.0, S 7.5, W 7 Overall 8.0.
    I can say that your lessons helped me incredibly. Thanks a lot for all.
    God bless you.

  21. Pradnya says

    L – 8.5, R – 8.5, W – 7, S – 7.5

    I got my desired score in IELTS!
    Thank you Liz your website helped me a ton πŸ™‚

  22. Hi Liz,
    Thank you for your help and tips, I stumbled on your site while looking for solutions to improve my Reading score in IELTS despite exceeding overall band scores required.
    With Just 5 days of practice I was able to achieve a 7.5 score in my reading.
    I wrote my exams on the 19th of August 2023.
    You helped the storm blow over by sharing your knowledge freely. God bless you and Thank you so much.

    kind regards

  23. Hello Liz,

    Took IELTS General and scored overall 8 with L-8.5, R-8, W-7.5, S-7. Thanks a ton for all the material you have put on this website. I barely studied for 1-2 days. I just went through all your tips, videos and lessons. I think that was enough and I didn’t want to over-complicate it. Very happy indeed πŸ™‚ You are the best Liz.

    • I’m really pleased for you. Very well done πŸ™‚ And I’m glad you didn’t over-complicate it – that’s a mistake many people make with IELTS.

  24. Hello Liz,

    This is Ann from Kolkata, India. I had chosen to give the Pen and Paper Academic IELTS test. I appeared for my IELTS in August 2023 and have received my results which are as follows:- Speaking- 8.0, Writing- 8.0, Listening- 9.0, Reading- 9.0, making it Overall – 8.5.

    My Speaking Part 1 had some questions about my work followed by my interests in Space and space programmes.
    Speaking Part 2: Cue card on “Someone I met at a party and details on the conversation we had and why was it interesting to meet them.”
    Speaking Part 3- Primarily about public speakers and their notion of choosing sides.

    Writing Task 1 – Bar chart defining the production of the world across Asia, Europe and Rest of the world.
    Writing Task 2- Some celebrities feel media often violates their personal space and shares their private life publicly, while some people believe it is a part of being a celebrity. What is your opinion.

    I want to personally thank you for the guidance you provide in your websit and youtube channel. I studied mostly through you and had followed all instructions you gave, to the T. I was working alongside studying, and it could get overwhelming at times, but I was assured that you are there to see me through. Thank you Liz, for being an outstanding teacher and an amazing human being. All my prayers are with you. Stay blessed.


    • Such a great result, Ann!! Very well done to you πŸ™‚ You had some interesting topics for your speaking and writing test but you nailed it all. πŸ™‚

  25. Hi Liz,
    I just received my result and I got L-8.5,R-8,W-7.0, S-7.0, Overall, 7.5!
    I’m going to study pharmacy and when I first received the news that I need to take IELTS, I only got 1+ month to prepare for the test plus I was working as a part timer at that time so it is safe to say I was really STRESSED OUT! As English is not my first language and I never went to an English school I was so worried I won’t be able to fulfil my university’s English proficiency requirement. Besides, I did not pay for any marking service and solely relied on your website and tips! I’m really grateful for your website and wishing you a fast recovery from your illness!
    Some tips:
    Listening & Reading- Do use the Cambridge IELTS series as your main resource! Don’t find other resources that is harder as you think the harder the better. The Cambridge series is sufficient, trust me! And really do a lot of practice!! It will help you feel more confident and understand the format.
    Writing- KNOW THE FORMAT OF THE TYPES OF ESSAY! For me, I did not read a lot of essays due to time constraint but I made sure I truly know how to answer each type of essays. I remembered choosing a balanced approach for my essay. (Refer to Liz’s tips to understand more! It truly isn’t that hard as you long as you understand how to tackle this type of problem) I’m felt really proud for my writing as I did not expect it to be that high!
    Speaking- JUST TALK! I think as long as you keep on talking and sharing your ideas with passion, it will be fine! This is the section that I least prepare for but I think it would really help to converse English with anyone you know and keep calm during the test day.
    P/S: I think I rambled a lot and repeated phrases on that day but still got a 7.0 so I would say just speak a lot!
    My Topics:
    Task 1: Map describing changes to a town ( Did not prepare much for this as I was hoping for graphs etc :((, but still tried my best!)
    Task 2: Some people think introducing team sports is the best way to teach children teamwork. To what extend do you agree?

    Part 2: Describe a water sport that you want to try. (Was really taken aback by this topic as I have no knowledge on water sports but still manage to talk about something)
    Part 3- Related to water transportation, cruise etc (Honestly can’t rmb much sorry!)

    All in all, all the best everyone! I’m sure with the right amount of hardwork and dedication y’all can ace it too! It really isn’t that hard! Finally, a million thanks to Liz too! :))

    • Great results! Very well done πŸ™‚ And thanks for sharing your tips. It’s so useful for everyone else. All the best, Liz

  26. Hi Liz,

    My name’s Deon from South Africa. I’m a software engineer that recently got a job offer in the UK. I decided to do the UKVI Academic test in case I also wanted to study. Got my results yesterday and am very happy – although I need to work on my writing.

    L: 9
    R: 9
    W: 7.5
    S: 9
    Overall: 8.5

    Thanks for the wonderful resources on your site.

  27. Karthikeyan Umesh says

    Hey, thank you, Liz! Your tips have helped me score an 8 Band!! L: 8.5 R: 7.5 W: 7.0 S:8.0
    I am extremely happy to see this and I am more than grateful to you. Your writing tips helped me score 7.0 in just 3 DAYS ( 3 days of writing practice) Actually scratch that and make that two days. I scored an 8.5 in listening and I guess I can never understand where I went wrong but I’m happy nevertheless. I have scored a 7.5 in Reading and it’s the one section I had to rush up in the end. I also scored 8 in speaking which was a great improvement considering my problem in stuttering or making a few mistakes while speaking too fast.

    • Great results and in such a short amount of time!! Very well done πŸ™‚ I’m glad you shared your results because some people are worried about their stutters. But having a stutter ought to be something the examiner should spot and not penalise. So, it’s great to see you getting band 8 in speaking with a stutter πŸ™‚

  28. Ananthi Muthu says

    Hi Liz,
    Hope you are doing great. I was actually here to thank you. I received overall 7 band in my IELTS, this is because I followed your videos and practice exercise in your website. I was getting very low band in reading section, then I practiced all your reading exercise and tips for T/F/NG which made me to achieve 7.5 in reading. I have never seen a teacher being this cool. All your tips for IELTS are amazing. You are one of the best teachers in my life.
    Keep your smile. God bless you with good health.

    • I’m so pleased to hear about your results!! Very well done! And I’m so glad my lessons were helpful. Yes, I’ll keep smiling and teaching πŸ™‚

  29. Hi Liz,

    I’m from Brazil, and I’d like to thank you for all your content and help. I studied for every session using your website and your book “Grammar for IELTS Writing Task 2 & for Life”.

    I’m delighted because I was able to achieve the band score I was required to.

    My results:

    Listening: 8,5
    Reading: 8,5
    Writing: 7,0
    Speaking: 7,0
    Overall: 8,0

    Thank you so much!
    Kind Regards,

  30. Sugandi Nadeeshika says

    Hi Liz,

    I scored an overall 8.5 in IELTS (General Training) with 9 – Reading, 8.5 – Listening, 8 – Speaking and 7.5 – Writing. I have always followed your videos and lessons for my Academic IELTS earlier and this time as well. I had less than one month’s time for preparations, and those tips helped me extensively in achieving this score.

    Also, I took the computer-based exam, and I have always loved taking IELTS using the computer. For me, it’s always convenient to take the exam on the computer. When it comes to writing tasks, we have the freedom to go through what we have done and correct them easily when the exam is on the computer. Listening and reading tasks are also pretty easy to be done in the computer.

    Thank you for all your efforts in supporting students around the world. God bless you!


    • Great to see your results, Sugi. Very well done to you πŸ™‚ And thanks for sharing with everyone πŸ™‚

  31. ST Ong says

    Hi Liz,

    I’m ST, an engineer from Malaysia. I took IELTS Academic for postgraduate study application and below is my result:

    Reading : 9
    Listening : 8.5
    Writing : 7.0
    Speaking : 7.0

    Overall : 8.0

    I have achieved the minimum band score required (7.0) to apply oversea master degree and are now very satisfied with the score.

    I didn’t practice Reading as I have always been a reader so I knew I wouldn’t have issue to score this task. I used your site to prepare Listening, Writing and Speaking. I found your site to be very organized and helpful especially writing task. Your model essays really helped me a lot to understand what type of essay questions I might have encountered and how to tackle each type of questions during test. Going through your FAQ section also helped to calm my anxiety before test day.

    I’m very thankful to you and appreciate effort u have put into this site which I believe have helped many test takers to ace the IELTS.

    Thank you very much !


    • Great results!! Very well done! I’m so glad you used the FAQ page. So many people skip that page which is a shame because it’s packed with useful information and tips. Thanks for coming back to share your results πŸ™‚

  32. Nischint Kaur says

    Hello Liz
    Although I am extremely late in expressing my gratitude but I cannot be thankful enough to you for such a commendable website. I can profess it with conviction that your site has the most structured material ever which could not have been put in simpler words than this. I followed your site through and through and scored an overall band 8.5
    Not only that I also developed interest in teaching IELTS and I have to confess that I love to refer to the immense material that you have given us access to.
    Liz, thank you is a small word but I really mean it from the bottom of my heart.
    May God bless you with His choicest blessings.

    • Thank you for sharing your results and your kind message. I always really glad when people benefit from my lessons and tips. Great job in hitting an overall 8.5!! Fantastic! I hope you get the same fulfilment with your teaching that I do πŸ™‚

  33. Ibrahim says

    my name is IBRAHIM, I’m a registered nurse from Nigeria. I took IELTS(academic) on the 29th of April but didn’t get my desired band score in speaking and writing until I applied for remaking. both the writing and speaking modules changed from 6.5 to 7.0 and 7.5 respectively.
    The score are
    speaking 7.5
    listening 7.0
    writing 7
    overall band score 7.5
    thank you Liz for your generosity. I wish you a quick recovery.
    best regards,

    • Great to see your determination and successful remark. Very well done to you! πŸ™‚ Thanks for your wishes for my health – much appreciated.

  34. Akansh says

    Hi liz,

    I got my results today and got a score of 7.5 overall, but my first name is in the field of family name and vice verse. On the day of speaking test the members at test centre corrected my name and said it was successful. Today in ETRF I see that there was no change made and contacted the customer care, he said your name correction was unsuccessful and said me to mail the concern to IDP. I am stuck and have no idea if they would change the names accordingly. I can’t afford another exam and time as it’s already late. Please help me out on how to go about this issue, will forever be grateful.

    • You definitely need to email IDP. You need to stress that it is urgent and that there is a mistake with the name on your certificate. I’m sure they’ll sort it out without needing another test. Make sure you also attach a copy of your ID which shows the correct order of names to make your full name.

  35. Kwabena Boafo-Mensah says

    Hi Liz
    I am Kwabena from Ghana. I took the IELTS (General Test) 3days ago and obtained:
    Reading -8.5
    Speaking- 8.5

    I have to say I read and followed you here for over a month to prepare. Your commentary and pieces of advice were great. Thank you for great work you are doing. I wish you a rewarding career. God bless us all

  36. Furkan says

    Hello Liz, I just would like to thank you very much. Last time I took an English exam, it was for Erasmus student mobility, and I had scored B2 in their exam. One and a half year after that, I had to take an official exam for applying masters. I studied with your YouTube videos for 6 days straight, and scored 7.0 overall (C1). I got accepted, thank you again πŸ™‚

  37. Teena says

    Hi Liz
    I just wanted to say thank you for creating this website. It helped me immensely and I was able to score 8.5 in academic IELTS. The scores I got were Listening- 9, Reading- 9, speaking- 8.5, and writing- 7.5. I achieved my beyond my target score. God bless you and I pray that your health gets better.

  38. Wiqayatu-Rahman Mohammed Awal says

    Hi Liz,
    I am a nurse from Ghana and was introduced to your page by a very good friend. Following your page reading your materials and watching all your videos greatly reduced my anxiety. You explain everything so simple and direct especially in writing(made me the most anxious). You were my primary source of materials and I followed your instructions through and through. I took my exams on the 20th of May and scored an overall band score 8
    Listening 9
    Reading 7.5
    Writing 7.5
    Speaking 7.5
    This is my first attempt.
    Thank you so much for all you do and may God Almighty bless you with good health and long life. You are deeply cherished and I recommend you to everyone who intends to take the test. You are an inspiration.

    • Really great to see how well you’ve done!! Good job! And thanks for sharing your results. It is a great way to support others πŸ™‚

  39. Joshua says

    Hello Liz,

    I want to start off by saying what a great inspiration and guidance you provide through your excellent, well-organized forum.

    My journey for IELTS was short as I had to give an exam with very short notice (3 days) due to an upcoming interview for a PhD position. That’s when I came across your forum, which was brimming with ideas, the do’s and do-not’s, what to expect etc.

    My results came out to be:
    L: 9, R:8.5, W:8, S:7.5 – Overall 8.5

    My short preparation:
    I started off by understanding the format of the exam from your forum and from some YouTube videos. I took at least 3-4 tests online for L, R. As advised, I took these tests to understand my weaknesses, rather than to know my score.

    Next, I spent quality time reading up the essays given on your forum. This helped me understand the focus and stress of the writing tasks.

    The days of the exam I spent all the mornings listening to audible books and essays that helped me build my listening skills, work on my vocabulary and also on content for my writing tasks in tandem.

    I hope these last-minute tips will help other test takers too in their quest to score high!

    Once again thank you Liz for you amazing guidance and help!


    • Thanks for sharing your results, Joshua. Very well done to you πŸ™‚ And thanks for sharing your tips and advice – it really is helpful for everyone preparing for their test. Wishing you all the best for your future πŸ™‚

  40. Aditya Sharma says

    Dear IELTS Liz,

    I hope this note finds you in good health and high spirits. I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible support and guidance you have provided me with during my IELTS exam preparation. Your videos have been an invaluable resource that has significantly contributed to my success.

    I am thrilled to share that I have received my IELTS exam results, and I couldn’t be happier with my scores. Thanks to your comprehensive tutorials and insightful tips, I achieved a speaking score of 6.5, writing score of 7.0, and outstanding scores of 8.0 in both reading and listening. I owe a significant portion of my success to your exceptional teaching methods and the dedication you put into creating such informative content.

    Your videos not only equipped me with the necessary knowledge and skills but also instilled confidence in me throughout my preparation journey. Your explanations were clear, concise, and incredibly effective in helping me grasp even the most challenging aspects of the exam. Your expertise and passion for teaching truly shone through in every video, making the learning process enjoyable and engaging.

    On a more personal note, I was deeply saddened to hear about your illness. Your commitment to your students, despite your health struggles, is truly remarkable and inspiring. I sincerely wish you a swift and complete recovery. Your contributions to the IELTS community have positively impacted countless individuals, including myself, and I hope to see you back in good health soon.

    Once again, I cannot express my gratitude enough for the incredible support you have provided me. Your dedication, knowledge, and generosity have made a profound difference in my IELTS journey. Thank you, IELTS Liz, for everything you have done. I am forever grateful, and I wish you all the best in your recovery.

    Warmest regards,

    Aditya Sharma

    • It’s great to see your score. Very well done to you. It’s always lovely to read how someone has gained from my website. I really enjoyed making it and wanted people to access as much as possible for free. Thanks for your wishes for my health. I’m still sick but each year holds the promise of improvement πŸ™‚

      • Nestor says

        I am your student, and I am DEEPLY saddened by your illness. You have a good heart; the world needs more people like you. I wish and pray fervently every day for your speedy and complete recovery. I have that solid confidence that you will get well soon. Please, stay strong, Ma’am. We love you.

  41. Faiza says

    Hi Liz,
    I am a doctor and a radiologist and scored 8.5 in IELTS academic computer based test attempted last Sunday. L9, R8, W7 and S9.
    Your website is immensely helpful and was the only resource I used to prepare in 3 days. This is my second test after 2 years when I scored 7.5 overall.
    Thank you for all your work.

    • Glad to see you did even better in this test than the previous one. Very well done! And thanks for sharing your results. It does inspire others πŸ™‚

  42. Karthik Kasaraneni says

    Hi Liz,

    Thanks a ton for THE BEST preparation material and tips.

    I’ve given the academic module and scored 7.5 overall (8.5 in listening, 7.5 in writing and reading, and 7 in speaking). I’m delighted with the results. I was not sure about the writing section but your videos and samples gave me confidence to attempt the test.

    Thank you and wish you the best health!

    Karthik from India

  43. Sabir says

    Thank you Liz for all the valuable advice you’ve posted here. Your YouTube videos were of great use.
    I wrote the GT version, and your tips helped me acheive 8.5 in the writing section (9 overall). I’m used to writing scientific articles (medical research), but your videos helped me tailor my writing style for the IELTS.

    I’ve read in some of your recent comments that you’re dealing with an illness. I hope that you get better soon, and wish you a healthy comeback soon.

    • Fantastic!! A band 9 overall is really rare. I’m so pleased for you. I’m glad you took the time to learn about the IELTS writing techniques because a lot of people with excellent English fail to do this and when can’t understand why they don’t do well. Band scores have particular requirements so knowing them makes all the different. Again, very well done indeed. An inspiration to others!!
      Thanks for your best wishes for my health. I hope I get back to more work soon. Wishing you all the best, Liz

  44. Meet Shah says

    Hello Liz,
    I’ve been following your content since past 2 years now. I took both, academic and general exam solely based on the guidance by you. I scored 8 each time.
    Latest result – General test (May 1st 2023).
    Overall band – 8 (9,9,7,7)
    Pharmacy background.

    • Great to see your results! Very well done to you πŸ™‚

      • Hello Liz

        I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your help in preparing for my IELTS exam. I only had two weeks to practice, but the material on your website was extremely helpful. I ended up scoring an overall band 7.5, with a band 8 in reading, 7 in writing, 7 in listening, and 7 in speaking.

        I particularly appreciated the detailed explanations of the different question types and the practice exercises. The exercises were challenging but fair, and they helped me to identify my weaknesses and areas where I needed to improve. I also found the tips on how to improve my writing and speaking skills to be very helpful.

        I am confident that I would not have been able to achieve such a good score without your help. Thank you again for your guidance. I would highly recommend your website to anyone who is preparing for the IELTS exam.

        Thank you LIZ

        • Well done with your results!! Very strong scores!! I’m glad you found the practice materials challenging but fair. My aim was to give people a challenge but also help guide them to understand the test better and gain confidence. Thanks for sharing your results πŸ™‚

  45. Hello Liz,
    I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I want to express my deepest gratitude for the invaluable assistance your website provided me in preparing for the IELTS exam.

    I am thrilled to share that I recently received my test results, achieving an overall band score of 7.5. This outcome far exceeded my expectations, with only 8 days at my disposal, I relied heavily on the comprehensive resources and guidance offered on your website.

    Your website proved to be an invaluable tool throughout my IELTS journey. The abundance of practice materials, sample tests, and expert advice truly helped me refine my skills and boost my confidence. The clarity and structure of the content made it easy for me to comprehend the various sections of the exam and develop effective strategies.

    Your dedication and commitment to helping students like myself is truly commendable. I am immensely grateful for the difference your website made in my journey towards achieving my desired band score.

    Vee from Kenya

    • Such a pleasure to read your message. And very well done with your results! Band 7.5 is a great score πŸ™‚

  46. Aniko says

    Dear Liz!
    I just want to thank you! I owe you big time! I took the academic test and got my results today. My biggest fear was writing, I thought I won’t be able to reach the desired score for a university application. I desperately started searching for some tips and help online and thank god found your page. Besides doing some practice tests I just prepared from here and it saved me! The videos are great and very helpful! I finally got an idea about the whole test. Keep up the nice work! thank you! L- 7.5 R- 7.5 W -7 S -7.5 = Overall 7.5

    • Very well done to you! It isn’t easy to get over band 7 in writing but you clearly nailed it!! πŸ™‚

  47. Oluwaseyi says

    Hey Liz,
    Your website was my online source of preparation for my exam and I had just a little time for it. However, the simplicity and the way the contents are arranged made it so easy to follow and understand. I read some of the comments under many of the materials and I just know that I will be ungrateful if I don’t come back here to appreciate you for your help. I wouldn’t have been able to face this without you, Liz, GOD bless you really well.

    Below is my result, just got it this morning;

    S: 7.5
    L: 7.0
    R: 7.0
    W: 8.0

    Overall: 7.5

    PS: I also read in some comments about your health, I really do hope you are back and stronger now. I wish you a healthy life going forward.

    • Thanks so much for sharing your results. It’s great to see how well you’ve done. And I really appreciate you letting me know how useful my site is – I’m glad you benefited from it. Thanks for your best wishes for my health. It’s been another tough year so far but I hope things will change for the better later this year. All the best to you πŸ™‚

  48. Amartushig says


    First of all, THANK YOU LIZ! I just got my results today, and it’s 8!!!
    L-9 R-8.5 W-7 S-7.5 😭

    I took the Academic CD IELTS on April 28th. I actually didn’t have any time to prepare for the test, but I did read all your tips and useful informations provided on your website. My friend who got 7.5 recommended you to me and said that you were the best. AND YOU ARE! I recommended you to my other friends who are also taking the IELTS this summer. I just know they’ll do great, thanks to you.

    My tip for everyone who is scared about the test: don’t be. Familiarize yourself with the test format and know what they are looking from you (you can find all this information on this website). Believe in yourself that you can do your best. Focus more on your weakness and work on them.

    Once again, thank you so much Liz! You are truly the best❀️

    Amara from Mongolia.

    • Liz says

      Band 8 overall is excellent. Well done !! I’m really pleased for you. I’m glad you found my website useful and your friends can also benefit from it. I wish them all the luck in the world!! πŸ™‚

  49. shoaib says

    Hey Liz!!

    Really loved practicing with the materials you have on your website and on youtube. The plethora of free listening, reading, writing and speaking tips, tricks and practice material is just amazing.

    Just got my TRF for IELTS Academic Computer Delivered Test(after 2 weeks of delay…cuzπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦), please don’t stress out if anything gets delayed, have patients, relax and enjoy yourself as you’ve finally completed your exam!!

    Also a word of advice, try your best to emulate the exams envirnment, stress test yourself with lenghty, uninterrupted mock tests and make sure to get yourself comfortable with the time and method for your test. I know it sounds like I’m making up excuses, but I was really caught off gaurd with the toll the exam took on my eyes and got super stressed cuz I lost track of time, spending a total of FIFTY WHOLE MINUTES on type 2(which I chose to attempt first) leaving me with hardly any time to write down enough words for type 1 TT_TT . Sigh anyway, should’ve been more mindful.

    After trying out several other resources for my preperations of the exams, I found the most user oriented resource for my preperation. :,) I really feel like you’ve taught me way way way more than anyother teacher has ever irl, the amount of effort you’ve put in to manage, maintain AND keep track of new developments in the ielts examination is straight up unbelievable.

    To end my 1000 words, messed up, super informal, what might barely be called an essay of gratitude, THANKS ALOT LIZ!!!!! Sending lots of good vibes and prayers for your health and website, hope you never ever ever stop helping people with their goals! (liz-zombie! [¬º-°]¬)

    Just after 3 weeks of prep(please make it longer, give yourself time =_=)

    Listening: 9
    Reading: 9
    Writing: 7
    Speaking: 7.5
    Overall: 8

    Lastly, don’t loose hope, everything is a learning experience!!!

    ps. Teach, please tell me places I can leave a review so others can find it easier/faster (again thank you so so so so so much!!!)

    • Excellent results!! Very well done. And thank you for sharing your tips. I’m so glad you are encouraging people to practice under exam conditions at home. I think people really underestimate how stressful and lengthy the test actually is. You really need to build up your powers of concentration to be able to focus for so long under exam conditions. I’m also pleased that you found my website so useful. I’ve enjoyed making the lessons and providing loads of free practice materials and tips. I wish there was a place where you could leave a review for my site, but there isn’t. Most of my success is simply through word of mouth. If I manage to get my health back on track. I hope to start an English Liz youtube channel – that way people will be able to continue learning well beyond their exams. Thanks again and very well done!!! I love seeing people ace their tests πŸ™‚

  50. Paramvir Sharma says

    Liz, thank you so much for providing such comprehensive information on your website. I wanted to share that I received my IELTS Academic score, which included S 8, L 8.5, R 8.5, and W 7.0.Overall Band 8.0. Although I was initially concerned about my writing score, I found that following the format you outlined in your model answers helped me achieve my desired outcome of a 7 in all modules. Overall, I am pleased with my results and grateful for your guidance.

  51. Hi Liz
    I want to thank you for creating this website. I followed all your suggestions and tips and secured a overall score of 8.5 in my GT test. I was struggling to improve my writing scores and was always stuck on a 7 but with your help I was able to manage a 7.5 which was essential.
    I secured 9 for both Listening and Reading and an 8 for speaking. thank you so much for being a blessing

  52. Mayank Malhan says

    Hey Liz,

    I hope you are doing well, I must say that my first impression after coming across your youtube videos was that these might be outdated. It would be better to refer to something more latest, but then my friend spoke very highly of your content. I decided to give it a shot and I ended up binge watching your videos. The age old adage “Old is Gold” turns out to be true in the case of your videos.

    I got an IELTS overall band of 8.0 where I got 8.5 in listening and reading, 8.0 in speaking and 6.5 in writing.

    I am very thankful to you and will pray for your good health.

    • I’m really glad to see your results! Very well done πŸ™‚ I know what you mean about the dates of my videos, but they are all still current. So I’m glad that you watched and benefited from them. Hopefully one day, I’ll return to making videos. And I’m glad you came back to share your results πŸ™‚

  53. David Etuk says

    Thank you so much Liz! I had like a month to get ready for the exams and your site is the only resource I used. I got my result 2 days ago…
    S – 7
    R – 7.5
    L – 8
    W – 7
    Overall Band – 7.5
    This happened because of you! I am grateful.

    • Well done πŸ™‚ Band 7.5 is a very strong score πŸ™‚

      • Nawzhin says

        Dear Liz
        I hope you are doing very well
        Just I wanted to say thank you for everything, one of my teachers recommended your website to me and I only used your website for preparation academic IELTS.
        Finally, today I got the result and achieved aimed band score.
        You’re the best
        Thank you million times

        • Great to hear you got what you needed. Well done πŸ™‚ The credit is all yours!!

  54. Dear Liz,

    Thank you so much, I only had 10 days to prepare after taking the test last in 2018. I used your website with the practice material and helpful tips to prepare systematically.

    And it paid off:
    Listening 8.0
    Reading 8.5
    Writing 7.5
    Speaking 8.5
    Overall 8.0

    Especially writing is my personal weakness and I was concerned not even hitting the 6. But here we are.

    You are a life saver!
    I hope you are have fully recovered and back on your feet doing thinks that make you happy.

    With gratitude,

    • Great results!! Very well done πŸ™‚ You certainly hit well over 6 in your writing!! Unfortunately, I’m still sick, but I am always positive that things will change πŸ™‚

  55. Hi Liz,

    I hope you are well.

    My friend recommended your website to me and I must say a very big thank you!

    Your website and YouTube videos were instrumental to my overall score of 8.

    I took the IELTS on 18 February 2023 and obtained the following result:
    Listening: 8.0
    Writing: 8.0
    Speaking: 7.5
    Reading: 7.5
    Overall: 8.0

    Thank you very much, Liz.

  56. Dear Liz,
    Sawadee kha from Thailand.
    Thank you very much for being such a great mentor. I took the IELTS computer delivered (Academic) test on 18 February 2023. Your kind, generous, and free lessons helped me a lot. I just followed your tips and prepared for 2 weeks. By the way, I made a careless mistake to edit the conclusion part of writing task in the last minute. I got distressed to see the computer screen gone before the edition of last sentence was finished. Luckily, I got overall 7.5 (Speaking 8.0, Listening 7.5, Reading 7.5, and Writing 6.0). I appreciate all your help and I pray for you to overcome your long-term illness.
    Yours sincerely,

    • Well done getting an overall band 7.5! It is certainly a shock to see the computer screen go blank when the time runs out. Time management is so crucial in the writing and reading tests. But you still did very well indeed so no worries. Thanks for your wishes for my health – much appreciated πŸ™‚

  57. Mariam Rophael says

    Hi Liz,
    Here is Mariam from Egypt.
    I hope you are doing well and wish you a very soon recovery. You’re constantly in my thoughts.🌷
    I am beyond thankful for your blog. I sit the exam 7 months ago for the first time and I did fine but ,unfortunately, didn’t achieve the band score I needed.
    However, I decided to retake the exam this month and this time I prepared from your beneficial material.
    Thanks to your great effort, my results are:
    Listening: 8.5
    Reading: 8.5
    Writing: 7.0
    Speaking: 7.0
    Overall: 8.0

    Thank you for everything.

    • Fantastic! I’m so pleased you managed to pull your score up and achieve the results you needed πŸ™‚

  58. Hi Liz,
    I just took the IELTS general test and got the following result:
    R: 9
    Overall score: 8.5
    I have a full time job and had to give the test for an urgent need. I barely had 1 day to prepare for the test and my friend recommended your website. Thank you for laying out everything clearly. I am confident in the language but had to make sure I understand the test format properly and your site helped me tremendously.

    • An excellent result with just a days prep. It really goes to show how much someone can achieve when they approach things logically and with a focused mind. I’m so glad you found my site πŸ™‚

  59. Nishanth says

    Hi Ma’am,
    I know I do not fall under this category of top result , but I have to disclose my score as I went through all of your valuable free material and followed your advice to practice IELTS past papers and finally scored overall 7 (L-7.5,R-6.5,W-6.5,S-7) ,writing score hurt me a little as I would have scored 7 simply, panicked and messed in task achievement and my poor hand writing) in my first attempt in 28.01.2023 . From failing my English subject in secondary school in Sri Lanka to get this overall band in my first attempt.
    I’m grateful to you forever,

    • You deserve to be amongst the top results because of your determination to do well even though English wasn’t your strength at school. Hopefully, with these results you can feel proud of your English and enjoy learning more in the years to come πŸ™‚

  60. Tanvir Rahman says

    Hi Liz.
    I am a graduate student from Bangladesh.
    Your website has been invaluable to me. I really enjoyed the process and recommended the website to my friends also.
    Thank you for your help. Wishing you the best.

    • Great results!! Very well done πŸ™‚ I’m so glad you enjoyed learning from my site. I feel that enthusiasm and enjoyment in improving ourselves in life are essential for a healthy, prosperous life. Great minds think alike, as they say πŸ™‚

  61. Hi Liz,
    I said I was going to do this when my results came in. Your website and youtube videos were a great resource to me and I want to say thank you for being thoughtful and having no problem with sharing your knowledge at no cost.
    I got an overall score of band 8.0.
    Reading 9.0
    Listening 8.5
    Writing 7.0
    Speaking 8.0

    • Band 8 overall is excellent. Very well done πŸ™‚ And thank you for coming back to share your results πŸ™‚

  62. Shalindi says

    Hi Liz,
    I’m a legal professional and took IELTS (general) recently to apply for Canada PR. I got my result today:
    Listening – 8.5
    Reading – 8.0
    Writing – 7.5
    Speaking – 7.5
    OVERALL – 8
    This is one of the best moments of my life. After failing 2 times, I finally got my desired band score.

    Your website has been very useful in my preparation and developing the confidence that getting an 8 was not an impossible task. In addition to practice materials and youtube tutorials, your website helped me understand the exam format, the purpose, and the evaluation system better.

    Thank you for your hard work on this. I couldn’t have done it without this website. I’m so grateful.

    God bless you.

    • I’m really pleased to see how well you’ve done! Good for you!! πŸ™‚ I’m glad you enjoyed my site. I tried to make it was logical as possible so that learning could be easier for everyone. So, it makes me smile to read your words.

  63. Rohit Singh says

    Hi Liz,
    I referred to the study materials available on this website and on your youtube channel. I just got my test results
    R- 8.5
    L- 8.5
    Overall – 8
    Thank you sharing your amazing tips which were helpful during the test.

    • Well done to you for hitting band 8 overall !! πŸ™‚

      • Hi Liz,
        This is the first time I am writing a comment .Wanted to share my results with you because your videos and websites are my primary resources for IELTS (general)preparation. Although my preparation was on and off from 2 months, I focused fully for 10 days after booking the exam.
        Profession: Housewife
        Writing task1: A letter regarding mismatch of information regarding the product purchased with reference to online advert.
        Writing task2: These days adolescents are being more independent and ignoring the family advice.Give your opinion…
        Note: I don’t remember the exact words of the question

        • Great results!! I know that the demands of a housewife leave them with little time for themselves and even less time for learning. I’m so pleased to see how well you’ve done πŸ™‚

  64. Hi Liz! I was waiting so eagerly for this moment when I’d get to share my results with you. I had my speaking test on 4th Jan and the rest of the modules on 6th Jan ’23. Received my results today and I’m absolutely delighted to say that I got a band 8 score overall!
    Listening: 9
    Reading: 8.5
    Writing: 7.5
    Speaking: 7.5
    This was my ideal score while preparing and I can’t believe I got exactly that!
    I was very nervous about the speaking part but I went through all your tips and expected topics, and it was actually way better than I imagined. Thank you so much for all the lessons you have made, they have been of immense help in this preparation. I wish you the best and hope that your health gets better really soon!
    -Sai from India

  65. Tarannum says

    Hi Liz,
    I hope you are doing well. I am so glad to inform you that I scored an 8.5 on IELTS Academic test, which was held on Dec 28, 2022. The result came out on the first day of the new year, and honestly, I couldn’t have asked for a better start to the year!
    Liz, I want to thank you wholeheartedly because your website was the only online resource I took help from. I had 4 days to prepare for IELTS as it was a very quick decision, and I wasn’t confident enough about it. However, I tried to follow all your advice for all sections, and boom! The result has exceeded my expectations. I cannot and will never be able to thank you enough for your AMAZING website. One of my friends introduced me to your website, and he scored an 8. I read about your infirmity and sincerely pray for your full and lifelong recovery. May Allah bless you with everything you ever wish to have.
    Take care.
    Tarannum from Bangladesh

  66. Cephard Kipkemboi says

    Thank you so much i got a band 7.0 overall.

  67. Jayprakash Singh says

    Hi, Liz
    I would like to share my thoughts regarding my IELTS result, your videos and blogs are so helpful and easy to understand. Because of your lessons, I achieved a band score of 7.0 by studying for just 4 days. Thanks a lot for such an amazing study material.

  68. Hi, Liz. I hope you are feeling better.

    I sit my exam (Academic) last Tuesday and my results are the following:

    – Listening: 8.0
    – Reading: 8.5
    – Writing: 6.5
    – Speaking: 7
    * Overall score: 7.5

    I was a bit disappointed at my writing score, but fortunately the overall is more than enough to apply to a professional order in the UK and start a new job.
    I cannot be more thankful for your website and all your tips! Thank you for your work.

    All the best and kind regards from Portugal.

  69. Hi Liz,
    I just received my IELTS Academic Test Results (L:8.5; R:8.5; W:7; S:7; Overall 8) and they’re well above my original targets. I had 5 days to study and no extra budget for external courses. However, with your free, comprehensive and excellent study materials, I managed to gain a significant edge over the exam.
    Thanks for all the help

    • Excellent results! I’m glad you found my website and could benefit from it. Well done to you πŸ™‚

      • hey Liz, hope you’re doing well.
        I literally could not prepare well as I had to balance my work and prep time but your website gave me the confidence to attend IELTS academic and I got overall 7.5. Thanks a lot. Love from India.

  70. Abubokor Rifat says

    Hello Liz! Hope you’re doing great. I’m from Bangladesh. I’ve received my IELTS result yesterday. I followed your all tips and tried to keep me in IELTS specified format. I practiced about 2 weeks maintaining your tips and suggestions. And here is my outcome..
    Speaking – 8.5
    Listening – 8.5
    Reading – 8.0
    Writing – 7.5
    Overall – 8.0

    You’re such an amazing tutor. I’m really thankful to you and I appreciate your effort. Wish me best of luck. Thank you 😌

  71. Oluwateniola Teni says

    Dear Liz,
    I want to thank you from the depth of my heart for all the resources on your website.
    You are a blessing to so many people.
    I wrote the IELTS exams on November 19th as the previous one expired. In the previous one which was my first attempt, I had a band 8.
    The results I received today blew my mind away especially as I had limited time to study.
    Listening 8.5
    Reading 9
    Writing 8
    Speaking 9
    Overall band 8.5.
    For both exams, I used all the resources on your website and the few free practice tests on the British Council website.
    I must confess that I didn’t devote enough hours to study for the writing aspect of the exam hence the 8 but I am still happy.
    Thank you once again for your help and generosity. I pray you get well soon. You are a rare gem.

    Warm regards,

    • Excellent results!! It’s great to see that you managed to up your score even higher with this test. Fantastic πŸ™‚ Thanks for your wishes for my health – much appreciated.

  72. Hi Liz,

    Academic Subject: Civil Engineering
    Profession: Tech Consultant

    I and took my IELTS (Academic) on 5th Novermber 2022. My scores are:

    Listening: 8
    Reading: 8.5
    Writing: 7.5
    Speaking: 7.5

    Thanks for all the help Liz, your content is amazing. Just followed all your tips and prepared for 2 weeks. You made this all so easy, keep doing the great work.

  73. Ashmita Dhakal says

    Hello Liz,

    Namaste from Nepal!
    How is your health? I hope you are doing well.

    I am delighted to share with you that I got an overall score of 8.0 (L9 R9 S7.5 W7). I wouldn’t have got this score if I hadn’t found your blog. In 3 weeks time period, I prepared from your free materials and the official books of Cambridge. I am very grateful to you, Thank you for helping so many students! I am recommending this website to all my friends appearing IELTS exam. Thank you so much, Liz!!!!


  74. Sana Khan says

    Hey Liz,
    I am Sana Khan, from Pakistan, working as a family physician. I needed a band score of 7 each (academic). I got

    I was clueless about the preparation, one of my friend recommended me this website. I can’t thank you enough, for making such comprehensive lessons. I went through all the model essays twice and it helped me a lot in structuring my sentences. My task 2 was about problems in achieving work-life balance and the possible solutions to it. My speaking test was mostly about weather/ shopping/ work. I was losing my calm but two days before the test, I came across your story and it motivated me so much.
    Lastly, I would say that I never had a teacher whom I admired the most in my life, until now. Thanks Liz, you are amazing.

    • I’m really pleased to see your results. You’ve done really well πŸ™‚ I’m glad you found my site and you could use it to develop and learn. Greetings to all in Pakistan πŸ™‚

  75. Hi Liz,

    I am a high school senior and took my IELTS(Academic) last week. My scores were:

    Listening: 9.0
    Reading: 9.0
    Writing: 7
    Speaking: 8.5
    Overall: 8.5

    I did not prep for my exam until the last minute and read your IELTS tips just the night before. I did not expect such a high score and expected my score to be around 7.0.

    Big thanks to you for such amazing tips and strategies for the exam.

  76. Paschal Okoyeocha says

    On my first try, I made the following result:
    Reading 8.5
    Listening 8.5
    Writing 7.5
    Speaking 7.0

    Overall 8.0

    I used only Liz’s youtube page and website. I am so happy with my performance. Dear Liz, I appreciate all your help and I pray for the best health for you. Thank you so much.

    • Great score!! Very well done πŸ™‚ Thanks for your wishes for my health – I appreciate it.

  77. Hi liz,
    I’m Sophia from Nigeria, I just want to say thank you to you. I took the IELTS UKVI general training exam on the 3rd of November and my result just came in:

    Listening – 8.5
    Reading – 9.0
    speaking -7.5
    writing -6.5
    overall- 8

    This is my first attempt. When I first started my preparation for the exam I had no idea what the exam was about or how to go about preparation, but my sister recommended your site and I prepared using your materials, going through every single tab judiciously and I can’t thank you enough and to think that all this materials are free!!. you’re simply the best and your recommendation of the Cambridge practice test was super helpful too.

    Thank you once again Liz!

  78. John Osorio says

    Hello Liz! When I first started preparing for the IELTS, I had absolutely no idea what to do. I followed many of your posts and tips for preparation, and I’m really happy about my results:

    Reading: 9
    Listening: 8
    Speaking: 7
    Writing: 7

    I’ve got 8 overall!!

    It’s wonderful that people like you offer your knowledge for free. Thanks a lot and keep going on with your wonderful job!



    Hi Liz,

    I’m Ajibola from Nigeria, I took the IELTS General Training test on the 5th of November.

    My results just came in, I was able to achieve an overall band score of 8.5

    Speaking: 8.0
    Listening: 8.5
    Reading: 9.0
    Writing: 7.5
    Overall: 8.5

    I am sure that my scores have exceeded the minimum I need. One thing I ignored a bit was writing, I wrote as naturally as possible. I would say that I was very imaginative with my writing. In writing task 1, I wrote a letter to a former colleague in another department in my organization, inviting him/her to speak at a conference organized by our organization. The second task was an essay giving my views on whether parents should make choices for their children or if children should make choices themselves.

    Your website was a great resource in helping my preparations months back as well as your Youtube channel. Thanks to I aced my IELTS. I have been recommending your site to people as it came highly recommended.


  80. Hi, I’m a second-year medical student from Hong Kong looking to enter a Master’s degree in London for intercalation next year. It’s my second time taking the exam since my last attempt was 3 years ago and hence it’s my second time lurking on your website!

    Reading 9.0
    Listening 9.0
    Speaking 7.5
    Writing 8.5
    Overall 8.5

    Definitely felt like I could’ve done better but I’m nevertheless satisfied πŸ™‚ For writing, I got tasked to analyse the data for 3 different types of fuel usage in the UK over 20 years. Task 2 was about whether one should build their social circle around their job or not.

    Very grateful for your site, it really gave me great tips to do last-minute prep right before the exam.

    • Great to see how well you did in IELTS for a second time. Excellent results! Well done πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing your topics πŸ™‚

    • Wow I havent seen anyone get more than 7.5 in writing. Mind to share some tips?

  81. Hi Liz,
    I’m Esther, from Ghana. I took my IELTS Academic test on 22nd October, 2022. Here’s my results:

    Listening – 8.5
    Reading – 7.5
    Writing- 7.0
    Speaking – 7.5
    Overall – 7.5

    I am very excited because I needed to get a minimum of 7.5.
    I must say that the your videos on YouTube and the resources on your website were of great help to me.

    Part 1 of my speaking test was about where I lived , birthdays, social media and travelling. For Part 2 , I was asked to talk about a region in my country I’d recommend for someone to visit.

    Writing task 1 had 2 diagrams showing the plan of a two-level shopping mall at present and a proposed plan for the same mall in the future.

    Task 2 was an opinion essay; discuss both views and give your opinion – Some people believe that parents should choose the degree or major their children study in university. Others are of the view that the choice should be made by the children themselves.

    I had to combine preparation for IELTS with work and studies and I’m glad I had this score after 3 weeks of preparation.

    Thank you very much Liz for sharing all the useful resources and tips on your website.

    • Really great results!! Very well done to you πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing the topic – it’s useful for others to see πŸ™‚

  82. Hi Liz,

    I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve provided in this website, it is such a valuable resource!

    My primary source of learning was your site, you have such a wonderful way explaining literally everything I needed to know. I did not need to attend any classes.

    This was the first paper-based exam I had to sit down and write for in over 10 years and I was able to face in with calm confidence, thanks to you.

    I am from Sri Lanka and work as a Business Intelligence Engineer.

    My scores ( IELTS General)
    Reading : 9
    Listening : 9
    Writing : 8
    Speaking : 8

    Overall : 8.5

    • Such an excellent score!!! Fantastic! Well done to you πŸ™‚ And thanks for sharing your results. It really helps motivate people to do well πŸ™‚

  83. Heyy Liz!! Thanks so much for helping me with everything necessary for IELTS! I gave the CBT after using just your website and no other resources. And I was able to perform brilliantly on the test.
    I got an overall band of 8.5 with,
    8.5 Listening, 9 Reading, 8 writing, and 8 speaking.
    Lots of Love!

  84. Hi Liz,

    Pray you are getting better.

    Tony from Nigeria.
    Thanks so much for the quality of tutorials, which I shared with my folks.
    I took my general IELTS exam in September for the first time and scored:
    Listening- 8.5
    Reading – 9.0
    Speaking- 8.0
    Writing- 7.5
    Total- 8.5

    GOD Bless You!

  85. Hi Liz,

    I just received my score yesterday.
    My job is marketing manager and I’m applying for MBA course.
    I took IELTS academic My overall band is 8
    listening 9
    Speaking 8.5
    Reading 8
    Writing 7

    Writing with a bit challenging for me, first tasks took me longer than it should so I was in a hurry for my task 2.
    Your blog and YouTube channel has been of a great help for me. Thank you!

  86. Hello Liz,
    I got my results on Saturday (ielts general test)
    I’m a pharmacist in Nigeria.
    Listening 9
    Reading 8.5
    Writing 8
    Speaking 7
    I’m grateful to you Liz because this is my first attempt at taking the test and your website was my major source of preparation. You definitely are a rare gem .Thanks again

  87. Hi Liz,

    I’m a Marketing Executive by profession from Sri Lanka and sat for the Academic test recently.

    I am over the moon with the results I got and I can’t thank you enough for all the material and YouTube videos you’ve provided that helped me achieve what I needed.
    Below are my results:
    Listening 9.0
    Reading 8.5
    Writing 7.0
    Speaking 8.5

    I value every tip you shared (including the one about the washroom break which I practiced at home πŸ™ˆ) and thought I should share a couple of things that I found immensely helpful.

    ●Listen for answers and not the context.
    ●Watch out for paraphrases (if they speak the exact same words, it’s probably a trap)
    ●Listen to different accents (I watched YouTube videos and listened to BBC podcasts)
    ●Try to grab the meaning of what they say
    ●Write the answers on the question papers and transfer them later. Practice transferring too at home.
    ●And lastly again, practice

    ●Read the questions and then skim the passages for answers
    ●Liz has shared a video explaining the different types of questions we get and how to find answers for them within the paragraphs
    ●When you have a Yes/No/NG or True/False/NG question, highlight which one it is out of the two on the paper itself so that you won’t mistakenly write Yes/No instead of True/False or vice versa
    ●When you start a passage, always write the time you started it on the first page of that passage along with an estimated time to complete (I usually gave myself only 10 minutes to do a passage). For example, if I start at 2:30 pm my estimated end time would be 2:40 pm. Then I would probably finish it at least around 2:43 pm or 2:45 pm which is okay.
    ●I wrote the answers on the question paper and finally transferred everything to the answer sheet. This can be a little tricky because unlike the listening test, you are not given any extra time to transfer the answers. Also, there is a chance you might miss to add certain answers and you will notice it only once you see blanks at the end of the answer sheet. So what I did was practiced with more and more papers to manage my time and then always checked the question numbers when filling the answers.
    ●I used capital letters to write my answers for both Listening and Reading

    ●Firstly, I went through all the model answers Liz has given in her website and I replicated them until I familiarized myself with the structures for the different types of Task 1 and Task 2 questions we get
    ●Then, brainstormed for ideas for a number of topics from the different categories and questions Liz has provided on her website (this was for Task 2 and to train myself to come up with main topics and supportive topics). Like Liz has advised, always draw a rough structure of the essay on the question paper itself, then you know what to write and you won’t be deviated from the topic.
    ●You should not add your opinions in Task 1; only state the facts and stick to the paragraph structures Liz has explained

    ●Be mindful of the “and” train. We usually tend to continue conversations by combining our sentences through a series of “and”s. So it’s better to bring in a mix of conjunctions that are common and naturally comes to you, such as,” like”, “because”, “I mean”, etc.
    ●You don’t have to use complex words in the first part of the test
    ●Speak naturally as possible
    ●There are plenty of Band 9 speaking tests on YouTube that you can check out (I did)
    ●I made a few obvious slips, (about 3 as far as I remember) additional to whatever other mistakes I might have made, that I wasn’t very proud of and I still went on talking and I couldn’t correct myself again within the conversation. So, looking at my score, I think a couple of obvious errors are okay. Best not to panic about the mistake and don’t try to correct it, just keep going with the rest of your answer.
    ●Be relaxed and calm. You are only speaking to another human in an informal/formal setting about you, your interests and opinions.
    ●Check out the common questions for part one and do not by heart answers, but have rough ideas and structures for them
    ●More importantly, talk until you are stopped and that’s perfectly fine (it’s applicable for all the 3 parts of the speaking test)

    Some general points:
    ●Take a transparent water bottle without any labels or words printed on it
    ●Take about 3 pencils, an eraser, a pencil sharpner and 2 pens (you can only use pencils for Listening and Reading)
    ●If you registered for IELTS with your old passport and now has a new one, take both of them alongside coloured copies of the bio pages (this is where your personal details are on the passport). Also, better to check with your test center in advance how they do the data changes
    ●You won’t be allowed to take bathroom breaks during the last 10 minutes of each test (listening, reading and writing). No extra time is allowed either to take the break. You will have to spend time out of your time allocated for the exam.
    ●Dress comfortably, but not too casually or clothes with words densely printed on them
    ●And (I can’t stress myself enough on this), practice! This is all I did in the last week. Download the Cambridge books (I did 10-15) and practice. Since I took the paper based exam, I took print outs and worked on them. See whatever that works for you best.

    Lastly, I want to thank Liz again and again for all the treasures she has shared here on her website and YouTube channel because they are what I went through and helped me get what I got 😊

    Most of what I have shared above are also what I learned from, Liz.

    All the best everyone!

    Much love!

    • It’s really great to see your scores!! Very well done πŸ™‚ And thanks for sharing your tips. I know many people will really benefit from your experience and advice πŸ™‚

  88. Hello Liz,
    I received my Ielts result today (General Training). I am a pharmacist by profession.
    I gave my test in Pakistan.

    Listening 9
    Reading 9
    Writing 8
    Speaking 7.5
    Overall 8.5

    I prepared everything from your site. Your videos and idea book is great for preparation.

    Thank you for being so clear in your teaching.
    Best regards,
    Anum Waleed.

  89. Aleena Jarrar says

    Hey Liz,

    I got my IELTS results back today:

    Listening 9.0
    Reading 9.0
    Writing 7.0
    Speaking 8.5
    Overall 8.5

    I really owe these scores to you because I started studying for it in the last week and the only resources I used were your videos and the practice tests on your website.

    Thank you so much for being so thorough and detailed.

    Best Regards,
    Aleena Jarrar

    • It’s great to see your scores! Getting an 8.5 in Speaking and 9 in listening and reading is all excellent!! Very well done to you πŸ™‚

  90. Laurentia M. says

    Hello Liz,

    I’m Lauren from Indonesia. I never thought of sharing my results, but I owe you and your website big time. It’s my second time taking IELTS. Similar to my results in 2018, I scored another band score of 8.0, but it’s more satisfying because it’s not a round-up score.

    Listening: 8.5
    Reading: 8.5
    Writing: 7.5
    Speaking: 7.5

    Although I scored exactly the same for the other three areas, I managed to improve my Writing score by 1 point. All thanks to the tips and practices, as well as the 2022 essay topics you shared.

    I got charts of airplane tickets (Sydney to Melbourne and vice versa) to compare for Writing Task 1, and technology-related essay (how recent technology development brings more problems than solutions) for Writing Task 2.

    Once again, thank you so much for providing us with all these comprehensive and well-curated IELTS information. πŸ™‚

    • It’s great to see you can still hit such a high score four years after your first test. Brilliant !! πŸ™‚

  91. Hi Liz
    I’m Shaurya, an undergraduate student. I had applied to study in a prestigious institution in Australia and had received the offer letter about 2-3 weeks later. IELTS was one of the requisites for me to take admission, so I had booked the IELTS Academic examination in Computer Mode on 28th August 2022 and received my result on 2nd September 2022. I had devoted 2 weeks to prepare for the exam. My scores are as follows-
    R- 8.5
    Here are some tips that I found useful while preparing for IELTS Academic Examination-
    For the exam preparation, I had relied solely on the materials provided on and the Cambridge Examination Books 9-17(Book 16 came on post through IDP, which conducts the examination in India and the rest books were stored in my laptop as PDF’s).

    READING- Initially, when I started practicing, I got confused in the True/False/Not Given and the correct number/alphabet based questions and as a result I was getting 33-34 marks. However, on rigorous practice, I was able to get a better hang of it and started getting around 36-37 marks as I marked the important portions using a pencil. Even in the computer based examination, the passage and the questions are next to each other and so you can move and mark your answers with a virtual highlighter through right click. It helped me tremendously as I could mark and see the question at the same time! It served as a good way to cross check my answer before marking my answer. The best way therefore, to approach this module is to skim through the passages and mark the lines related to the questions. Please do not waste your time in reading the entire passage as you have to attempt 3 passages in 1 hour! You can lose your precious time as passages 2 and 3 require you to interpret and analyze before answering as they’re not direct:)

    LISTENING-This module in particular is a hard nut to crack as with practice it requires concentration as the audio is repeated only once and you have to attempt it as the audio proceeds. If you miss the audio, the entire part can go wrong. However, as you’ll attempt more and more of these tests, it’ll gradually become the easiest part of the exam for you ! For me, part 2 was the most difficult part when I had started practicing as it involved maps/alphabet based questions which are not familiar questions for an English Exam. Even in the multiple choice questions, you need to listen quite carefully as the speaker will repeat all the three options(especially in the 2 option MCQ’s where you need to find the suitable options which could be tasks or activities for the students/employees so mark it quickly . These are not direct and people have a high tendency to miss the audio here! For part 1 and 3, write only ONE/TWO/THREE WORDS ONLY(as mentioned) and for numbers you can write both in numbers and words. But, however, if the speaking says 50 pounds and 25 cents, write 50.25 pounds as you can lose marks for excess words. If pounds is already mentioned write only 50. Similarly, listen carefully what the speaker is saying first, then write the correct answer, as there will be a number of red-herrings which can lead to a wrong answer. A good advice here would be to use only Cambridge Books for Listening/Reading as it is same as what will be asked in the exam. Liz’s tests are equally good. For the audio, you can use YouTube as it has the audio transcripts for all the books with answers at the end.

    WRITING- For this module, I was totally freaked out as I am not a frequent writer especially, writing task 1 which required me to make a reports of the maps/graphs/processes. Initially, I struggled with it but one fine day came across Liz’s website, which helped me a great deal here. This module really requires you to prep a bit before you start. Study all the types of samples asked in Task-1 and Task -2 given on Liz’s website and practice accordingly. Also, go through the word list given by Liz in her blog as it provides you with a plethora of words for common trends like increase/decrease as well as linkers(Writing Task 1). To further improvise on your score, study sentence structures+ linkers as here, they judge you mostly on that(especially in Writing Task 2) . Also, in Writing Task 2, use some 2-3 less commonly used words as it will help you to pull up your score in the area for Lexical Resources(which marks you on the range of vocabulary used ). Kindly write an overview for Writing task 1(as Liz told in one of her videos that if you’ll not write an overview, you’ll be restricted to a band score of 5.5). But, time runs quite quickly and in Computer Based IELTS, you need to type quickly and a fault here is that the timer does not tell the amount of time left, especially in the last 1 minute. First, you can attempt Writing Task-2 as it carriers more marks and is an essay which requires you to discuss your ideas at length. But, please do not get carried away and spend only 40 mins here as the writing task 1 too requires you to look at the data (in my case a bar chart) and has marks too, so use the last 15 mins here and leave at least 4-5 minutes to correct your errors. Here, you really need to manage your time effectively as it can impact your overall score, so please attempt both tasks in a time bound manner, especially during the last week of your preparation.

    SPEAKING- I call it the stories module because here most of the time I was cooking stories about experiences I never encountered:) (but not always). It’s not an interview, but a casual conversation so do not get nervous. For this module, you need to study similarly as for the writing tasks such as studying sentence types, linkers and synonyms/new words to articulate your ideas in a clear manner. A major misconception here, however, is that the examiner judges you for your ideas. This is totally false! Before the exam, just attempt 1-2 speaking mocks on YouTube(Liz has a mock test too on her channel) and record yourself. It’ll help you to identify and correct your errors. As it requires you to speak on the spot, many people get nervous here, so practice this module atleast 2-3 times. Please speak a minimum of 2-3 sentence in Part-1 as this section is about you. In part-1, do look for a list of commonly asked topics such as hometown, favorite food, place etc as they are commonly asked and you’ll surely encounter one of these in the exam for sure. For part 2, you only get a minute so jot down quickly whatever comes to your mind and link it to your personal experience as you have to speak continuously for 2 minutes straight and it’ll help you to consume your time;). In part 3, you can use some philosophical insights as the questions require you to think deeply and are based on Part-2. Here, try to speak 3-4 sentences clearly as they require you to present your ideas at length. Finally, greet the examiner as you leave and go and behave properly(like do not bite nails, not maintaining eye contact with the examiner etc). Also, do not take huge pauses(pausing a bit is fine) or get tensed as it can play the opposite effect and have a bad impression on the examiner. Do not think about the exam atleast half an hour before your interaction as it’ll help to calm you down.

    This is all about my IELTS Experience. Thank you Liz Ma’am for your amazing modules which enabled me to get a good score❀️ (Apologies for such a long answer, I have literally poured out what came to my mind here!)
    May God Bless you ma’am!

    • Very well done getting an overall band 8 πŸ™‚ Goof for you, Shaurya! And thank you for sharing so much about your test and your preparation. Everything you have written will benefit people preparing for their test. Thank you πŸ™‚

  92. Azraque says

    Greetings Liz,

    I hope you are doing fine. I’m Azraque and I took the IELTS academic test to secure university admission. I was at first worried about my writing score in particular, because I need to get at least 6.5 to get accepted into the university of my choice.

    My results turned out to be better than I expected:
    Listening: 8.5
    Reading: 8.0
    Writing: 7.0 πŸ™‚
    Speaking: 8.5

    Thank you Liz for your writing and speaking tips! I had been watching your YouTube videos to understand how to write good introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions. Just a month before my test date, I got 5.5 on my writing mock test. I am glad to have improved in a short time. Now I can apply for the engineering major with my IELTS.

    PS: Get well soon so you can post YouTube videos again.

    • Great scores!! Certainly well above the 6.5 that you needed for university. Well done πŸ™‚ As soon as I feel stronger and more stable, I’ll start making videos again. I really hope to have an English Liz Youtube Channel one day – health permitting.

  93. Queenie says

    Hello Liz,

    Hope all is well. πŸ™‚ I’m Queenie and would like to share with you the results of the computer-based IELTS test I took last August 31, 2022.
    Listening – 8.5
    Reading – 8.0
    Writing – 8.0
    Speaking – 7.5
    Overall: 8.0

    I appreciate you sharing your expertise, advice, and practice exercises. I found them all to be of great use in my test preparation. Thank you very much for all that you do. I will surely share your website with all my friends who plan to take the test.

  94. Talal Latif Khan says

    Hello Liz,
    I received my results today.

    Listening: 9
    Reading: 9
    Writing: 8
    Speaking: 8.5
    Overall Band Score: 8.5

    Its all thanks to all your videos and guidance. I want to thank you for all the resources you provided. This was my second time. I gave the first one in 2018 and scored an overall 8.
    I’m a doctor by profession. I took IELTS for licensing.

    • Such great results! Well done πŸ™‚ I’m sure you’re both pleased and relieved it’s over. Thanks for sharing them and good luck with your registration πŸ™‚

  95. SecretFlower says

    Hi Liz,

    I hope you are doing well.
    I took the Computer Based GT and my scores are as follows:
    Listening – 9.0
    Reading – 9.0
    Writing – 7.5
    Speaking – 9.0
    Overall – 8.5

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for this wonderful webiste! It was my most important source of preparation, and honestly wouldn’t have been able to make it without you x
    Thanks a LOT xx

    • It’s wonderful to see your results!! Very well done to you!! A great overall score πŸ™‚

  96. Uma Fenton says


    I can’t thank you enough. I’m from India. I scored 7.5 overall Academic IELTS(L-8, R-7, W-7, S-7).
    Your tips really helped me, especially to get over the fear I had towards the exam.

    Thank you again.

    • Well done with your results!! IELTS can seem so daunting but it looks like you nailed it πŸ™‚

  97. Hi, Liz! I just received my IELTS results today, and I achieved:
    Listening – 9.0
    Reading – 9.0
    Writing – 7.0
    Speaking – 7.0
    Overall: 8.0
    Thank you so much! Your website and videos were of great help!

  98. JosΓ© says

    Thank you so much for your help, it was priceless indeed. I got my results and couldn’t be happier:
    Listening: 9.0
    Reading: 8.5
    Speaking: 8.0
    Writing: 7.0
    I wish you all the best.

  99. Santhosh says

    Hi liz,
    My results came in. I got
    Speaking : 8
    Listening : 9
    Reading : 8.5
    Writing : 7

    Overall Band : 8

    Thank you so much ! Your resources and lessons helped me a lot. I couldn’t have done this without you.

  100. RAJITH R says

    Hi Liz,
    I got
    Speaking : 8.5
    Listening : 8.0
    Reading : 8.5
    Writing : 7.0
    Overall: Band 8.0

    Thank you so much!

  101. Anupama Thabrew says

    Hi Liz,

    I’m from Sri Lanka and I used your website and YouTube videos to get to know about tips and techniques to perform well in my IELTS Academic exam. I only had less than 3 weeks to prepare myself for the exam. I didn’t go to any class and did around 5-8 practice tests for each section on my own and followed up your website and videos. I had my school education in English medium and I wasn’t struggling very much with the English language. But when I followed your teachings, I knew that knowing English is just not enough but one should also know alot more about techniques and applications in all 4 sections of the exam. Specially about the test formats. I sat for my exam on 16/07/2022 and got following scores on my very first attempt!!!
    Overall: 8
    Listening: 8.5
    Reading: 8.5
    Writing: 7
    Speaking: 7.5
    Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for all the useful priceless tips you are sharing on your website free of charge with the whole world and keep up the good work. You are an angel.

    • Very well done to you πŸ™‚ You obviously took on board all the skills and techniques needed for a high score πŸ™‚

  102. Arvind Lakshmanan says

    Hello Elizabeth,

    I appeared for CD IELTS GT on 22nd/23rd July 2022 and have got the below results:
    Listening = 8.5 | Reading, Writing & Speaking = 7.0 each.
    Overall band score = 7.5, for a first timer.

    I just cannot thank you enough for making such valuable resources available to aspirants like me. If only I had put in more effort and had trained harder, I am sure I would have scored more in Reading, Writing and Speaking. I sincerely hope my score is just about enough for my PR application. Fingers crossed.

    To all of you out there, put on your blinders and follow the content & tips given here in PRACTICE HARD !!!

    In my opinion about Computer Delivered test, Listening and Reading were fantastic. Keep track of your time in Writing. Before you realize, you will run short of time, where you might start to panic. When you get into that state, your flow of thoughts will choke. So, always keep an eye on the time left, displayed on your screen.

    • It’s good to see your results! Very well done πŸ™‚ Your tips about keeping an eye on the time is crucial – thanks for reminding everyone πŸ™‚

  103. Sands says

    Hi Liz,

    Firstly, I really want to thank you Liz for all the videos and practice material. I just got my results (8.5; 8; 8; 7_ L; W; S; R)_ overall: 8 (Academic).

    I gave myself 2 solid weeks of preparation and watching your videos really allowed me to know the curveballs that I had to foresee come exam date. In the reading part of the exam, mastering time management was really a challenge for me until the final exam as the results can show.

    Another tip, computer based assessment does not show the count down in seconds when it gets to the final minute left. So this was quite a shocker for me the first time I noticed this in the exam. I saw the timer saying 1 minute left and then the next thing the screen just went off on me.

    Lastly, it is very important to be frank with yourself in the preparation time to be able to tackle your challenges well.

    Thank you so much again πŸ™‚

    You really are heaven sent- providing free material that is of great quality does not happen often!

    • Well done with your results!! Great πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing the tip about the count down on the computer based tests. That certainly would be a shock if you weren’t prepared. And I agree fully about being honest with yourself, your aims, your skills etc when preparing for the test. Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  104. Ene Peter says

    Good day Liz,
    I took the IELTS Computer based test on the 9th of July, 2022. I got an overall score of 8, with the following individual scores:
    Listening- 9.0
    Reading- 9.0
    Writing- 7.0
    Speaking- 7.5

    Prior to the exam, I was really worried about the writing part. Your website was most helpful in improving my skills on how to arrange my ideas, as well as very valuable tips that helped me during the exam.

    I perfected my listening and reading skills by working with practice tests and using a computer to get a β€œfeel” of what the real test would be like. I underestimated the speaking part and didn’t practice as much as I should have. I feel it’s necessary for people to note that, it’s not just speaking but being able to maintain a meaningful conversation.

    Thank you so much for all you do Liz. I pray God blesses you and keeps you.

  105. Sakina Hussain says

    Hi Liz,

    I remember writing you last week about my IELTS writing dilemma. I appeared for Computer based test (Academic) on 27th June 2022 & have got my result. With all my heart I want to appreciate the content you have created on page. You are the only source I referred during my preparation. I finally have the desired score.

    Listening: 8
    Reading: 8
    Speaking: 8.5
    Writing: 7

    This was my second attempt as I got 6.5 in writing and I needed at least band 7 in all 4 modules.

    May God bless you with everything you wish. Thank you so much for helping all of us.

    My Writing question:
    Part 1: Map comparison. Picture of a town developed in 10 years time.

    Part :2

    Art such as Painting & Drawing are known to help with overall development of child, thus, it has been decided to make it mandatory in High School. To what extent you agree or disagree.

    • It’s great to see your results, particularly in writing. Very well done to you πŸ™‚

  106. Deepali says

    Hi Liz,
    I appeared for IELTS on 23rd April 2022 and started preparations only a month prior to it. But I scored 7.5 overall. Your efforts brought out results for me. Thank you so much.

  107. Hi Liz,

    Thanks a ton for all your lessons! With the help of these and the paid lessons on Academic Writing, I was able to ace my IELTS test! I scored an overall 8.0 band in the IELTS Academic Test on 14th Nov 2021.

    Listening: 9.0
    Reading: 9.0
    Writing: 7.0
    Speaking: 7.5

    By far, has been the most comprehensive and resourceful tool I’ve come across for IELTS and the paid lessons are worth every single penny.

    Thanks once again Liz. You are doing a fantastic job! Keep it up!

    Meeshawn Marathe

  108. Jasmine says

    Hi Liz,

    Thank you so much for your help. I took the IELTS Pen-Paper Test (Academic) on 28th May’22. I got the following results:

    Listening – 9.0
    Reading – 7.0
    Writing – 7.0
    Speaking – 8.5

    I got 8.0 Overall Score.

    Thanks again!!!

  109. Kehinde says

    Hi Liz,

    My result just came in
    Listening- 9.0
    Reading- 8.0

    Overall- 8.5
    Thank you for the amazing resources on your website.

  110. Hereward Hall says

    Very happy. Got my IELTS results yesterday afternoon. Scored 9 in Speaking, 8 in Listening, 7.5 in Reading and 8 in Writing. Overall band score of 8. Your website was invaluable for Reading and Writing. Now I can apply to the UK Foundation programme.

    • That’s great news!! Well done and all the best for your future πŸ™‚

  111. Frankie says

    Hi Liz,

    I took the IELTS Academic Test on May-21-2022. I just received the results today and I am very happy with it. The material on your website is very helpful to my preparation and I am grateful for it. Wishing you all the best.

    Listening: 8.5
    Reading: 8.5
    Writing: 7
    Speaking: 7

    Frankie from Hong Kong.

  112. Amreet Kaur says

    Hi liz
    Hope you are doing well.
    I recently took my ielts academic test and result is
    Listening- 8.5
    Reading- 8.5
    Writing- 7
    Speaking- 7
    Overall- 8
    A very big thanks to you for teaching ielts because all I prepared was from your lessons only and did’t take any additional coaching. So apart from my hard work, credit goes to you. I will surely recommend your website to other aspirants as well.
    Thank you for being such a great mentor.

  113. Weng Kit Chan says

    Hi Liz,

    I’m Weng, a final year medical student from Malaysia. I took my IELTS (Academic) in the middle of my final year exams, and obtained the following results:

    Listening: 9.0
    Reading: 9.0
    Writing: 8.5
    Speaking: 8.5
    Overall: 9.0

    I was genuinely shocked to receive such a high score as I thought I had messed up both the listening and speaking sections.

    For my exam, Task 1 required us to detail the steps involved in making soft cheese, while Task 2 asked for our opinions regarding compulsory volunteering in the young adult population. The speaking section required candidates to talk at length about someone they idolised, as well as their thoughts regarding internship placements, and the role of universities in providing work experience.

    Overall, I found your website to be extremely useful and comprehensive. In particular, I really liked going through the model answers for the Writing Tasks, as they gave me an idea of how to structure and present my essays.

    Thanks to your site, I have achieved the minimum IELTS requirement (overall 7.5) to work as a doctor in the NHS. If things go smoothly, I shall look forward to starting this August. I’ll definitely be recommending your site to all my friends.

    Kind Regards,

    • Band Score 9!! Fantastic!! You nailed it. Thanks for sharing your results. It really inspires others to see what is possible. Wishing you all the best in the NHS πŸ™‚

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