IELTS Topic: Urban Planning

The IELTS topic of Urban Planning in IELTS Speaking and Writing Task 2. This topic has appeared in the IELTS test a number of times. For this reason, it is a good topic to prepare for. Many people find this topic challenging because they don’t have many ideas about it. Below you will find:

  • What urban planning means
  • Speaking Part 3 Questions
  • Speaking Model Answers
  • Writing Task 2 Essay Questions
  • Useful Vocabulary and Ideas

This topic might also be called Urban Design.

What is Urban Planning / Urban Design

Before we look at questions and model answers, lets first understand what urban planning is.

  • Urban planning is about planning where houses and buildings are located in a city.
  • It is about ensuring there will be enough housing for the residents both now and in the future.
  • It is about planning the infrastructure of roads, bridges, overpasses etc to ensure a good flow of traffic.
  • It is also about the design of buildings and their function.
  • It’s about protecting some buildings and knocking others down.
  • It’s about how space is used in a city.
  • It helps ensure that a city can meet the needs of its citizens.
  • Before someone builds a house, it means they would require building permission which ensures their plans are acceptable.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Urban Planning

Speaking Part Questions for Urban Planning with Model Answers. As you can see from the title of this section, this is most likely to appear in Speaking Part 3. If you had a topic in part 2 about your city, an interesting place in your country, or a crowded place, it is very possible to get this topic in part 3. Below are some questions:

  1. Is urban planning useful? (Why do we need urban planning?)
    1. I think it’s essential for any growing city. If there wasn’t any planning, people would be able to build what they want, where they want. There would be chaos, blocked traffic and unsafe buildings. I think that if any city wants to become successful in the modern world, it needs careful planning so that it remains efficient and appealing.
      1. Alternative answer: I think urban planning is really important, but too much control isn’t good. What I mean is, planning is important for big buildings, historical buildings and the infrastructure, but I think people should still be able to build the house they want for themselves without the government saying no.
      2. I’ve been to cities with good urban planning. They are really a joy to be in. There are wonderful city gardens, cycle paths, well-spaced buildings, trees and roads wide enough for the traffic, good facilities all easily accessible and much more. I think urban planning is essential if a city is to attract visitors, residents and businesses.
  2. Do you think it is interesting living in a crowded area?
    1. Personally, I’m not very keen on crowds. I mean, crowds are ok for concerts or festivals because they are exciting. But I wouldn’t want to live that way on a daily basis. I prefer cities that are more tranquil.
      1. For me, I think all modern cities with the best job opportunities are crowded. You can’t get away from that. It shows how popular the city is. Also, the more crowded it is, the more facilities and entertainments there probably are. I’d love to live in a bustling city. Such cities, feel really alive and fun.
  3. Are cities better to live in than the countryside?
    1. I suppose it depends on who you are talking to. I mean, people who have a family might prefer to live in the countryside where it’s more peaceful and also cheaper. But young people who are trying to get ahead with their careers might prefer a city because there are so many more opportunities and the salaries would be higher.
  4. Is it important for a city to have facilities for amusements?
    1. I think all cities should be designed to have amusements. I can’t imagine so many people living in a city that had nothing to offer for their free time. I mean, cities are the best places to go for nightclubs, cinemas, restaurants and concerts. Also, people come to the city to earn money and most of them probably would want to enjoy their income in their leisure time.
  5. Does urban planning make a city more boring? (Does urban planning take the character out of a city?
    1. I think it depends on the government and the aims of their urban planning. That is to say, some governments are only interested in cheap, unattractive, functional buildings which have no character and no charm. This would definitely make a city pretty boring to visit and live in. But other governments understand that a city should be appealing, with impressive buildings, historical buildings and beautiful parks. So, if urban planning is done correctly, it can make a city more attractive, not only to the residents there, but also to foreigner travellers. After all, tourism is good for the economy.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Questions: Urban Planning

Below are examples of essay questions that have appeared in the IELTS test about buildings and city planning.

Some people think that cities should be designed to be beautiful rather than functional. Do you agree?

Some people think urban centres need more green spaces, while others believe more housing is needed. What do you think?

As cities have increased in size and building work has expanded in a haphazard way, there should be more careful planning. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people think it is better to pull down old buildings and replace them with modern ones. However, others believe old buildings still have value. Discuss bot sides and give your opinion.

Some cities locate shops, housing, schools and entertainment in different areas of the city. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing so?

Useful Vocabulary for Buildings and Urban Planning Topic

  • requalify existing city buildings
  • create new urbanisations
  • improve the quality of life of the inhabitants / residents
  • ensure a logical and efficient city layout
  • plan commercial centres
  • ensure building safety
  • plan infrastructure, such as roads, airports, railways, public transport system, cycle paths etc
  • planning for the increase in traffic on roads to avoid congestion
  • make educational and health care facilities easy to access
  • without planning, future city growth might become unsustainable
  • protect heritage sites and places of historic significance
  • create national pride through buildings and layout of key buildings
  • plan parks and other green spaces for health benefits
  • ensure that housing and buildings do not encroach on natural resources, places of beauty and other protected areas
  • prohibit development that might threated wildlife and natural habitats
  • to ensure the capacity for future urban growth
  • relocating business outside urban areas
  • decentralising services, such as schools, shops and companies
  • helping with carbon emissions by developing cycle paths and efficient public transport
  • to ensure a good urban landscape
  • waste management and sanitation must be well planned for hygiene reasons
  • it makes a city more liveable / more accessible / more interesting / more appealing
  • people will feel more prosperous in a well planned city
  • it attracts investment for business
  • ensures that the city is well connected with other cities and other countries

IELTS Writing Task 2 Useful Links

Click here for: IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Essays, Tips and Lessons

Click here for: IELTS Writing Task 1: Model Answers, Tips and Lessons


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  1. Hi Liz,
    I have a question regarding the capitalization of places.
    As you mentioned names of places should be capitalized in the listening module. I took a test recently and the question type was note completion and had the following question :
    – Taking Ms. Caroll to _______
    “She needs a lift to the hospital next week.”
    The transcript has the answer with the small letter ‘h’ but I wrote it in capital letter as it is a place and I was marked wrong.
    Could you please clarify this? I’m quite confused with this rule.

    • In English grammar, names of places, such as countries and cities, start with a capital letters. Names of buildings do not. The IELTS test never alters English grammar rules. For the listening test, capital letters are not important or needed. The advice is to use all capital letters to write your answers in the paper test to avoid problems reading hand writing. With the computer test, it doesn’t matter. Lastly, never use any source of tests online that are not authentic on an official IELTS website. Other websites do not have the answer keys or marking properly organised which is why people get marked wrong when answers are right. Only use the IELTS Cambridge test books to practise full tests. From the information you have given, your answer is correct with or without a capital letter.

  2. Jasneet says

    Liz, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is through website I got such positive reinforcement that I filled my EOR and by God’s grace my band score increased. I thank God for showing me path through you. With loads love and best wishes to you.

  3. Ejiro Ese says

    Hello Liz, I really want to appreciate you for your industrious and benevolent heart ❤️. Your page is always helpful to me. Though, I have recommended it to my fellas and they love it too. Kudos to your team and God richly bless you. Ejiro, from Nigeria

  4. Paola says

    Hey Liz!
    Hope this message finds you well!
    I just wanted you to know that I presented my IELTS recently and I got the score I needed.
    I only prepared for it with your lessons and tips. Everything you share is extremely useful! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and helping us, you are a great teacher!

    • I’m really pleased for you. Well done 🙂 And thanks for coming back to share your good news!

  5. Mandeep says

    thank u so much dear Liz

  6. Felicity Fofie says

    thanks for your for your video posted on cities and country side, it really helped me a lot I had a speaking question on that.

    • Glad you got a chance to prepare for it before your test. It’s a trending topic at the moment not just for speaking, but for writing task 2 as well. I hope you did well. Good luck with your results 🙂

  7. Yakubu Sama'ila says

    Thank you ma, really proud of you

  8. Sostern Mweemba says

    Thank you Lizzy. I’ve learned something. keep informing me , well appreciated.

  9. Thanks, Liz for these valuable information

  10. Nadee Jayawardhana says

    Dear Madam,
    To be honest your a brilliant gift from god for language learners such as us..thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏🙏💐💐💐💐

  11. Sunitha Rajanna says

    Thank you, Liz. You are just amazing as a teacher. Respect.

  12. Patricia says

    Thank you, Liz. You are great.

  13. Am quite impressed about your interest in helping us learn new vocabulary.
    I must say a big thanks to you.

  14. thank you so much liz

  15. Florent says

    think this is powerful, it’s really helpful

  16. MD . Borhan uddin says

    you really always great for IELTS . Your resilience, determination and concern about us to learn English in a wide range are mesmerizing yet.

  17. This is brilliant Liz. Thank you so much for your generosity and help given to so many. Such a tricky subject. And indeed, one which few students would have ideas about.

    • Yes, it’s such a tricky topic if you haven’t prepared for it. But I think just reviewing this page will give people the knowledge, language, ideas and confidence to tackle it 🙂

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