What makes a good painting?
Ideas and Vocab
- the composition of all the parts
- the painter has a good eye (to know when something is good)
- perspective and symmetry (sizing and balance of all parts)
- using a particular style or an unusual technique (skill)
- the subject (person / landscape / animal etc)
- the balance of colours and contrasts
- to bring about an emotional response – it touches people
- to evoke a memory or idea
- impact – something you can’t take your eyes off
- historical background or relevance
Model Answer
From my perspective, I suppose a good painting is one you can’t take your eyes off. For me, it’s either due to the colours and images or because of the emotional reaction I might have to the painting. But I know that for other people, they think a good painting is usually because of the skill involved in painting it or because of the unique creativity of the artist. I guess that a good painting means something different to everybody.
Video Watch
This video shows an art dealer talking about what makes a good painting. It is not a video made for language learners so the English is advanced but hopefully you can still learn a lot from it.
Nice to meet you Ms,Liz.
I’ve been learning IELTS to improve my engrish ability.
I tried answering this question:What makes a good painting?
In my opinion,it depends on how inventive each painting is.
The reason for my opinion is that there are many famous Works of Art which have attracted people around the world with their inovative technique.
For instens,almost people wouldn’t have anticipated Banksy’s method before he or she appeared.
But many british people have been fascinated by the unidentified artist.
So in summary,The most important element that makes a work of art great is its inventiveness.
I understand your approach, but this isn’t a writing test. It’s for speaking. You are practicing your answer by writing instead of by speaking natural. A natural answer would not have an introduction, example and conclusion. It would just be you expressing your ideas in a natural way. This is an informal speaking test (an informal chat with the examiner) and your answer should therefore be informal. Try practicing your answers in a natural way and recording your answers to listen back instead of writing them. Relax, be friendly, be chatty, be open and don’t try to formulate an answer like an essay.
Here is an example:
Q. What makes a good painting?
A. Well, I suppose that one of the things I think is really important is how innovative a piece of art is. If the work of art doesn’t have new ideas or innovative techniques, then I wouldn’t call it really good. It would just be a kind of copy of someone else’s work. So, originality is really important. I mean there was an artist called Banksy in the UK who really surprised people because no one had seen art like that before. When you looked at it, it really made you think. And that’s what it’s all about.
Take a look at the informal language and the natural flow of speaking. You need to aim for something like that.
Hello Liz,
Today was my Speaking test and I dont know if it went well or not because the examiner was very chatty and she didnt interrupted in Part 1 and 2 but quite often in Part 3. I guess the answer which she expected was very much different from mine. She was sometimes giving me a look like I am speaking a different idea or opinion which is not in line with hers. But I must say that I was not even quite for a minute or second. I was constantly speaking and I got a topic about discussing a time when i took a risk which i thought i should not have but it resulted in a positive way and the whole Part 3 was related to risks only which i answered somehow but was not quite to make my fluency strong.
I think it went well but I am not able to forget the examiner expressions now. Tomorrow is my listening, Reading and Writing Test. Please wish me Good Luck !!
You need to totally relax about your speaking test. It’s all fine. Speaking part 1 is called the Short Answer interview – it isn’t formal and the answers shouldn’t too short. But essentially, it is just straight forward question and answer. But part 3, which also has questions and answers, is known as the debate part of the test. Certainly, the examiner will ask questions and you will answer them, but the examiner is likely to challenge your answers. They don’t do this because they are marking ideas, they do this because when you explain things in more depth, you are giving higher level English language which is needed for a higher score. There is no such thing as a wrong answer because you are not marked for how you tackle a question, if your answer is relevant or anything about ideas. Only the level of your language is assessed in the speaking test. This isn’t the same as the writing test where ideas are definitely marked.
It doesn’t matter how the examiner looks at you – each examiner has slightly different body language. She might have looked at you because you had an interesting answer and she was enjoying the test. You really much not pay attention to subtle signs like that because such body language isn’t related to your score. I’m glad to hear that you continued to speak and chat regardless of how uncertain you felt. That’s a good thing.
Now it is time for you to forget your speaking test and concentrate on the next parts of the test. Your speaking test sound fine so try to relax. Good luck tomorrow!
Thank You so much Liz !
Hi Liz,
I’m going to be short. I was wondering that should I write “Earth” in the writing exam with a capital “E” or a lower-case one, regardless of its location in the sentence? I mean even if it’s not the beginning word after a full stop.
Thank you so much
P.s: Hope you don’t mind my grammatical errors and I’ve made myself clear.
It depends if you are talking about “earth” such as soil or Earth which is our unique planet. Our planet has the name “Earth” and all names (proper nouns) use capital letters.
Hi Liz, I hope you are well
I am thankful for everything you offered in this blog and for your wonderful work,
Since my exam is tomorrow.
I wanted to ask you if it’s possible to write all the listening sections answers in capital letters e.x (GRAND MOTHER), to avoid penalties such as not writing the first letter of a name in capital form e.x (Atlanta>atlanta)..or is it ok to write them all in lower case?
thanking you in advance.
There are no such penalties in the listening test. And yes you can write using all capital letters unless stated otherwise, such as for email address when the speaker specifically states upper or lower case.
Although I have my IELTS exam tomorrow and I sincerely regret not being able to help myself with your content, I am still thankful for the little time I am spending here and I am hopeful that it will remarkably improve my performance in exam. Thanks a ton for your amazing content.
Good luck!
Hi liz!
Its wonderful to have your class and now i am able to give my first ielts examination but as we all know due to this pandemic situation ielts examination has been cancelled (postponed). Thank you for you lesson and your tips giving us. And I surely apply on my exam 🙂
Lots of love from Nepal🇳🇵
Hopefully, you will be even more ready when you test day finally arrives – good luck 🙂
Hello Liz,
Thanks for your helpful efforts. I’ve a question-Do you agree or disagree?/Do you agree?
Is there any differences between the structures of these essays?
would be very greatful if u answer😊.
They are 100% the same. They are also the same as “To what extent do you agree?”
Could you please tell me the difference between 2 essay types:(structure of it)
1. Do you agree or disagree? and
2. To how much extent do you agree or disagree
There is no difference. None at all. They are 100% the same essay.
hi liz
you started to sentence with but in modal answer but i remember that you said you cant use capital letter with but because etc. because you cant start to sentence with this kind of words. I just confused
You need to be very very careful when you learn advice. That advice was for IELTS writing, which is formal, and not for IELTS speaking. The IELTS Speaking Test is informal and such rules do not apply. Don’t mix writing rules with speaking rules. I’m glad you posted this message so that others can learn from this as well.
Thanks Liz.
You have been very helpful.
thanks a lot
Hi Liz,
Thank you very much for guiding us for IELTS. I find IELTS easy because of you.
Hello liz,
How do I watch the video above of the expert talking about Art painting. The link is not working.
Thanks for letting me know. I’ve just fixed it 🙂
heyy Liz marry me !! i mean it !!
love from Istanbul
That’s a nice way to start my morning 🙂
Such a lovely answer :))
Hello Liz,
actually I’ve watched all of your IELTS video in youtube then I came here to watch more. I wanna say Thanks a ton for your lovely effort to lean us how to speak English.
You’re welcome, Reza 🙂
Thank you Liz, I’m spending lots of valuable time on your YouTube channel and on the website as well. Very helpful content, very appreciated :). Bless you
Thank you Liz we a enjoying while learning here. You are such a great help.
I’m glad my site is useful 🙂
Hi Liz,
Could you please confirm whether we are judged on task achievement in all speaking modules or not?
No, that is not marked in IELTS speaking. It is marked only in IELTS writing. You can see the band score marking criteria on this page:
Hi Liz,
Questions I had to answer for Part-3
1. What advices can a professional trainer give to athletes.
2. Should Professional Sportsman keep personal trainer for guidance.
3. Apart from advice on training what other advices can Professional trainers give to their clients.
I want to know how bands are affected if one goes off topic with his answers. Same has happened with me, I am afraid my bands for Speaking would be adversely affected.
She also wrote “11/4” in her notes. Does that signify I was able to answer 4 Questions out off 11?
You are not marked on being on or off topic in IELTS speaking. The marking criteria are not the same for speaking and writing. You are only marked on your language production in IELTS speaking – nothing else influences your score. Ignore any numbers written down by the examiner – they do not relate to your score or the questions.
Hi Liz , I’m from Bangladesh.
Hopefully you are good. I’m regularly getting benefits from your great website & don’t know how much people getting these benefits. I haven’t language how I express my emotions to you.If I get any chance to meet with you ,never miss,just for expressing my grateful to you.please keep continue your services, the world never forget you.God bless you all the best.
I’m glad my website is useful for you 🙂
Yeah very useful , thank you a lot
Dear I saw the video about painting. I want to know that when I hear to him there are lot of worlds which I don’t understand because he is talking in native language. How I can improve this type of conversation.Thanks.
Start watching more and more video tutorials on youtube and online magazines or news programmes.
Thank you very very much Liz.
Thanks million !Madam
Hey, mam, I have only 8 days left for speaking what can I do?
Review this page: and prepare topics – good luck!
Hi Liz please help me … My communication skills are very poor.. what can I do?,
You will have 14 mins to demonstrate your English in the speaking test. It is not a lot of time – use the time wisely. Be prepared and this will help your nerves. See all topics, tips, lessons and model answers on this page:
Great reply. Thank you
u can msg me here we wil do simple cnversation to improve our communincation skills
That’s a good idea.
Plz tell me about the organisation of a cue card
See this page:
Dear Liz,
Your lessons are awesome. Thanks a tonne for the great service.
my tutor told me its better to give partially view ans in every writing task 2 question. I have doubt on it. Can you tell me its good to ans in partially view to get good band score?
You do not get a higher band score because you have a partial view. You can get a band score 9 with a one-sided view. Read the question and you decide your own opinion – one sided or partial – it’s your choice and doesn’t affect your score.
Hi Liz
I have a question in Listening.
What is the correct way to write name like T-H-O-M-A-S or Thomas in answer sheet ?
If the speaking says ” T hyphen H hyphen… ” then you will write a hyphen. Do not write anything that is not given. Unless it is a compound noun which uses a hyphen.
Hello Ma’am,
I’m Dolly Dhiliwal.
Wanted to ask you whether we can write all answers in reading and listening answer sheet in capital letters .
ma’am your lessons are really helpful
thank you so much .
See this page:
yes definitely you can… it will help you make good score with less errors
Hello Liz
Can v talk about a temple in cuecard of describe any building or Construction or structure
Ur advice will b really appreciated
Thanks in advance
You can talk about anything you want because your ideas and choices are not marked in IELTS speaking.
Thanks a lot liz
I will speak on golden temple in India if I get that
Sounds interesting. When you give your talk, you can add any information you want. Anything! It won’t affect your score. So, write about the layout, colours, uses of the temple, ceremonies, your memories of the temple, your future hopes for the temple, compare it to other temples etc. The more language you add, the better.
Hi Liz,
Can you please give me some last movement tips for IELTS Writing Task 2. I am expecting some important tips which readily impress the examiner.
See all lessons on this page: Your aim is not to impress the examiner, your aim is to fulfil the requirements of the higher band scores.
Hi Liz first of all thank you for all your support through your knowledge to us. And I have done my ielts exam very well your lesson helped me a lot and I completeld my speaking session in part 3 they have asked me, is driving essential for all job holders? do sports men need to know driving? which is the better age to learn driving wether teenage or old age? And should government encourage drivers to use public transport?
What should government do reduced congestion of traffic?
These are some of the questions they asked me hope they are useful to you .
Thanks for sharing and good luck with your results 🙂
Hey liz. Can u help me in speaking …i have minor problems with it
See my main speaking page:
Do you want us to practice together?
I am looking for a speaking partner. Please contact me at +84 902 970 981 if you also look for one.
Cheers, Nhan
Hi Liz!
I have my speaking exam on 17th August and all my teachers have the same problem with my speaking- fast execution. I really want to know whether fast execution would affect my band score or not because I am really not able to slow down my speaking pace.
Thank you!
If the examiner has a problem to understand you, it will affect your score. The marking criterion for pronunciation is whether or not you are clear and easy to understand. Do you think you are easy to understand?
I think there’s no problem with my pronunciation, the teachers are able to understand what I say. But I am afraid the examiner might think I don’t have control over my voice.
If the examiner can understand and your speed doesn’t impede your intonation, it’ll be ok. But if you are worried, practice slowing down. You can learn to slow down – it’s a matter of practice and determination.
Okay. Thanks for your guidance.
Hi you can give me reading tips because my reading is very week.
REad all tips on this page:
Hi Liz,
Are there any other ways to say ‘waste of time’ and ‘waste of money’?
Thank you Liz
waste of time = it isn’t worth the time / waste of money = not cost effective (this is for formal / serious topics)
May I know Ur email id
So that I can send my writing task 2
I can rectify my mistakes in that
Please see this page:
Hi liz.
Your page is really helpfull.thanks for that,can you plz tell me about model answers essay ,where they are on your site?i couldnt find them .
See the main writing task 2 page:
Hello Liz,
Thanks for making such wonderful videos and putting them online which are pretty much helpful to people like me.
I want to ask you if I decide to write all answers in capital in reading module and if there is a question type of heading from ( i to viii).
What should I write in answers – I , II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII
OR i,ii,iii,iv,v,vi,vii,viii.?
It is confusing me since long.
I would be greatful if you solve my Query.
And thank you again for such a noble cause.
I would write them as you see then on the question paper. It doesn’t matter if you use capital letters or not.
Dear Liz,
I was looking out for you. You weren’t active on the site, so I thought I would get some help from a local English teacher, but it wasn’t so fruitful. I have speaking test on Monday. I m scared. And the LRW test on 16th February. I need the quick word list for commonly asked topics in writing tasks 1 & 2. Please help me. I m not able to get all the word list at once from your site, its tedious to collect each one from the each topic. If you could give a word or pdf document having all the word list, so I can take a print out of that document and I can go through it quickly. Mail me at
Thanking you in anticipation.
Words are only 25% of your marks and the most important thing is to avoid errors. Learning new words just days before your test is a mistake – you will make mistakes and get a lower score. Instead, it is time to focus on technique. See this page for last minute tips: See the recent topics and just prepare ideas for them in speaking: Purchase my advanced writing task 2 lessons if you need training: Good luck!!
I have problem in specking like i fell i do not speck confidently and fell nervous and during specking i have content in my mind but but feel confusing when make sentence…and i could not catch world during my listning test…plz help me me
Develop your speaking at home. See this page for tips and model answers:
Hi Miss Liz,
I am preparing for my IELTS (Academic) test. I Visited your Blog . it is very much helpful. I have difficulty in writing task1. if you could guide me how to mention the changes in graphs , tables , and pie charts.if you could give me list of words to describe the changes in writing tasks 1.
I am waiting for your fastest reply..
Thank you
Vocaulary of change for writing task 1 can be found on the following link under the title of line graph vocab:
Hai liz ..the lessons are very helpful thank you so much
omg, Liz, I am really surprised when I just visit here. You have helped a lot of students to establish fundamental skills of IELTS, as well as for me. I am going to study all your lectures on this site, and I am definitely sure that I can improve all section of IELTS. Thank you.
Thank you Liz god bless you
Thanks Liz for your helpful lessons.
Thank you lots for all these information. You are really helping us all. God bless you.
Thanks for you , you are respectable human
I want to tell you Liz that I love you so much your site helped me alot you are so precious
You’re welcome 🙂
thank you very much for your helpful teaching ,it,s simple and clear , I strongly believe that you are the most faithful and caring teacher to her job .
You’re welcome 🙂
Dear Liz !
In the beginning, I would like to thank you for your great service and helping us in the relevant field of IELTS and owe us great knowledge , secondly I have really big trouble in reading even I have followed everything but i have not got any positive effect in my life , if there is any strong skill to improve my reading accordingly please do not forget to inform me .
Khalid Ahmady
Try this page: and all tips on this page:
Hi Liz, do you offer any IELTS customised training for individuals ? I want someone to correct my essay
No, sorry I don’t offer that.
Hi Liz,
I appreciate your great effort, I have diffculties in listening part , my problom is thar I can catch words but I lose marks due to spelling mistake, So, is there any list of common words that are repeated in the listening part so I can practice and memmoris them?
Thanks ,
There are not common lists of words that will help. However, think about visiting a spelling website:
Hi Teacher
You are really an IELST expert. I wish i can be studied with you on someday.
Joanna from Vietnam
Hi Liz!
Thank you for providing online lectures. They are really helpful. I am appearing IELTS Academic examination in Islamabad on 23rd January and i am finding difficulty in reading, especially, TFNG & YNNG. At times, i achieve 35 out of 40 and it often drops directly to 27-28. I have watched your lectures and also practicing basics on reading at your blog. Kindly guide me accordingly to perform for earning acceptable scores.
Thank You
thanks madam…
thanks a lot liz…. you are doing an amazing job…
First of all, I would like to appreciate your direction and proper guidance on IELTS preparation…..
Mom, I have no problem with listening,writing and speaking, but the minor difficulty is in reading, how can I speed up and answer the required questions.
I will be waiting for you…….
Yours faithfully……..
(with the best of luck in 2016)
Hi Liz
thanks for your efforts I wanna know how to handle with the paper of IELTS exam
Hi liz .. Thanks for being so helpful .. I have a confusion regarding preparing my self to ielts general test .. Should I prepare all four categories in parellel or it would be better to take them in a certain sequence ?? .. Thanks again .. Have a good day
You prepare as you want. Some students find it boring to prepare only listening for one week. But others find it is better to concentrate on just one. You must decide what works for you.
All the best
Hi Liz,
I find difficulties answering the cause and effects type of question in reading, is it possible in General Training as part of the exam?
There are no cause effect questions in IELTS reading or writing. I’m not really sure what you mean. Try writing your question more clearly.
Hello Liz, I have followed you for a long time and just had my speaking test yesterday. I think I did well in part one and part two, but in part three it’s about how can artists make themselves famous and questions like that, I only used some simple words and made some grammar mistakes, would that stop me from getting a high score?
Thanks for reply:)
Your score is given from the language you used throughout your whole test, not just in one part. Also, I find that students are not the best judges of what is considered higher level English and what is considered lower level. Wait until your results and relax for a while. Let me know how you get on.
All the best
Hi Liz, can you advise me how to improve vocabulary, as I am very shy and my pronunciations are poor. I love you web-site.
Reading is the best way to improve general vocabulary but for IELTS speaking you will need topic vocabulary. This means you need to memorise the meaning, research more about how it is used and collocations and also practice using it. If you don’t use the words, you won’t remember them. See this lesson:
Hey Liz, I found your website is very informative and comprehensive. Thank you for put up the great effort and your time into this.
I have question, can a photograph considered as art? I feel lot more easier to talk about anything that has to do with photography
The good thing about IELTS speaking is that you don’t get marked on your ideas or how you tackle the question. You only get marked on your English language. This means you have a lot of freedom to answer questions the way you want. So, if you consider photography to be art, you can say this and talk about photography. This is also the technique you use in part 2. Look at the topic, follow it but also adapt it to suit you.
All the best
This is the best site I have seen so far. ALL FOR FREE at that! I cannot thank you enough. 🙂 Tomorrow’s my speaking exam. Hopefully, I remember your tips and ace the exam.
Good luck!! Be chatty and add more to your answers.
can u will check my essay? if i write, because i took IELTS exam 3 times but not got the score above 6.
Unfortunately, I don’t offer essay marking or grading services.
All the best
I am surprised nobody noticed the bad grammar in the title of this article thus far.
It was a typo.
Please send me 9 band complex sentence structure
Please see my band 9 model essays in the writing task 2 section. Or see all model answers in the speaking section – they are all band 9.
This is the best website i have ever seen that is teaching everything , every idea that pops up in my mind i find it here with all description and also for FREE ! .. it is really an amazing one , thanks for this remarkable effort .
Regards ,
Noha .
I’m really glad you find it all useful 🙂
Thank you very much for teaching me lots for knowledge , this is the best website for ever.
You’re welcome 🙂
Hi Liz,
Your tutorial videos and the study material available on your website are excellent. Thank you!
Rashmi Bisl
Your lessons are extraordinary they not only strengthen the inner ability to read and write, but also leads you to the right pathway for overcoming our difficulties in learning language test. I’m glad to find you as my virtual teacher your simply remarkable. 🙂
Thanks once again.
I’m really pleased my lessons are useful 🙂
All the best
Your post captures the issue pelefctry!
Hi Liz ,
can you tell me what can I answer for “what measures can govt take to reduce traffic (apart from infrastructure)?”
Thank You.
The government can improve public transport to encourage people to use it rather than using their own vehicles. They can also make a no traffic zone.
All the best
Hello Liz ,
Really you are doing an extraordinary job for IELTS learners.Its very interesting to learn new vocabulary through your website.Thankyou very much.
Thanks 🙂 I’m pleased the lessons are useful.