IELTS Speaking Part 1: Camping

Below are some questions and a vocabulary for the topic of camping for IELTS speaking part 1. This topic can come in any part of the test although it is most common in part 1. This is a subtopic from the the topic of holidays.

Questions for Camping Speaking Part 1

  • Do you like camping?
  • Did you ever go camping when you were a child?
  • Is camping popular in your country?
  • Where do most people like to go camping?
  • Why do you think people like to go camping?
  • Do you think camping is popular for both men and women?
  • Why do you think children like to go camping?

Model Answers

Two different ways to answer the same question. Both answers offer the examiner a range of vocabulary suitable for the topic.

  • Question: Do you like camping?
  • Answer: Yes, I do. There’s something really exciting about being out in the forest, sleeping in a tent and cooking food over the campfire. It’s lovely to feel so close to nature. Unfortunately, I don’t get much chance to do it.
  • Answer: No, I don’t. I hate the idea of sleeping in a cramped tent and eating awful camp food. I would much prefer to sleep in a hotel where I had my own bathroom with a power shower. I honestly don’t know why people enjoy it.


Camping Vocabulary

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  1. Mohamed Wageh says

    I have enjoyed by many many ideas to think about topic like this ..🩶

  2. My name is Shruti from India and recently took IELTS Test. I GOT 8.5 IN SPEAKING!!!! I practiced thoroughly from the various topics and vocabulary you have given and I owe my result to your tips.

    I practiced almost 20 questions from a wide variety of topics before the day of the exam and that’s what helped me crack it.

    Thanks a lot!! God bless you always:). I hope to meet you in person one day.

    Can never thank you enough

  3. israa says

    thank`s Liz
    how many time i need to answer for this questions ??because i recorded my answer and i need to know the number of minutes i must spent it for answers of this questions.

  4. Faith Ojie says

    Hi Liz, this is my first time of writing or taking IELTS, and I love using your site to learn; I’ve really gained a lot, but I want to ask a question, for the Speaking test part 1, Must I always give reasons for each question? Thanks

    • You can say anything you want. You definitely do NOT have to give reasons why you like a certain colour or certain weather. Reasons are not marked. Ideas are not marked. Go to the main speaking page of this site and see all the model answers – you will soon learn how they are extended.

  5. I just appriciate your advice. thanks

  6. Actually I am with the first choice ,I really enjoy being out side in camping because that give me the the time to relax and Chang our routine of living also being in camping give us the opertunity to play game competition with your companion so that give us the energy to spend funny time outside.

  7. How I can download these mp3 audio ? I want to move them to my mp3 . Can you help me please.

  8. Groot site ! Ik ben loving it! Zal terugkomen weer . Ik nemen uw feeds ook.

  9. Hi Liz,
    Do i need to give some more information to every yes/no questions?
    Thank Liz!

    • Yes, you must always add a little bit more to each answer you give in speaking part 1 and much more for speaking part 3.

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