IELTS Current Essay Question Jan 2015

Below is a an essay question that came in the exam this week.

Directors and managers of organizations are often older people. Some people say that it is better for younger people to be leaders. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

This is an opinion essay which means you must give a clear opinion in the introduction and then support it and explain it in the body paragraphs. Let me give you some ideas for this topic. If you have more ideas of your own, please post them in the comments box below.

Reasons why young people should be leaders

  • young people are usually more up-to-date and in touch with the modern world
  • they are often more dynamic and forward thinking which means they are more open to new ideas
  • young leaders are stronger and healthier than their old counterparts and therefore more able to cope with the demands of leadership

Reasons why older people should be leaders

  • with age comes experience and this is critical for any leader
  • older people have more authority which is needed to lead and manage others
  • a sense of responsibility is needed to lead effectively which is found in older people and often lacking in the young

If you recently did your exam, please post your full essay question in the comments box below so we can all benefit from it.

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IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Practice & Essential Tips

This lesson focuses on IELTS listening multiple choice questions and offers tips, practice and useful vocabulary to help you achieve your best. Multiple choice questions are the most difficult of all the questions in IELTS listening and you need to develop the right techniques to deal with them in order to do well.

On this page, you will find:

  1. Multiple Choice Tips
  2. Multiple Choice Practice Lessons
    1. Practice 1: Long List Selection
    2. Practice 2: Picture Selection
    3. Practice 3: Common IELTS MC questions.

1) IELTS Listening Multiple Choice Tips

Preparing the Questions:

  1. check for a title
  2. you might be asked to respond to a question or complete a sentence
  3. find keywords in the question
    1. the keywords will help you understand which answers are right and which are wrong
    2. paraphrase the keywords
    3. if it is a list selection multiple choice, underline the number of answers you need to find – for example, choose three letters.

Preparing the Multiple Answers Options

  1. Read through the answer options
    1. highlight similar options so you don’t get confused
    2. note the differences between those options
    3. think of paraphrases for keywords
  2. All answer options will probably be mentioned in the recording – but only one will be the right answer.
  3. The questions come in order but the answer options will not come in order in the recording, for example you might hear language about option B before you hear option A.
  4. Don’t think that the first answer you hear is the correct one – keep listening. 
  5. Watch out for answers that are given and then taken away again by the speaker. This means the speaking say “green” but later says “sorry, I meant blue”.
  6. Listen for the word “but” or “however” this can mean a negative is coming which means it might not be the right answer.
  7. If you think an answer is correct, put a tick but keep listening to make sure it is right.
  8. You can write on your question paper for the paper test so use ticks and crosses for right and wrong answers.
  9. Don’t forget, you can only listen once to the recording in your test. You can’t pause the recording.
  10. You must develop speed reading skills to be able to read all answers and spot keywords before the recording starts. This skill comes with practice.

Types of Multiple Choice Questions in IELTS Listening

There are four types of multiple choice questions that have appeared in the IELTS Listening Test over the years.  Below you can see examples of them:

IELTS Multiple Choice Listening Question- Answering a Question Three Options

IELTS Multiple Choice Listening Question - finish the sentence

Multiple Choice IELTS Listening Question - Long List

Picture Multiple Choice Sample Question IELTS Listening

In your test, you will not see the words “Type 1” – this label is just for your reference on my website. As you can see above, there are Multiple Choice Questions that ask you to: 1) answer a question  2) complete a sentence  3) select from a long list  4) choose a picture (this is the least common and rarely appears but is still worth preparing for). For each type, your answer will be a letter. I have practice lessons so you can get used to these kinds of questions. See below.

2) Practice Lessons for Multiple Choice IELTS Listening

Below you will find three types of Multiple Choice Listening Practice Lessons. Take your time to do the exercises and also make sure you spend time after to review the transcripts so that you can analyse language, keywords and review your strategies. Enjoy!

Multiple Choice Listening Practice 1

Listening Topic: Health Care Conference

Questions 1-3: Who will be lecturing at the conference today?

Choose three options from the following list (A-G) as your answers

  • A = Dr Christopher Lord
  • B = Dr David Bishop
  • C = Dr George Ripley
  • D = Dr William Benson
  • E = Dr Roger Dean
  • F = Dr Daisy Mandalay
  • G = Dr Ralph Morris




. It’s always best to check your answers reading the transcript and listening again to the recording. This is a great way to develop your listening awareness. After that, check the answer key.



Today’s topic under discussion is the health care system both past and present. We have a number of guests for today’s lectures, videos and debates, one of them the notable Dr David Bishop.

The morning will be kicked off by Dr Roger Dean who will be presenting his speech summarising the major changes and challenges of the health care system from the year 2000 to around 2012. Following him, will be Dr William Benson who will oversee the debate on today’s problems for hospitals. After lunch, Dr Daisy Mandalay will be showing a revealing video relating to the current trends in health problems faced by today’s society. Dr Christopher Lord will then address everyone on the problems faced by family doctors and the vital role they play in the health care system. Last, but not least, Dr David Bishop, as I mentioned earlier, will take the floor to tell you about his current research. Dr Ralph Morris will be responsible for collecting your feedback on the various parts of the conference at the end of the day. That will conclude our seminars for the day. Tomorrow’s conference details will be put up on the notice board later this afternoon but you will be all please to know that Dr George Ripley has agreed to lecture you all.



E  A  B (any order ). This question counts for answers to questions 1, 2 and 3. This means three points – one point for each correct answer. Because they are three questions from the same list, your answers (letters) can b written in any order.

  1. E
    • ‘Dr Roger Dean who will be presenting his speech…’
  2. A
    • ‘Dr Christopher Lord will address everyone…’
  3. B
    • ‘Dr David Bishop, as I mentioned earlier, will take the floor to tell you about…’

Comments: The answer is not C (Dr George Ripley) because he is talking tomorrow not today. The answer is not D (Dr William Benson) because he is running a debate. He is not giving a lecture. The answer is not F (Dr Daisy Mandalay) because she is showing a video not talking. The answer is not G (Dr Ralph Morris) because he is collecting feedback and not speaking.

The key to success in this listening practice is to identify the word “lecture” as the key word in the question. Many names are mentioned but only three people are actually lecturing today.



give a lecture / to  lecture Synonyms:

  • give a talk about / on
  • to address people on
  • give a seminar on
  • hold a seminar on
  • to take the floor (to talk)
  • to instruct people on
  • to give a speech about / on
  • to present a speech / talk on about



Listening Multiple Choice for IELTS Practice 2

This is an example of a picture multiple choice. You must choose the correct picture as your answer based on the description in the recording. As always, your answer will be a letter.

Listening Topic: Mammoths

Question 1: Which type of mammoth is this lecture going to focus on?

Choose the correct letter A-C




Click below to reveal vocabulary, transcript and answer:

mammoth = prehistoric animal now extinct similar in shape to an elephant
physiology = make-up / structure
prominent = major / outstanding
parts of an elephant and mammoth = tusks, trunk, large ears
huge / colossal = enormous / extremely large
There is evidence of much change and development in the mammoth. We can see the Ambelodon 20 million years ago, the Stegodon 12 million years ago and finally the Stegotetrabelodon which existed somewhere between 7.5 to 4.5 million years ago. There seem to have been a number of changes in the physiology of the mammoth, the most prominent were in the height, the size of the ears and the shape of the head and tusks. Today, I’m going to be focusing, on the one most of us associate with the ‘so-called’ classic shape and size of a mammoth and which is most known for its huge curving tusks and colossal size.
‘Today, I’m going to be focusing on….. which is most known for its huge curving tusks and colossal size.’. This lesson is the perfect example of how you need to be patient and not get lost in long, technical words, because at the end of the day, the keywords were at the end and the rest was irrelevant information to the answer.



Multiple Choice Questions Listening Practice 3

Listening Topic: Dashford Study Center

Questions 1-4: Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

  1. Membership at the study center is 20 pounds

A. for everyone.
B. for everyone except the elderly and students.
C. for everyone each year.

2. Members are able to take out

A. an unlimited amount of books.
B. a maximum of 3 books.
C. 3 books for 3 days.

3. Booking is unnecessary for

A. the yoga, dance and gentle exercise classes.
B. general fitness classes.
C. the walking class.

4. Arts and crafts classes are taught by

A. volunteers.
B. teachers.
C. teachers and volunteers.




Below you can click to reveal the transcript and answers for this lesson.


The study center in Dashford was opened to give free educational and recreational services to the community of Dashford. Membership is free for over 65’s as well as for students, as long as they have a student ID. For everyone else it is an annual membership of 20 pounds.

Members are able to enjoy full access to our extensive library. The library comprises of a comprehensive collection of classic literature, resource books, children’s books, history books and popular literature. As members, you are able to borrow up to 3 books at a time for up to 4 days.

Our recreational services extend for both members and non-members. We offer social and leisure activities for all age groups. Our yoga, dance and gentle exercise classes are extremely popular and booking ahead is required to ensure your place on one of these courses. However, our walking group, who meet once a week, offer unlimited places but you do have to have a good level of general fitness. We also have IT classes at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. But for those of you who are more creative, there are arts and crafts classes which are run by a qualified teacher with volunteer support. Before checking everything why don’t you take a look around and see what you might be interested in.

  1. B
    • Common trap – Always be careful of words that you hear in the recording and see in the answer options – always look out for extra words such as “everyone else“.
  2. B
    • A maximum of 3 = up to 3. This is a direct paraphrase.
  3. C
    • unlimited places = no need to book
      The trap in this question is that the word ‘booking’ was used with the information about yoga, dance and exercise – IELTS often give the same word with the wrong answer.
  4. B
    • The classes are run by teachers = the classes are taught by teachers. The volunteers only support, they do not teach.



IELTS Multiple Choice Listening Video

A useful video to review Multiple Choice Techniques.


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Introduction Paragraph Feedback

The introduction paragraph below was sent to me by a student in response to the following essay question.

Essay Question

With an increasing population communicating via the internet and text messaging, face to face communication will become a thing of the past. To what extent do you agree?

Student Introduction

Face to face communication is become less important than the past, since increase and populate communication by the internet and text messaging. In my opinion, I agree that face to face communication will suffer as some small, develop new technologies but it is fishy that it is cause the death of traditional communicate.


The ideas and technique in this introduction are fine. However, the grammar and vocaulary make it difficult for the reader. Let’s go through each mistake before seeing the model.

      1.  “Face to face communication is become less important than the past ….” There are two mistakes in this sentence. One mistake is with the grammar tense and one mistake is a missing preposition. Can you correct the errors? Answer
        Face to face communication has become less important than in the past.
      2. since increase and populate communication by the internet and text messaging. There is a problem with both vocabulary and grammar. Can you correct it? Answer
        …since the popular increase in communication by internet and text messaging.
      3. face to face communication will suffer as some small, develop new technologies Can you correct the problems? Answer
        …face to face communication will suffer due to the development of technology.. 
      4. …but it is fishy that it is cause the death of traditional communicateThere are a lot of errors with this part of the sentence due to the choice of vocabulary. How would you write it? Answer
        but it is unlikely that it will result in the disappearance of direct, face to face communication .


  1. “It is fishy that …” this is an idiom which means it is suspicious. Firstly, the meaning is not right for the above sentence. Secondly, it is not academic. Many idioms are not academic and therefore many shouldn’t be used in IELTS writing task 2. Don’t confuse idioms with idiomatic language. The student should use “it is unlikely to …” or “it is doubtful that …”.
  2. “..cause the death of …” this is also an idiom which can be used in academic writing but the meaning is not appropriate for this essay.
  3. “traditional communication” the writer is trying to paraphrase the words “face to face communication”. Unfortunately, it can’t be paraphrased. Not all words can be paraphrased in English.
  4. Many students try to paraphrase all words because they think they will get a high score. Unfortunately, the result is a lot of errors. If you have frequent errors, you will get band score 5  or 5.5 in vocabulary. You must be very sure of your paraphrasing or you will end up with more and more mistakes which will reduce your band score.

Model Introduction

As a growing number of people are choosing to communicate through the use of modern technology, such as the internet and text messaging, some people think that face to face communication will eventually die out. In my opinion, although I agree that face to face communication will become increasingly less popular, it is unlikely to disappear completely and will still be favoured in certain situations.




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Sample Answers for Speaking Topic: Charities

These model answers are for IELTS speaking part 3, which is the most difficult part lasting 4 to 5 minutes. The topic of charities usually comes under the topic of unpaid work / volunteer work.

Before you read the sample answers, try to answer the questions yourself.

1. Do you think charities are important? Answer

Yes, I do. In some countries, there is no welfare system so the only form of assistance which poor people or disabled people can get is from charities. For example, some of the local charities around here provide food, clothing and even education support for needy people which really helps to get them back on their feet. So, without help from charities, these people would have very serious problems.

2. Do you think children should be made to do volunteer work as part of their school curriculum? Answer

That’s an interesting question. I think it is great for children to take part in charity work as they can learn about helping people and also understand what it means to be part of a community. However, I don’t think it should be obligatory for them. When children are forced to do something, they often become resentful which would result in them possibly not doing that kind of work later in life. If schools could encourage them to do charity work as an out of school activity, which is not compulsory, that would be better and would encourage them to continue helping others when they’re older.

3. Which do you think are more important, local charities or domestic charities? Answer

Well, I think they each have a different role to play so I can’t say that one is more important than the other. For example local charities are better at helping with the day to day needs of local people because they know exactly what it is they lack and what they need. Large international charities, on the other hand, are good at tackling natural disasters or sending aid to the third world as they have the financial means to help on a big scale. So, they are definitely both very important.

4. If you could donate a large amount of money to any charity, what would it be? Answer

I suppose I would go for an international charity that either deals in providing much needed medical care to developing countries or a charity that champions human rights on a global scale such as Amnesty International. These types of charities are able to help so many people around the world and for me it would be rewarding to think that my money has helped so many. Also these charities deal in the fundamental needs of life, which I think everyone is entitled to, so I would certainly choose them.


Speaking Part 3 Model Answers: Health Topic

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IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Model Essay With Useful Tips

Below is an IELTS advantage / disadvantage model essay about having one language in the world. The essay is estimated at band score 9. You will also find tips about this kind of IELTS essay.

What is an IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Essay?

Many teachers teach the advantage/disadvantage essay as a discussion essay because it tackles two sides of an issue or topic. However, I like to keep this essay type separate because it has specific language relating to advantages and disadvantages, such as

  • benefits
  • gains
  • positive points
  • advantageous
  • negative points
  • problems
  • downside
  • drawback

Two Types of Advantages Disadvantage Essay

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
    • This essay is asking directly for you to state the benefits of something and the drawbacks of something. The question isn’t asking you for your opinion. It is just asking for X and Y. 
    • The biggest issue people have with this type of essay is going off topic. This mainly comes from not spending enough time analysing the issue or issues presented in the question and taking time to think deeply. 
  2. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
    • This is a different type of essay which is asking for your opinion.
    • The question is basically asking you: are the advantages more important than the disadvantages OR do you think the disadvantages are more important than the advantages? You must decide what you think and present your view.
    • This essay question can also be paraphrased as “Are the advantages more important than the disadvantages?
    • This essay also requires you to use language relating to advantages and disadvantages so make sure you are expressing your ideas appropriately.
    • You can see a model essay for this type of task at the bottom of this page.

Paragraphing & Structure

Regardless of which type of essay, the paragraph structure will be the same:

Introduction with Background Statement and Thesis statement. You do not require more for an introduction. A long introduction does nothing for your score. All IELTS introductions are function and quite short (usually between 45 and 55 words).

Body Paragraphs which have a topic sentences and supporting points. All body paragraphs start with the main theme or idea for the paragraph. If the whole paragraph is about advantages, then you make it clear in the first sentence. This helps both with Task Response and Coherence & Cohesion. Always make sure support points explain your ideas – keep them highly focused and relevant.

Concluding paragraph – this is the shortest paragraph and its function is to restate the main ideas. The biggest mistakes with this are 1) using inappropriate linking words  2) stating a different main point that hasn’t been given in the essay  3) running out of time to write the conclusion. See this video lesson about using the last 5 mins of your writing test: Last 5 Mins Tips

IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Model Essay

The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent language in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only language to be spoken globally.

What are the advantages and disadvantages to having one language in the world?

It is thought by some people that English, which is now the most widely spoken language in the world, may one day predominate over all other languages and result in their eventual disappearance. Having one language would certainly aid understanding and economic growth but there will also be some drawbacks.

One evident benefit to having one global language is that it would enable greater understanding between countries. In other words, if everyone spoke one language, there would be complete understanding between not only countries but all people throughout the world which would promote learning, the flow of information and ideas. Another reason that one language would be advantageous is that it would help economic growth. With all people speaking the same language, there would be fewer barriers and therefore trade would flourish between countries, resulting in a healthier world economy.

On the other hand, there are obvious downsides to having only one global language. Firstly, it would mean that all other languages would eventually disappear and, along with them, their cultures. The diversity of cultures is one of the joys this world has to offer. Each culture is unique with its own way of life and own perspectives of the world which would all be lost if there were only one language.  Secondly, it would result in the collapse of tourism because there would be no reason to travel for pleasure and interest if all countries had the same language and similar cultures. This would devastate many countries economically that rely on tourism as a source of income.

In conclusion, while there are plus points to having one global language, too much would be lost as a result. Maintaining local languages and cultures should be prioritised to ensure a rich world heritage for future generations.

Examiner Comments: This essay addresses the task fully and provides relevant, well extended ideas. All aspects of cohesion is well managed. Paragraphing is logical and the use of linking words flexible. There is a wide range of vocabulary which allows for precise meaning. Grammar structures are accurate and complex with a range of grammar features.



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Advanced Lessons & E-books for IELTS Writing Task 2

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Pie Chart and Bar Chart for IELTS Writing Task 1

It is possible to be given two charts together in IELTS writing task 1. Below you will see two pie charts followed by a bar chart. This exercise will focus on how to structure your report and how to highlight the key features of both charts in one overview.

The charts below show the males and females arrested over 5 years and the reasons for the most recent arrests.

two IELTS charts

Source: The above charts were not created by IELTS Liz.

Two Charts: Structure and Overview

Answer the questions below in order to decide your paragraphing for your task 1 report.

  1. Will you put the introduction separately?
  2. Will you have an overview or conclusion?
  3. How many body paragraphs will you have?
  4. What order will you put your paragraphs in?
  5. Will your body paragraphs be equal lengths?


  1. Yes, the introduction should go in a separate paragraph.
  2. You must have an overview not a conclusion. The overview can go after the introduction.
  3. You should have 4 paragraphs in total.
  4. You should have an introduction, an overview, one body paragraph for the pie chart detail and one body paragraph for the bar chart detail.
  5. The body paragraph with pie chart detail will be shorter than the body paragraph with details about the bar chart


Now write your overview. this paragraph must contain key features from both charts. This means you must write one sentence about the key features of the pie charts and one sentence for the key features of the other chart. After you have written your overview, check the sample overview. Model Overview

Overall, over the five year period finishing in 1994, there were significantly more males arrested than females. The majority of arrests were due to public drinking while no answer was given for the least number of arrests for both genders.



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Common English Names for Boys

Below is a list of common English names for boys. You will also find an audio so that you can listen to the pronunciation of the names as well. For students preparing for their IELTS test, it is useful to learn common English names for your listening section 1.

Next to some names are the nicknames. These are familiar names often used instead of the real name. You can also listen to common girls’ names or watch a video with practice listening for names.

Boys Names

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Choosing a Title IELTS Reading: Practice & Tips

Choosing a title for IELTS reading is quite a common question type. This is a practise lesson for choosing headings in IELTS. You will be given a list of possible titles for the whole passage you must choose the one that you think most appropriate.


This reading question is usually the last question you might get in a reading passage. It would come after all the other questions. Why?

The answer is because this question requires you to have insight into the whole passage, not just locate answers in part of the passage. So, by giving this question as the last question, you will have had time already to look at the passage and know the contents of the passage. So, it is given last as a way to help you.

Choosing a Title: Reading Instructions

Here is an example of what that question would look like in your test:

IELTS Reading Choosing a Title Question

You will be given a list of possible titles for the passage. You need to select the best one.

IELTS Reading Choosing a Title Question – Techniques

Read this list of tips to that you approach this type of question with the right techniques.

  1. Never try this type of question first. 
    • You need a depth of understanding of the whole passage to get the answer right so tackle it last.
  2. Read though the possible titles and pay attention to similarities and differences.
  3. Look at specific words that stand out.
    • For example, is the title referring to a city or an entire continent. Look at each word individually. 
    • Don’t skim read the possible titles. Analyse them carefully.
  4. Nearly all possible titles will seem appropriate at first because they will all relate to aspects of the passage.
  5. This question is NOT about matching an answer option to part of the passage or specific information found in the passage.
  6. This is about choosing a title that reflects the aims of the whole passage.
  7. This doesn’t mean that the title matches the start, middle and end – but that it is about the aims of the whole passage.
  8. You need to think carefully about what the role of a paragraph is to the whole passage. 
  9. Always look at the introduction sentence and concluding sentence of paragraphs to see if there is a similar message or whether the aim of the paragraph is different to the opening line.
  10. Your answer must be a letter, not the words. If you write the words, your answer will be marked wrong.

Choosing a Title Reading Passage

Note: to make this more realistic to an IELTS reading given in your test, I’ve added some Matching Paragraph Information Questions to this lesson.

A   Babies learn to see over a period of time, much like they learn to walk and talk. They are not born with all the visual abilities they need in life. The ability to focus their eyes, move them accurately, and use them together as a team must be learned. Also, they need to learn how to use the visual information the eyes send to their brain in order to understand the world around them and interact with it appropriately.

B   From birth, babies begin exploring the wonders of the world with their eyes. Even before they learn to reach and grab with their hands or crawl and sit-up, their eyes are providing information and stimulation important for their development. Healthy eyes and good vision play a critical role in how infants learn to see. This is why it is important that parents take this into consideration when preparing a new born baby’s room. Providing interesting visual stimulus is crucial for a baby’s visual development. This can include the use of colours, mobile toys and images.

C   Babies as young as two to three months have shown that they have some form of depth perception. One method researchers have used to study babies and depth perception is through using a “visual cliff”. A visual cliff consists of a glass platform that is raised a few feet off the floor. One half of the cliff has a shallow side, where there is a checkerboard pattern directly underneath glass. The “deep end” of the cliff shows the pattern several feet below, creating the impression of a drop-off. Researchers found that infants as young as two months showed changed in heart rate when lowered face down over the shallow and deep ends of the visual cliff. Specifically, the infants’ heart rates decreased when they were lowered over the deep end, and were changed when over the shallow end.  Note that this experiment does not show that infants this young are afraid of the deep side. Usually, a decrease in heart rate indicates interest, while fear leads to an increase in heart rate. The experimental differences in heart rate indicate the infants could perceive a difference between the deep and shallow ends of the visual cliff.

Questions 1- 4

Which paragraph contains the following information. Choose the right letter from the paragraphs above (A-C). Letters might be used more than once.

  1. Babies should have a room containing a lot of interesting things to look at.
  2. Infants have different physical responses to downward visual distances.
  3. Having moving visual stimulus and a range of hues is good for a baby’s vision development.
  4. Babies are not born with the visual ability of an adult.

Question 5

Which is the best title for the reading passage above? Choose the best title from the options below (A-D).

  • A   The importance of vision in babies
  • B   The role of vision to human development
  • C   The development of perception in babies
  • D   Research into visual cliffs


Click below:


  • grab (vb) = clutch / grasp / seize
  • crawl = move on their hands and knees
  • depth perception = able to see downward
  • shallow = thin / not deep
  • pattern = design
  • infant = child / pre-school toddler
  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5.  C




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