Learn how to describe an IELTS bar chart by following the tips and techniques in this video lessons. This lesson is 100% vital for all IELTS candidates doing writing task 1 academic paper.
You must learn:
- how to write an introduction
- how to identify key features
- how to write an overview (this is the key paragraph)
- if there is a conclusion or overview
- how to organise the body paragraphs
- how to write complex sentences
- tips to avoid getting a low score
- how to get a high score
IELTS Bar Chart Tips Video Tutorial
This video lesson shows you how to tackle an IELTS bar chart for writing task 1 (academic paper). To see the full model answer for this video lesson, please click on the link above. Also read the summary of tips below the video.
IELTS Bar Chart Essential Tips
Below are useful tips for an IELTS bar chart.
1. Introduction Paragraph
Keep your introduction paragraph simple. Just paraphrase the information given by IELTS. It is usually just one sentence. It is possible to also comment on the units of measurement in the chart “Units are measured in …”. You might want to add other key information such as country names, category names and dates.
2. The overview
Look at your bar chart and choose the key features. These might be highs, lows, main differences etc. Collect them together and present them in an overview. To learn more about the overview / conclusion debate, please see my IELTS Overview Video Lesson. You must remember that the examiner is looking for the overview and it is an essential part of your Task Achievement mark. That criterion is 25% of your marks.
3. Body Paragraphs
Make sure you have more than one body paragraph. The usual is two body paragraph. Decide how you will divide the information in the bar chart into difference body paragraphs. You must organise your paragraphs into a logical order.
4. Support Sentences with Data
Your body paragraphs must have numbers to support them. If you fail to have numbers with your sentences in the body paragraphs, you might get only band 5 in Task Achievement. To learn useful vocabulary for using data accurately, see my lesson: IELTS Vocabulary: Accurate Data.
5. Complex Sentences
You must write your task 1 using a range of complex sentences. You must learn these sentence structures. The best way is from model answers: IELTS Writing Task 1 Model Answers.
6. Linking devices
You should use a range of linking devices. For example, while / whereas / as opposed to / compared to / in comparison with. All these will help you get a higher score in Coherence and Cohesion which is 25% of your marks. Make sure you use them correctly.
7. Assessment Criteria
Learn more about what the examiner wants to see in your writing. You must understand the requirements for the band score you are aiming for. See this page to learn about IELTS Writing Task 1 Band Scores 5 to 8 Explained.
- Bar Chart Model for Above Lesson
- Bar Chart Introduction and Overview Practice
- Model Bar Chart: Gap Fill Grammar Practice
- Sample Bar Charts for Practice
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