Read This Before Your IELTS Test

Hi guys,

I want to give you a link to “On the day” IELTS test tips. The page covers basic tips to prepare the day before and the morning of the test. It also covers last minute tips for listening, reading, writing and speaking. It is one of the most important pages to read before your test.

Click here: IELTS Test Tips On the Day

Good luck!


Answers: Choose a Title Coffee

Hi guys,

I’ve posted the answer below. If you have not completed this reading lesson, please do so before looking at the answers. Click here to complete the lesson: IELTS Reading Choose a Title


The correct answer is A

The opening paragraph and closing line both stress the same point which is about the popularity of coffee. While the first line alone or the last line alone might not themselves indicate aim, to have them both stressing the same point with so much detail in the first paragraph is something you can’t ignore.

There are no fixed rules about choosing a title. But you must remember that information for all options will be given in the passage. So, your aim is not to match information, but to decide what the whole aim of the passage is. You need to ask yourself – Why did this author write the passage? What was the aim of writing the passage? What was the key message that the author wanted to deliver?

So in this lesson, information about the producers and consumers was just extra information given in the passage for interest. But the main aim was to explain the popularity.

I hope you found this useful 🙂

For more reading lessons, go to the main reading section on this site – you access this through the RED BAR at the top of the website.

All the best


Answers for Synonyms Practice: Birds & Dinosaurs

Hi guys,

Below are the answers for the synonyms practice based on the reading passage about Birds and Dinosaurs. If you haven’t completed the lesson, please do that before looking at the answers – click here: Synonyms Practice Lesson

I hope you found the practice lesson useful. Being able to spot paraphrases and synonyms is really important in IELTS reading.


  1. meat-eating = carnivorous
  2. a group / set = a suite
  3. stance / position = pose / posture
  4. resemblance = similarity
  5. persuasive = compelling
  6. feathers = plumage
  7. ancestor = predecessor
    1. Another answer in terms of meaning could be “forebears” – but note that it does come after the answer to number 8. 
  8. characteristic / quality = attribute
    1. “features” is another possible answer in terms of meaning, but please note it comes before the answer to number 7.

If you would like more reading practice lessons, click here: IELTS Reading Tips & Lessons

Number 6 above was the most difficult. If you are aiming for band 7, you should have got the rest correct.

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Synonym Practice

Below is a reading exercise to practise synonyms. As you know, being able to spot paraphrases and synonyms is essential in IELTS Reading. This lesson will help you develop skills which will improve your ability to tackle IELTS Reading questions successfully.

Reading Passage: Did Birds Evolve from Dinosaurs?

Evidence that birds evolved from, dinosaurs, the carnivorous predators that ruled the Mesozoic ecosystems is plentiful. Traditionally, the prime source of evidence in support of this scientific view was the similar shape of the bones of birds but spectacular new discoveries have added other lines of evidence to the table. One of these involves a suite of features from the eggs of these dinosaurs. A host of fossils have shown that not only did maniraptoran dinosaurs resemble birds in the way they laid their eggs but that these eggs also looked like the eggs of birds. Another line of evidence involves fossils of animals in a brooding pose or in a resting postures also show a startling similarity with the behaviours we see among living birds. Yet, perhaps the most compelling new line of evidence comes from the discovery of soft tissues associated with the skeletons of these predatory dinosaurs, many fossils of these creatures are now known to have been covered by plumage. All this evidence has highlighted the fact that many features that were previously thought to be exclusively avian – from feathers to a wishbone – have now been discovered in the immediate dinosaur predecessor of birds. Even flight is likely to have been an attribute inherited by birds from their dinosaurian forebears! If the new wealth of fossils has clarified the old controversy of the origin of birds, many other fossils have provided a vivid testimony of the early phases of avian evolution. Hidden in these fossils are the clues to how birds perfected their flying abilities and how they evolved warm bloodedness.

Source: Article adapted from Natural History Museum

Questions 1-8: Find the following synonyms in the passage above. Answers come in order.

  1. meat-eating
  2. a group / set
  3. stance / position
  4. resemblance
  5. persuasive
  6. feathers
  7. ancestor
  8. characteristic / quality


The answers are available on the following page: click here Answers to Synonyms Practice Lesson

All the best


Note: This type of question does NOT come in the IELTS reading test. This is a practice lesson to help you review your knowledge of synonyms.

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Hi guys,

I’m just checking if you are getting my new posts. Can you let me know if you receive this post in your email. I think something might be wrong with my subscription and emailing system.

Also check my latest lesson to practice synonyms. Click here: Synonym Practice

All the best, Liz

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IELTS General Training & Academic Writing Differences Explained

Learn about IELTS GT (General Training) exam content and writing tasks. Learn how the IELTS GT writing is different from the academic writing test.  Useful links are provided for GT students below.

Understanding GT IELTS

  • The GT listening test is the same as the academic test. Everyone takes the same listening test with the same scoring. You can use my free listening lessons and tips for your preparation. Click here: Free Listening Tips & Lessons
  • The GT speaking test is the same for everyone. There is one speaking test only with the same scoring. You can use my free speaking lessons and tips for your preparation. Click here: Speaking Tips & Model Answers
  • The GT reading test is slightly different. The question types are 100% the same as the academic test, but the passages have a different content and layout. You can use my free reading lessons and tips for your preparation, but make sure you do full authentic GT reading tests at home. See this page for more GT reading information:  GT Reading Tips. Click here to use my Free Reading Lessons for All Candidates
  • To understand GT writing (both task 1 and task 2), see all the tips and information listed below.

This page will explain both writing task 1 differences and writing task 2 differences.

IELTS GT Differences for Writing Task 1

General training students will need to write a letter for writing task 1 but academic students will need to write a report.

  • GT Writing Task 1 = Letters: Formal, informal and semi-formal
  • Academic Writing Task 1 = Report: table, pie chart, bar chart, line graph etc.

This means writing task 1 is completely different for GT candidates. GT candidates do NOT get charts, they are given letters only. See the information below:

General Training Writing Task 1 Letter

Use the following 10 tips and links to ensure you understand GT letters properly

  1. Candidates are required to write a letter which can be formal, semi-formal or informal.
  2. A list of points is given for the letter as well as the aim. It is your task to make sure your letter covers all points with a clear aim.
  3. Pay attention to opening lines, closing statements, paragraphs etc.
  4. You also need to pay attention to style and tone depending on whether the letter is formal or informal.
  5. Get to know the scoring for task 1 – see below. Remember, task 1 is worth only 33% of your writing marks.
  6. You must write over 150 words. But it is recommend not to write over 200 words.
  7. It is recommended to take no more than 20 minutes for this task. It is up to you to manage the one hour given for the whole writing test.
  8. GT students are NOT asked to write a report on a chart or graph.
  9. Sample Practice Letters for GT Students
  10. MUST READ: Essential Tips for IELTS GT Letters

Academic Task 1 Report

  • Students must analyse a chart, graph, table, map or diagram.
  • Students must highlight key features and present data or information.
  • Students must write over 150 words.
  • It is recommended to take no more than 20 minutes for this.
  • IELTS Sample Academic Charts

IELTS Writing Task 1 Scoring

There are four marking criteria for IELTS writing task 1.

Only one criterion is different for GT students.

  • Task Achievement General Training: This refers to using the appropriate tone and also purpose. It also relates to the word count.
  • Task Achievement Academic: This is about presenting key features, having an overview and accurate information. This also relates to the word count.
  • Coherence and Cohesion: This is the same for both GT and Academic. It is based on organisation of information, paragraphing and linking devices.
  • Lexical Resource (Vocabulary): This is marked using the same band scores for both GT and Academic. This is about using appropriate language, using collocations and the number of errors made.
  • Grammar: This is also marked using the same band scores for both GT and Academic. This is about using a range of grammar structures and tenses, punctuation and the number of errors made.

Each criterion is 25% of your total marks for writing task 1. The scoring is the same as the Academic Writing Task 1 test and used the same Band Score Descriptors, which you can find on However, there is slight differences in aims with Task Achievement and that is shows in the descriptors.

IELTS GT Differences for Writing Task 2

There are only minimal differences between IELTS general training writing task 2 and the academic task 2. GT candidates can use all my free writing task 2 lessons to prepare. Click here: Free Writing Task 2 Tips & Model Essays. You can also benefit from my advanced lessons and e-books which you can find in my online store: Liz’s Store

Below is a list of the minor differences and similarities between the essays.

1. Essay Question Difficulty

One difference is that the essay question for the General Training writing task 2 is often easier. It is written in a way that makes the issues clearly and easier to understand. Here’s a sample of a GT essay question and an academic essay question.

GT Essay Question Sample

Some students travel abroad for one year before starting university.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?

Academic Essay Question Sample

Some people think that space exploration is a waste of money and the funds should be relocated to other more needed areas.

To what extent do you agree?

* Please note that it is still possible to get the education essay question in the academic test.

2. Topics for Essays

Another slight difference is that the topic giving for the IELTS general training essay question is a more common topic, such as family, society, TV, schools, communication etc. However, in the academic test, there is a wider range including space exploration. Even so, it is best for GT candidates to prepare all topics because the topic of space exploration could come in the speaking test.

3. Essay types for General Training

The types of essays are the same for both general training and academic IELTS papers. You could get an opinion essay, a discussion essay, an advantage disadvantage essay, a solution essay or a direct question essay. At the bottom of the 100 IELTS essay questions page, you will find some practice essays for each type. And on the writing task 2 page, you will find model essays for each type. All this is suitable for both GT and academic students.

4. Marking & Scoring

The marking criteria and band scores are the same for both GT and academic students in writing 2. Here is a link to learn about the band scores for writing task 2 from band 5 to 8. There is only one scoring for GT Writing Task 2 and Academic Writing Task 2 with no differences at all.

5. IELTS GT Essay Writing Techniques

Another similarity is the technique for essay writing. It is the same for both GT and academic essays. Students for both the GT test and academic test will study from the same methods, tips and advice for IELTS essay writing.

This means all writing task 2 lessons on this blog are suitable for both GT and academic IELTS students. See here: IELTS Writing Task 2 Tips, Model Essays and Free Video Lessons

6. Essay Length and Timing

The length of the GT essay is over 250 words which is the same as the academic essay. Likewise, 40 minutes is the recommended length of time for both types of essays.

Using the Official Writing Answer Sheet

Students taking the general training or academic writing test, must select the right box to tick on the official writing answer sheet in the test. Please watch this lesson about filling in the official IELTS writing answer sheet. It explains about selecting the right box for either general training or academic writing.

Recommended IELTS Tips

IELTS GT Writing Task 1 Letter: Essential Tips

IELTS Writing Task 2 Lessons, Tips & Model Essays


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Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics E-book

My “Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics” E-book is now available to purchase. Below is a sample chapter and a link to my Online Store.

The e-book covers ideas for over 150 key essay topics that frequently appear in IELTS writing task 2. The ideas are presented as vocabulary exercises. The e-book comes in pdf form and also comes with a free introduction video helping you understand more about using ideas in your essay.

Below is a link to a sample chapter. Click to purchase: IELTS Liz Online Store

Download Sample Chapter

The sample chapter below is for the topic of Family in IELTS writing task 2. Each section of this topic is based on typical IELTS essay questions.

Download: Ebook Ideas for Topics Sample Chapter

Answer Key for Sample Chapter

Click below to reveal the answers to this sample chapter:


Parents or Teachers Should Discipline Children

1 obedience

2 to lack discipline

3 to reward sb

4 well-behaved

The Family is Smaller than Before

1 f        2 a       3 d       4 e       5 b       6 c

Women Having Children Later in Life

1 c       2 e       3 d       4 b       5 a

Childless Marriages

1 responsibilities

2 burden

3 devoted

4 revolve

5 abnormal


Children are unsure of who they might live with afterwards. This is an argument against divorce.

Each parent can devote quality time to their children rather than quantity. This is an argument for divorce.

1 d       2 e       3 b       4 c       5 a

Single Parent Families

1 emotional distress

2 (a) role model

3 dysfunctional

4 upbringing

5 financial strain

Children Spending More Time with Grandparents

1 b       2 d       3 c       4 a

1 For    2 Against        3 For    4 Against

More Ideas for this topic:

For Against
·     Children can gain a sense of security from knowing an extended family.

·     Children can learn about past skills and lifestyles.

·     Children can learn to appreciate family values.

·     A grandparent’s values might differ from that of the parents.

·     Children might not value their grandparents if they see them too often.

·     Grandparents might not have the energy to make the time with their grandchildren enjoyable.

Both Parents Working

1 and

2 of

3 a

4 a

5 it

Care of the Elderly: Families should be Responsible

1 (-)       2 (+)      3 (+)      4 (+)      5 (+)      6 (-)       7 (-)       8 (+)      9 (-)       10 (-)      11 (+)      12 (-)
Researching Family History

1 b       2 a       3 c       4 c       5 b       6 a       7 b      


Click for Ideas E-book: IELTS Liz Online Store. You can also find my Advanced Writing Task 2 lessons in my store.

All the best


Sujata’s Tips for IELTS Band 8.5 (GT)

Hi guys,

Below are the personal tips from Sujata who scored overall band 8.5 in the IELTS test.

People taking the academic IELTS test can still benefit from these tips. The listening and speaking test is the same for all candidates.

Sujata’s IELTS Results

  • Listening = 9
  • Reading = 9
  • Writing = 7.5
  • Speaking = 7.5

My Personal Tips for IELTS Band 8.5

I practised a lot of tests for almost 3 months and that was very helpful. I could understand the pattern of questions clearly and knew what to expect on the test day.- Underlining the key points in the questions really helps to predict the answer before even hearing the recording.- While doing practice tests, one should mark oneself strictly to get an idea about one’s actual score rather than ignoring small mistakes and becoming falsely optimistic about their scores.- Practice tests should be timed like the IELTS in order to get real scores and also to prevent anxiety during the actual test.

I practised a lot of reading tests as well but I restricted myself to doing General tests only because I was going to take GT test.- I frequently used the dictionary and thesaurus to look up the words that I didn’t understand while doing the passage, even if there was no question related to the word. It immediately improved my vocabulary and it undoubtedly helped me in achieving the perfect score.- Timing oneself is equally important in this section as well.

Though I did not get a perfect score in this part, I was able to achieve a decent score because I practised writing letters and essays from your website and that too while timing myself. While writing the exam I felt that time was the limiting factor as opposed to lack of ideas and paraphrasing, as many students say. If I had more than an hour, I could have written a better letter and essay on the same topic. So for me, the most challenging part about writing was the time limit. – I did not go through a lot of sample letters and essays as I felt that they limited my ideas, which would be counter-intuitive in the long run. However, I went through one type of sample letter and essay for each question type on your website to get a general idea but that was all.- I can’t stress enough how important paragraphing is while writing task 1 and 2. Liz’s website provides clear information in that regard and one should follow the instructions to the t.

For me, the speaking part was fun and I remember walking out of the exam like I had just had an informal discussion with a new friend. I hesitated a bit while speaking in the second part which was probably why I did not get a better score.- I had practiced recording some of my answers to time myself and realized that I was giving too long answers to most questions. So I would suggest that one should record themselves to evaluate one’s answers and also the check for grammatical mistakes.

“I came to in the first place because it came first when I searched for IELTS exam preparation on google. I must confess that although I had referred to other websites for tips on cracking the IELTS exam, yours was the one I kept coming back to. I think the reason is that you provide a purely informative interface as opposed to other sites which give a lot of irrelevant information as well. Also, the information in your website is clearly demarcated and easy to follow. A person who wishes to learn about the intricacies of the listening part only can go straight to the listening page without being distracted by tips about the other parts of the exam. “

Hope these tips help other aspirants.

Message to Sujata: Very well done with your results!! And thank you for sharing your tips and experience with everyone. I’m sure it will inspire many people 🙂

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