IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics for 2023

Below are predicted topics for IELTS Speaking Part 1 in 2023. The majority of the topics are recycled from topics that have been previously used. New topics are often related in some way to well known main topics. Even though part 1 is the easiest part of the IELTS  speaking test, make sure you start on the right foot by preparing comprehensively.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics 2023

Below is a list of likely topics that will appear during 2023. While you should be preparing all these topics, please do not ignore the common topics which are also likely to appear (there’s a link at the bottom of this post). During part 1, you will be given about 3 topics with a total of around 12 questions. This part lasts for 4-5 mins. See further down the page for typical questions for part 1, common topics, tips and useful links.

  1. Appearance: hair styles & cuts, sloppy or tidy appearance, first impressions, importance of appearance
  2. Animals: pets & wild animals, zoos
  3. Art: museums, galleries, photos, paintings, drawing
  4. Books & Reading: magazines, newspapers, articles, internet, children’s stories, novels
  5. Celebrations & Festivals
  6. Clothes & Fashion: casual/comfortable/formal/work/traditional clothes, accessories (bags, sunglasses, shoes, jewelry), particular articles of clothing such as trousers, shirts
  7. Colours
  8. Dancing
  9. Family & Friends
  10. Food & Cooking: meals, family meals, snacks, desserts & sweets, fast food, restaurants, cooking skills, cooking in schools
  11. Happiness & Laughing
  12. Health
  13. Home – this is a main topic and frequently asked
  14. Hometown – this is a main topic and frequently asked
  15. Housework
  16. Internet: website, surfing, shopping, socialising, apps (learning, useful, fun, maps, calendars, photos)
  17. Music: songs, concerts, singers
  18. Name: your name meaning, choosing names
  19. Nature: parks, gardens, flowers, trees, environment
  20. Noise: types of noise in everyday life, noise pollution, noise avoidance, silence, peace, mental health
  21. Planning & Organising
  22. Remembering: diaries, schedules, calendars, remembering numbers, concentration, phone apps for planning and remembering
  23. Security: passwords, keys, alarms
  24. Shops & Shopping: local shops, things to buy, first purchases, online shopping
  25. Sky or Space: sci-fi films, space travel, planets , school learning about space, star gazing, night sky, clouds, weather signs, seasons
  26. Sport & Exercise: team games, individual games, keeping fit, places for exercise
  27. Study or Work – this is a main topic and frequently asked
  28. Taking photos: types of photos, equipment, apps, family photos, holiday photos
  29. Travel & Holidays
  30. Teachers, School & Subjects: your childhood teachers, memorable teacher, lessons, art, drawing, science, calculations (maths), languages, sport, school rules
  31. Weekends & Free Time
  32. Work or Study – this is a main topic and frequently asked

What about the Questions?

All the topics above will most likely include the following question types: your favourite, your childhood memories, your childhood likes/dislikes, key past memories, first times, recent events in your life, your abilities, your opinions, your country, popular choices in your country, your future hopes, descriptions, how often you do something, how long you’ve been doing something, how something could be improved.

Lets see an example of applying those question types to a predicted topic: Appearance (Hair)

  • Do you have a favourite hair style?
  • What kind of hair style did you have as a child?
  • Did you like that hair style?
  • Is there a hair style you have had that you particularly remember?
  • Have you recently changed your hair style?
  • When did you last have your hair cut?
  • Can you cut your own hair or do you go to a hairdresser or barber?
  • Do you think it’s important to have a fashionable hair style?
  • What kinds of hair styles are popular for women or men in your country?
  • Do you plan to change your hair style?
  • How often do you get your hair cut?
  • How long have you had your current hair style?
  • If you could change anything about your appearance, what would it be?

As you can see, it is possible to easily predict the questions you will be asked by following the list I’ve given you. So, for each topic listed above, prepare all those possibilities. Remember this isn’t about your knowledge of a topic, it’s about your life and your country in part 1.

Important Tips for Speaking Part 1

Tip 1: DO NOT memorise your answers when you prepare topics and questions. Just refresh your memory relating to each topic based on the possible questions and prepare key vocabulary that you think will help you answer. In the actual test, your answers must come naturally. Tip 2: Always answer directly. Don’t dance around the question, just be direct. Then add a bit more detail to explain. These are short answer questions which means the answer ought to be between 2-3 sentences long. Some answers might be slightly shorter and some longer. Tip 3: The examiner might interrupt your answer. This is normal. Let the examiner decide when it’s time to move on to the next question. Be prepared for that and just focus on the next question. Tip 4: You can ask for the question to be repeated. It won’t affect your score and could give you a bit of thinking time. Tip 5: Be natural, be open, be chatty in your speaking test. It is an informal chat with the examiner covering a range of topics. Tip 6: You can’t ask for the topic to be changed. Even if you don’t like the topic or don’t have much knowledge, you can still answer questions about your first memories, your opinions, your childhood, popular opinions etc. IELTS is not a test of knowledge. Each question is just a chance to chat and show your English. Tip 7: Also prepare from the list of common topics for speaking part 1. Click here:  COMMON SPEAKING PART 1 TOPICS

Useful Links:

Click below to open the useful pages for IELTS Speaking Part 1 exam preparation:

Good luck in your test. Let me know how it goes.

All the best, Liz


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Trees, Plants, Gardens and Parks Topics in IELTS Speaking

IELTS Speaking Topics such as Parks, Gardens and Flowers are possible in all parts of the speaking test. In fact, one of the topics below will appear in the Speaking Test each year. These topics can be particularly difficult if you don’t prepare fully. They are certainly used by examiners each year with only slight variations on wording. Below you will find plenty of topics, questions and cue cards for you to prepare at home.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics

Below you will find a list of questions for the topics: parks, gardens, green spaces, trees & plants, and flowers. All these topics can appear in part 1 IELTS speaking.


  • Do you like parks?
  • How often do you go to a park?
  • Did you often go as a child?
  • Are parks popular places in your country?
  • Why do people like parks?
  • What do people do in parks?
  • Do you think parks are important?


  • Do you have a garden or outdoor space in your house or flat?
  • Did you have a garden growing up?
  • Do you think it’s important for children to have access to a garden?
  • What do people enjoy doing in their gardens?
  • Why do some people prefer their own garden to a public park?
  • Do you know anyone who likes growing plants?

Green Spaces

  • Are there many green spaces in your neighbourhood?
  • Did you often use green spaces to play when you were young?
  • Did your hometown have many green spaces where you could play?
  • Do you think neighbourhoods look better with green spaces and trees?
  • Why do you think green spaces are important in a city?

Plants and Trees

  • Do you like trees and plants?
  • What’s your favourite plant?
  • Have you ever grown a plant?
  • Have you ever planted a tree?
  • Did you learn about trees and plants as a child?
  • Did you ever climb a tree when you were young?
  • Do you think children benefit from nature?
  • Do you think trees and plants are important?


  • Do you like flowers?
  • What’s your favourite flower?
  • Have you ever received flowers from someone?
  • Did you ever give someone flowers?
  • Are there any special occasions in your country when it’s suitable to give flowers?
  • Are flowers important in your culture?

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Cards: Gardens, Parks, Trees etc

You will see below that the list of part 2 topics is very similar to those of part 1. If you prepare fully for all the above part 1 questions and topics, you will have an easy time in part 2 because you’ll be able to adapt your answers to fit the cue card.

Someone you know who likes planting trees

  • who that person is
  • how that person is connected to you
  • why they planted trees
  • what you think about their actions

Someone you know who likes gardening

  • who the person is
  • what they do in the garden
  • why it is important to them
  • what you think about it

A place with trees

  • where it is
  • when you first went there
  • what you do there
  • why you remember it

A green space or park you like (2024 currently in use)

  • where it is
  • how often you go there
  • what you do there
  • why you like it

All the ideas and vocabulary for the above topics can be adapted for the following cue cards: a peaceful place, a quiet place, an interesting person, an elderly person, a healthy hobby, a quiet hobby, a cheap hobby, something to do in your leisure time, a picnic etc. You can easily use the language from these topics in many other topics for part 2.

Please remember, the examiner is not testing your knowledge of trees or flowers. Even if you don’t know the name of the flower you like, you can still talk about your memories of it and describe it. See the model below.

If your topic is about a park or garden, you can expand your talk by talking about activities people do in the park/garden, descriptions, comparisons with other places, your opinion of their importance, your memories as a child, your future hopes etc etc.

Model Answer for Speaking Part 2 Plants & Gardens

This is another example of a cue card for these topics.

A plant, tree or flower you like

  • what it is
  • where it grows
  • why you like it

I’d like to talk about a tree that I’ve always loved. I don’t remember the name of the tree, even in my own language, but it’s a very large tree that can reach around 30 meters high and has a really wide diameter. It spreads really far offering a lot of shade in summer which is really great. The weird thing about the tree is that its roots come from the branches and grow towards the earth to eventually form part of the tree trunk. It’s just so unique. There’s no other tree like it.

I remember the first time I saw this tree in China. I couldn’t believe it. There was a whole street lined with these trees and it felt almost like another planet. I’ll never forget driving down that street. Since then, I’ve always noticed these trees wherever they are. I also saw quite a lot of them in Vietnam when I lived there.

I don’t know precisely where the tree grows worldwide, but I’ve seen them in a number of different Asian countries, but not in Europe or the UK. In Vietnam, I would see these trees in parks and other green areas. In fact, while I was there, I loved how many trees in general lined the streets and how many parks there were. Considering that the capital city, Hanoi, is full of hustle and bustle, the trees give such a calming presence.

I think it’s pretty hard to describe why I like this particular tree. The only thing I can say is that it feels magical. It’s such a huge tree, taller than most, and definitely one of the widest trees in the park. It’s appearance is really striking. If you compare it with other trees, it looks majestic. I also really like the flame trees that they have in Vietnam. Those trees burst into flame late spring each year with bright red little flowers. That was also a sight to remember.

I think people underestimate the effect nature has on tourists and locals. We need trees and green spaces to improve our quality of life and bring beauty into our lives. Hopefully, I’ll get back to China and Vietnam one day and enjoy their gorgeous parks again.

Feedback on Model Answer

  1. Great vocabulary – diameter, roots, branches, tree trunk, hustle and bustle, shade, scorching hot, magical
  2. Strong grammar – different tenses including present, past tense and a future form. Also complex sentences, comparatives, superlative
  3. Good descriptive language. It doesn’t make any difference to the score that the speaker doesn’t know the name of the tree. The descriptions are very strong.
  4. Technique – there is quite a lot of information given that goes beyond the prompts on the cue card. This is a good thing. More detail, more memories, more description and more chat.
  5. The final part of the talk is about another tree with more description, the importance of parks and future hopes. This provides a good range of extra language.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: parks, flowers, trees etc

  • Do you think parks play an important role in a city?
  • Do you think parks affect the quality of air in urban areas?
  • Which do you think is more important: housing or green spaces?
  • Why are trees important?
  • Do you think green spaces and parks help people’s mental health?
  • What do you think of deforestation?
  • Do you think we should protect trees?
  • What can the government do to protect natural beauty spots more in your country?
  • Are plants important to the economy of your country?
  • Does your country have a symbolic plant or flower?
  • Are there any traditional celebrations where plants or flowers play a role?
  • Why do so many people want their own garden?
  • Do you think people should be encouraged to grow their own food?
  • Do you think children should be taught to grow their own food?
  • Do you think children should learn to plant trees?
  • Why do so many old people enjoy parks and gardens?
  • Do you think all houses and flats should have their own gardens?

VOCABULARY FOR THIS TOPIC: Word List for Plant/Tree/ Flower Topic in IELTS Speaking

For more Speaking Topics, click here: IELTS Speaking Main Page (Topics, Tips & Model Answers)

All the best

Liz 🙂


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IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics Relating to Phones

It is common to get topics related to using a mobile phone in IELTS Speaking part 2. Below you will see some typical cue cards for this topic that are also in use at the moment.

On this page, you will find:

  1. sample cue cards for the topic of mobile phones
  2. useful language
  3. a sample answer for a current IELTS cue card
  4. examples of IELTS speaking part 3 questions for this topic

1) Mobile Phone Topics for IELTS Cue Cards

A time you were not allowed to use a mobile phone

You should say:

  • when it happened
  • where you were
  • why you couldn’t use your phone
  • how you felt about it

A time when you received an important text message

You should say:

  • when it was
  • who you were talking to
  • what the message was about
  • why you remember it so well

Other Mobile Phone Topics

An app you use on your mobile phone

You should say:

  • when you first started using the app
  • how often you use it
  • what it is used for
  • why you find it useful

A time when a smart phone was very helpful

You should say:

  • when it was
  • what happened
  • how the smart phone helped you

Your favourite smart phone

You should say:

  • when you bought it
  • what did it look like
  • what was so special about it

Your first smart phone

You should say:

  • when you got it
  • why you bought it
  • what you liked or didn’t like about it

A place where you couldn’t use your phone

You should say:

  • when it happened
  • where the place was
  • what prevented you using your phone
  • how you felt about it

A time when you made an important call on your phone

You should say:

  • when it was
  • who you were calling
  • what the call was about
  • why it was important to you

A useful device you use frequently

You should say:

  • what the device is
  • why you use it so often
  • what you use it for
  • why it is important for you

2) Useful Language for Mobile Phones

The lists below are not just for vocabulary, they are also for ideas of what you can talk about in your IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 or 3 in relation to mobile phones. Having a good list of things to introduce into your answer will help with both fluency and vocabulary scores.

  • wireless handheld device
  • pocket-sized
  • a handy device
  • the battery runs out quickly
  • a long lasting battery
  • a quick / slow charge time
  • the battery died
  • landlines are still useful / landlines are becoming redundant
  • a useful device when you are on the go
  • connect to wifi / hotspots
  • cellular network
  • a weak/strong signal
  • a patchy signal
  • the reception is poor
  • a bad line (the line keeps cutting out / crackling)
  • 3G, 4G or 5G network
  • 5G hasn’t fully been rolled out in my area yet
  • security features
  • fingerprint / voice / face recognition
  • touch screen
  • optical zoom lens
  • front and rear camera
  • stylus pen for smart phone screen
  • apps run without glitches
  • emojis
  • organise contacts
  • unlimited calls
  • limited data / unlimited data
  • pay as you go
  • monthly contract
  • a handy device
  • slimline
  • thick like a brick
  • light weight / heavy
  • couldn’t live without it
  • I would be lost without

Uses of a Mobile Phone

  • to call
  • to text / to message
  • to take photos
  • to take selfies
  • to email
  • to make video calls
  • browse online (surf the internet)
  • online banking
  • weather updates
  • photo edit
  • create videos
  • make recordings
  • keep track of appointments

Useful Apps on a Smart Phone

  • banking apps
  • calendar
  • calculator
  • camera
  • clock
  • facebook
  • games
  • language apps
  • messenger
  • news
  • spotify
  • instagram
  • whatsapp
  • zoom

3) IELTS Mobile Phone Cue Card Sample Answer

A time you were not allowed to use a mobile phone

You should say:

  • when it happened
  • where you were
  • why you couldn’t use your phone
  • how you felt about it

Cue Card Sample Answer

Note: I have underlined language which the examiner will note either due to grammar or vocabulary. For grammar, you can note the range of tense used: present tense, future form, past simple, past prefect, past passive and past perfect passive. For vocabulary, you can note high level topic related vocabulary, such as “flick through a list”, “ultra slim”, “click send”, “silent mode”, “muted keypad”. There are also examples of great collocations and other relevant vocabulary.

I’m going to talk about a time last year when I was stopped from using my mobile phone in an urgent situation. It was around February when it happened. I remember because it was just after my birthday and I had been given my phone as a birthday present. I was in the library when I realised I had missed an important appointment. I was in such a panic. So, I took my ultra slim, light weight phone out of my pocket , flicked through my contact list and  then clicked call. Even though my phone was on silent mode, the librarian came over before I could make the call and reminded me that I couldn’t make calls inside. I apologised and then proceeded to type out a text message. But again, before I could finish the message and click send, the librarian asked me to turn my phone off. I was really annoyed. Sending a text message isn’t intrusive to others and the keypad was muted. In the end, I went outside. 

I really believe that smart phones are great pieces of technology allowing us to have instant communication with others no matter where we are. Having a silent mode on the phone means we can use it without disturbing others. While libraries are supposed to be silent, I really didn’t think sending a text would be a problem. However, I believe rules are to be followed so I left the library and made my call outside. Luckily my appointment was rescheduled for the next day. Hopefully, next time I’m in the library, I won’t have anything urgent to deal with.

Note: the above answer is not based on my personal experience or my personal opinion. It is purely fictional.

4) IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions for Mobile Phones

  1. Do young and old people use smart phones the same way?
  2. What are the most popular smart phone apps in your country?
  3. How has the smart phone changed the way we live?
  4. Are there any disadvantages to a smart phone?
  5. Do you think text messages are better than phone calls?
  6. Should children be allowed their own smart phone?
  7. What are the problems allowing children to have their own smart phones?
  8. Why do some people get addicted to using their smart phone?
  9. How do you think smart phones might develop in the future?

For more IELTS Speaking free lessons, topics and tips, click here: IELTS Speaking Main Page

I hope you found this lesson useful. All the best, Liz 🙂


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Misunderstanding the IELTS Speaking Cue Card

What happens if you misunderstand or misread your IELTS cue card in Speaking Part 2? Does it mean you will get a lower score? How do the band scores relate to this?

Examples of Misunderstood IELTS Speaking Cue Cards

Below are some cue card topics and examples of how it is possible to misread or misunderstood them:

  1. A piece of equipment you use at home
    1. You talk about a tennis racket or football.
  2. A time someone helped you
    1. You talk about a time when you helped your friend.
  3. A foreign food you would like to eat
    1. You talk about a foreign food you don’t like.
  4. An achievement you celebrated
    1. You talk about your mother’s 60th birthday party.
  5. Something you borrowed
    1. You talk about an item you gave to a friend.
  6. An interesting old person
    1. You talk about someone who is 40 years old.
  7. A type of weather you like
    1. You talk about the sports you enjoy playing when it’s hot.
  8. A film you like
    1. You talk about a sport you enjoy.

All the examples above are from IELTS candidates who went slightly off topic and either didn’t read the cue card properly or misunderstood the topic. 

The Impact of Misreading the IELTS Cue Card

Question to you: Which of the examples given above for the IELTS cue cards in speaking part 2 might be a problem or are they all ok? 

Click below to reveal the answer:


OK. Get ready to read and become more informed. There is no quick answer, only detailed explanations.

As you can see from the examples listed above on this page, all of them go off topic slightly. The reason being that someone in the test was so nervous that they misunderstood or didn’t read the cue card properly. It happens a lot in the speaking test.

There is NO marking criterion called Task Achievement in IELTS Speaking. Task Achievement or Task Response is part of the Writing Test marking, not part of the Speaking test marking. In Speaking, you are marked on:

  • Fluency
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Pronunciation

Only your spoken English matters. 

So, with the examples listed above, all examples from 1 to 7 are fine. The candidate has understood the main topic and stayed on the main topic. But they have missed specific details. In example 1, the topic is equipment and the specific detail is equipment in the home. In this case, the candidate didn’t read the card properly and only talked about equipment, missing any mention of “home”. This is not a problem. You won’t lose marks because of this. The examiner might draw your attention to this or might not. In number 5, the candidate has misunderstood the word “borrow” and talked about “lend”. This is very small vocabulary error and won’t have a big impact on your score for vocabulary. Even number 6 is fine. Some people think that being 40 years old is old, while others think that only 70 years and above is old. We all have different understandings of age and it’s ok.

However, the problem is number 8. In this situation the candidate hasn’t misread the cue card and hasn’t misunderstood it either. A film is 100% different to a sport. Even people with only simple English know the difference between a film and a sport. This candidate has actually changed the topic completely. This could be a serious problem. If the examiner thinks you have changed the topic because you prefer a different one that you prepared at home or one you have memorised, you might have your entire talk discounted. It won’t result in minus points because there are no minus points, but your talk might be seen as invalid and not counted towards your marks. You can’t change the topic and you can’t memorise answers. 

Basically, if you misread the cue card, don’t worry about it. Keep talking. No matter the mistake, your talk will count towards your marks. Each word and sentence you say in the test will count towards your marks. But never try to completely change the topic on the cue card.

I hope this gives you more insight into how your talk in IELTS Speaking part 2 is marked.


All the best



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Predicted IELTS Speaking Topics May-Aug 2020

Below are predicted IELTS Speaking Topics for May, June, July & August 2020. Please read all this page carefully so that you prepare properly for your IELTS Speaking Test.


  • Below are predicted topics for part 1 and part 2 speaking
  • Part 3 questions are based on your part 2 topic
    • Example:
    • Part 2: A skill
    • Part 3: learning, practical skills, technology, skills for business & work, children learning skills etc
  • Do you want topics for IELTS Writing Task 2?

Preparing Speaking Topics

IELTS do not release their list of questions for IELTS Speaking. This is to ensure that you don’t memorise answers and the test fairly checks your natural level of English. But you can prepare predicted and common topics. By preparing as many topics as possible, you will hopefully be better prepared. The list below is predicted list of topics for this period that are due to be recycled. Also prepare other common topics, click here: Speaking Section.

Do not memorise whole answers. Prepare ideas and useful vocabulary that you can use naturally in your test. Remember to be natural and chatty – not rehearsed or repeating from memory.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics May-Aug 2020

The list below shows topics that could appear in IELTS Speaking Part 1. This part lasts from 4-5 mins in length. Answer directly and then add one or two sentences more. Be prepared for the examiner to take the lead and interrupt your answers. Can you find more common topics here: Common Part 1 Topics which will likely appear in your test.

  1. Work/Study
  2. Your home or your house
  3. Where you come from originally
  4. Friends, friendship and socialising
  5. Family (people in your family and relationships)
  6. Diet – types of food, meals, places to eat
  7. Plants, flowers and places in nature (beauty spots)
  8. School, subjects, homework and teachers
    1. languages, history, geography (maps), cookery, art
    2. science, maths, technology, social sciences
    3. note: IELTS do not use political or religious topics.
  9. Holidays, places to stay, activities, journey
  10. Health and exercise (including gentle exercise)
  11. Leisure time
  12. Sport – types of sport
  13. Animals – types of animals, your experience of animals
  14. Visitors to your home
  15. Bags, Shoes and Accessories
  16. Shops & Purchases & Money
  17. Routine – your day and night routines – changing routines
  18. Gifts and special occasions
  19. Cars, buses, trains and planes
  20. Music, songs and singing
  21. Bread and rice: staple foods
  22. Films & TV
  23. Writing – letters, emails, messages
  24. Happiness, enjoyment and fun
  25. Museums and Galleries
  26. Weather

May-Aug IELTS Speaking Part 2 Predicted Topics

Use your 1 mins planning time to think about language as well as ideas that you want to use in your talk. Try to speak for 2 mins. I will add to this list as more topics are reported. Part 3 will last for between 4 and 5 mins. Part 3 is the discussion where the examiner might challenge your answers and push you for more detail – give as much as you can in your answers.

The examiner will have many topics to choose from in part 2. So, I’ve put some predicted topics and also common topics that are frequently used.

The bullet points below are the usual directions that part 3 can take. Part 3 is a discussion so be prepared for the examiner to interrupt and challenge you.

  1. An animal
    • Part 3 questions about:
    • Pets, Zoos, Vegetarianism
  2. A healthy activity
    1. keeping healthy, types of exercise and sport
    2. dangerous sports, bad lifestyles, hobbies
  3. A family member
    1. spending time with family, older generations, family roles
  4. A successful business
    1. local products, success in business, skills for success, family run business, international/local business, business in your area (shops), famous brands
  5. A quiet or crowded place
    1. places to relax, crowds, stress, health concerns around other people, mental health, balanced life style
  6. An old person you admire
    1. retirement, taking care of the elderly
  7. A charity
    1. volunteer work, helping people, types of problems in society
  8. A book
    1. types of books, books & real life stories, films, children stories, learning, e-books etc.
  9. A meal
    1. healthy eating, restaurants, home cooking, food allergies, the food industry
  10. A famous Person
    1. TV or music stars, role models, how media influences people

Usual Types of Part 2 Topics

The topics below are divided into common types. These are the usual types of topics you get in part 2 which are based on everyday life. Remember, IELTS Speaking Part 2 is not about knowledge, it is just a chance to speak at length on a topic that touches everyone’s life.

A person

  • old or young people
  • famous people or people you wish you could meet
  • professions and jobs in society and that help the environment
  • family, friends and strangers
  • children and teenagers


  • to relax, to have fun, to learn, to meet people
  • quiet place, busy place, crowded place, interesting place, colourful place
  • in nature,
  • cities, towns, parks
  • hotels, restaurants, libraries, shops
  • a house, your neighbourhood, 
  • a foreign country and place you wish you could visit
  • a place from your childhood or a recent place you have visited


  • films, books, newspapers
  • clothes, furniture, recently bought items
  • gifts, art, a souvenir
  • a device, a toy, a game
  • animal, bird, plant, flower, garden park
  • a meal
  • a charity, a business, an organisation

Abstract objects

  • websites, skills (learned and innate), a language, useful advice, information
  • holidays, travel, journeys – recent or didn’t go as planned
  • future goals, dreams
  • routine, hobby, activity 
  • something that hindered you, something that helped you
  • weather, seasons, sky, stars, climates, environmental problem
  • professions and jobs 

A time when

  • you were happy, sad, bored, exited, worried, embarrassed, disappointed, confused
  • you helped someone, someone helped you, you got advice, you gave advice etc, you got news, you told someone good news
  • you got lost, you found something, you learned something, you achieved something, you forgot something, you remembered something important


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May 2020 IELTS Speaking Topic: Colours

Colours is a topic currently being used in IELTS Speaking Part 2 and Part 3. Below you will find the cue card being used with a model answer and some Part 3 questions that might follow. This topic will probably run from May – August 2020. I’ll update more topics as they are reported. Meanwhile, make sure you prepare from previous topics which will no doubt be recycled this month. Click here: IELTS Speaking Topics so far in 2020.

Below you will find:

  1. IELTS Speaking Cue Card “Colourful Place” with Model Answer
  2. Review Questions & Tips
  3. Speaking Part 3 Questions
  4. Speaking Part 1 Questions
  5. Vocabulary for Colours
  6. Thank you message from Liz

1) Colours: IELTS Speaking Part 2

Below you will find a cue card and model answer for the Speaking Part 2 Topic: A Colourful Place. This topic frequently appears in IELTS Speaking.

Cue Card: Describe a colourful place that you have visited.

  • where it was
  • when you went there
  • what you did there
  • why you thought it was colourful

Model Answer for “A Colourful Place”

The model answer below is a band 9. Answer:

It isn’t easy to decide on just one colourful place to talk about because I have been to so many. But I’d like to talk about somewhere in Vietnam where the colour is a type of beauty beyond anything I have seen before. It’s a place that I will never forget.

The name of the place is Hoi An. It’s a small town located in central Vietnam not far from the sea. It is a UNESCO heritage site known for it’s stunning buildings, which were mainly one or two storey high, and it’s amazing colours. The first time I went there was about 8 years ago when I was travelling through Vietnam on vacation on my own. Since then, I’ve visited a number of times and I’m sure I’ll return again one day.

From the moment I arrived I was struck by the incredible colour of the traditional houses. They were nearly all painted a soft pastel yellow with tropical flowers and plants growing around them. In the daylight it was stunning but as evening came, the glow from the setting sun turning everything golden. The colours were almost ethereal. I’m really not surprised it’s a UNESCO heritage site and extremely popular with photographers. When I was there, I only had a basic camera. But if I had known how lovely it was, I would have taken my best camera with me.

I can’t say I did very much there. It was possible to get clothes made by tailors, travel down the river to the sea, take a cookery course to learn Vietnamese cuisine and learn about lantern making. However, all I wanted to do was mainly soak in the sites and the gentle, inspiring colours. I admit I did enjoy the food in the local restaurants and the seafood was the most delicious I’ve had. I can’t remember ever having eaten any squid as tender or any mackerel as tasty. 

The whole atmosphere made me feel lucky to be alive. Even now when I’m stuck at home, I can recall those sites and I remember the wonderful feeling I had at that time. It helps me remember that we live in a remarkably colourful world.

2) Review Questions & Tips

Questions about Language Content

This cue card is a past tense topic about a place you have been to before. Staying true to the past tense is important. You need to show the examiner you can speak in the past tense for 2 mins. However, it is also very important to showcase other tenses and grammar features.

  1. Can you spot a third conditional statement?
  2. Can you spot a future tense?
  3. Can you spot a present perfect?
  4. Can you spot a present simple?
  5. Can you spot a superlative?
  6. Can you spot any useful descriptive language?
  7. Can you spot any particular language about colour?

Using first, second and third conditional statements is a great way to showcase your grammar skills and boost your score. Part 2 is the best time to use conditional statements because you have 1 mins to plan what to include in your talk. Showcasing a range of grammar tenses and showing the ability to change from one tense to another is essential for a high score. Description is also something you need to think about and plan in part 2.

Cue Card Tips

  • Use your 1 min planning time to plan not only ideas, but also language you wish to showcase.
  • Use the prompts. They will help you build a structure to your talk.
  • Go beyond the prompts. Add rich description – paint a picture.
  • Even if all you did was “walk around”, talk about what other options of activities there were. Add more. Showcase your English. You can mention both what you did and what you didn’t do.
  • Showcase a range of grammar tenses and other features as explained above.
  • Keep talking. You can also add recommendations, suggestions, opinions, other people’s opinions etc.
  • Don’t worry about time, the examiner will control the time and stop you when 2 mins is up.
  • You do not need to conclude your talk.

What else could you talk about with the topic “colourful place”?

  • someone’s house
  • a garden or a park
  • a street, town or city
  • a market (for clothes, food or spices)
  • an art gallery

Similar Cue Cards about Colour:

  1. Describe your favourite colour
  2. Describe a colourful event you have attended

3) Colours: IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions

  1. Do colours affect our mood? In what way?
  2. Do you think the colours a person chooses to wear illustrates something about their character? OR – Are certain colours connected to particular character traits?
  3. Do you think men and women like to wear similar colours?
  4. How are colours used in advertising? OR – Do you think colour plays an important role in marketing and advertising?
  5. Do you think colour is important for company uniforms?
  6. Is there any particular colour that is symbolic in your country?
  7. Are there any colours that are connected to festivals in your country?
  8. Are there any specific colours used to decorate homes in your country?
  9. Are there any colours in your country that are considered lucky or unlucky?
  10. Do you think colour is important in text books?
  11. Do you think children should be given colourful storybooks to read?

4) Speaking Part 1 Colours

Although this topic isn’t being used as a part 1 topic at the moment, it can appear in part 1. As you will see below, some questions overlap with Speaking Part 3. However, in part 1, you are expected to give shorter answers.

  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. Are there any colours you dislike?
  3. Is there any colour you would never wear?
  4. Do you prefer dark or light colours?
  5. What colours do you have in your home or on the walls of your home?
  6. Were colours important to you when you were a child?
  7. Do you think the colour people like changes as they grow older?
  8. Do you think colour shows us things about people’s character?
  9. Do you think men and women like different colours?
  10. Are there any popular colours in your country?

5) Vocabulary for Colours

  • vivid
  • bright
  • deep
  • rich
  • soft
  • pastel
  • harsh (this can be used to describe very bright, unpleasant colours)
  • loud (to describe very bright colours that you can’t ignore)
  • neutral
  • multicoloured
  • vibrant

Don’t just say “it was blue” – describe the blue:

  • deep blue, sky blue, soft blue, pastel blue, navy blue, aquamarine, midnight blue
  • If you can’t remember the exact words, paraphrase – it was a blue that reminded me of a gentle summer’s day / the blue was darker than the sky just before nightfall. 

6) Thank you from Liz

I just want to say thank you to all of you who responded to my post last week called “My Story”. I have posted a message to you all back on the original page at the end of my story. Needless to say, I was deeply touched by your comments. To read my thank you message and return to My Story Page, click here: Liz’s Personal Story


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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Health & Coronavirus Answers & Questions

To prepare for the predicted topic of Health & Coronavirus in IELTS Speaking Part 3, you will find below questions, model answers and useful vocabulary with an audio for pronunciation. This is a current world issue and as you know IELTS are guided by world issues for their choice of topics in IELTS Speaking and IELTS Writing.

Questions & Model Answers: IELTS Speaking Health & Coronavirus Part 3

See the questions and model answers below. Remember, the examiner is not testing your knowledge. Each question is an opportunity for you to showcase your English language. The examiner might ask you to explain more, or interrupt you or challenge you. Be prepared in part 3 for a discussion rather than question/answer.

Do you think health is important? Why?

Health is extremely important. Without it we are unable to work, unable to earn a living, unable to socialise and we become completely dependant on others. Health is one of the few things that we can’t buy, but we can take steps to improve and protect our health. By protecting our health, we are protecting our future.

What types of activities do you think help people stay healthy?

There are many kinds of activities that can help us maintain good health. Cardiovascular exercise such as jogging, tennis and football are really beneficial. But many people prefer doing more gentle exercise like yoga or taichi that help us with our physical and mental health. Personally, I think a balanced approach of different types of exercises is best combined with a healthy life style and diet.

What is the difference between physical health and mental health?

Physical health is about our physical bodies: our muscles, our blood circulation, our internal organs and about keeping our immune systems and other bodily systems working well. Mental health, on the other hand, is concerned with how healthy our thoughts are and our perspectives. It affects our ability to cope with situations in life.

What difficulties did some people face with social distancing and lockdown at the time of the Coronavirus outbreak?

I think some people had a lot to cope with during lockdown. Some people struggled with the isolation, some people worried about their income and others struggled with being trapped in a building unable to go out. Most of the problems were psychological, but some also had practical problems. Some people were unable to get to supermarkets due to vulnerability and struggled to get food. It was a really challenging time.

What did some people do to stay positive at that time?

People used different methods to keep their chins up when they were in lockdown. I think some of them went online to either work or socialise. Others turned to indoor exercise and art projects. Nature projects like planting indoor plants and watching live videos of wildlife were also really popular. It was surprising how enterprising and creative people were ideas.

What useful technology helped us combat the Coronavirus?

That’s a really interesting question. Let me see … I guess some of the most important pieces of technology were things like ventilators which kept people breathing when they had severe Coronavirus and the technology behind the contact tracing and testing which was used quite effectively in many countries to suppress the spread of the virus. Looking ahead at new technology coming out, new apps are being designed to allow people to trace where they have been and if they have come into contact with the virus at any time. I think this will really help us control the virus better.

During the Coronavirus crisis, some people did courageous deeds. Can you give an example of one from your country?

There was more than one example of courage in the face of possible illness or death in my country during the Coronavirus pandemic. All doctors, nurses, hospital staff, care home workers, social workers and other frontline workers all selflessly went to work knowing the risks they were facing. Some of them lost their lives as a result. Each day, they showed courage and determination to save lives. They were indeed brave and without them many more people would have died.

What do you think could have been done better to deal with the Coronavirus outbreak?

It’s hard to say. Each country had their own approach based on what was happening in their own country and decisions were led by the science. With hindsight some countries should have done more rigorous contact tracing and testing at the start of the pandemic to prevent the disease spreading so widely. Also some of them ought to have gone into lockdown sooner before the virus had spread so far. We will see how things progress from this point onward.

Note: “It’s hard to say” is an expression which means “This isn’t a simple thing to discuss – it’s complicated.”

Useful Language & Pronunciation

To learn the pronunciation of the following vocabulary, click the audio below this word list.

  • cardiovascular
  • muscles
  • aerobic
  • brisk walking
  • vigorous exercise
  • blood circulation
  • internal organs
  • immune system
  • taichi / yoga
  • mental health
  • psychological well-being
  • perspectives
  • struggle with isolation
  • feeling trapped in a building
  • socialise
  • nature or art projects
  • a creative outlet
  • to be enterprising and creative
  • ventilators
  • rigorous contact tracing and testing
  • pandemic
  • frontline workers
  • to be led by the science
  • hindsight



I hope you found this useful 🙂

All the best and stay safe!



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Why the IELTS Speaking Examiner Stops your Answer

Learn why the IELTS speaking examiner might interrupt your answer in the IELTS Speaking Test. A lot of IELTS candidates are shocked that the examiner stops them in the middle of their answer to ask a new question. They are not prepared for interruptions and when it happens, they lose focus, get stressed and their performance suffers. Don’t let this happen to you. Be prepared and understand why the examiner is interrupting your answer.

Why the IELTS speaking examiner interrupts your answer

There are three main reasons why the IELTS speaking examiner might interrupt you and not let you finish your answer.

  1. The main reason is that time is limited. If your answer is slow, lengthy or not giving enough good English, the examiner might choose to stop you and start with a fresh question. It’s one way that the examiner can help guide you and keep you on track.
  2. Another reason is that you already gave the examiner the aspect of language they wanted to hear. When this happens, the examiner doesn’t need to hear the rest of your answer and can interrupt you to move on. Let me give you an example:
    1. Question: What changes would you make to your home if you could?
    2. Answer: If I could, I’d expand the living room so that we have more space and maybe build a patio. But I’d also like to ….
      1. Comments: Why would the examiner stop the answer after only one sentence? Well, this question was testing if the candidate could speak in the hypothetical tense (second conditional). The candidate already showed that this tense was easy for them, so the examiner can stop them and move on to a new question. Remember, some questions are testing specific language functions and once you’ve shown that ability in your answer, the examiner could stop you so that they can test other aspects of your language.
  3. The examiner will also interrupt you if time is up in any part of the test. This is actually obligatory.

It is important that you understand this fully:

  • The IELTS speaking examiner is not being rude or lacking concentration by interrupting you. In fact, when they change questions, they usually have a valid reason for doing so, which is neither bad or good as far as you are concerned.
  • The examiner is not trying to undermine your confidence. You actually should be prepared for interruptions to your answers if you have prepared fully for the test. This aspect of the IELTS speaking test should not be a surprise to you.
  • Being off topic does not affect your score in IELTS speaking. So, when the examiner interrupts you to redirect the question, it won’t affect your score. It is the examiner helping you.
  • The examiner isn’t interrupting you because you gave the wrong answer. There are no right or wrong answers – only opportunities to showcase your English. Interrupting your answer gives you a chance to tackle a new question.
  • The examiner does not rapidly ask questions to test your ability to handle stress – this is not how the IELTS speaking test works. The examiner only has a certain amount of time to test your English thoroughly so that they can give you a fair and valid score. Often you might show a wider range of English when you are given more different questions and topics.
  • Each examiner is different. Some examiners do tend to interrupt more than others so always be prepared. Whether they interrupt a lot or not at all doesn’t mean one examiner is better than another.

Always remember that the examiner is only testing 4 things: fluency, vocab, grammar and pronunciation. Nothing else is marked. 

Will interruption to your answer lower your score?

No. 100% not. This is a choice made by the examiner to cover all language functions and direct the test in the way the examiner wants.

How Can you Prepare and Cope for Interruptions

  1. You should know that the IELTS speaking examiner might interrupt you before you enter the test room. This is knowledge about the test that you ought to learn during your exam preparation.
  2. When it happens, don’t be upset or confused. 
  3. Being interrupted isn’t bad or good. It’s just part of the testing system and will help the examiner assess many parts of your language.
  4. Don’t think you made a mistake. The examiner might be moving on because your answer was actually excellent already. For whatever reason, it is simply a way for the examiner to manage the test and you don’t need to be concerned about it.
  5. Keep talking until you are interrupted. Let the examiner manage the test their way.
  6. As soon as you are interrupted, focus on the new question.
  7. Regardless of interruptions, be confident and try to enjoy the test. It is an informal speaking test.
  8. Remember, interruptions are normal.

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