Structure & Paragraphs for IELTS Writing Task 1

Learn how many paragraphs for your IELTS Writing Task 1 with tips about where to put your overview statement. In writing task 1, the examiner will mark you on your structure as part of the marking criterion of Coherence & Cohesion, which is 25% of your marks. Below you learn about how to structure your writing, how to organise information into the right paragraphs and which paragraph is the most important.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Structure

In writing task 1, you will be asked to write a report for a bar chart, line graph, table, pie charts, maps or diagram. All IELTS Writing Task 1 have the same structure, regardless of which task you are given. There are four main paragraphs that you need to use for task one. Only occasionally will there be five.

  1. Introduction Paragraph
  2. Overview Paragraph
  3. Body Paragraph 1
  4. Body Paragraph 2
  5. Body Paragraph 3 (not usual, but occasionally possible)

Remember, IELTS writing task 1 is a report, not an essay. This means the structure will be different and the examiner is looking for an overview, not a conclusion. 

IELTS Writing Task 1 Paragraphs

Below read about the individual paragraphs you need in your writing task 1 report.

Introduction Paragraph

The first paragraph will be your introduction and that contains a description of the graph – what it shows. IELTS will always give you a  description and you can use that information for your introduction but don’t copy it. You need to  paraphrase it. So write it again using your own English.

This is your chance to introduction information such as categories, titles, headings, names, dates etc. Make sure your introduction is complete. It is usually one sentence but sometimes it can also contain a second sentence about the measurement of units. 

Overview Paragraph

This paragraph is the most important paragraph in your IELTS writing task 1 report. This is where you collect all the key features shown in the task  and present them together. This paragraph has a direct impact on your band score for Task Achievement, which is 25% of your score. You can read more about the band scores here: IELTS WRITING TASK 1 BAND SCORES 5-8 TIPS. But to give you an idea:

  • Band Score 5 = key features are very limited or there is no overview 
  • Band Score 6 = a relevant overview is attempted (it is tried but not well done)
  • Band Score 7 = presents a clear overview
  • Band Score 8 = key features are skilfully selected (referring to the overview)

The clearer and more complete your overview paragraph is, the higher your score for Task Achievement. The biggest challenges with the overview are: 

  • not spotting all key features
  • spreading key features into various paragraphs instead of into one overview paragraph
  • presenting only one key feature

You can see examples of key features in all my model answers for writing task 1: ALL MODEL ANSWERS

All writing task 2 reports have an overview no matter which task you get. An overview is not the same as a conclusion. Writing task 2 has a conclusion, writing task 1 has an overview. This is clearly stated in the IELTS Band Score Descriptors. An overview has a different function to a conclusion. See the video below:

An oldie, but a goodie. My older videos are still packed with useful tips. All still relevant today.

Overview or Conclusion Video

Body Paragraphs

These paragraphs (usually two) contain the details. If your task contains numbers, such as a chart, you will need to support your sentences with data. Failing to do that will lower your score for Task Achievement. 

You should organise the details of the task into logical body paragraphs based on the key features. You should also take into consideration what type of task you have. For example, a bar chart shows comparisons between two things, such as men and women, for different categories so your aim is to compare men and women within each category. You would then see which categories are most  popular and which are least and then organise categories into body paragraphs. Of course, it might not be about popularity, it might be about which categories have the biggest differences or the least differences. Which ever way you organise the information, it must be logical.


To sum up, it can feel complicated and overwhelming when you first start preparing for your writing task 1. So, I made this video years ago to sum up how to organise your task 1 report. It’s an old video, but of course still relevant today. The test hasn’t changed.

How to Organise Your Writing Task 1 Video

Another oldie which is still great today and reviews the paragraphing for writing task 1.

  • I hope you enjoyed this page and found it useful. I wanted to give you as much as I could because it’s so important to your scores. All the best, Liz

Now it’s time to review model answer for writing task 1 and see what the paragraph looks like. See links below:



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  1. Hi Liz, I am experiencing some difficulty in grouping the information in the graph/char analysis for paragraph 1-2. I am struggling with how to group the data in a logical way that makes sense. Any tips for that?
    Thank you so much

    • Every single chart, table and graph are different. There is no set ways to do this. It is all about analysing, realising how much information there is, how many words you want to write and then deciding what to put together and what to leave on its own because it is more important. It’s all about importance of information – making key information stand out.

  2. Kenzie Latifi says

    Hi Liz!

    Thank you for all the help you provide! I was wondering if you have a similar video or page for structure and linking tips for the general training writing task 1? I’ve seen the general tips page, but no one for structure specifically. Thanks again! 🙂

    • Did you check the model letters? Use them to learn from. The structure is very simple. An opening line which will be different depending on each type of letter, the aims and the person you are writing to. Then each bullet point will be addressed in separate body paragraphs. Then a final comment before signing off. Go to the main writing task 1 page and see my model letters at the bottom of the page.

  3. Martina says

    The map on top reveals the Pacific Railway station in 1998, while the map on bottom illustrates the current Pacific Railway station. In 1998 the Pacific Railway station had just one shop, a café, toilet facilities and small ticket office. Overall, we can see that Pacific Railway station has significantly changed since 1998 with increasing numbers in platforms and facilities available for customers. The station has developed and expanded.
    For instance, in 1998 there was only one shop located next to café and ticket office just half of the size of current and they didn’t have supermarket nor restaurant in 1998. They have added restaurant in between a new and old platform with removal of separate toilet facilities. In addition, they have increased the numbers of shops and moved them over to middle of station. Moreover, a supermarket has been built to the bottom left corner in front of recently built platforms.
    In conclusion it’s clearly seen that station has improved over twenty-four years.

  4. orhan says

    Hello Liz. I took the computer based academic test yesterday. I forgot to keep a line empty to indicate paragraphs in both task 1 and task 2, do you think is it likely to reduce my score ? I wrote 5 paragraphs (if the examiner can see them) for task 1 (I paraphrased diagram in the first paragraph, gave overall information in the second, two body paragraphs with the structure ‘firstly, secondly’ and a conclusion paragraph in the end; for the task 2, I wrote four paragraphs (introduction, on the one hand, on the other hand, to conclude.)

    • There is no rule about leaving one line empty between paragraphs – it is a recommendation. If your paragraphs are easy to see, for example by indenting the first word, then it is fine. If the examiner cannot see your paragraphing, it could reduce your score for Coherence and Cohesion. There is no fixed rules about how it is reduced and your final score for the marking criterion will depend on other factors as well as the paragraphing.

  5. Arthur says

    Dear Liz,
    I have concerns regarding the flexibility in paragraphing the writing, particularly for the introduction and overview.

    I have consulted so many books for IELTS preparations, but none discusses the exact number of paragraphs to be developed. Some of them show model answers by examiners, and they mostly (if not all, as much as I remember) join the introductory statement and general overview as one opening paragraph.

    Do IELTS examiners conform to just one format of writing or do they allow these variations as long as the points are organized well enough to warrant a band score of 9? (CC criterion)

    • Liz says

      There is no set format. Your organisation of paragraphs must always be logical and divide information into logical groups. I usually put the overview with the introduction when I write a report for a diagram because their introductions are often extremely short. Otherwise, I like to keep it separate because it is such a vital part of your marks. the examiner must easily find your overview. It must not be something that is difficult to find. And it must not be something that is divided into different paragraphs – all key information must be in the overview. Sure, you can put it in the same paragraph as the introduction, but make sure it is a separate statement or statements. The overview is your most important part of task 1.

      For the body paragraphs, use logical organisation based on the information you have to report. Divide the information into two or three body paragraphs. Two is the most usual. You cannot have only one body paragraph.

      I hope this helps.

  6. Dear Liz,

    The Public Band Descriptor for writing Task 1 only mentions paragraphing for Bands 8 and 9 regarding Coherence and Cohesion. Does it imply that if the applicant writes a single paragraph for T1 the CC score can be 7 (given the other criteria are met)?
    Thank you in advance.


    • Those are the public descriptors, not the examiner’s descriptors. The examiner has a few extra points to consider. You won’t get over band 5 in CC if you write it all without paragraphs. This means if you write it in a block without dividing it into paragraphs, you will get band 5 in CC.

  7. Hello Mrs. Liz

    Mrs. in task1, specifically pie charts. Is it Ok to just analyze each diagram in one paragraph or I need to combine both and structure them into two body paragraphs?
    And If I described each chart in one paragraph will I be able to get a 6.5/7

    Note: I will make comparisons in the overview and the concluding sentence

    • There is no rule or advice for all pie charts. It depends what the pie charts show. It depends if the pie charts are comparable or if they each show specific changes over time. The approach will be different depending on the information given.

  8. Elizaveta Kostygina says

    Dear Liz,

    Thank you for your fantastic explanation and advice. I would like to ask you one crucial question. What is the difference between Body Paragraph A and Body Paragraph B?

    I am looking forward to your answer!

    Best wishes,

    • I don’t fully understand your question. You have two body paragraphs because you are dividing the information given into two groups based on similarities or key features. The body of the report must always be divided – two is the usual, three is not so common.

  9. Hi Liz.

    I purchased all your video lessons for task 2. Do you also have paid videos for task one? I find it very difficult because the tasks/charts/graphs are greatly varied. Some charts have a lot of important information/points. If i put them all in the report, I will be left with few minutes in writing task 2. Are ielts examiners really strict about the IMPORTANT information from the charts? For instance, in some tasks, there are a lot of IMPORTANT pieces of information and it’s difficult to select only few. But if i write them all, i’d lose time for writing task 2. If the examiners see nine/9 IMPORTANT pieces of information from the chart/graph etc., but I only put 6 because of the time limit, will my band score be affected? I am aiming for a band score of 7. I find task 1 really depressing. Thank you Liz.

    • Part of the marking criterion of Task Achievement is your ability to select information. You should have about two or three key features for the overview. You should have about two body paragraphs. Given that you will not write more than 200 words – I’m sure you can calculate how much information you can put in your body paragraphs. Look at ALL my model answers for task 1, count the sentences and this will help guide you as to how much information you can put in it.

  10. Sarah says

    Hi Liz,
    Can we put both of the introduction and the overview in the same paragraph? Usually, the introduction is only two sentences and so is the overview. It seems a bit odd to me to put them into seperate paragraphs. I would really appreciate your insight on this.

    • It is possible to do that. Just make sure that the introduction and overview are separate statements clearly visible in the same paragraph.

  11. Michael Eshun says

    Hello Liz, is it possible to send you my work so you Mark for me? I don’t mind paying any required fee. Regards.

  12. Medhat Grace says

    Hi mam,
    My English will never be enough to thank you for you,r effort in you,r website . i,m going to have the test when i,m sure that all the types of the questions are familier to me but till now i want to thank you again for the help you give for free especially for citizens of devoloping countries like mine and and i want to do it in a practical way .So whenever you decide to visit Egypt you can ask me to be you,r free tour guide and that will be a very little thing to do for you .

    • It’s always best to take IELTS when you feel completely ready and you are sure of what you are doing. I wish you lots of luck! Thank you for your offer – Egypt is a fascinating country 🙂

  13. Tnx liz for teaching us am really proud on u may god bless u😇☺🤗

  14. Nguyen Hoang Phuc says

    Hello Liz, i’m a member of EssayForum and the primary contributor uses the term “summary overview” and that includes the introduction and 1-2 trend statements similar to an overview all in 1 paragraph. Is it advised to do this? She seems a bit strict about this but it’s different from what i was taught.

    • It is possible to put your introduction and overview in one paragraph. But there must be a distinction between which sentence is your introduction and which one is your overview. The first sentence should be an introduction. The second sentence should start with “Overall” and be your overview. Otherwise, put your overview either after your introduction in a separate paragraph or at the end of your task 1.

  15. Harty says

    Is it okay to write 3-4 bodyparagraphs in task 1,excluding introduction and overview?

  16. doreen says

    hi Liz! i just watched the video regarding the four paragraphs for writing task 1. I wasn’t able to catch up the specific details to put in the last two paragraphs. Thanks a lot!

  17. Romoke says

    Hi Liz,

    This implies that there is no place for conclusion in task 1

    • Liz says

      This is a report, not an essay. It is short, it contains an overview rather than a conclusion. A conclusion is a paragraph that repeats (re-states) the main points – there is no need to repeat information in a short report.

  18. Hi, Liz! Thanks for your lessons! I’d like to clearify smth: is overview supposed to stay seperately? I think overview must stay within the introduction. Also, is it necessary to have at least 3 paragraphs?

    • The overview can be put with the introduction in the same paragraph. But the statements must be separate, even though they are in the same paragraph.

  19. BILAL ASHRAF says

    Hi Liz,

    I am appearing for General Training on 07-03-2018, the video task 1 has confused me about the overview, Do we need to write an overview for General Training Task 1 ?

  20. Madhu says

    Hi Liz,

    Do I have to use listing such as, firstly, secondly at the start of my body paragraphs when writing the task 1 (report) in academic writing? Like how we do in task 2? or can I just start with the factual information?

    Appreciate your response as my exam is on 23rd March in the morning. 🙂 Thank you very much for your lessons Liz. Truly grateful.

    – Madhu

  21. Hello Liz Ma’am,
    I am trying to subscribe you, but I don’t get any confirmation emails.
    What do I do?

  22. Hi Liz, I had my IELTS exam past weekend.
    Thank You for the guidance and bits of advice you’ve given throughout the time.

    Writing task 1 was describing a map.
    Writing task 2 was about online shopping and its impacts on environment and job opportunities.

    Speaking test, cue card was about an incident which you were pleased to have the mobile phone with you. and the rest was about mobile phones.

    I’m glad to share my exam experience.

    I wish all my friends the Best of Luck to achieve a high band score!

  23. luciana says

    hello liz, i have a question:
    can i use this same structure when writing a line graph, table or other type of charts??
    thank you

  24. Hi Ms. Liz. Regarding the overview for task 1, is it necessary to write it as another paragraph? or we can just include the overview in the introduction? thank you

    • The overview can be put with the introduction but you must make sure that the overview statement is very clear. You don’t mix them. The introduction is one statement and the overview is another statement that starts with Overall – make the two distinct. However, in most cases, it is best to separate them.

  25. Hi Liz,

    I am going to take IELTS general test in next month, Do you have a tutorial on General writing task 1 (paragraph and sentence structure)?

    Waiting for your response..

  26. Hi LIZ
    I m still confused as what will come in GT tests? In writing no graphs etc are included , only letters are there . Is it right?

    Can you send me all the links for GT reading,writing , listening and speaking. Thanks

  27. Hello, Liz. In the process diagrams, do I need to write an overview?? Especially that it doesn’t have anything standing out in particular; it’s a normal process.

  28. Indra Kusyanti says

    Hi Liz, please give more posts on Map, Describing process, and Multiple task for writing task 1. I really need it

  29. Salwa says

    Hello Liz,
    Firstly I want to thank you from my bottom of my heart for all your IELTS tips and preparation .I have a question for you -I’m really confused whereas the overview in task 1 should be after the introduction or in the last paragraph of the essay,because I have seen many task1 essays with band 9 score that have their overview at the end .Also can we use for the overview phrases such as :to sum up,in summary,to summarise or not .Once more thank you so much!!!!!!
    I’m looking forward to your reply!

  30. Bahman amin9 says

    Great job
    Your nice as well as simple elaboration on developing the task one is absolutely conducive for the enthusiastic language (English) learner’s. Great thanks to u

  31. very helpful and useful in every content. Thank you Liz

  32. Liz your website is not responsive and I am unable to watch it on my mobile properly, please do something this error could be resolved by a web designer so please do it as soon as possible. Its half content is cut from right side.

    • This website is responsive to mobile phones. Which pages are you specifically referring to?

      • Laura says

        I’ve got the same problem. I have to turn the phone sideways in order to read the right side of the page

  33. Kristin says

    Is two body paragraphs required or they could’ve combined into one? If it is required, how should they be separated? By time, groups or it doesn’t matter? Thank you

    • You need to divide the body paragraphs into two – although occasionally three are possible.

  34. Hi, Liz!
    Is it important to compare all the categories compared on the bar charts?
    I am concern with the time, and I have seen some Task 1 writing samples that only compared the most remarkable features.
    Thanks for all your work.

    • It depends on the chart you get. Some charts contain little information and to write over 150 words, you will need to include everything. Other charts contain so much information that you must choose what to put in your task 1 report. You will be marked on being selective of information when you have a lot to choose from.

  35. Hi Liz,

    Does overview mean the conclusion?

  36. I wanted to ask you mam that do we write numeric information in an overview or conclusion

    • It is common to put totals in, for example for a table. However, the detail and figures usually go in the body paragraph. There is no fixed rule, it is just a recommendation.

  37. Muneeb ur Rehman says

    I had my speaking test today.
    topic was: to discuss on a place that i recently visited.
    a: what sort of place was that.
    b: which type of people can go there.

    It went good. hoping for a good score.

  38. dear madam

    i have follow up your lessons , its so clear , i was keep watching you tube to get more knoweledge about ielts. always keep smiling face and very clear words ,very easy to catch the ielts exam for all students.
    many thanks

  39. You are the perfect teacher ,when I watch you lecturing it’s like watching the Mona Lisa, you are fascinating .THANK YOU.

  40. Lismi joplin says

    Mam, can we use furthermore in task 1???

  41. Varun Thoonoli says

    Hi Liz,

    With all due respect, I had earlier requested you to review an essay that I had written for writing part 1 but did not receive any reply for it. It would be rather encouraging if you could assist me in how I could improve on my writing band score for part 1. Please do reply at the earliest as my test is scheduled for next week.

  42. I;m writing for the first time so it is hihgly appreciated, how I can to develop my self in writing particula in reporting ( statment structure )
    could you please increase my enthasisum

  43. hi mom, i love all of your video……
    your explanations is very clearly and very helpful for my IELTS preparation
    thanks a million

  44. michael s jose says

    Dear Mam,

    Writing task 1 (academic) we need to use past tense or present tense?

  45. sivasankar says

    Hi Liz,

    I’m attending GT in next week.In Writing Task-1 does it get only a letter or there is a chance of getting charts/Table?? Kindly reply me @ earlier

  46. is it possible that i share my own writing so that you point out me my deficiencies?

  47. Sandeep says

    Hello Mam
    Are you available to give classes or tuition for ielts.i am from Luton.Thanks.Love to hear from you.

  48. hi liz….your lessons are very helpful…..can u please guide me where can i get my writing task s checked,,,,please if there is any online source,,,help me,,,,i need a band 7+,,,

  49. Hello mam,
    I’m from india,as i have an ielts exam after 1 month but i do not know from were to start and how to do the practise from home as i need a 7 band in academic so kindly help me out from this stuff as i’m quite scared,

  50. Hi liz
    Is it compulsory to write a conclusion in task 1. Also is it OK to write a conclusion for task 1 diagrem. Thanks.

  51. vikramjeet singh says

    hello mam…..

    mam i have one question. you said in your lecture that task 1 should be written in different paragraphs like introduction, overview……now we have to mention these subheadings before writing actual paragraphs or not???

  52. hello liz,

    one of our instructors advise is to 3 – 4 paragraphs is enough for task 1. he usually merge the introduction (paraphrasing) and overview and key points into one paragraph, and that is paragraph one.. is this okay? thanks..

    • You should always divide the detail into two body paragraphs. If you fail to do that you will get a lower score for coherence and cohesion.

      • Yes Liz, I have no problem with regards to dividing the body paragraphs to two details.. My prob is do I still have to separate the introduction (paraphrasing) from the overview? Because our teachers here always tell that the introduction and overview are merge to paragraph one.. Thank you so much for your help Liz..

  53. Thanks! You explained it well. But im still confused because some of ielts teacher has an overview after their intro and has a conclusion at the bottom part. How’s that?

    • It’s a bad example. You are being marked on your ability to organise information into paragraphs. Firstly, you should not repeat information in a short report. Remember this is a report, not an essay. Secondly, you should not divide key features into two different places, you should collect it and present it as one overview. Thirdly, the examiner is look for an overview in task 1 and a conclusion in task 2. The main problem is that many IELTS teachers have not completed the IELTS examiner training which is why they are not clear about how to organise the report and what the examiner is looking for.
      All the best

  54. Hi Ms. Liz. I just want to ask how will i know if my essay contains 150 or 250 words already. Thank you and God bless you.

  55. Nour Mohammad says

    Can I use pencil for writing task 1 and 2???

  56. Nour Mohammad says


    I can’t express how much grateful to you for your charity on teaching IELTS!!!!!!!! Really I’m what I can say…………………. Thanks a lot ………………….

  57. duyanh says

    Dear Liz, I am so grateful to what you have done for IELTS candidates, including me , of course. I browse your website very often, especially, your youtube channel. I am reviewing for my next exam which may be in the end of this year. My target is 7.0 overall, but in my last trial, I got 6.5. Could you gimme some advice on how to improve from 6.5 to 7.0. Again, thank you so much for your useful lessons.

    • Please see the band score pages to see the difference between band scores. All tips given on this blog are for the higher scores – band 7, 8 and 9.

  58. Irish says

    Thank you very much for the comprehensive IELTS lessons and video tutorials you are sharing which are indeed very helpful especially to us non-native English speakers. I have learned so much from you and I really appreciate the effort you put into it. God bless you, ma’am.

  59. Aswathi Vijayan says

    Hi Mam,
    i should say your videos are really really helpful to someone like me who is preparing self for the ielts exam. i do have some doubts regarding the writing part of the general test because I’m misguided by many. Does the task 1 ask for letter writing or does it include graphs too? Looking forward for your guidance.

  60. Lakhvir says

    Hi Liz, Actually I had given ielts exam twice but both of time I am scored 5.5 in writing.

    • The reason is due to your level of English. If you make many mistakes in English and have limited control of the language, it will be difficult to get over band 5. For example, in the sentence you wrote above, there are 4 mistakes. Frequent errors will reduce your score significantly. You will need to improve your level of English to be able to produce more accurate language in order to get a good score.
      All the best

  61. Teketel says

    Hi Madam,
    really you are excellent English language teacher. your tutorial on you tube helped me very well not only for IELTS but also for my academic writing. Really God bless you !

  62. Romeo says

    Dear teacher,
    You explained that for writing task 1 it should have 4 paragraph, so is it important to have conclusion for writing task 1? Please could you explain about this? Thanks a million!

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