Useful Links for IELTS Essays

Hi guys,

I’ve put together a list of some useful pages on my website to help you with your writing task 2 essays. Click below:

Writing Answer Sheet: Learn how to use the official IELTS answer sheet in a useful video lesson and download it for practice at home.

Paragraphing: Tips on how many paragraphs your essay should have. You will be marked on the use of paragraphs. Make sure they are logical. Also remember the body paragraphs should be equal in length for writing task 2.

Finding Ideas for Essays: How to find your own ideas or get them in a convenient e-book. It also provides a useful link for essay planning tips.

When to give your opinion: If you fail to give your opinion when it is asked for, you will get a low score. Learn about different instructions.

Linking Words: Get a useful list of linking words for your essay. They are easy to learn and easy to get right, but so many people lose marks because they don’t pay attention.

Quotes, Idioms & Proverbs: Learn whether it is a good ideas to use them in your essay or not.

100 Essay Questions: Use these questions to practise writing at home. You will soon see the full range of topics that IELTS like to use.

Advanced Essay Lessons: If you need help pushing your score higher or you don’t understand why you are not getting the right score, learn the best techniques in easy steps with my Advanced Lessons for Essays. Visit my Store to get them.

All the best


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  1. Thanks a lot for all that you do with regards to English language materials and tips

  2. joy nnedi says

    may god reward you greatly for your good works and i pray for devine healing upon your health.

  3. Agatha Igbonezu says

    Get well soon my super woman

  4. Mayank Handa says

    Hey Liz
    why aren’t u making more videos on you tube ?

  5. Thank you Liz for everything Your materials are so helpful

  6. Opara Chikwere says

    You have been so good and a wonderful person thanks for being there for us God will bless you beyond your expectations thanks once again.

  7. Ndukaife Ngozi Mercy says

    Thank you so much for the help you’ve been rendering to us and thank again for the recent changes you sent to me, am so grateful ma

  8. very helpful thank you so much.

  9. Hey liz i just saw ur post today.. i have tried to contact u a number of times.. i have recently appeared in ielts n got 7.5 overall with l-8 r-8 w-7 s-7.5 .. all credit goes to u .. very much thankful to u.. i only followed u n wanted to let u know but wasn’t able to find any platform to inform u.. i request u to reply me once.. thank u so much

  10. Thank you so much

  11. Hi Liz

    Thanks for your great work.


  12. Dear Liz
    I’m a big fan of your work. I really appreciate the effort you put in to explain everything in detail, in a very simple way, especially the compilation of Writing Task 2. I had just two weeks for my IELTS Academic module and it is just from your website that I have done the preparation. My speaking was on 27th January that went quite well and now I have the rest on 1st of February. I am really scared for the writing Tasks. I hope all goes well.

    • Lots of luck!! Remember to keep your eye on the clock for reading and writing. Managing your time properly is essential. For writing task 1, make sure you nail the overview and have a logical organisation of information for the body paragraphs – both very important. If you need extra help with your writing task 2, get my Advanced lessons which help you create a high level essay:

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