Types of Films: Vocabulary

It is common to be asked about films / movies in all parts of the IELTS speaking test and therefore it is necessary that you have plenty of examples of films ready to tell the examiner.

Listening Practice: Film Types

Below is a list of film types and a listening recording.

Film Genres

  • action films
  • comedies
  • romantic films
  • rom-coms
  • adventure films
  • musicals
  • dramas
  • period films or historical dramas (films set in another historical time)
  • real life films
  • war films
  • horror films
  • science fiction (Sci-Fi or SF)

Listen and decide which type of film is being described from the list above.

There are 12 descriptions. Get your paper and pencil ready!!


Click below to reveal the descriptions and the answers. The descriptions contains very useful vocabulary.

Written DescriptionsAnswers


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  1. Priyantha Jayarathna says

    Thank you so much

  2. Balina says

    I’m so happy that I find your website ,it is so useful to pass an IELTS exam.Thank you so much!!!

  3. Hi Liz,

    I am a teacher new to IELTS. Thank you so much for your wonderful resources and tips! You literally saved my life and got me started! You are an angel. Hope you are staying safe and happy. 🙂


    • Enjoy teaching IELTS! It’s really rewarding to see your students hit the band scores they need 🙂

  4. Thank you so much.

  5. Valens says

    Thank you so much Liz! for your support. God bless you

  6. Thanks a lot! Such a great help.God bless.

  7. Iracema Improta says

    Thank you for this wonderful lesson plan!

  8. you are a wonderful teacher , I hope you have healthy life because you deserve the best .
    I have a question
    can I talk about documentary film for example “a documentary about New scientific discoveries ”
    thank you

  9. NNEKA says

    Thanks a lot madame

  10. Precious says

    Thank you so much ma

  11. Ezzatollah Rahimi says

    Thanks alot Liz
    I learned so much.

  12. Dear Liz,
    Please tell me what is the avenue to get band score 9 in each skills?
    Best Wishes.

  13. Natalia Andrade says

    Hello I need an overall scored of 7. Reading, listening and speaking I think are ok. But I have a lot of problems in writting I dont know how to fix them.

  14. thanks a lot

  15. Dhawal kothari says

    Hii Mam I am planning to give ielts exam in december from i month i am practising i am getting 19 and 20 in reading i cannot recognize why it is going wrong again and again i want overall band 7 pleasee help me

  16. Asif Mostafa says

    Hi Liz,
    I am going to start my IELTS preparation but having difficulties as I am confused where to start. Would you please help me?

  17. Khang says

    What is rom-coms

  18. Thanks for all of your instuction as well as efforts.
    But it seems that there is a slight difference between dramas and real life films. I WONDER IF YOU COULD ELABORATE ALLITLE BIT ABUOT THIS POINT?

    • A drama is usually story based – could be true or it could be fictional. However, real life films are films that are based on real events that happened in the past.

      • Highly appreciated. But another question if you please :Let’s say that I’m watching amovie about the so called Hitler.Ok ? Is it a historical or a real life movie?
        I’m looking forward to hearing from you
        Kind regards

        • If it is based on real events, then it is a real life movie. It is about whether the actual events happened, not just the name of people.

  19. Amanpreet Singh,
    hi Liz and everybody.My question is for liz is that i am weak in reading module at the previous exam i got only 4.5 in reading but my overall score is 6.0.would you please tell me the way or technique to find the answers easily and correct.so i can achieve good band score in reading on 19th may 2016 exam.

  20. Zia Abbasi says

    U truly are an angel of help… How compassionately you are helping the aspirants around the world.. May Allah Almighty shower on you countless blessings.

    Zia Abbasi

  21. jatan says

    Its awesome

  22. How can i take videos?

  23. Hello Liz
    which book you are prefer for improving vocabulary really I want to get 7.5 and I have just four month for preparation.
    Best regard,

    • Try the Vocabulary for IELTS book or just go online and look up vocabulary for different common topics. See my speaking page for topics.
      All the best

  24. Hi Liz,

    thank you for the vocabularies and thank you especially for the interesting course. I got one question . for band 7 and above they say use of less common words. Is it possible you prepare a course on the less common words that can help score a band 7 or 8.

    • There are too many topics to write such a list. You won’t get a band 7 if you use 5 less common words but all your other words are inaccurate or lower level. If your level of English is band 6 and you write a few high score words, it won’t change your score. The examiner can see when students try to do that. Just use your own language and keep it accurate. If you want higher level English, you will need to study for a few months and review grammar and vocabulary.

  25. Mam ielts tip very nice…

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