Introduction Paragraph for IELTS Writing Task 1

FREE VIDEO: How to write an introduction paragraph for IELTS Writing Task 1. This is a full lesson which shows you techniques to create a high band score introduction for various kinds of tasks in Writing Task 1. This is a Must Watch video for all IELTS candidates preparing for their test.

Take your time to learn from this video. It is packed with tips, techniques and lots of advice to help you understand how your writing is marked.


This is my first video lesson for IELTS preparation in nearly a decade. I enjoyed making it for you and I hope you will enjoy and benefit from watching it.

All the best



  1. we were waiting for you liz. God bless you. Lots of love from Bangladesh🥰

    • Thanks 🙂

      • Hi, I just wanted to share my experience with everyone and I would like to get an answer for my topic although I’m done already. I did my test yesterday. I come directly from my work so it is quite exhausting. My writing topics are “Making a smoked fish in a small-scale production,” and “Do you think young people should required to stay in full-time education until at least 18 years old.” The questions were not that hard so better to study how to persuade a topic. Please book the test early AM and need a restful evening the day before taking the exam. The Listening Part is the best part of the exam, I find it easier than the practice one. The voiceover is not British nor Australian, it’s neutral so I comprehend it easily. However, Part 4 is about Red Sea Urchins which I kinda lost, I missed 2 answers on that part, so sad. And I was interrupted by the speaker of my seatmate. The volume of the voices through the headphones was too high. The speaking Part is about broken promises. I hope it helps for the future test takers. Thanks Liz.

        • Thanks for sharing 🙂 Very insightful. Good luck with your results! Rest well now 🙂

  2. Somayeh says

    You look great Liz ❤️
    We are lucky to have you.


    Fabulous – and looking great, I really hope you feel as good as you look. Thankyou again for a great lesson.
    Best always,

  4. Angga says

    Hi Liz. Thank you so much for your guidance on making WT1 introduction. However, I would like to ask, in your video, in the multiple chart sections (table and chart of imported fish to the US), how if we put a sentence to overview all the facts in the first place? Then continue the next sentence to explain each of the charts. Is that allowed or it will become unnecessary? Because I thought it would reduce redundancy later on.

    For example: instead of directly mentioning the table then followed by the chart, how if we put:
    The information describes the transaction of international fish trade that was imported to America in 1988, 1992, and 2000. The table shows the total expenses of fish import, in billions of dollars, while the pie charts illustrate the names of the countries that acted as suppliers, namely China, Canada, and other countries.

    • Don’t overcomplicate a simple introduction. One sentence for each task connected by a linking device. This is the standard and precise method of writing an introduction for IELTS writing task 1. Anything else doesn’t help your score and will waste valuable time. My aim with this lesson is to show you all how simple it is so that you can practice is again and again until you can write it perfectly for any task 1 in under 1 minute. Report writing is straight forward and precise. Anything overcomplicated or too wordy will lower the band score. Furthermore, this method is suitable for candidates aiming for all band scores, even up to band 9. The aim is to avoid errors and produce a flawless piece of writing.

      Also, don’t confuse your first sentence with an overview. That is definitely not an overview. The overview is a separate paragraph that is the most important paragraph in your whole writing task 1 report.

      • Angga says

        Very much appreciated, Liz.
        Now I realize to not overcomplicate the introduction. At my WT1 simulations, I always struggled to pick up my first line since I thought that I better present the first line as general ideas, hence making my brain freeze. Once again, thank you. Sending you all the good health and happiness in the world.

        • I understand completely. Many people struggle with the first line and feel they need to add an extra sentence or extra phrases at the beginning. This is why so many people begin their writing task 2 with “In the modern era” or something like that. It helps them feel more comfortable. But it isn’t the right way to approach introductions for either task 1 or task 2. Both tasks are time constrained and designed to be highly focused – not one extra sentence needs to be added in the whole writing. Each and every sentence is crucial and to the point.

  5. elijah orim says

    The table illustrates the total amount of money (in billions of dollars) spent on imported fish to the US from 1988, 1992 and 2000, while the three pie charts gives information about the proportion of fish exported by China, Canada and other countries to the US in the same time period.

    Can you please respond?

    • Looking good! But don’t forget your noun verb agreement – pie charts give = no “s”. Try to avoid these types of grammar errors.

      • Haroon says

        The table gives information about how the US spent all expenses in billions of dollars on the source of fish is imported in 12 years, While the pie charts illustrate the proportion of imported fish from China, Canada and other countries between 1988, 1992 and 2000.

        Plz respond me.

  6. Svilana says

    I’m so happy to see you back. I appreciate so much your expertise, your gracious effort on sharing it, your courage in dealing with your health issues. may you be healthy, bright and joyful, hugs and kisses))))

  7. Esther says

    The table illustrates the overall expenses of fishes in billions of dollars transported to the US in 1988,1992, and 2000 while the pie chart shows the proportion of fish imported to the US from china, canada and other countries between 1988 and 2000.

    Please can you correct this?

    • It’s a good try but some problems:
      1. fish is uncountable in this chart (fishes is wrong = fish)
      2. transport is not a paraphrase for import. Don’t change words unless you are very sure about your paraphrase. More errors = lower score
      3. There are three pie charts, not one. The word pie charts is plural.
      4. Country names have capital letters
      5. If the years in the pie chart are the same as the table, you should say it. Avoid confusing the reader – be precise and clear with information.

      These are small errors but each error shows the examiner your problems in English and will lower your score.

  8. Esther says

    Welcome back Liz💃
    God is perfecting your health. Amen

  9. Mir Mobin says

    Welcome back, Mam.

  10. Cherechi says

    I have been waiting for your return. Welcome back. Hope you are getting better now?

  11. Ishag Yagoub Burma says

    I really excited by the way you delivering your topicsts . In fact it is amazing , therefore i will be glad to continue following your videos and lessons .

    • Thanks. I’m really pleased you enjoyed the lesson. I’ve just damaged my voice, so I’ll have to wait a while for it to heal and then I’ll make my next video lesson.

  12. Zahid Khan says

    Dear Elizabeth,

    You are the queen of the world of English English. I am the slave student of you. I am very honest and will love to be inside your classroom, but how?

    Would you mind letting me know please?

    Thank you very much.

    Sincerely yours,
    Zahid Khan Niveer( Husband from dream world)

    • Thanks for your supportive comment. Due to health problems, I only work online and don’t hold any classes in person. I’ll make another video lesson as soon as I can.

  13. Ahmed Alghamdi says

    I am glad to see you healthier Liz.
    All the best

  14. Erum Nadeem says

    Thank you so much dear sweet Liz. May you be blessed with peace, health and happiness, amen.

  15. Ananda Nhan says

    I am so happy when I see you get healthier after a serious illness period. wish you the best for now and in the time to come. Love your devotion ❤️❤️❤️

  16. Dear Liz, I O U because your videos helped me pass the IELTS one day. I felt that I should let you know to make you as happy as I was back then.

  17. Kwaku Adu-Yeboah says

    The diagram illustrates a system created by an Australian town for harvesting and recycling rainwater, which will be used for drinking purposes.

  18. The table illustrates the overall expenditure of fishes being imported in US from the year 1988 to 2000 while,the pie chart gives information regarding the sources of fishes being bought from China,Cananda and other countries to US.
    Can you please correct it?

  19. manoj says

    Happy to see you again Liz… thank you for the lovely presentation.

  20. Daisy says

    I love your IELTS material and teaching Thanks a lot Liz

  21. Meena Vinod Naik says


    You are unbelievably perfect

    Thank you

  22. Charlotte Chab says

    I’m thrilled to bits with your newly unloaded IELTS WR(1) lesson as I’m preparing for my test held in August 8th. I haven’t started watching it yet, but will do soon. Thnx a lot, Liz 😁☺️

  23. Bukola Oyeronke says

    super excited to see you.. God continue to bless your memory

  24. Thanku Liz

  25. Rezwan says

    Good to see you back with good spirit. Surely, we were missing your presence here. May god bless you with good health

  26. It’s good to see you again. All the best !!

  27. Glory says

    It was very Explanatory.

    Thanks, Liz🥰💖

  28. Kinley says

    wonderful lesson
    keep up,mam.
    Thank you so much

  29. Rawlings says

    It is sweet to have back.
    I am supper excited.

  30. maria teresa peltz says

    Thank you Liz for your impressive suggestions about writing task 1, which is always under appreciated by students.
    I use this test to better afford wt2 even if it’s not an essay
    but English grammar is the same!
    And anyway,
    I love elephants too.

  31. Prianka kundu says

    Thank you, mam. May God bless you. Your smile is just divine. And your teaching style is outstanding, mam.

    • Thank you so much for your support. It gives me the determination to make another video soon 🙂

  32. Anita Dike says

    Thank you Liz for the wonderful video, the teachings were well understood and straightforward.
    I’m wishing total recovery, you look awesome.
    The good works you do speaks volume.
    I appreciate.

    • Thanks 🙂

      • Kwaku Adu-Yeboah says

        Can you substitute the title instead of using The graphical distribution illustrates the average monthly sales of various products at Cuppa Coffee Shop, including coffee, tea, sandwiches, hot chocolate, cakes, and soup, spanning from the year 2000 to 2020.(sales per unit measured in pounds sterling)

        • Report writing is about using appropriate words rather than fancy or unusual words. The words “graphical distribution” would not be considered appropriate. This is why I made the lesson. I wanted people to understand the absolutely importance of using only appropriate language in relation to report writing. Remember, every time you paraphrase, you are either making a very wise choice or you are taking a risk of getting a lower score. So, being careful is always your first priority.

          • Kwaku Adu-Yeboah says

            thanks and the second example with the pie chart and the table, The pie chart and table provide data on the importation of fish from China, Canada, and other countries for the years 1988, 1992, and 2000. Additionally, they detail the expenditure incurred for these importations, measured in billions of dollars, for the respective years. so the first line talks about the importation , from which countries and the years and the second line talks about the expenditure and units of measurement , i hope this isnt too fancy

            • In writing task 1, the introduction is short. In fact, task 1 is only a short report. You are definitely aiming to say things clearly and precisely without being too wordy. Your aim is between 170 and 190 words. so, my recommendation is to practice writing a full report for task 1 and see how long it gets. If your writing tends to be too long for task 1, you’ll know that you must focus on being more precise.

  33. The explanation is so clear and accurate, I enjoyed every second listening and watching it. Thanks a lot for this important video that comes on time.

    • Thank you so much for your comment. It really motivates me to make more videos 🙂

  34. Dawlatbek says

    I have have enjoying your videos for my IELTS preparation as we do not have a physical preparation center to get prepared,but you videos are incredible supportive rather than being involved in the real center to do the Patrice tests and do the preparation. I have a request if possible to make the writing essay accessible as I am not able to download them and follow the same structures.

  35. Praiseangel says

    Hi Liz, good day. Hope you’re good, i have been praying for a reverse in your health. You look very beautiful ☺️ I must commend. I understood all you just taught concerning the introduction. • paraphrasing • change of sentence structure and • use of connectors when given two charts or tables. Thank you so much, God bless you. ❤️❤️

    • Thank you so much for your comment. I’m so glad you enjoyed my video lesson and that you grasped all the key points. I hope to make more videos for you 🙂

  36. Chefor Roland says

    Thanks very much Liz actually this video came on time because I was facing some difficulties in understanding writing tasks 1. I really appreciate your efforts and I wish you a quick recovery. I will watch the video several times befor I take the test.

    • I’m so glad it was helpful. I was worried about the length of the video, but I wanted to give people as much detail and support as possible. I hope it helps you gain an insight into IELTS and how to take the right approach. Good luck with your test!!

  37. Chefor Roland says

    Thanks very much liz actually this video came on time because i was facing some problems with writing task 1.

  38. Kefilwe says

    Gooday Liz
    I enjoy and understand your lessons. I am equipped with knowledge on how to tackle Ielts task 1. Can you assist with test practice by marking and comments.

    • Unfortunately, I don’t have that service yet because of my health problems.

  39. Olive Teke says

    thanks a lot mam Liz, I’ve been waiting for something like this since I saw your last video why you’ve been absent. I feel over the moon hearing from you and I’m super excited to receive your email. thank you and I pray may our good God continue to bless you with good health, wisdom and knowledge to share with us. God bless you mam.

  40. Ghanshyam says

    Hi mam
    after a long period of time.
    I received your mail. I hope you are healthy and fine.
    I feel glad after receiving your mail.

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