Decide the best linking word to use in the following sentences:
- (Whereas / While / But)……………… individuals can make a considerable difference to environmental problems, they ought to be dealt with on a global scale to be solved effectively.
- Global warming is a prominent issue these days (due to / owing to / because)……………. it has a direct impact on the climate of countries all over the world.
- (As a result / Consequently / Thus)……………… of global warming, sea levels are rising which threaten many low lying lands.
- One of the best ways to deal with global warming is to reduce the emissions of fossil fuels, (specific / particularly / certainly)…………. from industry.
- Global warming affects weather patterns and can cause extreme weather (namely / as an example / like) ………………. heat waves, droughts and floods.
Hi Liz.
Can you please clarify that why the 5th blank answer is ‘namely’ not ‘like’ in linking words practice?
This is because the linking word “like” is informal and not suitable for IELTS writing task 2 formal essays. It is fine for the speaking test which is informal.
Thanks for the clarification, Liz. I also chose “like “.
Dear Liz,
I wrote an opinion essay on “prevention is better than cure”. Researching & treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventative measures. To what extent do you agree?
I took a balanced approach where I said – not investing completely in R&D at the expense of preventive measures would be problematic and therefore, a country should invest in both research and preventive methods for the well-being of the country.
In MB1 – I talked about the importance of skilled labor such as doctors and scientists (main idea)->supporting details (3), country will be unprepared, gave an example on influenza taking lives and time taken to bring under control, and -ve impact to economy due to close of small business.
In MB2 – main idea – the country is prepared, supporting details (2)-> example on COVID 19 on how it was quickly brought under control using preventive measures, and this saved economy and lives.
Was my approach correct? Is there a sample on this?
Hello Liz
Thank you for all your tips and tricks. But I have a little bit confused so far because I can’t follow the order of your lessons appropriately. It is like each page lead me to another different part of the test. Could you help me with this, please?
Thank you.
Please read the instructions on the HOME page to learn how to access the main pages. All lessons and tips are listed on those main pages – organised based on each section of the test.
can we use” before putting my pen down” to start conclusion of task-2?
That is informal – do not use informal language in your essay.
Hi Liz
Could you please tell me if Introduction paragraph can start with words like ‘Nowadays’, or ‘These days’?
Thank You
It is not usually required. Most topics are current and based nowadays – it isn’t actually need to state it. Also they are the most overused words in writing task 2.
Hi Liz,
May I know.. what is the difference between the use of idioms and idiomatic language?
can we use Metaphors in IELTS writing?
See this page: and then review this page:
Dear Liz,
I have subscribed your advanced lessons & found it immensly helpful. However, I have one question.
Is it necessary to mention advantages and disadvantages both in an essay, if topic asks “Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages” ?
Please explain use of comma, too that would really helpful for IELTS aspirants.
Thanks in advance.
I spent over 30mins answering that question in my advanced lessons about ads outweigh disadvs essay. I explained what that essay should contain and taught how to write it paragraph by paragraph. Please watch your lessons again. I hope to have some lessons about commas in the future.
Thank you for your prompt reply.
Hi Madam,
Can we start a sentence using ‘Also’?
I would like to ask why I can’t use “like” for the last question of this exercise?
Besides, some tutors told me that using some cohesive devices like fist,second,third,nevertheless for the ielts writing task are too simple.We should use more advanced cohesive devices like some phrases. Do you argee with that?Can you liat some more advaced cohesive devices for writing task?
Thank you!
“like” is an informal linking word. This means you can use it in IELTS speaking, but not in an IELTS essay.
Hi Liz.we should not use idoms and phrases in writing task ?why?
Most idioms are informal and the writing test is formal. All sentences should be unique and created by yourself – this is a language test – you can’t cheat by using phrases written by someone else. So, avoid idioms and avoid phrases. But you can use some idiomatic language, such as “the key to success”.
Hi liz!
I got only two weeks left before my exam. What am i supposed to do?
Thank you!
Review each main page of my website and check that you are comfortable with each part of the test. Make a list of areas you need to review. Prepare ideas for recent topics.
Hi Liz,
I am deeply thankful for your help and support for ILETS exam tips and lessons , I would like to ask you how to use other linking words as although , however ,despite and others? Adverbs too?
See this page for a list of linking words: To learn about adverbs, please visit an English language website.
Hi Liz,
Your videos are extremely helpful. I want to marry you please!!!
Me too
Hi liz,
Is it true that we cannot start a sentence with a linking word.example: although many people believe that the best way to deal with criminals is long term prisons,others are of opinion that more punitive measures must be taken
Of course, you can start a sentence with a linking word. The only ones that can’t are “but, because, and”.
Can i know the words ( specialy linking words) should not to be used in writing
Just use the linking words on this page. They are the right ones to use. Don’t use others. If you are given a list of lots and lots of linking words, then use them.
Hi Liz. Why is the correct answer for Q1 “while” ?
You don’t use “but” at the start of a sentence and generally “whereas” should go in the middle.
Hi I am very impressed by the way you are giving classes and teaching online. God bless you dear.☺
In the last sentence why can’t we install ‘like’ instead of ‘namely’ ?
“like” is used only in speaking. It is not formal and completely wrong to use in any IELTS essay.
Thank u very much for resolving a problem to me for a such long time.
Hi Liz,
Thank you very much for your highly informative free site and for your great efforts in teaching us English. I have a question please explain question number five in this exercise why you choose namely? Thanks.
“as an example” would be grammatically incorrect to use with this sentence structure and “like” is not an academic linking word.
Thank you
Hi Liz,
I have been following your informative sites from the very first day of my ielts practise.And thank you so much for all your lessons.My question here is : since you have said ‘like’ is not an academic linking word, does it mean that we should never be using the word’ like’ during our writing task2.
That’s right. It shouldn’t be used in writing task 2 as a replacement for “for example” or “such as”.
Hi Liz , very appreciate for your online lessons . But I had a problem on paying for the advanced lessons . Every time I tried to pay by credit/debit card , it prompted that I can’t pay by credit card . Could you please tackle that problem?
Sorry this is an issue with paypal, not with me. You will need to check that your card can be used with paypal.
myself manuel.i am from delhi.working as a astaff nurse in fortis hospital.i would like to work in ireland.but i need to catch 7 score in ielts .i am a beginer in this field.i have no idea about it.i need your help.reading is difficult for me.can you suggest any tips for reading,number:09718128354,thank you
Your tips and instruction are very useful
Tons of thank, Madam
You’re welcome 🙂
Took the IELTS exam and got the followings scores: L-6, R-6.5, S-6.5, W-6.5.
I need a score of 7.0 in the speaking area, what do you suggest an area to improve in order for me to get that score?
Oh by the way, I am now using your site, tips, and exercises as my review buddies because I am planning to retake the exam sometime next month.
If only I saw your site beforehand, maybe I got the desired result. Thank you very much.
Hello liz,plz give me stratergy of ielts general reding. I want to grow up my score till 33.
Please see my tips on the main reading page. The question types are the same as the academic test so you can follow all those tips.
Dear Liz,
Let me ask is the expression “as for..” academic, can I use it as a synonym of “with regards to…”?
“as for” is not appropriate for task 1 to be used instead of “regarding”.
Dear Liz,
Me too have same problem while linking right word to be placed in sentence one.
Kindly address.
Thank you
Dear Miss Liz,
Could I have a question? In sentence 4, Why you did not use comma after “fossila fuels”
Thank you for your lessons.
Yours sincerely,
Well spotted!! 🙂
I don’t know how to comment directly on this post but I just want to say thank you for all these very helpful lessons!
You’re welcome 🙂