Below is an IELTS writing task 1 table and 3 pie charts reported last week on 19th Sept. I will post a model answer later this week. Follow the link to see a model of the task 1 below: table with 3 pie charts.
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mam you ate soo cute and I often watch your vido on you tube only to see you not for improving my IELTS skill
Thanks 🙂
Liz, I need a favor from you. I request you to mail some 9 band writing sample essays for academics. I seriously need to improve my writing skills.
All my model essays are on the writing task 2 page.
All the best
Hi Liz,
I took IELTS test on 19 Sept 2015 and after 13 days I have not received my result. I phone the British Council and they said they have with held the whole result of 19 Sep for quality assurance. I have a little tight schedule ahead to apply for a PhD but if the test result is not available then all my efforts will be in vain.
Is it normal that they could with hold the result?
I have not heard of this before. They should have informed you. Contact them again and push them. Also write a post on their facebook page and express that you are very displeased because they have guaranteed that results are posted after 13 days.
Good luck!
@waqas any update on the result. i am also going through the same agony
Contact your local IELTS center for your result. Go to them in person and also post on their facebook page.
Hi waqas same problem i am facing result with held
I gave 2 times but both time my result has been held 🙁
03361055222 kindly contact me if your result has declared
Hay Liz I have conducted my test on 19 September and still have not received my result.when it will be possible for me ?
You can get your results 13 days after your test. Contact your test center if you haven’t received them.
All the best
I also took my test on 19 September and am still awaiting the result. Today out of curiosity I called the British Council office in Lahore and they said that the whole result of 19 Sep is being with held due to quality assurance purpose. They were even unable to tell me the expected date when the result will be available.
Is there any candidate out there who took the test on 19 Sep and they have the same issue?
Please share
Yes, I have the same issue. I tool IELTS exam on September 19, 2015 in Lahore, Pakistan but got an e-mail on October 2 that my result was withheld for quality assurance purpose. What bugs me is that now I don’t know when to expect my result.
Hi, I took my exam on the same date, but haven’t got my results so far. I was so desperate to see my results. It’s so annoying that they are keep delaying it. I had so many things planned after knowing my results, but all of them are on hold. I check my email every single hour every single day and I’m seriously so annoyed. How could they be that lazy and heedless.
Results take 13 days to arrive.
I call them daily 2-3 times but to no avail. They are not giving ny response. Lastly they said to email directly to cambridge. I mean this is too much.
Have you checked the spam section of the your email? Did you write a comment on their facebook page? Facebook is open to the public which means there is more pressure on them to get it sorted. Also get the contact details for Cambridge and get in touch with them immediately.
Good luck
i have sent the mail to Cambridge but no response from there as well. I m also sending mails to IDP but …………………..
Hey results are out today.
This is so disappointing, the results are not announced its been almost a month since the test date. How to contact cambridge? I have posted my query on facebook all the guys facing the same issue should back the post on fb and pressurize the authorities for their lack of responsibility!!
I am having the same issue , I gave my test from the Karachi centre
Hi. I need to tell you that result has been announced today. Go check it out online on their website.
yeah the results have been announced yesterday Alhamdulillah
Waris sb
I appeared ielts test in fsd on 19th sep but no results.
Pls send me the correct link to find
Out results.
Waris sb
I am waiting for my Ielts results.
Which Web you have found.
I appeared in fsd center on 19th sep.
Hi Go to british councils official page and check your results.I have got my certificate as well. Try calling British council and let them know .
I gave test on 5 December and 23 January 2016 , 2 test but my both test has been withheld still no response 🙁 what should i do i think 2 month have passed 🙁
Hi Ms. Liz,
I tried to answer this task but finished it for about 30 minutes. Can you please check it and give me feedback and corrections.
The table shows the total cost of fish, as measured in billions of dollars, imported to the US in 1988, 1992 and 2000.
It can be clearly seen that the total value of imported fish increased significantly over the given period.
In 1988, the total cost of fish coming from overseas stood at 6.57 billions of dollars. This figure then rose dramatically to 8.52 billions of dollars in 1992 and climbed even higher at 10.72 billions of dollars eight years later.
On the other hand, the three pie charts compare the percentages of fish imported to the US by different countries in the same time frame.
Generally, in the beginning of the period, Canada served as the main source of fish in the US; however, over the years, other countries replaced it as the major supplier of imported fish in the country.
Analysis of data from the charts reveals that in 1988, majority of the imported fish (60%) came from Canada, with 27% from other countries and a measly 13% from China. However, four years later, other countries became the major supplier of fish in the US with a total import of 46% as compared with that of the Canada and China which stood at only 34% and 20% respectively. In 2000, other countries still lead the market of imported fish in the US with 42% of the total, followed by China (30%) and falling behind is Canada with 28%.
Sorry I don’t give feedback on writing.
Hi mam,
The table and pie chart illustrates the total cost and sources of fish supplies namely China,Canada and others nations to the US between 1988 and 2000.
Overall,the total cost of fish import has increased significantly and China became one of the highest fish importer to the US in the later years ,over a period of 12 years.
In terms of total fish cost, a gradual soar was noted in the prices of fish import in the year 1988with 6.57 billion dollars ,which was nearly doubled its value in the final year.
However,Canada was the biggest fish supplier in early 20th century,imported nearly 2/5 of the total fish to the US as opposed to China and other nations.Nevertheless,it hadbeen replaced by China ,showed a dramatic rise of about 33 % in fish imports in the later years 1992 to 2000.Besides this,there was a rapid decrease in fish supplies by 30% in 2000 from the year 1988 as compared to other countries which contributed to about 28%of total fish imports at the end of 20th century.
kindly evaluate my scores
pardon…some additions,
to add” respectively ” at the end of first para.
this task has four paras ,not visibly seprated by space
See the model answer:
Hi Liz,
Thanks for devoting your time to us, your students from all around the world.
I tried to paraphrase “Fish import” with “fishing supplies” and I am not quite sure weather it has the same meaning?
The table provides data about total value of fish that was delivered to the U.S. in three different years such as 1988, 1992, and 2000, whereas three pie charts illustrate the information about sources of fishing import, in particular Canada, China, and others in the same years as it is provided in a table. Units of total value are measured in billions of dollars. However, pie charts’ segments are given in percents.
Overall, total value of imported fishing supplies to the United States increased in a given time frame according to the table. As a pie charts illustrate, Canada dramatically lost its percentage of fish import, whereas, in contrast, Chinese quota of fish import increased significantly over the period given. In general, the percentage of other countries that supplied fish to the U.S. climbed substantially in the considered years.
According to the table, the U.S. imported fish accounted 6.57 billions of dollars in 1988 and this number rose in 1992 and 2000 to 8.52 and 10.72 respectively.
As a pie charts illustrate, Canada contributes to 60% of all countries that provided fish to the U.S. in 1988, but Canadian part went down drastically to 34% in 1992, with further drop to 28% in 2000. In case of China, the opposite trend is observed. In contrast to Canada, Chinese part of the U.S. import of fish was 13 % in 1988 and climbed up in 1992 and 2000 years to 20% and 30% respectively. With regards to other countries, initially, at 1988 its segment of fish that was brought to the U.S. was 27% with subsequent significant rising to 46% in 1992 and 42% in 2000.
Sorry, correction to the last paragraph, no way ” As a pie charts” – “As pie charts”
hi liz ,
Was thinking to purchase your video course , does it cover all type of writing task 2 ?
No. At present I only have the opinion essay and the discussion essay lessons ready. Very soon I will release the adv/disadv essay.
The table shows the amount of money the US spent on importing fish from 1988 to 2000 and the pie chart illustrates the proportion of fish the US imported from Canada, China and others over the same period. Units are measured in billions of dollars.
Overall, there is an increase in the expenditure on fish import to the US between 1988 and 2000. Within 12 years, the US had to increase their payment for importing fish from 6.57 million in 1988 to 8.52 and 10.72 in 1992 and 2000 respectively.
There are different change trends from three sources. Import from Canada tended to decrease while China had a tendency of increasy and others were both. In 1988, Canada placed the major source providing more than half number of imported fish to the US, but kept reducing until reached at 28% in 2000.
From 13% in 1988, China constantly rose the amount of fish exported to the US into 20% and stopped at 30% in 2000. On the other hand, others had a significant rise in the number of exporting fish to the US, around double when comparing between 1988 and 1992 with 27% and 46 % respectively before it slight went down to 42% in 2000.
There are two typing mistakes in my essay. In paragraph 3, China had a tendency of increasing, not inceasy. Additionally, at the end of paragraph 4, it slightly went down, not slight.
I hope to receive comments from others also, please help me to make the essay better.
Thank you.
Dear Madam Liz,
I have sent my writing on the above prepared as much as I could. I would be more than happy if you kindly check it.
The supplied pie charts and table spell out the information concerning the total sum of dollars in billion and the different channels of fishes imported to the US during the period of 12 years from 1988 to 2000. The dollar expended for fishes has increased proportionately year by year while the channels followed has fluctuated among them during the period.
The US spending on fish steadily increased from $6.57 to $10.72 (in billion) by 2000. It saw a significant increase during the latter interval of year between 1992 and 2000 than that of the first period of 4 years from 1988 to 1992 which is just $8.52 as opposed to $10.72.
The channels adopted to import the fish did not work proportionately over the period. The supply through Canada decreased by more than half from 62% to 28%. On the other hand, the source of others increased significantly from 27% to 42% along with a steady rise 46% in 1988 evenly followed by China from 13% to 30%.
Overall, all of the sources remained vital during the period although others did not go constantly.
Please, rate it how band does it deserve ?
With sincere regards,
Mohan Angbo
Sorry, I don’t give feedback on writing.
All the best
you are practically a great resource for the group of students which seem to be intriguing for acquiring a target score of 7 in each modules.
I wish you good health alone success every step in your life.
with regards
Mohammed from East London.
I appeared in Ielts dated 12-09-2015… There were same questions in Pakistan, India, Europe and other countries in the test…
First of all thank you so much Liz for your useful website and for your fruitful efforts for all the IELTS I shared with you the questions that I had in my general exam on 12th September; 2015. Speaking 1:show me id;full name ;hometown ;work or study;why u enjoy your work;work is more important or people to whom you work with; most interesting part of your work;about films which type of films you like most and why;where you watch movies;trend of watching movies in past or now wat the difference. Part2: describe a child activity that make you laugh.describe who the child is when and where this child made you laugh.Part 3.:about children activities are they more freed now ?Wat is the best age of parenthood? School activities are more nowadays and made e children more confident wat you think?Is govt pay more for the public education than it pay for children . Writing task 1:letter to sposport ache to describe that you can not continue further classes of sport.describe which class you are attending now?why you can not continue further? Why you enjoy these classes. Writing task. 2; Most people want successful career and happy life togeather.what r the problems came to do these two togeather and how to solve it.
Thanks. I’ll post these on the recent question page for others to find more easily. Your speaking part 2 was challenging.
All the best
Hey Lubna,
Where did you take your IELTS exam?
First of all thank you so much Liz for your useful website and for your fruitful efforts for all the IELTS I shared with you the questions that I had in my general exam on 12th September; 2015. Speaking 1:show me id;full name ;hometown ;work or study;why u enjoy your work;work is more important or people to whom you work with; most interesting part of your work;about films which type of films you like most and why;where you watch movies;trend of watching movies in past or now wat the difference. Part2: describe a child activity that make you laugh.describe who the child is when and where this child made you laugh.Part 3.:about children activities are they more freed now ?Wat is the best age of parenthood? School activities are more nowadays and made e children more confident wat you think?Is govt pay more for the public education than it pay for children . Writing task 1:letter to sposport ache to describe that you can not continue further classes of sport.describe which class you are attending now?why you can not continue further? Why you enjoy these classes. Writing task. 2; Most people want successful career and happy life togeather.what r the problems
Thanks for sharing. I’ll post these on the recent questions page.
All the best
Yeah maam,I also appeared in that test and I wrote about 200 words in this task 1.
So,Please tell me that would this thing affect my score?
Unless I saw your written work and the full task, I can’t say how it will affect your score. There is no upper word limit. It is possible to write about 200 words but if you include insignificant details, it will not help your score.
All the best
Thanks you so much, your website is very useful for me ^^
my test was on 19-9. I get this task & I don’t know what score I will get if not write less 150 wards
this is same in Nepal 19th sept ..
How many countries have the same questions in a same date???
British council conducted same test for all countries in world on same date in Europe, Asia as well as in other countries