IELTS Writing Task 1 Future Prediction Model Answer

Below is an IELTS table with dates in the future and past for writing task 1. This means you will need to use a combination of tenses to write this table task. IELTS Tables in writing task 1 can be complicated because of of all the data given to you. The model answer below shows you how to organise information and write an answer with different grammar tenses.

IELTS Table: Past & Future  Dates

IELTS Table Model Answer

Note: I’ve highlighted examples of future forms to show the options you have for presenting future predictions.

The table gives information about the proportion of the population aged 65 years and over in 3 countries (Canada, Germany and the UK) in 1988, 2000 and an estimated percentage for 2030.

Overall, the population of elderly people is predicted to rise in all three countries over the period given. The highest percentage of older people was in Germany, which is forecast to continue to remain the highest for the entire period, while the lowest proportion can be seen in the UK.

Between 1988 and 2000, the aging population of Canada and Germany went up by around 5% to 20.67% and 25.32% respectively. The UK, on the other hand, showed relatively little change in the proportion of its population who were 65 years old and above remaining at just under 15% in both years.

By 2030, it is expected that the population of people aged 65 and above will increase by approximately 5.5% in all three countries. The percentage is predicted to reach 30.42% in Germany, 26.35% in Canada and 20.35% in the UK.

(176 words)

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  1. Asma Ul Husna says

    Hi Liz,
    I would appreciate your suggestions on my work below.

    The table provides data on the percentages of elderly population in Canada, Germany, and the UK for the years 1988 and 2000 and projected figures for year 2030.

    Overall, all the three countries have shown an increasing trend on the older citizen over the given period of time. While Canada and Germany had experienced a steady rise, the UK demonstrated a modest increase. However, prediction for future is quite similar for all nations on the topic provided.

    In 1988, there was a significant rise in people aged 65 and over, in Canada 16.32% to 20.67% followed by Germany 20.45% to 25.32%. Nevertheless, the UK had a little change in population aged 65 years and above at 14.89% in 1988.

    Looking ahead to 2030, percentage of elderly population is expected to go up by around 5% at 26.35%, 30.42% in Canada and Germany respectively. Although, the UK had a negligible change in previous years, the number of older population is projected to increase in the similar way at 20.35% in 2030.

  2. Krishnanad Varshney says

    The table reflects the data and predictions of the percentage change of the population aged 65 and more in the three countries (Canada, Germany and the UK). The report was made in April 2016 and the data is presented for the years 1988 and 2000 in accordance with the information a prediction is made for the year 2030.
    Overall, the change in the percentage of population is more for Canada and Germany and very little change for the UK.
    In terms of Canada, the change in percentage was 16.32% in the year 1988 and 20.67% in the year 2000 there is approximately a 4% rise. On the basis of this information, a prediction is made for the coming year 2030 which is a 26.35% change in old-age Canadians.
    Likewise for Germany, the population change was 20.45% in the year 1988 and 25.32% in the year 2000. There was approximately a 5% rise. Inclination to that a prediction of 30.42% is made for the forthcoming year 2030.
    Talking about the UK, the population change was 14.23% in the year 1988 and 14.89% in the year 2000 which is approximately a 0.6% rise. Similarly, the prediction of 20.35% change was made in the year 2030.

    • Although my website does not offer a feedback service, I will make a quick comment. If you limit your overview, you won’t be able to get above band 6 in Task Achievement, which counts for 25% of your marks in task 1. Always make sure you identified enough key features. See my model answer on the page above, and all tips and model answers on this page:

  3. The table provides important information about the transformation in the proportion of the population aged 65+ in Germany, Canada, and the UK.

    Meanwhile, in 2030, Germany will have the highest number of senior citizens and Canada will stand out at the 2nd number while the United Kingdom will secure third place in the senior citizen population.

    In 1998, 20% of the population of Germany was above 60, and in two years it would witness a surge of 5%. Moreover, Canada saw that 16% of its population lay in the age group of 65+ in 1998. After two years in 2000, the number increased by 4% and reached 20%. While the UK had recorded a dramatic minute growth in terms of senior citizens from 1998 to 2000, it only raised 0.66% in two years.

    On the other hand, Germany strategically controls the growth of the population in 2030; it will only increase by 5%. Whereas, Canada and the UK will witness the 6% growth rate in the aged population.

  4. Claudia says

    Hy Liz,
    Can you give a feedback of my answer on this question? Thank you in advance.

    The table illustrates information regarding changes of the citizens that are 65 years old and above in Canada, Germany, UK in three different time period which is 1988, 2000, and an estimated percentage for 2030.

    Overall, it is predicted that Germany will have the most population with the age 65 and above throughout the period mentioned, while the least will be the UK.

    From the data we can analyze that, Germany has the most improvements from the period 1988 to 2030. The German elder populations whom started from 20.45% had a significant rise in the second year 25.32% and is forecasted to jump up to 30.42%. Canada started from 16.32% and is predicted to rise until 26.35% in the last year.

    The UK has the lowest percentage of people aged 65 and over compared to the other two countries, as it started from 14.23% in the first year, only rising about 0,50% in 2000 and is predicted to reach 20.35% in 2030.

    • My website does not offer a feedback service or marking. However, I do have time for a quick comment. Your writing task 1 report should be around 180 words, usually just under 200. To write less than 170 words is not the aim for a high score. Also, your overview is the most important paragraph so ALL key features should be highlighted – you need to extend your overview. If you look at all my model answers for writing task 1, you will see what I mean:

  5. shazheb says

    The table gives information and predicts an alteration in the percentage of the population aged 65 in the three countries: Canada, Germany, and the UK.
    Overall, the rate of the elderly population was the lowest in the UK, according to the data given in the table. In the period of 1988, the aged population rate in the UK was 14%. Moreover, the rate in Germany during the same period was 20%. Furthermore, in 2000, the rate of the elderly population in Canada and Germany increased by almost 5% compared to the rate in 1988, but the notable thing is that the rate in the UK was slightly higher, but the speed was very slow.
    By 2030, it is expected that the population of elderly people will scale up in all three countries. The rate of Canada increased by 5 from the rate of 2000; similarly, the rate of Germany increased by 5%, and the rate of the UK’s population also increased by 6% from the 2000

    • I want you to compare your overview statement with the overview statement in the model. See how many key features your overview is missing. The overview is the most important paragraph for a high score in writing task 1.

      • Madina says

        the table graph compares the figure for population who lived aged 65 and over in three countries

        overall, In Canada and Germany the index 65 aged and over significantly increase while in UK was rise slightly over the period

        We can see that in Canada and Germany citizens who 65 aged and above were climb percentage from 16,32 and 20,45 to 25,32 and 30,42 in 1988 and 2000. There will reach 26,35 and 30,42 in 2030

        The change in percentage of the population aged 65 and over in Canada were 14,23 and 14, 89 between 1988 and 2000.period 30 year it will grow considerably which is 20.35. According to the chart the figure for Germany citizens reach highest population who live aged 65 and over while UK the lowest category

        Please check it my essay

  6. Dilraba says

    Dear Liz, I appreciate and value your labour so highly. You have done and are doing a lot for all of us. Your works are the best gift to each person who wants to take this exam. Moreover, it is apparent that we are improving our language skills in total as well. God bless you 🙏 ❤️

  7. thank you liz ❤️

  8. Jenny says

    The table presents data about the population of those aged 65 and older in 1988 and 2000, as well as a forecast for 2030 for Canada, Germany and the UK. Units are measured in percent.

    Overall, it can be clearly seen that over the years the amount of the elderly in all countries was constantly growing and this trend is predicted to keep on going.

    In 1988, Germany had the biggest population of the elderly at 20.45%. The proportion of those aged 65 and above in Canada was by nearly 5% less and was followed by the UK with 14.23%. Twelve years later, the older population of Germany and Canada increased at the same rate to just over a quarter and above one fifth respectively; there was an upward trend for the UK as well, however the changes were not as significant and the population inched up by only 0.26%.

    It is predicted that by 2030, the proportion of people 65 and older will increase by around 5% for Germany and by nearly 6% for Canada and the UK. Thus, compared to 1988, in future it is forecast for the proportion of the German and the Canadian of 65 and older to witness around 10% growth, which is expected to be nearly 6% for the British

  9. Asmaa Ahmed says

    The table illustrates and gives information about the proportion of the population who are 65 and over in 3 countries( Germany, Canada, and the UK) in 1988, 2000, 2023 and the expected percentage in 2030.

    Overall, the population of elderly people rose and is predicted to rise in all three countries from 1988 to 2030. The most dominant percentage of older people was in Germany, which is predicted to continue to dominate in 2030, whilst the least dominant proportion can be seen in the UK over the period given.

    Between 1988 and 2000, both Germany and Canada went up approximately 5% to reach 25.32% and 20.67% respectively. On the contrary, the UK showed relatively little change in the proportion of its population aged 65 plus and recorded at just under 15% in both years.

    By 2030, it is expected that the population of people aged 65 and above will increase by an approximate rate of 5.5%in the three countries. The percentage is forecast to reach 30.42% in Germany, 26.35% in Canada, and 20.35% in the UK.

  10. mikeymike says

    The table gives information about the changes in the proportion of population of people who are 65 years old and above in three different countries in the year 1988, 2000 and estimated percentage in 2030.

    Overall, it is predicted that the aging population in three countries will rise from 1988 to 2030. The highest percentage of old people was in Germany and it is expected to continue in 2030, while the lowest percentage was from the United Kingdom and can be seen over the period of time given.

    In the beginning of time, Germany had the highest numbers of aging people at 20.45, with five percent increased in 2000, from then it is predicted to continue to rise in the next 30 years to an estimated 1 percent of the total population in Germany. As with Canadian people, older population in 1988 was less than a fifth percent of the general population and it is expected to increased only by approximately 10 percent in the later year.

    In the United Kingdom, they got the lowest numbers of aging people in 1988 at 14.23, and it rose to only less than one percent in the next 12 years at almost 15 %, then it is assumed to be 20.35 % in 2030 and still to be having the lowest aging population among the three countries.

  11. Jamshaid Khan says

    The provided table chart outlines data about the proportion of people who are aged 65 or above over three countries in the year 1988 and 2000, and also makes projections with regard to the estimated increase by the year 2030.

    As an overall trend, the population of elderly people was the highest in Germany which is also predicted to stay dominant over the given period, whereas the opposite was true in the case of the UK which shows the lowest percentage of all the mentioned countries throughout the period.

    In terms of Canada and Germany for the year 1988 and 2000, there was a marked increase in number of aging people which went up fairly steadily by roughly over 4% from 16.32 and 20.45 respectively. At the same time, although there was a rise in the UK’s percentage, but it was minimal as compared to that of Canada and Germany, rising from 14.23 in the year 1988 to 14.89% in 2000.

    By 2030, the percentages of aged people are expected to increase by at least 5% over all the countries The percentage is forecast to reach 26.35 in Canada, 30.42 in Germany and 20.35 in the UK.

  12. Sana Hussain says

    The table states and predicts the change in percentage of the population In 3 countries, (Canada, Germany and UK). From ages 65 and above of the year 1988, 2000 and 2030.

    Overall, the population of the elderly in Canada and Germany increased by around 5% in the year 2000 and by around 1% in UK. However, the maximum increase of population of the old age group was in Germany as compared to the other 2 countries. Furthermore, the percentage in germany is predicted to rise around over 6% by the year 2030.

    In regards to germany, the percentage of the elderly was maximum as compared to the canadians and French in 1988. The consistent increase in the population is stated to remain the highest for germany by 30.42% in 2030. Whereas, the least population of only 14.23% was seen in the UK in 1988 which merely increased by 1% by the year 2000.

    The percentage of old citizens in canada was around 3% more than that of the UK and showed an increase by around 5% more than that of the UK in 2000. The prediction however is set to remain least for the UK followed by canada and germany.

  13. Alaa Abdallah says

    The figure summarizes the proportion of population aged 65 and above in Canada, Germany, and the UK over the period (1988-2030).

    The highest proportion of people aged 65 and above over the period given is in Germany. While the UK has the lowest proportion.

    Over the period, 1988 to 2000, the population of elderly people in Germany increased from 20.45 to 25.32. It is expected to reach 30.42 in 2030. In Canada, the population was 16.32 in 1988, then it increased to reach 20.67 in 2000. The data shows that in the future the population will reach to 26.35.

    The population is different in the UK. The percentage was almost constant in the years (1988 to 2000). While it is expected to increase to 20.35 in 2030.

  14. The table below shows the data and forecast concerning the difference in the percentage Of the older residents (65 and above) in three countries (canada, Germany and the UK).
    Overall, Germany had the highest percentage forecast of the populace of older people aged 65 and above, while the united kingdom recorded the lowest within the given periods. All three countries are expected to have the highest population by 2030.
    Between canada and Germany, there was an increase of 5% to 20.67% and 25.32% respectively within the period of two years(1988 to 2000). On the other hand, UK hand a slight increase in percentage but remained at 14% in both years.
    It is been predicted that, in 30years time(2030), the populace of older people 65 and above will increase by about 5% in all three countries. Canada recording 26.35%, Germany 30.42% and the United kingdom 20.35%.

  15. Priscila Arantes says

    The table gives information about the proportion of 65-year-old people or older in Canada, Germany and UK in 1988 and 2000 and how much this is expected to increase until 2030. Overall, these three countries will have more elderly people in 2030 than they had in the past years. Furthermore, Germany has been the location with more percentage of the population aged 65 plus in all the three years, whereas UK accounted for the place with the less amount of elderly people.
    In terms of increase, Germany and Canada had a similar growth between 1988 and 2000 by around 5%, which is also the expected risen for the next 30 years. In the first year, this age group accounted for 20,45% of the Germans and 16,32% of the Canadians. This proportions went up to 25,32% and 20,67% in 2000, respectively. Regarding to 2030, these figures are foreseen to increase until 30,42% (Germany) and 26,35% (Canada).
    When it comes to the UK, on the other hand, the elderly accounted for 14,23% of its population in 1988, which remained practically constant until 2000 (14,89%). However, in 2030, the amount of people aged 65 or above are predicted to comprised of 20,35% of the British citizens

  16. ARBICA RAFAI says


    The table illustrates the current data about the percentage of people above the age of 65 in three countries, namely, China, Germany and UK in 1988,2000 and predictions regarding possible changes in these numbers in 2030.

    Overall, it can be observed that Germany has the highest percentage of people above the age of 65, whereas, UK has the least. All the mentioned countries show increase in the population compared to the past and is expected to increase further in the coming years.

    Canada and Germany show a similar trend of increase in the population from 1988 to 2000 where a rise from 16.32 to 20.67 is seen in Canada and from 20.45 to 25.32 in Germany. These numbers are expected to rise further by 2030 where Germany is expected to be at 30.42 which is almost 4 % higher than China’s prediction at 26.35 in the same year.

    Furthermore, elderly population (above age 65) in UK was almost the same in the years 1988 and 2000 (14.23 and 14.89 respectively). However, it is expected to reach 20.35 by 2030.

  17. Nedjmeeddine says

    The table illustrates the percentage of people who are 65 and older in three different countries (Canada, Germany and the UK) from 1988 to 2000, and gives an estimation of their numbers in 2030.

    Overall, the least number of old people per total population was recorded in the UK. However, the population of old people is predicted to rise in all three countries over the period from 1988 to 2030, to reach a record high in Germany in the year of 2030.

    between 1988 and 2000, Both Canada and Germany faced an increase in elderly proportions from 16.32% to 20.67% and 20.45% to 25.32% respectively, with an average of around 4%. However, the UK maintained a more or less constant elderly percentage, slightly above 14% through the given period.

    By 2030, the percentage of people who are 65 and older is predicted to rise by around 5% to reach 30.42% in Germany, 26.35% in Canada and 20.35% in the UK.

  18. MaiDee P says

    The table provides information about the changes in proportion of the population for people aged 65 and over in Canada, Germany and UK in the year 1988, 2000 and predictions for the year 2030.

    Overall, among the 3 countries, Germany accounted for the highest percentage of the population aged 65 and above, while United Kingdom was the lowest within the 3 periods given. Moreover, an increasing trend was observed for all 3 nations including for the future prediction.

    In 1988, Germany’s population for persons aged 65 and older was around 20.45%, followed by Canada and the UK which was around 16.32% and 14.23% respectively. It increased for about 5% by the year 2000 for Germany (25.32%) and Canada (20.67%), while UK increased less than 1% on the same year.

    By 2030, all 3 countries are predicted to increase the population of people aged 65 and above. The population will reach to an estimated percentage of 30.42% for Germany, 26.35% for Canada and 20.35% for the UK.

  19. The table presents the actual and projected data for the people of the age of 65 in three countries (Canada, Germany, and the UK) on different time slots.

    Overall, Canada and Germany have experienced high growth in percentages of this age group in 1988 and 2000 compared to the UK. While the expected growth rate of all three counties is ranging almost between 5-6%.

    It is noticeable that Germany among all was having the highest numbers of population aged around 65 in years 1988 to 2000. It is expecting to reach at 30.42% which will maintain its top spot in the list. On the other hand, the UK’s growth rate was almost minimal in the period between 1988 and 2000. Canada recorded the highest increase which was more than 4% during same period.

    On the other hand, the forecasted numbers depicts a considerable increase in the British population of 65 years old in year 2030. Germany will be having a highest proportions but Canada will record the highest growth of around 6%.

  20. Jason says

    The illustration describes the variance of population proportion aged 65 and older in three countries, Canada, Germany, and the UK, in 1988, 2000, and 2030, respectively. Overall, Germany is predicted to have the largest portion of elders, while the UK is estimated to have the least percentage of old people among the three countries during the given period.

    The elder population of Germany increased from 20.45 percent to 25.32, by 4.87 percent between 1988 and 2000. Their population aged 65 and above will rise to 30.42 percent by 5.10 percent after 30 years. The senior population of Canada was 16.32 percent in 1988 and jumped to 20.67 percent after 12 years. It is remarkable that the most noticeable leap, 5.68 percent will be observed in Canada after the following 30 years.

    Meanwhile, the UK elder population remained nearly constant, 14.23 percent and 14.89 percent, in 1988 and in 2000. Yet, its figure is expected to skyrocket to 20.35 percent after the next 30 years.

  21. Arshnoor Singh says

    Hey Liz , I actually made a report of a chart given on your page which talks about ” Sales of Digital Games from 2000-2006″ , you haven’t given the answer but can you please have a look at mine? Its my first time and would be very helpful for me . It contains around 180 words.

    The bar chart illustrates the sales of 4 types of games (mobile phone games, console games, online games, handheld games) globally from year 2000 to 2006. Units are measured in billion dollars.

    Overall, Handheld Games were the most sold throughout the years, the sale of Mobile Games and Online Games which were around $0 billion in 2000 rose to more than $6 billion and about $9 billion respectively in year 2006.

    The sale of Console Games kept on falling and got almost half within these 7 years that is from slightly under $6 billion in the beginning to around $3 billion in the end whereas the sale of Handheld Games increased rapidly from being slightly under $12 billion in 2000 to approximately $18 billion in 2006.

    Online Games and Mobile Phone Games shared almost equal worth of sales in both 2002 and 2004 that was around $1 billion and $5 billion respectively, sales of both the games increased tremendously without any fall. In comparison between these both, Online Games gained an edge in sales over Mobile Games in the final year.

  22. sena says

    hi lizz, your lessons are really efficient and I am trying to write writing task 1 thanks to you. can you check my writing, thank you in advance.

    The table illustrates us information and expectations about the proportion of people who are 65 years old and over of population in three various countries in 1988,2000 and 2030.
    Overall, what stands out from the table is that Germany had the highest rate of people who were 65 and over also this rate will be expected to increase from 1988 to 2030.on the other hand the least percentage of people who are 65 and over were in the UK .also percentage of elderly people are increased slightly in the UK when compared to Canada and Germany.
    When examining exhaustively, Germany has been shown the highest increased rate from 1988 to 2030. In 1988, the highest percentages of people who were 65 and over were in Germany with 20.45% while the least rate in the UK with 14.23%. when it comes to 2000, the country which was shown most increased was Germany and Canada approximately %5 and these countries reached to 25.32% and 20.67% respectively.
    It is predicted that people who will be 65 years and over in Germany will increase to 30.42% in 2030. But the significant rise will be seen in Canada from 20.67% to 26.35%,in The UK from 14.89% till 20.35% between 2000 and 2030.

  23. The table illustrates both the recent and projected change of gerontologic age of 65 and above in Canada, Germany and the UK from 1988, 2000 and 2030. Overall, every nation shows a rising trend and germany remained consistently as the peak in rapid growth of aged population both before and in the future; followed by Canada and the UK.

    The senile population in Germany started at 20.45% in 1988. This figure rose to a quarter cumulatively in the year 2000 and 2030 with proportions of 25.32% and 30.42% respectively. Furthermore, Canada continued the second place, with an aged population of 16.32% in 1988, and is predicted to be so in 2030 with an estimated rise of 10.03%.

    The UK, on the other hand, started with a population of 14.23% and had the shortest leap in the year 200 with around 0.66%. It is seen that the UK remained as the nadir in the entire time and will be so in the future with above 5% estimated rise by 2030.

  24. Hii Liz ,In the last paragraph end ,you mentioned “the UK” but not mentioned “the CANADA and the GERMANY ” Can i know the reason ?

    • Because it is grammatically incorrect to use “the” in front of the words “Germany” and “Canada”. Check in your grammar book which countries do and don’t use “the”.

  25. Marianna says

    Hello, Liz. I want to thank you very much for a great work you are doing for us, wishing to help us with preparation for an exam. I want to mention some mistakes in one of the table you used in your list of diagrams for the task 1. Its the second table sample with the proportion of income spent for 4 common items in UK in 1998. There is a wrong amount for adults for electrical equipment (it should be 5,5%), as well as for children (11,5%), and videos for children could not be 12% but 17,5%. If I am wright, and the table is incorrect, may be it is worth to write some note to inform students? I understtand that they all are not made by you, and all of them were used in real IELTS at some point. So, the students should be prepared, that it might be incorrect information given in a table, but they will be able still to do the task 1 writing, trying to avoid mistakes and contradictions. I am sorry to write it here and not on the page itself, but there is no comment section.. Wish you all the best and once again thank you for your great effort!

    • IT is not your task to decide if the data makes sense. It is not your task to add up or subtract. It is not your task to do anything except report what you see as it is given. It is not your task to provide an opinion. It is a report which is based on data given, not interpretation of data.

  26. alpha220252013 says

    Hi Liz, I came across a video (not yours) which advised against writing any conclusions, opinions and the likes. Can you please clarify when and when not to include this paragraph.

    • Writing task 1 is not an essay. Essays have conclusions which summarise the points already given – it repeats them. Writing Task 1 is a report – a short factual report. It does not include your opinion – it is factual – you report what you see. It should contain NO repeated information which means no conclusion. However, it must contain an overview which gives a collection of the key features so the reader can get a grasp on the main content.

  27. Glejdi says

    I have my ielts exam tomorrow.wish me good luck.Your lessons are so helpful 🙂
    Thank you Liz.

  28. Hi Liz, how much do you charge to review a writing essay? thank you

  29. hay liz,
    everybody said to me that overall should at the end in writing task 1
    but your sample answers on this website,there are overall always in 2nd paragraph
    so is it right ? if i write overall in 2nd paragraph…my exam on 5th Jan

  30. Hi Liz, can you check this for me and give me some feedbacks, please.

    There is a table showing information and prediction regarding the change in percentage of population aged 65. They were in three different countries (Canada, Germany and UK) in three different years (1988, 2000 and 2030).

    Overall, you can seen from the table that the highest number will be Germany in each years. On the other hand, the lowest number was in UK in each years.

    In 1988, the highest number was in Germany with exactly 20.45. The lowest number was in UK with almost 15. Taking year 2000 next, the largest number was approximately 25 in Germany. The smallest number was just under 15 in UK. Exactly 30 in Germany in 2030, while in UK was only 20.


  31. Ameer Oudah says

    Hello Liz, Please is it possible to say in the first sentence of the overall of this equestion :

    Overall, in the Past, there was a gradual increase in the proportion of people aged 65, and it is expected to coninue rising in 2030.

    Thank you in advance.

    • This is a minimal overview which would not give you a high score. You’ve included only one key feature. You need to mention more. Also mention that this applies to all countries. Furthermore, don’t use a capital letter for the word “past”.


    Hello dear Liz, First of all i would like to thank you about your posting definitely it would be helpful in future likewise in past. Secondly, i would like to ask you where could i go, to find more examples related to task 1 writing including task 2 models answers as well material for practice:

    i will be going through IELTS on 13/10/2018

    • Click on the appropriate section of the test on the RED BAR at the top of the website. You will find free lessons, model answers etc etc

  33. Thank you very much, Liz!
    I think my writing skills have been improved a lot by viewing your website and practising. The tips and model answers are really useful. My exam will come in 2 days and wish I could do well.😚

  34. Srikar says

    Hi Liz,

    I have a query. In the above task, you dived the paragraphs such that the first one compared the trends from 1988 to 2000 for all three countries and the next one compared them from 2000 to 2030.
    I was wondering if I can write in a way so that I compare each country over the three given years. For example, talk about the trends in Canada for all the years followed by Germany and the UK?


    • When you get a table, you can choose to divide your body paragraphs by column, by row, or by distinguishing features. There’s no right or wrong way. When you look at this table, you can see that the UK was always lowest and Germany always highest. So, sure it’s possible to divide it by country. This is why you need to spend time planning your organisation before you start writing. Do you want to highlight countries rankings? Or do you want to highlight that all countries population increased and then later decreased. It’s a choice you make. As long as the examiner can easily understand your organisation (by using linking words and signposting), but ways are possible for the table above.

  35. Hi Liz
    I am not good at writing how can I improve this skill it is realy annoying for me please help in my home town there is not a good teacher to help me

    • Go to the main pages of my website. There are over 300 pages of free tips and lessons. The main pages are accessed through the red bar at the top of the website.

      • that might help because I’m not a good writer either? any prediction to what will be coming for the next test. February 1 2018? either a bar graph? chart?

        • No one can predict and you should not believe anyone who says they can predict the future.

  36. Dear Liz,
    Can we add this the word ” rose ” to the overview by saying this ( the population of elderly people rose and is predicted to rise in all three countries from 1988 to 2030).

    Thank you very much 💐

  37. comfort Stephen Aguiyi says

    Thanks for sharing. May God bless you.

  38. Richard says

    Hi Liz, thanks very much for the model answers. Just a question on the last sentence of this answer, I usually write “The percentage is forecasted to ….” should i used forecasted or forecast in this case?

    • You write “is forecast to” (without “d”). You can also write “is expected to” or “is estimated to” (with “d”)

  39. Hi Liz
    Thankew much for ur ideas for writing task 1 and 2
    My exam is on 12th august 2017 hope for d good marks pray

  40. Vaani says

    Dear Liz,

    I gave academic test on 24th of June in Sydney and writing task 1 was exactly the same as your model bar graph given above. The only difference was that it was in horizontal way.

    Writing task 2 was
    Scientists predict that computers will drive cars in near future.
    What are the reasons for this?
    Is this negative or positive development?

    See how useful this website is? I will recommend all my fellow ielts students to go through each and every model answer and tips given by Liz. 3 times I got the questions which are here already. It is very helpful. It doesn’t happen every time but still you never know.

    • It’s certainly useful to follow recent topics for both writing and speaking 🙂

  41. Hi dear Liz,

    I’m Zahra, your website and most of its pages are great. I was confused about writing tasks before I visit this website, because every book presents a different and complex structure for writing. I think your strategy is more logical, clear and easy.

    Thanks so much

  42. Hi Liz
    Your site is definitely a great source of learning.
    I am just wondering about the last sentence in the essay above. Is it ‘forecast’ or ‘forecasted’?
    I think you meant ‘forecasted’. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  43. Thank you liz

  44. iqbal shahlla says

    Hi Liz , I am practicing writing task 1 from your given material and I found it way too easy to me , it’s just like I am doing some match calculation. It’s really awesome. I am loving this task practice n hoping the others will be same. Thankyou so very much

  45. RAGAS PAUDEL says

    I am ragas from Nepal.I Found your very much effective.
    Thanks alot.

  46. How I get to know that whether it’s past tense or present or future

  47. nidhi says

    Hi Liz ,you are a great teacher. I have to give my ielts on 30 July I don’t have time for joining ielts institute’s. I require band score 7. I’m only following your instructions

  48. Gaurav says

    Hi Liz Thanks for sharing very useful information of exam. I am Gaurav from India preparing for IELTS General exam. Are writing and reading content would be same like Acedmic or it would be different.

    • This information is provided on the main pages for IELTS which you access through the red nav bar at the top of the website.

  49. Jamila says

    Dearest Liz
    I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing materials/Videos for IELTS preparartion. I used your online material for all the modules. With God’s blessings I cleared my IELTS with overall 8, and each bands above 7. Thank you is not enough. I will pray for your happiness, health and prosperity. May Almighty shower his choicest blessings upon you always.
    With Best wishes
    Sri Lanka

    • Thanks for sharing your results, Jamila. That’s a great score. You should be proud 🙂

  50. Suraj says

    Does bad handriwriting lead to low marks? I am quite bad at it . Punctuation is also a place where i lack.

    • If the examiner can’t read your writing, then it’s a problem. Punctuation is part of the grammar score.

  51. baran says

    Hi Liz…. how can i get more of this model answer??… i looking for them in your belog but i can’t found anything, just ideas….(sorry for my bad grammer…)

  52. lina says

    will have been increased i mean

  53. Neama Rezk says

    Please Liz, I wounder if you could help me to find website for assessment my writing,my exam on 4.JUNE , I expect your sooner help,

  54. Thank you!
    Good Luck..

  55. Winnie says

    Dear Liz,

    Could you give me some advice about my essay?
    Thank you so much.


    The table gives information in relation to the ageing population in Canada, Germany and Britain in three different times.
    Overall, in all countries, the proportion of people aged 65 or more increased and will continue to rise over the period shown. Germany had the highest percentage of older population, and the same is predicted for the year 2030 while the least proportion can be seen in the UK in the same period.

    In 1988, the proportion of elderlies was higher in Germany (20.45%), while the figures were comparatively lower in both Canada (16.32%) and England (14.23%), but quite similar percentages. By 2000 a steady increase in the proportion of older population could be seen in both Canada and Germany, rising by around 4%, at 20.67% and 25.32% respectively, whilst the rise in the UK was marginal.

    By 2030, the ageing population is predicted to increase, with a noticable growth of approximately 5% in all three countries. Germany is expected to have the highest rate of 30.42%, followed by Canada(26.25%) and the UK (20.35%).

  56. First and foremost Thank You for these useful informations ……I face only one problem when there are so many figures in chart or grap like i done today then its become difficult too complete it in 150 words because some information always left if care about word limit if not then the word limit exceeds :/

  57. Muhammad Muktar Ali says

    Dear Liz :
    At first I acknowledge your obligation and thank you so much for your tips. u know i have been doing an MBA at University of Development Alternative in Bangladesh. also I have been doing IELTS from British Council. I am always try to complete my task as per your advice.

    Thanking You
    Dhaka, Bangldesh

  58. Dear Liz,

    I would be grateful to you if you could assist me in one question….sometimes in listening answers we write an optional answer in bracket …..would that be correct or wrong? …. for example if the answer is cabs….and we write cab (s) then would it be correct or wrong ?

  59. Your works are inspiring, may the Almighty God bless you.

  60. ahmed h h a albahrani says

    hi liz
    i need really need teacher who helps me to succeed in the IELTS if you find let me know and thank for me much to help us

  61. Azamu says

    Thanks a lot LIZ for the post. I have some query.
    Can I use the word ‘Senior Citizen’ instead of using ‘the aged 65 or more’ in some cases?

    Thanks in advance .

  62. Areej says

    Hi liz , can you help me and tell me from where should I start to study, it will be the first exam . I hope to get high grade.
    Thank you.❤

  63. Thanks Liz for sharing your model answer. I have been looking for it.

    May I have a quick question? In the last sentence of the last paragraph, would that be possible for me to write “The percentage is forecasted ….” (NOT forecast).

    Thanks again for all of your great work here. They all have been very helpful to me.

  64. Leonard says

    thank you so much Liz,really enjoying your tips as i prepare for my academic exams in June

  65. Miguel Hilario says

    Maam liz, why is that the model answer has no conclusion? Is it allowed without conclusion?

  66. Anandit says

    Hi Liz!
    First of all ,thanks for all the hard work you do for us.
    I had a question. By adding “Overall” in front of overview ,aren’t we using a memorised word every time?

    • It is a connective device which indicates to the reader the content of the paragraph. Without such linking words, you will get a low score. 25% of your marks is based on paragraphs and linking words.

      • Anandit says

        Thank you so much!My examination is tomorrow and i have been studying through your website only. I will post the questions I remember tomorrow positively.

  67. Sumbo says

    Thanks liz

  68. My answer for this graph… Could you give feedback ?

    The table given demonstrates the proportions of elderly in three countires; Germany, Canada and the UK in 1980 and 2000 and it also shows the predictions in 2030. Overall, it can be clearly seen from the table that the population of aged 65 and over has been increasing in these three counties.

    First of all, in 1988, the percentage of old people in Germany was more than other countires with 20,45%. That of in Canada and the UK was 16% and 14% relatively. In 2000 the rates of Canada and Germany increased by approximately 5% whereas there was no significant change in the rate of elderly in the UK. The gap between Canada and the UK’s aged population went up in 2000. On the other hand, it is predicted that the number of aged 65 and over will rise in 2030. The proportions will go up by about 6 points and will reach 26%, 30%, 20%. The population of aged in Germany will remain the highest in the graph.

    To sum up, the quantity of old people will be increasing gradullay in these three countires in 2030. Populations will have became more older.

  69. manuela says

    Dear liz, thank you for helping ielts students like me. God bless you?

  70. Thank you dear liz
    This information really usful for students who are going to give ielts test tomorrow.thanks dear mam

    • Good luck!

      • SHAH NAWAZ says

        DEAR LIZ, you have written “continue remain” while writing overview of the given table.should’nt it be “continue remaining” (a verb followed by adjective), “the highest proportion of older people was in Germany,which will continue remaining the highest in 2030” or which will continue to remain the highest .regards

      • Dear Liz,
        You are graet teacher.Thank you for your good work.
        With the best regads

    • Delia Mercedes says

      Hi Sunita, I will give the ielts Tomorrow too 😉
      good luck 😉

  71. Rafa Abdalla says

    Thank you teacher Liz.

  72. Emerson Chua says

    Thank you Liz. These lessons are really of big help.

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