IELTS Table Band Score 9 Model Answers with Tips

Below is an IELTS table with model answer for Writing task 1. The tables below are typical of what you will get in your IELTS test. The model answers help you understand how to structure your table writing and organise data into paragraphs. Getting lost in too many numbers is the biggest challenge for IELTS tables. All model answers are estimated at band 9 and are written as a safe guide to learn from for all band scores.

How to Approach IELTS Table Questions

Useful strategies for IELTS Tables in Writing Task 1: Below are useful steps to ensure that you approach your IELTS table correctly. Try not to get lost in detail and instead look for patterns, similarities and differences to group information together.

  1. Analyse the key information in each category.
    • look for key features (highs/lows/usual data/ changes)
  2. Think about grouping information and categories together
    • if numbers are all below 5%, group them together as one but avoid writing them as a list and instead refer to them collectively
        • group information together with similar trends is essential for an IELTS table because of the volume of data given.
        • you get a lower score if you give too many small details
        • you get a lower score if you miss out information
    • if a number or a category is unusually high, single it out as an individual feature
  3. Plan your paragraphs and content. Each paragraph has a unique and clear function. Use the model table answers above to review them.
    1. Introduction
    2. Overview
    3. Body Paragraph 1
    4. Body Paragraph 2
    5. Body Paragraph 3 (not usual but possible at times)
  4. The introduction should be short and factual.
    1. For a free video lesson, click here: How to Write an Introduction for Writing Task 1
  5. The overview is the most important paragraph. Make sure it contains all key features for a high score.
  6. Divide your body into paragraphs.
    1. In most tables, you will have categories along the top and the side. You must decide the best way to divide categories into body paragraphs. Always choose the most logical.
    2. The time to give data in the body paragraph. Each statement must be supported with numbers from the table given. If you don’t give numbers, you’ll get a lower score for Task Achievement which counts for 25% of your marks.
    3. You don’t have to give all details. You can group details together by giving averages or ranges.
    4. Be selective. Don’t put too many details in your report.
  7. Make sure you write over 150 words but aim for less than 200.
  8. Try to avoid being repetitive with your sentence structures.
  9. Pay attention to what type of information the table gives (static figures or changes over a period of time). This will help you decide what kind of language to use.
  10. Do not try to paraphrase all words, all the time. This leads to vocabulary mistakes. Choose wisely which words to change and which to keep the same.
  11. All information and language should be accurate for a high score

IELTS Table Model Answers

IELTS Table: Question 1

As you see, this IELTS table shows  change over two time periods with four categories in total.


IELTS Table Model Answer 1

The table gives information about how many full-time students coming from India studied in six British universities in two academic years (2020/21 and 2021/22) as well as the change in numbers and percentage increase.

Overall, the greatest increase in Indian students could be seen in Sheffield University, while BBP University showed the lowest increase over the two years. The university with the most students from India was BBP University in the first year and Coventry University in the second year.

Sheffield University saw a dramatic rise of 187.7% in India students reaching 2,345 in 2021/22. Likewise, the number also climbed considerably for Coventry University by 2,900 students (121.3%) to hit 5,290 students in 2021/22. Another significant increase was seen in Leicester University from 1,175 to 2,390 students, a rise of 103.4%.

All other universities saw an increase of under 100% in the number of Indian students over from 2020/21 to 2021/22. The number of students going to University or Greenwich and Anglia Ruskin University rose by 2,085 students (84.9%) and 1,340 (69.6%) respectively. Regarding BBP University, the number of students remained high in both years at 3,505 and 5,145, which was a growth of only 46.8%.

IELTS Table: Question 2

This IELTS table is slightly easier because it contains less data. You can also see trends for each category more easily.

 The table below gives information about consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.

IELTS Table Question Writing Task 1

(Source: IELTS Cambridge English Test Book

IELTS Table Model Answer 2

The table illustrates the proportion of consumer expenditure in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey on three types of consumer goods in 2002.

Overall, the category of consumer goods that all countries spent most on was food, drinks and tobacco, which was three times higher than on the other types of goods. The lowest spending could be seen in the category of leisure and education in all five countries. The outlay of Turkey was generally higher than the other four countries.

In terms of food, drinks and tobacco, Turkey spent the most at 32.14%. The expenditure of Ireland was also high (28.91%) compared to Sweden which spent the least (15.77%). Spain and Italy spent 18.80% and 16.36% respectively. On the other hand, the lowest expenditure was on leisure and education which accounted for under 5% in all countries. Turkey spent most on these items at just 4.35% of their national expenditure which is around double that of Spain (1.98%).

Clothing and footwear was the third category of consumer goods and outlays for those items were between 9% in Italy and 5.40% in Sweden.  The national spending in this area for the remaining countries averaged around 6.5%.

Note: in most writing task 1 reports, body paragraphs do not need to be a similar length. In report writing, it is common to very some long paragraphs and others quite short. Tables are no different to other task 1 charts.



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  1. Hi Lizzy! thanks for your lessons they’ve been more than helpful. I’d like to know if instead of mentioning the items in the three categories I can just say ‘First row’, ‘Second row’, and ‘Third row’.

    • It’s important that you refer to the categories by name. It’s possible to refer to age groups as the oldest age group and the youngest age group, but not as rows or columns.

  2. wadeeah says

    The table demonstrates the average expenditure of consumers on a variety of items in five distinct nations during the year 2002.
    Overall, out of the five nations, Turkey spends the most in terms of food, drink and tobacco consumption as well as on leisure and education with 28.9% and 2.21% respectively. While, people in Italy spent the most on dressing and footwear with a whopping 9%.
    Ireland has the second highest consumption of food, beverage and tobacco with 28.91%, while it spends 6.43% and 2.21% in apparel and shoes and 2.21% on education and leisure. On the contrary, Turkey has the greatest expenditure on food, beverage and tobacco consumption with 28.9%, an average person spends almost double the amount spent by Ireland in terms of education and leisure, furthermore, Turkish also spend more on apparel and shoes compared to Ireland with 6.63% expenditure.
    Italy, Spain and Sweden spent less than 20% on food, drink and smoking consumption with 16.36%, 18.80% and 15.77% respectively. On the other hand, individuals in Italy spent the most in fashion compared to the rest. Moreover, Italy and Sweden spent over 3% on education and leisure activities while people in Spain only spent 1.98% of their expenditure on Leisure and education.

  3. The given digram provides the breakdown of data upon the statistic of undergraduates from six specific universities who study as a full-time student from India over 2-year timescale, starting from 2020.
    Overall, the evidence is that all the surveyed categories underwent an ascending pattern in their figure, with the most striking disparity being witnnesed for Sheffield Universiry students. In addition, pupils from BPP generally acted as the most-preffered University who have got a full-time job during the surveyed timeframe.
    To commence with, when it comes to Conventry University, it initially witnnesed the figure of 2390 of full-time students, prior to experienced an upturn in its proportion of 121,3% 1 semester later, generally topped the chart with 5290 students in 2021/2022. Likewise, pupils from Sheffield University initially acted as the least-preferred full-time students, observed a remarkable ascend of 1530, these making the full-time undergraduates converge in 2020/22 semester, at 5145 students. Sharing the similar pattern, the university of leicester also recorded an upward trend of 1215 students working full-time jobs, subsequently saw a substantial ascent of 1215 students, climbing from 1175 to 2390 in 2021/22
    Moving on to the remainder, despite sharing the similar ascending pattern, while the university of greenwich registered a remarkable upturn in its figure, with 84,9% increas compared to the previous year, the BPP university only increased its figure nearly by half, accounted for 46,8% at the conclusion of the period. regarding the anglia ruskin university, its volumn experienced an ascent with 69,6%, increasing from 1925 in 2020/21 to 3265 in 2021/22

    • Don’t forget that your aim is to write between 170 and 190 words, certainly never higher than 210 words, which would be uncommon indeed for task 1.

  4. Lee taeyoung says

    Thank you for your great material. I’ve trying to do my best, however I want to get advise about how can I upgrade my skill. Could you give me advice?

    This table gives information about how many Full-time Students from India studied in six University in British in each of two years 2020/21 and 2021/22.

    Overall, the highest number of students(3,505) who coming from India are studied in BPP University in First year(2020/21). In Second year, 5,290 Full-time students from India studied in Coventry University. And in terms of the maximum percentage increase, Sheffield University is the highest.

    Sheffield University is magnificently increase of 187.7% from 815 to 2,345 in 2021/22. Also, Coventry university increase 121.3% from 2,390 to 5,290. This is secondly highest thing in section of how many percentage increase. Thirdly, The University of Leicesters’ percentage of students who coming from India rose by 1,215(103.4%)

    This Table indicates the portion of Full-time Indian students are increased rather than 2020/21.

    • Although my website does not offer a marking service, I do have time for a couple of quick comments to help you along your IELTS journey.
      IELTS writing task 1 reports have a set structure and each paragraph has a fixed function which makes it quite easy to learn. The function of the overview is to provide a description of the key features, not the details. So, you don’t include the numbers for the highest or the lowest. For the body paragraphs, the categories and details need to be divided into two paragraphs (three occasionally). Each statement must be supported by data. So, your two main issues are:
      1) your overview – don’t include data and do make sure you cover all key features. For example, your final paragraph, which is one line, is actually a key features that should be in the overview. If you don’t collect all key features into the overview but spread them into different places, you’ll get a low score for Coherence & Cohesion, which is a marking criterion that counts for 25% of your marks. So, make sure you do identify key features and do put them all together in an overview.
      2) make sure you do divide your body paragraph details into two body paragraphs. Review my model answer above to see precisely which details are in those body paragraph.
      You can find all free tips, lessons and model answers for writing task 1 here:

      It’s great to see someone from South Korea on my site. I really have a soft spot in my heart for South Korea because I lived and worked in both Gyeongju and Jeju Island for a while. Loved it! Loved the people, the food, the culture, the natural beauty and of course your great humour!!

  5. the table illustrates the change of the number of full-time students from India studying in six universities in the UK in two academic years (21/2020 and 22/2021). Change is measured in percentage.

  6. The table provides data about the Indian full-time students who enrolled in different universities in the UK between 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.
    Overall, a significant number of Indian students attended British universities in 2020–2022. Coventry University topped the list for admitting the highest number of Indian students in 2022, while the University of Leicester was at the bottom in terms of admissions of Indian students.
    Coventry University was one of the favorite universities for Indian students; in 2021, 2390 students were part of it, and in 2022, the number jumps to 5290; an almost 121% increase was recorded. At the same time, the University of Greenwich observed the change in numbers of Indian students was 2085, which is equal to 85%. The University of Sheffield witnessed the dramatic increase in the number of Indian students in 2022; the proportion was almost 187% aggrandize.
    On the other hand, the increase in percentage at BPP University was very low in terms of Indian student enrollment, while at Anglia University the increase of Indian students was recorded at 1340, but in terms of proportion, it was the 2nd lowest percentage at only 69%. The percentage of the University of Leicester that gave admission to Indian students was 103%, but the change in the numbers of students was the lowest of all universities.

  7. Hi Liz, my ielts exam is just in a week. Would highly appreciate getting some feedback in this writing.
    The table illustrates the amount of full time indian students that studied in UK universities in 2010/21 and 2021/22.

    Overall, there is an increase in the amount of indians studying in all universities. BPP university was the most popular among indians while Sheffield University was the least in both years.

    Coventry university, Sheffield University and The university of Leicester had more than double the amount of indian students in a year with a proportion increment of 121.3%, 187.7% and 103.4% respectively. Sheffield University accepted the least indians in both 2020 and 2021 with only 815 and 2345 students respectively.

    The University of Greenwich, BPP university, Angelia Ruskin University had a relatively lower percentage change with 84.9%, 46.8% and 69.6% change respectively. BPP university had the least proportion increment while Sheffield university had the most.

  8. Hello liz, i have a doubt regarding the introduction in your answers. Is one sentence considered a paragraph?

    • This is a report, not an essay. It is also a report specifically designed for IELTS. There is a full video lesson you can watch to learn about this: How to write an introduction for task 1. You’ll also find that all my model answers for writing task 1 are the same format for a good reason – because they fulfil the requirements of the higher band scores. See this page for all model answers and tips: All model answers on my website are written as a guide to teach you format, linking, task response, language, topics etc. They are all safe to use, even up to band 9.

  9. Yousef says

    Hi Liz, hope you’re doing Okay! if you have time, what grade would you give me and why so that I can improve better?

    The table illustrates information about how much consumers spent on various items in five different European countries in 2002. In the column, there are the countries, i.e. Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey, where in the row, there are three different types of items, item A which includes food, drinks and tobacco, item B which includes clothes and footwear, item C which includes leisure and education.

    Overall, Turkey and Ireland among others have the most consumer spending in item A. Turkey consumes 32.14%, whereas Ireland consumes 28.91% in item A. The rest of the countries which includes Italy, Spain and Sweden have roughly 15-18% in item A.

    In item B, things are different, Italy has the most consumer spending which has roughly 9% where the other countries are between 5-7%. In item C, Turkey came first with 4.35%, then Italy and Sweden together consumed slightly the same, that is, 3%.

    Sweden and Spain combined, are the least countries that spent on all items. Sweden spent about 15.77% and 5.40% on items A and B, respectively. Spain is the least country that spent 1.98% on item C.drinks and tobacco, item B which includes clothes and footwear, item C which includes leisure and education.

    • On this page:, you’ll find a full video lesson about how to write an introduction paragraph for writing task 1. Learn the right techniques. Your longest paragraph in your writing is your introduction – it is usually the shortest. So, you have the wrong aims. Learn from the lesson – then review all model answers in my website because they all show the right way to tackle IELTS reports.

  10. Simmren says

    Hi Liz, I am really confused about the writing part. I’ll be glad if you can go through this and let me know if its wrong or how shall I correct this.

    The table illustrates number of Indian students who studied full time at 6 UK universities (Coventry university, University of Greenwich, BPP University, Sheffield University, Anglia Ruskin University, University of Leicester) in 2020/21, 2021/22, change in number between them and the rate of increase.
    Overall, all the 6 university shows a hike in number of students from 2020/21 to 2021/22, the highest rate of hike in the Sheffield University (187.7%) while the BPP University which shows the lowest increase rate (46.8%).
    In the year 2020/21, the highest number of Indian students were there in BPP University (3505) and lowest number of Indian students enrolled themselves in Sheffield University (815). However, in the year 2021/22, the Coventry university enrolled the highest number of Indian student (5290) and the lowest number of enrolments were in Sheffield university.
    There is increase in the enrolment from 2020/21 to 2021/22 in all the 6 universities Coventry university, University of Greenwich, BPP University, Sheffield University, Anglia Ruskin University, University of Leicester. Among which Coventry university shows the highest increase in enrolment of 2900 and University of Leicester shows the lowest number of enrolments of 1215. But the rate of increase is highest in Sheffield University (187.7%) as opposed to BPP University which shows the lowest increase rate (46.8%)

    • I know these types of tables can seem overwhelming.
      This table shows highest and lowest numbers as well as increases. This forms the content of the overview paragraph. Your overview only shows increases, but it also needs to include the highest / lowest for each year (depending on how long that paragraph gets). But don’t forget, the overview is the most important paragraph.
      Always give data. In your body paragraph 1, you failed to give the number for Sheffield University in 2021/22.
      Avoid long lists of names of universities twice in your report. You introduced each one in the introduction, you don’t to introduce each one again in body paragraph 2.
      Otherwise, your paragraphing is logical.

  11. Pramuka says

    Hello Liza,
    Could you please tell me what is the updated proper structure for writing task 1 in 2024?

    • The test hasn’t changed at all in that way. The marking is the same, the techniques are the same and the structure of all reports is precisely the same. Nothing is different in that way at all. If the test had changed, I would have edited or removed these pages. You can learn from all model answers given on this website.

  12. Qwerty says

    Just gave Ielts yesterday , luckily I got easier questions in writing part. Your YouTube channel and website was a huge help. The model answers for writing task 1 were especially helpful. Thank you for your guidance:)…

  13. shazheb says

    The table illustrates the expenditure of people in Sweden, Italy, Turkey, Spain, and Ireland on three types of products in 2002.
    Overall, in the countries listed in the table, the locals expanded a lot in the category of food, drinks, and tobacco, where clothing and footwear became their second priority. Despite this, the percentage spent on education and leisure was the lowest in all five countries. Furthermore, generally, Turkey was higher than all four countries. Except Sweden, all four countries spent a percentage on drinks, food, and tobacco, above 16%, and Turkey, with 32% at the top of the list in this category. Furthermore, in the clothing and footwear category, Turkey, Ireland, and Spain spent almost the same on each other, with an average of 6.5%. Italy became the top of the list with 9%, but Sweden finished last in this category. Additionally, each country’s expenditure on education and leisure category was deficient. Even Turkey tops this category with only 4%, and Spain is at the bottom with 1.98%.

  14. Shelly says

    Hi Liz,
    I watched your latest YouTube video the other day and was deeply moved by how you have been providing so much help despite not feeling well all these years. I hope you stay healthy and happy.

    I have a couple of questions:

    1. When describing a table (or bar chart), should I segment the content by the horizontal axis or by item content?
    2. For example, in my body paragraphs, I classified the data by country. I grouped Turkey and Ireland in the first body paragraph and Spain, Sweden, and Italy in the second body paragraph. Is this approach acceptable?

    Thank you very much for your help.
    Best Regards,

    • There are no set rules about grouping information together, except that it has to be logical and help the reader understand the content of the task. Grouping Turkey and Ireland together doesn’t really make sense to me. Certainly they were both the highest in the first category, but then Ireland was actually second lowest in the other categories. What is your reasoning to group them together? If your reasoning isn’t very clear and obvious, and if the examiner is confused, as I am, about why you did it, then you’ll get a lower score for organisation. So, it all comes down to your logic and whether someone else can follow your logic easily without feeling confused about your choices.

  15. malika says

    The table above illustrates the percentage of consumer expense in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey on three types of consumer goods in the year 2002.

    Overall, the the category that all the countries spent most on was food, drinks and tobacco which is higher than any other given category. The lowest spending was made on leisure and education in all the five countries. Turkey being the one that spent the most.

    In terms of food, drinks and tobacco, Turkey had spent the most at 32.14%. the expenditure of Ireland (28.91%) was higher than when compared to Spain (18.80%). Italy at 16.36% and Sweden at 15.77% respectively. On the other hand, leisure and education had the least expenditure. Turkey was above the other four countries was spending 4.35%. Whereas, Spain having spent the lowest at 1.98%.

    The third category for consumer goods spending is clothing and footwear. The highest national expense by Italy at 9.00% and lowest by 5.40%. Overall, the national spending for this category being 6.5%

  16. Hello liz, I’m just getting into your page and I need your help concerning the ACADEMY ielts .when you are given a line and a table in task one all together, what are you expected to write? In some cases one may find a pie chart and a table. what should I write?

  17. zeina says

    Hello i hope you recover soon
    Can you please check if i can get band 6 for this report thank you in advance

    The table given illustrates data about three items (food/drinks, clothing/trainers, free time/education) which people spent their money on in five nations in 2002.

    Overall, the items that the population spent money on the most in the five countries are food/beverages/tobacco while the leisure/education are the least category that people put their income on.

    In terms of meals, Turkish and Irish are the highest group of people who spent money on food, and they accounted for 32.1%,28.91% respectively whereas the Italian and Swedish are the least composed to 16.36% for Italy and 15.77% for Sweden. For the proportion of people who purchased clothes and footwear Italian took the 1st place by 9.00% while Swedish in the last place with 5.40 per cent.

    On the other hand, leisure and education were not favorable for society to spend their money on, however Turkish were the most people who spent more money on this category as the percentage of them was 4.35%.

  18. Nilufar says

    perfect thanks a lot

  19. Hi, dear Liz.
    I just wanted to know if the data was from the previous year, I assume, then why in the last sentence of the third paragraph it was not “… which was around that of Spain”, in place of “is”.
    Could please….

    • As you see from the information given in the rubric (that is the description given of the table, above the table” and the table, that the date is 2002. That is in the past.

  20. Kujembola jasmine says

    the table illustrates the proportion of the national expenditure spent on consumers goods in Ireland, Italy,Spain,Sweden and Turkey in the year 2002.
    overall, a look across the table, shows that the in all of the five countries, most of their money was spent on food, drinks and tobacco. while the least amount went to leisure and Education. moreover, Turkey had the most percentage in two of the categories.
    in terms of consumables, Turkish and the people of ireland spent 32.14% and 28.91 respectively emerging the first and second in
    position, while the exepenses for the remaining
    countries were under 20%. On the other hand, the least spending were on leisure and education which was below 5% in all of the countries. however, Turkey was still the highest with 4.35% as opposed to Spain who spent 1.98%.
    Moreover, all of the countries spent less than 10% on clothing and footwear. However, Italy emerged the highest with 9.00% and Italy the lowest in this category with 5.40%.

  21. The table illustrates the national expenditure on three different items in several countries (Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey) in 2002.

    Overall, most of the countries spent the most money on food, drinks, and tobacco. In contrast, the least amount of spending in all countries was on leisure and education.

    In terms of food, drinks, and tobacco, Turkey showed the highest expenditure at about 32,14% compared to other countries. In contrast, Sweden spent the least money on this item which was only 15,77% of their total national expenditure. The outlay of the remaining countries ranged between 16,36% to 28,91%. On the other hand, Italian people’s spending on clothing and footwear was the highest (9,00%) compared to the remaining countries, while Sweden only spent around 5%.
    The expenditure on the last items, which were leisure and education, by Turkey reached around 4% as opposed to Spain which expended less than 2%. The outlay of Ireland, Italy, and Sweden was more than 2%.

  22. Evelyn Orjingene says

    The table illustrate five different countries on the expenditure on food /drink/tobacco, clothing/footwear and leisure/education in 2002.

    Overall food/drink/tobacco has the most significant expenditure by consumer on all the five countries whereas less than five percentage were accounted for in all the spending among the countries on leisure/education

    However Turkey been the most significant country with about 32.14%expenditure on food /drink/tobacco which has the highest consumer compare to Spain with 1.98%.Ireland ,Spain,Italy and Sweden are as follows with 28.9%,18.0%,16.36%,and 15.77% respectively.Leisure/education represent the least of all spending in 2002 with about less than 5%in all countries

    In contrast to the other items clothing/footwear is triple that of leisure where Italy represent the most significant expenditure of about 9.00%.

  23. Asiful Islam Emon says

    The table illustrate the five countries (Ireland, Italy, spain, Sweden, turkey) consumer spending their money on various kind of item in 2002.
    Overall, here we seen that in each country consumer spend large of their money in food / drinks/tobacco. While on the other hand, they spend amount portion on leisure and education.
    Here, Ireland and turkey spend their big portion on food , drinks and tobacco which is 28.91% and 32.14% respectively. Others three country Italy , spain and Sweden spend also in this portion under 20%. But, mostly significantly seen that each country expenditure on leisure and education under 5% while the turkey is the highest 4.35%.
    Now on the other hand, clothing and footwear each country spend on this portion under 10 % and Italy spending on this almost 9% which is one the highest in those five countries and the lowest percentage of this is seen that in sweden which is 5.40% respectively.

  24. The table illustrates the percentages of the spending habits of people in three categories both in four European countries and Turkey in 2002.

    Overall, consumers spent the highest proportion of their money on food/drinks/tobacco and then clothing/footwear. The percentages were higher in Turkey and Italy than other countries respectively, and the lowest rates were in Sweden. Furthermore, leisure/education was popular in Turkey and it was lower in Spain than other nations.

    When the table is examined in detail, food/drinks/tobacco was higher in Turkey with 32.14% and it followed by Ireland by almost 3% difference. In the other European countries consumers spent 15.77% to 18.80% of their money on it. Regarding clothing/footwear Italy ranked at the top with 9% and Ireland, Spain and Turkey had almost the same percentage at 6%.

    Leisure/education was the least spending category among all, Turkey was at the top of the list with 4.35%. Approximately 3% accounted for Italy and Sweden and they followed by Ireland and Spain with 2.21% and 1.98% respectively.

    Hi Liz, could you please mark my answer.

  25. Soe Moe Aung says

    The table shows how three categories of consumer goods were spent in five countries percentagewise in the year of 2002.

    Overall, spendings in food, drinks and tobacco made up the largest proportion followed by the category of clothing and footwear, while leisure and education expenses contributed the least. Moreover, the general outlay of Turkey was higher than the other four countries.

    Regarding Turkey and Ireland, they were the biggest spenders on food, drinks and tobacco, with spendings at 32.14% in the former and 28.91% in the latter. They also spent around 6.5% of their outlays on clothes and footwears. In the meantime, Turkey’s expenditure for the category of leisure and education was at 4.35% although Ireland only spent slightly over half of Turkey’s (2.21%).

    As far as Italy, Spain and Sweden are concerned, food, drinks and tobacco items accounted for 16.36%, 18.80% and 15.77% respectively. Among them, clothing and footwear related expenses in Italy were the most at 9% in contrast to Sweden’s 5.4%. Approximately, total percentage for the leisure and education costs in Sweden and Italy is 3.2% while only 1.98% of national expenditure were utilised in Spain’s leisures and educational sector.

  26. Karam singh says

    The table depicts the information about the national expenditure in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey on three types of consumer spending in the year 2002.

    Overall, the category of the consumer goods that all countries spent the most was food, drinks and tobacco, which was three time higher than the other types. While, the lowest spending could be seen in leisure and education in all five countries.

    evidently, it is clear from the table that Turkey and Ireland spent the most on food, drinks and tobacco that is 32.14% and 28.91% respectively. Where as, Sweden spent the least on food, drinks and tobacco in all the five countries which is 15.77%, meanwhile Italy and Spain spent 16.36% and 18.80% correspondingly. Further, the lowest expenditure was on leisure and education goods which is accounted for under 5% in all the five countries. Turkey spent the most on this items at just 4.35% as compared to Spain which spent the least on leisure and educational goods that is 1.98%.

    shifting attention towards the rest of the information that both the countries Italy and Sweden spent the same amount of their national expenditure on leisure and educational goods that in around 30% . After that clothing and footwear was the third category in which Italy spent the highest which is 9% and Sweden spent the lowest which is 5.40%. Turkey, Ireland and Spain spent the almost same amount of expenditure on clothing and footwear items.

  27. Naana says

    Hello Liz and others,
    Is there someone else to rate my writing.
    The table illustrates the proportion of annual expenses of consumer spending in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey in year of 2002.
    In terms of leisure and educational expenses, Spain spent the lowest at 1.98%. The expenditure of Ireland also low compared to Turkey. Italy and Sweden spend 3.20% and 3.22% respectively. On the other hand, Turkey hit the top of this table with 32.14% on food, the other countries numbers are partially follows this high proportion on this same category.
    Clothing and footwear was the third category of consumer goods and outlay for those items were between 9% in Italy and 5.4% in Sweden. The national spending in this area for the remaining countries averaged around 6.5%.
    Overall, all countries spent the most amount of money on food, drink and tobacco, which was a way higher than the other 2 categories of expenditure. The lowest could be seen in educational and leisure expenses category. The highlight of this chart is Turkey with generally higher numbers in all category of expenses than the other countries.

  28. Muhammad Faisal says

    The table below depicts data about the expendature of goods of five countries in 2002.
    Overall, it is clear that all the nations spent the most on food, drinks and tobacco however least on leisure and education.
    In details, Turkey spend the most on food, drinks and tobacco than all the given nation that is 32.14% while the lowest is spent by Sweden that is 15.77% . The second most is spent by Ireland that is 28.91% which is greater than Italy and Spain that are 16.36% and 18.80% respectively. The least is utelize on leisure and education that has the highest value of 4.35% of Turkey and least is 1.98% that is of spain . However Italy, Ireland,and sweden spends about 3.20% , 2.21%, and 3.22% respectively.
    Clothing and footwear comes in middle category that has the highest value of 9.00% that was of Italy and least value 5.40% that is of Sweden. The other nations such as Ireland , Spain , and Turkey that has the values of 6.43%, 6.51% and 6.63% respectively.

  29. Md Jahid Humayun says

    The Table compares the annual expenses on various consumer items in five different regions.
    Overall, there are three different segments of consumer spending have been listed-food, clothing and expenses related to leisure & education.
    While the food and education expenses are found to be highest in Turkey, consumer spending for clothing is the most in Italy.
    On the other hand, though the consumer spending in food & beverage and clothing is the lowest in Sweden, annual expenses regarding education and other leisure items are the least in Spain.
    Italy and Ireland are the two countries which accounted for the highest consumer spending on food including beverage and tobacco, 32.14% and 28.91% respectively. On the contrary, the consumer expenses in those items are found to be almost half of that percentage in other three countries, averagely around 17.00%.
    National spending on clothing was under 10.00%, where the spending in consumer clothing items in Italy is accounted for the most and the least in Sweden. The expenses people tend to make in this field is quite similar in all the countries; almost around 7.00%.
    The consumer spending in education and other free activities are quite lower compared to the annual consumer spending in food and clothing in the mentioned countries. Like the food expenses, the spending in leisure and education are also the highest in Turkey. The average spending of the other countries stands at less than 4.00%, while the spending in this sector is the lowest in Spain.

  30. Md. Erfan says

    Hi Liz,
    It will my pleasure if you help me with my writing.
    Thanks in advance…

    The table illustrates Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey data on end users expenditure on various items in 2002.
    Overall, it is clear that, the total national investment on food, drinks and tobacco was greater than clothing, footwear, leisure and education categories. Moreover, Turkey has the greatest on foods, leisure and education items while Italy had the most investment in clothing and footwear.
    In terms of food, drinks and tobacco consumption, Turkey national consumer expenditure was 32.14% which was greater than other four countries. Furthermore, Ireland had the second largest investment and it was 28.91%. The percentage of consumer expenditure for Spain and Sweden were 18.80 and 15.77 percent respectively. However, the expenditure of Italy was the least to that category and it was around half of Turkey’s expenditure.
    Although Italy had lowest consumer expenses in previously described category, it had the greatest 9% expenditure in clothing and footwear. For the consumer of Ireland, Spain and Turkey, the expenditure value ranges between 6 and 7 percent. However, Sweden had the least consumer expenditure on both clothing and food category with around 5.40%.
    Finally, in leisure and education category, the percentage of national investment was 4.35% which was greater than others in 2002. Both Italy and Sweden had minimal differences to the category and their costs were 3.20 and 3.22 percent respectively. Ireland had very little expenditure in educational and leisure category and just 1.98% was spent by Spain.

  31. please reviw this and lemme know if i had mistaken somewhere?

    the graph below shows the sales of children’s books, adult diction and educational books between 2002 and 2006 in one country.
    the given line graph depicts information about three different kinds of books being sold from 2002 to 2006 in a particular country. units are mentioned in million dollars.

    Overall, it is conspicuously seen that there was an increase in trend in both children’s and educational books throughout the given period while sales of adult fiction decreased gradually.

    According to the given graph, it is clear that in 2002, sales of children’s books stood at about 33 million dollars, but then it rise slightly to just over 40 million in 2003, and the figure went up significantly to about 55 million. similarly, from 2003 to 2003 the purchases of books in education surges dramatically to just over 30 million; this trend, however, experienced a slight decrease between 2003 and 2005, but then grew to more or less 33 million.

    On the other hand, a substantial increase had been seen in the sales of adult fiction from the commencing of the year till 2003 (which accounted for around 50 to 33 million dollars), before witnessing a sharp growth where it constituted precisely $ 40 million. Eventually, this trend again started to drop steadily by ($10 million) till the end of the given period.

    • MD Mustafizur says

      the table depicts information about different items where people mostly spend their money in five countries in 2002.

      overall, a greater portion of people consumed money for food items. Next, wearing items and a few of them are for free time and gathering knowledge.

      In turkey and Ireland higher parcent of folk spend for food items like drinks and tobacco which is 32. 14% and 28.91 % respectively in 2002. at the same period in Italy and Sweden’s people consumtion are lower like 16.36% and 15.77% gradually. though Spain’s people consumed half percent of turkey consumption on food items

      about clothing and footwear items the information shows that Italian sonsumer were spending 9.00% on the other hand Ireland, Spain and Turkey Consumers had been spending 6.43%, 6.51 % and 6.63% respectively whivh is almost same portion while almost 4.00% less Sweden consumer were spending for this items than Italy.
      lastly, 4.35% consumer were spending for their leisure time and education in Turkey in 2002 when just 1.92% of consumtion had been spending in Spain and others three cuuntries consumers were spending gradually 2.21%, 3.20% and 3.22%.

  32. Hi Liz! That was an excellent sample essay! I had a doubt :

    “Consumers of Italy, Spain, and Sweden spent around 15-20% in this category.”

    Could I write something like this?

  33. Nedjmeeddine says

    the table illustrate the percentage of how much consumers spent on certain consuming goods and services in 5 countries (Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and turkey) through the year of 2002.

    Overall, the five countries spent the most amount of money on food, drinks and tobacco comparing to other consuming goods with Turkey in the lead, spending less on clothing and footwear and under 5% on leisure and education.

    With regards to tobacco consumption, Turkey, Ireland and Spain were the three leading countries with 32.14%, 28.91% and 18.80% respectively, while Italy (16.36%) and Sweden (15.77%) spend less comparing to other countries.

    In terms of clothing and footwear, a 9% was spend in Italy slight above of what Ireland (6.43%), Spain (6.51%), Sweden (5.40%) and Turkey (6.63%) spent on the same items. Furthermore, all of the studied countries spent a marginal proportion of their money in the same year on services (leisure and education).

    • The data given illustrates about the consumer spending on various items in 5 countries namely Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. The expenses are broadly categorized into 3 parts: food/drinks/tobacco, clothing/footwear, and leisure/education. Turkey heads the country with the highest percent of spending in the food/drinks/tobacco column being 32.14%. Trailing Turkey is the country of Ireland with 28.91% of its expenses being in the food department as well. Italy is the country with the least percent of amount being spent on food/drinks/tobacco being 16.36%. Lagging behind in the food parameter, Italy tops all the 5 countries in clothing and footwear aspect that being 9%. Sweden is the country with the minimum amount of spendings of 5.4% in the clothing arena. Sweden though does spend a fair amount on education with 3.22% of its consumer spending, coming second when compared with a fair rate of 4.35% of Turkey. Spain remains almost average in the clothing and food sector but comes last in the percent spent on leisure and education with a low percent of 1.98.

  34. Macarone says

    Thanks so much for your patient teaching, Miss Liz.

    The table given sheds light on information related to proportion of consumer expenditure on various items in five different countries (Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Turkey) in year 2002. Units are measured in percentage.

    Overall, the share of food, drinks and tobacco was the largest among three categories with an average of 22.4% when leisure and education was the least at 2.99%, following a proportion of clothing and footwear (6.79%).

    When it comes to a nation with the largest consumption on food, drink and tobacco, the first rank was Turkey which was close to Ireland (28.91%), but far different from the other three countries with below 20% percentage – Italy, Spain as well as Sweden. Likewise, Turkey was also the highest spending nation in a category of Leisure and Education with a number of 4.35%, but the remaining countries were much lower in their sharing percentage.

    In terms of clothing and footwear, 9% of the distribution by Italy was the most outstanding amount. Comparatively, the other 4 countries are all below 7%. Sweden was the lowest percentage in this category which was at 5.4% merely.

  35. Maria Jelyn Garcia says

    The table depicts the proportion of expenditure in five different countries (Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Spain and Turkey) on three items in 2002.

    Overall, it is clearly shown that all these countries spent the most on food/ drinks/ tobacco. Whereas, leisure/ education was the item with least expenditure across these countries.

    Generally, Turkey recorded the highest in spending for food/drinks/tobacco at 32.14%, swiftly followed by Ireland with 28.91%. Further, there was only a slight gap between Italy, Spain and Sweden that accounted for about 2-3% differences. Surprisingly, Italy dominated all other countries as they spent the highest in clothing/ footwear at 9%, while the rest spent roughly 3-4% lower.

    It is also worth noting that in terms of leisure/ education, it was still the Turkish who ruled the highest at 4.35%, in contrast to Spanish which was over 2% less. Expenditure differences on this item were marginally insignificant among other three countries.

  36. Afrin says

    Mam, you are an amazing teacher. what is your health condition now? please, get well soon. Lots of love.

    • Thanks for asking. I’m still sick unfortunately, but I do feel a bit stronger this year than the previous few years. Hopefully this is a good thing. I’ll see how I am later this year. I’ll make a video with an update of my personal situation soon so you all know.

  37. Hamza says

    Hey Liz! Can we use “i.e” to list data in intro?? Btw you’re an amazing teacher! Lots of love..

    • No, you should not use “ie”. You are not presenting examples of data, you are presenting data. Just give the stats directly.

  38. Hi Liz, your explanation is very useful for everyone. Thank you ❤️

  39. Please rate my writing:

    The given table illustrates the data of three kinds of consumers, who spent their money on mentioned products in five different countries during 2002.

    First of all, people from Turkey spent the most on food, drinks and tobacco which is 32.14%, while Italians were the least to spend on that area(16.36%). In the clothing and footwear section, they were also at the top position by contributing 9% whereas Sweden was operating at the lowest rate, 5.40%. Spain’s budget for leisure and education was 1.98% but Turkey spent 4.35% of their money in that area.

    On the other hand, people from Ireland spent 28.91%, 6.43%, and 2.21% respectively for mentioned items in the table. However, Sweden almost spent three times more on food and drinks than on leisure and education.

    Overall, it’s pretty clear that consumers from all five countries were more interested in food, drinks, and tobacco as they have spent the hugely as against the rest of the items. However, Turkey spent the most combining all three departments.

  40. The table illustrates the diferent percentatges of consumer spendings five diferent countries had on various items in 2002. Overall, all five countries had the higest expenditure in the category of food, drinks and tobacco which was between 15 and 28% and the least expenditure in leisure and education which was under 5%. Also, while Turkey was the country with more expenses in all items, Spain and Sweden were the lowest expenders.
    On the one hand the higher expenders in food, drinks and tobaco were turkey with the higest percentatge of 32.14% followed by Ireland with a 28.91%. Also, in both clothing/footwear and leisure/education Italy and Turkey were in general the countries which consumed more.
    On the other hand, the lowest expenders in food/drinks/tobaco were Sweden with a 15.77% followed by Italy with a 16.36%. Moreover, in clothing/footwear the lowest expender was Sweden with a 5.40% and in Leisure/education was clearly Spain with the lowest percentatge of 1,98%. n

  41. The table illustrates proportion of national expenditure
    ( Ireland,Italy,Spain,Sweden,Turkey) on three different consumer types in 2002.
    Overall, all countries spent more on food/Drinks/Tobaco Which was around three times higher than other goods.on the other hand education was least amount spent all countries. The outlay of Turkey was generally higher than the other four countries.
    In terms of food Turkey spent most at 34%.while ireland expendiure also high compared to Sweden.Spain and Italy spent at 16%&18& respectively.On the otherhand lowest expenditure was on all leisure/education which accounts for all countries. Turkey spent most on this at 4.5% and which is double of spain expenditure on this goods.
    Clothing/Footwear is third consumer good total outlay for those items were inbetween 5% & 9%. Remaining Nations spent around average of 6 % on this items.

  42. The table provides data on expenditure by five different countries on three consumer items for the year 2002.
    Overall, It is apparent that all these nations spent the highest on the category named food, drinks, and tobacco. On the contrary, category clothing and Footwear, and category food and drinks occupied the second and third position respectively.
    In the category food, drinks, and tobacco, among five countries, Turkey(32.14%)spent more money than any other country did. On the other hand, the next country behind Turkey was Ireland(28.91%), followed by Spain(18.80%), Italy(16.36%) and finally Sweden(15.77 %). Even though clothing and footwear was the second-highest, there is a significant reduction in expenses by each of these five countries. The expenditures by Ireland,Italy,Spain, Sweden and Turkey are 6.43 %,9.00%,6.51%,5.4%,& 6.63% respectively .
    Furthermore, these five nations individually spent less than 5% on leisure and education. Spain(1.98%) contributed the lowest for this category, while Turkey gave 4.35% of its share.

  43. Hello, Liz. Thanks for all these useful preparation materials. My question is, as I study academic writing task 1, I sometimes come across model answers with only one body paragraph, especially for questions that include tables. Is it okay to have only one body paragraph, or should we necessarily write a second one all the time?

    • The body must always be divided in to two or three paragraphs. This is part of how you distinguish categories and illustrate key features further.


    Hi Liz,
    I stumbled upon your website while I was researching for preparation materials, being a total newbie to IELTS. The contents of your website gave me a holistic and comprehensive idea on what I should expect, what is expected of me during the exam and how to tackle the same. I successfully achieved a band score of 8 in my IELTS, and I have you and your website to thank for that. I think you do splendid work enhancing the lives of aspirants like me. 🍻

  45. The table shows information about coustmor of five different nation ( Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and turkey) whose spend their income of three various item in 2002. The data is calebrated in percentage.
    Overall, data reveals that people of all the nation spent big amount on food/drinks/tobacco. While least money were spending on leisure and education.
    It is clear from the graph, Turkey spent the highest percentage of money on food and drinks while sweden spend minimum money on food. It was 32.14% and 15.77% respectively. Moreover, there was unnoticeable difference between Ireland and Turkey expenditure of clothing and footwear items. It was only 0.20 percentage.
    However, 1.98 % money spended by Spain on education and leisure particular. Whearas, Turkey expenses on this item was 4.35%. Nonetheless, italy more expenditure on clothes and footwear than other countries. Italy and Sweden spent same amount on education and leisure items.

  46. Nishq Desai says

    The cited table gives us an insight into the fortune expended by the citizens of five European nations on three classified categories in the year 2002.
    An overall glance of the given table suggests that the focus weighs towards the eatables and least interest is found on leisure or education. Turkey has recorded the majority of chunk being spent on food, drinks, or tobacco, while the Spanish show the least participation in spending money on leisure and education.
    Moreover, it is can be observed from the table that the citizens of Ireland, Italy and Spain show thrice willingness to spend on sartorial goods when compared to knowledge and entertainment. Furthermore, the majority of their income is contributed to consumable items ranging from 18.80% in Spain to Ireland with 28.91%, while Italians are found to be more trend-conscious and have spent 3% more on fashion.
    In addition, the provided distribution table illustrates that Sweden is likely to spend half of the amount Turkish spends on food, drinks, and tobacco; however, Turkey enjoys a slight more lavish life than Sweden when it comes to the other two categories, contrasting with a difference of nearly 1.2%.

  47. Ruby Lyn says

    Greetings of peace Liz! If you have ample of time. Please do evaluate this one. Thank you so much!

    The table chart shows the amount of money spent on five various countries namely Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey in terms of three different categories particularly food, drinks and tobacco, clothing and footwear, and leisure and education last 2002. Units are measured in terms of percentage.

    Overall, Turkey had the highest money spent in food, drinks, and tobacco while Sweden had the lowest. In the latter country, it had the smallest utilization of money in clothing and footwear, whereas Italy had used their money much on it. Meanwhile, Turkey spent their money much on leisure and education than Spain, which had the minute spending on the aforementioned category. It is noticeable that Turkey is the leading country in spending money on food, drinks and tobacco, and leisure and education as well.

    With regards to the food, drinks, and tobacco spending, Turkey had 32 per cent which is doubled than the amount of money spent by the Swedish people. Italy, on the other hand, had approximately 4 per cent larger than Sweden.

    Furthermore, Turkey had 4.35 per cent expenses on leisure and education while Spain had only 1.98 per cent. Although Sweden and Italy had an almost similar percentage (with 3.22 per cent and 3.20 per cent, respectively), Ireland had 2.21 per cent on the aforesaid category spending.

    Thank you so much for the feedback Liz! 🙂

  48. Please evaluate.
    The table illustrates the household expenditure of five countries (Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey) on three distinct consumer goods.
    Overall, in the category of food, drinks and tobacco each country spent most compared to least spending on Leisure and Education. The expenditure of Italy was highest on clothing and footwear while on the remaining two good, Turkey spent more.
    In the category of food, drinks and tobacco, Turkey spent the most at 32.14% while Ireland spent 28.91%. Spain and Italy spent 18.80% and 16.36% respectively but the expenditure of Sweden was 15.77% which was the least among this category. On the other hand, the lowest expenditure was on Leisure and education (below 5%) by all countries. Spain spent as low as 1.98% on this category.
    In terms of clothing and footwear, the household expenditure of Italy was the most at 9% compared to Sweden which spent least to 5.40% while the remaining three countries spent near 6.5% on this category.

  49. Kayed ahmed fahim says

    The mention table illustrate the percentage of consumer spending on different items food,drink,,tobacco,clothing, flower,leisure and education in five different countries in year 2002.

    Overall, the highest percentage of consumer spending went on food,drink,and tobacco in each country. Whereas clothing, footwear, leisure,education had the lowest percentage of consumer spending in five country.

    First of all, consumer spending on food,drink and tobacco was the highest percentage in Turkey at 33.14% followed by Ireland 28.91%. Whereas, Sweden hat the lowest percentage at 15.77%. In addition, Italy spent 9.00% in clothing and foodwere. Sweden expenditure was the last position, the figure was 5.40%.

    In terms of, consumer spending on leisure and education was the largest percentage in Turkey at 4.35% after that sweden was the next position 3.22% in 2002. On the other hand Spain had the lowest percentage. In addition Turkey was the second position on consumer spending in clothing and foodwere the amount was 6.63%.

    If i writing task 1 in this system which band i got in ielts main exam, please answer me.

  50. Soni Varun says

    Hi liz
    It’s really helpful for me
    Thanks for this task

  51. Hi Liz,
    I congratulate you for your page, which is one of the best that I have visited. Your lessons are very clear and simple to learn from. Also, watching you from your youtube videos, I see a perfect english teacher transmitting the information in the most effective way for us viewers (speaking personally). Actualy I am preparing for IELTS exam and your lessons of task 1 in Writing are the best I have ever seen, very easy to remember when I work on differents topic of this task.
    Many thanks for this opportunity!

    • I’m pleased you found my website and can benefit from my lessons. Good luck with your test !! 🙂

  52. Firoza Ruhi says

    Thank you sooooooooo much ♥️ for sharing this task and tips. I’m really glad to get these.
    I am Ruhi, from Bangladesh

  53. If pie chart is given along with the table, then, do we have to write over view from both or from pie chart only?

    • The overview is for everything on the paper. If you have two charts, or one chart and one table, it all goes in the overview together.

  54. Shifat Ahmed Khan says

    Hi Liz,

    Can I use bracket to mention percentages?

    Thank you

    • You can use brackets in Writing Task 1. However, be flexible with how you present information and don’t overuse them.

  55. Ferando says

    Thank you for all the good work Liz, this indeed has been very helpul for me.

  56. Jessica Nadal says

    The table shows the proportion of consumer expenses in three categories in five countries in 2002. Looking from the overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the category of food, drinks, and tobacco was the most popular, and it was followed by clothing and footwear. In contrast, people spent the least expenditure on leisure and education.

    Among the five countries, Ireland and Turkey recorded the highest percentages in food, drinks, and tobacco section, at 28.91% and 32.14%, respectively. The proportion of expenditure of Turkish people was also the highest in leisure and education, at 4.35%. For the clothing and footwear category, a significant percentage of 9% of Italian people were consumers.

    However, it can be seen that Sweden had the lowest percentages for food/drinks/tobacco and clothing/footwear sections, at just under 16% for the former and 5.40% for the latter. Meanwhile, the percentage of expenditure on leisure and education of Spanish consumers was just around 2%.

  57. Alice says


    Thanks for all the website, it’s REALLY awesome and indeed assists me with preparation for IELTS.

    Maybe, you could help me out, for I’m a bit perplexed. In the sentence “A similar pattern could be observed for Turkey, who/which spent the highest percentage…” should “who” or “which” be used. Since, generally, they use “which” with countries and “who” when talking about people. In this situation, the sentence is about people who spend, although it is expressed by country. So what is the correct option to use?

    Thanks in advance)

  58. EKRAM AMER says

    Hello liz.

    I took the IELTS indicator last week. everything went like I planed before, however, in the writing section task 1, I was given a line chart. They only put 2 lines in this line chart and both were increasing. I did not have much to write because they were not a lot of information. Which cause me to have 5 in writing. I’m taking the exam again and I am really scared that they would give me the same one . What can I do….

    • Do you want to recreate the line graph you got so I can write a model answer?

  59. Mariangela says

    Hello Liz!
    Thank you for your valued material. I just have a question for you, referring to tables (or probably it applies to other types of charts). When we are given groups, such as age groups or food groups, that implies different variables in the same category, can I change it by numbers? For example, Instead of saying “food/drinks and tobacco, can I use the expression: first group? or the second group (clothing, footwear), depending on the place in the table?

    Thank you! 🙂

    • You would only be able to refer to them that way if you had introduced them in order in the introduction paragraph. Even then, you should alternate your expressions.

  60. Hi Liz,
    I can not thank you enough. Thank you so much for your help
    By the way, I have one question.
    Why is it “consumer items?” I thought it was consumed items.

    • “consumed” means either used or eaten. “Consumer” is a customer who buys products. Go to a dictionary and take a look for more precise definitions.

  61. Giovana says

    Hi Liz! I am doing the IELTS general test, do I need to practice table and chart exercises on the writing tasks?

    Or does it come up only in the academic version of the test?

    Thank you

    • Can you see the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website? Go to “TEST INFO” and select “GT” from the drop down list. That page will explain it all for you. There are loads of pages of tips, lessons, advice, information on this site. Use the RED BAR to open the main pages which will give you access to the lessons etc.

  62. Sandra Prasad says

    Hi Liz
    Loved this answer. I have a doubt if we write the overview as 2 nd para will that be counted as a summing up/conclusion. I heard that conclusion has extra points for writing. Please help.
    Thanks Sandra

    • The conclusion is essential for writing task 2. If you fail to write a conclusion for writing task 2, you will get a lower score for Task Response. Writing task 1 is not an essay, it is a report. An overview is required for task 1. It is more logical to give the key features before the smaller details in a report.

      • Sevara says

        Hi Liz!I really appreciate the organisation of this task it is clear and coherent.But one thing that confuses me ,why did you describe Sweden at your 2 body ,i mean sweden’s data is not highest 🤔

        • You task is not only to present the highest. It is to highlight key features and that includes the lowest. In body paragraph 1, Sweden was the lowest. In body paragraph 2, Sweden was the lowest.

  63. Hi Liz, I really appreciate for your amazing posts. It helps me A LOT!!!!
    By the way, I have a question, Some of the answers separate the overview paragraph and some don’t.
    Is either way correct?

    • Both ways are correct. I tend to put my overview in the same paragraph as the introduction for diagrams if the introduction is only a few words in length. Otherwise I keep it entirely separate.

  64. This report was just great! I really liked how the information was grouped and delivered.
    However, I have one question with respect to the report on this topic I wrote myself trying to make use of paragraphs in order to group the similarities.
    Can I use ” ” to refer to a certain category? (e.g. in terms of “foods, drinks and tobacco” and “leisure and education”, the Turkish spent the most on these.)

  65. Mohan Perera says

    Dear Liz,

    Your contents regarding IELTS are really usefull and important. But I’ve a little doubt. You’ve recommended to use 2 paragraphs for the body and other 2 for the introduction and overview.
    But my IELTS teacher taught me to use 3 paras(for body) for the 3 columns in the table.
    And 3 paras(for body) if there are 3 pie charts in the task.
    And 3 paras(for body) if it is a line graph. (1 for starting year, 1 for ending year, 1 for the rest of the duration)

    Could you please explain whether it is correct or wrong !

    • Paragraphing needs to be logical and that is certainly logical. But it also needs to be used to group information together and highlight similarities – your paragraph is more than just 3 charts = 3 body paragraphs. Start looking more at the information being presented and see if you can find trends or features that can be grouped together making paragraphing more effective rather than simplistic and obvious. Your teachers recommendation limits your score in Coherence and Cohesion – not a problem is you are not aiming for a high score.

  66. Dear Liz,
    ı really can’t find the words to tell you how grateful I am of your content. After taking the exam for the 5th time, ı finally managed to get a 7,5. my previous score was 7, by reading the model essays and suggestions ı got the sore that ı needed. thank you sooo sooo much. ı really don’t think that ı could have done this without your help. ı wish you an amazing life, my you be happy just like you make others happy.

    • Well done getting the score you needed 🙂 I’m so pleased my lessons were useful for you 🙂

  67. Zaikai Ruan says

    Hello, Liz, I saw you just wrote “on the other hand” without mentioning “on the one hand” before, is that proper?
    Thanks for replying.

    • Sure. No problem. You can use “on the other hand” without using “on the one hand” – but not vice versa.

  68. Awais Ali Khan says

    hi Liz
    i m extremely thankful to you for your guidance.

  69. Akash S says

    In the above example essay for table, the discussion about expenditure on clothing and footwear category is only about highest and lowest nation.
    Isn’t there a chance that the essay may marked down for the task achievement metric????
    Also for the education and leisure also the averaged percentage are used to represent the intermediate countries, so can we proceed in that manner without violating the task achievement rubric???

    • That is incorrect. The paragraph about clothing and footwear contained information about all categories. You forget to look at the final sentence of that paragraph: “The national spending in this area for the remaining countries averaged around 6.5%………..”. This is called grouping information together and is a vital skill for writing task 1.

  70. Pravin Deshmukh says

    Hello Liz,

    Finding very easy to describe the table chart thanks for your help. I have a question ‘Is there any way we add end note at last? Like overall table show the European consumer expenditure.

    • Be very careful of adding another statement which presents overall information. If you do that, it would mean that you have split the overview into two separate statements which exist, not together in one paragraph, but split into different parts of the report. This will lower your score for Coherence and Cohesion which is about logical organisation of information and paragraphs. Do you see what I mean?

  71. Ahmed says

    Hi Liz, I noticed the tense you used in your text is past tense, is this due to as the statement says 2012? What if the there is no specific dates given then present tense would be the appropriate tense to use correct? I have seen other teachers use present tense regardless of the year. Please advise.

    Kind regards,

  72. Hanh Evans says

    Hi Liz. I really love your video. I want to ask you why my Australian teacher said I will lose score if I use “ illustrate” in task 1 except for diagrams. I learn how to write task 1 from your video and what he said today made me confused.

    • The word is fine to use. That is completely untrue. Your teacher is probably getting confused with the word “illustration” which means picture. The noun and the verb do not have 100% the same meaning.

  73. Hi just wondering can i use ‘ The pie chart provided above gives information about….:is that correct in the report speech?
    Or that must to be only ‘ The pie chart illustrates the information/data….

    • You have written “above”/ But what is above the answer sheet? Nothing. You can’t use that word. Otherwise, it is fine.

  74. Hi Liz, I really like your website, you are doing amazing work.

    Can I start to overview with ‘to sum up’ instead of overall? Besides, is there any problem with writing an overview in the last paragraph?


    • The examiner is specifically looking for an overview. It is the most important paragraph. Which linking device do you think is most suitable? You aren’t going to lose marks because you use “To sum up”, but it isn’t the most appropriate for an overview.

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