IELTS Problem Solution Essay Model Answer

Below is an IELTS model answer for the IELTS problem solution essay in writing task 2. There are five types of essays in IELTS writing task 2 and the “solution” type essay is a common one. However, make sure you follow the instructions. You need to know the difference between “what are the causes?” and “what problems does this cause?”.  The first requires causes and the second requires problems.

Problem Solution Essay Instructions

The instructions for problem solution questions are often paraphrased in different ways. Below you can see a few examples:

  1. What are the problems to this and how can it be solved?
  2. What problems are caused by this? What solutions would you recommend?
  3. What problems arise from this situation? What measures can be taken to deal with it?
  4. What problems does this cause? What can be done to deal with this situation?

You can find some essay questions for solution essays and problem solution essays on this page: Solution Essay Questions and you can find over 100 essay questions to practice: 100 Essay Questions for IELTS

IELTS Problem Solution Essay Question

An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. What problems does this cause? What can be done to deal with this situation?

Model IELTS Essay: Problems and Solutions

More and more professionals from developing or underdeveloped countries are choosing to live and work in richer countries. As a result, poorer countries will struggle to develop but this can be tackled by offering more incentives to stay and better living conditions.

The main problem faced by poorer countries due to the brain-drain, in fields such as medicine and education, is that they will struggle to develop and find it difficult to improve their economy as well as living conditions. One of the main ways that a developing country can better themselves is through the skills and dedication of their professionals which is negated when they choose to take their skills to benefit another country. Consequently, less developed countries will not be able to offer their citizens high levels of education or health care, and this in turn will hinder their ability to compete on a global scale, to entice investors and ultimately to stop the poverty cycle.

One effective solution to deal with professionals leaving their country is for their government to encourage them to stay by offering better work conditions. This can be done by increasing wages and investing in state-of-the-art equipment and training to tempt doctors and teachers to continue working there. Another possible answer is for  poorer countries to offer better standards of living, more tolerance and a positive future as a way to entice their professionals back to their own country after they have completed their training abroad. However, these solutions are financially demanding which means poorer governments may have to look to developed countries for aid in order to implement these changes.

In conclusion, poorer countries are unable to develop due to the brain-drain which can only be tackled by enticing professionals to remain in their country of origin through better conditions.



  1. Hi Liz,
    Should I paraphrase the sentence below or should I move forward into explaining the problem and provide solutions to the questions in introduction paragraph and develop my solutions further in the body graph?

    IELTS Problem and Solution Essay – Writing Task 2
    Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?

    • That is not an authentic IELTS essay question. Only use reliable sources. When you use a website, you should ask yourself:
      – who has written this website? – is this person reliable for IELTS – do you know their qualifications and experience – are you sure you want to put your future in that person’s hands.

      • It was obtained from: mocktestielts website , where they are various modules for every skill in IELTS examination with sample answers. However, thanks for your answer and informing about the reliability of the website and question.

        • That is not an official IELTS website. It is a website created by someone else who does not show their qualifications or experience. You should use authentic test materials which you get directly from IELTS, not from a random website. I have practice lessons on my website which are free, but they are not tests because they only tests you use should be authentic ones published from IELTS.

          • Could you please tell me what website can I visit to find the authentic tests from IELTS?

            • The BC IELTS website has two free tests. has a free test. You can also find tests published by IELTS in the IELTS Cambridge test books which are numbered in order of which tests are the most recent.

  2. SOE MOE AUNG says

    Question Prompt: A rise in the standard of living in a country often only seems to benefit cities rather than rural areas. What problems can this cause? How might these problems be reduced?

    One-sided rise of living standards in cities as opposed to poor and underdeveloped rural areas can create conflicts and conflagrations between communities, but equal distribution of funds for developing both urban and rustic landscapes and infrastructures can solve these issues.

    Better education, income or living conditions, which can only be seen in city areas create inequality between the urban dwellers and those residing in pastoral grounds. Consequently, it leads to resentment and hatred against each other, creating ground to bear infighting between people. Therefore, civil war and rebellions will arise if social equality is not achieved between residents of different regions. For example, the French revolution in the Renaissance era occurred because of the growing divide between the rich aristocrats in the urban areas and the poor common people in the outskirts of France.

    One of the effective solutions to tackle this problem is to implement equal wealth distribution policies amongst different jurisdictional areas in a nation. In other words, the resources and wealth of a country should be equally divided, regardless of whether it is urban or rural. Only then, the quality of life in both of the regions will be improved together at the same time, without an evident disparity. For instance, the Malaysian government equally divides the capital for investments in the construction of buildings amongst 13 states of the republic, modernising them equally at the same time.

    In conclusion, war and political divide between cities and the countryside can result as a consequence of unequal living standards, while establishment of policies advocating fair distribution of resources will shorten the gap of disparaging living standards.

  3. SOE MOE AUNG says

    As the professionals, such as doctors and teachers leave their own poor nations with lower incomes to seek jobs in the first world countries with better living standards, the essential institutions in their home countries cease to function. However, with better incentives, these skilled workers may be enticed to return to their countries of origin.

    The first and foremost problem arises from the professionals moving to richer countries is the resultant shortage of labour and lack of skilled employees. As a result, the departments and establishments run by these professionals are no longer able to operate, and are closed down. Consequently, the residents of these underdeveloped nations struggle to find services and providers for their day-to-day activities. For example, many third world nations in SouthEast Asia have inefficient health care services with a shortage of competent medical professionals, compared to their counterparts in Europe despite producing millions of doctors, nurses every year.

    One possible solution to this issue is to offer enticements to persuade the much needed skilled service providers to stay in the country. In other words, if employee benefits are enhanced by giving a higher pay, free living, better pension schemes or cheaper health care, they will be willing to settle down in the areas they were trained. In addition, these countries will also attract foreign workers to come and replace those who are still willing to leave due to other reasons, such as personal preferences or weather. For instance, many poor African countries pay these highly sought after professionals attractive wages and salaries, which are three-times higher than that of the minimum pay in the country.

    In conclusion, many poor countries have been significantly experiencing an emigration of professionals, creating a shortage of the services provided by them, whereas raising the standard of living of these professionals can convince them to work for their own countries.

  4. Ziad Ghani says

    It has been universally accepted that problem of professionals are migrating from own poorer countries is escalating at an alarming rate. The problem is bringing a state of depression among the masses and in economy too. There are plethora of reasons of the same and its possible solutions can be suggested too which are discussed as follows.

    In regards to the problem, the major reason which can be stated is inflation. dozens of professionals when they pass from institutions they start to find a good job, but due to inflation if they get a reasonable job then they cannot fulfill even basic needs for their family members. that is the point where they start thinking of migrating to developed countries. Another problematic cause is those professionals who fail to achieve a better job and then they select a crime path. Government should take a stand on this point and focus on the employment sector and how to create ease in the job market for the professionals who really can be a valuable asset for our country’s growth and economy.
    Seeing the problem with a brighter mind, many solutions can be helpful to this menace. One of the solutions is whenever they are passing out from university Government should offer paid internship program via an aptitude test.
    To conclude, solving a global issue is not easy but with the efforts of the Government, control can be taken over the problem with the aforementioned suggested measures. I believe that government should come forward to mitigate this problem.

  5. Harry says

    Hi Liz,

    For a IELTS solution essay if the instructions ask to write solutions but does not mention to write about problems/causes then I assume I only write about solutions only?

    • That is correct. You follow the instructions precisely and don’t change them. An essay question about solutions only will be an essay based on solutions only.

  6. A Student says

    Hi miss Liz. what are the differences between “what are the reasons” and “what are the problems” in problem-solution essay. I mean that in which way should I answer these questions?

    • “Reasons” are similar to causes. It’s an explanation for why something is happening. “Problems” are negative effects.

  7. George Ma says

    I kindly hope evaluating my essay answer, even merely a score prediction.
    Undoubtedly, the prosperity of the developed countries increasingly attracts highly qualified individuals to immigrate and forsake their struggling people regardless of the severe issues they may cause such as the decreased quality of health and education; besides, economic recession. Those issues will be illustrated and addressed separately.

    Firstly, to efficiently handle the migration issue, we have to be aware of two of its fundamental impacts. Brain drain has been a direct immigration impact. Consequently, an absence of physicians leading to a high number of patients; furthermore, a reduced number of educators causing unqualified post-graduates. However, the predicted and indirect result from immigration is a heavy burden affecting the economy of the third world because they have been forced to hire foreigners from the developed countries to establish some hospitals and universities to fill the gap caused by the vocational immigrants. Therefore, the shortage of doctors and teachers and the economic problems are the essential issues aroused from immigration. That should be quickly treated by governments.

    Secondly, after understanding the results of immigration toward economically developed countries, I am convinced that the best solution to tackle this situation is that the authorities of the suffered states should closely observe any ambitious and clever pupil and foster him. In other words, they have to establish specialized schools that receive every high IQ scored student and seriously teach him all types of contemporary sciences. In addition, continuous communications should be done to any high qualified immigrant to make him believe that he is immensely demanded and respected among his hometown and has a responsibility to be involved and serve his people, who fostered and taught him before his success, whenever he is wanted. Based on that, high-quality education and tightly connection with immigrants will markedly mitigate the impact of the brain drain phenomena.

    In conclusion, the challenges the developing countries have been recently facing for decades could be addressed within few years if those countries considered the risk of low health care and poor education aroused from migration. I believe that a pivotal role could be achieved by the administrators of those poor countries by education and conducting with the qualified immigrants.

  8. Ashir Ali says

    Hey miss, I’ve been trying to improve my writing but unfortunately, due to not getting feedback I’m not sure whether am i writing correct or not. I just wrote a problem solution essay can you pls give me feedback it will helped me alot.
    Q : Nowadays, more and more younger people needs to compete with older people for the same jobs.
    What problems does this cause? What would you suggest as a solution.

    Currently, many youngsters are facing competition with elderly people for similar kind of jobs. This essay will suggests, the major problem that causes is Higher unemployment amongst young employees, and proposing a retirement age on old employees as a viable solution.

    Due to rising competition, youngsters struggles alot in finding jobs. Due to not having enough experience, they fail in getting jobs and this leads to poverty. Inspite of, due to lack of jobs, they are deprived of paying their living expenses. For instance, majority of the people who are of aged 40-60, are working more rather than young people.

    Therefore, authorities should implement a law on those employees who are of aged ( 40-70 respectively). Those of them who just crossed the age of 40, must gets retired as well as government should take care of their living expenses. Moreover, giving them social benefits and ensuring that no worker will gets employed after the age of 40, will automatically eliminate the escalating competition among both young workers and old workers. For example, if older people stopped working than young people can get more chances in showing their skills and boosting the economy.

    In conclusion, by preventing elderly people from working will gives a positive impact and the rivalry among them wil be finished

  9. Harpreet says

    Hi Liz, Is this a problem solution essay or direct question essay?
    “Nowadays the increasing number of garbage is a real concern .why is this happening? what can be done to resolve it?”

    • Be careful with labelling what type of essay something is. Each teacher labels essays differently and IELTS labels them differently again. There are clearly two direct questions. However, I teach them under causes/solution essays.

      • Patronus says

        Hi Liz, can I bring some information not related to the question to make the lengthen my essay

        • You will be marked down for padding out your essay with information that is not 100% relevant to the question. This is why you need to prepare lots of ideas for topics so that your essays can contain relevant, highly focused points.

  10. vipin subhash says

    Hi Liz,

    I love your tips and it is quite easy to understand. But I have a question in the below question it does not ask for causes. In such situations do we need to write the causes as well?

    In many developing countries, there is a problem with declining quality of air and water from both industry and construction. What measures could be taken to prevent this?

    • You should only ever follow instructions. If you are asked for only solutions, you will give only solutions. For marking criteria of Task Response is not just about the ideas you use, it is also about how you fulfil the instructions – always write a focused, relevant essay 🙂

    • Vathsav says

      Hey Liz, can you is this a proper way to paraphrase (intro) this question in task 2
      Some cities create housing areas by providing taller buildings.others create housing by building houses one a wider area of land what solution is better?
      My ans: as a result of rapidly increasing population the demand for housing has increased . I believe that creating housing through high rise buildings is better than constructing houses on a wider area of land.

  11. Thank you so much dear LIZ, you are a blessing
    After watching your videos I can do my writing in a very efficient way, I can control over time so easily, hope I can make it it in my test.
    I highly appreciated all the tips you advise us in your videos.

    Thank you

    • I’m so glad my lessons are helping you. Good luck in your test !! 🙂

      • Ekta Sachdeva says

        Hi Liz
        It is a wonderful site !!
        What if I label an essay differently from my examiner. 🙃
        How many points do tend to loose?

        • There are no labels that the examiner follows. Only teacher give labels in order to help explain and teach.

  12. Hi Liz,
    One question contains this at the end, ‘… why do you think that is? What could be done to encourage more people to take interest in the arts?’ Is this also a course+ solution essay??
    Looking forward a response

  13. Dear Li,
    I will be taking the IELTS General Training test next week. I’d like to know if the problem/solution or cause/solution essays are only for Academic Test takers or GT candidates should also expect them in the test.

    • The question types are the same for both tests. This applies to both writing task 2 and the reading test.

  14. Reyhane says

    Thank You dear Liz

  15. Ruzibek says

    Thank You for your helps

  16. The question prompt usually says “What are the problems due to this phenomenon?” and “What are the solutions to this problems?”. In this case, are we supposed to write two problems and two solutions or one problem and one solution?
    I ask this because question says problems and solutions, which is plural but if we write two problems and solutions than we will have to write about 350 to 400 words to fully develop those ideas to get higher task achievement scores. This will mean that completing task in 40 minutes will be tough.
    What do you suggest in this case? Is writing one problem and a solution answering all parts of the task?
    Looking forward to your response.

    • The page above gives you a model essay for exactly that type of essay. Read through it and learn how to write it using a reasonable word count.

      • Farrukh Azimov says

        Hello Liz. Can you share with me the link to your video lessons where you explain “cause and solution essay”? Looking forward your response. Thanks.

  17. Francesco Benedetti says

    Hi Liz,
    Firstly wanted to thank for the info you’re providing!

    I just have one question about the solution essay. When they just ask to provide the solution in the essay (not mentioning cause or problems) how do we structure the two BP’s? One solution each body BP?

    I can’t see any examples about this on your website!

    Thanks in advance,


    • Who said you could only have two body paragraphs? It is fine to have three. The number of body paragraphs will depend on the number of solutions you have.

  18. Ahmed Mustafa says

    Thanks a lot for you effort

  19. Rashid Ahmad says

    Dear Liz,
    For a problem solution essay, can I follow the following structure to get higher bands?
    1- Intro
    2- Body paragraph 1 (problem + solution)
    3- Body paragraph 2 (problem + solution)
    4- Conclusion


    • It is a standard, correct structure to use. There are many reasons to get a higher score based on the 4 marking criteria – that only will not help you.

  20. Heba Abdel Aleem says

    thank you

  21. Mike Nguyen says

    Thank you so much.

  22. Nirmala sapkota says

    Thank you

  23. Hello liz

    Can you please tell where could I find your problem solution essay video lesson …
    shall be thankful

  24. Hey Liz,

    Thank you for the essay. I observed that this essay does not consist of any examples in both the body paragraphs. Does that mean we have to only include examples in opinion essays? or we can afford to not mention examples in writing task 2 and still get a good band score?

    Thank you for your help in advance.


    • You give examples when you want. Some teachers teach students always to give examples because it is an easy way to explain ideas. But it isn’t a requirement. Ideas can be developed in many ways.

  25. Thank you for this model answer. But, I have a feeling that the solution could be more fully developed. Please clear my doubt dear teacher.

    • You don’t get marks for a longer essay and this essay is long enough. Developing solutions further would not increase your score.

      • The official criteria is very confusing which states that not developing ideas could lower your writing score. What should I do teacher? Ielts is so confusing.

        • I think you need to consider what the requirements are. An essay is under 300 words (about 290). This means the intro is about 40 or 50, the conclusion about 30. So, you are left with about 105 or 110 words per body paragraph (for two body paragraphs). This means to get band 9, those words are enough. Just be logical. An underdeveloped body paragraph contains one or two sentences – no more. Try to work within the requirements. See my advanced lessons for training:


    Hi Liz!i want to pay 24$.can i do through bank.i face face problem in my visa card.

    • The payments are processed by paypal using either a debit or credit card. All lessons are bought individually.

  27. Rebecca says

    Thank you Liz
    Your free training is doing a good work in me,
    I actually need to extend time for my IELTS test.

  28. Sunnatillo says

    Thank you Liz for your brilliant ideas and tips!!

  29. Kavinga Gimhani says

    Dear liz
    Pls let me know GT task 2 questions are similar to academic task 2 questions?
    As I need GT task 2 questions to practice please give me some details about it?

  30. Hello mam please I’d like to ask who marks ielts exam papers? Are they sent to british council uk or marked in country where its taken? Just to clear a doubt please.
    Thanks mam.

    • This has recently changed. Before the writing was marked by examiners in the city where you did your test. Now the papers are sent to a central location abroad where examiners will mark them.

      • ashuhay says

        Hi Liz,
        Since when did they start sending the writing papers to be assessed at central location. Does this mean we can’t apply for remark anymore?

        • Of course, you can apply for a remark. All remarks are checked by a senior examiner. The change in system has NO influence on candidates, on your score or on your remarking.

  31. Liz can you please explain use of articles in particular ‘the’? I feel like I miss them before abstract nouns. Is there any lesson/video I could watch? I’m desperate for your help!

  32. Ibrahim says

    Thank you very much, Liz. You have been very helpful.

  33. Munawar says

    Thank you very much madam

  34. Hello Liz, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us, “poor mortals”.
    If you were an examiner, would you give which band for this problem solution essay you made as a model? Would it be band 9, indeed? If so, I’m very confident I got the right structure to build it.
    Thanks a lot!

    • Yes, it would be a band 9. It addresses the task fully with relevant, well developed ideas. Signposts and linking are used flexibly. Paragraphing is logical. Vocab and grammar are flexible and also error free. The real aim for a high score is keeping your English language error free – don’t take risks.

  35. Thank you liz. It was long awaited. I also purchased your other writing videos. They are great. Your way of explaining is very good and easy to understand.

    • I’m really glad my advanced writing task 2 lessons were useful. I tried to pack them with as many flexible techniques as I could 🙂

  36. For Writing Task 1 and 2, can extra sheet be given?

    • If you have filled the answer sheet, you can raise your hand and ask for another. However, the answer sheets are the right length for the writing required.

    • I knew that I need two sheets because I practised on them before therefore I ask for them at the beginning of writing part. I’ve obtained them without any problem.

      • You will not be given them at the start of the writing part. You must first full the answer sheets provided. Always remember that your aim is to write under 300 words for task 2 and under 200 for task 1.

  37. Thank you Liz for your prompt response .

  38. Thanx alot mam liz. This is very helpful eassy of solution and problem. Can we use this eassy words for every eassy of solution and problem.

    • I don’t understand your question. Are you talking about memorising the essay? You definitely can’t memorise it but you can learn vocabulary from it.

  39. What is the paraphrase of financially demanding?

  40. Hi Liz ,

    Thanks for whole essay . It is really nice answer for problem and solution type of essay. My problem is I could not copy your sample essay and paste it into word doc. Could you please tell me how it can be done? I know it is a silly question. I prefer read them rather on the paper than on computer. . Thank you

    • Unfortunately, you’ll have to type the essay into your laptop to copy it. It will do you good to test your English accuracy 🙂

  41. Splendid😊😊
    Thanks liz
    Is lure equal tempt??

    • It has a similar meaning but I wouldn’t use it in this context. You need to be very careful with synonyms. Although they have similar meaning, they might not all be suitable for the same topics or contexts.

  42. Ritu Sharma says

    thanks for the answer to this essay. But one thing I want to clarify is that “brain-drain” is an informal word. So can we use it in writing ?
    thanks & regards,

  43. Gabriel Abiodun says

    Thanks alot Liz.. I have LWR on Dec. 2nd and this has help alot.

  44. Is conclusion word not used in introduction and conclusion of task 2.

    • Sorry I don’t understand this comment at all. The linking words “In conclusion” are used to start the conclusion of the essay above.

  45. Sunny Pathak says

    Thanks liz ..
    Your ielts tips are really helpful.

  46. Hi Liz
    Thank you very much for your efforts writing the wonderful essay,
    Can I ask you there is a repeatation of (entice) is there any exact synynom for entice or it is ok to repeat it??

    • It’s fine and natural for some words to be repeated. As long as you show paraphrasing skills that’s all that is needed. Your aim isn’t change all words, all the time.

  47. Good morning Liz, thanks. ☺

  48. Dear Liz,

    I watched your videos on all modules and I would like to sincerely thank you for your guidance and support. Your videos and tips are very much helpful, after watching your videos my preparation style and concepts on each modules are changed completely.

    Thank you so much for your support.

  49. Thank You Liz for your update
    Currently, I’m preparing my IELTS test and all tips in your website really helps me

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