Rounding Off Questions in IELTS Speaking Part 2

Rounding off questions often surprise people in IELTS Speaking Part 2 because they aren’t prepared for them. These are questions which are asked at the end of your part 2 talk and before the part 3 discussion begins.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 is the talk or sometimes called “the long turn”. You will be given a topic on a cue card which also contains prompts. You will have 1 minute to prepare and you should speak for 2 minutes. After your talk, you will be asked rounding off questions. Following that, part 3 will begin.

What are rounding off questions?

They are basic, simple questions that the examiner will ask you when you finish your part 2 talk.

Why are there rounding off questions?

Rounding off questions serve to help you relax and get back into the question/answer mode after you have been talking for 2 minutes continuously. It serves as a way to help you get ready for part 3 questions.

Are rounding off questions difficult?

No. Rounding off questions in IELTS Speaking Part 2 are mostly simple questions directly related to your talk. They are much easier than part 3 questions and are usually just an extension of the part 2 topic.

Are there always two rounding off questions?

Yes, two is the usual number. However, in some circumstances, the examiner might only ask one if the examiner feels the other rounding off question isn’t appropriate.

Are the rounding off questions written on the cue card?

No, they are not. The IELTS speaking examiner has the questions on a separate paper which you will not see.

Cue Card & Rounding Off Questions

Below is an IELTS Speaking Part 2 cue card with possible rounding off questions.

Describe a recent holiday. You should say:

  • when it was
  • where you went
  • what you did there
  • and why you enjoyed it.

Rounding Off Questions:

  1. Would you ever go there again?
  2. Would you recommend other people to go on a similar holiday?

As you can see, the rounding off questions are not difficult and directly relate to your cue card topic.

More Examples of Cue Cards and Rounding Off Questions

Cue card and rounding off questions:

Describe a public building. You should say:

  • what building it is
  • where it is
  • what it’s like
  • and why you like it

Rounding off questions

  1. When was the first time you saw the building?
  2. Do you often visit that building?

Cue card and rounding off questions:

Describe a uniform you wore at school or work. You should say:

  • when you wore it
  • who bought it for you
  •  what it was like
  • and how you feel about it.

Rounding off questions

  1. Are uniforms expensive to buy?
  2. What would you change about the uniform you wore?

Cue Card and rounding off questions:

Describe someone in your family who is similar to you. You should say:

  • who the person is
  • what the person is like
  • how you are similar to each other
  • and how you feel about the person

Rounding off questions:

  1. Do you like spending time with that person?
  2. What do you usually do together?

Cue card and rounding off questions

Describe a time when you were disappointed. You should say:

  • when it was
  • where you were
  • what happened to make you disappointed
  • and what you would do differently if it happened again.

Rounding off questions

  1. Does this type of situation often happen to you?
  2. What do you do to feel better after you’ve been disappointed?

I hope you’ve found this page useful. Rounding off questions are not difficult, but it is good to know about them and be prepared. It is important that you enter the test room with a full understanding of what will happen. There should be no surprises in the test format or how the examiner behaves.

Free IELTS Speaking Lessons & Tips

To see more free lessons and tips for IELTS speaking exam preparation, click here: Free Speaking Lessons & Tips

All the best

Liz 🙂


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Website with Reading Exercises

Hi guys,

I want to let you know about a new website which contains a lot of reading exercises that will be useful for your preparation.

The website is aimed at articles which cover common topics in English language as well as IELTS. There are questions which you can complete and also vocabulary highlighted. The website is called Ideas in English and is written by a teacher called Nick.

This page – click here Article about Sleep – will help you not only with your reading but also with your IELTS Speaking because it is a topic that can appear in part 1. I definitely recommend it 🙂

All the best


Answers to Coronavirus Vocab Practice

Below you will find the answers to the lesson based on coroanvirus vocabulary.

If you haven’t completed this lesson, please do so before looking at the answers below. Click here: Coronavirus Vocab Lesson

Vocab Options:

without signs         symptom            asymptomatic            signs

symptoms          a front line            the front line           immunisation     

immunity             lockdown              lock down                 trail   

trial            trails              trials           head           nose             hands     

cheeks            chin         eyes        quarantine        quarantining

death numbers           death toll         death       fatalities      kindness

altruistic      care     thoughtfulness


The answers are the words highlighted in bold below:

  1. Some people with Covid-19 are asymptomatic. They do not have any symptoms at all.
    1. asymptomatic = without symptoms showing.
    2. the word “symptoms” should be plural. It’s a countable following the word “any”.
  2. People working on the front line should have adequate PPE.
    1. This expression uses “the”.
  3. Whether people develop long term immunity after having had the virus is still debatable.
    1. the word “immunisation” is about inoculations and isn’t suitable for this sentence.
  4. In some countries lockdown measures are being eased gradually.
    1. This is one word = “lockdown”
  5. The first human trials for a vaccine are underway.
  6. At times like this, you really need to keep your chin up.
    1. “to keep your chin up” is an idiomatic expression about keeping positive.
  7. Some countries are deciding on quarantine rules for people entering the country from abroad.
  8. While some countries are seeing fatalities go down, other countries are seeing an increase.
    1. This was a tricky one. You can’t have “death numbers” because in English the correct expression is “number of deaths”. You can’t have “death toll” because you would need the article “the” in the sentence (“the death toll”). You can’t have “death” because you would need the plural form “deaths”. So the only possible option which is grammatically correct is “fatalities”.
  9. This pandemic is revealing people’s altruistic traits.
    1. None of the other words are grammatically suitable for this sentence.

I hope you found this lesson useful 🙂

All the best


Coronavirus Vocabulary Practice

This is useful practice lesson for vocabulary relating to Coronvirus. This vocabulary will be useful for your everyday life and in your Speaking Test for the topic of Health.

Questions 1-6:

Fill in the sentences with the correct words given in the box below. Tip: Pay attention to grammar – it will help you choose the correct word. Note: PPE = Personal Protective Equipment.

  1. Some people with Covid-19 are …………….. . They do not have any ………… at all.
  2. People working on ………………………….. should have adequate PPE.
  3. Whether people develop long term …………. after having had the virus is still debatable.
  4. In some countries ………………. measures are being eased gradually.
  5. The first human ………. for a vaccine are underway.
  6. At times like this, you really need to keep your ………… up.
  7. Some countries are deciding on …………… rules for people entering the country from abroad.
  8. While some countries are seeing ………………. go down, other countries are seeing an increase.
  9. This pandemic is revealing people’s ………………. traits.

Select words below to complete the sentences above.

without signs         symptom            asymptomatic            signs

symptoms          a front line            the front line           immunisation     

immunity             lockdown              lock down                 trail   

trial            trails              trials           head           nose             hands     

cheeks            chin         eyes        quarantine        quarantining

death numbers           death toll         death       fatalities      kindness

altruistic      care     thoughtfulness


The answers are available below:


All the best



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Model IELTS Essay June 2020

Below is a model IELTS essay for Writing Task 2 this year. It is estimated at band 9.

IELTS Essay Question June 2020

This essay question appeared in IELTS Writing Task 2 a couple of weeks ago. It is a challenging topic if you have not prepared for it. Although topics in Writing Task 2 are not repeated as often as in the Speaking Test, it is advisable to prepare for this topic by learning some of the ideas given below.

The advances in air travel are focused only in first class and this seems to have left others with no benefits at all. Do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Essay Answer June 2020

The essay below will help you understand flexibility linking and see how to explain main ideas. Notice how the thesis statement reflects the body paragraphs,.You can also learn some great vocabulary for the topic of air travel which you can use in your Speaking Test.

Model Answer:

Some people think that the only positive developments in air travel have been in first class leaving others with no advantages. In my opinion, while first class passengers certainly enjoy a premium service, most advances benefit all passengers.

It is true that developments in air travel can easily be seen in first class in terms of premium, private facilities and services. People travelling first class are now able to enjoy pull out beds and a private area where they can work with power outlets and wifi connections. Some airlines even offer first class passengers a suite including a personal in flight chef and private shower. Other companies offer lounges where premium passengers can mingle and network during the flight.

However, it cannot be said that the budget traveller has not benefited from the developments in commercial air travel. Although the seating area may still be cramped causing passengers discomfort, particularly on long haul flights, the developments have allowed them to also enjoy technological luxuries such as individual inflight entertainment options. Furthermore, the food offered to budget commercial travellers has vastly improved, although admittedly this is only available on long haul flights.

Finally, regardless of class, all people travelling by plane can now enjoy better security and safety on board the plane due to advanced technology in flying. For example, the number of fatal air crashes over the last couple of decades has fallen dramatically. Another benefit that can be appreciated by all is the speed at which modern jet planes are now able to reach their destinations making distant travel more frequent and faster.

In conclusion, even though first class enjoy some extra perks, the technological advances in air travel can be shared by everyone regardless of the price of their ticket.

Word 292

Note: I have put the word count for your benefit so you can see how long an essay ought to be. You do not need to write the word count in the real test.

Free IELTS Writing Task 2 Lessons & Tips

Click here: Free Writing Task 2


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Can you Tell Lies in IELTS Speaking? Advice & Tips

Is it ok to lie in IELTS speaking? Is it ok to make up a story and tell the examiner? 

Many students ask me if they can tell lies in their IELTS test and if they will get a lower band score if they are found lying in their IELTS speaking test.

Is it possible to lie in IELTS Speaking?

Yes, you can lie. It won’t affect your score. But it isn’t necessary. It’s better to tell the truth.

Telling the truth has advantages.

Why lying isn’t necessary in IELTS Speaking

  1. There is no reason to lie. Lying will not increase your score.
  2. If you don’t have a clear answer – just say so. You are marked on your ability to communicate in English, not on your knowledge or ideas for IELTS speaking. Below are some examples:
    • Q) What is your favourite museum?  
    • A) I don’t have one. I don’t have much interest in history or culture and I think the last time I went to one is when I was a child.
      • Comments: The above answer is excellent. It answers directly and explains more. I also uses both present simple and past simple grammar tenses.
    • Q) Do you like cooking?
    • A) No, actually I don’t. My mother has always cooked for me. To be honest, I find it incredibly tedious and a waste of my time, and anyway I’d rather use my time more productively.
      • Comments: This is a full answer which offers different grammar tenses and a range of language features.
  3. Lying requires imagination – it is better just to focus on your language rather than trying to be creative at the same time.
  4. When you say the truth, you usually have better intonation which will help your pronunciation score. Matching your meaning with your tone of voice is very important for your pronunciation score.
  5. It’s hard to add extra details when you lie. It requires too much effort to add all the extra details to a lie.
  6. Under exam pressure, it is hard to lie and create an answer at the same time. Sticking with the truth is easier. 

Adapting the Truth

Adapting the truth is easier than a huge creative lie.

If you are asked to talk about a book you recently read, instead you can talk about a book you read one year ago but say it was recent. It is a “white lie” but all details you will give will be truthful – this will make it easier for you to talk about. However, even in this situation, you can still tell the truth – see below:

  • I’d like to talk about a novel I read about a year ago. To be honest, I’ve been so busy during this last year with work that I haven’t had time to read any books. So, I’m going to tell you about one I remember very well from about one year ago. …..
    • Comments: This is a great start to your talk. There are quite a few different grammar tenses used already at the start of the talk. The answer also show that you can communicate clearly and easily in English by giving precise meaning to what you want to say. As long as you stick to the main topic “A book”, you can adapt it as you like. By explaining your choices for the topic, the examiner will be satisfied. It doesn’t affect your score to do this.

ID Check & Facts: Don’t Lie!

Before the recording device is switched on, the examiner will ask you four questions to check your ID. Do NOT lie at this point. The information you provide must match the information given on your ID card.


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IELTS Speaking: How Pronunciation is Marked

Pronunciation is part of the IELTS Speaking Test. The examiner who conducts your test will award you a score for Pronunciation as well as the other marking criteria. Together those scores are averaged to give you a final speaking band score.

This page explains about the marking of pronunciation and will help you understand what you can do to increase your score. You will also learn whether different accents are accepted in IELTS Speaking.

On this page, you will learn:

  1. Is IELTS a British English Test?
  2. Pronunciation Features & Marking
  3. Pronunciation Band Scores
  4. Accents in IELTS Speaking
  5. Pronunciation Advice

1) Is IELTS a British English Language Test?

IELTS is owned by Cambridge English Language Assessment, the British Council and IDP. This means that two of the owners are British and one is Australian. But it is not a test of British English or of Australian English. It is an INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEST = IELTS. This means that it tests international English, not just British or Australian English.

2) IELTS Speaking Pronunciation Marking Features

IELTS Speaking Marking Criteria: Pronunciation is one of four marking criteria for IELTS speaking:

  • Fluency = 25%
  • Vocabulary = 25%
  • Grammar = 25%
  • Pronunciation = 25%

Aspects of Pronunciation for Marking

There are a number of features of pronunciation that the speaking examiner will be assessing you on. Pronunciation features and how easy you are to understand are the two key aspects of IELTS Speaking Pronunciation. Below is a summary of some of the main features:

  1. Individual sounds – similar sounds (p/b  m/n d/t)  consonant clusters (sht / cht etc), length of vowels (sheep/ship etc), schwa (the lazy vowel sound that is never stressed – example – there are two schwas in “dangerous), silent letters.
  2. Strong and weak forms – example “and”  – this can be produced as “n” (fish and chips = fish “n” chips) or it can be pronounced at full length “and”. This depends on how and when you use this word.
  3. Word Pronunciation
  4. Word stress and syllables (sounds inside a word that carry the stress)
  5. Sentence stress (this links to chunking)
  6. Intonation (putting feeling and emphasis into your speaking which causes your tone to rise and fall)
  7. Linking sounds and words
  8. Chunking (putting parts of a sentence together into chunks to create stress and clarity within a sentence)
  9. Contractions (it is = it’s / my name is = my name’s /  I did not = I didn’t / I have been = I’ve bin / I’m going to = I’m gonna / I want to = I wanna)

3) Pronunciation Band Scores

Below is a brief summarised description of the Pronunciation Band Scores for IELTS Speaking based on the descriptors published by IELTS.

  • Band 5 = There are some miscommunications which might cause difficulty for the listener. The candidate attempts to control pronunciation features, but often does not succeed. The candidate may show some features of band 6.
  • Band 6 = The candidate uses a range of pronunciation features but the control is not consistent throughout the test. There might be mispronunciation of words or sounds which reduces the clarity. However, the meaning of what is being said is generally clear throughout the test.
  • Band 7 = shows all features of band 6 and only some of the positive features of band 8.
  • Band 8 = uses a wide range of pronunciation features throughout most of the test. Is easy to understand and the mother tongue does not affect clarity.
  • Band 9 = The candidate uses a full range of features with precision and subtlety. The candidate is effortless to understand.

Note: you can see in the band score descriptions above that using a range of features (linking sounds, contractions, intonation, word stress, chunking etc is key to a good score. Also how easy you are to understand is critical. 

To read the Official Speaking Band Score Descriptors click here: Official Speaking Descriptors 

4) Accents in IELTS Speaking

Does my accent need to be British English?

No, it doesn’t. IELTS is an international English test so you can have any accent you want. It does not need to be British. It is completely fine to have an American accent or Australian accent. Any accent is fine.

What if I have a mixed accent?

That is also fine. It is 100% normal for people these days to have a mixed accent. Even native speakers have mixed accents if they travel or have lived abroad. IELTS will accept a mixed accent for the speaking test. But you cannot mix your spelling for the writing test. See this page: Spelling in IELTS Writing

What about an accent from my own country?

It is normal for you to retain an accent from your own language. IELTS do not prohibit that or lower your band score for it. The question is “Does your accent cause difficulties for the listener? If your mother tongue accent is so heavy that your English pronunciation is difficult to understand, you will get a lower score. However, if your accent is very mild and English pronunciation is easy to understand, you can get a high band score. This means it depends on the effort that the listener has to make to understand you. The less effort is required to understand your pronunciation, the higher your score. However, always remember, you still need to demonstrate the features of pronunciation mentioned further up this page.

5) Pronunciation Advice

Pronunciation is something that takes time to change. This isn’t something you can fix with only a couple of weeks before your test. If you have time before your test, try listening to news channels, documentaries and soap operas. The English used in films can often be rushed or muffled by music so choose your films wisely.

You can only improve your pronunciation by practising to speak out loud. Get used to doing this on your own and record your speaking. Then listen back and check.

Online Dictionaries provide pronunciation of individual words with either UK or US accents. Use them to check your word pronunciation.

Free IELTS Speaking Lessons & Tips

To get free speaking lessons, topics, tips and model answers, click here: IELTS Speaking


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Answers to Matching Information – Carnivorous Plants Reading

Below you will find the answers to the reading lesson about Carnivorous Plants which focused on matching paragraph information questions.

If you have not completed this lesson, please do so before you look at the answers. To complete the lesson, click here: Reading Practice Lesson.


  1. D
    1. Question Statement: The plant preys on animals that live in water.
    2. Passage: “the waterwheel plant, is a fascinating rootless, carnivorous, aquatic plant. It generally feeds on small aquatic vertebrates,”.
  2. C
    1. Question Statement: The plant is able to tell the difference between prey and inedible items.
    2. Passage: “The plant is so advanced that it can tell the difference between live stimulus and non-living stimulus.”
    3. Remember, this isn’t about only matching word for word. This is about matching meaning. This whole passage is about how plants trap their prey (food). This means that “non-living stimulus” refers to something inedible.
  3. B
    1. Question Statement: Prey is known to die through submersion in liquid.
    2. Passage: “The trap contains fluid, produced by the plant, which is used to drown and digest the insects.”
  4. A
    1. Question Statement: Prey is drawn to the plant by its appearance.
    2. Passage: “Insects are attracted by colour, smell and a nectar-like secretion”
  5. D
    1. Question Statement: The plant is known for its speed in trapping prey.
    2. Passage: “The trap closes in only 10 milliseconds, making it one of the fastest examples of plant movement in the animal kingdom.”
  6. A
    1. Question Statement: The soporific effect of the nectar can cause prey to tumble into the plant’s trap.
    2. Passage: Slippery footings, aided in at least one species, by a narcotic drug lacing the nectar, causes insects to fall inside where they die and are digested.
  7. B
    1. Question Statement: The plant is capable of trapping creatures large than an average insect.
    2. Passage: “….some larger species, such as Nepenthes Rafflesiana and Nepenthes Rajah, have been documented to catch small mammals like rats.”

More Reading Practice Lessons

For tips and more reading lessons, click here: IELTS Reading Tips & Lessons

I hope you found this lesson useful.

All the best, Liz 🙂


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