Yesterday I posted a list of words and numbers. I asked you to decide how they were counted by IELTS. Check the answers below.
You can also find useful links about word count information in IELTS using the links below.
How are words counted – Answers
The answers below show how these words and numbers are counted in IELTS writing and IELTS listening. The reading test uses the same system as the listening test.
- fair-haired
- This is counted as one word. It is a compound noun but it is connected by a hyphen to make one word.
- 55%
- This is counted as one word in writing and as one number in listening.
- 1960’s
- This is counted as one word in writing and one number in listening.
- 21st July
- This is counted as two words in writing and in listening is it one number and one word.
- can’t
- This is counted as one word. Although it has a meaning of two words, the words are contracted to make one word.
- blackboard
- This is counted as one word only.
- 9am
- This is counted as one word in writing. In listening, it is counted as one number only. The “am” does not count as a word on its own.
- up-to-date
- This is counted as one word because it is a compound noun joined with hyphens.
- at school
- This is counted as two words.
- $19.17
- This is counted as one word in writing and in listening it is counted as one number. Symbols do not count at all.
Useful Links to Learn more about IELTS
Learn how all words are counted in IELTS
Learn about how many words to write for your essay
IELTS Test Information & Tips: over 100 questions answered
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