IELTS GT Letter 2017 with Model Answer

The IELTS General Training letter below was reported in the IELTS test this year. It is a typical formal letter that can appear in IELTS GT writing task 1. The task was reproduced as accurately as possible by IELTS students.
IELTS General Training writing task 1 is a letter which you must write in 20 mins with over 150 words. You can find useful tips on this page: Essential Tips for IELTS GT Letter Writing. For more useful links, see below.

IELTS General Training Letter 

You recently read an article in newspaper about someone you know personally. You found some information is wrong. Write a letter to editor to inform him about it. Use following points:
  • What is the article about?
  • What is the error?
  • What you expect an editor to do?

IELTS GT Letter Model Answer

  • Spot the errors in the letter below to find out why this letter didn’t get band 9.
Dear Sir,
I am writing to you regarding the recent article you published about Sir David Markham last week, April 2nd , in The Times newspaper.
The article gives a breif biography of Sir David’s life and then continues to focus on his work and the impact it has had. The biography starts with his birth in Edinburgh and his later move in 1962 to Durham University. From there, it focuses on his work with the UN.
I would like to point out an error in your article. Documentation shows that Sir David did not go directly from Edinburgh to the University of Durham, in 1961. In fact he took a gap year in Europe working with a volunteer program and then went to University in 1962.  I know this as I worked with him in Europe and become friends with him. His year abroad, which is absent from your article, created the foundation of his philosophy of life which guided him through his work in later years.
I hope you will publish this correction in the newspaper. Sir David’s work is still of immense importance and people should know the importance of that gap year in his life.
Looking forward to a positive reply.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Frankland
Comments: Estimated band score 8. The task has been completed but there are some issues with the letter. Below are a few points highlighted:
1) Second Paragraph: breif = brief
2) Third Paragraph: become friends = became friends
3) Yours sincerely = Yours faithfully

IELTS General Training Useful Links:

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All GT Writing Task 1 Tips, Model Letters etc: IELTS Writing Task 1 (please note you need to scroll to the bottom of the page to find the GT section)


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  1. Dear Sir,

    I am writing to you regarding the recent article you published in the Vanguard newspaper last Monday, June 29th.

    The article was about the story of Mr. John, a software developer who was rescued by the police from the captives of kidnappers. The story was on page 10 of the newspaper. It was written that he staged his kidnap so he could collect ransom from his parent and elope to a faraway country to start a new life.

    Actually, the narration is wrong. Although he has the intention to travel overseas to start a new life, he didn’t plan his kidnap, neither did he ask for ransom from his parent. Mr. John already has his travel abroad sorted; he has secured employment with sponsorship abroad, and his visa was approved. So he had no reason to fake his kidnap.

    I would advise you speak to him directly to get full information from him, and then you can publish the correct version of the story in your next publication. He is the best person to narrate his ordeal to you; do not rely on what fake bloggers posted online.

    If you would like me to connect you to him, do not hesitate to write back to me.

    Yours faithfully,
    Jill David.

  2. Dear sir,

    I am writing to you about the incorrectness of one of the stories published in the “Vanguard” newspaper last Monday, June 25th.

    The article was about the story of Mr. John, who was kidnapped; it was on page 8 of the newspaper. It was written that he was rescued by the “Q.I.C.K” team of the police force after 8 hours of combat with the kidnappers, the longest of its kind in the history of the Brooklyn police department.

    Actually, the narration is wrong and far from the truth. Mr. John was rescued by a group of local farmers who were working on their farm that day. I got this information from my uncle, as he is among the farmers who delivered Mr. John from the captives of the kidnappers. In facts, he headed the group on the rescue mission.

    I would advise you speak to my uncle to get the full details of how it happened and also have a personal conversation with Mr. John himself. Afterwards, you can publish the correct version of the story and give credit to those who deserves it.

    If you would like me to connect you with my uncle, do not hesitate to write back to me.

    Yours faithfully,
    Jill David.

  3. ———————————-

    Dear Sir,

    I am writing to draw your attention to a recent article in your newspaper about my cousin Jonathan and the need to amend some information as they are incorrect.
    The article captured the event of my cousin’s wedding ceremony which took place on the 5th of April 2024.
    I applaud your detailed description of the events which occurred on the wedding day, however I noticed two incorrect information. First was the name of my Cousin which was printed in your newspaper as John Ese but the correct name is Johnathan Ese. Secondly, the wedding ceremony took place at the All Saint Bible Church and not the Saint Bible Cathedral as captured in your publication.
    I understand that these errors were unintentional, I kindly request your assistance in making an amendment to these details and that the update be included as part of your Tuesday publication.
    I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this would cause and appreciate your understanding.

    Yours faithfully,
    Azimi Yakub

  4. Janardhanan says

    Hello Liz,

    Thanks for all the tips and videos. They have been so useful for my preparations. Could you please guide me when to use “Yours sincerely” and when to use “Yours Faithfully”?


    • On the page above, you’ll see a link to the 10 Essential Tips for GT Letters. Please click the link to learn about how to sign off.

  5. Dear Liz, thank you for your lessons which are always helpful. While writing, is it okay to use/state cities and towns in my country Nigeria? Example, if I have to write about someone’s education can I cite Lagos or Owerri, cities in Nigeria in my writing? as these places may not be globally known

    • You would need to show me precisely how you plan to use the names of those cities in a paragraph or a collection of sentences. Usually it is not necessary to write the name of a city because we are writing in general and usually refer to just major cities, urban areas or rural areas without giving specific names.

  6. Azfar Sajjad says

    Could somebody please check my GT Task 2. I will be very thankful.
    Dear Ali,

    I hope you are doing good, thank you for giving me the opportunity to take my suggestions on the matter of your study or job. I am writing this letter in correspondence to your previous letter.

    First of all, I would like to say that you have recently completed your BBA hons. And now you are planning for higher study to pursue your degree in MBA. I would suggest you take a gap of a year or two and try to grasp the professional experience, and then after, think for master’s certification.

    In addition, you know that after the death of your father, you are the eldest one from your family and the responsibility of whole family is on your shoulders. Moreover, I know the financial situation of your house is also not up to the mark. I know you from primary class, you were so good at computers, technology and gadgets. I know that time once when you bought electronic chips from the market and made CPU by yourself and got gold medal at the school prize winning competition. Now it’s the time to cash your abilities. Furthermore, the income that could be generated from your salary would less your financial burden as well.

    The reason why is actually I want to suggest to you some jobs related to your field in a plethora of IT companies. I am very confident that you can achieve one from these companies. Software developer in Amazon, Content writer in IT hub and Web developer in Nineteen Engineers.

    I wish you a remarkable future ahead.

    Yours sincerely


  7. Dear Sir,
    I am writing to inform you regarding the misinformation published about Mr. Steve Rose in your newspaper article on 20th October’2022.
    In that article, you described his life, philosophy and many other attributes related to his work. While most of the information was correct, however you missed few points regarding his education journey. You mentioned after his graduation, he went to England for higher studies and didn’t mention his studies in USA for 3 years before moving to England. Since I was his colleague in USA, I know this and have proof of this.
    Since he was a public figure and people admired him for his work, they deserve to know all facts about his life, Therefore I request you to please publish the correction in your next edition and apologize for the mistake. I am sure being a renowned and truthful editor you will ensure the peoples believe in you by doing this action.
    I will look forward to your reply.
    Yours faithfully,
    Steve Gil

  8. Rina Antipova says

    Hello Liz,
    I had my GT IELTS exam on June 19th.
    Task 1 letter was some kind of that: You are a representative of a company. Your company organizes a sports activity for the local community every year but this year it is cancelled. Write a letter to the local newspaper and say
    – why the activity is cancelled.
    – what are you going to do about it in future.
    – how important this sports activity is for the local community.

    I hope it would be helpful for someone.

  9. Sadegh says

    Dear Sir,
    I am writing to inform you about some wrong information in your last article in the time newspaper.
    Your topic was about economic problems in which you have spent time to understand society’s concerns. You had an interview with my dear colleague, Mr. Robinson, who I have known since 2015. You explained significant issues and their possible solutions. Moreover, I think you answered a lot of people’s ambiguities, such as inflation, smuggling, money laundering, etc.
    It is necessary to mention that, you have given some incorrect information about him; actually, he is a 42-year-old man who has graduated from the Harvard University, not MIT! Besides, he has two children from his ex-wife whereas you wrote one child in your article. Also, he has more than two years of experience in the Cisco company in order to resolve economical concerns but you have written one year as a consultant.
    I look forward to correcting your mistake. Although, the topic is related to economic but they may have a bad effect on his career as well.
    I hope you address these problems to resolve them as soon as possible.
    Yours faithfully,
    Sadegh Ali

  10. Golnoosh Asiaban says

    Hi Liz
    I have been teaching IELTS for the last Five years and I find what you have provided for the learners the most useful and practical source there is. I always recommend your website to my students.
    Keep up the good work 🙂

  11. Hello Liz,

    While attempting this question I found myself to be writing the word “article” too many times – so i looked up online for synonyms .Do you think I can use words such as “feature”,”news story” instead of “article”? Or would you suggest to use the word “article” more than once/twice for this question?


    • This isn’t about paraphrasing, it is about being specific. Your letter will refer to a certain type of article – be clear which type it is. About repeating words, it’s fine for a word to be used more than once.

    • yes thats true

  12. Hello liz, thanks for all you do.
    Please i have a quick question.
    While taking the Paper based writing test, would marks be deducted for cancellation? For example i made a mistake and decide to stoke it.

    • It is fine to delete a word or phrase and write new words next to the deleted words or above. As long as your writing is easy to read and deleted words are clearly deleted, it’s all fine.

  13. Anusha says

    Hi Liz , your site is very informative thanks for all the explanation.
    when i have counted the words they are around 200 . Is this acceptable in IELTS writing

    • The aim is usually between 170 and 190 words for most people in task 1. However, there is no upper limit. I certainly would not write much more than 200.

  14. Aditi Dhilip says

    Can I use imagination to write the content for this topic or is it really necessary to know the biographies of a person? (As in the paragraph, it is about Sir David)

    Thank you Liz. I just like the tips and advice you give to crack with a decent score. Great work!

  15. Maggie says

    Thanks for your wonderful tips/videos. For a formal letter in writing task 1, is it required to use a signature before writing names at the end of the letter?

    • No, you don’t need a signature. Take a look at my model letters and follow the same format.

  16. Shruti says

    Hello Liz,
    I and my husband have been practising your practice letters and it would be great if we could get some help. It is about the practice lesson as follows:

    You are applying for a job and need a letter of reference.
    Write a letter to a former teacher. In your letter:
    1) Give details of the job.
    2) Explain why it is important to you.
    3) Suggest what information your teacher could put in the reference.

    We both attempted the above question and one of us interpreted the second point as the importance of the reference letter and the other as the importance of the job.
    Which one is right and why?
    Though there is a thin line between both the interpretations, does it matter if we choose the less correct one?
    Also, Is the above point really tricky or it is just us who are making it unnecessarily confusing?

    Thank a lot!

    • The whole letter is about the job – details of the job, why the job is important to you and finally what the teacher can put in the reference which will help you (get the job). The word “it” refers back to the previous bullet point.

  17. Ifeyinwa says

    Hi Liz, thanks for the selfless service which you have been offering especially to people like me. I will like you to proof read my essays and make necessary corrections, will that be possible? I am really grateful for all the information gotten from your website.

  18. Chioma-uche says

    Hi Liz,
    The sample letters I’ve gone through in your page are not addressed.
    Please I want to know if it’s not relevant to address letters during the ielts test

    • No. This is not a real letter. It is an English test. You write the letter without an address at the top – no date, no address. If you needed an address I would put it on the letters. I would do post model letters that are flawed.

  19. Ravandeep kaur says

    Really useful…..

  20. Ankita Sharma says

    Hi Liz,

    Visited the website for the first time. Really liked it. Could you clear the doubt regarding word limit in IELTS GT Writing. How many maximum words can one write for letter as well as essay

  21. Jimmy Cliff says

    Grammatical error:
    .. worked with him in Europe and ‘become’ friends with him …

    • As you see above, there are instructions to spot the mistakes in the letter. The mistakes are listed in the comments below the letter.

  22. Gaurvansh says

    Really useful

  23. Alex Paul says

    Dear Liz,
    Thank you very much for the model answer. I have a doubt.

    Should we put our own signature and name at the end for closing Letter writing task? Or should we use an arbitrary one?
    Yours Sincerely,
    Alex Paul

  24. Krishnaprasad says


    For the letter to the Editor, I was wondering why should the letter end with Your’s faithfully, instead of Your’s sincerely ? This is a formal letter right written to an editor and it has Dear Sir in the title.

    • Did you read this page properly? This page is a letter which consists of errors that you need to spot. It is written:

      Spot the errors in the letter below to find out why this letter didn’t get band 9.

      Please read my lessons more carefully.

      • Dear Liz,
        I really appreciate your efforts and prompt replies. Actually I had the same doubt as mentioned in above comment. In the tips it is clearly written to use ‘yours sincerely’ in formal letters. Whereas, u suggested to write ‘yours faithfully’ instead in the given situation . What could be a reason behind it. Kindly explain.

  25. anureet says

    Hello mam
    Your site is very helpful for all the students and for me also
    But I have little bit confusion about the gt letter
    i:e can I mention the date in letter

    • As you see with my model letters, there is no date at the start of the letter. This isn’t a real letter – it’s an English test.

  26. Deeksha says

    Hi. I have just subscribed to one of your Advanced writing lessons. I’m overwhelmed how you explain and help exam takers score better bands.
    Would like to ask is “advertisement” same as article? The question says article.. can i talk about the advertisement that was posted for a sale of a car by my close relative has incorrect information?

    • The article has a number of meanings. You need to give me a full question for me to answer you.

  27. Dear Sir,
    I am writing this letter in reference to recent article published in your newspaper on 23rd April in the innovation section of page 4.The article about production of subsidised cotton with the help of local farmers and woman.
    However , I would like to point out an error regarding the location of the production activity involved. The actual location is Nageshwar whereas in the article it says Mangleshwar.I know this from the fact that I have visited the facility myself and the social worker is a good friend of mine.
    I hope you will publish this correction in the newspaper as the work is of tremendous importance to social workers and the capital ventures funding it
    looking for a positive reply
    kind regards,

  28. Dung Pham says

    Hi Liz,
    As I know when we write a letter, we should indent the first line of each paragraph and leave one line between the paragraphs so that the letter will look nicer. Besides, when I write a letter, the part of “signing off” is written on the right hand corner and ends with a comma. However, when I look at the sample letters in Ielts, I have not seen anything similar. Can you please tell me if what I have known before is wrong?
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Best regards,
    Dung Pham

    • IELTS do not require the things you have mentioned. The examiner is looking for clear paragraphs and that’s all.

      • Hello Liz,

        Great work here. The question raised by Dung Pham is exactly what I wanted to ask before seeing his post. However, your response didn’t clearly state what is to be done. I kindly want to seek your indulgence on specific response especially on the issue of “paragraphing”- should I leave a line in between paragraphs or indent? It is important as the letter is handwritten and where I don’t have a strategy to use on test day, first 2 minutes may set in confusion as to what is the best approach. I experienced it during my first test and I guess it’s better to be prepared to the last nitty gritty details for this 2nd attempt.

        Thanks Liz.

        • The examiner needs to see clear paragraphing – that’s all. There are no other rules. You can indent or you can leave an empty line between paragraphs. The latter is easier for the examiner to see.

  29. ashuhay says

    Dear Sir,

    I am writing this letter with regards to an article published last Saturday in your newspaper about Mr Smith.

    The article was about his political involvement starting from high school through to the parliament where he is now serving as a member. The newsletter stated that Mr Smith served as president of the student council for four years, from 2002 to 2006, while he studied his undergraduate degree at the University of London.

    However, I was his classmate during that time and I know him very well that he only served two out of four years as a president. In both 2002 and 2003, he was a candidate but lost the election and the winner of both years was a lady named Margaret. You can verify this from the university’s registrar as they keep all records.

    Finally, I would like you to correct the mistake by taking my letter as a first-hand information and by doing your investigation regarding this case. If you do not do that, in my opinion, it will reduce the credibility of the newspaper as the information you are publishing are not accurate.

    Looking forward to reading the updated article.

    Yours faithfully
    Mr Johnson Clarke

  30. Vimal Kamothi says

    Hi Liz,

    Is it fine to write task 1 and task 2 using pencils ? This is in order to erase in case of made any mistakes and can change the sentences.


  31. Heather Mary Herbert says

    Hi Liz,

    In this letter sample you have mentioned that there are 4 problems with it. The last problem you have pointed out is that it has been signed off without a title.
    Can you please tell me if it’s really necessary to sign off formal/semi-formal letters with a title? I checked in your list of tips for letter writing but I didn’t see you mention it there.(maybe I missed it?)
    For e.g: Is this how it should be?
    Yours faithfully
    Ms.Heather Herbert

    • For formal letters, you can use a title if you want. However, some people nowadays don’t. But you will need both the first name and family name. For an informal letter, you sign off only with your first name and never with a title.

  32. Patricia Cortezzi says

    Liz, I really, really like your website and tips. You’re one of the best online IELTS teachers ever!

  33. Evana Rahman says

    Hi Liz. Do I need to mention date on top left corner while writing letter?

  34. Dear Liz,
    First of all bundle of thanks for your videos and precious IELTS material.
    I could not find General IELTS writing Task 1 videos on youtube. However tips i have received. Can you please share the link if there are vidoes.

    • Sorry, I don’t have any videos made for GT yet. Don’t forget you can learn from all my writing task 2 lessons because they are the same for academic and gt tests.

  35. Hi Liz,
    My question is regarding the pattern of a letter. Do we have to leave a 2 finger space when we begin a new paragraph in a letter?

    • No, it isn’t necessary. You can just leave one line empty between paragraphs.

      • Nishant says

        Hi Liz,

        In regards to this, what if someone leave no line empty and just start from mid of next line.

        • It is fine to indent. As long as your paragraphs are clearly visible – that’s the most important thing.

          • Navneet Kaur says

            Hi mam,
            Do we have to leave a line between yours faithfully and name ..or should be written without any line gap.

  36. Bhupinder says

    Hello mam,
    I have one question regarding ielts GT writing task one which is letter. I want to know in the end of the letter after yours faithfully or yours sincerely name is written or not ? For instance
    Yours faithfully,
    Bhupinder Pal
    Yours sincerely,
    Bhupinder pal
    Or I have to write only yours faithfully without name ?

  37. HITESH says

    Mam ,
    You are a gem. God bless you.

  38. Sandeep says

    Hello mam…i want to confirm one it mandatory to write date in the end of formal and semiformal letters?

  39. Hi Liz,

    Thanks for your lessons. I have a few questions regarding this writing task.

    I’ve been using the IELTS Master website to practice my writing and I noticed that they don’t sign off with titles in their names (formal letters included). Could one lose marks for not including a title when they sign off? Also, when I tried out this question, I wrote about my close friend’s business. Is this acceptable or do we have to write about the person specifically?


    • You won’t lose marks if you don’t use a title. However, for a formal letters you MUST write your full name. But for an informal letter you write only your first name.

  40. Hariom says

    Hi Liz
    I want to clarify my doubt.

    If the answer is 25% as per the information provided.
    Instruction is given as NOT MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
    How shud I write the answer as;
    Twenty five percent or 25 per cent or 25%

    Is per cent counted as two words or one?

    • Always write “25%”, although the other options are possible.

      • Hi Liz,

        A quick question. When the instruction says NOT MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR ONE NUMBER, do this mean its just three words or a number?
        is this below example correct?
        25% OF THE TOTAL (This contains both the three words and a number)

        • It means it can be three words and a number, two words and a number, one word and a number but not four words with a number. It could also be a number only.

  41. Noureldin says

    Dear Liz,
    Thank you for being very helpful through all the past months and all your videos and tips.
    I scheduled my Ielts exam (General practice) on 13th May 2017. I did many Listing, Reading and Writing tests and i am doing vocabularies. Now, that i am in the stage of running out of plans, and need your advise for the strategies of the 11 days to the exam. Please please advise.

    • Liz says

      Have you done practice tests? I mean full tests under exam conditions. This means you get authentic tests published by IELTS and do listening, reading and writing in 2 hours 40 mins without a break – also including using answer sheets etc. You MUST start practising full tests. You can find a link to one free test here:

    • Bruno says

      I’m taking the exam the 13rd too. I have done a lot of practice with the IELTS BOOK. Unfortunately for GT there are 2 Reading and Writing per book, but the listening is the same for both GT and AC, so you have plenty of excersices to do (4 listening and speaking per book). Wish the best for you.

      • Noureldin says

        Hi Bruno,
        Thank you for your concern and advise, to repay you :), try the” Cambridge Ielts 11 book for General training, there are 4 tests (listening, reading, writing and speaking), they were very helpful. and i suggest -as well- to try what Liz advised me to do full authentic Ielts timed test. All the best.
        PS: when you said IELTS BOOK, did you mean Cambridge book or other book?

  42. I have a question regarding contradictions. you mentioned we should not use contradictions in a formal writing. How about speaking test , for example, task 3, ( discussion). We should not use contradiction in a formal speaking either ?

    • The IELTS speaking test is not formal – the entire speaking test is informal. Also you are marked on pronunciation, using “it’s” is a pronunciation feature which is good for your band score. So, for speaking, yes use contractions.

      • thank you, liz
        than I should not use passive sentence in the speaking test either ?

        • You use passive voice when it is grammatically correct to use it, for example “the building was constructed in 2010” or “the story was written …” – these sentences might be needed in either writing or speaking. Remember this is a language test, it is about using English correctly and selecting the right tense to use at the right time. Review your basic and intermediate English grammar.

          • Hello Liz,
            Yes, but for example,
            it is argued that ……or I could argue that ….
            These sentences are too formal for speaking test, even for task 3 ?

            • It is argued…” is about other people’s opinions. “I could argue that…” is not usually used in answering direct speaking questions. This is not a formal speaking test. You need to relax and speak naturally. Imagine you are talking to a friend.


    Hi Liz,

    Thanks so much for your online videos,they helped during my preparation. My writing band moved up to band 7 after following your recommendations.

    God bless you.

    Best Online IELTS teacher,no doubt

    • i’m so impressed! Well done! It’s not easy to boost your writing score to 7. You should be proud of that!! And thank you for saying my online materials helped you. Thank you for supporting me 🙂

  44. Tushar says

    Hi Liz,

    I am bit perplexed with one of the sentences used in the second paragraph of the letter. Is it right to use become friends instead of became friends?

  45. Hello Liz, you mentioned that task 2 for academic has 2 options, 4 or 5 paragraph in total. Does this mean I can write two supporting ideas after introduction ( like firstly, secondly and then conclusion) if I want 4 paragraph ? And does it also the same for task 2 general ? I am asking this because when I learned academic writing, i was taught I need 3 supporting ideas between introduction and conclusion.

  46. Ahmad says

    Hi Liz,
    Thanks you very much for such brilliant sample test with answer.
    When you repeated University, why you wrote it with capital (U) and without an article (THE) as you were talking about a definite university? As far I was thinking, it should be (and then went to the university).

    Please elaborate,

    Yours sincerely,

  47. Milkes says

    I really appreciate your teaching style and the tips you mentioned ,however i have a comment on your webpages that it is not interactive that mean too many links .

    • Each link is a free page of tips. Surely that’s good? All links are accessed through the main pages: Sure it’s great for students to see a page with such a long list of links providing free lessons. Let me know what you think – I’m interested to know because I’m planning to redesign my website.

      • Siddharth says

        Hi Liz,

        With so many links, a student tends to loose focus on what he/she was reading earlier. Otherwise, your website is amazing and it is the best source to access some wonderful tips for IELTS.

  48. Timmy says

    Hello Liz,
    I want to ask is there penalty for someone who write above 150 words? If the wordings is above 150 words can this earn the candidate additional marks.

    • You MUST write over 150 words. These are the rules. If you write under the word count, you will be penalised.

  49. Deepika Gupta says

    Liz, I feel this answer is not in line with the task. The question says you must know the person. How can one write about some famous person? Thanks

  50. Amit Sinha says

    Hi Liz,

    I am grateful to you for indeed an amazing job that you are doing of imparting your precious knowledge .
    I have to take ielts general exam on 13th may and i am struggling with writing.Recently i saw I recently saw a discussion essay question and tried to answer it.Would you help me understanding my errors.Here it goes.

    question : “Prevention is better than cure”.Researching and treating disease is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventive measures.

    answer. It is often argued that money should be spent wisely in preventive measures rather spending in treatment of diseases.In my opinion,i believe that it is always better to spend in prevention of diseases.This essay will discuss that how a precise planning with the help of insurance policies ,and regular health check up support this view.

    Firstly,an effective planning of dealing with health issues should be the first priority.This is because it will allow us to refrain from spending enormous amount of money at the time of treatment of disease.Also,with th growing competition between companies offering policies,it is now easy to afford their interest rate.For instance,Bajaj health insurance policy offers a plan of 4 lackhs with a monthly interst of Rs 1000 which is quite affordable.Thus it is agreed that it is sagacious way of saving money for unpredictable situation.

    Secondly,a regular health checkup ensures that we are spending our income on right place.Consultation with a doctor makes us aware of possible health issues and ways of dealing with it.Although it requires us to spend money on regular basis,but it is always appreciated as it saves us from potential damages.

    In conclusion,it is agreed that spending on prevention is way better than putting our expenditure in treatment of ailments which requires us to spend major part of our saving.Individuals should decide wisely about right investment when it comes to health issues.

  51. Ashish says

    Dear Liz

    Thank you for the wonderful lessons you give . You are a true blessing to me and to many I believe.
    I have my test on 29th of April and I am aiming for a bandscore 8. I want to make sure I score well in writing .
    Would you please tell me if I understand the below points right .
    1. Dear Sir/Madam—Yours faithfully
    2. Dear Mr. John—-Yours sincerely
    3. Dear Jamie ( an informal letter to a friend)
    Can I use just


    Ashish is my name . Or should I use” Yours lovingly ” and then name?

    Can you please send me the link of few sample greetings and closing to score high.

    Thank you so much for all the help. 😊

    • We only really use “Love” when it is a family member or a very very close friend. Never use “Yours lovingly”. Just write “See you soon” or “Take care” – keep it simple – keep it accurate.

    • Hafswa says

      Ill be sitting for same exams same day 29th

  52. Hong Nghia says

    Dear teacher ! in Vietnam, until now nobody even Ietls training schools mention about this- change to write a letter. So how i can adopt with this, i have only 1 months left to take the exam.

  53. Işıl says

    Hello Liz,

    I am so happy to see that you shared GT writing exercises too.

  54. tvivek says

    can we use template for the task 2 for academic

  55. ganesh pawar says

    great article mam..
    keep us guiding, as im preparing for IELTS general

  56. Thank you so much like 4 this post

  57. Simon Bullock says

    Hi Liz
    I love your site and strongly encourage all my students to use it.
    Just a small point regarding your model General writing Task 1.
    ‘Dear Sir… yours sincerely’
    Have things changed? I was always taught that with ‘Sir/Madam’ we use ‘yours faithfully’.

    • I’ve highlighted a couple of points which prevent this model letter from getting band score 9. It still scores highly as the content and use of English is mostly flexible and the majority is accurate.

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