IELTS Essay Questions for 2022

Below is a list of predicted IELTS Writing Task 2 essay topics for this year, 2022. As usual, these topics are based on common topics, current world issues and trending topics. Both GT and Academic candidates should prepare from the list below.

On this page, you will find:

  • List of types of essay questions
  • Essay Topics for 2022
  • Useful Links for lessons & tips

IELTS Essay Types in 2022

There are five types of essay questions in IELTS Writing Task 2. You will not know which type of essay you will be given. So, you must prepare for all types. When you read the 2022 Essay Topics list below, be ready for that topic to be phrased in different ways for different essay types. Be prepared to be flexible!!

  1. Opinion Essay – agree/disagree/ partial agreement
  2. Discussion Essay – discuss both sides
  3. Advantage / Disadvantage – includes outweigh essay
  4. Cause / Problem / Solution Essays
  5. Direct Question Essays – Positive . Negative Development / one question / two question / three question essays

Click here to learn how to spot which type of essay you have: IELTS Essay Types

IELTS Essay Topics for 2022

I’ve organised the predicted IELTS essay questions below and highlighted the topics I feel are more likely to appear. All topics in IELTS essays are current world issues and known society concerns. Our world today is mainly focused on health, work, technology, internet and other aspects of life.


  1. is art important
  2. what can children learn from art, drama etc
  3. is literature important to teach in schools
  4. should the government fund artists
  5. what people gain from live events
  6. should art be censored
  7. does art transcend the language barrier

Books & Reading

  1. e-books – pros and cons
  2. are libraries a thing of the past
  3. children reading story books in their free time
  4. adults reading children’s stories

Business & Money

  1. family run businesses – pros and cons
  2. should we save or spend
  3. should companies be responsible for their employees’ health
  4. why some people do not save
  5. should money management be taught in schools
  6. is dress code or uniforms important in a company
  7. why do some people get into debt
  8. spending money on unnecessary items / luxury goods
  9. supporting small local businesses
  10. buying local or foreign products
  11. relocating companies to the countryside away from city centers – pros and cons
  12. factors in business success
  13. is the layout of an office important

Character & People

  1. is leadership innate
  2. factors behind success
  3. are people more impatient than before
  4. are older people as respected as they should be
  5. people who follow fashion trends
  6. keeping up with the Joneses
  7. individuality or conformity in schools 
  8. why do some people struggle with change
  9. are people less respectful of the elderly nowadays
  10. are people becoming less formal

Crime & Punishment

  1. fixed punishment for a crime or should circumstances play a role in deciding punishment
  2. prisons – pros and cons
  3. stopping ex-convicts from re-offending
  4. how to reduce crime in society
  5. do some films encourage criminal behaviour
  6. should teenage offenders get the same punishment as adult offenders
  7. why people watch crime shows on TV
  8. online crimes
  9. is safety a personal or government responsibility


  1. are museums and art galleries important
  2. can children gain from visiting museums and galleries
  3. should the government support artists
  4. should schools prioritise science over the Arts
  5. importance of traditional clothes and music
  6. how tourism is changing local cultures
  7. how can the government / schools preserve traditional culture
  8. globalisation – will cultures be lost
  9. how has the internet affect culture around the world
  10. are public celebrations important for culture
  11. people spending a lot of money on weddings and celebrations
  12. do foreign films change local culture


  1. discipline in schools
  2. pros and cons of learning online
  3. is science and technology important to teach
  4. are university degrees more important than experience
  5. how can people learn soft skills, such as communication, personal skills etc
  6. homework for children – an aid to learning or too much pressure
  7. who influences children most – teachers or parents
  8. teaching good values – teachers or parents
  9. are children from poor backgrounds disadvantaged in education
  10. is history important to learn
  11. studying abroad
  12. children of different abilities should be taught separately
  13. home schooling pros and cons
  14. education in cities compared to rural areas
  15. how to make learning interesting for children
  16. all education should be free

Environment, Nature & Wildlife

  1. protecting trees/ endangered species – causes / problems / solutions
  2. how to educate people about environmental problems
  3. noise pollution / air pollution / water pollution – causes / solutions
  4. how to tackle littering
  5. importance of tackling climate change – causes, problems, solutions
  6. importance of spending time in nature
  7. are wild animals important
  8. testing consumer products on animals
  9. children having pets
  10. who should protect the environment: individuals or governments


  1. what is the generation gap and how can it be tackled
  2. can children benefit from a close relationship with their grandparents
  3. should women with children go to work
  4. are family roles changing within the family
  5. who should support elderly family members: family or government
  6. is it important for family members to spend time together
  7. why do some couples choose not to have children
  8. parents should give children the freedom to make their own mistakes


  1. is our food culture changing
  2. is it important to keep traditional meals
  3. why do people eat junk food if it is unhealthy
  4. should families eat together
  5. is animal welfare important to know about when buying meat in supermarkets
  6. what information would stop you buying a certain product
  7. what is a balanced diet
  8. why are some people vegetarian 


  1. should all health care be free – pros and cons
  2. is public health a personal responsibility or the responsibility of the government
  3. sugar as a cause of health problems
  4. problems with junk food
  5. importance of mental health
  6. tackling obesity in society / in children
  7. health problems connected to using screens
  8. how to encourage children to do more exercise
  9. why people take up meditation, yoga or taichi
  10. walking, cycling to work pros and cons
  11. funding prevention or treatments

Language & Communication

  1. are text messages / emails / video calls a good form of communication
  2. pros and cons of one global language
  3. how has the internet changed the way we communicate and socialise
  4. should children learn a foreign language at an early age
  5. is handwriting a thing of the past
  6. will snail mail one day disappear
  7. difficulties learning a foreign language


  1. are holidays important
  2. why is leisure time important
  3. are hobbies important
  4. spending time in nature
  5. children spending time playing together
  6. do people value leisure time more nowadays
  7. why do people watch so much TV in their free time
  8. Is watching TV a good leisure activity
  9. what leisure activities are best for children
  10. should children do homework or have fun in their leisure time

Media & The Internet

  1. social media and our image of beauty
  2. shopping online pros and cons
  3. how the internet has changed the way we work
  4. importance of accuracy in historical films
  5. does the internet make people feel more connected
  6. online streaming for films – pros and cons
  7. problems sharing personal information online
  8. reality TV stars
  9. what makes a film successful – stars, special effects or story
  10. meeting new people online
  11. how advertising influences people – billboards, internet pop ups, brand placement in films, social media
  12. celebrities as role models for children
  13. are newspapers a thing of the past now that news can be found online
  14. unreliable news or information online


  1. technology makes people lazy
  2. pros and cons of smart phones
  3. technology in the work place results in job losses
  4. technology and solving pollution / environmental problems
  5. technology, science and health
  6. government spending on space exploration or health care social services
  7. how has technology changed our lives / the way we work
  8. how has technology helped mankind


  1. pros and cons of a traffic free zone in city centers
  2. way to reduce pollution from cars
  3. should driving tests be obligatory every 5 years
  4. how to reduce traffic congestion in city centers
  5. pros and cons of plane travel
  6. how to ensure road safety
  7. should we all use electric cars
  8. people over 80 should not be allowed to drive


  1. experiencing foreign countries on TV rather than travelling there
  2. conforming to the culture of the country you are visiting
  3. pros and cons of tourism on the domestic economy
  4. adventure holidays
  5. tourism and environmental factors (including wildlife)
  6. pros and cons of taking holidays on your own country
  7. tourism and its impact on the country


  1. what children learn from team sports and individual sports
  2. should sports teach competition or cooperation
  3. should schools increase physical education lessons
  4. benefits of exercise, walking, cycling
  5. should sports stars be paid so much
  6. companies sponsor sports events and teams for advertising – pros and cons
  7. sports professionals earning high salaries compared to doctors or nurses
  8. why people do adventure sports
  9. importance of international sports competitions

World Issues & Social Issues

  1. how can homelessness be tackled
  2. should world issues be solved nationally or internationally
  3. closing the gap between rich and poor countries
  4. rich countries should support poor countries at any cost
  5. overpopulation – problems / solutions
  6. people are living longer – pros and cons
  7. should charities help people locally or nationally
  8. are charities important
  9. more people are raising money for charities – why, is this a good thing
  10. living in the countryside or city – pros and cons
  11. food wastage / increase in world food demand
  12. (affordable) housing shortage – solutions
  13. migration of workers from rural to urban areas
  14. taking care of the elderly – family or government responsibility
  15. lack of good education in under-developed countries


  1. pros and cons of working from home
  2. work-life balance
  3. pros and cons of being self-employed / working for a company
  4. bosses contacting people on their days off
  5. importance of holidays from work
  6. both parents working – how it impacts children
  7. is team working skills
  8. job satisfaction or salary
  9. working online pros and cons
  10. work-life balance
  11. pros and cons of technology / machines at work
  • Was this list useful to you?
  • Did you get one of these topics in your test?


Click below to access some useful lessons and tips for your IELTS essay

How to write an introduction

List of keywords for essay writing

How to use the last 5 mins in your writing test

How long should your essay be

All Free Writing Task 2 Lessons and Tips


  1. Shoua Senior School Teacher Iqbal says

    hello everyone.
    I am preparing for the IELTS exam. kindly read my essay and suggests me with better writing skills.
    “Newspaper less important nowadays” agree or disagree? Comments

    Few people considered newspapers less important nowadays but others do differ with the statement
    In present world the demand of newspapers are declined as the people are more tend towards news and updates from internet and they focus least on hands-on paper as they found them of no use as the same stuff is available through internet (in the form of online newspaper).On the other hand people do have collection of newspaper piled up and they found them of no use. People are now well thought out that newspaper printing is useless and waste of resources; above mention are the views of few people not everyone. Moreover other people agree with the fact that reading newspaper online is better than collecting and piling them at home but they also don’t let the fact go away that continuously reading newspaper online may affect the eyes and it may create eyesight disease.
    After mentioning few general public views about newspaper I will proceed further along with the advantages of newspapers ,Firstly newspapers consists of interesting articles and write-ups that provides vast knowledge ,Secondly we can improve reading skills ,grammar vocabulary and speaking power too. Old newspapers can be used in projects by students in the form of recycle material as an example of solid waste management.
    I will conclude by saying that newspaper is less important for few people but for other people it is still very useful nowadays.

  2. Mahmoud shaat says

    Scientists agree that many people are eating too much junk food and it is damaging their health. Some people think that these problems can be solved by educating people to eat less junk food. Other people believe that education will not work. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.

  3. hello dear Liz. I’m going to take my exam on 10th of July. Is it possible if these topics would come in my exam too?
    thanks in advance

    • Yes, these topics as well as the common essay topics could easily appear with different wording.

  4. I’m confused. The predicted topics don’t have any essay type. How to know the essay type of predicted topics that u have highlighted?

    • There are topics, not questions. As long as you can prepare ideas for topics, you can adapt them to any type of essay.

  5. Hii , Liz I’m beginner in this field Nd don’t
    know how can I collect good ideas to do better in writing task 2 … And how to practice for it

  6. Priscilla Peter says

    Thank you Liz. I scored a band 8 overall!

  7. Roger says

    Greeting Liz. I hope you’re good. I prepared for IELTS academic in just three weeks using your materials. I needed a minimum of 7 in all aspects and an overall of 7.5. These are my scores: Listening 8.5, Reading 8.5, Writing 7.0, Speaking 7.5. Overall 8.0. Thanks alot for your kindness. God bless you.

  8. Archu says

    Hi Liz,
    I love your videos in YouTube and your blog has been extremely helpful for my preparation of IELTS exam. Thank you.
    Sending you lots of love and best wishes from Bhutan 💜❤

  9. Zeel says

    Hello Liz,
    I just gave a mock writing test and it deducted my band score by 1 for using a clichés which was ‘a waste of time’. Will the same happen in the real test?
    Can you give a list of other clichés which we cannot use in the test [ apart from the ones given on the site ].


    • I’m not sure precisely the expressions you use as you mention only one. The expression “a waste of time” is completely fine to use in any Writing Task 2 essay. It is idiomatic, suitable for formal writing and good to use.

  10. Preshy says

    Thank you do much Liz.i started reading your tips recently and that Is when I started to understand what I need to do.your content is so easy to understand.

  11. Zabrina says

    Hi Liz,

    I’ve purchased your grammar book and all I can say is I should’ve bought this book ages ago. It was really useful and there so many “oo..” moments when I was learning using the pdf. I also agree with you that it’s not just for students who are taking Ielts, but also for life! this has helped me to unlearn and learn the correct ways of speaking and writing English. Thanks once again.

    • Thank you so much for leaving your comment. I really love hearing feedback on my work, particularly on that Grammar E-book. I poured my health and soul into it and tried to find ways to make grammar easy. I often feel that grammar is written by academics for academic people, but not for normal everyday people. I always felt that if grammar was explained and illustrated more clearly, it wouldn’t be so difficult. This really gives me a great boost. I’m going in the right direction with my teaching. Thank you very very much 🙂

  12. mimie says

    Hi liz,
    I just want to express my joy on your comeback. I tried to contact you concerning your health. With your recent activity on your website, i am convinced that your have recovered.

    • Unfortunately, I haven’t recovered yet. I feel a bit stronger which is why I’m trying to get new posts out on my site. Hopefully this year will see me get stronger as times passes.

      • Lucy Castillo-Miranda says

        Praying for you, Liz. Please know that I have been learning from all your posts. You are a very smart teacher and content-creator. All are useful!

        God bless you with better and improved health this 2022



    Thanks mum wish you speedy recovery.

  14. Sumith Perera says

    You are a real teacher who can effectively deliver the lesson. Looks very kind and cool teacher.May thanks. Stay blessed.

  15. walter says

    I need contact someone of Ieltsliz. I bought this year in the store but I cant access to it.
    Can someone help me PLEASE!

    • I’ve just emailed you. Can you check your inbox and spam folder for my email. Thanks.

  16. Sakib Akon says

    Thank you so much Mam Liz . We all miss you so much . I pray to Allah that you get well soon and get you back on youtube .

  17. Thanks for the useful information but I miss you on you tube. Why don’t you make videos again?

    • I’ve been sick for a long time and I’m still sick which prevents me making videos. You can read my story here:

      • Lan Anh says

        HI liz.. thank you so much for your sharing. How strong you are Liz. Even I have never met you before but I really admire you. Thank you..thank you so much for your dedication. As you said knowing that help a lot of people reach their goals is the best way to live . We extremely appreciate your time, your support Liz. Wish you all the best.

  18. It’s truly helpful for preparing oneself with these resources particularly writing task 2 topics and ideas. I got a lot of websites for Ielts preparation but this one is well organised to follow. Thanks a lot liz for providing us such quality materials.❤️

  19. Shadeen says

    LIZ , I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH. SCORED A BAND 8 ON MY FIRST TRY!!! 8.5 in listening , 8.5 in reading , 7.5 in writing , 7 in speaking – overall 8.

    • A great result!! Very well done 🙂

      • Dr. Yash Saini says

        Thank You So Much Liz! You are gem of a person. I also got an overall band 8.5 on my first attempt. Your methodological teaching videos on youtube and this website’s practice lessons were my prime source of preparation. Much love.
        Dr. Yash

  20. Thank you Liz for providing these topics.. Are these predicted topics only for paper based ielts or for computer based as well???

    • They are for the IELTS test this year. It makes no difference if you take the test on the computer or on paper.

  21. So helpful topics. Thanks for providing such valuable content🥰.

  22. Thankyou liz..its very very helpful

  23. Rosemary says

    A very big thank you for these essay topics.It is indeed valuable.

  24. No Name says

    Thank you very much, this information was very useful for us🙏🥰

  25. Latha Iyer says

    Thank you so much,Liz for providing such valuable information.

  26. Many thanks for your constant support for the students, stay blessed 🙏🏻

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