My “Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics” E-book is now available to purchase. Below is a sample chapter and a link to my Online Store.
The e-book covers ideas for over 150 key essay topics that frequently appear in IELTS writing task 2. The ideas are presented as vocabulary exercises. The e-book comes in pdf form and also comes with a free introduction video helping you understand more about using ideas in your essay.
Below is a link to a sample chapter. Click to purchase: IELTS Liz Online Store

Download Sample Chapter
The sample chapter below is for the topic of Family in IELTS writing task 2. Each section of this topic is based on typical IELTS essay questions.
Download: Ebook Ideas for Topics Sample Chapter
Answer Key for Sample Chapter
Click below to reveal the answers to this sample chapter:
AnswersParents or Teachers Should Discipline Children
1 obedience
2 to lack discipline
3 to reward sb
4 well-behaved
The Family is Smaller than Before
1 f 2 a 3 d 4 e 5 b 6 c
Women Having Children Later in Life
1 c 2 e 3 d 4 b 5 a
Childless Marriages
1 responsibilities
2 burden
3 devoted
4 revolve
5 abnormal
Children are unsure of who they might live with afterwards. This is an argument against divorce.
Each parent can devote quality time to their children rather than quantity. This is an argument for divorce.
1 d 2 e 3 b 4 c 5 a
Single Parent Families
1 emotional distress
2 (a) role model
3 dysfunctional
4 upbringing
5 financial strain
Children Spending More Time with Grandparents
1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a
1 For 2 Against 3 For 4 Against
More Ideas for this topic:
For | Against | |
· Children can gain a sense of security from knowing an extended family. · Children can learn about past skills and lifestyles. · Children can learn to appreciate family values. |
· A grandparent’s values might differ from that of the parents. · Children might not value their grandparents if they see them too often. · Grandparents might not have the energy to make the time with their grandchildren enjoyable. |
Both Parents Working
1 and
2 of
3 a
4 a
5 it
Care of the Elderly: Families should be Responsible
1 (-) 2 (+) 3 (+) 4 (+) 5 (+) 6 (-) 7 (-) 8 (+) 9 (-) 10 (-) 11 (+) 12 (-)
Researching Family History
1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 b
Click for Ideas E-book: IELTS Liz Online Store. You can also find my Advanced Writing Task 2 lessons in my store.
All the best
Hi Liz
I purchased your Ebook for ielts essays. However, once the payment was confirmed paypal redirected to your home page, and I am not able to access the product.
Neither, have I got any mail regarding to access the product nor could I get anything in the login section.
Your help would be really appreciated.
Go to the bottom of the page on my store front for information about how to access your e-books and lessons: For emails, always wait around 24 hours and check your spam folder in case it ends up in there.
Hi Liz
I have been trying to take advantage of the discount promo you offered on your books, but I don’t know how to make the payment. I’m from Nigeria and getting a Paypal account is proving very difficult for me .
Please help me out
If you don’t have paypal, try asking a friend to make the payment for you.
Is the purchasing link working fine? Coz I’m clicking on that, but it shows me 403 error. Doesn’t seem to work.
I’m having the same problem. I can’t access my store. Hopefully it’ll get sorted tomorrow. Update: I’ve just checked it and it’s working fine again.
Hello Ma’am,
Which book I should purchase for ideas? I am confused between advanced book and ielts writing ideas?
I am facing issues with idea generation only.
I have two e-books.
1) Ideas for Essay Topics
2) Grammar for Writing Task 2
You will need the first one to learn ideas and vocabulary for topics. Here’s a link to my store:
Thanks mam. It helps me a lot. I got 8 in writing.😇
Brilliant!! I’m really please for you – very well done 🙂 I’m so glad the e-book was useful 🙂
Hello Liz, where can I get a discount for your writing advanced lessons? Hope to hear from you soon.
You can find it here today and tomorrow:
It looks like a very useful book. I have a question on the sample chapter here. To me, the ideas included in the chapter would work as main ideas, however, supporting ideas are not available here. Do you have any suggestion on how to develop supporting ideas?
People get confused about what supporting ideas are. Supporting points are just explanation. It means you explain the idea using an example or illustration or comparison or conditional statement or result or concession or cause etc etc. It is just about making the idea clearer. Each idea will be used and presented differently depending on the essay type and the question which is why supporting points are not something you learn ahead of time. This e-book provides you with main ideas for most common topics.
Dear Liz,
I am from Bangladesh. I am facing some difficulties purchasing your ebook. Whenever I go to purchase the book, in the country section there is no mention of Bangladesh. How can I buy the book now?
If your country does not use paypal, you will need to ask a friend to buy the lessons for you.
Hello Liz, I need your help with one of the task 2 type question such as :
In many places,new homes are needed, but only space available for building them is in countryside. Some people believe it is more important to protect country side and not build new homes. What is your opinion about this ?
In such scenario do we explain both sides for the statement or just the one I agree with ?
You give your opinion on the issues given. This means your opinion covers all aspects of the question. I’m not sure what you mean about both sides? There is only one issue in this question, not two issues. The issues are not building in the countryside or building in the city. The only issue is if you should build in the countryside. Your whole essay explains your view on this.
Oh, got it! Thank you Liz.
I’ve my test day after tomorrow, wish me luck.
Best of luck!! 🙂
Hi Liz, thank you VERY MUCH for your effort ! I ‘ve got your classes on writing and i find them extremely helpful!
In my last IELTS the essay was about ” causes and problems of throwaway society”.
Assuming the intro should follow your tips, and the body parts could be 1 for the causes and 1 for the problems, I will be grateful if you could me give some tips for the conclusion because I had an hard time trying to think how to end it.
Most cause/problem or cause/solution essays have the causes in one body paragraph and the solutions in the other. The conclusion summarises the main points – focusing mostly on solutions.
please confirm me exact date and time when u will remove discount from e-book ?
It finished already, sorry.
I have just given my test IELTS
Speaking part 1
Name and city?
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Your favourite room?
How often you smile?
All 3 questions on a smile
Part 3 cue card
Talk a problem solved through internet?
Name of the problem?
How you solved the problem?
How did you feel about?
Follow up question
On merits or demerits of the internet?
Effect on children?
Thanks for sharing 🙂
IT is still available today – I will remove it tomorrow morning.
Dear Mam,
I am trying to get your ebook of ideas for writing task-2. I have contacted a financial organization here in Bangladesh to make the payment on behalf of me using PayPal payment system. They asked me to make sure that how I can get the product after successful completion of the payment as there is no option of putting customer email address through which buyer would get the product.
Moreover, in the country selection section, there is no option for selecting Bangladesh so that we cannot provide proper “Billing Address”. (Though there is a space below the Billing address section to put an email for receiving payment confirmation notification)
Please guide me in this regard so that I can get the e-book with the current discount rate before it gets expired.
If someone else buys it for you, you need to know the name and email used for the purchase (paypal usually gives an ID transaction number as well which is useful to have). With that information, I can check my records and send you the link personally.
I emailed you explaining the above situation, but after not having any response I made a comment here and you responded. Where should I send the transaction detail, here or in the email? If it is possible, I would like to share the information through email and you may send the e-book in reply. Thanks
It is best to send the information by email. However, please title the email: I made a Purchase and Need the Link. Because I get so many emails each day, it is important you use the right title to get my attention. I’ll look out for your email today.
Hi. Litz My name is Sushanti and I’m from USA.
I bought this today. I paid 12 USD,but never got any email. I have checked my junk mail too. I too
have the picture of the page where it says :”your payment was complete”.
I have emailed you back but you haven’t replied. Can you check your email? Thanks.
I’m trying to purchase your e-book as well as your writing task 2 videos, but, it’s not taking my payment using my credit card. What can I do? please help me out.
I have heard of people having this problem in some areas. Try opening a paypal account and using that to purchase what you want. Or ask a friend to buy the lessons or e-book for you.
You opened my eyes to IELTS test!
Thank you so much Liz!
Hi Liz,
I have purchased your E-book and videos of writing.This book is amazing. Thank you for writing this book. Definitely it will help me to increase my writing band score. I need reading tips video lessons like writing. I sent you mail two times regarding the reading videos. Kindly provide me the reading video course so that I can improve my score in reading as well.
Unfortunately, I don’t have Advanced lessons for reading. You should visit the reading section of this website, which is free, to watch the free video lesson and get free practice lessons – click on the RED BAR at the top of the. Glad you like the e-book 🙂
Hi Liz, I wonder if it contains model essays for both task 1 and task 2 of ielts acad?
It is a list of ideas for topics. There are no model essays. You can see model essays for free on this site: click on the RED BAR at the top of the website and go to the relevant section of the test.
Hi Liz, I have purchased your E-book but I cannot locate the 12-min introduction video. Can you please help me where I can see it?
Hi Liz, I can see it in IE browser, but not in Chrome. Anyway, thanks for your E-book, it is quite helpful.
That’s really strange. It plays for me when I use chrome. I wonder if anyone else has had this problem?
Hi Liz,thank you so much for your e-book.just now I purchased your e-book and went through all chapters…it’s amazing n worth to buy..till now I was not confident to take exam date for ielts as I m weak in writing…but now aftr I purchased Ur book …I am going to take a test soon…I just love voice😍
I’m really pleased you found the e-book useful 🙂 Which voice do you mean? Do you mean my voice on the video?
Good luck with your test !
Yes mam!!!It’s your beautiful voice …I just luv it…
This ebook is awesome it contains vocabulary and ideas are perfectly well written and organised for candidates taking IELTS and it is worth the money.
I’m really pleased 🙂 Thanks for your feedback 🙂
Hi liz
With the help of your videos and material I managed to secure overall 7.5 with barely one week of preparation. I had also used your material for ielts academicn in 2017 and managed to secure 7.5 with barely a weeks preparation.
Now my wife also needs to give ielts and her overall score was 5.5 to 6 1 year back with 2 months preparation which included coaching. At present I have assumed responsibility of coaching her I just can’t figure out where to start. I would be genuinely grateful for some advice.
Thank you
It’s best to start with a full practice test which you can get for free on the BC website. Then make a list of all the areas she needs to work on. It will also give you a starting point in terms of score which you can then reflect back on. For writing, start with basic structure, then work on variations for different essay questions, then other aspects of writing. For speaking, review the understanding of each part, then review common topics and common questions in each part. Once that is done, start recording practice questions for speaking and playing them back to hear what needs improving. There is no right or wrong way to start – just be systematic.
Hi Liz, Do you think your new ebook would work for TOEFL Writing Section as well?
I don’t know enough about TOELF to say, sorry.
Hi Liz,
To be quite honest, I have followed your teaching cautiously, searched the net for valuable info for IELTS and have participated in online lessons for IELTS and I am yet to see anyone match your approach to TEACHING/EXPLAINING IELTS. Matter-of-factly, you are AWESOME and one in a million. Thanks for your unconditional devotion and patience. I am buying the e-book straight posting this
Thank you so much for your kind comment. That really brings a smile to my face – it’s so nice that people find my lessons useful 🙂
Hello Liz, hope you are doing well. I am already halfway through the first module and it is perfect. Needlessly to say, you have done a stupendous job(as always). Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I’m so pleased you are enjoying it and finding it useful 🙂 Thanks for letting me know. Your opinion means a lot to me 🙂
Hi Liz ,
Thank you so much for writing the e-book. I just purchased it, and already went through the first chapter on advertisements. I couldn’t stop myself from writing a comment , the book is amazing and to the point and worth buying. I am taking the IELTS in coming week, and striving to achieve an 8 on writing module of academic training.
I’m so pleased 🙂 I really hope this will help you towards your band 8 goal. Remember that your aim in your essay is for accuracy in language and being on point, relevant, extended, organised and connected with ideas. Keep that in mind 🙂
Hi Liz,
Can I have a sample of a few pages?
I posted a sample chapter a while ago. Since then this particular chapter has been altered slightly to include higher level vocabulary: