Common English Names for Boys

Below is a list of common English names for boys. You will also find an audio so that you can listen to the pronunciation of the names as well. For students preparing for their IELTS test, it is useful to learn common English names for your listening section 1.

Next to some names are the nicknames. These are familiar names often used instead of the real name. You can also listen to common girls’ names or watch a video with practice listening for names.

Boys Names

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  2. Begoyim says

    Hi Liz. Your speech is very nicer than others

  3. Surabhi says

    Hi Liz,

    I had a doubt, so if there are names like Jeff, can we go with either Jeff or Geoff?
    There must be a lot of names like so.

    • Any doubt in spelling will be made clear by the recording. IELTS is not a trap, it is a test designed by professionals. So, confusing names with be spelled out.

    • I honestly couldn’t tell the difference between both names to be honest. They sound the same to me. Jeff. Geoff. lmao!!!

  4. Amosun-Akindele R. Oyenike says

    PLEASE, I need clarification on spelling of some names. Is it Mathew or Matthew; Philip or Phillip; Jonathan or Jonathon? Thanks in anticipation.

    • If there is ever room for confusing in how a name is written, IELTS will spell the name.

  5. ijeoma onwuzulike says

    You are simply amazing Liz

  6. Anurag says

    While writing the names, can we put ‘.’ after the initials? E.g. ‘A. R. Beevers’

  7. Ed Flores says

    Liz you’re simply amazing!
    Thank you so much for all your useful tips, I’m taking the IELTs test in two weeks, I hope to give you good news about my score.


  8. Hi!Liz I love you very much… Your doing a great job,there are veru few people in the world who do such a good deed..🌹
    (NeverGive up)

  9. Elizabeth Acheampong says

    Hi Liz,
    In fact you are one of the most wonderful teachers I have ever met. Your style of teaching is exceptional yet you render it for free. Thank you very much for your effort. God will reward you for this Ma.

  10. I wish for you all the best. Sincerely. Thanks a lot.

  11. wahid Arif says

    Thank you Liz, this block really helps me. God bless you

  12. Ozoda says

    Hi Liz ! I`am from Uzbekistan and I just Love you ! Thank you so much for everything !

  13. Husneara says

    Thanks a lot

  14. Hi Liz ! I love your pages very much. But I wonder if you could tell me how to differentiate between Jon and John ?

    • John is the traditional spelling. If the spelling is different, IELTS will tell you. The pronunciation is the same.

  15. Miraphona Ivy Liu says

    Hey Liz,
    I highly appreciated on your effort of teaching us the vocabs, yet I wonder why is there no name starts with letter X in your list.

  16. John Paul says

    Hi Liz,
    In the provided name list , I can see Steven (Steve) . Does that mean instead of Steven I can write Steve or both are common names ?.

    • In IELTS, you must write the words or names exactly as you hear them. I have given you information about usual nicknames that are common with particular names so that you can understand the connection between names and nicknames in English.

  17. hi Liz,
    which one is right form MATTHEW or MATHEW?
    one T or two TT.

  18. Ramanjot Rani says

    Your teaching and techniques really awsome mam,you are a wonderful and well-known tutor for me

  19. Nandakishor Reddy says

    Hi Liz Mam,

    Your teaching and techniques are awesome, you are great teacher. I am able to see lot of improvement in my IELTS listing,. It’s all because of your tips. Thanks a lot mam.

  20. Hi, Liz
    Thanks a lot for your website and helpful videos for IETLS. To get more bands in IELTS.


    Hi Liz,
    Can we answer whole name of a person in capital letter to avoid the miss of initial letter as capital?

  22. Majid says

    Hi Liz, Is it necessary to put dot after letters J and K in J.K. Rowling?

  23. Gargi says

    I am confused between Jeff and Geoff. Pronounciation of both the names is same.
    What should I write in Exam?

  24. Khyati says

    Hi LIZ ..I wanted to enquire whether MRS. HILARY MITCHEL is correct? Is it required to put a dot after MRS ?

    • The dot is optional.

      • Hi Liz thank u so much for ur beautiful lesson wts d name of ur blog to check out some exam tips,I really appreciate u so much for ur video teachings u re d best

  25. KAPEEL says

    Hi Liz
    is it necessary to write Names in Capital letters JHON or we can write in Small letter jhon
    or it could be mix of both capital and small letters eg jHoN

  26. احلام حبيب says

    Thanks alot for ur amazing tips as well as fabulouse vidios its help me anot🙂

  27. Anil Babria says

    Hi Liz,

    Thanks a lot for such a nice information and practice lessons,
    I have a query though, if i am writing everything in UPPER letters in the answer sheet then do i need to write John Smith for example as JOHN SMITH or John Smith ? Request you to please clarify this.

  28. Hamim Sharif says

    Hi Liz,
    If i heard a nmae like Anthomy, Can i write Tony in answer sheet? Or if i heard Tony, Can i write Anthony?

  29. Great Videos, Liz. Thankyou so much.

  30. Qadamkhear says

    Dear Liz you are amazing teacher, really I can’t find sufficient wards to describe you. God bless you for your amazing work.

  31. Zainab yasser says

    Great thanks to you liz, you are a very good teacher
    Your lectures help me alot .
    Thanks very much
    Best regard

  32. Mahmood says

    Thank you very much.

  33. Seth Kwabena Asare Okrah says

    Useful tips and keep up with thw good work Liz

  34. Taranjit Singh says

    Thank You so much Liz. Your tips, videos and other material are really worth. Keep doing this good work.

  35. Nitish Sharma says

    Thanks a lot liz

  36. Ranjit Singh says

    Hi Liz.

    I don’t see you applying dots after names abbrevation or titles, for example Mrs. Smith is shown as Mrs Smith.
    Similary Dr.Davis is shown as Dr Davis
    is it correct to add dots to the titles?

  37. MANAL says

    Thank you so much I always study from your lessons thank you sooooooooo much you are great teacher . By the way, you have very beautiful smile.

    Thanks My God keep you .

  38. Omar Camacho says

    Thanks for your lessons. These are very helpful to improve the basic skills.


  39. your guidance and support is excellent.
    Thanks a lot!

  40. Zeeshan Haider says

    Hi Liz!

    Simon OR Simmon ??? which spelling is correct??

  41. David D. Seyaker says

    Your God will continue his blessings in your life. Your website is helping students who have no means of purchasing books and online materials. Thank you so much.

    Best regards,


  42. Thank you very much Liz, your blog is a haven for us students who really want to ace ielts. I am extremely joyful that i found this.

  43. Ghayyoor Usman says

    You are such a wonderful person!

  44. Angus says

    Hi there!

    I always forget to write capital letters with some places or other words that needed to write as a capital letter.In this case,do you recommend me to use all capital letters in my listening paper?As I have actually never tried or heard people using all capital letters on their listening paper,so I am a bit afraid of that.My test will be on next week.

    Thank you

    • Angus says

      Hello Liz!

      Is me again.I have got some more questions to ask.If I wrote all my answers in capital letters,how about in Roman numbers or some kind of multiple choice questions?I mean if the Roman numbers and multiple choice questions on the question paper are like i,ii,iii…and a,b,c,d,e…In this case,should I still answer those questions in capital letters or I need to follow the question paper and write lower cases?

      Likewise,I would also like to ask if I am unsure of a singular word or plural work,can I write for example like shoe(s)?Is that correct?One more question,when I hear a time for instance half past three in the afternoon,which form should I write?I mean is 3:00p.m. correct?As I have seen some answers like 3.00pm.I am actually not quite sure which is correct because I usually use the form like 3:00p.m.

      Could you please give me some advice?

      Thank you

  45. Hello there,
    I hear same prononciation in the name Jeff and Geoff…how to find out the difference

  46. Mohammad Zakaria says

    Hi Liz thanks in advance.
    The listening instruction is ONE WORD ANDIOR A NUMBER

    I put the answer “two-directions” but in cambridge 7 shows “2 directions”.

    Is my answer correct?
    If not, why?

  47. Hi Liz,

    It’s very helpful
    Is the spell of ‘Jonathon’ right?
    I think it’s “Jonathan” with A

  48. Hi Liz,

    Thanks for the helpful list.

    I would like to ask you about Writing answer NAME in the answer sheet
    For example:
    Can I write MATTHEW : MATT


    • You must write down exactly what you hear. You can’t change words.
      All the best

      • Basanta Parajuli says

        Hi liz, I’m from Nepal.
        Thanks a lot for this incredible job you did. It is so helpful for me.

  49. Oh!! mam

    It is so helpful to me.

    Is it possible to you to post the common cities name for IELTS?

    It’s may be also useful to us.


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