IELTS Essays: Five Types of IELTS Essays

There are 5 types of IELTS essays which can appear in IELTS writing task 2. These types of essays are for both GT and Academic writing task 2. Below you will find sample essay questions for each type of essay and links to model answers. 

Please note that IELTS teachers sometimes divide essays into different categories based on how they teach. This means IELTS and teachers give essays different names and categorise them differently.

1) IELTS Opinion Essay

This type of essay is where you are presented with someone else’s opinion and you are asked if you agree or disagree with it. The opinion is often flawed or extreme in its views. Some teachers call this the Argumentative Essay. The instructions can be written in a number of ways. Below are a few examples:

  • Do you agree or disagree?
  • Do you agree?
  • What do you think?
  • To what extent do you agree?
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • What is your opinion?

No matter how the instructions are written, you can take any position you want: agree, disagree or partial agreement (balanced view). Below is an example essay question:

Some people think that only electric cars should be allowed on the road by 2040. Do you agree?


  • IELTS will not tell you which type of essay you are given. You must identify the essay type yourself by looking at the instructions and the task given.
  • The biggest mistake for an opinion essay is not giving a clear opinion. Writing “this essay will show that…” does not express your own opinion. Your opinion must be clear and remain the same opinion throughout the entire essay.
  • Another problem is when people sit on the fence without any clear opinion. A balanced view does not mean you agree with both sides fully. You can’t turn an opinion essay into a discussion essay.

2) IELTS Discussion Essay

This type of essay presents you with a statement and you must present the two sides. This might be two sides of the same issue:

Some people think there should be free health care for all people, but others disagree. Discuss both sides.

Or it might be two separate issues which you need to discuss:

Some people think that urban spaces should be used for parks rather than for housing. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

3) IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Essays

There are two types of questions in this category.

i) Advantage and Disadvantage Essay

This is similar to a discussion essay where you are given a statement must present the positive and negative side of the issue:

Some people think it is good for students to take a gap year before going to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing so?

ii) Outweigh Essay

This is by far the most difficult of the two essay types in this category. It requires you to present an opinion and explain your opinion.

Some people think the world will eventually have only one language. Do you think the advantages of having one global language outweigh the disadvantages?

4) IELTS Solution Essays

There are a number of types of possible questions in this category:

i) Solution Only Essay

Some children have serious weight problems. What are the possible solutions?

ii) Cause Solution Essay

Children in rural areas are being left behind in their academic development. Why is this is the case? What solutions can you suggest?

iii) Problem Solution Essay

More and more people are moving to cities to look for work. What problems does this cause? What are the possible solutions?

iv) Cause Effect Essay

More and more people are moving from the countryside to cities. Why is this? What problems does it cause?

5) Direct Questions Essays

Some teachers call these the Double Question Essays or Two Question Essays. However, these types of essay questions might contain one, two or three questions for you to answer. Below are some examples.

Pollution around the world is becoming a serious problem. Do you think this is a problem that should be solved internationally or on a local level?

In the question above, you are asked one specific question. Your whole essay must tackle this question only.

More and more people are choosing to work from home. Is this a positive or negative development?

This essay question has just one issue and one question. You must explain what type of development you think working from home is.

Some people spend a lot of money on weddings. Why do they do this? Do you think it is good to spend a lot of money on weddings?

Above, you will see you have been presented with two questions to answer: reasons and opinion (evaluating if it is good or not.) 

News editors decide what to print in newspapers and what to broadcast on TV. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more news was reported?

It is not common to be given three questions. However, it has appeared in the test before so I’ve included it in this list.


Practice Essay Questions for IELTS

You can find over 100 essay questions to practice on this page: 100 IELTS Essay Questions. The questions are divided first into topics and then into essay types. This way you can get lots of practice before your actual test day.

Model Essays & Tips

You can find model essays for each type of IELTS writing task 2 on this page: IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Essays & Tips. You’ll also find tips for essay structure, paragraphing, linking words etc. Everything on this website is free for you to use.

Advanced Writing Task 2 Lessons

I also have advanced lessons for IELTS essays in my store which take you step by step through the techniques of writing a high band score essay. You can find my store here: Liz’s Advanced IELTS Store.



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  1. When the question is asking, do you agree or disagree, should I give opinion about both sides or should I choose one side and just talk about it throughout the essay?

    • This is an essay asking for your opinion. IELTS will not force you to choose one side as your opinion. You can choose any opinion you want – a one sided view or a partial agreement (specific view point / balanced view). However, what you can’t do is turn it into a Discussion Essay with a neutral stance – you must have a position. See my advanced lessons for more help and details training:

  2. Hi Lizz!

    I faces the problem about the structure.
    Some teachers (including Ieltsadvantage) that in advantages/disadvantages, problems/solutions we should write 2 ideas in each paragraphs, because task asks list them in a plural form. However, I think 40 minutes is not enough to reveal totally 4 ideas in an essay. Please, what If I write only by 1 ideas in each body part? Will it impact my score in criteria Task response?

    • You need to be careful of teachers who give you black and white rules for IELTS essays. Such a rule does not exist in the marking criteria. Yes, the instructions mention plurals, but if you have only one main advantage, that is fine. A body paragraph with two advantages can hit the same band score as a body paragraph with only one advantage. So, if you can only think of one advantage, you can still get a band score 9 as long as it is well developed and each sentence is highly focused.

      • Thanks a lot for your reply.

        However, I’m still worried about it. Are there exact statements from IELTS examiners? Because it sounds logically. If the task asks in a plural form, writing only one will not cover all the task and may affect my score in first criteria.

        How to be with that? Have u faced with essays which got 8-9, writing only 1 ideas in each paragraph?

        • IELTS cannot penalise a person because that person knows of only one advantage and not two advantages. This does not exist in the marking criteria for Task Response. Ideas are marked, not on quantity or number of ideas, but on how relevant the ideas are and how well developed an idea is. Having just one relevant advantage in a paragraph allows for that idea to be well developed. Having two relevant advantages also allows for enough development for a high score. Having three advantages does not allow for sufficient development. Yes, it is entirely possible to get band 9 with only one main advantage.

  3. Hi Liz,
    I have a question about the Discussion Type of essay. should I discuss both sides in a third-person perspective, or in a first-person perspective? Moreover, can I show my attitude when discussing both sides or can I just talk about them neutrally and give my opinion in a separate paragraph?
    Thanks a lot!

    • The discussion essay is about other people’s views. You discuss both of these views. You are usually also asked to give your opinion so you should state which side you agree with or if you have a sightly different, specific view of your own. You can find model essays and tips for free on this page: If you need detailed training for each type of IELTS essay, see my advanced lessons:

      • Thanks a lot, Liz. I got it!
        So I can write ‘some people believe…’ since I’m discussing other people’s views. But I also need to write something like ‘I think…’ to show my point of view.
        Is that correct?

  4. Junaid Zaman says

    Hello Liz,
    For direct question essays like “Pollution around the world is becoming a serious problem. Do you think this is a problem that should be solved internationally or on a local level?”
    Can I answer these questions by saying “In my opinion, this matter should addressed equally on both the international level and local levels”
    And then I can write 1 paragraph where locals can take responsibility for cleaning, recycling, etc.
    2nd paragraph for reducing car use, stopping deforestation, etc.

    • This is asking you to have an opinion rather than discuss both sides equally. If you wish for a more balanced view, it cannot involve sitting on the fence. However, you can quantify your opinion. For example, pollution that is global must involve countries working together (meaning it needs international involvement), where as local issues can be solved domestically. All examples of such types of pollution would be given in the body paragraphs. Basically, your thesis statement must be carefully written to avoid sitting on the fence without an opinion.

      • Junaid Zaman says

        Ohhhh I got it!!
        So if i wrote “Pollution is becoming a major global issue. However, while I believe that addressing it on a international level will be beneficial to the environment, I agree it is more important for locals to take the responsibility and care to reduce pollution.”
        and then like you said I will write more details and examples for both in seperate paragraphs
        Will this be better?

        • This is still similar to a discussion essay. A specific view point (balanced view) is when you divide things clearly. For example, in the situation A this side dominates, but in situation B something else dominates. For example, it actually isn’t possible to tackle microplastic in our oceans unless it is on the global scale. So, dividing your view into types of pollution is the key.

          Here’s another example of an essay question: parents, not schools, should be responsible for teaching moral ethics to children. Do you agree?

          With this Opinion Essay, it is not an opinion to say both parents and schools are important – that’s a discussion essay with both sides equal at all times and in all circumstances. A specific view point would be to say “it depends on the age of the child” – likewise, it depends on the type of pollution in the essay question previously. So, with this example of children and moral ethics, you could say that when children are young, parents have a stronger influence so therefore should be responsible, but when they are older, schools should take the responsibility. A specific view point (balanced view / partial agreement) means you’ve drawn a line in the sand which forms your opinion and your opinion depends on certain things.

          If this type of approach is confusing, don’t try it because to get it wrong, don’t help your score. But there are certain essay questions when this approach is really really helpful to have conquered.

          • Junaid Zaman says

            Thank you so much, Liz!!
            I am so grateful for you to help me out like this.
            So if I wrote “Pollution is becoming a major global issue. In my opinion, this problem should be addressed on an international level but when it comes to smaller issues, locals should take some responsibility to handle it.”

            I use this approach a lot because it is easier for me to generate ideas and separate them into paragraphs. I find it scary to just totally agree, it is kind of difficult for me to write towards only one side.

            Thank you so much once again.

            • Your thesis statement leans towards believing that most pollution needs to be solved internationally. When you say “this problem should be addressed internationally”, it means that this is your main belief and local problems present less of an issue. It’s a possible approach but reality doesn’t support it. Instead, it’s about saying “it depends on the type of pollution”. It’s about not choosing to side with one solution or saying one solution is more important, but saying, we need to look at this from a different angle, such as the types of pollution. For example – with pollution types A and B, we need international efforts, but with pollution C and D it needs to be local. Of course, the types of pollution are kept for the body paragraphs.

              You could write:
              In my opinion, whether pollution should be tackled internationally or locally depends on the type of pollution and whether the problem extends beyond borders. (using the words “it depends” allows for you to present a specific view point.)

              Of you could write:
              I believe that certain types of pollution can only be tackled by international cooperation, whereas other issues need to be addressed locally. (saying “certain types of pollution” and “other issues” indicates you plan to be specific about the types in your essay – and your body paragraphs would make it very very clear precisely which issues must have international cooperation and which must be addressed locally instead.)

              Be careful of saying this is about big or small issues. Some local types of pollution are critical and deadly – they are not small issues. Don’t forget IELTS is a language test, you need to practice being careful with your words and also careful with your ideas. The more awareness of ideas and language you show in your essay, the better your score. But never never take chances – always be cautious to avoid errors.

              I totally agree that taking a specific view point can be easier when it comes to unique ideas for separate body paragraphs. But the challenge is the way you approach and present those ideas.

              • Junaid Zaman says

                Thank you so so so much, Liz!! I actually understand so much better now. I have to read the question properly and understand it. It makes so much sense to tackle it according to the type of pollution.

                • Just think this way – you’re saying – I’m not going to choose one side only because the reality is that “it depends” – it depends on certain factors, it depends on circumstances, it depends on types, it depends on age, it depends on X and Y … etc. Sorry it took me time to get to the point – it’s evening and I’m pretty tired. But I think you’ve got it 🙂

  5. hi Liz,
    i couldn’t find the sample answers link, which you have mentioned above.
    i wanted to know the ans structure for each of these 5 essay types.

    • I’ve just edited the page above and put a link to model essays. Check the page again and see the link.

  6. Hi Liz,
    I really hope you can recover completely soon. I just started to read your blog very carefully today. My friend, who used to be a former IELTS examiner, highly recommended your blog to me. I have taken IELTS three times. 7.5 for both GT and A. However, my writing stayed at 6.5 without improvements. I want to ask whether I should find a writing teacher to coach me hand in hand. I will have my next exam on Nov. 3. I do hope to reach 7 as this time it will be very critical for me.
    Thank you and look forward to your reply.

    • There are a number of reasons why people don’t hit band score 7 in writing:
      1) Task Response – people don’t tackle the issue precisely and extremely directly. Instead they add extra details and extra sentences that aren’t really required, thus lowering their score.
      2) Task Response – their topic sentences are not well written which means the rest of the body paragraph also lacks focus.
      3) Task Response – they haven’t fully understood the issue given.
      4) Grammar – they aim for complex sentences which are actually not fully controlled and contain errors. This is usually because they aim to impress rather than aim for accuracy. Avoiding errors as much as possible is key for band 7.
      5) Vocabulary – they try to paraphrase at times when they shouldn’t and this leads to poor word choice which lowers their score.
      6) Their body paragraphs do not contain unique points and supporting points over lap from one body paragraph to another – Coherence & Cohesion
      7) They fail to give a direct opinion when asked or they sit on the fence – Task Response
      8) They write a limited overview in task 1 instead of a full overview with plenty of key features – Task Achievement
      9) They spread key features in body paragraphs and overview which lowers their score – Task Achievement and Coherence & Cohesion
      10) Their body paragraphs are confusing and information jumps about – Coherence & Cohesion
      11) They lack data to support their statements in the body paragraphs – Task Response

      Those are some of the key reasons for not hitting band 7 in writing. As you see, Task Response in the task 2 essay is one of the main reasons. With language, it is mainly poor choices and lack of control. And the other really key reason is task 1 – people often forget that although task 1 is 33% of their marks, those marks can often make a difference between band 6 and band 7.

      One other reason I didn’t mention for not getting band 7 is that each time people fail to hit their band 7, they make their writing more and more complicated thinking this is the way to improve their score, when in fact they are going in the totally wrong direction and getting worse. Before you spend money on a teacher, I would first recommend that you review my model essays on this website, which are all free: See the simplicity of how the essays are structured, see how clear the ideas are presented, see the equal development of each body paragraph – see how similar all model essays are – this is because that is the right way to write an IELTS essay. If you can learn simplicity of writing with clear structure, clear ideas and controlled language – you will improve. That page also contains loads of extra tips which are essential for a high score.

      Certainly, you could find a teacher and review your approach with them. Make sure whatever feedback they give you is not just a repetition of the band score descriptions, but advice based on your own writing. Try learning about the band scores and marking for yourself first so that you can judge how good the teacher is: And make sure the teacher is not trying to sell you special techniques that promise a good score, but instead help you bring your writing back under control with clear explanations relating to the marking criteria.

      I also have advanced writing task 2 lessons in my store which might help: They take you step by step through each paragraph. An IELTS essay isn’t complex, it is other people who make them overly complex thus reducing their score. If you are worried about your grammar, there is a grammar e-book which takes you through complex language and specific grammar features to get that higher score. It also reviews key grammar points like articles, prepositions, word order etc. That might help as well.

      But start with my free materials first because you might find that those are enough to clear your mind and review your approach. This is the page for task 1: Again, see how clear each model answer is and the general content, length etc.

      Good luck!

  7. hi liz,
    in this postive negatives development essay…can we write both type of developments?? is it okay to write it like…
    in my opinion there are certain postive as well as negative aspects of this development.
    can we write this…please answer

    • It is important that you do give your opinion. You are being asked “A or B?” – positive or negative. When you are asked to choose, it is your opinion that you express. You can’t sit on the fence. If some aspects of the issue are positive and other aspects are negative, you must be specific about that in your thesis statement. You can vaguely say it is both negative and positive.

  8. Hello, I’m gonna take up IELTS test in about 10 days. Firstly I thank you for helping me a lot through your work.
    In the outweigh essay, should I show contrast between why this is advantageous than the other and then present my opinion which means 2 body paragraphs
    Or else one body paragraph as advantages and second body paragraph as disadvantages and 3rd body paragraph as why advantages outperform the disadvantages and my opinion.
    Finally conclusion.
    Kindly help me with this

  9. Hi!!!! I’m gonna write my ielts test withing 10 days.
    Firstly I would like to thank you for your enormous support as I’ve learnt a lot from this website.
    So if the ielts writing question is like this – Discuss both sides and give your opinion. Should I write it with 3 body paragraphs like discussion on 1 side and then the other side and finally my opinion followed by conclusion.
    Or 1 body paragraph with both the sides and the next body paragraph with my opinion. Kindly help me with this

    • It depends if your opinion is the same as one of the sides given. If your opinion is the same, you can’t have a separate paragraph because you would be repeating the same points of agreement. So, in that case, just express that this is the part you also agree with. If your opinion is specific and doesn’t fully agree with either side, then you must have your own body paragraph to explain your opinion. Good luck in your test! If you struggle with any other writing, see my advanced lessons in my store:

  10. Phuong says

    hi liz, i am taking the ielts next month, so i sincerely hope u can answer my question soon. What about tasks that asks u to give both reasons and opinions? For example, “Research say fewer consumers are influenced by adverts nowadays. Why is this the case? Do you believe this to be a positive or negative development?”
    So what should be my approach to this question type? Should i focus on detaling the causes and state my opinion briefly at the end or should i dedicate one paragraph to each question?

    • As you see, your task contains two questions. You can’t decide that one question is more important than the other. They are both equally important. You must have a body paragraph that states the causes and you must have a body paragraph that explains why you think it might be more positive and less negative or more negative and less positive. Always approach IELTS in a logical manner.

  11. B Majumder says

    Hi Liz, I will take the test very soon but have some doubts regarding the Reading and Listening section. If in these sections, I write the wrong noun form, will my score be reduced? Suppose the answer is ‘bag’ but I have written ‘bags’, is it wrong?

    And also, if the answer is ‘not relevant’ but I have written ‘irrelevant’, will it be wrong?

    • Either your answer is 100% correct or it is wrong. If you write a singular noun but the answer is plural, your answer is wrong. You also can’t paraphrase answers. The answer must be written precisely as you hear it in the listening test or see it in the reading passage.

  12. Principle says

    Hello, Liz! I wonder can we hold a neutral view in “positive or negative” essays? I’ve found some questions that we really can have a balanced opinion online, so at this point what should I do?

    • The biggest problem people have is understanding the words “balanced view”. A balanced view is definitely NOT neutral. Not at all. If you take a neutral position for an opinion essay you will fail on Task Response and get a low score. A balanced view means you don’t have an extreme view, such as fully agree or fully disagree. It is more like a partial agreement, where there are aspects you are agreeing with, but not fully. Or it is a specific view point that is unique to you. But it not neutral. You must have a very clear opinion every time you are asked to give an opinion or to choose. See my advanced lessons if you struggle with it:

      • Principle says

        Thank you, Liz, but I’m afraid I didn’t make it very clear, I just wonder could we say both “negatives” and “positives” in such an essay? As in your model you just mentioned the positivities or negativities if I don’t make it wrong.

        • I’m sorry. I understand you. Yes, giving both positives and negatives is possible but not by sitting on the fence. You must still present them within your opinion. If you think the positives are more important then you make sure that is clear in your body paragraph and in that case you will also believe that the negatives, whilst existing, are less important – you also make that clear as well. Does that help? Let me know if I’ve miss understood your point.

          • Principle says

            Yeah, that’s very clear to me. Thank you again for your patience, Liz! That’s totally reasonable to me now!

  13. KAREM ORTIZ says

    Hello Liz, I just saw my test results and wanted to tell you about the questions they asked me here in Australia.

    In Task 1 of the writing section, they presented a table and a graph. The main topic was the number of internet searches made between 2004 and 2010. The table showed the total searches in 2004 in billions and the number of searches in 2010, also in billions. It was a line graph where the vertical axis showed the percentage and the horizontal axis showed the years (moths with years). The lines represented the different search engines like Google, Yahoo, and two others that I can’t remember.

    Regarding Task 2, the essay was about the issue of overweight. Some people think it could be solved by increasing the prices of fattening foods, and the question was how much I agreed with this. They asked for examples from personal or close experiences.

    Honestly, I didn’t achieve the required score, but still, this is an excellent source for studying, and I will continue using it to achieve the score I need. Thank you so much, Liz!

  14. Bishwa Nath Mishra says

    Hi Liz,
    I hope you are doing well.
    I really do not understand what kind of question is it. I think it is an opinion essay but sill have some doubts. Could you please tell me how to solve this kind of questions?
    “Many countries are experiencing population growth and need more homes. Should these new houses be constructed in existing cities or should new towns be built in the countryside?”

    • This is a Direct Question Essay with only one question. It is asking you for your opinion about two possible options. Your task is to decide if you think there should be housing rather than new towns or whether you think there should ne new towns instead of housing. You present your view and then explain it.

  15. Manisha gill says

    Hii dear liz,
    First of all thank you very much for providing us such kind of informative content. I have lot of learn things from your videos and written materials. I have an issue in grammer. Could you please give me any idea which would assist me to overcome my grammatical error….please let me know as soon as possible

  16. Tayyaba says

    Response to opinion based essay:

    Electric cars are progressively replacing non-electric cars by the end of 2040. While it is possible that electric ones will eventually replace the other cars, it is unlikely that they will end up serving the same purpose. This essay will discuss why only few electric cars will be carried out by people.

    Electric cars may eventually replace non-electric cars that are not compatible for the environment. Many people think that only electric powered vehicles should be allowed on the road because they emit far less emissions,and less maintenance is required. In China, for example many non-electric motors have been replaced by plug-in vehicles that are more environment friendly and budgeted. For these reasons, cars that can be replaced by electricity will be replaced.

    Conversely, there are multiple factors that only electric cars will not be allowed only. Put simply, these factors include affordability and infrastructure development. A necessary framework including charging stations, grid capacity must be required. Without charging stations, drivers may face anxiety and hesitant to switch to electric cars. Additionally, switching completely to electric ones will increase a demand of charging from the grid stations.

    It is increasingly likely that powered vehicles will end most non-powered cars. In most of the countries, traveling will be done entirely by electric cars; however, where the money and development are major issues they will always exist. Ultimately, addition of very few electrical cars is valuable but it is not a complete replacement of other cars.

    • Please get my advanced lessons to learn the correct way to write an IELTS essay: Each advanced lesson takes 1 hour for me to explain how to write one type of essay. It isn’t something I can explain in a short message. An IELTS essay has specific requirements which you need to learn about. If I could give you small pointers, I would. But you really need to learn the right way in detail.

  17. dear Liz
    i am very grateful to u for presenting helpful notes here. they are truly informative. i downloaded your series of grammar book last year and learned quite good topics that i used to find challenging. do you have any grammar notes for IELTS beginners?

    • Sorry, I don’t have anything for beginners. My Grammar E-book basically covers everything I can thing of. Is there something specific you are interested in? If you let me know, I could plan to create something.

      • Hlo mam ..I am not able to use proper grammer in task 1 ..and to be honest I don’t know which grammer is to be use in different graphs charts etc could u plz tell me mam..r can u plz tell me the accurate souce where ..would I find ..proper … instructions tht how to or what grammer we should use in task 1..I would be very helpful if u rply…??

        • I don’t have one page or one lesson which focuses on all aspects of grammar for all types of task 1 writing. I suggest you review all my model answers and make notes on sentence structure, tenses, prepositions, articles, noun phrases, clauses, word order etc etc. Model answers can be used for more than only studying structure or general content. Then review all practice lessons and also pay attention to the grammar being used. There’s a lot of free materials to study:

  18. deepa bhattrai says

    hy liz i want to sample answers of ielts academic writing task 2

    • Model essays and tips for writing task 2 are found on this page:

      • Hello Liz, please I want to be receiving updates to enable me prepare for my IELTS exam.

        • There are over 300 page of practice lessons, tips, model answers and topics on this website which you should be using now for your IELTS preparation. Go to the HOME page to learn how to use this website. I post new lessons and tips once or twice a month because my website already has so many tips and lessons.

      • Sajda Yagoub Abdallah Yousif says

        Hello mam, thank you for your great note in this important topic. In concern of how to organize the body of the essay writing I think it is hard to follow the arrangement of the question you gave on the note. Can use each paragraph for each opinion and add an introduction and a conculsion for that to develope my essay writing ?

  19. Hi Liz,
    Do I write and underline my headings for example, do I write an introduction underline, and do the same with other headings?

    My second question is do I write an introduction, overview, Paragraphs 1&2, then conclusion for task 2, essay writing?

  20. Fumie Maeno says

    Hi Liz, Kindly advise which are the two top essay types that frequently appears on the test day. I am expecting to take IELTS test two weeks from now and think I do not have enough time to practice all 5 question types. In addition, I assume that each question types are not equally tested. Thank you for your kindness.

    • No matter what people tell you, all the types of essays are possible. Focusing on only two is really taking a risk. You have two weeks before your test which is quite a lot of time to review the five types and ideas for topics as well. If I had to pick two types of essays, it would be the Opinion Essay and the Discussion Essay – but it really could be any type. Here is my advice, get my three advanced lessons for writing task 2, together they will cover three types of essays in three hours all together. This is a link to my store: For the other two types of essays, review my model essays on this page:, also review the linking words, how many paragraphs and other tips as well. Good luck!!

  21. Hello Liz, is it okay to use templates for writing task 2 that is available online some say it decrease our band score while others say it will increase our band scores. I am really confused at the moment.

    • If you are aiming for a low band score, it’s fine. If you are aiming for a higher band score, it won’t help. The examiners are trained to spot the difference between a templated essay with memorised language in it and an essay that shows your own level of English.

  22. Donatas says

    I learnt a lot from Your lessons and only because of You I achieved the score I was aiming for. Honestly, thank You very very much. You are doing a wonderful job.

    Best wishes from Lithuania!

    • I’m glad to hear you got the score you needed. Well done 🙂 Greetings to all in Lithuania!

  23. Hi Liz,

    I just want to ask, in the opinion essay, should we always present both sides? For instance, if the question only asks for our opinion on the matter (no mention of discussing both sides) should we still do it? Alternatively, can we just structure the essay to show our opinion and each paragraph elaborates on reasons why that is our opinion? Will doing it this way (not mentioning both sides) adversely affect our band score? Thank you!

  24. Faith Omoregbe says

    Thank you so much Liz. This video has been helpful.
    I have a question.

    In Britain, when someone gets old they often go to live in a home with other old people where there are nurses to look after them.
    Sometimes the government has to pay for this care.
    Who do you think should pay for this care, the government or the family?
    Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

    Is this an opinion essay which will follow exactly the structure you just taught or a discussion essay.

    • This is a Direct Question essay. Please remember that each teacher gives different names for essay types. I call this the Direct Question Essay because you are being given a direct question to answer. It might be one question, two or even three questions. Your whole essay explains your answer.

  25. Hi Liz
    Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
    What type of essay is this please?

  26. Zahid Hossain says

    Hello Liz:
    I recently came across this essay. My question is what type of essay is this? Do you have any model essays on this type of essay? The essay is:
    In your view, what is the most important thing for governments to spend money on: education, health, transportation, or something else? Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

    • You said that you “came across” this essay question. Where did you come across it? Did you find it in one of the IELTS Cambridge test books? Only use authentic test questions. If you don’t use proper sources for your IELTS preparation, you will easily get confused about the test and this won’t help your preparation.

      • Zahid Hossain says

        Thanks, Liz! This is now clear to me as I came across the question from a ‘model IELTS Essay topics’. published by a local company.

        • That sounds like the problem. You ought to use the IELTS Cambridge test books which are real test published by IELTS. I have collected over 100 essay questions over the years and they are also safe to use. You can find them linked to the main writing task 2 section of this site:

          • Zahid Hossain says

            Thank you, Liz, for your comments and the link. I wish you good health and happiness!

  27. Sakina says

    Hi Liz,

    Hope you are keeping well. I am not able to score more than 6.5 in my writing test. I have scored 8.5 in Listening, Reading & Speaking but writing disappoints every time. Where can I find model answer to evaluate where am I lacking? I have taken 2 computer based tests for far and scheduled 3rd one in 5 days. I need band score 7 in Writing to achieve my target.

  28. Amafa says

    Liz, thank you so much for your help.
    Two weeks ago I took the IELTS exam and surprisingly get 9 in Reading section!


    Hi Liz,I really need help with opinion essays especially for the part that asks to what extent do you agree or disagree?am I supposed to discuss both sides,thank you

  30. Hammed says

    Your materials and videos have sincerely been helpful. Thank you very much for such a selfless act. My exam is in a week time, I have only 10days to prepare for my IELTS GT.
    I would give you an update on how it goes.

  31. Neha Shah says

    Hi Liz!
    I am preparing for my IELTS and I have found your website very helpful, very precise information is given and it talk to the point.
    thank you for providing good content. keep up the great work.

    Neha Shah

  32. Swati says

    Thanks a lot Liz . Your materials and tutorials helped me a lot in my preparation for my IELTS . Followed your tips and videos for 3 weeks . Able to score 7.5 overall.

    Thank you again for the great help you provide.

  33. Thank you so much Liz for the work you do. Your videos, website and materials helped me in my preparations. I just got my results, it was a band 8 overall.
    Have a splendid 2022.

  34. Hi Liz
    I’m from Sri Lanka.
    Thank you for all your guidance.
    Today I sat for IELTS academic paper. Task 1 was a bar chart, percentage of young people in higher education in for countries in 3 years.
    Task 2- news has no connection with people’s life so it’s a waste of time to read best from newspaper and watch news program on tv. To which extent do you agree.
    I hope these will help you.

  35. Hi Liz,
    I follow all your videos and they are very helpful.
    I gave my speaking exam last week. But now I think the cue card question was to describe a leisure activity I enjoy and I talked about a leisure activity I am planning to enjoy.
    I am really worried if it will affect my band score. But my talk was fluent . Can you give me your insights?

    • It won’t make any difference to your score. As long as your talk is based on the main topic (leisure activity), it’s ok. Your score won’t be negatively impacted in any way at all.

  36. JANET OTIENO says

    Hi Liz, Im Janet from kenya. thank you for the good work you are doing. im preparing for my exams in 4 weeks time. your content is very helpful and I like the way you explain things. im a slow learner and i find your pace very good for me. Thank you again. keep up the good job.

  37. Thank you Liz

  38. Hi Liz, hope you are doing well.
    Liz I have silly question I know but I’m really stuck in this problem and I was wondering if you can help me with this issue..
    The problem is writing a topic sentence, you said in advanced lectures that topic sentence should be written carefully because it is kind of more important .. Please can you tell me that among these 2 topic sentences of BP1, which one is okay and looks relevant?

    1] Although we are living in prosperous times, with people in many countries enjoying a higher standard of living than ever before, there are still millions of people in the world who are living in poverty.

    2] Instead of wasting lots of money on exploration of space, governments ought to focus on local problems such as poverty eradication. There are millions of……

    Essay statement;
    Space exploration is a luxury that we cannot afford. Instead of spending billions of dollars on space programs, governments should use this money to fight global problems such as poverty, disease and climate change. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

    Kind regards

    • The first step is to underline the key words in the essay question: space exploration, spending billions, fighting global problems (examples). Now make sure your topic sentence covers those aspects. Neither of the topic sentences you have listed really works because, while the second one is obviously more carefully connected to the essay question, it doesn’t leave room for any other paragraph as you are tackling all problems in one paragraph. Also it switches from global problems to local problems which is confusing.
      However, in terms of which of your sentences connects to the essay question properly, it is the second one. This essay is all about funding for space exploration and whether it is relevant in today’s world or not given all our global problems.

      • EllaLovesLanguages says

        Hi Liz,

        I love your lessons and tips. They are really helpful and you are extraordinarily devoting. Here I have a question about the answer you left under Khola’s comment. What do you mean by “no room left for other paragraphs as you tackled all problems in one paragraph”?

        Looking forward to your response.


        • It means that if you put all your ideas into one paragraph, you won’t have any more ideas for other paragraphs. By choosing one main focal point for one paragraph, you have the ability to use other ideas for other paragraphs. So many people say “I can’t think of how to make my essay long enough”. The answer is to be more careful about how you use your ideas. First, brainstorm ideas. Then select the best ideas. Then decide carefully which ideas can go into which paragraph. Then pay attention as to whether some ideas should go together or some ideas should be separated into different paragraphs. There is a lot to think about in the planning stage. It is crucial to plan carefully and strategically.

  39. Miller says

    Electric cars are currently being developed by many well-known automotive companies. Many people still question whether electric cars are a feasible replacement for petrol and diesel-fuelled vehicles. In this essay, I will explore the opinions for and against the use of electric cars and their replacement of petrol and diesel-fuelled cars.

    On one hand, electric cars are environment friendly. They require no non-renewable energy and are clean to run and maintain on the road. To support this opinion, recent studies show that the use of electric cars helps to curb pollution in urban and rural areas. Clearly, electric cars are one way to tackle ecological concerns and support a ‘greener’ environment.

    On the other hand, electric cars are inconvenient to maintain and to dispose of. The driver of an electric vehicle must recharge his car approximately every 100 kms. In addition, the plutonium battery of an electric car is toxic to the environment and must be safely disposed of through expensive means. In brief, scientists are still exploring ways to produce these types of vehicles so that they are easier to manufacture, maintain and use safely.

    To sum up, it’s evident that there are both pros and cons of electric vehicles. Despite the expense of development and the inconvenience of recharging electric cars, I still believe strongly that it is well worth the investment to continue research and production of these vehicles. To conclude, we should remain open, supportive to the use of electric cars and to their development in the future.

  40. Reya says

    Recently i sat for IELTS exam, and the GT Writting Task 2 was about transport and they asked “ Do you think it has more advantages or more disadvantage?”

    For this would it be option question or Adv/Disadv question?
    How is the structure for that type?

    I wrote both sides and gave my opinion in the conclusion… but not sure if its right… i got 6.5 for writing.

    Also, if you can advise how they ask the questions to determine what type of essay it would be so it can easy for us to identify.

    Thanks and appreciate all your help.

    • Liz says

      That is an “outweigh” essay – do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

  41. Hi Liz
    I have my exam this week and searching for model questions for April 2021. I checked on your site but model essay questions were available till March so if you can recommend me to follow something for latest
    Also, can you please share me the link for model answers of March Model Essay Questions?

    I am eagerly waiting to hear from you.

    • The model essays are to be used for all years of the test. The topics are often recycled and the techniques for essay writing are 100% the same as always. The test format hasn’t changed and neither has the marking. All pages of this site are 100% relevant to the test today.

  42. indira says

    Hi Liz,

    I have purchased material from you in 2019 but somehow because of my system crash I could not recover anything. Please can you share the link to access the notes that will be very grateful as I want to reattempt IELTS again. Because of Corona, I was not in my town to connect with you regarding this.


  43. Akshdeep singh says

    I booked my test in May 2021
    I was just wondering which one is latest book i can refer?
    I have heard Cambridge books are best but I’m not aware about which version i should go for.
    Your help would be really appreciated

    • The IELTS Cambridge books are numbered, at present, from 1 to 15. Number 15 is the most recent and was published in 2020. However, all the books provide useful practice. The general format of the test has not changed. I personally would recommend books from 7 to 15. In July 2021, book 16 will be published.

  44. Dr. Lee says

    Hello Liz, this is my first message ever. I would like to thank you for your devotion.
    Can I start a “ solutions” body in the problem solution essay with “ to get around these problems “ as I found this linking device from the “ new scientist” journal whose translation is seemingly appropriate to that, at least to me.

    • This means a way to avoid the problem rather that solve the problem. So, it wouldn’t be appropriate for an IELTS essay which asks for solutions. It is better to use:
      The most effective way to tackle this problem is…
      X is the way to deal with this issue
      The answer to solving this problem is ….

  45. Hi Liz,
    In my exam I got the question of “Are there more advantages or more disadvantages” Is it similar to “Do advantages outweigh disadvantages” ?

  46. Reeta Rani says

    Thanks mam these are quite useful essays.

  47. Ibuje David says

    In the public version of the IELTS writing marking criteria, some linkers are called mechanical and it limit your band score. Some teachers say words like firstly,On one hand,on the other hand are example. I notice you use such words or phrases in ur sample essays. Are they really mechanical? Can you enlighten on what the band descriptors calls mechanical linker

    • The linkers themselves are not mechanical. All the linking words you have written are suitable for IELTS up to band score 9. The problem is how people use them. It is there use that becomes mechanical. If you have three paragraphs and each one starts with a linking words: Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, it is similar to a machine that always does the same thing each time. So, to avoid this you must be flexible. So, use all suitable linking words, but use them flexibly. The mechanical use of linking words is typical of a band 6 in Coherence and Cohesion. This means that if you are aiming for band 7 and above, you need to use signposting more flexibly.

  48. Your website and materials helped me a lot in my preparations for my ielts test.

    I scored a band 8 overall after about 4 weeks of regular practice.

    Thank you Liz for the work you do.

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