Rainforest Fires Listening Practice

This listening practice is based on the recent wildfires in the Amazon. I thought it would give you a chance to get your vocabulary and listening up to scratch with this topic. Don’t be surprised if you find this topic appearing in writing task 2 or in the speaking test. The environment is a common topic in all sections of the IELTS test.

Rainforest Listening Practice for IELTS

Questions 1- 6: Complete the sentences below using no more than two words.

  1. One in ten ………. on Earth live in the Amazon rainforest.
  2. These fires are actually visible from ………. .
  3. The fires affect thousands of mammal, reptile, ………….. and bird species.
  4. Animals trying to escape the fires by hiding may die from the flames, heat or ……………………..
  5. The consequences of changing ecosystems due to the fires can filter down to impact the …………
  6. The Amazon is known as the ……… of the planet.




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