Recommended Book List for IELTS

Below is a list of books that I recommend for your IELTS preparation. The first set of books are a must for IELTS and no student should be without one of them. The rest are useful books which you can get depending on your time limit and areas of weakness. There are many books for IELTS preparation on the market but these are the standard books that you will need.

Recommended IELTS Books

Below are some recommended books for IELTS Test Preparation. The most crucial book to buy is the first one on the list below.

IELTS Cambridge Test Books: Essential!

You MUST practice from real IELTS test published by IELTS if you want to prepare fully for your test. The IELTS Cambridge test books contain past test papers published by IELTS. They are the only authentic tests you can get. Whether you write your answers on paper or on computer, the test is the same and these books are your source for full test practice.

  1. Which number book to buy? The higher the number, the most recent the book. But the test hasn’t changed for a long time so all numbers of books are fine to use.
  2. Everyone should do at least one full test at home before taking their real test. Use these books for that purchase.
  3. You should use these books together with my free lessons. My lessons are designed to help you learn about question types, techniques, problems to avoid and to build confidence. Together with these test books, you will get a good training.
  4. For speaking, the questions and topics in these books are very limited. Use my collection of topics which you can find on this page: ALL SPEAKING TOPICS, TIPS AND MODEL ANSWERS.
  5. Avoid websites that claim to have real tests – they are illegal copies and often the answer keys are wrong. If you want to use real test, use these books. Note: I am not connected with IELTS – it is fact that these are the only authentic tests you can get.

IELTS Cambridge Recommended Books

Where to buy: These books can be bought from any amazon online store. They can be bought new or second hand. It might also be possible to find them in your local book stores.

Ideas for IELTS Essay Topics E-book

Ideas for over 150 IELTS essay topics for writing task 2. Suitable for both Academic and GT tests.

A great e-book with ideas and vocabulary to help increase your writing task 2 score. The level of language and ideas is targeting a higher band score.  It comes in pdf form.

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Where to buy: Available in my online store. Click here: IELTS Liz Online Store

Grammar for IELTS Writing Task 2 E-book

Learn complex grammar and key grammar features that are required for a high score. Develop more accurate grammar to avoid losing points. My Grammar E-book is to develop your English and increase your Grammar Score. A total of 270 pages with an extra workbooks of exercises.

Where to buy: Available now in Liz’s Store. Click here: Visit Store.

Other Useful IELTS Books

IELTS Official Practice Materials: If you have completed the above set of test papers (IELTS Cambridge Books), you should try these practice materials.


IELTS Trainer: This is a book which contains 6 practice tests for IELTS as well as some useful advice for tackling the test. Please note that the practice tests are not officially published by IELTS (they are not written by IELTS) but are still quite realistic and good practice. Also note that the practice test materials in this book are for the academic paper only.

ielts trainer book



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