How to write an IELTS Essay

Learn how to write a high band score IELTS essay step by step. You will find 15 key steps for a high score IELTS essay. These steps are for both GT and Academic Writing Task 2. After the steps listed below, you will find useful links that will help you learn more and develop the right skills necessary to be successful in IELTS.

Step by Step: How to tackle your IELTS essay

None of these steps below can be missed if you are aiming for a good score in your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay. Be strategic and focused in how you approach your IELTS essay. Failure to tackle the points below will result in a lower score. They are particularly important for candidates aiming for band 7 and above. For those candidates, you must fulfill the requirements of the higher band scores by following and mastering the steps below.

Step 1:ย Make sure you identify the type of essay you have been given. This essay is what I call a “Direct Questions” essay. There are two specific questions that you must answer. The first question is about cause. You must state the cause of this trend. The second question requires you to evaluate. This means you must present your opinion as to whether you think this is a good thing or a bad thing. Click here to learn about the Types of IELTS Essays.

Step 2: Before you plan your essay, think about the structure. You have two questions and they are of equal weight. This means you will have two body paragraphs. Both body paragraphs will have equal length. Click here to learn about how many paragraphs in your essay.

Step 3: Identify the issues in the essay question. The essay question above is very simple. It is about computer games. However, some IELTS essay questions are more complex so you must take time to identify the issue or issues.ย 

Step 4: Brainstorm main ideas. When you brainstorm main ideas. it does not mean you will use all your ideas in your essay. First, brainstorm ideas and after that select the best ideas. To prepare ideas, see this list of common essay topics.

Step 5: Develop supporting points. This is the step that most people miss. Most people plan their main ideas and then start writing. Your main ideas are certainly important, but the supporting points are equally as important. And this is the area where most people easily go off topic. So, using your planning time to prepare your supporting points. Don’t start writing until you are clear about the whole content of your body paragraphs.

Step 6: Think about linking for body paragraphs and supporting points. Linking is another area that is often forgotten during the test. Linking and paragraphing is crucial. They are also both very very easy for you to score high points in. So, never overlook these two points. Plan your paragraphs and make sure you are using a good range of appropriate linking words. Here is a list of keywords.

Step 7: Don’t waste time on your introduction. It is a functional paragraph which usually contains just two sentences. The bulk of the marks are in the body paragraphs.

Step 8: Read the essay question again before you start each body paragraph. This will help you make sure you are using the right language to present your ideas. People think having good ideas is enough. It is NOT enough. You must think about how you will present them. So, read the essay question again and get your bearings.

Step 9: Use a range of grammar features. This is not just about tense. There are a whole range of features that you can use to show your grammatical prowess.ย 

    1. noun phrases
    2. gerund noun phrases
    3. noun clauses
    4. language of probability
    5. relative clauses
    6. conditional statements
    7. Referencing
    8. quantifiers and intensifiers
    9. comparatives & superlatives
    10. passive voice

To learn more about grammar in Writing Task 2 and to avoid errors, consider my Grammar E-book whcih will help you boost your grammar score and improve your English. Click here to see a Preview of my Grammar E-book. My Grammar E-book is available in my online store: Liz’s Online Store

Step 10: Avoid errors in grammar: articles, pronouns, uncountable nouns, word order, tenses, complex sentences. The more errors you have, the lower your score. Knowing the strength of your grammar will help you avoid errors. Aim for accuracy – do not aim to impress.ย 

Step 11: Vocabulary only counts for 25% of your marks. Too many candidates focus too heavily on this area. Use vocabulary appropriate for the topic. Don’t over use idiomatic language. Idioms are mostly informal, not formal, so go with phrasal verbs instead which are also idiomatic. Don’t use less common vocabulary if you might use it incorrectly. Errors will lower your score. Aim for accuracy. Spelling counts. There are some useful vocabulary lists on this page: IELTS Vocabulary.

Step 12: Paraphrasing is a language skill that you need to demonstrate. This doesn’t mean changing all words all the time. It means being selective about which words you change and which words you will leave and repeat. It is fine to repeat some words. Over paraphrasing is one reason why many people get a low score in vocabulary.

Step 13: Don’t aim for a long essay or a short essay. If it is too short, it means you haven’t developed your main ideas enough. If it is too long, it gives you room for more errors which will lower your score. Aim for between 270-290 words on the whole. Click here for a video lesson about essay length.

Step 14: Edit your essay. Leave 2 mins to edit your essay. Pay attention to not repeating linking words, checking spelling and spotting vocabulary errors. You might have other areas specific to your language skills that you want to check. Know your weaknesses.

Step 15: Look at the clock. Timing is everything. You must be very strict with timing so that you have enough time to finish your essay. You can start with task 2 if you want, but if you do, make sure you leave 20 mins for task 1. Use no less than 5 mins preparing your essay. Use no less than 2 mins to check your essay at the end. This leaves around 33 mins for you to write your whole essay. Practise this at home under exam conditions until you are able to do this.

Step 16: If you find my free lessons are not enough for you or if you want more in-depth training for essay writing, please get my Advanced Writing Task 2 lessons which are available in my online store. Click here: Liz’s Online Store

Other Useful Links

Hope you find this page useful. From Liz ๐Ÿ™‚ย 


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  1. Dana Sarsembayeva says

    Hi Liz,
    I hope you are doing well!

    I would like to thank you for the work you are doing. It is really appreciated!
    As it is strongly believed in my culture, being a teacher is a divine gift. And those who do it well like you with an open heart get a special blessing.

    It would be useful to share my results to show how your videos and thorough explanations are effective

    2019 Result: Overall 7.5, L&R 8.0, W 6.5, S 7.0

    Dec 2021 Result: Overall 8.0, L&R 8.5, W 7.5 (the most important improvement), S 7.0

    Special thanks for explaining the structure of the test, this is what I was looking for. In order to prepare it was enough just to go through EACH page of this amazing website.

    Thank you and Regards,
    Dana from Kazakhstan

    • Wonderful to see your results and see how you’ve managed to increase your scores. Very well done ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing your results. It does other candidates a lot of good to be so inspired. Glad you’ve enjoyed my website ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Miracle says

    Liz, thanks!!! such a great person you are

    stay healthy Liz!!! see you next year I will be in UK

  3. Snowball says

    Hi, Liz. Just want to say thank you so much for your unconditional sharing on the IELTS’ tips and strategies. I’m immensely grateful to be able to come across your teachings. I was really worried about the tests as I needed to prepare for the tests within 3 weeks but I managed to achieve the required band scores for all 4 components thanks to your materials. This website of yours and your Youtube videos are really really helpful and easy to understand. You have a beautiful smile and calming voice. You are one of the most gentle and lovely teachers I have ever met in my life. I can always feel your sincerity and love whenever I listen to you.

    I came to know that you are currently under the weather, so pls pls pls take good care of yourself and stay positive always. Keep fighting! You can do it as I know you are a great Warrior! May the Universe bless you abundantly with great health and happiness ! Get well real soon!

    For test takers, have believe and faith in yourselves. Lots of preparation and Confidence are the keys. All the best!

    • Thank you for your lovely message. Thank you for sharing goodness, positivity and hope. This world needs more people like you ๐Ÿ™‚ Well done with your results ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Snowball says

        Hi Liz. I’m so happy to see your reply. This world needs more people like you too. Really appreciate your selfless sharing on IETLS. Thank you again and take care. Love always. โค

  4. Hi Liz.
    I sorry that you are unwell.l pray you get well soon.
    You are a great and talented teacher.

  5. Dear Liz!
    At the moment I am experiencing my first students’ EILTS preparation and find the materials of your website more than useful. Thank you.
    It a pity to hear that you are sick. Please, get better as soon as possible. Wish you the best. Take as much care as you can.
    With deep respect.
    Irina. Kazakhstan

  6. Dear Liz,
    I wish you were strong and be healthy. Get well soon.

    Best wishes,

  7. Liz I pray you get well soon

  8. As a beginner of the ilets, I could find my level using your valuable lessons. Actually I haven’t any idea about ilets. But now I thirst for ilets because of you Liz. Thank you and god bless.

    • That’s wonderful. I love it when people start feeling enthusiastic for learning ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hi Liz,
    I pray the Almighty God will restore your health and strengthen you. It is a phase that will soon pass away. You are auch an amazing person and a great teacher. Love you

  10. Hello mam, in writing task 2 general line is mandatory or not? Or we should start directly?

    • The first sentence of your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay should be paraphrasing the essay question which is the background statement of your introduction. Get straight into the essay. You are being marked on how focused your essay is.

  11. I have literally learnt a lot from your lessons Liz and I can say even more than I could ever find by just random search on the internet and I’ve been improving. Thank youโค

  12. Hi, Liz. you are doing a great job. you are my inspiration. Please I would like to know if you also have tips on General IELTS test?

    • You can use all the same tips as the Academic test except for Writing Task 1. The listening and speaking test is 100% the same. The Reading questions are 100% the same but the passages are slightly easier. Writing Task 2 is the same, but with slightly easier questions. You can use all the tips on this website. For the GT writing Task 1, you can find tips for that at the bottom of the Writing Task 1 section of this website.

  13. Hello Liz, wishing you divine Healing from God.Your recovery will be a Testimony to his Mighty Name.

  14. Muhammad usmn says

    Get well soon. Best wishes for your health๐Ÿคฒ

  15. Shakhnoza says

    Hi Liz! It’s so upsetting to know that you are in a difficulty! Despite your struggles, you are trying to be helpful to others, how amazing person you are! Couldn’t help myself respecting and admiring you! I hope this shall pass soon and wish you speedy recovery!

  16. Jaspal Singh says

    I love your way of teaching this. It’s been years I’m following you. In 2017 I did my academic IELTS with 8 bands because of you and now in 2021 I got 8 in General Training one. I’ve a request.

    Please update about your health and about you. After a very long time I saw your article.

    Please make a small YouTube thing. As your student I feel very worried about your health.

    • I’m so glad to hear how well you’ve done in IELTS. Good for you!! I’m glad my website is useful. Thanks for asking about my health. I’m still struggling. Each time I start getting better, I have had to move house and this causes me to get sick again. Without family supporting me, I am continuously struggling. Getting ahead it so hard without someone looking after me and helping me with practical tasks. I’m often physically weak and just getting meals is a strain on my system which often prevents my recovery. Anyway, I hope I won’t have to move house for a while and that might help. Hopefully I’ll start getting better again. I’ll see how I am by summer next year. However, a full recovery is still a long way away and not even guaranteed. It’s a very long hard road full of disappointments, strain and enormous isolation. I’m lucky that my determination to get better never fails, no matter how many years I struggle. Anyway, as soon as I’m feeling strong enough, I’ll make more lessons. I still dream of making English Liz website with free lessons for English language. My dreams keep me going. Thanks for your concern – it’s nice to know people are thinking of me.

      • Godwin Chinyere Mary says

        So sorry to hear about your ill health, quick recovery ma’am. How I wish I’m in your country, I would have become your home care nurse until you recover but, I’m far away in my country Nigeria. If it’s achievable, I don’t mind coming just to make sure you are back on your feet to keep up with the good work you are doing for us all. Cheers to this idea!

      • Darling liz,

        you will get well soon, I was struggling with IELTS, I was lost, did not know where to go. but you are the light of my IELTS journey. Millions of students prayers are with you. Thank you for sharing your unlimited knowledge with us.

        loads of love

  17. Hi Liz,

    My previous score, before coming across your site, was:
    Overall: 7.5, L: 8.5, R: 7.5, S: 7, W: 6.5

    After a month’s preparation using your site, I appeared for IELTS again and my score is as follows:
    Overall: 8, L: 9, R: 9, S: 7.5, W: 7

    Thank you very much! It was extremely helpful.

  18. I found your resources highly helpful. I obtained an overall band 7 in my test. Thank you.

  19. I was searching for this type of topic for a long time. Finally, this helps me a lot.
    Thanks Liz

  20. Funmi from Nigeria says

    Hello Ma’am,
    I’m actually not writing IELTS anytime soon, but I like learning from your blog and watching your videos. They are amazing.

    I just feel to check up on you, and hope your health is getting better. I pray you divine healing as you get stronger and brighter each passing day.

  21. Shahama says

    Hi Liz, your lessons extremely amazing and I learned lot from those. Can I know how to write if the essay like “Film stars or celebraties represent their view among audience about the profession they do not belog to. is it good or bad?” What type of essay is this?

    • The essay question contains a few language errors so make sure you are using authentic essay questions for your practice at home. This type of question often comes under the “Direct questions” category. But each teacher has different names for essay questions. This one requires you to present your opinion and evaluate if something is positive or negative. Always best to lean towards one side more than the other while presenting both.

  22. Thamara Damayanthi Kannangara says

    Dear Liz,

    Its really useful, I also get inputs from your posts to include in my teaching

  23. Thank you

  24. Hi Liz, Hows your health??
    Have you started essay writing checking service??


  25. Ma’am, Are you alright now? I heard that you’re ill. May god bless you

    • Thanks for asking. I just put an update about my health in a response to someone else on this page – you can see it in one of the comments boxes. I appreciate your concern a lot

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