Below are the Essential Preparation Tips for IELTS Writing Task 1 (Academic Paper). Although writing task 1 counts for only about 33% of your marks, it is the key to hitting band 7. For many people, it is writing task 1 that sinks their score. Luckily, task 1 has very specific tasks which can learned if you take the time. Click here for GT Writing Task 1 Tips
Go through each of the points below to make sure you are preparing fully for your task 1.
1. Understanding Task 1
- Task 1 is a report, not an essay.
- Reports have set structures, set language, set key features – they are more formulaic than an essay. This is important because it means with the right preparation you can nail a high score.
- Your report will be based on a bar chart, line graph, table, map, diagram or pie chart.
- Instruction: “write at least 150 words”. This means you must write over 150 words. Usually between 170 and 190 words. Over 210 will lower your score.
- Write your report in 20 mins (this is only a recommendation, but one I agree with).
2. Practice Tests – Practice Charts
You can get the IELTS Cambridge Test books from local education bookshops or Amazon, which contain real tests published by IELTS.
I also have a collection of Sample Charts, Diagrams etc for you to practice at home with. Click here: SAMPLE PRACTICE CHARTS FOR WRITING TASK 1
3. Task 1 Band Scores and Marking Criteria
Understand the band scores for each criterion in writing task 1. The IELTS examiner will mark you on:
- Task Achievement (25%)
- Coherence and Cohesion (25%)
- Vocabulary (25%)
- Grammatical Range and Accuracy (25%)
Task Achievement relates to key features, accurate information and not getting lost in too much detail It includes finishing the task.
Coherence & Cohesion is about the structure of your report. Your paragraphs, your flow of information and also the use of linking words.
Vocabulary needs to be flexible but most importantly, appropriate to the task. For example, line graphs are typically vocabulary rich reports. You must know a variety of specific words relating to line graphs. This is not the case wit bar charts and tables which depend on the topic. Click here: for Vocabulary for Line Graphs
You also need to know what will cause your score to go up or go down depending on each of the above marking criteria. This way, you’ll know for sure what you must do and what you must avoid. Click here: WRITING TASK 1 BAND SCORES 5-8 EXPLAINED
4. Types of Task 1
Learn the 6 main types of charts that can be given in writing task 1 (maps, diagrams, bar charts, tables, line graphs and pie charts). You should practice writing reports for all types of task 1 by using sample IELTS charts. It is also possible to get a combination of two types, for example a bar chart with a pie chart.
5. Introduction Paragraph
Practice writing the introduction statement. Here are two examples, which one do you think it best?
- Here we can see that the graph represented information regarding the number of sales of two companies in two years
- The chart illustrates the number of sales of two companies (Marks Ltd and Bumper Store) in 2000 and 2010.
The introduction is usually very quick to write and quite formulaic (standard) in content. Here’s a link to see how to write an introduction for a bar chart.
6. Overviews for Writing Task 1
Practice identifying key features for all kinds of charts. The key features make up the content of the overview which is the most essential paragraph in your task 1 report. The key features for most charts are the highest and lowest categories as well as the most significant differences between categories. However, for diagrams the key stages can be harder to identify so here a link to a sample introduction and overview for an IELTS diagram. Many students get confused whether to have a conclusion or an overview – make sure you get it right.
7. Vocabulary
Get a list of useful vocabulary for each type of writing task. This is particularly important for line graphs, maps and pie charts. The line graph is the type of writing task 1 which has the biggest range of possible vocabulary that can be used. Here’s a link to vocabulary for line graphs.
To get a good score in writing task 1, it is important to use a range of words which means you need to paraphrase when possible. However, as mistakes can cause you to lose points, it is important not to take chances with your vocabulary. Spelling is also checked so make sure you don’t make mistakes with your spelling.
8. Grammar
To get a good score, you will also need to work on complex sentence structures. For students aiming for band score 6 and above, this is essential. Luckily sentence structures for task 1 can be learnt and then adapted to fit each individual task (to some extent). Here’s a link to the 4 main sentence structures for a line graph. Along with grammar is accuracy. The more mistakes you make the lower your score will be so getting rid of common errors is important. Here is a link to spotting grammar mistakes for a pie chart. If you have frequent errors, you may get band score 5 for grammar.
9. Structure for Writing Task 1
You need to make sure you structure your report correctly as the examiner will pay attention to the organisation of information and paragraphing. Here’s a link to the structure for IELTS writing task 1 report. Make sure you follow this as it is easy to get a good score for organisation. Structure and linking devices are part of the criterion of Coherence and Cohesion which makes up 25% of your marks.
10. Linking Devices
Linking is also very important. You will need to show the examiner a range of linking devices that connect information together and compare information in a coherent way. Again, linking is very easy to learn so make sure you pay attention to this. Different charts use different linkers so make sure you review each type of task to see the best linking devices to use.
11. Model Answers for IELTS Writing Task 1
Follow safe models. There are a lot of sample answers for you to follow on the internet, but following a safe model which fulfills the requirement set by IELTS is essential. Here’s a link to a complete lesson on how to write a pie chart report paragraph by paragraph.
- How to describe a bar chart: Video Tutorial
- Line Graph Model Answer Band 9
Hi Liz,
First and foremost, I would like to commend you for the immense effort you have put into preparing students for the IELTS examination. Your work is highly admirable and has undoubtedly been invaluable to many.
However, I would like to seek clarification regarding a point raised in your recent video, “IELTS Writing Task 1 Introduction Paragraph – High Band Score Lesson.” In the video, you mention that it is not justified to use the term “diagram” when referring to a chart. This advice has caused me some confusion, as in another video titled “IELTS Writing Task 1 – Tips and Advice” produced by the British Council and presented by an official teacher trainer, the term “diagram” is used in reference to a chart, with no apparent issue.
Given this discrepancy, I would greatly appreciate your guidance on the matter to resolve this uncertainty. Should one refrain from using the term “diagram” for charts in Task 1?
Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your valuable advice.
If IELTS give you a diagram and the information tells you it is a diagram, then you don’t change that word because it is a diagram. Equally, if IELTS give you a chart and the writing on your IELTS paper tells you it is a chart, then don’t bother changing that word. It doesn’t increase your score to change it and it can lead to poor word choices if you do.
Hey Liz, thank you for the continous and unconditional help provided on this website and the youtube channel.
I wanted to ask if it possible to write the overview in the last paragraph and not in the second paragraph
Yes, it is possible and you won’t be marked down for doing it. However, there are potential problems with that choice:
1) you might mention key features in your body paragraphs and then repeat them at the end in the overview – you’ll be marked down for repetition. An overview isn’t a conclusion, which restates the main points. An overview is a paragraph and the only paragraph that should hold key features. Writing the overview before the body paragraphs avoids this problem.
2) The overview is the most important paragraph and if you leave it until last, you might be tempted to rush it. Never rush the overview, you actually need to focus on it more than on the body paragraphs so writing it before the body paragraphs avoids this problem.
3) The key features in the overview also help highlight how you will divide the body paragraph – writing it before the body paragraphs is useful for that purpose.
Thanks a lot, that makes so much sense ^_^
The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in four countries in 2008.
The table illustrates inhabitants spent in total on three consumer goods in four countries: China, Thailand, Japan, and Vietnam in 2008.Units are measured in percentage.
Liz, can you help me correct this introduction?
Thank u so much<3
I have time for a quick comment today. Writing task 1 is a report, not an essay. Report writing is about being concise – this means, not being wordy or lengthening sentences that don’t need lengthening. Having two sentences to say the same thing one sentence can say is not good report writing for IELTS. You should write:
The table illustrates consumer spending on three consumer goods in China, Thailand, Japan and Vietnam in 2008. Units are measured in …….
This is concise, accurate and direct report writing which is what the examiner is looking for. I’ve got a free video lesson about writing introductions which explains this in detail with plenty of examples:
Hi Liz,
The information provided in your blog was very useful for my success at the exam. Your valuable time committed to provide us information is highly appreciated. I salute for your service. Thanks lot.
from Sri Lanka
Glad to hear you did well 🙂
You are really a nice teacher and i did my best through your videos. Free of cost ahahahahahhahah
Hello there Liz
how’s your condition ? hope you are doing well,
Since You have mentioned that there are 9 IELTS Cambridge practice books, but the last I checked, there are 17 volumes, which ones do you suggest to start for band score 8 for Ielts general training, as an upper intermediate English speaker?
I appreciate your support and tysm for this amazing website
Each year IELTS publish a new book. Book 17 is the latest. However, previous books are still fully valid as the test hasn’t changed except in very minor ways, such as being on computer or the listening test no longer having an example at the start of the audio.
Hi Lizzy . Please I can’t t see your recent videos.
I stopped making videos in 2015 and will start again once my health improves. I do, however, continue updating this website with new tips and lessons.
Hey Liz,
Today is my first day of IELTS preparation and I found this amazing creation by you. Its already making things easier. Thank you so much!!
I’m glad my lessons are helping you 🙂
Hi Liz. Thank you for the free lessons and tips. I will like to know if the overview for task 1 Writing can be separated from the intro soon a separate paragraph.
Yes, definitely. I usually write my overview as a separate paragraph as it’s the most important paragraph in task 1.
Hi, Elizabeth. It’s been a pleasure for me to practice woth your resources. Thanks for building such a prolific platform for IELTS aspirants
You’re welcome 🙂
Hi Liz,
Thanks a lot for you great explanations!
Just wanted to let you know the link to “conclusion or overview” under point 6 is broken.
Thanks David. I just fixed it. Happy 2021 !
Thank you so much Ma. Your site was very useful to my preparation. My results just came in and I scored 8.0. I’ll gladly recommend this site for others. God bless you!!
Wonderful news!! Very well done 🙂
Hi Liz,
I cannot thank you enough for the tip to write an overview after the introduction paragraph. I have just received my test results for IELTS Academic and they are 8.5 overall and 7.5 for Writing. I had limited time to prepare for the test and read the tip while in a cab on the way to the test venue. During the Writing part I did the Task 2 first and it took me all of the 41 minutes (and 440 words), with only 19 minutes remaining for the Task 1. Luckily, it was a simple chart and I wrote the introduction and overview first, then wrote two body paragraphs with barely a minute to check for typos and the time was up. I ended up writing 220 words and would have written more if not for the time limit. However, since I made sure I wrote the overview first, I was able to relax and found it so much easier to concentrate on the details of the chart. Thank you for the brilliant idea! None of the other teachers online came up with it.
Great results 🙂 Writing the overview after the introduction is logical. Task 1 is a report and the overview contains the main details of the report so having presenting that early helps both the reader and the writer. Also, as you said, it ensures you don’t miss it if time is limited. Well done to you 🙂
Hi Liz,
I am glad to have come across this material for the preparation of IELTS exam, Just wanted to know about the general mistakes I (a candidate) might have been doing while going for the Writing portion of the Test.
Just to give you a brief, I have appeared for IELTS about 3 times now and have never touched band 7.0 in each attempt (To be precise, I got 6.5 in all attempts in writing particularly), However rest of the sections speak a different story (Getting at least 8.0 in each section respectively).
Can you please advise as to what I might be doing wrong in Writing section in particular.
I try to increase my Vocabulary learning new words each day and implement those words in my sentence formations as well.
Be careful learning new words and using them in your essay. If you use them incorrectly or inappropriately, your score will go down. It takes time to learn words properly so that you can use them without errors. Avoiding errors MUST be your main goal in IELTS Writing. Also review ALL my free lessons and tips: Then consider my Advanced Lessons which will give you the right techniques for a high score:
Hi Liz,
Your site is very helpful! Thank you!
I see you have recommended the Cambridge IELTs book. They have now released no. 10. Would this be a good resource for the Academic test? I am a native English speaker but not achieving the writing score I need.
Your help would be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards, Jade
Book 14 is the most recent and book 15 is coming out this summer. They are the only authentic past papers you can buy. Yes, you should be using them. How many you wish to get is your choice and will depend on how much prep you wish to do. These books contain tests, not training or advice or understanding. They won’t help you learn how to tackle IELTS writing and they won’t help you understand the band score requirements. Try my free lessons: and my Advanced Lessons:
Sorry The question about private lessons and marking writings was meant to be asked to you, Liz. I need the answer as soon as possible please.
Unfortunately, because I work alone, I do not have time to offer private lessons or marking. However, my advanced writing task 2 lessons are very detailed and will answer most of your concerns:
Someone who corrects my essay tells me that don’t use brackets if you want to have high scores. So, i’m quite confused about it because you said it is perfectly normal to use brackets in writing task 1 in the video.
It is completely fine to use brackets for task 1. However, don’t overuse them. Always show flexibility and a good range of sentence structures by presenting data in different ways.
Thanks a lot Liz. This website is really helpful to prepare IELTS.
You’re welcome 🙂
hi Liz
i am unable to download the answer sheet of IELTS writing test. The link already present is broken. Can you please attach the correct link here.
Thanks for letting me know. I’ve just put up a new link.
No words enough to show my gratitude! May God bless you.
Thanks Liz.
Hello Liz.
I absolutely loved your site and way of guiding to obtain a good IELTS result.
My writting task definitely felt much better with your tips and guidance.
Today I took the test, I hope the results are positive.
Keep up the good work!
Fingers crossed for you 🙂
Hi Camilo,
What is your result?
Morning Liz,
Really appreciate all your efforts!
Is there any Videos for “Writing- Letter (General Testing).
I see lot of sample letter questions. But there are no sample letters to actually read through the whole letter and grasp the idea or I may be overlooking 🙂
Please advise- Harry
There is a link above to model letters which are full letters that you can read and learn from for IELTS.
Hi ,
Could you please let me know if for task1 in Ielts Academic we may receive to write a letter or that is the case only for Ielts General ?
See this page:
Thanks for all your great efforts!
I am wondering if it is fine to have only two sentences in my body paragraphs. Though it can be seen in examples you have provided, some other teachers say it should be at least three sentences. Which one is correct?
There is no such rule in IELTS. For writing task 2, all main points should be fully extended which means that the body paragraphs are mostly of equal length. However, writing task 1 is not an essay, it is a report. Paragraphs are not balanced in length. It is even possible to have a paragraph of one sentence. It’s fine for teachers to advise you, but they should point out that it is advice and not a rule.
Hi, I`m a content maker in iran and we work on teaching EFL. Your content is so helpful and comprehensive. i appreciate that and wish you best
Thank you for the information. I would like to ask you a question in writing test. Is it ok if we write the reason why is the percentage different from one year to another year?
Thank you
If the reason is stated in the chart, you can write it. You can only provide information that is visible in the chart – you can’t add opinions.
Hi Liz,
Thank you very much for your everything on IELTS. I Learned a lot.
I realized that now exam patterned changed little bit as Writing Task 01 , they normally give two different charts (Bar Chart & Table or Line graph with Pie Chart) .
Hope you will add some models for these kind of things.
The patterns have not changed. They gave multiple tasks and single tasks in the past, and they do the same now. You can find model answers for all kinds on this page:
i love you mam
thank you soo much
Hy Liz, I just want to tell you that you are doing an amazing job, by helping alot of people understand the mechanics of IELTS, and that too for free.You are an amazing human being, may the blessings of Allah be upon you.
I followed you and IELTS Cambridge books religiously from the day i started preparation, yesterday i got my result and i got an overall 8.0 with 9.0 in reading, 8.5 in listening, 7.0 in speaking and 7.o in writing in contrast to my previous result of 7.o overall.
Thanks a lot liz and keep doing the wonderful job you are doing.
Brilliant !! Such a great improvement from band 7 to 8 !! Very well done to you 🙂 Thanks for letting me know 🙂
Hello Liz, I have some challenges in my writings. I am weary of task 2 essay writing. Pls advice me.
Get my advanced lessons – you will quickly learn how to tackle them properly:
Hi liz,
Can overview contain numbers, percentages or years? I have my exam very soon. Please respond at your earliest.
Yes, it is possible. There is no fixed rule. The majority of the time, the overview will contain only description. But there are cases (such as totals in a table) when the overview might contain numbers.
What if i write task 1 on task 2 sheet and task 2 on task 1 sheet.
If you do that, you will need to change the heading on the paper so that the examiner knows clearly and easily which paper is which.
Hi liz, i noticed you skipped task 1 for general training. Please how does one fill this void
On this page:, you will find essential tips for GT letter writing and also model letters.
I want to improve my speaking
See this page:
Could you please upload video with tips for writing task 1 in GT . I am going to take GT in September 9.
I won’t be making more videos until next year.
Can we write hammering the last nail in task 2 of ielts wrtting in place of to conclude🤔
Don’t use informal language in an IELTS essay.
Hi liz can i ask what is the difference between campbridge textbook ielts 9 and 10? What book should i used?? Im a nurse im planning to get ielts next year.
Each book contains 4 real IELTS test published by IELTS. The books are published in order of age: book 12 is the most recent. You can use all books to help you prepare, but books 9 – 12 are the best.
From where I get written samples for writing task so I can check the pattern and follow it in my practice?
See the main pages of this website. Here is the main page for writing task 1:
Hello Liz,
I really appreciate your effort for posting such a useful videos. can you upload some videos of general writting task 1.
Thank you
I won’t be making more videos until later this year (if I’m lucky). But I will put GT videos on my list 🙂
Hi Liz,
Your website is very essential for IELTS preparation. Can you please upload a video about writing letters for general training writing test 1.
Thanks and best regards.
I hope to make more videos at the end of this year.
Thank you miss. Elizabeth
Oh! I could find a mistake for you, I am enthusiastic to go to the exam now 😀
* second introduction statement is better
Hi Liz, First of all I’d like to thank you for your efforts and hard working to help us improve.
I have a question about academic writing task 1. what are the maximum words that we should write? Is it ok if I write 216 words in this task?
Best regards, 😀
If your writing task 1 report contains too many small details, you will get a lower mark. 25% of your marks for task 1 is your ability to select information and highlight key features. Of course, if the chart gives few details, then you might present all but if there is plenty of information to present then you must be selective. So, writing over 200 words is not showing the skill of selecting.
Hey Liz,
Do you have an overview of when to write a conclusion section for writing part 1?
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards
See this page:
i wann practise ielts writing part .
Hi Liz, I am planning to retake IELTS exam because I was unable to get a score of 8 and above for my writing. I need someone to critique my essays. Can you help me on this? Please contact me at:
See this page:
Mam… First of all Thanku so much for this website this helping us a lot for preparation…
I wanna knw that what is the difference between the Cambridge ilets 9 and 11 which book is to be purchased
Book 11 is the most recent. So, go for that one.
my writing band score is not
Go to the main writing pages, and then read about the band scores. Find your weaknesses. Alternatively see my advanced lessons:
hii Liz…I really appreciate your efforts for creating such a wonderful platform to score in IELTS.Your videos are helping me a lot.Thank you so much..:)
I have a question on writing task 1 .
Is it fine if I write upto 190 words?
I look forward to hearing you soon..
There is no upper limit. Just make sure you are being selective with the information and not including irrelevant information.
Thank you so much for the response.
Hi Liz,
Thank you very much for helping us. I have a query about word counting. Number of articles are considered in 150 words?
I look forward to hearing from you Liz.
Best Regards,
Manobendro Sarker
All words – big and small are counted.
do we have time for rewriting?
You have a total of 1 hour for two tasks. Time is very limited.
i have one question , when we use amount and number n how ? pls clear it for me as soon as u can because my exam next three days
should we write a conclusion or not
You will find a whole page about conclusions and overviews on this page:
hi liz,
can we write figures in overview paragraph?
If they are totals, yes.
from where to i could start ilets practice….?
See the video on my home page:
is there any difference in idp and bc marking test
No. The marking criteria are exactly the same and the examiners are trained in the same way. These are not separate companies when it comes to IELTS, they are both co-owners of IELTS.
Hi liz!! Can I use present contin. in WT 1? , Thank you for your data!
mother u explained well
hi mam. when u will be back ?
In writing task-1, do we also have to analyse the figures? Like for example, if the question is about people listening radio and watching TV, then do we also have to write like..people probably don’t watch TV in morning because they are working in office.
Or we just have to stick to explaining the graph backing the statement by data?
(Interpretation and analysis both or just the interpretation?)
You never give an opinion or try to give reasons for it. You report what you see. This is report, not an essay.
All the best
Hi Liz
Do you have an idea in terms of which test is easier to take on the following: IELTS Academic,PTE Academic,TOEFL and CAE?
Sorry, I only work with IELTS and am not very familiar with other testing systems.
Hi Liz
Thanks for responding,in terms of the academic,how different is it from the GT? I know listening and speaking its the same exam. The difference is on reading and writing where in writing there is the issue of graphs being part of the curriculum.
I have a date on the 19th of November and i want to ask for assistance in terms of advice as to which areas i can make sure by the time i get to the exam will have mastered.
The GT test is slightly easier for writing and reading. See these pages: and also
All the best
Hi Liz
Kindly assist me,I took a GT exam for immigration to Australia and did not do well in listening because i want 8 band across all modules.
I have a date for academic but wanted to find out if the band will be reduced because i am taking Academic instead of GT, and is it difficult as people say because i could have taken CAE,TOEFL,PTE Academic but feel with the knowledge i accumulated on this site better to do IETLS
Sorry, I don’t have information about immigration. Make sure your English is strong enough to get band score 8. If your English is not good enough, you must work to improve it before you book your next test.
All the best
Hi, there! Liz, your website is awesome! I’m lovin’ it! The thing is, as I was reading through the pieces of advice you’ve shared above, I came up to something that made me really confused. And that is “Why are you saying ‘each criteria’ instead of saying ‘each criterion’? “
The reason is that I’m not careful when I type quickly and don’t proof read enough. Thanks for spotting it!
All the best
Dear liz,
Just have one doubt about cocluding task 1. What is the appropriate way to do.
There is no conclusion for writing task 1.
and overview is must in every task 1?
Only in academic writing task 1.
Hello Liz
I have question .. The following is writing task 1 statement “The bar chart below shows the percentage of people in UK living alone by sex and age in 2004/05 “.. Is it possible to paraphrase it to the following “The bar chart illustrate the amount of people in UK who are living alone in terms of percentage dividing according to their age and gender during the period 2004/05.. Is that a good paraphrase? If it is not, who can I make it better?
Sorry, I do not give feedback on writing.
Hello Liz
I have question related to the overview paragraph, Is there any words except overall by which we can start our overview paragraph ???
“Overall” is the most appropriate to use. It helps the examiner locate your overview quickly and easily which helps you get a better score.
Hi Liz,
In writing task 1 (Academic) there are two pages provided. My question is if I want to write more should I continue on subsequent pages given for task 2 or should I ask for separate sheets meant for task 1.
Please reply soon as I my exam is approaching very near.
Thanking you in advance,
At no time you should write more on any page for task 1. You should never write over 200 words and that will easily fit onto the page given to you.
All the best
Can I ask for an additional piece of paper to use it as a draft for planning my WT2 essay?
No. All plans are made on the question paper. If you need extra paper later in the test because your answer sheet is full then you can ask – but not for planning.
Good day Liz! Is it possible to get a bandscore of 7 even if one was’t able to finish task 1? Is it true that examiners are turned off to see so many less common words in essays?
Any writing which is under the word count will get a lower band score. These are the rules set by IELTS.
All the best
Hello Mam,
A big Thank You! 🙂 for all your efforts, a very good blog for ilets preparation with all information at one place.
It help me improved a lot and i could score an overall band 7 (L:7, R:7, W:6, S:7) which i think, wouldn’t have been possible without all your tips and videos and samples.
Thank You!!! 🙂
Band 7 is a strong score. Well done! I’m glad my blog was useful 🙂
All the best
Awesome website for Ielts prep
Thanks Liz for your dedication and simplicity in L R W S
Just 2days before I checked ur writing topics and videos
Which boosted my score to 7band in writing thanks a ton
overall, I got 6.5 (L:7,R:6.5,w:7,S:6) lost 7band just by .5 band
it could have been not possible without ur brainstormed ideas ur website provides
That’s a good result! Thanks for letting me know. Getting band 7 in writing is very good.
All the best
Dear Liz,
Great website, keep the good work going on.
Please give a link to clear instruction for how to prepare for TASK 1 & 2 GT writing,
There are model letters and tips on this page for GT writing task 1: All lessons for writing task 2 are for GT and academic students – the essay techniques and questions types are exactly the same.
All the best
Hy Liz,
I have observed many candidates asking about getting exhausted by the time they have to do writing and I have also felt the same by the time we come to writing. Its just that we cannot brainstorm effectively and also we are trying hard to write something but we may turn away from the topic and realize it later
Can you please provide advice of how we can keep ourselves active by the time we reach writing. Thanks
I wish there were special tips but it’s a long test and all students will feel tired by the time they arrive at writing task 2. The only way to avoid making mistakes with your essay is to plan properly. Most students read the essay question and start writing which is why they make mistakes and go off topic when they are tired. But if you spend 5 minutes (at least) analysing the essay question and planning your ideas, how to present them and supporting points, you’ll be fine. Here’s a page to read about planning:
Thanks Liz.That’s an amazing tip. I can remember myself in a similar situation, where I started writing and than later realized I have been writing away from the topic.
I will make sure that the essays I am going to practice further should include brainstorming and than following the plan to write essay. I believe in this way we will not go back and forth and can keep our focus towards given topic only.
Hi Liz…I have a question about conclusion in task -1.You said that conclusion should not be given but in official IELTS Cambridge model answers they have conclusion or overview in final passage of task -1.Please state your view on this.
There is an overview paragraph not a conclusion. The overview can be after the introduction or at the end of the report. Please watch my free video lessons to learn about the overview and the possible locations.