IELTS Table & Pie Charts Model Answer

The IELTS table and pie chart below have been reported twice in the IELTS writing task 1 test and this task is likely to appear again.. The topic is the imports of fish to the US from various countries and the value of these imports.

Note: The writing task 1 below is a reproduction of the original IELTS task 1 by an IELTS candidate. This means details will vary from the original. Even so, it gives a great chance to practise multiple tasks.

IELTS Writing Task 1: Table & Pie Charts 

IELTS writing task 1 (academic) test. This task is slightly different to the one featured in my video (Introduction Paragraph in Writing Task 1). Note that is it about value and not cost.

Model Answer: IELTS Table & 3 Pie Charts

Instructions: The following model answer has been divided into sentences (A-H). Put them in the correct order to find a band score 9 model writing task 1 report.

A) In terms of the source of fish importation, Canada supplied the overwhelming majority in 1988 (60%) compared to China and other countries which provided only 13% and 27% respectively.

B) Regarding the table, the value of imports started at $6.57 billion in the first year, increasing to $8.52 in 1992 and reaching $10.72 in the last year.

C) Overall, the value of imports rose by just under double over the period given.

D) Likewise, imports from China rose over the period to reach 30% in 2000.

E) At the start of the period, the US imported fish predominantly from Canada but, by the final year, other countries had become the main source.

F) Conversely, by 1992, other countries had replaced Canada as the main supplier and made up 46% of all imports in 1992 and 42% by 2000.

G) The table shows the value of fish that was imported to the US (measured in billions of dollars) in 1988, 1992 and 2000, while the three pie charts illustrate the proportion of fish that the US brought in from China, Canada and other countries in the same three years.

H) The imports from Canada then proceeded to fall to 28% in the final year.


Click here to reveal answers and model: Answers

Answer: G C E B A H F D

See the model answer below to check how the above information is organised into paragraphs.

IELTS Model Answer: Table & 3 Pie Charts

The table shows the value of fish (in billions of dollars) that was imported to the US in 1988, 1992 and 2000, while the three pie charts illustrate the proportion of fish that the US brought in from China, Canada and other countries in the same three years.

Overall, the value of imports rose by just under double over the period given. At the start of the period, the US imported fish predominantly from Canada but, by 1992 other countries became the main source.

Regarding the table, the value of imports started at $6.57 billion in the first year, increasing to $8.52 in 1992 and reaching $10.72 in the last year.

In terms of the source of fish importation, Canada supplied the overwhelming majority in 1988 (60%) compared to China and other countries which provided only 13% and 27% respectively. The imports from Canada then proceeded to fall to 28% in the final year. Conversely, by 1992, other countries had replaced Canada as the main supplier and made up 46% of all imports in 1992 and 42% by 2000. Likewise, imports from China rose over the period to reach 30% in 2000.

Examiner Comment: Vocabulary is accurate and flexible. Paraphrase for the topic vocabulary =fish importation, provided, supplied, suppliers. Please note that the topic vocabulary provided by IELTS was also used and this is fine. Sentences are complex and accurate. The writer offers a good range of sentence structures and linking words (while, overall, regarding, in terms of, compared to, likewise, on the other hand). The overview statement is easy to find and contains the key features for both table and charts. Details are well organised into logical body paragraphs. It is fine that body paragraphs are not of equal length in report writing. This is estimated at band 9.


More IELTS Writing Task 1:

For more multiple tasks and other types of task 1 model answers, click below:

Note: GT candidates are not given such tasks. GT writing task 1 is a letter only. Click here: Essential Tips for IELTS GT Letter


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  1. The table illustrate the amount of money expenditure (in billions of dollors) by US to import fish in three different years(1988, 1992 and 2000) while three pie charts represents proportion of fish imported from China, Canada and other countries in these three years.
    Overall, The total amount expended to import fish in US was increasing uniformly and almost double in given time frame. The USA imported fish from China were increasing continuously while from other countries, it was increasing almost double at first and was decreasing slightly later on. In other hand, import from Canada was decreasing drastically over the time.
    The total number of values of fish imported in 1988 was 6.57 billions of dollors and that was increase in 1992 and became 8.52 billions. The import was increase continuously up to 2000 and reached to 10.72 billions of dollors.
    Regarding the pie charts, the USA imported 13% of total fish import from China in 1988 which was increase to 20% in 1992 and 30% in 2000. Although other countries comprises 27% of export in 1988 and increased to 46%, it started downfall and reached 42% in 2000.
    Meanwhile, Canada which was 60% exporter of fish of the US market in 1988, decreased to 34% in 1992 and stopped at 28% in 2000.

  2. America is a very populated country with the highest GDP in the world. They have very large numbers of imports and exports. America imports many goods from other countries to fulfil its daily needs. These imports include many things. The data given from 1988, 1992 and 2000 shows the imports of fish to America from China, Canada, and other countries.
    The overall imports are 6.57, 8.52 and 10.72 billion dollars respectively from 1988, 1992 and 2000. In 1988 America imports 64% from Canada, 13% from China and 27% from other countries. The trend of Imports changes from 1988 to 1992. In 1992 America imported 46% of fishes from 20% from China and 34% from Canada. Same the trend changed in 2000. In 2000 United States imported 30% of fishes from China, 42% from other countries, and 28% from Canada. In the given data the import from Canada starts decreasing from 64%, 34% and in last it remains 28%. On the contrary, the imports from China and other countries continuously increase.
    Hello Elizabeth Liz. I hope you are safe and sound enjoying your life. Please check my this comment and I am looking forward for your feedback

  3. hello Liz can you have a quick look at this and tell me if I’m doing ok thank you. (I’m watching your videos on youtube and taking notes)
    The table shows the value in billions dollars of imported fish to the US in 1988, 1982, and 2000. While the pie charts illustrate the proportion of fish imported from different sources, like Canada, China, and other countries.

    Overall, the value of imported fish was rising every two years.

    Regarding the table, the value of money spent in 1988 was 3.57 billion of dollars, and it increased to 8.52 billions dollars in 1992, and arrived to 10.72 billions dollars in 2000.

    In terms of the sources of fish imported to the US, china was exporting a small percentage of fish, whish is 13%, but in the following years between 1992 and 2000 it increased from 20% to 30%.
    In 1992, the export of fish from other countries to the US started to increased to 46%, unlike Canada who’s percentage decreased from 60% in 1988 to 34% in 1992.
    While in the 2000, the percentage of imported fish to the US from Canada decreased to 28% also in the other countries to 42%

    • Although my website is not aimed at providing a feedback service, I will give one comment.
      The overview is essential to get right. A limited overview, such as the one you’ve given, will prevent your score going over band 6 and could push it to band 5 for Task Response.

      This page contains all my free tips, advice, model answers etc for writing task 1: That page is extensive and you need to review every single link given, particularly the essential tips section. Learn first, practice second. The learning part should be the longest. Spend more time learning.

  4. Cinthia says

    Hello, Liz. I noticed that the task 1 in your blog is about Academic Ielts and not General Ielts. Task 1 of the General Ietls is to right a letter, do you have this content?

  5. Ajwat Mustafa says

    Hi Liz!

    I hope you are well and doing good. I have only one confusion while practicing the above writing task 1 exercise. I found it really difficult to interpret the pie charts because they were greyscale rather than colored. I would look at the chart and infer that the US imported most fish from China but upon taking another look my judgement altered to Canada or others.

    Can you please tell if the pie charts in the actual IELTS writing task 1 are greyscale or colored?


    • IELTS don’t use coloured charts. Everything is grey scale. One thing to help you is that the order of the categories in the pie chart usually go clockwise. This means the first category, which is China in darkest is at the top. The next category is Canada and that is the next going to the right (clockwise – like the movement of a clock). So, Canada is at about 4 o’clock. The final category is Others which is at 9 o’clock. Also, if the categories are likely to be confused in the test, IELTS will label each one for you. Never worry that it might be confusing.

  6. Hi Liz, i started learning Ielts a month ago and i try to do the introduction and overview. I really want to find my mistakes in these two paragraph and also how to improve it. Thank you so much !

    The table shows the data about the total value for sources of fish imported to the US over 12 years period, units are measured in billions of dollars while the pie charts illustrates information about sources of fish imported to the US in China, Canada and others countries.
    Overall, the total value in 2000 was the highest with 10.72 billions of dollars. In the same year, the percentage of China and others countries massively increase while in Canada decreased quite deeply.

    • My website isn’t aimed at providing feedback for writing. However, I do have time for a quick comment. Focus on your overviews. An overview must contain all key features so it shouldn’t be too short.

    • Hi Bim. I’ve got a piece of advice. In the overview section, avoid incorporating any given values/figures/numbers from the chart. Years are exceptions though.
      P.S. I’m not an expert at this, but I’d like to share what I know.

      Overview revision:
      Overall, fish imports increased significantly over this period, with the year 2000 recording the highest value. While Canada was the dominant supplier in 1988, its share declined by 2000, with China and other countries increasing their contributions.

  7. Tonyleeee says

    Thank you, Liz! I’d appreciate if you could give a simple review!

    The table and charts show the total value of imported fish to the USA and compare the percentages of its sources from 1988 to 2000.

    Overall, the total value of this commodity underwent a sharp rise over the 12-year period. Furthermore, Canada provided most fish for America in the first year but was overtaken by other countries later.

    In 1988, just 60% of total fish in the US came from Canada. Followed by other nations, with the percentage standing at 27%, and China accounted for a mere 13% in that year. 4 years later, a dramatic drop of 26% can be seen in Canada, while China experienced a rise of 7%, other countries imported nearly half of overall fish for America. By the end of 2000, both China and Canada shared similar proportions, at 30% and 28% respectively, whereas other countries were still the largest source of fish imported to the US, at 42%.

    When it comes to the value, fish worth 6.57 billion dollars was transported to America in 1988. The number then jumped to 8.52 billion dollars after 4 years. By the end of the period shown, it had reached 10.72 billion dollars.

    • Although the purpose of my website is to provide free preparation materials and guidance rather than feedback on writing, I will give you a couple of things to improve on:
      1) writing “this commodity” can only be done in a paragraph that has already introduced what the commodity is. What I mean is you need to count each paragraph as a new start and you can’t refer to something using “this” or “it” unless it’s already been given in the paragraph. So, for your overview, you need to state that you are talking about fish imports.
      2) the words “country” and “nation” are synonyms but they don’t have the same meaning. Many people think that a synonym is a word with the same meaning but often synonyms only have similar meaning, not the same meaning. In this case, a country is a country, not a nation.
      3) write 4 as four
      4) be careful changing the order of information. The examiner is expecting you to write about the table first rather than the pie charts. So, your organisation is confusing, particularly as you don’t state at the start of the body paragraphs if you are referring to the table or the pie chart. When an examiner has to stop and try to understand what you’ve done and why, it’s a lower score. The report should be logical, easy to follow and self-explanatory.
      Your writing is definitely good so don’t feel disheartened at all. I’m just pointing out things you can work on and pay attention to so that you can maximise your score.

      • Tonyleeee says

        Thank you very much, Liz! Your feedback’s quite encouraging and instrumental! You’re the best!

  8. shravan says

    The table and pie charts provide data about the total value and sources of fish imported to the US from 1988 to 2000 in billions of dollars.
    Overall, the value rose gradually and almost doubled at the end of the given period. The imports from other nations fell to just below half, while imports from Canada and China rose.
    Regarding the table, the value of imports were at $6.57 billion at the start of the period, it slowly increased to a value of $8.52billion in 1992, before reaching to its final value, which is almost twice, at $10.72 billion in 2000.
    Looking at the pie chart, the countries other than China and Canada are the major source of fish imports at start of the period, while Chine and Canada account to 13% and 27% of the imports respectively. Imports form Others declined to almost half of its value, 28% at the end of the period, while the share of imports from Canada almost doubled, with 46% and China being 20%.

    • Well done keeping the word “value”. It’s tempting to try to change it, but actually it shouldn’t be paraphrased. The only issue with your writing is that you haven’t focused on the overview. So many people think it isn’t as important as the body paragraphs. That is wrong. It is the most important paragraph to get a high score. So, don’t limit your key features to vague comments, particularly about the pie charts. Take a look at my model again and pay attention to the overview.

      • Isabella says

        Hi Liz please I will like to know how to cautiously be aware of the words so as to stay within 150 word

        • I think you might have confused the instructions for task 1. Your task is to write “at least 150 words”. This means that 150 is your minimum, not your maximum. It means you should be writing over 150 words. Your task 1 should be between 170 and 190 words (on average) and task 2 between 270 and 290 words. Please review all my model answers for task 1 and task 2 because the length, content, organisation are there for you to learn from.

  9. Md. Zuel Rana says

    You are the best IELTS instructor ever.

  10. The given table and pie chart show the number of billions of dollars spent on the import of fish by the USA, along-with the key sources of the import between the years 1988, 1992 and 2000 respectively.
    In 1988, USA spent $6.57 billion on fish imports. This rose to $8.52 billion in 1992 and $10.72 billion in 2000 respectively.
    Fish is mainly imported from Canada and China in all three years by USA. In 1988 USA was importing 60% of the fish from Canada, 13% from China and the remaining 27% from other countries. In 1992, fish import from Canada fell to 46%. While China’s share increased to a whopping 34%, and USA imported rest of the 20% from others. In the year 2000, 42% fish was imported from Canada, 28% from China, and other countries dominated the market with 30%.
    Overall, the money spent on the import of fish by the USA has been consistently rising in the three given years. Whereas the market structure of fish import has changed, with USA importing less from Canada, more from China and other countries in the year 2000 as compared to the year 1992.

    • Hello Liz, Hope you are good. Can you please tell me if it’s correct or not?

      The table and pie charts illustrates the overall value in billion dollars and countries from which fishes are imported to the United Stated in the year 1988 to 2000.

      Overall, The value of Fishes imported in 2000 was the highest at 10.72 Billion Dollars and lowest in 1988 at 6.57 Billion Dollars. Furthermore, The least number of fishes are imported from China.

      In 1988, the Least number of fishes are imported from China (Only 13%) and highest was from Canada i.e. 60%. It was 27% from other countries. The number of fishes form China and other countries increased in 1992 ( 20% and 46% respectively), But imports from Canada had a downfall making it only 34%.

      In 2000, most of the imports are from Other countries (42%). Canada and China had only 2% difference between them making 30% for the first and 28% for the later one. The imports from China had shown a significant increase from 1988-2000 and Canada shown a greater decrease.

      • The aim of my model answers is so that you can compare your writing to my model. Did you compare the information given in the introduction? Did you compare the use of uncountable nouns? Did you compare the linking words used in the body paragraphs so that the reader knows which table or chart you are referring to. Take your time, do your comparisons and make a list of things to improve.

  11. Temidayo says

    LIZ, its henry from Nigeria. I just want to thank you for creating this wonderful blog. I took the exams few weeks ago and the results are out. i got an overall band score of 7.0. I practiced and used your tips . I got 7.0 in writing and am so glad i discovered your blog. Thanks alot.

  12. The table shows the amount(in Billions Dollars) spent on fish import in the year 1988, 1992 and 2000 while the pie chart interprets the percentage of fishes imported from Canada, China and other counties in the US within the same years.

    Overall, the amount spent by US on fishes was doubled between 1988 and 2000. The fishes imported from Canada gradually decreased in number on the other hand China and other countries were able to acquire more percentage with time.

    US in the year 1988 spent a total of 6.57 Billion dollars on fish import, which with growing population and other factors led to spending 8.52 billion dollars in 1992 and later 10.72 billion dollars in 2000

    In 1988 Canada was the leading exporter of fish in US with 60% which later on fell down to 34%in 1992 and 28% in 2000. China was the second biggest exporter of fish in US with 13%, which later acquired the market slowly by 20% in 1992 and by 30% being the biggest exporter in the year 2000. Other countries also increased their fish export in US from 27% in 1988 to 46% in 1992 which stayed same around from that time to 2000 with 42%.

  13. The given table and three pie charts illustrate total worth (in terms of billions of dollars) of import and countries exporting fish to the US from 1988 to 2000.

    Overall, the total cost of fish imported to the US has increased significantly. Initially, in 1988, Canada was the largest importer of fish but it got replaced by China in 2000 eventually.

    The total value of fish imported by Canada, China, and other countries in the year 1988 was 6.57 billion dollars which rose by about 2 billion dollars in 1992. In the year 2000, the overall worth of import became 10.72 billion dollars.

    In the year 1988, Canada contributed the most of the import, of about more than a half (60%) while on the other hand only 13% of the fish imported by China. Rest of the proportion of the imported fish was done by other countries. After 4 years, in 1992, proportions of countries altered. The percentage of imported fishes by Canada got reduced to 34% while it escalated by 3% in the case of China. The majority of importers to the US in that year was from the other countries. In the year 2000, China’s imports were higher than that of Canada by 18%. A complete contrast situation if compared to the year 1988. Gradually, the ratio of fish imported by other countries ascended to 42%respectively.

  14. Evelyn Orjingene says

    The table and pie chart illustrate the total value and source of fish importation in US between 1988,1992 and 2000.the table shows the total value in billions of dollars while the pie chart shows countries as a source of fish imported to the US.

    Overall, in 2000 the total value in billions of dollars is the most significant in figure while Canada is the most predominant country in fish importation in US.The least from the chart reveal that in 1988 and others shows little or less in value and importation respectively.

    However the year 2000 and 1992 (10.72 and 8.52 respectively) shows the first and second significant worth in billions of dollars whereas 6.57 comes as the least of all which reveal a fall in billions of dollars in 1988.

    Canada in 1988 and others in 1992and 2000 has the highest rate of proportion in fish importation with about 60%,46%and 42% respectively followed by others (1988),Canada (1992) and China ( 2000).The lowest rate of proportion of importation of fish indicate in 1988(13%)in china , 1992(20%)in china and 2000(Canada)in 2000.

  15. Faiza Wasim says

    The above diagram represent three pie charts and a table showing the value and sources of fish imported to US between 1988 and 2000. The above Pie charts show the countries from where the US imports fish, whereas the table shows the total value of the fish over the given period of time.

    Overall, the value of imports had increased over the period of 12 years from 6.57 billion dollars in 1988, $8.52 in 1992 and $10.72 billion in 2000.

    In the first few years that is from 1988 to 1991, 60% of the imports came from Canada whereas other countries accounted for 27% and 13% came from China thereby costing $6.57 billion to US. However, in 1992, other countries had taken over a charge and contributed 46% as compared to Canada whose imports are now reduced to 34% from 60% wherein 20% of imports were from China, which amounted TO $8.52 billion this time to the US.

    In 2000, the imports from Canada were further reduced to 28% from 34% in 1992 as imports from China increased to 30% while 42% of fish came from other countries of $10.72 billion.

  16. afaf salman says

    The pie charts and table are reporting /documenting information about the major importers and net worth of fish imported to the US between 1988 and 2000.

    Overall, the net worth of fish imports increased steadily over a period of 12 years and three countries namely, Canada, China and some miscellaneous countries were the principle importers . However, an obvious shift in the share of imports is evident; Canada being the key importer at the start, accounting for more than half of the imports, finally lost over half of its share by the final year. It was blatantly taken over by other countries and China reckoning to a collective share that is comparable to what Canada owned initially.

    In 1988, the imports possessed a net worth of 6.57b $ which increased by 1.45% within the next four years, reaching to 8.52b$ in 1992 and finally peaking at 10.72b$ in the final year, demonstrating a steady increase of 2.20%.

    In the first year, Canada accounted for 60% of the market share but drastically lost 14% of its import within the next 4 years-owning a nominal share of 34% by 1992 and finally retaining a meagre share of 28% by 2000 .

    In comparison, the other countries and China initially held a modest share of imports (27% and 13% respectively), this figure continued to escalate for the next 4 years, ,amounting to 46% imports for other countries and 20% for China, (demonstrating a 19% and 7% rise respectively), in 1992. From this point, the trend continued to accelerate for China for the next 8 years, peaking at 30% whereas the shares of other countries downsized to 42% by the year 2000.

  17. afaf salman says

    The pie charts and table are reporting /documenting information about the major importers and net worth of fish imported to the US between 1988 and 2000.
    Overall, the net worth of fish imports increased steadily over a period of 12 years and three countries namely, Canada, China and some miscellaneous countries were the principle importers . However, an obvious shift in the share of imports is evident as Canada being the key importer at the start, accounting for more than half of the imports, had finally lost over half of its share by the final year blatantly taken over by other countries and China reckoning to a collective share that is comparable to what Canada owned initially.
    In 1988, the imports possessed a net worth of 6.57b $ which increased by 1.45% within the next four years, reaching to 8.52b$ in 1992 and finally peaking at 10.72b$ in the final year, demonstrating a steady increase of 2.20%.
    In the first year, Canada accounted for 60% of the market share but drastically lost 14% of its import within the next 4 years-owning a nominal share of 34% by 1992 and finally retaining a meagre share of 28% by 2000 .In comparison, the other countries and China initially held a modest share of imports (27% and 13% respectively), this figure continued to escalate for the next 4 years, ,amounting to 46% imports for other countries and 20% for China, (demonstrating a 19% and 7% rise respectively), in 1992. From this point, the trend continued to accelerate for China for the next 8 years, peaking at 30% whereas the shares of other countries downsized to 42% by the year 2000.

  18. The presented table provides the total amount of fish imported to the US measured in billions of dollars in three different years 1988, 1992 and 2000, while the three pie charts illustrate the percentage of fish that the US brought in from Canada, China and other countries in the same period of time.
    At first glance, the market value of fish steadily increased throughout the time. At the start of the period, Canada was predominantly imported to the US even though other countries replaced it in the rest of the year.
    Getting back to the details, the total amount of shipping started exactly at $6.57 billion in the first year, went up as high as $8.52 billion in 1992 and reached $10.72 billion in the last year.
    In terms of shipping from abroad in 1988, Canada was the vast majority of importation with 68%, compared to China and other countries which provided only 13% and 27% respectively. Nevertheless, the imports from Canada dramatically dropped half of the value 34% in 1992 while other countries had become the predominant supplier with 46% and 42% in 2000. Furthermore, Canada was leading the downward trends with 28% lower than China which rose over the period reaching 30% in 2000.

  19. Hajar says

    The table illustrates the amount of fish that was imported to the us ( measured in billions of dollars) in three different year (1988 , 1992 and 2000) while the three pie charts illustrate changes in amount of fish that the us imported from China and Canada and other countries in the three different years .
    Overall , the amount of fish that was imported increased from Canada in 1988 , while following period other countries replaced Canada .
    At the start of period , the most country the us imported fish from Canada account for 60% compered to China and other different countries which together accounted for 13% , 27% respectively .
    In the other hand , the other different countries were supplier the overwhelming majority which accounted for 46% compered to canada and china which together accounted for 34% , 20% .
    Likewise , value of fish imported from China increased slightly accounted for 30% during 2000 .
    Regarding the table , the amount of fish imports started at 6.57 billion dollars in 1988 but by slightly more increase to 8.52 billion dollars in 1992 , in the final year increase to 10.72 billion dollars in 2000 .

    • Jainil Purohit says

      The table demonstrate the amount of total value of fish which imported in the US in three various years while the pie charts illustrates the sources of fish in that years.
      Analyzing the table, it has been observed that, in year 1988 total $6.57 billion value of fish imported while this number was slightly enhanced in year 1992 compare to year 1988 which was accounted at $8.52 billion. Moreover, in 2000 it peaked highest import at $10.72 billion.
      Scrutinizing the pie charts, it has clearly seen that, major source of fish in the US was Canada at 60% in year 1988 whereas 27% fish purchased from the other states and 13% bought from the china. In addition to, in year 1992 other nation sold huge amount of fish to the Us while 34% carry out from the Canada and 20% from the China.
      Besides this, Canada delivered less number of fishes in year 2000 compare to year 1992 while China provided more than year 1992 in year 2000 to the Us.
      overall, the value of imported fishes increased throughout the years while a Canada and China were main sources of imported fishes.

  20. Yasien Essam Mohamad says

    We can see that we have a comparison between the total value and sources of fishes imported to the US in the span of 1988 to 2000.
    In the year 1988 the total value was the lowest compared to the following years, over the half of the imports was from Canada and slightly over the quarter of the imports was from other different countries and China take the lowest part which was 13% of the imports.
    In the upcoming year in 1992, we can see that Canada share is rapidly decreased to its half value compared to 1988, China part is gradually increased and managed to be one fifth of the total imports and finally the share of other countries is getting higher and close to half of the imports.
    Finally in 2000 we can see that there has been also changes in the import’s distributions, Canada is continuing falling and went under 30%, China is getting more momentum and managed to pass Canada and the other countries stood at nearly the same level as before.
    In terms of the total value of the imports we can see that the market start in1988 with 6.57$ billions and steadily climbed his way up to 8.52$ in 1992 and eventually the highest value in 200 with 10.72, we can conclude that fishing is consider a successful business in US and still have the space for growing.

  21. mikeymike says

    The table shows information about the total amount of imported fish in the US (units are measured in billions of dollars) from 1988 to 2000, while the three pie charts shows the proportions of fish imports from three different countries.

    Overall, the purchased amount of fish had risen to almost doubled throughout the time. In 1988, the highest supplier of fish was Canada, while China was the least among them. Furthermore, there was a huge change in the proportions of countries exporting fish.

    The total amount of fish purchased by the Americans in 1988 was 6.57 billion dollars, then it increased to approximately 2 percent in 1992 before it jumped to $10.72 billion in 2000 which was almost doubled of the total expenses in 1988.

    In terms of countries exporting fish to United States, in 1988 Canada surpassed all other competitors to more than half of the total imports, followed by others at just above a quarter, while China accounted the smallest portion at 13%. In the succeeding years, there were major changes in the importing business, in 1992 the highest importers were from others and it continued in the next eight years at 42 % while Canada and China had small difference in total numbers of fish exports at 28 and 30 % respectively.

  22. Sushil Bhusal says

    The above table and the pie charts potrays an information about the import value and the share of three different countries in supplying fish to USA in between the year 1988 to 2000.
    Overall, it is noticiable that, the value of the import increased over the time period whilst, Canada supplied predominantly proportion of fish in the yeasr 1988.
    As per the table, the total value of import increased. Commenced from. 6.57 billion in
    1988, it continuously rose up to 8.52 billion in 1992 and peaked its position at 10-72 billion in the year 2000.

    Coming to the pie-chart, Canada supplied the majority proportion(60%) of the fish while China and Others countries exported slightly more than a half (60%) and slightly more than a tenth (13.7%) respectively. In the following years, the dominance of Canada over other countries, started to fall, more than a Quarter (28%) in the final year (2002). The supply proportion other shooted up, reaching a less than half (42%) and proportion China also rose up to more than a quarter (30%) in the final year Lear 2000 .

  23. The table and pie charts illustrate the total value and sources of fish shipped into US respectively between three years (1988,1992 & 2000)
    Starting off at 1988, the value of fish were 6.57 in billions of dollars. After 4 years, at the year 1992, there was around a 2% high increase, making the amount in billions of 8.52%, in year 1992. And finally in the year 2000, there is another increase of 2%, valuing 10.72 billions of US dollars.
    The pie charts illustrates, diffrent countries from where fishes are imported from, in three diffrent years 1988,1992 and 2000.Canada has been the most source of import in fish to US, supplying more than 2 other countries combined, which is 60% while China and others having a percentage of 13% and 27% respectively. In the year 1992, Canada dipped its importing quantity to around 20%, having offshored 46%. China and others gained a slight margin in their numbers, marking 20% and 34% respectively.
    In the year 2000, Canada slid past half their total imports compared to the starting year being in 28%, as China leaped forward in margin by 10%. The most supplied country of fishes, goes to other countries, though being dropped compared tom 1992 by 4%, supplying a 42%, marking themselves as the major importers of fish in the US

    PS: This is my first practice done in IELTS Writing 1 🙂

  24. I have extensively read through the free material on your website. I feel prepared. Thank you Liz. I have done my speaking test today, tomorrow I will go in for my L,R and W. I hope to excel. If I do I will give my God (Jehovah) and Liz the glory.

  25. Aug 9, 2020

    I finally made it on my 2nd try! writing target score 7 and i got it! (From 6)Writing WAS my weakness. Thanks Liz I used your writing samples even for a short while and i finally made it.

  26. khanim says

    liz thank you so much.

  27. Rizwan says

    Thank You ! Explain well in simple way.

  28. Tnx so much dear mam g

  29. Bayarkhuu says


    Thank you very much for giving extraordinary advice. It is very simple and accurately answer. I am from Mongolia.

    Thanks, Баярлалаа

  30. Samar says

    Hi Liz.
    Thanks for all of your helpful lessons.
    I want to know if I can write(units are measured in percentage) in writing task one.
    Please answer me thanks

    • It depends if you have already mentioned percentage. If you wrote “The chart illustrations the proportion of …”, it means you have already introduced percentage.

  31. Do unequal sized body paragraphs result in a problem ?

    For example, in this writing task, explaining the table is easier than the pie charts; hence, the body paragraph of the table explanation naturally becomes shorter than pie charts’ body paragraph.

    Don’t The IELTS examiners decrease the score due to this unbalanced situation ?

    • Writing task 1 is a report, not an essay. Reports do not require equal length paragraphs. In writing task 2, however, if your main ideas in the body paragraph are not equally developed, it will affect your score.

  32. Madhuri says

    Dear Liz, I’m following your lessons but I got one doubt in writing task 1. In bar and pie charts we should use past tense then what tense should be used for maps and diagrams?

  33. Hi Liz,

    Can I use cumulative as a synonym for total in this context?

    • BE very careful with paraphrasing and only paraphrase when you are 100% sure it is correct. Your aim is not to paraphrase suitable words such as total – that word would be used only once and does not need to be paraphrased. Be more selective in your choices of paraphrases. All you need to do is show the skill of paraphrasing and avoid errors. Not all words should be paraphrased.

  34. Thanks for the another good post!

  35. MarbleMountain says

    Hello Liz,
    I participated in the academic module of IELTS test today (September 7th 2019), and I thought I’d share the questions with you for other students’ further practice, so here they are:
    do you live in a house or an apartment? how long have you lived there? where it is located?
    do you use social networking sites? how often? are there any drawbacks to these sites? do you think you will be using them more or less in the future compared to now? do you think they are useful for finding friends? what’s your attitude towards this kind of friendships?
    Topic card: describe a person you know how has new or interesting ideas. you should say:
    who this person is? how do you know him? why do you consider his ideas interesting or new?
    follow-up questions: at what age children start having their own ideas? do schools play a role in pupils’ having ideas? who is famous in your country for having new ideas? do you think political leaders’ use of media for spreading ideas is helpful, good, or important?

    writing task 2:
    in some countries university students live with their family while they are studying. in other countries students leave their home to study in another city.
    do you think the advantages of living with family outweigh the disadvantages?

  36. foji1234 says

    The three pie charts illustrates the sources of fish imported to the US in 1998,1992,2002 , while the table demonstrates the value of the imported fish.
    overall, it can be seen that the imports value steadily increased through the period, however imports from the Canada continuously decreased.
    In 1998, imports value was 6.57 billions of dollars. In this year US imported most of fish from Canada which is around 60%, when china imported 13% of the total. In 1992, US decreased imports of fish from Canada by 64 % of total imports, however increased imports from China with 20 % of the total. In both years US imported respectively 27 % and 46 % in 1988 and 1992.
    In 2002, US imported highest amount of fish by 10.2 billions of dollars. This year US imported 28% from Canada which is the lowest imports from Canada, while US imported more fish from other sources by 42% of the total. US imported 30% from China.

    • kiroshan Selva says

      The above given pie graph and the table illustrates the proportions and total value of the sea foods which are imported by the US from various countries including China and Canada, over a period of 12 years from 1988 to 2000.
      first of all, the percentage of importation from Canada decreased dramatically from 60% to 34% between 1988 to 1992, then it was slightly dropped to 24% in 2000. One the other hand, China exported 13% percentage on 1988 but its increased steadily to 20% in 1992, however it was rose to reach the peak in 2000 its 30%.
      In addition to that, the import of fish food from other countries from increased from 27% to 46% between 1998 to 1992 but its reduced slightly to 42% in 2000.
      Overall, it can be seen that US invest more than 26 million of dollars to import fish food from other countries betwixt the period of 1988 to 2000. furthermore, according to the given table we can notice that there was a gradual increase on the value which was spent by US only for importation of sea food.

  37. Please do not expect a quick reply. I am overloaded with work and I work alone. This is not a question/answer service, my website is aimed at providing the 300 pages of free lessons and tips which are all accessed through the RED BAR at the top of the website.

  38. Ch Ali Raza says

    Well actually Liz you have demonstrated IELTS very well but the best

  39. Hi Liz, I’m shocked by this task 1 because this is the exact same task 1 I had on 07/06/2019 at Melbourne IDP computer-delivered test!!!!!

  40. Kehinde says

    This is awesome…you teach like you want to teach your self…sincere and simple.i found the lessons simple and easy to follow. thank you lizzy

  41. Flora dakoru Okuchaba says

    Hi liz your blog is interestingly helpful. Thanks alot.

  42. Maen says

    Hi Liz!
    Can I say: ‘Canada’s contribution to the US fish market dropped’ for example, as a way of substituting words like imports and exports?

  43. I studied this text and one week later it was my Task 1 on IELTS. I almost had a loud laugh when I saw it. Thank you Liz, your tips helped me a lot!

  44. Ghada salem says

    Thank you ,Liz!
    Really beneficial 💐

  45. Ranjni says

    Pls let me know as to how many paras are advisable. Can the body be in one or two paras

    • Always divide the body into paragraphs. Usually there are two but it is possible to have three sometimes. It depends on the data.

  46. If we are given a pie chart with defined proportion but undefined unit for the numbers, how we should mention the unit of the numbers?
    An example of this issue has been revealed in writing task 1 in Cambridge IELTS book 11, Test 4.

    • If the units are undefined, then you just refer to 25 units or 2,000 units. In the IELTS Cmabridge book 11, test 4, you will see that the numbers in the pie charts are actually percentages. The whole adds up to 100.

  47. sabita says

    The table and piecharts illustrates the stastical figure of value of fish and the fraction of fish imported to US over the period of three different years 1988,1992 and 2000.
    As can be seen from the table it is clear that the fish increased its value dramatically from 6.57% in 1988 and 8.52%to 10.72% in 2000.
    Referring the piechart in terms of importation of fish US witnessed the disparity in fraction from different countries over the period.The majority of fish were provided by canada in 1988 arpproximtely 60% which decreased and reached to 39% in 1992 and 28% in 2000 respectively.China witnessed the more than one ten in total in 1988 and increased by the following two different years 20 % in 1992 and 30% in 2000.Whereas the fish exported from other different countries saw the greater disparity in proportion over the period of 11 year .The percentage went up overwhelmingly
    from 27 to 46 respectively.

  48. Kalpana says

    Hello liz…

    Is it right to use grammatically…”fishes were imported” or I should use that “fish was imported”…i m confuse as graph shows that imported fish….more than one… So is it ok to use singular??

    Pls make your point… It is very pleasant to hear you.


  49. Rana alaoufi says

    Hi lez
    I would ask about how to write paragraph like what you showed why not starting with leaving a space for 5 letters?

  50. Mostafa says

    Dear Liz,

    Ignore it, i got it.

  51. Samantha says

    Hi Liz, one of the many tips in Writing Task 1 is not to include all the details that you see. But in your sample answer, you discussed all of the details. Is it okay to describe all the details that you see in the charts for the sake of meeting the word number requirement? TIA!

    • You will see that not ALL percentages for the three pie charts are given. Information is grouped together.

  52. quang anh says

    hello liz,
    thanks for your article, but I have a question
    We don’t need to compare the pie chart with the table ?

  53. hi , wud appreciate if u could correct my sentense if its wrong –
    by year 2000 there was fourfold rise in value of dollars

  54. Hi Liz.I would like to clarify about the use of which,that and who when referring to a country.Which is the proper one?I have googled to seek for an answe but none really satisfies me.I believe you can help me.Thanks

  55. Hi mam
    Should we leave a line in writing after each passage or after completing passage we should end each in leaving half line and second line we should start with second passage?

  56. I got the result for my IELTS, I got the worse score in writing. Though my overall band is 7 but in writing section I could get only 6.0. I was not expecting this. I need to start preparation again. I want at least 7 in all sections.

  57. Hello liz,, your web is very helpful. Thank you very much for your hard work.

    I have a question regarding the structure in option B.

    “Regarding the table, the value of imports started at $6.57 billion in the first year, increasing to …. and reaching …. ”

    This sentence began with “started” and why do yo use increasing and reaching instead of increased and reached after it?

    Thank you

  58. Priyanka says

    Hi Liz,
    I am facing problem in writing task 1 when there are 2 different graphs are given. Writing all the information given in 2 graphs lead to exceeding the word limit. What can I do for this? Can I write some of the facts given in graphs in overview?

    • There is no upper limit. It is common to write around 190 words for task 1. With two charts, introduce both, put the key features of both in one overview and then put the details of each in separate body paragraphs. See my models with two charts.

      • Priyanka says

        Thank you so much! I am following your videos and using all the important tips described by you. They are really helpful, however, I sometimes write more than 190 words when there are 2 graphs given. How much it can affect my band score in task 1?

        • There is no upper word limit. 200 words is fine for two charts with lots of information.

  59. Eang Heng says

    Hello Liz… I have some problem with my writing task 1 they just give me the line graph and the line graph just only have 1 line and in this graph I have to write at least 150 words but I only wrote 120 words I want to extend my writing also but they only give 1 line it’s difficult to me extend do u have any suggest for me ?

  60. In writing task 2 academic: survey shows that many criminals have low education level. A way to decrease crimes is to educate people in prison to help them find a job when they leave prison. In what extent do you agree or disagree?

  61. thank you .. you are pretty , smart , and very helpful … best teacher on the NET .. only because of you , I might be able to score well.

    It’s sad to see that teachers from India are a joke .. they didn’t even help me and my other mates .. just made money out of us :/
    This is why western is education rocks .. Gotta bless the Brits like you. 🙂

  62. Jennifer says

    Thank you so much, Liz! this is all I need for writing tactics .
    Warm regards,

  63. Hi Liz! Thank you for the lessons you provide for all of us.
    I would like to clarify if British Council and IDP follows different format for writing task 1. Some people say that British Council has this format: Intro, Body, Conclusion. While IDP follows this: Intro, Conclusion (Overall,..), Body(details).
    I followed the format you used in your examples.
    How true is this? Thank you.

    • The examiners that mark your writing are trained in the same way for IDP and BC. In fact, some examiners work at both places. The test is the same and the marking is the same.

  64. Hi Liz

    Thank you so much for your valuable tips.
    I just got my target today – 6.5
    you are amazing and simply superb.

  65. i was interested to subscribe your writing task video course but plz confirm whether all writing task 2 are covered or individually …

    • No, at present I have only two lessons available to buy. I will add one more next month and then two more next year. You can buy them individually.

  66. Mahmudul says

    Thank you very much for your lessons. I don’t understand one statement of this writing. ” By 1992, other countries….made up 46% of all imports in 1998 and 42% by 2000. I don’t get why you have written 1998 ?

    Thank you.

  67. Yorn Pich says

    Dear IELTs team:

    I have one more month for my ielts exam. However, I find that my reading is quite poor. If you have a special technique which I can adapt to and learn from It will be appreciated. Great thank !!!


  68. Hi Liz,

    I am following your posts as my exam is on 8th October, could you please post writing task for General Test?

    Yasir from Vietnam 🙂

  69. Thanks mam for your amaging learning a lot from here. 🙂

  70. Dear Ms. Liz,
    Thank you so much your information. your writing is useful me . it is easy understand with your ideal description.

    By the way, you can guide method listen rose level. i need iels 6.5 but existing i gain 4.0. how long i can is 6.5 if i follow your instruction

    Best regards,
    Gloria Tran

    Best regards

  71. Hi Liz,
    Thank you so much for providing us helpful information on how to pass the ielts. You’ve been a great help for me starting from my day 1 of review until now.

    I made my own version of that report. I hope you can put some remarks and corrections, if you have available time. Thank you.

    The pie charts and table illustrate the overall worth of imported fish and the countries that supplied the US in 1988, 1992 and 2000.
    It can be clearly seen that in 1988, Canada was the top supplier of fish but as the years passed by, it was overtaken by the other countries. The highest value of fish importation was noted in 2000.
    By 1988, China exported 13% of fish to the US and increased significantly to 20% and 30 % in the following years ( 1992 and 2000, respectively). On the other hand, Canada’s fish import had the greatest percentage in 1988 (60%),then, it decreased almost half in 1992. By 2000, Canada’s supply of fish went down to 28%.
    The other countries noted to had 13% supplied fish in 1988 and progressed to 30% by 2000.
    In terms of the total value of imported fish, the year 2000 got the highest, amounting to $10.72 billion dollars. Followed by $ 8.52 billionn (1992) and $6.57 billion (1988). The worth of imported fish increased by more or less 2% as the time passed by.

    ***** thank you so much..

    • Sorry I don’t comment on writing. But I will say just two things: Make your overview clear – state with “Overall”. Make your paragraphs clear – leave an empty line between them.

  72. simple, superb and spotless

    Thank you very much Liz

  73. TON THAT HOA says

    Thank you very much for your dedication Liz. I am a regular reader of your website :-). With best wishes from Vietnam.

  74. emre313d says

    Hey Liz…

    Thank you very much.You have amazing teaching skill.I discoverd your webpage 2 days ago.I was searching webpage,knowledge like yours.Thank you again.

  75. Mohammad El Prince says

    Simple enough

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