IELTS Opinion Essay: Choosing one side or partially agreeing?

In an IELTS opinion essay, you can either agree, disagree or take a balanced approach which means to partially agree. However, you need to learn more so that you fulfil the requirements of the higher band scores.

See the answers to the 4 questions below. Also see useful links for writing task 2 below. All tips are for GT and Academic students.

1. Is it better to choose one side?

It won’t alter your score if you choose to support one side or partially agree. As long as you give a clear opinion, the examiner will be happy.

If you don’t understand a partial agreement essay, then choose one side. It’s easier to choose one side for most students and you can still get band score 9 by choosing one side.

Sometimes it might be hard to find enough ideas to support one side. In this case, go for a partial agreement. BUT if you need training to learn how to do this correctly.

2. Will you get a higher score if you partially agree?

No. It’s doesn’t matter what your opinion is – one side or partial. The only thing the examiner wants is a relevant opinion which is fully explained.

3. Can you write a discussion essay instead?

NO. Let me repeat that – NO !!! An opinion essay is only about your opinion. It is not about what other people think. You can’t change the type of essay you have been given. Look at the instructions below:

  • Discussion both sides and give your opinion
    • You must explain both sides of what other people think and also give your opinion
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree?
    • You must present your opinion and nothing else. Your opinion must cover all aspects of the essay question.


4. Can you use “I” or “my” in an opinion essay?

Yes. Of course. You MUST use “i” or “my” – it’s the only way to give your own personal opinion. Look at the language below:

  • it is believed / it is considered / it seems – This language does not express your own individual opinion. It is perfect for discussion essays but it can’t be used for your own views.
  • I think / I agree / I disagree / In my opinion – This is how you clearly express your view. The examiner wants to see this language when you give your opinion.

Useful Links for IELTS Writing Task 2

Click below to open useful links for IELTS writing task 2:

When to give your opinion

How to write an introduction

Using “I” or “my”: Free Video

Using quotes and idioms

All Writing Task 2 Tips & Model Essays

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  1. Anup says

    Would this essay work on the opinion essay:

    Q.) Public celebrations (such as national days, festivals etc) are held in most countries. These are often quite expensive and some people say that governments should spend money on more useful things. Do you agree or disagree?

    The public display of culture through celebrations has been a matter of debate for years as most people argue for its necessity as it contributes to a huge loss in the nation’s capital. In the meantime, certain groups of people often express their dissatisfaction to the government cutting funds to such events, debating in support of large public celebrations, with the argument that those public celebrations are the sole identity of the nation. Both the arguments are much compelling as there doesn’t exist a harsh dark and light in the situations, but it lies in the gray area in actuality.

    Public celebrations including festivals, jatras(cultural rallys popular in Nepal), national days, ets are unique to a culture,group or a place, and are the markers for their identity. So, cutting funds to those celebrations for sparing some bucks for the government might risk these unique heritages to go to extinction as we move throughout the years. Moreover, it may risk the extinction of an entire culture which for a country with a diverse heritage like Nepal, based predominantly on cultural tourism might be a much bigger problem in the future. The government cutting corners in some public celebrations while not in others, might also come off as discriminatory to the people of different cultures having their faith attached to those events.

    On the other hand, in the time of an economic crisis like the one we are currently in, the government spending their funds off lavish displays and events could be debated as an unwise decision. People can debate how those funds can be utilized in works of social reforms and development rather than a lavish display. Furthermore, as the government has its own limitations for the sources of revenue, spending it off for events which might bring profit to the nation through tourism rather than on solid projects and developments works that are guaranteed to bring back the investment would be a better decision if taking things logically.

    Taking all those things in consideration, it is fairly a matter dependent upon the situation and the economic state of the nation. If I were the one to decide, considering the current situation of the government, I would probably choose to mobilize the funds to development projects rather than extravagant public displays.

  2. Hi, Liz,

    “Parents should encourage children to spend less time on studying and more on doing physical activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

    For this kind of question, can I say I think studying and physical activities are equally important?

    Similarly, “Some people think the government should not spend on international aid because there are disadvantaged people in their country, such as the unemployed and homeless. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

    Can I say I think solving issues in their country and spending money on international aid are both important?

    Do I have to say which one is more important than the other one?


    • When you have an opinion essay with two issues, you must address them both. But you don’t want to sit on the fence. You need to think more deeply about your opinion. You will usually find that you feel more strongly about one side than the other. Or you might find that you agree with A in a certain situation and B in another situation.
      Looking at the first question. Are you really trying to say that study and physical activities should have equal time spend on each? At the moment, school children study for about 7 hours a day and have one hour homework. They do physical activities for no more than about 1 hour a day. So, are you saying that schools should completely alter their curriculum and have 50% study and 50% physical activity? Really? I doubt you think this. Do you really want children playing games outside for four hours a day and only studying for four days? This is a common example of not analysing your thoughts enough. IELTS writing is about thinking more deeply and presenting a well thought out point of view. Think very carefully about how you express your opinion and explain it. For example, you could say studying should take priority but at the same time physical activity should be increased in schools and made available as extra curricular activities. Also note, the essay question is not about which is more important, it is about how much time should be spent on each. Pay very close attention to the wording in the question so that you address the issue directly. Hopefully, now you can apply these principles to the second question.

      • Siddhant says

        It was the what extend do you agree question..
        Instead of writing “I partially agree”
        I wrote “as per my view.. And stated both points about my partial agreement with the statement but I didn’t write I partially agree.. Will this make me suffer a huge loss..?
        Please reply
        Thank you

        • There are no specific words that must be used in IELTS. If you agree with the statement, you don’t need to write “I agree” specifically. If you partially agree, you don’t need to use those particular words. IELTS is about meaning and clarity, not rules about using one or two words.

  3. perpetually confused says

    Hi Liz, I have an opinion essay of my own to write and I am quite confused as to what approach I should take with the topic. “Traditions can be found all over the world, some of them ancient and some of them recent. They often serve to bring communities together, but can also be the subject of heated debate and controversy. To what extent do you believe traditions can be harmful?”
    If I choose partially agree, how should my essay be structured? Should I write about how traditions could be harmful in one paragraph, and list out how it might not be the case in other situations in another paragraph? Wouldn’t that seem more like a for and against essay instead? Thanks a lot!

    • Where did you get this essay question? Did you get it from an Official IELTS website or an Official IELTS test book, if so which one?

  4. Vishal Suthar says

    Hi liz,
    I am confused on how to write an essay being agree partially.
    Today, the life expectancy of people is much higher than before. Some people think that older people should continue to be involved in the workforce.

    I hope for your reply 🙏

    • In that essay question there is only one issue – do you think older people should continue to be involved in the workforce? If you partially agree, it means you do not fully agree. In other words, there might be one or two reasons why you do not fully agree with it. You therefore have to state what those reasons are and in what cases you do actually agree.

  5. Sameera Perera says

    Hi Liz,

    In this case (To what extent do you…), If I take one side and explain it further, isn’t it similar to an Agree or Disagree essay? (Here I am assuming that in an Agree or Disagree essay we have to take one position.)

    • There is no difference at all between “to what extent..” and “do you agree/disagree”. They are the same instructions paraphrased.

  6. Hi Liz,

    For this essay – paying all workers the same salary in a company promotes harmony and respect amongst colleagues. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
    Can I write an essay like this: I strongly disagree with the above statement and in this essay will discuss the reasons as to why first of fall its impractical to pay the same salary and then will elucidate the reasons as to why paying all the employees the same salary will in fact result in a less harmonious work environment.

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    • Sounds like you have been learning phrases to put in your essay. Do NOT use learned phrases “this will essay discuss the reasons…” / “then elucidate the reasons as to why…” The examiner is not stupid. The examiner knows these are not your own language. Each sentence must be uniquely created by yourself. Why don’t you just write normally: “I strongly disagree with the above statement because it is impractical to pay the same salary and cause friction in the work environment.”. Be clear. Be direct. Safe the details for the body paragraphs.

      • Hi Liz! Thank you so much for your reply. English is kind of my first language and I am used to using those phrases. Should I tone down my English for IELTS? Thanks again for your great help!

        • If English is your first language, you should write naturally. This is not an academic essay, it is a formal essay. You don’t use academic phrases. You write naturally and avoid informal tones or language. The title “academic ielts” is given because the test is often taken for entry onto educational courses. The essay itself is only formal in nature.

  7. Hi Liz,

    I myself am an IELTS trainer (for the past year after being in the BPO sector for 20 years) and am a fan of yours and your IELTS tips, lessons, and videos that you have generously posted for free have been immensely helpful to me and my students. In continuation to the above hot discussion on opinion essays, I would like your say on the below situation.

    One of my students had written an essay on the below question.

    “Modern technology products such as smartphones and wearables are very addictive and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or degree with this view?”

    He took an one-sided view (like many students would prefer to do or were taught to do) that “I completely disagree with the statement.” and wrote about the necessity of smartphones, advantages of the industry generating employment to many and revenue to government in the form of taxes, etc. (He did not mention about the addictive part whether he agrees it is addictive or not). I felt the task is not met like you rightly pointed out in one of the comments above(do you concur).

    However, I feel there are two parts in the statement a) smart phones are addictive and b) it should be banned.

    So shouldn’t we address both parts, that is, whether I agree if they are addictive and if so whether banning it is the solution for the same.

    In that case there cannot be an answer which says I completely disagree with the statement unless you mean to say they are not addictive and hence need not be banned.

    Are the below options correct:
    OPTION I: I partially agree with the statement a) it is addictive however disagree with b) should be banned, probably use can be restricted or limited.

    OPTION II: One-sided, I agree they are addictive and hence need to be banned.

    OPTION III: One-sided, I disagree, they are not addictive and hence need not be(should not be) banned.

    Are there any other variations possible. Thanks for taking your valuable time to read/respond to this lengthy post, which in my humble opinion will be of great help to all other millions of IELTS aspirants worldwide who visit your web page.

    • You have hit the nail on the head. Your understanding of the question is correct. Your understanding of a one-sided view when there are two issues to address is correct. The only other option you haven’t tackled is a specific view point:
      I agree they are addictive, however I think banning them is not the right solution – a better solution would be X. It is a great way to fully address and expand the topic given.
      I hope that helps.

      • Karthikeyan Sugavanam says

        Thank you Liz for your clarification. I’m doubly happy. God bless you for your wonderful work and big/kind heart.

      • Darshine says

        Hello Liz! I am really worried about opinion essays! I ordered the advanced lesson but it says ‘not supported’. I don’t know what to do. Please help me .My exam is on saturday.

  8. Hii Liz what can we write to give a partial view ?

  9. Hi liz,
    Does it affects my TR score if I only discuss about “Benefits of planting tress” and do not talk about “building houses” in the following essay:-
    My thesis statement is: I completely agree that planting trees is more significant to solve many problems confronted by urban dewellers than constructing infrastructure.

    Some people think that planting trees in open spaces in cities and towns is more important than building houses. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    • It would negatively affect your score. Your opinion is “I believe planting trees is more important than housing”. You must explain why planting trees is important and why housing is not so important. Answer fully!

  10. Abduvosil says

    Hi Liz!
    How can I improve doing T/F/NG reading questions?

  11. Hi Liz,
    I just recently took my IELTS exam last Saturday.I may say thay I am blessed with my writing task 1 and 2 topics.
    In writing task 1, I need to write a letter from a complaints that turns a commendation for the staff.
    Writing task 2, is need to give my opinion from the suggestion that suggestion that all ages of students to join in same class.
    I hope this will help.
    Now, I’l pray that all my exam ,reading and listening will have a good results.
    God is good I know! 🙂
    from Mhae

  12. Andreea Culbece says

    That test I had it on the 26th! I said that I believe that children should learn both of them. I don’t know why they gave me only 6…I’m struggling with the writing and I don’t know where I’m doing so many mistakes…I sit this exam for 4th times and I am quite desperate because I don’t know what I should change…I watched your videos, I worked a few books…and nothing….only 6. Thank you!

    • Lijo thomas says

      If u agree you cannot explain about world history.
      Throughout your essay should be about local history and supporting sentences. Watch her advanced ielts videos. She is explaining more in detail.

      • Your opinion must answer the all issues. If you agree, then your opinion is that local history should be taught and world history should not be taught. That is your full opinion.

  13. If you agree – then you need to explain why you think money shouldn’t be spent protecting wildlife and also what other problems should be solved with the money.

  14. Hello Liz, How can I buy all three advanced writing videos together? As each purchase cost can extra fee for international transaction, buying together would be beneficial, if that is possible.

  15. Dear LIZ
    I get more motivated when I read your texts. Although my handwriting is not much more qualified, but I’m preparing for IELTS test.Actually, I live in Finland as an asylum seeker, considerd to my teacher’s opinion I am not ready to take ILETS test yet. Would you please share me some links for improving my writing and listening?
    Thank you so much

  16. Manu Joy says

    Hi Liz,
    Can i use words such as ‘what is more ‘OR ‘ to be more clear’ to explain my points between paragraphs?
    Thanks in advance

  17. Hi mam, 7 years back I took ielts exam & I got 6.5 overall . Later I stopped thinking of exam as it finds difficult for me to reach the required score.But after watching all your lessons I am planning to take exam again .Really impressed by all ur videos . Thanks you so much .

  18. Roshna Raut says

    My exam is tomorrow
    I have one question please help me

    In any questions like agree or disagree, advantages or disadvantages, to what extent do you agree or disagree???
    In such OR questions…can we partially agree or disagree?? Can we fully go for disagree or agree??


    Can we write for example in body paragraph(if we agree) writing 4 positive points and in next paragraph 3 points showing its negative side
    and in conclusion going with agree one

    please reply

  19. Hi my best ielts teacher,kindly tell me if it is correct to write your opinion as ,”This essay agrees with the statement or should i always write, “In my opinion.Thanks in advance

    • If you want to give YOUR opinion, you need to use “I”. The words “this essay …” does not express your opinion.

  20. Rushikesh says

    Hi Liz,

    In the partially agree,is it possible to write 2 body paragraphs on agree and 3rd one on disagree. I am little confuse about it.

    Thanks in advance

  21. Hi Liz,

    For the Partial Agreement/Disagreement Essay (Balanced View) is it possible to still write 4 Paragraphs with such essay or it must be 5 paragraphs?

    • You can have either four or five paragraphs in writing task 2. It depends on your main points.

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