IELTS Model Essay -Two Questions Essay Type

IELTS Writing Task 2 Two Questions Essay is basically a Direct Questions Essay where you are given one, two or three direct questions to answer. Instead of being given task, such as “Discuss both sides.”, you are given specific questions to answer about a given topic.

IELTS Two Question Essay Task Sample

Below you see a two question essay for IELTS Writing Task 2.

More and more adults are playing computer games.

Why is this happening? Is it a positive or negative trend?

As you see, there are two tasks:

  1. to explain what the causes are for this topic
  2. to decide whether you think this is a positive trend or negative trend

These two tasks are of equal importance. This means that for your body paragraphs, you must address each question equally and explain each with equal length. This is actually part of the Task Response marking criterion, which counts for 25% of your writing task 2 marks. Click here: WRITING T2 MARKING CRITERIA WITH TIPS

Useful Tips: IELTS Two Direct Questions Essay

The main topic in the essay question is Technology and the specific topic is Computer Games and Adults.  I’ve provided a list of tips to help you tackle this type of essay question.

  1. There is only one issue to tackle: computer games. This is lucky. It is an easy essay question. Some essay questions are more complex and have two separate issues to tackle.
  2. The issue is specific: This means it is specifically relating to adults and your essay should not discuss why children play computer based. All IELTS essays must be very focused to the precise task you are given.
  3. There are two questions to answer. I call this type of question a “Direct Question Essay”. The first question is about causes of the trend. You might have one main cause or two causes. The second question is about evaluating whether this trend is good or bad. Whenever you are asked to choose, it means you must give your opinion.
  4. Analyse & Brainstorm:
    • Think of some examples of computer games that adults play. You need to spend time on this aspect of the question. The deeper you think about this, the more relevant your main ideas will become. For example, are there any computer games that require intelligence? How have computer games changed over the years? Is this a reason why so many adults now play games? The more you think, the better your ideas for tackling this essay will be.
    • Think about what attracts adults to these computers games. What do they get out of it?
    • Then think about whether you, personally, think this is good or bad. Do adults gain anything from playing computer games or are computer games a complete waste of time for them? Are there any negative consequences of adults doing this?
  5. After you brainstorm, choose the ideas that are the most relevant and the easiest to explain well. You don’t get a high score because you have lots of ideas. You get a higher score for presenting specific ideas which are well developed and highly relevant.
  6. Body Paragraphs: f you have two questions to cover. It is logical to have two body paragraphs. Being logical in your choice of paragraphing is important.
  7. Provide a clear position in your introduction as to whether you think this is a positive or negative point. Being clear in the introduction helps the examiner follow your body paragraphs more easily and this will increase your score. If you think it is positive – make it clear. If you think it is negative – say so. If you think “it depends” – make sure you word it clearly and explain it clearly in the body paragraphs – never sit on the fence when you are asked to choose. The easiest approach is a positive or negative one (a one-sided approach). The “it depends” approach is harder and requires stronger language skills.

Model Essay for IELTS  Two Direct Questions

It seems that the current trend is for an increasing number of adults to enjoy playing computer games in their free time. With the development of game technology, it is hardly surprising that adults are playing games, but whether it is positive or negative depends on the games played and the time spent on them.

In terms of why so many adults are choosing to spend time playing computer games, it is mainly because the technology behind the games is becoming more sophisticated. Initially, when games first came out, they were very simplistic and appealed mainly to children. However, things have moved on since then and games have become visually appealing, very absorbing, require great dexterity and some also have a strategic challenge to them which adults particularly like. Such games can attract professional adults looking to hone tactics and skills to other adults wishing just to relax and switch off.

However, whether this trend in adults towards computer games is beneficial or not can be challenged. Some adults use complex, challenging games as a form of escapism which keeps their mind sharp and helps them relax at the same time. As long as the time spent on such games is balanced with other healthier pursuits, it can be constructive. Unfortunately, adults who ignore their physical health and spend too much time on mindless, repetitive games develop a sedentary lifestyle which can be detrimental to their wellbeing.

In conclusion, computer games have become more fascinating and tempting to adults. While games that help develop tactics and knowledge might be advantageous, no game, particularly senseless games, should be played to excess and certainly should not replace healthier leisure activities.

Word count = 276




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  1. Mohamad Faizan says

    Hello Madam Liz,

    First of all, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the hard work you have put into the resources on your website and YouTube, and for allowing everyone to use them. I had a question regarding background statements. Sometimes the question has a universal statement or a statement that is too short or cannot be modified (like “more and more people are playing computer games”). Is it good to write the statement as it is in the background statement, or can I add something of my own?

    • The background statement is a direct paraphrase of the information given. The words “more and more people are playing computer games” can be changed to “an increasing number of people are choosing to spend their time playing games on the computer”. It isn’t about adding your own information. The paraphrase should be as direct and precise as well. It’s just about writing the same information using your own words, in your own way.

  2. HI LIZ, COULD YOU PLEASE GIVE ME JUST A FEEDBACK? that would be really appreciated thank you

    Some people argue that all experimentation on animals is bad and should be outlawed. However, others believe that important scientific discoveries can be made from animal experiments.

    Can experimentation on animals be justified? Are there any alternatives?

    Some would argue that all animal experiments is bad and should be prohibited by the law, while others believe that significant medical breakthroughs could be obtained . This essay will argue that experiments on animals can not be justified due to the violence animals are forced to suffer and that the usage of AI-based devices and other technological tools can be valid alternatives.

    Experimentation conducted on animals often involves violence or principles violating their life. Medical laboratories or institutions where researches are conducted on different human diseases almost always require the selected animal to be closed in small containers at high pressure and controlled temperature , which often are not the ones they are naturally used to, limiting their freedom to be in a green and open space. Moreover, as they are mostly used to test new drugs or vaccines , they not only need to undergo invasive procedures like continuous blood sampling and skin incision, but they will also experience the side effects of new drugs administered or devices implanted , leading most of of the time to a slow and a painful death . For example, Beagle dogs have been used for many years as test subjects for developing of new drugs against human autoimmune diseases suffering and experiencing a dreadful death. Therefore I believe that such a type of cruel experimentation can not be justified by the potential and not sure positive effects of scientific discoveries.

    Scientific innovations could potentially be obtained with less invasive and cruel methods , without the need of involving animals. Artificial intelligence devices and other technologies such as sophisticated computer programes could potentially be good alternatives in the medical field. Sampling blood from humans and subsequently filling it with a drug and then inserting them in a device could potentially reveal the effect this drug has on the humans, by setting all the physiological parameters of the human body on these electronic devices . Moreover some tools are sophisticated enough to completely being able to simulate all the human beings’ functions like breathing, digestion and blood circulation, providing in this way an effective method for experimentation. For example, In the USA , Scientists by cooperating with technology experts started to use some ai-algorithms to asses the side effects of drugs used for Diabetes.
    I therefore believe alternatives are present and should be used

    In conclusion, although the potential benefits in terms of innovation and discoveries of animal experiments, these are not justified because of the hurt imposed on animals. I , therefore believe different non invasive methods should be addressed and used.

    • My main comment would be – can you analyse the essay question, plan the essay and write over 400 words in 40 mins? Writing over 300 words isn’t usually recommended because it doesn’t help your score. This is over 400 words. Can you produce this within 40 mins with time for proofreading as well and still leave 20 mins for task 1?

      • Thank you very much for your comment Liz.
        It took me 43 mins to finish task 2, including proofreading .Besides the length , is the structure ok?
        I purchased your Grammar rule for writing and I found it absolutely amazing .

        • Yes, your structure is solid – one body paragraph for each question. Your vocabulary is excellent and allows for precise meaning which is a high band score. There are a few issues, for instance …

          1) the sentence where you add “limiting their freedom to be in a green and open space.” is out of place in that sentence. If the animal is in a small container, it is clear that they are not in an open green space, so stating the obvious is padding and not worth it – it almost repeats the idea. The examiner will notice things like that as your score goes between band 8 and band 9. If you wish to mention the inhumane aspect of animals not being in their native environment that would be a separate point and would make the paragraph too long. So, before you add more information think about whether it is vital to the whole sentence or not – don’t just add information because it’s interesting.
          2) avoid using “like” instead of “such as” or “namely” or “for instance”. The word “like” is informal when used as a linking device and you’ll get marked down for using it (which you did more than once).
          3) You don’t need to have a concluding comment at the end of each body paragraph because your actual conclusion will contain those points. It isn’t wrong to do it, but it isn’t necessary and can make an IELTS essay too wordy.
          4) The final sentence of BP1, “…by the potential and not sure positive effects of scientific discoveries.” should be “unsure positive effects” or “by the potential but by no means certain positive results of scientific discovery”.
          5) This sentence “Moreover some tools are sophisticated enough to completely being able to simulate all the human beings’ functions like breathing…” should be “Moreover some tools are sophisticated enough to simulate all functions of a human being, such as breathing..”. That sentence contains three errors which I feel sure you could have avoided if you had focused slightly more on quality. To aim for band 8.5 or 9, you would want to avoid such errors.

          There is one more very important error to correct. The words “this essay will…” is not suitable for an IELTS essay. When you have direct questions such as “Can X be justified?” it is of course asking for your opinion. You must use “In my opinion” or “I believe”. Be direct in your thesis statement. This isn’t a university essay which often uses expressions such as “This essay will discuss …” – it is an essay for IELTS with specific requirements such as a direct statement of opinion.

          Writing over 400 words is possible if your essay is highly focused and each sentence is relevant. Your essay is definitely very focused and relevant. But it still isn’t something I’d recommend because it doesn’t help your score and writing slightly less might give you time to focus on eradicating those small errors which will lower your score. You have the potential to do extremely well. I hope these points are useful. This is a link to the main writing task 2 section of this website: Make sure to review the linking words list because the examiner will check every single linking word you use and mark you on them. And don’t ignore task 1. It can make all the difference between a good score and a bad one. I’m glad you enjoyed my Grammar E-book. I loved putting it together.

  3. Anurudh F says

    An increasing number of adults are addicted to computer games today. The main reason behind this increment is the influence of social media marketing, which is done by the computer games industry. However, this is a negative trend because this addiction leads to certain health disorders.

    The major factor that creates this situation is the marketing strategy of gaming industry. Marketing professionals of this industry mainly focus social media users, and they allow users to see their very attractive game advertisements while users are browsing on the FaceBook or YouTube. If they click on them, they are taken to short but very impressive games, which motivate them to play these games as a habit. In the long run, this becomes an addiction. For instance, Michelin Sri Lanka revealed that 78% of their employees who play games regularly have started this because of social media advertisements.

    This is a negative trend due to the possible health impact on people who play games frequently. Not only looking at a digital screen could be harmful to vision but also it creates even worst results as many of them avoid doing physical exercise. If someone is addicted to play computer games, they spend most of their free time with this habit. Hence, they do not get enough exercise to burn extra calories and fat, which leads to diseases, such as high blood pressure and cardio-vascular disease. For example, in Sri Lanka,  more than 68% of adults who play computer games suffer from non-infectious diseases.

    In conclusion, social media advertisements significantly increase the number of adults who play computer games. Nonetheless, this is a negative development because this degrades their health.

    • My website does not offer a feedback or marking service, but I’ll just give you one comment to help you develop. In the first sentence of a body paragraph (a topic sentence), you must not refer to the issue as “this”. For example, you wrote “The major factor that creates this situation is the marketing strategy ….”. Each body paragraph is like starting a fresh new answer. So, the issue needs to be repeated. You should have written “The major factor that leads to an increasing number of adults playing computer games is the marketing strategy ….”. We only use “this” or “it” to refer to something within a paragraph, not between paragraphs for IELTS writing task 2 essays.

  4. Jessica Mbara says

    Hello Liz,

    I decided to try writing a direct question essay but I’m not sure if it is any good can you check it out and let me know where I need to improve?

    Some people say the main way to be happy is to have a lot of money. How might having a lot of money make people happy? What other thing in life can make people happy?

    Many say money can be a source of joy in one’s lifetime, It is true money can solve a majority of problems and give you a sense of freedom. However, there are different ways in which one can be happy.

    Money plays a crucial role in our lives, we need money in our day-to-day activities. Cash gives you financial freedom and security. With Money, you can travel to any country of choice in luxury, live the extravagant life people dream to live and buy expensive items. For example, if I wanted to buy anything, I could choose what I wanted without looking at the price. Also, the thought of having cash makes you worry less. Money allows you to have a cheerful and blissful life.

    On the other hand, Finance is not the only way to happiness. There are various ways of being happy like the love we are showered with from our family and friends. Being loved gives you peace of mind. It is true money is great but money without love attracts the wrong crowd. Furthermore, another way is self-satisfaction. The thought of achieving a goal or dream makes one joyful. For instance, imagining preparing for an exam and doing well in it, gives you a sense of happiness.

    To conclude, Although cash can make our lives comfortable and free from financial crises, we can not depend on it alone to make us feel happy. There are other ways such as love and self-satisfaction. With this, we can always find happiness.

    • Although I don’t offer a feedback service, I’ll give just a couple of points.
      1) you’ve got the right structure with ideas well organised into paragraph
      2) pay attention to the correct use of capital letters – you will be marked down if you use capital letters incorrectly
      3) the word “like” cannot be used as a linking word or as a substitute for “for example”
      4) make sure you are aiming for between 270 and 290 words – this essay is quite short. You should extend your body paragraphs.
      Otherwise, well done!

  5. Tatiana says

    I was impressed by your work. It’s really beneficial! Thanks.

  6. TonyLeeee says

    This is awesome, there are so much new vocabulary that I can learn from. Thank you Liz! And I wanna ask if all model essays are in the “model essay” category? I’m a new comer and I’m looking for as many well-written writings as possible, like yours!

    • Liz says

      There are a lot of model essays online. I do not know their quality or how safe they are to use a models. Not all websites are written by professional, experienced teachers who have completed the IELTS examiner training. The models on my essay are safe to use as a guide.

  7. Kamlesh Jadhav says

    Hi Liz,

    I received my IELTS result today and I scored 7.5 overall band score. I can’t thank you enough for your valuable help and guidance.

    More than IELTS, I’m more confident than ever and look forward to continuing this learning further.

    Thanks again and take care.

    Best Regards,

    • I’m so pleased for you, Kamlesh! Very well done to you!! I do hope you continue learning. One day I plan to start an English Liz Youtube channel so that people can keep learning beyond their IELTS test 🙂

  8. Tariq says

    Thank you so much, Liz. I really appreciate your fantastic work.

    • You’re welcome 🙂

    • Ashikabe Friday U. says

      Good evening Liz. I’m grateful for your guidance and tutelage as I scored 7.5 in my writing, 7.5 in speaking, 7.0 in listening and 6.0 in reading after just a short time with you. I’m optimistic in my next attempt I should get the desired scores. You’re a great teacher ma’am.

  9. Rituparna Saha says

    Rituparna Saha says
    April 5, 2024
    Thank you Liz for all your support and guidance on Writing Task 2. I greatly appreciate your efforts.

  10. Nasreen says

    I took my IELTS test a few days ago. The results are out and I got a band 7 in writing with an overall band 7.5 in just a week. For writing I only watched your videos and took notes of all the points you taught. I did not even practice writing much, just referred to your videos and read all the materials on the website. Your content is pure gold and you are an amazing teacher. Ilysm

    • Very well done with your results!! Many people struggle to hit band 7 in writing. Congrats!

  11. this is Soo nice Liz I have been following you and your materials are helpful
    kindly would like to know where I can download the Cambridge book or if you can share any
    regards Hellen

    • The IELTS Cambridge Test Books are copyrighted so I can’t share them. However, you can find new as well as second hand copies on Amazon or possibly in a local educational store.

  12. Madhav Sonik says

    I don’t feel the introduction is clear, and there is no clear opinion.

    • “it depends” indicates the opinion. It shows that the writer intends to be specific about when it is positive and when it is negative because their opinion covers both. This can often be the case with IELTS essays that require an opinion. You do not have to choose positive or negative and be 100% on one side. It is 100% acceptable in IELTS but it is a more difficult opinion to create if one’s English language isn’t strong.

  13. Hannatu says

    Hello Liz, is it okay to write a contrast (one point) before the conclusion paragraph in agree or disagree essay? Thank you.

    • This is not an agree/disagree essay. The Opinion Essay is an agree disagree essay which requires you to agree, disagree or have a partial agreement with an opinion given by IELTS. That essay is not an Opinion Essay because you aren’t being asked to respond to an opinion given by IELTS. This essay is a Direct Questions Essay which may or may not require an opinion depending on the questions you are given.
      In an Opinion Essay, you introduce your opinion in the introduction and the whole essay explains your opinion. You can’t suddenly put a different opinion further down the essay. Your opinion must be consistent throughout the whole essay.
      I recommend you get my advanced lessons because they explain in detail how to tackle an Opinion Essay. You can find them in my online store:

  14. Robel Hossain says

    Thanks a lot liz.

  15. zeeshan ahmed says

    Hi dear Liz. Hope you are fast recuperating.
    I have written the following intro.
    ” There is a growing propensity among the youth to play computer games. This is due to indulgence of parents and can have possible detrimental effects.”
    I know you don’t comment on write ups, but this is with a hope, in case…

    • I’ll just make one comment. I made a list of points to consider. Point 3 was important. This isn’t about youths. It’s about adults, which means people in their early 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s etc. And because it is about adults, it cannot be related to “indulgence from parents”. If you make this mistake, most of your essay will be off topic. That is the reason I wrote point 3. Take a look again because it’s an important lesson to learn.

  16. Olive says

    This writing test sample answer makes a whole lots of sense to me.
    Well appreciated 👍👍👍.

    • I’m glad it made sense. IELTS isn’t difficult once you understand more about the test and the aims you should have.

  17. Md. Aminul Islam says

    Due to the financial crisis, I lacked many things like IELTS practice/preparation classes and missed many classes from a good teacher like you.

    therefore, if you have any better offer like a full free studentship & give me the opportunity. Thank you in advance for your kind coope

    • This website has hundreds of page of free practice lessons, tips, topics, videos, advice, information, model answers etc. Use them well. Learn from each page and take your time. Then use the IELTS Cambridge test books for full test practice at home.

  18. Sidra Arif says

    Thank you so much Liz for your valuable tips and techniques 🙏❤️

  19. Zipporah Wasilwa says

    Thank you for this it’s very helpful Liz. I greatly appreciate your efforts

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