IELTS Liz Personal Update 2024

Hi guys,

I’ve made this video to let you know how I am and whether I’m going to make more videos. I haven’t made a video for 9 years and now it is time to tell you what happened to me. Learn about my background and my motivations behind creating this website. Click below to watch…


Thanks to all of you who sent me lovely, kind, supportive messages over the years as I’ve been fighting for my health. I appreciate all your support.

Wishing you all the best



  1. Mohamed Abdelghaffar says

    Hi Liz
    I wish you are in great health and spirits!
    I have just received my test results and I got the required score. I want to take a moment to thank you as the free content helped me for the quick preparation. I am so thankful as your videos wasn’t complex at all and eased my anxiety while a one week preparation.
    L 8.5 – R 7.5 – S 7.5 – W 7

  2. Robert Sim says

    Hi Liz.

    I too am an EFL teacher and have been teaching IELTS since 2016. From the very beginning and especially since moving to online teaching in 2020, I have used your site and its wonderfully helpful and clear materials to help my students – and to help me! You have been my mentor and a great “special-guest” teacher for my students.

    It was only this evening that I came across your video here and the personal statement that is also on your site. They have both simply emphasised to me that you are truly a great communicator. You have used the circumstances of your adversity to inspire and educate us all in a different way.

    I have myself gone through personal difficulties and to an extent they still persist. Through the video and the personal statement, you have helped me to find renewed strength and optimism. You are a good friend to all of us who know and admire your work.

    Please take care, Liz

    • Thank you, Robert, for your kind words. It means a lot to me that other people have benefited from my work. As you know, all you can ever do is your best with the circumstances given to you and to derive as much happiness as possible from doing so, but it is always good to know that your efforts have helped others – that’s a nice added bonus. Wishing you all the best, Liz

  3. Dear Liz,
    Hello and good day! You are my go-to person and website when my students ask me for IELTS help and tips. <3 I appreciate so much all the information that you've made accessible to anyone who needs it.

    Last year I read that you'd had some health challenges, and by now, I sincerely hope & pray that you are doing better–and that you will recover fully and speedily.

  4. zulfika says

    May God bless you with good health and long life for the service you are doing

  5. Arghya Ghosh says

    Sorry to hear the experiences you had been in past few years. However, I am deeply motivated by your courage and commitment. Your insight about IELTS examination is very helpful. May God bless you.

  6. Clara says

    I just want to take a moment and tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this challenging time. Your strenght and resilience during this decade is truly inspiring! Although I may not comprehend the extent of what you are going through, you are a fighter and I am sure that you will overcome this illness. Healing takes time, keep believing in yourself, in your dreams and you will get better and totally recovered soon! Sending you all the love, strenght and positive energy in the world!

  7. Ezinne Ahaneku says

    Hi,Liz I love your motivational spirit and thank God for your recovery.Hope to join in your video class soonest

  8. Laxman Jaiswal says

    Dear Madam Liz,

    I trust this message finds you in good spirits. I wanted to inquire with the utmost kindness about the absence of your videos on YouTube for the past nine years. Your absence has been deeply felt, and we miss you more than words can express. We hope and pray for your swift recovery from whatever challenges you have faced during this time. Your presence has been sorely missed, and your loyal followers eagerly await your return. Wishing you all the best and hoping to see you back soon.

    Warm regards,
    Mr. Laxman Jaiswal
    From India.

  9. Sumanth G says

    Hi Liz,

    My Name is Sumanth , I am one of you’re student , I have been going through you’re videos whenever I feel less confident on IELTS or anything that is related to English learning.

    I hope everything will get better on coming days and in future , Will power makes us more powerful when it comes to these kind of situations and I know you have it , you will do it.

    Hoping for speedy recovery. Take care

  10. Mumtaz Shanavaz says

    Hi Liz!!!
    You are incredible…!! The way you motivates is beyond words… I had always wondered why you are so much dedicated to make free videos for IELTS which has been very useful for me.
    I recommend it to my students and any one who enquired about IELTS I would send them your link. Thank you so much Liz for the amazing service that you are doing for the society….. 🙏🙏🙏
    Love your endearing nature and presentation… My prayers will be there for your speedy recovery…
    Love you Liz.. ❤❤❤
    Stay blessed!!!

    • Liz says

      Thank you

    • Halyna says

      Dear Liz,
      We have never met in person, but I can’t help thinking of you as one of my acquaintances. Over the years of administrating IELTS, I often thought what a great voice you have, how testee-friendly and caring you are, however, I didn’t know it were you.
      I’m glad to hear you find strength to fight. You will be fine as you’ve touched so many lives and now you are in their prayers.
      Best regards from Ukraine

  11. Domhnall B says

    Hi Liz,
    Thanks so much for making this video and I wish you all the best in your recovery.
    It’s great to know that you’ll be preparing more study material for IELTS students.
    By a long shot the best on the internet, your site is a marvel and so helpful to so many.
    Take good care of yourself and thanks again.

  12. S M Abdul Wadud says

    We are very lucky you are back. Though it was a very difficult period you have already passed, but thanks Almighty you finally recovered. Waiting for your new lectures. Good Luck !

  13. Dear Liz,

    Thanks for your sincere sharing of your personal sharing. It takes incredibly much courage to go through the hard time day by day, I believe. May you be healed inside out. Sending you blessings.

  14. Mueni Pauline says

    Heidi Liz,

    Am sorry for what you have been, quick recovery.


  15. Wong Yoke Peng says

    Dear Liz,
    Dear Liz,
    It must have been so tough for you to fight through the pain to produce such inspiring videos to help us. You are such a kind and selfless person, constantly thinking about helping others while fighting your own demons. There’s no word invented yet to describe the pain and worries that you must have gone through. You have certainly empower us to not just tackle IELTS but also to face any challenges in life with grace and perseverance. My greatest respect to you. May you find the courage and strength to continue fighting. I am certainly rooting for you

  16. Faiza says

    you are joyful and workaholic teacher.I love to listen your voice and iam eagerly waiting for your next video lesson.It will also for our betterment in IELTS band score.Stay blessed

    • Thanks. I’m going to rest this week and next, then hopefully start filming an IELTS video lesson.

  17. An inspiring story, hope you get better and better.

    By the way, you look absolutely gorgeous on camera 🙂

  18. Hello ma, sorry to know about what you actually passed through, stay strong and May Almighty God grant you quick recovery.

  19. Gulnoza says

    Hi! Liz. I feel so sad to hear such tough period you’ve experienced. I hope for the betterment of your health and never return to those hard times. God bles you. I will pray to God for your overall well-being. never never experience those rainy days again. I also admire you resilience. You’re a strong woman.

  20. Chinonso says

    You’re such an inspiration.
    May God bless you real good.

  21. Maria Cristina Miotelo says

    Bravo Liz, and thanks for sharing your history.
    Only you could feel how stronger you should be to overpass so many obstacles along your life, in your silence and alone, fighting against the dreadful fear, and you got it! You won yourself and everybody around you; today your life flows growing your wishes and strength. Go through your days and memories, and the journey is becoming splendorous and grateful together your maturity. Every day arrives blessed and ready for you to write a new history, grab your motivation and God is blessing you always! You do a brilliant work, so the Universe will give you the best back. A huge thank you and your bright is with us forever!

  22. Heidi says

    Dear Liz,
    You have all my respect and admiration as a fighter against this disease and all other bad things that come with it. It’s sad to hear that anyone should have tried to abuse a kind soul like you, but I’m sure that you will not only survive but thrive as you continue with this tough journey. You have brought hope to many people and please never lose hope for yourself. Take it easy when making videos is too much a challenge. Please remember that you are always in our thoughts and prayers.

  23. Shapan Kumar Das says

    It is very sad news for me that you passed very difficult period of your life. I am very socked to hear your words. How was the days which you faced during 9 years! However It is very delighted that you came back to us. I hope God bless you for long life and maintain your health very properly.

  24. Oshodin Blessing Isi says

    So sorry Liz,I got so emotional with what you are going through,but I must say,I admire your resilience in the face of this storm
    I shall continually remember you in my prayer
    loads of love dear

  25. Oshodin Blessing Isi says

    so sorry Liz,I got so emotional with what you are going through,but I must say,I admire your resilience in the face of this storm.i shall continuously remember you in my prayers.
    loads of love Liz

  26. Oluwayemi G says

    Hi Liz! So glad to see you again. I’m so sorry you’ve had such a difficult time over the years.
    I was excited to get your email and I just had to watch this video. You were a tremendous help to me in 2021 when I wrote my IELTS and with the help of your website and videos, I passed on my first try. I’ve referred my colleagues who have to write IELTS to your website and YouTube page and they’ve all got great things to say.
    Thankfully I’m now in the UK working with the NHS but it would not have been possible without passing IELTS with your help.
    I’m very grateful to you for all the free ideas and tips and when talking about my journey here, I would always mention you and be thankful to you.
    I really pray that you fully recover soon but until then, may Jehovah God continue to give you the strength you need from day to day.
    Please rest well and take care.

  27. Monalisa says

    Hi Liz,am so sorry for what you are going through.All will be well,just put your trust in the Lord.What an awesome IELTS tutor you are,keep well and can’t wait for more lectures from you.

  28. Svilana says

    Dear Liz, it is so nice to see you again ☺️ You are so beautiful ❤️! and warm 🌸! and strong ! I believe in you and send you my hugs 🤗💗💗💗

  29. I never felt that you were unwell when I watching yor videos madam! You are an amaizing teacher ! I could get 7 overall band score for IELTS . l watched your videos and improved my self a lot.You offered all for free.Thank you very much madam. May you get fully recovered soon madam !! 💜

  30. Sherazi says

    Hi Liz
    You are just an inspiration for me an amazing person no words that how can I explain my feelings about you more respect after your video.
    God bless you


  31. Only on Friday, Liz, my colleague rang me and said “that woman! that amazing teacher that we used to plan our IELTS lessons from! What’s her name- I want to recommend her to someone”.
    You may have been away for 9 years, but in that period you’ve continued helping so many students (and teachers!) even if you don’t realise it.
    There’s probably not a week goes by that I don’t type “IELTS Liz” on a SM ESL page if someone is looking for recommendations.
    Wishing you all the very best, and looking forward to more content from you xx

    • That’s amazing. In fact, I’m just astounded by everyone’s response. I really had no idea you all remembered me in this way. I am deeply touched. Thank you

  32. Flavia Araujo says

    Liz, just want to say you are an amazing teacher and a strong person. Keep going and take good care of yourself.

  33. Hussein Ibrahim Tebin Ahmed says

    Hi Liz,
    I greatly appreciate your transparency in addressing your absence and the reason behind it with your wide audience. Learning about the severity of your illness was unexpected, and I sincerely pray for your swift recovery.

    It hurts me a lot to think about the difficulties you faced during your absence, especially the abuse you experienced during that ordeal, rather than standing by your side and giving you the support you deserve.

    Don’t hesitate to reach out for help to deter the injustice you face from the unruly, and remember that you’re not alone in facing the challenges ahead. Take care of yourself, and we eagerly await your return to full health

  34. Oluwakemi says

    Hi Liz,
    I just wanted to say that you are such a human-being, and your videos have been incredibly helpful to me and countless others in achieving our dreams. It takes courage for someone to talk about their health challenges, and you’ve shown such strength i doing so.
    I pray that God grants you divine healing and that you’ll be back to full health soon. You are beautiful.
    Your dedication to providing clear and explanatory tips i your videos has made a significant impact. I and many others surely miss you and your videos so much. I’m planning to sit for another IELTS exam in a few months, and I know your previous videos will be invaluable to me once again.
    Thank you and wishing you all the best.

    • Thanks for your message. I’m very excited to start making videos again. My next video will, I hope, be based on IELTS Writing Task 1. I’ll take a rest after making this personal video and then start filming my next lesson.

  35. Florence says

    I’m so sorry to hear about your health.
    Please take care of yourself.

  36. Sarvpreet Singh says

    Hi Liz,
    I can’t express my happiness to see you back!!
    I had been curiously waiting to see your next video since 2017, when I started reading your blog and got a tremendous knowledge and experience by watching your videos, majorly from blogs. you have immensely helped not only me but also my IELTS students as well.

    Getting your news letter was a great surprise But I felt little sad as well to see you aged. I feel really sorry that you are still suffering from your prolonged sickness. As you have done so much for us but we can’t do any thing for you. I pray to The Almighty to give you a speedy recovery.

    I also want to thank you for motivating me during the hard times of my life when my foot was severely injured and I couldn’t walk for almost three whole months. At that time, when I read your bio I came to know about your sufferings and I realised mine was just nothing in comparison.

    Liz, you are really very strong and I believe that your selfless, humble nature and the love, wishes and prayers of your students will soon make you hale and hearty. My my the One divine power bestow you with the gift of best of your health.

    lots of Love from Punjab (India)
    Get well soon!!

  37. Liz,

    I’m extremely sorry to hear about your health and illness. But I am immensely grateful to you that you thought of us, everyday, while fighting such an illness. You are one of the best teachers I’ve had in my life, and a true inspiration. I’m in awe of your dedication and resilience. To be able to come back after a decade and share your struggles with the illness and abuse, it takes a lot of heart. I’m sending lots of love and prayers your way. May you recover to live very comfortably and may you bounce back in YouTube. Take care Liz, love you a lot. <3

  38. Md. Nuralam Hossain says

    Im so sorry to hear Such a story about you. i wish you could speedy recover. wish you a livelong with sound health. im missing your IELTS videos.
    good luck.

  39. Bilal says

    This is a nostalgic moment for us(your students) as we are happy seeing you behind camera talking to us once again and also sharing the reason of your long stay off from giving us your second to non lectures with glamorous smiles. You don’t owe us any explanation but due to your humour, you’ve done it.

    I was a “tabula rasa” before but after being introduced, to your website by a friend, I was amazed by your style of teaching. You are one of a kind.
    We will continue praying for you 🤲🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏

    May Allāh Almighty grant you His Shifa (healing spirit).

    Aameen Thumma Aameen 🤲🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏

  40. Gamal says

    Dear Liz,
    Good day
    I hope you all the best and good health.
    Take care of yourself.

  41. Mohammad Ibrar says

    Hello Liz! I have a mixed feeling after watching your video. My heart sank to listen to the debilitating effect of the disease on your health. However, I’m thrilled to see your infectious smiles back on your face. I strongly feel that your have an iron will and nerves of steel, so you will overcome this. May Allah help you recuperate well. I’ĺl pray and supplicate for your sound health as you serve the community.

  42. Mahabuba Alam Shukhi says

    we hope you can overcome your difficulties and get well soon.

  43. Mentxu Orihuela says

    Hi Liz;
    I’m sure you’ll get over it as you’re strong and have a beautiful soul. Keep safe, go on smiling. Never stop smiling.
    I hope you get well soon.

    • Thanks

    • Janakee says

      Hi Lis I never forget you way lessons planing each part. you have done great things for society. I think it will come as rewards. Sickness it’s ok. You will get well soon definitely.

  44. Oyewo Tinuke says

    Dear Liz,
    My heartfelt gratitude goes to the Almighty Father for the grace and strength He has graciously bestowed upon you to be strong and resilient in your being. As I listened to your story, I felt many emotions, wondering how you have come this far.I wish I was near you to offer you some comfort in my own little way.
    I have been your student, benefitting tremendously from your rich knowledge and excelling at my IELTS exam because of your tutorials. Liz, you have built a legacy, interestingly, through the storm.
    I stand together with the numerous lives that you have touched to say you are deeply loved and will remain in my prayers. Please, draw some comfort from the love your students and admirers have for you.
    I will keep praying that you are endowed with supreme strength from the Almighty, Amen.
    Loads of Love,
    From Nigeria.

  45. Anshuman says

    Hope for a speedy recovery for you. What you’re doing the community is just awesome. Looking forward to your new video.

  46. Pooja Chothani says

    Get well soon:)

  47. Kamlesh Jadhav says

    Hi Liz,

    It’s so nice to see you back. You’re truly an inspiration to many. I wish you a speedy recovery and our prayers will be always there with you. You are such a kind hearted person and an amazing mentor.

    Please, take very good care of yourself.

    Best wishes,

  48. Abdullah Al Maruf says

    You definitely do not look the same as before, I feel so bad to see that you’ve grown much older, probably because of the underlying health conditions. You’ll always remain ever fresh in our minds. May the Almighty remove all your sickness and suffering.

    • Age is a privilege. It’s good to age and grow older – it means I’m still here, still alive – and life can be beautiful at any age. Thanks for keeping me in your mind and thoughts.

  49. Aruna Wijayawardana says

    Happy to see you again and wish you all success. May you have energy to recover all problems. Thank you.

  50. I watched all your ielts videos and even avail a lesson how to make essays.Im sorry to hear your story.we have a similar story so i feel you. I have muscle weakness.Life is unpredictable with us ,we can’t even make plans for the next day because some days are worst than others.we live one day at a time and very grateful to make through the day. I am still struggling to pass my ielts exam ,I need it for the preparation for board exam.Im hoping that i will get better too so I’m still preparing for the exam even there’s no assurance if i can be healed.

  51. Lilly Spillman says

    Hi Liz!!! Congratulations on the courage to narrate your story! It’s amazing to see you back!!
    Many thanks!

  52. Dickence ndolo says

    liz you’re such an inspiration for many, my our good lord grant you quick recovery

  53. Omar abu ward says

    God bless you
    May God give you health and whatever you want
    you are a previous resource of humanity .
    you deserve the best and everything is good
    you are great
    we pray for you to get well very soon.

  54. Rakshya says

    Hi Liz!
    I understand you ‘ve been through such a tough time and I am happy to hear that you are in a recovery phase. Keep trying to focus your attention on positive aspects in your life and make your mood happy 😊as it is said our thoughts and emotions are a form of energy so it can open up solutions to your problems and soon you can attract positive experiences in your life. Thank you for your kindness and being a wonderful human. You are blessed .
    Love and blessings ❤️💐

  55. Minh Khiet says

    Wish you a speedy recovery, too!

  56. Maggi says

    Gosh what an incredible and inspiration story of courage and perseverance. I hope the periods when you are well enough to enjoy life get longer and more frequent. Take care and thank you for all the effort you have put into helping learners and their teachers.

  57. Danny says

    Hi Liz, I just want you to know that we love you and miss you so much. You are such a blessing to us all. Nothing last forever Liz, I’m confident you will pull through this phase. we love you more.
    Best regards.

  58. Dear Liz! We’re praying for you. Please, please, keep fighting, don’t give up! I really hope you’re better. You’re strong and brave, you will win this fight for your heath. And, you know, you’re a terrific teacher, and we all need you! Please, feel better!
    With love and best wishes,

  59. zeeshan ahmed says

    Hi Dear Liz.
    It was such a delight to see you smiling again. My prayers are always with you and wish to see you completely recover from the disease and continue with the noble mission of helping people.

  60. Hi Liz,

    I am immensely grateful for the free IELTS Learning website you’ve created. It’s a wonderful resource for learners worldwide, and your dedication to this project is truly inspiring.

    I was deeply moved to learn about the challenges you’ve faced over the years. Your resilience and unwavering spirit are commendable. Please know that your efforts are highly appreciated, and I believe that your kindness and generosity will bring you great rewards.

    Take good care of yourself, and Buddha bless you.

    Warm regards,

  61. Evelyn says

    You are such a blessing and an inspiration to many. keep being strong and may heaven not rest until your health is restored.

  62. Miguel says

    Hi Liz, it’s good to know that you feel better, have a nice day madam.

  63. Hi Liz, I’m so sorry to hear this. Three of my relatives have ill and I prey for Allah to help all of you.

    Best wishes

    • Aarti says

      wish you speedy recovery Liz. God bless with good health and lots of happiness.

  64. After hearing about what happened to you I felt very sorry, but thanks God that you recovered again. You are really a brave fighter as you fought a very dangerous disease and managed to conquer it. Thanks God. I wish you good health for all your life.

  65. Ephraim says

    Nice to hear from you .
    You’v been a treasure to the world and would always be
    Praying for you for a miraculous and complete recovery
    God bless

  66. Dear Liz,
    I am very happy and grateful to see you back. It’s more than a miracle to establish world’s most trusted website for IELTS preparation and earn immense respect while fighting with the dark phase of life. In spite of chronic painful illness, you are blessed with extra-ordinary intelligence and teaching skills which are blessings for all IELTS aspirants round the globe. May you recover completely and gain your full potential soon.

    Your have a very strong will-power so definitely you will brighten more even in the presence of all odds.

    In today’s memorable video two compliments are unmatchable, the first one is “All human beings deserve support, respect, and kindness” and the second one is “Many big things in life actually start with the tiniest steps”.

    Best wishes and prayers for your complete recovery.

  67. Passy says

    Hi Liz,

    I’m so sorry to hear all that tough time you’ve gone through (illness, abusive) but I want to ensure you that you have made this world more beautiful and God will remember this work of your hands for others, I don’t know how many numbers of people who benefited from your knowledge sharing for free but I quite sure it’s a urge number and for that I pray in Jesus name to to give you a good health and protect you for us. We still need you and I believe God is listening my prayer for you.

    It was so kind to see how you’ve been always feeding us with video and use your very limited time to share your skills to everyone with incomparable methodologies so there is no way God won’t protect you for us.

    I’m personally happy to see you back in a video with the beautiful smile and I wish you a fully and speedy recovery.


  68. Sherif shehata says

    Oh Liz,you don’t know how much we miss you. wish you a speedy recovery 🙏 ❤️ I can’t wait to watch your new videos. Take care of yourself.

  69. Tincymol joy says

    I will be praying for you .
    May God cure your illness.

  70. Farial says

    Your heart wrenching video demonstrates your honesty and willingness to discuss matters that most of us find difficult to face
    May this video bring light and clarity and hope to all facing hard times
    Thankyou and my best wishes for a continued recovery

  71. Yogen Gurung says

    I can feel, how hard years you went through, but you are determined to stand up for us – thank you so much mam! Wishing you good health from the land of the highest peak of the world Mount Everest, Nepal. I wish to flutter the flag of IELTS LIZ on the pinnacle of Mount Everest.

    • Instead, let it be a flag of love and respect for all mankind 🙂 Love to all in Nepal.

  72. Cathy says

    Thank you for your honesty and courage – I am a teacher of IELTS and always direct students to you and your invaluable advice and information as it is the best source of help for IELTS preparation . Best wishes for your recovery and thank you for all your help to so many.

  73. Shikha says

    Your webpage has helped lot of us. Your strory breaks my heart. I pray for your speedy recovery both physically and mentally. You are brave and inspiring!

  74. jaylan says

    Hope you are doing well now. We miss you a lot. Unfortunately, tomorrow I’m going to take the IELTS exam so I don’t know what will happen without enough preparation

  75. Bless you Liz
    you are strong,you are beautiful, you are powerful and you will achieve your dreams
    such a touching story.
    it takes a lot of courage to share this story because to be honest you do not own us any explanation.
    I pray that you keep having the ability to cope.
    strength beyond normal is what I pray for you..
    Wish you speedy and stable recovery.
    Good to see you again

  76. Amina says

    T hanks alot Liza for every thing
    . take care of your health ,,yourself ,your life .with all my respect to you Liza I can see a very strong woman who really did her best to go on helping us and living her dreams .
    go ahead we support you.

  77. Cherice says

    hi Liz,l pray and hope your health will get better. I have learnt a lot from your videos. May God bless you abundantly.

  78. Hossein Zeinalifard says

    A sad story indeed but also an inspiring one. You’re one of the strongest people I know and definitely a true IELTS master in the ocean of the Internet where there is so much confusing and wrong information about IELTS. You’ve been a blessing for me throughout these years. I hope you get much better soon. in

  79. Iuliia says

    Dear Liz,
    I am so glad to hear from you, however, I am so sad to know what you have been through struggling for your health. I want to send you all my best wishes.

    You are a true inspiration for all IELTS candidates and teachers! Where ever I talk about IELTS, all people name YOU as the best of the best and the TOP resource of IELTS information. So many people know you and are thankful to you! I am sure all those people will join me in my good wishes to you!

  80. Andre Domen says

    Dear Liz,
    Sorry to hear about your illness and abuse. Nobody deserves the things you have experienced. I wish you all the best and please take good care of yourself. You’re worth it.

  81. Hi Liz,
    Over 12 years ago, after retiring from a 40-year career in insurance, I held my first online ESL class. About a year after that, while looking for material, I came across your website—your treasure trove! Those first 12 months had been a struggle, and I was at the point of giving up and doing what retirees normally do—nothing.
    Your website, material and enthusiasm gave me the courage to continue, and as I celebrate my 74th birthday next month, I am still “at it” and have no intentions of giving up. I still use your material, your “freebies”, and a lot I purchased. For me, you own the bible for IELTS tutors.
    Liz, I was not aware of your illness, and I am extremely sorry to learn about it. You have more courage and tenacity than I will ever have. I was considering giving up next month, but this video has confirmed that I have made the right decision to continue.
    Please take care of yourself and take all the rest you need.
    Welcome back and I look forward to the new videos when you are ready.

    • I think you’ve touched on an important point. All of us reach the point where we feel like giving up. It’s only natural. But the key is to always choose to continue to create a better life for yourself, your family and for others. Thanks for your kind comment

  82. Abdul Agento Koroma says

    Thanks to Allah for HIS totally control over you. Pray for total recovery ASAP and hope to see you soon as usual. It was actually a huge test for you that could never be forgotten.

  83. Alison says

    Dear Liz- thank you for your willingness to share your health and well- being struggles with such candour and bravery.
    Altjough not actively coaching IELTS any longer, I really appreciated all the teaching points and tools you made ( and will continue to make ! )
    Warmest wishes and strength in your ongoing health battles ,

  84. Dear Liz, You are my IELTS Guru! I started teaching IELTS from 2010, without any formal training. Since then, I have been following your tips and lessons. I have learnt so much from you, which has helped me to be a successful IELTS trainor in India.. I advise my students to practice on your website.
    Today, I learnt much more than ever before, how to face adversities. Your spirit has kept you alive and definitely
    the blessings of all your students.
    You are an amazing woman. You will be in my prayers daily and I hope you get healed completely. Nothing is impossible. You have made it so far, may you be pain free, the rest of your life.
    I am extremely grateful to you. Lots of love and warm hugs.
    Take care, my dear.

  85. Dear Liz,
    I was deeply touched by your story. I feel so sorry for all the distress you have experienced. I always see your happy face whenever I go to your website. Actually this week my son took an IELTS exam and I recommended your website.

    As I always say to my son we never know the whole truth. To me, you have always been a successful English teacher. I admire how much you have done to promote the English language.

    I hope things will get better for you. God can do wonderful things. You will be in my prayers.

    Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your touching story.

    • Thank you for your kind comment. I hope your son did well in his test

      • Hi Liz,
        good day and hope you are doing well. I deeply appreciate your great effort to help others despite the difficult situation of your life. l pray for you to recover and get strength to be able to post your helpful and formative vedios. I wish you all the best. just remember that with your beautiful smile and lovely heart you will be able to recover ❤️

        • Thanks so much. I’m going to spend a week resting and then start preparing for my next video which will be a free IELTS video lesson, hopefully about writing task 1.

  86. Veronica Frank says

    Hi Liz, so good to hear from you, I thank God for your health. I have been following your teachings and it’s very helpful. God bless your kind heart.
    I wish you all the best.

  87. Busayo says

    Good to have you back. Your lessons are always very helpful.

  88. Temitope James says

    Good to hear from you again Liz
    So sorry for all you went through
    I pray and hope you feel much better and well!

  89. Rollie Bellen Furio says

    Hi Ma’am Liz,
    Good day to you. How are you? I’m glad you’re okay now. I really mis you since i always waiting for your videos and essential lessons i learned for free. Thanks to our Almighty GOD for giving you a chance to passed that kind of illness and severe trials.
    Have a great day always, bless you and your family.

    Best regards,
    Rollie Furio
    Cavite, Philippines

  90. Gracious says

    Oh my God! you really went through a lot and I’m so sorry about that ma’am. I pray that God will complete your healing in no time. Do take very good care of yourself. My prayers are with you.

  91. Dongyeru Edmund says

    Hello Liz,
    I must say a big thank you, your page had an impact in my IELTS exam. I had an overall band 8 score.
    I cried watching your recent video posted on your personal life and journey of illness.
    I wish you well and please keep a positive energy. You are a strong woman indeed.
    God bless you and heal you and keep you safe alway.
    Thank you

    • I’m so pleased for you. Well done hitting band 8 overall 🙂 Thanks for your support and all the support I’ve received from everyone – so much kindness

  92. Berdiyev Azamat says

    You are very kind person. I wish you health and happiness in your life. Be healthy and never stop teaching us IELTS. LOOK AFTER YOURSELF!

  93. Imranur Rahman says

    Hi Liz,

    Just want to say, ‘You are an amazing human being’. Your wonderful contents are helping millions of IELTS aspirants across the world. And, I am one of them.

    My prayers are always with you!

    Lots of Love an Immense Respect!

    Best Regards,

    • Thank you

      • Hassan Y. says

        I wish you a complete and speedy recovery ma.
        You’ve given hope and brought joy to millions of IELTS takers all around the world. You will be back on your feet again to continue doing what you love to do best by the grace of God.
        Best wishes.

  94. Barbara says

    Thank you for your transparency and your positivity and faith for your health and your future. I am praying for you. I can see a genuine love and kindness for all those people who you don’t even know. I am not a student, but I direct ESL students to your material. I hope that you are jot offended but I am praying for a full recovery for you and as you move forward, you will have the peace and comfort of God to see you through each day. 🫶🙏🏻🤗

  95. Dear Liz,
    Eagerly waited for your such kind of update. Wishing you best of luck for the future

  96. Noori says

    I am very happy seeing you today and I hope you have a great time and wait your next’s lesson on YouTube .
    With respect!

    • Thanks. I can’t wait to actually get an IELTS video lesson up, but I do need to rest between making videos

  97. Mantha says

    It’s good to see you Liz. I am sorry that you had to go through all that. I will continue to pray for your healing. Sending hugs and prayers your way!

    Your website is informative and helpful. Looking forward to your new videos 🤗

  98. Aswini says

    really I miss you a lot I need your support ielts vedios. in uk where are you I want to meet you. really that much I miss you.

  99. Liz, I feel really sorry for you when I heard you say you experienced abuse and neglect.
    You are so brave. And thank you for making so many great videos and learning materials for people all around the world. Look forward to your new videos and take GOOD care of yourself too. I love you. xxx Shen

  100. Amor Hamrouni says

    Hi Liz,
    Thank you for sharing your inspiring story with your followers . While watching this video, I had a mixed feeling. I felt so sorry about what happened to you, but also appreciated and greatly valued your determination and strength of mind that one day you’ll make it. You’ve been my number one IELTS reference to my students since I came across your early videos for more then 10 years now.
    Make sure all those who know you are impatiently waiting for new videos not only to benefit from them but also to make sure that you are good again and recovering.
    Get well soon and we all look forward to hearing from you.

  101. Henry Bashiru Koroma says

    It has really been a hard time for you.
    All I want to say let Allah give you the strength and permanent recovery from the illness.
    I love you and I believe in you.
    Have a wonderful day

  102. Syed shahid Musvi says

    I have qualified IELTS from your website and thank you so much for putting all this for free.
    Thank you so much .. Very sorry to hear about your health , I wish you speedy recovery and pray for your health. Stay blessed.

  103. Mohamed Ghoneim says

    Hello, it’s my pleasure to leave this comment as one of the scholars who want to improve in English language daily.
    You’re so impressive speaker
    Very good teacher and also have the power of motivation

  104. Bridget says

    oh God Liz, my heart is just breaking hearing all of these. I cannot even begin to imagine how challenging things must have been and I’m sending a thousand warm hugs. I first came across your channel in 2020 when I needed to do my IELTS and I was clueless. found all sorts on the internet looking and you became my favorite very quickly because of your own style. of course I passed on my first attempt and I couldn’t have done it without you. I have to move countries soon and have to take another IELTS, I didn’t have to think twice and I’ve been on your website everyday since last week. Needless to say I’ve always recommended your website over the years. You are changing lives everyday Liz and I feel so lucky our paths crossed. I hope you continue to recover and enjoy living.

    ps: My exam is next month and I’m hoping I smash it!🤞🏾

    • Good luck with your next test!! Thanks for your kind comment

      • Dear Liz, You are my IELTS Guru! I started teaching IELTS from 2010, without any formal training. Since then, I have been following your tips and lessons. I have learnt so much from you, which has helped me to be a successful IELTS trainor in India.. I advise my students to practice on your website.
        Today, I learnt much more than ever before, how to face adversities. Your spirit has kept you alive and definitely
        the blessings of all your students.
        You are an amazing woman. You will be in my prayers daily and I hope you get healed completely. Nothing is impossible. You have made it so far, may you be pain free, the rest of your life.
        I am extremely grateful to you. Lots of love and warm hugs.
        Take care, my dear.

  105. Theodora Papadopoulou says

    Dear Liz, I am a fellow teacher. I’ve been following your page because I admire your skills as an educator. Now I know you are an exceptional human being and I find myself in awe of your strength and determination. Thank you for sharing your story. I wish you all the very best.

  106. Raghvesh says

    Great to see you hope you’ll get well soon and waiting for your new videos

  107. Kanak Arora says

    You are my role model. Please don’t give up. You will be fine. We want to see more of your videos.
    You are so sweet ❤️🌺
    Wish you a speedy recovery

  108. Rosemary Edney says

    Thank you! Full support, may God Bless you and heal you mightily!

  109. You are the best!! I could not get my target score without your videos. Thank you very much for all this support:)

    Kind regards,

  110. Kaushalya says

    Dear LiZ,

    I am soo happy to hear back from you.I am surprised see what you went through.What you have done ,the website and IELTS videos ,for free.Not bcs its free , but its amazing.How you teach ,simply nicley ,to the point.I took IELTS just only following your website and videos and I got 7.0 at once.This good things you do for everyone , will help you to heal by universe.I wish you to recover soon, and to gain more strength until the recovery.

    Loads of love from Kaushalya,
    From Sri Lanka

  111. Dharmik says

    Subject: A Heartfelt Message from a Grateful Student

    Dear Liz,

    I hope this email finds you well. It’s been quite a journey, hasn’t it? From the early days of your inspiring YouTube videos to the recent ones you’ve bravely shared, your resilience and determination have been nothing short of incredible.

    As I watched your latest video, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions—compassion for the challenges you’ve faced, admiration for your strength, and gratitude for the invaluable lessons you’ve taught me and countless others over the years.

    Your story touched me deeply. The honesty with which you shared your struggles, the vulnerability you displayed, and the courage it took to open up about your illness and the abuse you endured—it’s all a testament to your remarkable spirit.

    I want you to know that your videos have been more than just lessons in IELTS preparation for me. They’ve been a source of inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment. Your passion for teaching, your dedication to your students’ success, and your unwavering belief in the power of education have left an indelible mark on me.

    While I can’t even begin to fathom the challenges you’ve faced, I want you to know that you’re not alone on this journey. Your students, myself included, stand by you, rooting for your recovery and eagerly anticipating your return to YouTube, whenever you’re ready.

    Until then, please know that your impact extends far beyond the confines of a classroom or a computer screen. Your legacy lives on in the lives you’ve touched, the minds you’ve shaped, and the hearts you’ve inspired.

    Thank you, Liz, for everything you do. Take care of yourself, stay strong, and know that we’re all here cheering you on every step of the way.

    Warm regards,

    • I’m am so deeply touched by your message to me, Dharmik. You seem to have seen beyond my words to understand what I’ve been through and also what I stand for in life. I can’t tell you how good it is to be seen after fighting so long alone in the dark. I also wish you the very best for your future. Thank you

      • I like your courage Liz, count on my prayers that the Lord may grant you a full recovery.

      • Dharmik says

        Dear Liz,

        Thank you so much for your heartfelt response. Your words mean the world to me, and I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to connect with you on a deeper level. Your resilience and strength are truly inspiring, and it’s an honor to stand by your side, even if it’s just through a screen.

        Your journey has touched me in ways I can’t fully express. Your courage to share your story and your commitment to making a difference in the lives of others have left a lasting impression on me. I’m humbled to have been able to offer even a small glimpse of support and understanding during your challenging times.

        As you continue on your path towards recovery, please know that you’re not alone. Your students, your admirers, and I will be here cheering you on every step of the way. Your light shines brightly, even in the darkest of times, and I have no doubt that you’ll emerge from this stronger and more resilient than ever before.

        Wishing you all the best for your future endeavors, Liz. May you continue to inspire and empower others with your wisdom and kindness. Take care of yourself, and never forget the incredible impact you’ve had on so many lives, including mine.

        Warmest regards,

    • Bilal says

      You couldn’t have said it anyway different. I share with your words.

      Best regards Liz

  112. Rizzy says

    Hi Liz,

    I’ll be praying for you. Nothing is impossible. I hope you’ll get better and better each day and will be fully recovered. I was one of those people who watch your videos cause I am practicing my IELTs exam years ago and I was wondering why you have not posted new videos . I am looking forward to see more of your videos.

  113. Dinesh Weragoda says

    We hope new videos with new materials and techniques

    • New IELTS video lesson coming shortly. I’ve got it all planned but need to rest after making this video and before making a new IELTS video lesson

      • Sherif shehata says

        Oh Liz,you don’t know how much we miss you. wish you a speedy recovery 🙏 ❤️ I can’t wait to watch your new videos. Take care of yourself.

        • Nkeiruka says

          oh liz,you are such a wonderful person,may God heal you,I will always pray for you.

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