There are four sections to the IELTS Listening Test. Each section will contain 10 questions with a total of 40 questions. Section 1 is the easiest and they get harder as each section progresses. Section 4 is the most difficult.
See the four sections below.
Listening Section 1
A conversation between two people based on a social situation. For example:
- booking a course
- asking for directions
- reporting something lost
- in a restaurant
This section is based on everyday English and the level is not difficult.
Listening Section 2
One person speaking based in a social context. For example:
- a tour guide explaining about a building or monument
- introduction to a gym/school/hotel/holiday
- city attractions
- an event such as a sports event
This section is based on everyday English language. It is not very difficult.
Listening Section 3
A conversation between two, three or four people in an educational or training setting. For example
- a teacher or professor talking to one, two or three students about a project / subject / course
- people discussing a facility in a school or building.
This section is more challenging because there are different voices and the language level is higher.
Listening Section 4
A talk from one person usually on an academic subject. For example:
- a lecture about dolphins and whales
- a lecture about multiple intelligences
- a lecture about architecture
This section is the most challenging because of a higher level of language but lectures are usually well structured which helps you follow the recording.