IELTS Listening: List Selection

IELTS listening practice for list selection which is a type of multiple choice.

A Museum Visit

Questions 1-3: Choose three letters, A-G.

What three things are not allowed to be brought into the museum?

A. camera
B. bags
C. food and drink
D. phone
E. pens
F. notebooks
G. coats



Click below to reveal answers:


A, C, D (any order). You must have all 3 correct for one point.

  1. A = ‘… won’t be able to take your camera into the museum…’
    2. D = ‘…that goes for phones too’. This means that the same rule for cameras also applies to phones, both are forbidden.
    3. C = ‘If you’re in need of refreshments, you’ll have to make your way to our cafe as you can’t bring your own inside’. Refreshments = food and drink (paraphrase)

The answer can’t be B because you are able to choose if you want to leave your bag in the locker room or not. This means it is not forbidden.

There are a few things which you will need to know before you come to the museum. You won’t be able to take your camera into the museum as photos are forbidden which means that that goes for phones too. If you want pictures of the exhibitions can you’ll have to buy the museum guide book which has information as well as pictures of most of our famous exhibits. If you have a bag and you don’t want to carry it round with you, then you can store it in the locker room on the ground floor near the entrance. You’re welcome to walk around with your notebooks to sketch or make notes on our displays. If you’re in need of refreshments, you’ll have to make your way to our cafe as you can’t bring your own inside. Well, that’s the list of does and don’ts. Hope you enjoy your visit.


IELTS Multiple Choice Tips

This video offers more listening practice and tips for this type of listening in IELTS.


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  1. Richmond Adjei Laryea says

    It’s my first day on your website and all I want to say is, God bless you. You are a great teacher.

    • I’m so pleased you are enjoying my site so far. There’s a lot to learn, but don’t feel stressed – just enjoy the learning process 🙂

  2. Assumpta says

    Your website is so exciting to me,am glad to come in contact with it,you are the best teacher ever

  3. Ajuma says

    Hi Liz,
    I’m so fortunate to have found your website. Your materials have been so insightful. More power to your hardworking elbows.

  4. Hey Liz,
    Iam following your courses and tips and they are just so useful
    Fantastic actionaly
    Thank you very much ☺️

  5. Abdul Basit Kirmani says

    Hi Liz ! Thanks for you lessons and tips.
    I got my IELTS GT Paper Based Exam Result today with the below scores.
    L = 7.5
    R = 9
    W = 8
    S = 8.5
    However, I am surprised by my low score in Listening.
    I remember there were 4 questions in my exam (2 clubbed together each) for which I had to choose 2 letters for answers.
    For example: For questions 11&12 and similarly 13&14, there was just a single question but I had to select 2 letters from the options. I did select them (let’s say A, E but while transferring the answers in the answer sheet, I wrote A, E as answers for 11 and 12 each.
    I would like to know if I did the right thing ? I am afraid I have lost marks because of this inadvertent mistake as I was not knowing if I have to A in 11 and E in 12.
    Can you please help me here and clarify ?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Fantastic scores!! Very well done 🙂 But it is a shame about your listening score. Let me explain:

      The instructions will say to choose two letters for the answer to questions 11 and 12. That means two letters for two questions. Not four letters for two questions. If you wrote:
      11. A E
      12. A E
      This means you have four letters for questions 11 and 12. Question 11 has two letters, not one. This also means both would be marked wrong. When you choose two letters to cover two questions, it means one letter is for one answer and the other letter is for the other answer. You would write:

      11. A
      12. E

      The order doesn’t matter as long as each question only has one letter. Such a shame!!

  6. Mohammad says

    Hi dear Liz,
    I was searching on internet when I ran into your website. I am at the beginning of this journey and just wanted to say thank you for the time that you have been dedicated.
    Best Regards

  7. I’d been lost Liz, I mean literally lost, I knew I had to prepare for my IELTS test but I wasn’t able to find a way how, I made up some preparation schedules, though, but they were so disordered, rubbish. But all of a sudden, out of nowhere, your website showed up and it felt like Tom Hanks in the Castway movie when he was out there all lost in the large blue ocean and miraculously was found by the that huge vessel that saved his life. You literally saved mine Liz and I thank you so much for that.

    • I’m so glad you found my site. Enjoy learning from it and I hope it helps you achieve your goals for a great future 🙂

  8. Dear Liz,

    You practice tasks and tips are helping me a lot in increasing my band score. I am really grateful to you.

    I wanted to ask, while using bold letters in reading and listening, how do I write the time/day/year. For example, 20th CENTURY or 20th CENTURY, 2.00 AM or 2.00 am, 12th MARCH or 12TH MARCH.

    I apologize if my question seems silly. Actually this problem has been bothering me as I am following the all bold letters pattern.

    • It’s not silly. Don’t worry. It’s good to feel comfortable about the test. All answers are fine.

  9. Thank you Liz for your amazing lectures 🙂

  10. Naveen says

    Dear Liz,

    you are an amazing teacher. I feel fortunate after finding this optimal IELTS material.

  11. Marian says

    Thank you so much, Liz for your generosity. I have limited financial resources to attend a review course with fees. I was searching desperately for free online IELTS review courses and I “stumbled” upon your website and I instantly felt that my prayer for free study help was answered. I thank God for His guidance and for you. I know there are many out there in the same predicament as mine and you are able to help without you knowing it. God bless you!

    • I’m glad you found my site. Take your time to look around and find all the pages available. Also use the search bar to locate specific information. Good luck!

      • Auwal Muhammad says

        Thanks Liz for your help and support through your fantastic materials. Am about to write the IELTS exam by end of September, 2022.I need more support and encouragement from you. Best regards. Thanks.

        • Wishing you lots of luck! With a focus, logical, strategic approach you can conquer IELTS 🙂

  12. Hi Liz, thank you for using your talent so well(blessing people) ,it’s an eye opener for me and I’m making progress. Thank you once again for being there for us

  13. Saqib Mehmood says

    Hi Liz,
    One of my university teachers recommended me your Youtube channel for IELTS preparation.
    After watching your videos, I cannot help appreciating your way of teaching. You have awesome teaching style. So simple and nice. Thank you!

    • Thank you. That’s a really nice thing to say. I’m glad my lessons are useful 🙂 Stay safe!!

      • Furqan says

        Hy Liz

        i joined your channel last week. really you are doing such an amazing work. the way you teach.. LOVED IT.. Thank you very much and best of luck for you efforts to get rewarded anywhere…

  14. youssef says

    thank you so much Liz, i started preparing today, and I’m very motivated to go on with it, your lessons are really useful

  15. i enjoy every lesson. your style of teaching is original

  16. Esther Chika says

    Hi Liz,
    I just joined your blog and YouTube channel and I must say, ” It’s awesome!”

  17. thank you very much for your kindness showing to us . Great you are. Help us more and keep safe. Asif

  18. Anita says

    The answer isA, D, c

  19. Niraj Sharma Dahal says

    i am quite confused with Capitalization. Does it matter in listening? For example if i write answer as Cow, COW or Cow then will I get full mark for each?

  20. I am a bit confused. On the test, how do you actually answer this type of question. The answer for this one can be A, D or C right?

    For example, the exam ask you “for question 1-3, choose three best answers to describe this…” and you know that the answers are A, D and C; they can be in any order.

    Do you write..
    1. A
    2. D
    3. C

    Or do you answer like this…
    1. A, C, D
    2. A, C, D
    3. A, C, D

    Does this make sense? Sorry it sounds confusing.

  21. Muhammad Bilal Arif says

    Hello Madam Liz!
    How are you? Hope you are fine and enjoying well. I am an Engineer. I want to study Abroad that require ielts too. So, I want to know that if someone is suffering from stammering problem then it is matter during ielts i.e in speaking part.


  22. Klint Gino Cutarra says

    My result(s) – All correct!

    Thanks Liz and more powers!

  23. Hasin says

    In list selection, do i have to get all the answers correct to get the mark?

    • It depends. If the list selection is for questions 24 to 27, you will get one point for each answer. Just check how many questions it covers. The answer to each question is one point.

      • Supriyo Chatterjee says

        Hi Liz,

        Suppose in the list selection, there were 2 questions 25-26. Now out of these 2 questions, if I answer 1 correct and 1 wrong, will I get 1 point?

        Can you please clarify . I mean the scenario where suppose, the correct options could have been A & C, but I selected A & B. In this case will I get 1 point for answering “A” correctly?

  24. Hi Liz,

    Thanks for the lessons.
    By the way, The Audio for this lesson is not working in my Mac.
    But it works on Windows PCs.
    I think there might be an issue with Audio file format.
    Check with your site admin.

    • I am my site admin and unfortunately, I’m not great at this sort of thing. I’ll write it on my list to figure out at some time. Thanks for letting me know – it’s great when students let me know how things are working. And any tips you have for me are also appreciated.

      • Hi Liz,

        Thank you for your lessons. It’s really helpful!
        This video doesn’t work in my Mac but playing it on Firefox. You can try with Chrome, I could open it.
        Probably Firefox doesn’t support this particular video, because I had no problems with others.

      • Davinder Singh says

        I can help you with it. I am basically a website developer with extensive experience in website design as well as development.

    • open it with google chrome browser, it’s working properly

  25. Hi ,
    Thank you Liz for your helpful website.Actually, the audio does not work. is there any problem?

    Thank you.

  26. francisco colares says

    Dear Liz,
    I started preparing myself today and I’m so motivated. This motivation also comes from the way you presented all the tests, your generosity of sharing suck a rich/important knowledge.
    I’m very thankful!
    The Museum Visit audio/video are still on? I couldn’t open/see. Is there any problem? Could you allow us to see?

    Thank you so much!

    • The audio should still be working. Can you try it again with strong internet connection and then let me know. Thanks 🙂

      • thanks to you there Liz, It is a really helpful website. and I really appreciate your generosity.
        By the way, I’m using a very strong internet at my home which is wifi but still, I’m not able to play the audio. anyway doesn’t matter, If it’s not going to play. there are more tips to practice.

        • That’s strange. It’s plays ok on mine. Try using a different internet. Sorry I can’t really help.

  27. Generally question comes like this….answer que 8-10 ….then what about order of answer…A,C,D and A,D,C….then how does examiner know that que 8-10 can be in any order?

  28. Erkin says

    Thanks a lot

  29. Sarkhan says

    Dear Liz, thanking to you I listened the video for listening tips: multiple choice then I answered the right letters : A, D, C.

  30. Hi Liz,

    I’d like to ask question about listening test. I haven’t got problem with short answer questions but, generally, i do mistake in long multiple choice questions. I can not read every question during preparing time. (30 sec.). I also can’t read and listen at the same time, answering long questions. What do you advise to me?


  31. Hi Liz,

    Thank you for sharing this useful material. I want to ask if you can advise regarding those who miss information due to accent complications. Any help?

  32. hi mam ,this is swathi singh .i need some help from u.bcoz iam coming from thelugu mediam background so i dont know mush i want learn enlish from you,so what i do and i want improve my speaking session plz help me.if u r free talk to each other in skype and one more thing u r the asam to teach ielts modules.plz contact me with my email id.plz mam try to understand

  33. Dr. Syed Iqtidar Ali Raza says

    Dear Liz
    Wanted to ask you that these reading and listening modules are checked manually or checked by computer?
    I know these tests just want answer keys but even then checking is done by humen
    Or by computers?

  34. Dr. Syed Iqtidar Ali Raza says

    Dear Liz
    Wanna ask a ques
    In recent conducted exam I followed your advice of writing all the answers in Capital both in reading and in listening modules, there was one answer “e-mail”
    I was confused Wat to wrote?
    Then I wrote in the box
    Do u think that was ok or not ?
    Will I get a mark or lose it?

    • Yes, you will lose a mark because you have written two words. The answer was not “email email” it was just “email” or “EMAIL”, not both. The hyphen is optional.
      All the best

  35. Hi Liz
    I was practicing “complete the sentence with two words or a number ”
    How Should we write a date. For example
    Bridge was completed ……….
    And answer is 18 May 1879. Because in answer there is two numbers instead 18 and 1879 ?

  36. lorie daclan says

    hello liz,
    i’d like to ask with regards to the capitalizing of the answers on listening and reading tasks. You’ve mentioned that we can write our answers in capital letters to avoid any mistakes from those answer that needs to be capitalized. My concerns is, if we decide to answer in all capital letters for the rest of the answers, how about if the question is about an email address and we need to write down the email address itself, example, should i write, LORIE_DACLAN@YAHOO.COM? meaning, they will consider this answer because the rest of my answer is in capital? i believe that email address, mostly are written in small letters.

    thanks liz for your help. God bless you more.


  37. Dr. Syed Iqtidar Ali Raza says

    Dear Liz
    Can’t take advantage out of your videos and listening sessions because I can’t open them on my system. Is there any other method to utilize it?????

    • I’m sorry, I don’t have videos on any other site.
      All the best

    • You can watch the videos on her YouTube channel from your YouTube app in your smartphone. Just type “ieltsliz” in the search bar of your app. I have watched all her listening videos. Liz is the best 🙂

      • Thanks 🙂

      • Dr. Syed Iqtidar Ali Raza says

        Thanks a lot sadaf
        It has helped me and now I can watch the videos
        The “S” after sadaf stands for syeda?
        If yes I’m really glad to know that.
        God bless you amin

  38. Debbie Li says

    Dear Liz:

    Thank you for your hard working.Your website is really helpful.I want to ask you how can I get some IELTS old test for practice?


    • IELTS only published past IELTS test papers from time to time. They are in books: IELTS Cambridge Practice Tests, from book 1 to book 10. Book 10 is the most recent. All other practice test books are not from IELTS but from other authors.
      All the best

  39. There is a problem in this audio. This one is not playing.

    • The audio plays fine on my laptop. Please check your audio settings.
      All the best

  40. Mohit Aggarwal says

    Dear Liz,

    Your site and videos are really helpful. But I am struggling with few stuff. For an example:
    An aeroplane which was carrying a group of school children was forced to land just……minutes after take-off.
    Actual answer during listening is 3 minutes.
    But in instruction says no more than three words.
    So does it mean I have to write 3 in words as “three” or 3 is good enough?

    Moreover I checked the answer book which says 3 is correct answer.

    I was surprised by seeing this. Quite confusing. Can you please help me.

    Mohit Aggarwal

  41. Fatima says

    Hello Liz,
    I have a problem with recording, it doesn’t work for me, can you help me please!!!

  42. Robin says

    Dear Liz,
    Thank you very much for your tips . I have a confusion that , how to write answer on the answer sheet for multiple choice (list selection) when two questions are together ?
    I am asking this because there are two separated box on the answer sheet for each question.

    • If the multiple choice covers question 12 and 13, then you must write one option in each different box. If it counts for only one question, then you write the options in the same box. Just take a look at how many questions are related to the multiple choice.

      • Robin says

        Dear Liz,
        It is not clear to me. Could you please give me an example ?

        • I don’t know how to explain it more clearly. The above question counts is for question 1 only and requires you to choose 3 options. That the answer to question 1 is three letters and you write three letters in the box for number 1. You write ADC in one box on the answer sheet for question 1. You can write DCA or CDA or ADC or ACD – the order makes no difference.

          But if the above practice was questions 1 to 3, then there are three letters for three questions which means one letter for each question. You choose three options, you write A in one box, D in another box and C in another box. Each box relates to one question. Again the order of which letter in which box makes no difference.

          I hope that helps because I’m not sure I can explain it any differently.
          All the best

  43. Noha Faisal says

    Hello miss Liz,
    unfortunately, my band score in listening is getting down because of Multiple Choice question , i saw roughly more than 10 videos about the techniques to solve this problem , but i still do not familiar enough with . my exam will be on 13 of August .
    Please can you help ? 🙁

    • Please see my video about MCQ for listening. But the key really is whether you are follow information given and spot answers in the options. Don’t forget to delete options as you listen, identify key words in questions and listen for paraphrases.

      • Noha Faisal says

        Thank you , i will exercise more and more to get rid of this problem . Thanks again for your suggestion .

  44. kethees says

    Thanks so much for explaining.

  45. Thanks a lot Liz , really it’s valuable and helpful lessons .

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