Hi guys,
The IELTS FAQ page is THE MOST IMPORTANT page for you all to read before your test. It contains over 100 questions about IELTS with the answers. It provides lots of information and tips about the IELTS test. Make sure you read it !!
Click here to visit the page: IELTS FAQ
All the best
Thank u so much Liz.It has been a great support from u.I am greatly helped with the recent exam questions in ur blog.Atleast found a lot of familiar topics in speaking and task 2 test.
Hi Liz Thanks a lot for your valuable guidance. Honestly, I admire you from the core of my heart. Thanks once again for all lessons. Thanks and regards. Kaur Jaswinder
You’re welcome 🙂
Dear Liz,
I saw here on this blog the structure of academic task one (very recently, maybe 4/5 days back). You had written it but now it is gone. Can I have it again? It was brief and and to the point about (academic task 1 structure).
Nasir Ahmed
See this page: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-1-lessons-and-tips/
thanks for your kind email..
Thanks for the guidance….
Hi Liz,
Thank you so much for great support. I do really like all your advice.
Could you please advice me how reduce panic? In the speaking test, I was very panic. My sound changed badly and spoke short and fast. I could not control myself at the time of speaking.
Panic is a problem in the speaking test. One way to deal with it is through A LOT of preparation. This means all common and recent topics have been FULLY prepared and your head is full of ideas and memories to tell the examiner. A second solution is to practice speaking aloud in front of your mirror or in front of a friend. This means you can ask and answer questions out loud. It is actually the only way to practise when you are alone. It will help you gain confidence and practise pronunciation. Thirdly, you need to remember that the speaking test is informal. This means you need to be chatty and not worry about content. The examiner will not mark information. The examiner will not mark ideas. The examiner will not mark task achievement. So, you don’t need to worry about any of that. You just need to be friendly, open and chatty. Answer questions naturally and have a bit of fun. Lastly, you need to remember that it is only 14 mins of your life. So, go into the test room with the confidence of an actor – take control of the situation and conquer – it’s only 14 mins – you can do it !!! I hope this helps 🙂 Here is the main speaking page: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-speaking-free-lessons-essential-tips/ and here is the recent questions page: http://www.ieltsliz.com/recent-ielts-questions-and-topics
Thanks ma’m.
Hi Liz
one of my students mixed up the task 1 & 2 answering sheets coz she was nervous…she did strike out the printed heading and instead wrote the corresponding task number as per the invigilators advice. Do you think she’ll be given a penalty? I hope not…
nisha therasa
If the examiner can easily see which answer sheets contains which answer, it will be fine.
In the speaking test, will it be an effect on my score, because I used “A” instead An few times?
Grammar counts for 25% of your marks and that is one example of a grammar error.