Determination and Success – My Story (by Liz)

Hi guys,

This is my personal story. I am sharing it with you to show how keeping positive, using time effectively and staying determined can change your life regardless of how difficult your situation might be right now. I hope my story will inspire you to be proactive and keep strong during the Coronavirus situation. Make a cup of tea, sit back and read about success through adversity 🙂

In 2013, my health collapsed. I became very seriously sick. I lost my job. I lost most of my money. I lost my friends. I lost my apartment. I lost my independence. I was too sick to go outside. I was locked in. I struggled to walk around the house and all basic actions (even washing my hair) were very difficult. At times, just sitting in a chair was incredibly painful and I had to return to my bed to lie in isolation, darkness and silence. I couldn’t get food for myself. I struggled to speak easily. I was sick and seriously disabled.

The doctors told me there was nothing they could do to help me. They said I would probably be sick for quite a long time, but they couldn’t say how long or even if I would ever recover. My situation was similar to the uncertain situation many of you face today with Coronavirus. Feeling you have no control over your lives or your future. Watching all your dreams and plans disappearing and there’s nothing you can do. Feeling worried and alone. The feeling of isolation from the world became normal for me when I was sick. But I wasn’t facing a few weeks or months without work, without income, without health, without friends, without freedom – I was facing years.

It took about a year of suffering for my health to improve enough for me to be able to sit on a sofa and use a laptop for 30 mins or 1 hour a day. I started making plans for a website to give people free lessons for IELTS. But I was still so sick. It was all very difficult. Even typing was hard because I struggled to use my arms. After 6 months, I was well enough to make video lessons in a spare bedroom. All my videos were made by myself while I was sick. My website and videos started to become popular in 2015.

I believe that each situation we face is a challenge. And many challenges have to be fought psychologically. Each day I woke up and decided – what single thing can I do today? I had little strength. But I did have determination, a strategic approach and a positive mindset to improve my life in small ways. My tips are:

  1. Never wake up and compare your life today to what you had before or what you don’t have anymore or what other people have.
  2. Try. Just because your dream seems distant or impossible right now, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Trying is what it is all about. The more you try, the more doors open. You might just discover you have incredible hidden gifts that you didn’t know about 🙂
  3. Always find the positive in what you choose to do or what you must do. Your perspective matters. Smile and enjoy – it makes everything easier.
  4. Don’t listen to negative voices in your head or from others. If you are surrounded by negativity, drown it out by filling your mind and life with positive thoughts. It isn’t easy. It’s a challenge, but you can do it. 
  5. If things get hard for you, reach out to someone or find a solution. The very strongest and most success people are often those who have known what it feels like to struggle or suffer. Making wise choices at tough times is what it is all about. 
  6. Don’t delay. None of us know what is round the corner. Use the uncertainty you find yourself in to remind yourself that time matters.
  7. Life is a gift. Appreciate it. Like many gifts, there may be incredible surprises inside if you learn to use it well 🙂 Don’t presume life is just a box to open, it is an opportunity and you are responsible to make the most of it.

To continue with my story, in 2015 it looked like my life was going to get better at last. A successful website and improved health. It felt exciting. But on December 25th, 2015, my health collapsed again for a second time. This was the hardest time for me. I had already been fighting for 2.5 years and now I had to face more years in sickness and pain. I felt deep despair at this time. The support from my family started to fail. I ended up living completely alone while still being sick, disabled and unable to walk outside.

I have been living in considerable isolation since 2016. For these years, I have talked with a human being for only about 1 hour a week. There have been times when I have struggled, both physically and emotionally. Of course with the Coronavirus lockdown, I now do not see anyone at all. Worse still, during these years, I have rarely received any loving messages from my family to keep me strong and give me comfort.

When you face such situations on your own, I believe you must find strength, love and positivity within yourself. If other people don’t give you love, give it to yourself. If others are not a source of strength for you, find that strength within yourself or by reading about inspirational people. If you feel alone, connect to something within yourself that connects us all together and nourishes us. Surround yourself and give yourself what you need to survive and conquer. Never let fear, doubt or complacency stand in your way. Never let any situation or any person stop you from moving forward with your life. Achieving success is within us all.

The concept of “seize the day” is well known, but how many of us actually live this way? While I was sick, I wasn’t able to “seize the day” because I was unwell most of the day. But I did seize 15 mins, 30 mins, one hour or two hours when possible. With such little strength and such little time, I achieved great success. Small steps are not less valuable than large steps. They all lead somewhere. They can lead you to success. But many of us delay too long or give up too soon because we don’t get what we want quickly enough or because it was harder than we imagined. Be patient. Persevere. Trust in your future. Keep taking those small steps with a focused, clear mind. Don’t just take those small steps to achieve success, take those small steps because you love life and you love what you do. Your perspective will change everything.

I became successful by taking very small steps. I never gave up. I stayed determined, focused and positive no matter what life threw at me. My Youtube channel has now reached just over 2 million subscribers. My website is one of the biggest worldwide for IELTS preparation. I have just over 1,000 high band score results shared by successful IELTS candidates (Results Page) which keep me encouraged to continue my work. Knowing that I help people reach their future goals is a wonderful way to live. By working from a sofa whilst being sick at home, I have achieved all this.

I hope my story and my perspectives of how I created a bright future while in isolation, uncertainty and sickness will help you at this difficult time. I hope you will all find happiness and strength even though your lives are not as you wish them to be right now. There are so many positive things you can do even if they do not seem to have a direct impact on your future plans they will help indirectly in ways you can’t imagine right now.

Your life is not at a stand still because you are in lockdown. If you continue developing and being proactive each day, your life will be moving forward regardless of your geography.

Keep Positive! Stay Focused! Be Proactive! Continue taking those Small Steps 🙂

I am thinking of you all at this time.

All the best


Please feel free to share your own positive stories or thoughts in the comments box below 🙂

Thank you message from Liz: I would like to thank you all for your kind responses to my story. I apologise for not being able to answer each of your comments individually. However, I read each one carefully and was touched by them all. Your instinctive insight really affected me.

I have always had deep respect for anyone striving to change their lives for the better. It takes a certain type of person to do this. IELTS is a steppingstone to a new and hopefully better future for you all. While you have been striving to push past frustrations or disappointments, I have been in a similar situation but for a different reason. Maybe that is why this website has such positive vibes. We understand one another, respect one another and appreciate one another 😊

There are some of you out there who are struggling right now with extremely difficult situations, some much worse than mine. Take strength in my story and take those small steps whenever you are able. Changing your situation at this moment in time might not be possible, but you can still allow positive energy to come into your life regardless of your situation. From actively learning something new, developing a new skill or helping others to just simply appreciating the beauty of a flower, all these tiny positive thoughts and actions will help to gradually change life as you know it. For those of you who have survived past suffering, I hope you will also share your story one day. By sharing our stories, we remind ourselves and each other of what life is really about.

Behind a smile may be a painful past. Behind tears and weakness may be a hero. Never be too quick to judge.

Thank you all for your kindness and support. Good luck to you all !! 😊 All the best, Liz

FREE IELTS Lessons: This website contains hundreds of pages of free lessons, tips, model answers, topics etc. Go to the HOME page to access them.


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  1. Yesha Patel says

    Hi Liz, Please stay strong, we are little bit worried now as we didn’t received your message since Jan-2025. I didn’t know what disease are you suffering from but try naturopathy, Yoga, Ayurvedic treatment from Himalayan region(North India). Try to keep your self connect with Cows- they are very positive Animal on this earth. You may get easily well soon. Just try it…

  2. Anthony Reed says

    Hi Liz

    I hope you find health and happiness.

    Thank you for your efforts!


  3. Dear Liz
    You have been angelic in your own way blessing all the learners of IELTS test with precious material invaluable for free. God is surely with you . I am extremely sorry that I could not even treat you with at least a cup of coffee which I could have afforded with my income(jobless) less existence. I tried to send the two pounds in vain for my debit card was not a fit tool for such an international transaction ( don’t know the reasons). Forgive me! I will try to get you as many cups of coffee as you could drink (and I afford ) in future . I am certain that God Almighty will help me in this endeavour and you rightly deserve it with/including priceless treasures more. Almighty’s Grace is showering over you for your virtues and my gratitude is grounded with wordless worship.
    Many Thanks
    Best Wishes
    Krishnan Sudheer

  4. Temitope Olukunle says

    Hi Liz,

    I am deeply sorry to hear your story.

    Knowing that my family benefitted from your kind heart even through “pain”, leaves me in shock and utter sadness. Thanks to your help, and using your resources, we are Canadian citizens today. If it sits well with you, you just gained a family and we’ll love to visit the UK soon and this is even a more important reason to do so. I’ll leave my email and please let me know if it’s okay to connect; that’s what families do! Thank God for the gift of you; and it is my prayer that you find enough strength and courage to fight this disease, and that your health is restored. You are a miracle waiting to happen!!! Please respond, if you can.

    Kind regards,
    Temitope & Sharon

  5. You inspire students and instructors all over the world. You are a kind and strong person. Thank you for everything you’ve done to help students and educators by providing free resources to everyone. It’s nice to see you back on your YouTube channel. I express my gratitude and best wishes to you. I wish you a long, happy, and healthy life ahead. Stay strong!

  6. Wei Xia says

    Hi Liz. What a moving and inspiring story you have shared. When I watched ielts videos in youtube, I was really confused why almost of your videos were presented 8 years ago. For me, your videos are like sweat streams in calm and peace, I can really learn a lot in relaxation. In my perspective, you are the best youtuber in ielts preparation. May God bless you and restore your health.

  7. Stay strong Liz.

  8. Muntaha Mariah says

    Dear Madam,
    You are one of the best teacher and human Being also. Remember one thing,you are not alone; you live on in hearts of all your students around the world. 🇧🇩
    Wishing you a swift recovery, both mentally and physically. 💗
    One of your student,
    Muntaha Mariah.

  9. Morsalin Rafsan says

    Dear Madam,

    You are not alone. You have a huge follower group who always love you. Hope you will be able to make videos for us again. We are waiting for your upcoming videos.

    Take love and respect from Bangladesh 🇧🇩


  10. Dear Liz,
    You are just awesome. Nothing to say really I am one of your biggest fans from the Asian country Bangladesh. I regularly watch your class. These are very special to me.

    Your life story is totally incredible. It makes me stronger than before. You are a very enthusiastic person in the world. I get inspiration from you.

    Thank You Liz

  11. Hello Liz.
    I hope you get better, your history is incredibly!, you are awesome and so kind. . I am preparing for IELTS and I’ve watched most of your videos. You are so generous and I hope that live returns it to you.

    You are not alone

    I love you


  12. Debaki kafle says

    dear Liz
    reading your story makes me bold and more powerful and positive.thankyou for sharing

  13. You are a beacon of hope, and a shinning star to many! What struck a chord with me was your thought to offer relieve to others when you were unsure of when(or if) your own relieve will ever come!….that is strength! Angels don’t always have wings….Sometimes they come as Elizabeth Ferguson! Speedy recovery Liz.

    Best wishes from Ghana.

  14. Omuzaana Eva says

    Wow, what an amazing story Liz. you’re an inspiration. This Christmas 🎄 should come early for you. I sent you a private message on Facebook. would you be happy to receive a Xmas card in appreciation of your effort and work? You are loved, how can we be there for you like you have there for us?

  15. Determination shines the brightest when faced with adversity. It’s the resilience to bounce back from setbacks and to persevere in the face of challenges. This inner strength allows us to transform adversity into opportunities for growth.

  16. Hi Liz,

    Hope you are well.

    I just want to let you know that your lessons and big beautiful smiles are very helpful, and I love the contents that you made and they are very easy to understand and follow. I can’t believe there was a tough story behind the scenes. Oh there there(let me give you a big hug)

    I am grateful for your works and contributions.

    Sending you lots of Love and Wishes. Get well soon and stay happy and awesome 😎


  17. Dear Liz,
    I read your story, you are very inspiring for us. I deeply hope you get well very soon, and make videos for youtube because we really like to see that nice and kind smile on your face again.
    The more you try the more doors open, this sentence of you is so inspiring for me.
    May you feel better soon.

  18. Hi Liz,
    I used your content to help me prepare for the Academic IELTS in 2021. I have to now write the general IELTS, and you were the first person who popped into my mind when contemplating on where to start. I just read your story, and I just want to say that I hope you are doing well. You seem like such a lovely person, and I know for a fact that you are my and everyone who comes across your website or video’s favourite teacher! I don’t expect a reply, but I really hope you see these messages and know that everyone is wishing and praying for your recovery, and we are all so grateful to you! Please know that you mean a lot to us.
    Sending love and kindness,

  19. Oluwasegun Samuel says

    Hi Liz, I really loved that you shared your story, I was very curious when I noticed most of your videos were far back as 8 years ago, I searched the internet but didnt get any personal information about you, not until now when I am about to re-write my IELTS, you are a true inspiration for me, the way you teach is so calm, I pray that your health will be fully restored. Amen. If i ever visit the UK, I will definitely love the opportunity to meet with you.

  20. Somaye says

    You rock Dear Liz!
    I am really proud of you.

  21. Abhinav Anand says

    Dear Liz,
    Your name stand for courage. I praise the will power you possess and pray to the Almighty that He/She/It takes away all your pain and suffering. Beautiful soul like you are very rare to find. In the world where people are selling every letter of education, you are parting the knowledge for free so that the needy and unprivileged can also avail it. Despite your hardships, you are on a mission to build a smooth path for others. Salute to your spirit. Lots of love from India. Your story has given me a different perspective towards life and motivated me to be on the right path no matter what. I wish you a speedy recovery. Take care.

  22. Mercy says

    You are freaking georgous. You’re a real queen. I don’t know how we can thank you for all the generosity and thoughtfulness you have showed us at a zero fee. May the angels guard you and never let that smile fade from your face. Sending lots of love from Kenya. I wish you the best of health.

  23. Dear Liz,

    I am writing to you from Romania, as a veterinarian who wants tu pursue her dream in a country where this profession is well respected.

    My eyes are all watery and my heart is full of blessings to you after I just read your story. I found you just in time for my IELTS preparation, and I must say that you are the only person over the internet who tackle the subjects in such a calm way. You are an ispiration too all of us, being this sick and in the same time, being capable of doing great videoclips…you are blessed, darling!

    In order to show you the respect that I have for you, I’ll make a promise to you, to not giving up on my dream, to focus more on the present and embrace my past, no matter how hard it seamed to be, not trashing it under a rug. We, as human beings, are defined by emotions, and we have to took advantage of it! Like I always said, even sad or happy, you must be true to yourself, believe in yourself and give a hug to yourself and everyone who is near you.

    Take care of you!

    With all the love,
    A kind vet from Romania 🙂

  24. Molly says

    I’m touched by your story Liz and it’s quite encouraging. I must say you are a strong person to remain positive with all that you’ve been through, it takes a strong character to do that. I just wanna encourage and wish you well, also a speedy recovery. I hope you are better these days. Looking forward to when we’ll get you back fully. Wishing you love, good health, and light. Take care Liz…

  25. Harpreet says

    Hi Liz

    I am also one of your student on youtube. This morning I just googled about you. I wanted to know where are you nowadays. Really sad to know about your sickness but I am glad you had overcome all the obstacles which life thrown in your way. I would like to see you more on youtube because this is the only medium to check you.
    Lots of love

  26. May YU says

    Dear Liz, my respectful teacher. Thank you so much for your real inspiring story which is a powerful source of encouragement to anyone who is now in the midst of long term suffering. Love you, Liz. Best wishes to your health and energy.
    God Bless you, Liz.
    Your online student,

  27. I first saw your videos in 2015 but never had the courage to take the IELTS exam sooner as I went on hiatus for a couple of years. I finally took the General Exam in 2021, with the help of your tips, I passed with only a week of preparation and scored Band 8 across. For some reason, I need to re-take, and now with the Academic one. I must say that your videos and lessons are my go – to study materials. Of course, over so many years, a lot of IELTS preparation videos have emerged online but there is something about how you deliver the subject charismatically that draws me back to your page everytime.
    Thank you for sharing your story and thank you also for inspiring me. I will be taking my exam tomorrow and I am confident that I will pass with flying colors because of you.

  28. Mehmet Ali says

    Hi there, Liz!

    I came across to your videos on YouTube while I was looking for a source which could be beneficial for helping my little sister to achieve a better result on IELTS. Personally, I’ve been suffering some depression and addiction problems for about two years now and I am starting feel better lately. Helping my sister with her exam preparation is one of my hardly found motivations which I really wish to add more to. I just wanted to speak my mind to share the emotions when I stumbled upon your page and decided to read more about you, then I discovered more then what I would hope. I was here for some decent exam preparation info, but I am leaving with great spiritual inspiration in addition to what I expected. I am also a non-native speaker of English, and I realized that my language knowledge and skills have been eroding lately due to lack of exposure. So I wanted to use this chance to try to express myself in English. Thank you for all of that, I really wish you the best for every aspect of life. With love from Turkey 🙂


    Reading your story made me cry, Liz. I passed my IELTS exam, courtesy of all your online video lessons. I pray that you get better and go back to work and live your life the way you have always desired. Get well Liz and thank you for the knowledge you imparted to me.😢

  30. Nasim says

    Dear Liz,
    Firstly, all the best wishes for you.
    I can certainly tell that you are a very kind hearted person.To be honest I feel a kind of inner peace watching your smiley face in the videos. You are a great teacher undoubtedly & a great human being too.You deserve a better future undoubtedly , so don’t be despaired. I really really believe that you will get better in the coming days, just have faith.
    It’s the holy month of Ramadan now & I’m fasting today, so I pray to Allah for your speed recovery.
    Love from Dhaka,Bangladesh.


    You are really amazing and energetic. I will read this story during the times when I feel low and sad. Thank you for sharing your experience. I really appreciate strongest minds like you.

  32. Yaw Ntansah says

    Hi Liz
    I am with tears while reading your encouraging life lesson story. I encountered similar situation in February, 2020. I was an active young man going about my duties each day with the hope of a brighter future, but fell sick all of a sudden unable to do normal things for myself. I cried each day but always told myself that I will walk again. The worst of it all was when I was duped by my own student whom I took as a son when he was in senior High school with huge sums of money I took from my trusted friends. Life became unbearable for me during those years of idleness but with the help of God and positive thinking I have been able to recover though not fully to be at my work place for teaching small small. I am grateful for your message and your encouragement. I know and believe this is not your portion and you will definitely be active and strong again.

  33. Yasmeen says

    Hi Liz
    I’m Yasmeen from India.My prayers are always with you, stay blessed always.Thank you so much for showing us the entire details of IELTS preparation .Helped a lot.

  34. Drishtant Shrivastava says

    Hi Liz,

    Hope you are in the best of your health and living a happy life!

    I am quite taken away by your story, surfing this site for the past 2 weeks looking for prep material for IELTS (AC) and working on my craft each day improving and understanding my mistakes. However after spending 100+ hrs on your website today’s the day I actually came across this page (btw I was looking for your email address to share with you my score).

    Quite an enthralling story that I am going to carry with me and take as an inspiration for my future endeavours. Cannot thank you enough, your study material is just perfect and I am sure that a determined candidate can achieve a perfect 9 band going through your scrupulously curated resources.

    Below are my scores, and I am elated to share them with everyone
    (L = 8.5, R = 8, W = 7, S = 7)
    Overall = 7.5

  35. Meriya Balakasi says

    hi lizy
    am inspired and ttouched deeply about your story God is in control everything is going to be alright he is faithful God nothing is permanent wish you speed recovery 🙏🙏 you motivate and encourage me
    l’m really helped with your IELTS lessons l do my practice everyday with you


  36. hi lizy
    am inspired and ttouched deeply about your story God is in control everything is going to be alright he is faithful God nothing is permanent wish you speed recovery 🙏🙏 you motivate and encourage me
    l’m really helped with your IELTS lessons l do my practice everyday with you


  37. Paschal says

    Hello Liz,

    It’s very heart-warming to read how you’ve transformed your situation into service. The happiness you’ve brought to so many people through your services will surely plead with Providence on your behalf. Thank you!

  38. Sumaiya Binti says

    Beloved Liz,
    How are you now? My prayer is with you. I hope, you will soon comeback stronger than ever. I was preparing for IELTS and was fascinated by your videos. I started to wonder who is this amazing woman. As a result, i started searching for you and found your personal story. I almost cried after reading it. How can someone be so selfless and positive after everything ! Thanks liz, for giving me strength. Hope, I can one day be like you and follow your selfless footprint. May the God help you. Our love and prayers are with you. Get better soon. And, say hi to us, when you come back from your current state. We will be waiting.

    Thank you,

    • Ahmed Naeem says

      I agree with you. I am also searching this Lady who is guide us. I was searching Wikimedia but I can’t find any details. Finally, her story and its make me cry. Her words touching of my heart. I pray to her. I hope, she will recover soon.


    Idowu Adebanke says
    October 14,2022 at
    Dear Liz,

    I really thank God for your life for being a positive minded person. While fighting for your life, you’re still impacting positively in people’s lives despite your ill- health. You’re an ‘HERO’. Stay strong, healthy and remain blessed. Much love we get for you. You’re alive


  40. Shiva limbu says

    Liz, I hope you’re doing better now.
    Only Love I have for you.🙏🏻

  41. Dear Liz,

    Your story really touched me and I couldn’t stop crying… I also experienced a hard time since the end of 2020, when I lost my dad, my career, my money, and moreover my hope for a brighter future. I was struggling with my loss and grief, and this year I can finally start to socialize again and involve myself in volunteer activities. I’ll be 34 by the end of this year, which is not a young age, but at least I can feel I’m alive! I have my new future career plan, which is to help marginalized groups. So I need to pass my IELTS and pursue further studies. Thanks for all you have done for us, and please know you are not alone!

    God bless you and wish us good luck!


  42. you are angel elizabeth much love.

  43. Liz,
    I prayed for you.

  44. Hi Liz,

    Who would have thought you may be so sick. Thank you for sharing your story. I am so sorry for you, I wish you all the best, you do merit the best. The world is a better place thanks to the people like you are. The way you show your strength means heaps to me and inspires many. You are so right. Our life is such a gift. We are responsible for our every day life. In the past I took a GT IELTS but now have to take an AC one and hopefully I will get a 7. I used to be a Lawyer in France but since 2017 I have lived in Australia and would love to become a midwife. Here in Australia I met some English teachers and they all recommend your website to those who takes the IELTS test. Your work and energy is worldwide recognised. I believe your health will improve and I truly wish you many beautiful moments every day. I also hope you can ask for help if you need it, please take care of yourself and do not forget it’s OK to ask for help. All the best, Agnes

  45. I dont know why exactly i am writing this message.So many wild thoughts are going through my mind after reading your story AND even i am on the verge of crying.Not because it is a heart-touching story but I can the reflection of my current life in your painful past life.I know exactly what u had been through.Even though i am only 23,i have severe health problems,I even sometimes just cry not being able to life a full life like heathy people do.Just because of my health problems,i lost everything, my friend,and know i dont even talk to my family members.Sometimes the toughts in my head are going wild,it is just a mental torture.Not being able to communicate with somebody,open up to somebody,get aid from somebody.The worst is losing hope in yourself.Now i just cant even image what my life will turn out.
    I AM TRULY HAPPY FOR YOUR THAT YOU MADE IT.Overcame those obstacles.

  46. monica nakazwe says

    Hi Liz .Thanks so much you are such an inspiration .I will not give up especially now that i have you as my role model.
    Kind regards from Zambia

  47. Vishal Raj says

    Liz mam, you are truly an inspirational person and you are really very helpful for me and others by helping in our ielts preparation. I love your smile mam and your teaching method also i don’t know that you are struggling so much from a very long time🥺 .Mam,i want god give you immense happiness as well as good health, once again you are truly inspirational because i cannot imagine a person who faces such difficulties in her life however she is moving forward in her life with such huge positivity. I am inspired from your personal story and i promise to myself that i will improve myself and move ahead in my life regardless whatever the situation is.🥰❤️
    Thank you for inspiring us, may god bless you and also give your blessings to me so that i can get good bands in my ielts exam🙏❤️
    I wishes that your health become better day by day.
    And thank you for teaching us😘😘
    Love you so much Liz mam❤️❤️❤️🥰✨
    Your’s truly
    Vishal Raj

  48. Fathima Fazmina says

    Hi Liz ,Thank you so muxh for sharing your inspirational story with us .I know it takes alot of courage ro fight against these types of obstacles .I lobe your positive enegry and your beautiful smile.Whenever I watch your videos I learn something new and I feel “wow this lady is amazing ,looks how happyly she talks”..But I never knew what you were going through .I wish you a speedy recovery.And teaching is not an easy task at all.As a mother of two kids ,I still struggle with it.But you are truely gifted with that ability..Thank you very much for sharing your experience and also for the valuable lesson.If I ever get a chance to come over to UK ,I promise I will find way to meet you in person.Take care Liz.May god bless you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  49. Bashiru Habib says

    Hello dear, we are really praying for you 🙏❤😢

  50. Hello Liz,

    Thank you for sharing your story. You truly are an inspiration to all who have the pleasure of meeting you didgetly. Huge congratulations with having continued your story instead of giving in. Good for you. Reading your story has given me the opportunity to reflect on my current situation, I was feeling sorry for myself and was at my wits end with studying A language I thought I had good command of.

    Sadly I have come to realise the English language is not used to its full potential by majority of native English speakers like myself. I was about to say “to hang with it” and through in the towel, when I stumbled across your story, which has given me the wake up call I needed to stop looking at the negatives and start focusing on the positives. So my humblest thanks for being the extraordinary woman you are, for all the lessons to prepare us for the Ielts and advise on focusing. Keep going Liz, and all the very best in your continued journey.

  51. Daya Mathew says

    Get well soon Liz!!
    Our prayers are with you.
    We all need you back.
    Inspired by your story.
    God bless you 💗
    God will restore and grant you with good health.
    Daya from India.

  52. Titilayo says

    Thanks Liz for sharing your story. I have passed through alot myself and am still in pains as regards my health. You have encouraged me greatly.
    You have impacted many lives positively Liz. All I can say is that God’s grace is sufficient for us all.
    I will keep pushing!

  53. Rakhi says

    Thank you Liz for sharing your story. I think we should be grateful for everything that God has given. I am really touched by your story. Wish you success, health and happiness. Love your style of teaching. Thanks a lot….Love from India

  54. ADEDAYO AJANI says

    Dear Liz,

    You are just so special, beyond compassionate.
    Thank you for being a source of inspiration even in your discomfort.
    I’ll always pray for you. If there’s a miracle left, let it be for your healing.
    You shall experience good health again and be happy.

    Hugs, love and light.

  55. Ambily says

    Thank you mam for sharing your inspirational life story. May God bless ♥️

  56. Gagan says

    Dear liz,

    I am so touched by ur story. I wish for ur better recovery. I just found ur yt channel and website some days ago. And in love with you and ur content and way of teaching for free that too an unmatchable content.
    When i was reading your story, i wish i could help u emotionally and be physically there with you to help you out in every need.

    Ill pray to God for your fastest recovery.

    Love and hugs from india.

  57. Bhavdeepsinh Vadher says

    Hello Liz,
    Recently I have gone through your Life Story, And it has made up a great impact on my mind. What I’m thinking is how strong a human being you will be!! if I get a chance I will try to meet you and help you as you have helped people around the world, by the way, it’s not in my hand I’m not that financial independent currently but if I get a chance I will meet you. Get well soon lady. One as you are less on the world and we need them with us all along with us all the time.
    Blessing from India,
    You are similar to my mom,
    Bhavdeepsinh Vadher

  58. Kudzie says

    Dear Liz, thank you very much for sharing your story, I was greatly inspired and touched by it. It’s true , we should not judge each other or give up. I just saw the link and thought to read, I guess it was for a reason and now I know I should not give up. I will be praying for you ,for God to heal you totally and answer all your prayers. You are an amazing teacher and I love the way you teach. Thank you for not giving up and for helping us with IELTS preparation. May God bless you and always smile on you.
    From Australia,

  59. HInd says

    Hi miss Liz
    my eyes were full of tears when I was reading your story specially some points touched my heart deeply, and actually I`m facing some struggles as u mentioned in your story but mine is about IELTS I was about to give up today, and my test going to be on 7th of July this week. I was preparing for the test in your website I scroll down to comments and I saw this link about your story I took a rest and start reading it I felt it was like a sign for me to complete studying and never give up you wrote some inspiration quotes I mean the points really inspired me and makes me cry hard, and push on my self, now I guess it is just 3 days left until the exam date I studied before and practice, I know everything but the fears makes me forget most things that I study it, thereafter I`ll go to do the exam and I`m in struggle and scared I took IELTS exam 4 times before and I get band 5, it stopped me to complete my bachelor program for a year and here is the second year about to start I hope I get the band 6 this time.

    thank you miss Liz for sharing your story to us it printed some positive ideas in our mind.

    and hope you fast recovery and a happy life <3

  60. Aditya Ramchandra says

    I love you, Elizabeth. Managed an overall band of 8 in my first attempt at IELTS all thanks to your videos. Reading- 8.5, Listening- 8, Speaking- 7.5 & Writing- 7. 🙂

  61. Maryam says

    Such an inspiring story!
    Thank you for all the effort you put to be at service of millions of learners. Wish you lots of health and joy in your life ❣️

  62. Dipesh says

    Dear Elizabeth,
    Lots of love and tons of blessings to you from Nepal. Finding hope amidst despair is one of the bravest things one can do. Your story and your struggles inspire millions of people today. From the core of my heart, I pray that you are healed sooner. May God’s miracle bestow upon you. May you be much stronger and braver than you have ever been before. You are in our prayers. Though we are far apart, your inspiration and your immense help towards people aiming for IELTS will forever be cherished. Sending loads of love and warm healing hugs to you. May God bless you. Take Care Elizabeth ❤❤❤❤❤

  63. Aditya Ramchandra says

    Nothing but love for you, Lizzie, I have my IELTS exam in a few days time and my prep is sketchy to say the least but your study material has been of immense help. When I write the exam, I’ll surely have the thought in my head “This one’s for you, Lizzie and all the work you have put in through all the adversity” and give it my very best even though I am highly doubtful of getting a decent band score. When I go to the temple today, I’ll pray to God for you and wish that he takes your sickness away once and for all because a beautiful, caring soul like you who has the purest smile that I have probably ever seen deserves all the joy and happiness that this world has to offer. Take care, Elizabeth. 🙂

  64. Eric says

    Hi Liz
    Thank you for such detailed IELTS exam preparations. I have read your story and changed my perspective that one can really be inspired by positive thoughts despite negative or worst situations one is facing.

  65. Hi Liz,

    Thanks for your work and sharing of your story. You are amazing.
    I hope you are still well right now.
    It makes me cry because I had a similar situation as you.

    After the 3rd month I gave birth to my first baby I got sick. A sick that won’t directly kill you but nothing can do from medical treatment. I was living in hell every day every second with desperation and pain and tears. Walking, sitting, changing cloths, taking a shower, washing hands, lots of daily tasks even sleeping became a deep punishment to me. I was so jealous with other normal people that I haven’t done something serious bad but why I have to suffer this shit. Many times I wanted to suicide but I didn’t because of the responsibility.

    At my 2.5 years of my illness, the most desperate moment, I wrote songs. I love and used to play piano but my husband thought it is wasting time and noisy therefore I seldom play it afterwards. After I wrote my first songs successfully and share to my friends, I received all of positive feedback and encouragement which pushing me to create more songs. It save my life.

    It is the 4th years now, still not recovered but better that the worst. We have a chance of thinking immigration to Australia which I will take a degree course for the visa and it brought to take the IELTS and I found you.

    From the minute I found your website I already felt you are very different from others commercial Ielts teachers and now I understand why. Many thanks for your sharing and you have many successful cases with a high band score students =) I hope I can get a 6 =)

    Love =)

  66. Amir Pedram says

    Hello dear Liz. I just wanted to thank you for all the amazing lessons you have provided for us here and on Youtube. I haven’t taken the IELTS test yet as I’m still unable to finish both tasks within 1 hour, but I’m getting there. I’m writing task 2 essays every day now and it’s funny because I’ve watched your videos so many times that when I’m writing I can clearly hear your voice in my head telling me what to write or how to write. Anyway, your story is very touching and I wish you get well soon. Thank you so much. Amir from Iran 🙂

  67. Mercy says

    Hello Liz.
    I have just read your story and I couldn’t hold my tears. Someone said, ” you have not lived until you have done something that people can not repay you.” How can millions of individuals whom you have inspired and directed with the content on your website repay you? Liz you are an icon and inspiration to many. I pray that you achieve the best health. You are such a sweet soul. May the angels always guard you for being the light to many that had seen nothing but darkness.

  68. Clementina says

    Dear Liz,

    Your story is so touching and thank you for all you do despite your health status. I pray that almighty God will restore and grant unto you good health (Amen).

  69. I am struggling not to shed a tear, sure that’s not what you would want from your deeply touching message. May God grant you inner peace and joy and happiness beyond your wildest imagination. You are loved.

  70. Esther Bosomafie says

    Hi Liz,

    I am really heartbroken when I read your story. You are an inspiration to 1000s of students. Thanks so much for your website and the pain behind your Ielts lessons. I pray for good health and strength. Amen

  71. Rokeya Ahmed Srabani says

    Hi Liz,
    You are a best teacher in my own world.I’m not a good student at English but I’m trying to give my best effort on English.since I was a child,I always felt scared with English.
    However now I’m practicing in English for my IELTS journey and most important thing is I’ll attend the exam in 23rd April.I want to go aboard for my higher studies but to be honest I don’t know will I take a success form this journey?😞But Liz truly speaking you are my inspiration,I feel more confident from you and while I read your story I cannot hold my tears😔Liz I’m Muslim I’ll pray for you to my Allah and i do believe My god always besides you and don’t be upset you’ll recover from all prevent❤️In sha Allah ❤️Lastly I want to say I learnt more effective lesson about IELTS from your YouTube videos.Your token of love make my IELTS journey more easiest 🥰
    Thank you so much Liz ❤️
    Your big fun from Bangladesh🇧🇩
    And please pray for my upcoming exam😊
    I’ll wait for your valuable comment Liz 🥰🌹

  72. Hi Liz – It is nice to meet you virtually. I have been a frequent visitor to your website without leaving any comments. This is my first comment here. I have been depressed for quite a long time and occasionally wanted to end it all. While I am in my own battle with metal health issues, I would like to send you my positive thoughts. Please stay strong and take a good care of yourself. You are totally true, no one is with us except ourselves.

    All the best, C.

  73. Hello Liz,

    Thanks for creating such a wonderful content. You are best. Keep spreading positivity and inspiring each one of us.


  74. Jaspal Singh says

    Hi Liz, with such a happy but broken heart after reading your story I have to share my GT IELTS score with you. its 8.5. Just because of you, and I am not talking about you being just a teacher, but being a good mentor/friend/family for me. I felt this loneliness when I was struggling back in my life and I thought of going for IELTS to study abroad. Now I am in Canada, living a far better life I could ever live just because of you.
    From 2017, you guided me like a torch through this dark storm, no matter what please you never feel alone in this world. you have thousands or maybe I can say Millions of family members around the world. You`re one of the those people on earth right now that have that many true family members who look for you.
    We really wish to see you right now. I know it might be too much to ask but we are missing you more than you must be missing us.

    I think thousands of us would love to fly to you right away if you plan on having a meet up.

    Please dear Liz let us see you and show you what you mean to us. I am not sure if I will get notification of this comment. Sharing my email address, if you are reading this right now please give a small smiley reply to me. I can`t express how much worried it made me from the time I found about you.
    I guide my friends whoever needs help for IELTS as much as I can and I do recommend your tutorials for that as well .

    Please have a look at my comment whenever you get free time. Eagerly waiting to hear from my bestesttttttttttttttttttttttttttt teacher.
    Tons of Love.

  75. Abdullah Sinan Ciftler says

    Dear Liz,
    I have been using your materials quite often in recent 3-4 years. I purchased several e-books which have been great support to me in guiding my students for better IELTS results.
    Reading you story, every single word on this web-site have become absolutely invaluable to me now. And now I pray for your health and happiness.
    It is amazing how you could give all those wonderful smile all along the videos.
    I have shared your story with a group of 7 -8 grade pupils in my ESL class.
    The reaction is amazing. You are an inspiration.
    Thank you for the great job.

    Best wishes….

  76. Hi Liz,

    I have been watching your YouTube videos since November 2021. Today I came to check this article. Before I had finished reading the whole post, I could not stop myself from crying. I am so shocked and at the same time so proud of you. Now I can guess why all over the world people say that you are the best mentor for IELTS because you know how to spread positivity and love.
    I hope and pray that you are better now and you will stay healthy. Take love from all of us. Your words motivate us. I will definitely try to follow your guidance.

    Best Regards,

  77. Dear Elizabeth,
    Going through your website just now, I had the thought to google you up and then I saw your story. I had seen where you had commented on being ill but I honestly thought of flu or something similar to that and now, i wish i live close to you. I wish i can reach out to you. I wish i can do something for you. I really do. Its selfless of you to think to do good in such a situation as you are and I downright admire you. I cant lie about that.
    Can you just do me a favour, please? Stay alive and safe. I’m sure there are persons here who share the same feelings I have regarding caring for you. Can we do anything for you, please? Yiu have given a lot. Can we give to you too?
    I am here for you. We are here for you. We may be thousands of miles away but we are ALWAYS here for you. We love you.
    Stay strong. Do not exhaust yourself and never feel alone.

  78. Hi Liz,

    Thanks for sharing your story. The contribution you have done to the life of students is immense and cannot be compared. Thank you for putting all your efforts in making these videos and sharing tips .

    I wish you all the best for your life ahead.

  79. You are an awesome and down to earth person.
    Your story inspires many.!

    If you need to talk, reach out my friend! 🙂

  80. YAA Afriyie says

    Hi Liz,
    God bless you for shearing, am so touched by your message. I was sad when I read that some of your family members do not check on you and friends have forsaken you. I want to encourage you with Psalm 27: 10 “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will recieve me”. May the good Lord strengthen you and heal you quickly. I will surely keep you in my prayers. I can’t wait to see you again making more videos.
    By the way, I got the concept of IElTS through your teaching. Am glad I found you, thanks for being a blessing 🙌 to many of us. God bless you.

  81. Oyindamola Odewuyi says

    Hi Liz,

    Thank you for sharing your story; it is really emotional but inspiring. Thank you for giving yourself to the world despite your pain. Thank you for helping a lot of people succeed; you will always be a part of our success stories.

    I pray that the Almighty God in His greatness will touch you from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet and heal you completely. Your sound health is certain and you will experience it sooner that you could ever imagine by God’s grace.

    Please reach out to me via my email if you require any assistance.

    Sending you lots of love and kisses!

  82. Rozhin says

    Hi liz
    I’m a teenager from a country which is not in a good or acceptable situation now. we’re all tired and dissapointed and everyone is thinking about emigration. I was completely dissapointed and sad when I read your story. now I feel much better and you’ve touched me deeply , so much love for u and I hope u will get better sooner than u think and happiness will make your life more beautiful.
    thanks for your amazing teaching.
    ~with positive energy

  83. Dear Liz,

    I would like to thank you for inspiring me. Your story came at the time, I’m stuck with IELTS preparation. I pray to God for your health. I will study hard and prove you that you are the best teachers.

  84. Hi Liza.
    We ( my husband and I) eally wanted to know why you didn’t upload new videos recently. Then came to know your story through the comments. It was so emotional and in the same way inspiration for everyone. Life is uncertain. As you said nobody knows what is around the corner. But we can make it successful with our strong dedication. You are a great person who fights against the destiny, sadly without any support. Our prayers are with you. Millions of people around the world is with you. I strongly believe that our prayers will heal you forever. Stay strong.

  85. Adithya says

    Hello Liz!! I am so happy to find out that you are still going strong in this difficult period of our times. Your videos have really helped me during my Academic IELTS, and now that I am going to give my General IELTS tomorrow, I couldn’t have gone to a better place than watching your videos again for doing well. Your story has inspired to face my challenge tomorrow. Thank you for all your help. I would also like to talk with you and make you feel less alone as I know how hard it can be to be alone with no one there to spend time with. Feel free to contact me in case you want to chat. Once again. Thank you for your amazing videos.

  86. Manesh says

    Dear Liz,
    Thank you for sharing your story. Indeed it is inspiring and instils in us the positivity you have. Especially thank you for all the videos and tips you give us for our learning. I wish you speedy recovery. God bless you.

  87. Vicky says

    Hi Liz,

    After reading through your story, I have tears in my eyes. I don’t have tears very often, but your story has touched me deeply. I feel motivated to give my best no matter what the life has in store for me. If you can achieve this paramount success with such pain and illness, I must not lean back and wait for things to happen on their own. This is my takeaway from your story.

    Thank you Liz for being you and such a beautiful person.

  88. Eldrich says

    Hi Liz,

    I hope and pray that you are doing well. After reading your story I realised that patience and perseverance always pays off. You are inspiration for us all. I’m sure you now have a much bigger family who wish you well and thank you for taking this step of helping millions through your IELTS channel.

    I came across your website a week before my IELTS test and I’m surely going to be motivated by your kind words and also simple IELTS learning tips. Thank you and May God bless you always!!!

    • Hi Liz.
      You are just a great soul.Wow. what a steong personality..most of all you get more merits foraintaining the IELTS website which has helped many people all around the world to improve their living to a higher level.
      Tears came to my eyes while reading your story not because I feel pity on you but because I felt how valuable you are to this world.

      You are such an inspiration for us.

      Thanks Liz

  89. Emeh Samuel Udoka says

    Dear Liz,

    We are writing from Nigeria. My wife and I send our love. Our prayers are with you.
    Your videos give us direction. Please get stronger faster for yourself and us all.


  90. divine says

    Dear Liz,
    May God bless and restore your health a hundred folds. thanks and thanks for being an inspiration to me and to all IELTS candidates. indeed, your story has inspired me to strive and never give up until I get what I want.
    continue to wax stronger my great Tutor

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